V This Winter i ' . .... j . . , V . : i 9 ' ' - 1 nnarrroT in ft i rnn uu to vv i tno PUB STUDIES Home Radio Movies Due Within A Short Time, Inventor Says From Time To Time Singers Will Broadcast; Bright Future In Store Ranking their $10,000 cash prizes and packing away their laurel wreaths, bouquets and con Krai ulatory telegrams, Miss Acnes Daviu and Wilbur Evans, the Den ver aoprano and Philadelphia bari ton who won first place in the At water Kent Foundation's National Rati i) Audition, hare started to collect the second part of the Au dition reward two years' music al conservatory scholarship, which is intended to make them even greater singers. Bjjth of these young soloists, who outclassed 60,000 other vo calists in the Audition, have been accepted as personal pupi'e of Eruilio de Qogorra. the world-renowned baritone, formerly of the Metropolitan Opera in New York and now a celebrated concert artist. -v J L- xri I t The possibility or reception of radio movies in the home witiiiffa few months Is seen by C Francis Jenkins. Wash ington inventor. The picture receiver wonld work in con- junction with a broadcast set. The Jenkins aiachlne pictured Is reproducing a child dancer. WASHINGTON. (AP). Motion pictures in the home, received on moderately priced eets. will be To musicians, that announce-lavalaDe within a few months for ment spells a triumph for Agnes I ra(jj() listeners, C. Francis Jenkins Davis and Evans for de Gorgoria I declares. (819). HouMwifa'a takes less than half a dozen pupils and thoee who, after severest tests. convince him that they can be de veloped into singers of the flnesi operatic quality. No amount unmanufactured to sell as cheaply as money or "pull could secure me avpra.P receiving set. Mr. Jenkins, a leading engineer .n the development of "vision by radio," is experimenting on a vice which he believes can i r- v 4 o o be A. O cervices of de Gorgoraa for a pupil fce felt watsunworthy of his time. For two years de Gogorza will personally tutor Miss Davis and Wilbur Cvans. at the Curtle Insti tute of Music in Philadelphia. He promises that nothing short of a collapse of the young soprano's health will prevent him from turn ing her out a Metropolitan prima donna, and is equally as confident f young Evans' future operatic success. Evan has heen studying under "Ite refinement is a stubborn problem, but we are making pro gress and it looks as though with- ,n the next few months simple and rather inexpensive receiving in- itruments will be available where- jv you wlil be able to receive in i-our home inaugural ceremonies, baseball games, baby parades or pven Atlantic City beach beau ties," Mr. Jenkine said. Mr. Jenkins, who has been working on the problem of radio is credited for three years, pluckily acquiring funds for these valued lessons by various tasks such as teaching swimming to .hildren, chaufferlng and clerking. Now, as the Atwater Ktnt Foundation's protege, he can con.-.Mitrate bis efforts on makin? 'hi-s wluninF voice even finer. Next summer, expending part of the Foundation's cash award, he will acompanv de Oogorza to Paris, for advanced study there. Miss Davis alio is planning to study abroad next summer. Other famous Metropolitan Op era artists, at the Curjis Institute, direct classes in languages, acting and all the allied arts needed for a career In grand opera. Misa Davis and Evans will have evrything of this sort that time permits. Frequently the young singers will be taken over to New York to the opera and various musical and ocial functions. They also will give .concerts themselves over the radio, from time to time. Miss Da vis having been presented in the Atwater Kent Radio Hour, Janu ary 8, through the National Broaa- 8UHDA.Y MOKKIVa 9:00 10:00 KXL. Morning wiusia. 10:30 12:00 KTBK (2. bTterian church errlc. 11:00 12:00 KGW. Hinaom Bspttit church emce. 11:00 12:00 KWB8 (200). program. : 1:00-12:80 KXL. First church riee. aniTDAT ATTEKNOOH 12:00-1:00 KWJJ 22. Organ concrt-1 KJRSettl (C8) Memorial Methodist by which photographs are trans mitted, the first demonstration being made between the naval ex- winwnt station at Anacostia, Md., and his own laboratory. "With a telescoDe we can see great distances, but only along traight lines, whereas with radio ve can see along curved lines, hrough obstructions, over moun ains, and eventually we shall see i.alf way around the earth," Mr. Jenkins declared. "Vieion by radio is simply a rariM t T nSTTllSSiOn Of Ob- ui'i c , . . v. iects which have been translated nto electrical energy and at dis tant points changed back Into a fascimile of the original, whether it be a still picture or a picture In The method by which we 12:JO-2:00 KXL Afternoon program. 1:00-8:00 KTBR. Musical program. Z -00-8:00 KXL. Musical fcataro. 3:00-4.80 K01N (319). Municipal eon crt. 3:00-5:00 KTBR. Symphony orchestra. 3:00-5:00 KGW. Pacific coast network. 3:00 6:00 K,XL. Eining programs. 5:00 5:30 KEX (240). Piano concert. S:00 5:30 KGW. Concert. 5:00 6:00 KTBR. Varied program. S :30-6 :00 JCGW. Concert. .:30-6:00 KEX. Recordinf. SUNDAY NIGHT 6:00-7:00 KOIX (319). Organ concert. 6:00-7:30 KXL (220). Dinner concert. 6:00 7.30 KEX (210). Concert orcbe tra. 6:30-7:50 K?W (93. XDC program. 7:00-S:O0 KOIX. Orchestra. 7:30 8:00 KXI.. Studio program. 7 :30-8 :00 KGW. Piaoitts. 7:SO-8:80 -KEX Mt. Taber Presbyter ian church service. 7:30-9:00 KTBR. First Presbyterian church service. :00-9:00 KOIX. First Church of Christ. Scientist, ferrice. 9:00-9:00 KGW. Concert. 8:30-9:00 KEX. Studio program. 9:00-10:00 KGW. Concert. 0 :0O-10 :00-t-KOlN. Musical comedy hour. 9:00 10:00 KEX. Bible students' pro gram. 10:00-11:00 KGW. Little Symphony or chestra. XBC 12. ''Golden Strand Oronp;" 8:80, "Persian Garden;" 8:30-4, vio lin, cetlo and piano: 4-4:80, Madame KFRC -6ea VraBxisco (434). 6. 6:80 :f0. ceaeert srchMtra ; -.80-12. dance orchestra. KOI Bpokao (161). T:80, ehurch ervice. UOSDiT MOMTTItO 7:15 7:30 KUW (492). Health eiereUM. 9:00-10:00 KEX (240). Psttie Ooke. 9:00 10:00 KXL. Portland Early Birds. 9:00-10:80 'KTBR. Women's exchange. 10:00-11:10 KGW. Town crier and ma nic. 10:00-12:00 KOIK pre gram. 10:00-2:00 KXU Masieal programs. MONDAY Arrssvoo 13:00-1:00 KEX. Nooo concert. 12:08-1:00 KJEO (214). Weather re ports and music. 12:00-1:00 KOIX. Organ concert. 1:00-1:15 KOIN. Farm rashes. 1:00-4:00 KXX. Recording concerts. 1:00 6:00 KWJJ (230). Musie. 2:00-4:00 KWB8 (200). Conoert. 8:00-4:00 JCOIH. New and rausle. 4:80-5:00 KXL. French leason. 5:00-6:00 KEX. Recording concert. 4:15-8:00 COIN. Topsy Turry Tbaaa. KOKSA NIGHT 6:00-6:30 KXL (220). Music. I 6:00-7:00 KOIN (812). Organ concert. 6:00-7:00 KGW (498). Dinner concert. 6:80-7:00 KEX. Children's hour. 6.00-7:00 KTBR (283). Conoert and read report. 6:00 8:00 KWJJ (229). Musie. 6:80 7:00 KXL. Organ coneerk. 7:00-7:80 KGW. Orartaey pregrsoa. 7:00-8:00 KWBS (200). Conoert. 7:00-8:00 KEX. Dane orohsskra. 7 :00 9 :00 KXL. Moalc 7:30-8:00 KGW. Flowers aad trarel talks. 8:00-8: 20 KOIN. Entertataem. 8:00-9:00- KTBR. Popular program. 8:00-9:00 KGW. MBO program. 8:00-10:00 KWJJ. Studio program. 8:00-10:00 KEX. Studio program. 8:20-19:00 KOIX. Staff artists. 9:00-10:00 KXL. Moo Cow program.' 9:00-10:00 KGW. Orchestra and nolo UU. 10:00-11:00 KGW. NB0 "Spotlight a our. 10:00-11:80 KOIN. Dane band. 10:00-12:00 KXL. Portland Night Hawk. 1 0:00-13. 00-KEX Monday Night Re Tiew, XBO 8-9. Symphoalsts; 10-11. Spotllgh hoar, orchestra and soloists. KXX Hollywood (887). :45. T, 8. mu sic: 9, feature; 10, orchestral 11, or chestra. KFI Loa Anxelea (468). 6:18, radkitor Ul: 6:80. eolladans: 7. muate: o NBC; 9, pianist 10, XBO. KOMO Seattle (806). 6, now and porta; 7. orchestra; 8. NBO; 9, or chestra; 10, KB0 11. 11:15, orchestra. KJON Long Beach (242). 8. IorU and Clarence; 6:15, orchestra; 7, novelty program; 8, 9-12, Klwanis frolic. KPO San Francisco (464). ft, 6:r0, or chestra; 7, bookrerlew; 8, BU 9. orchestra; 10-19, Tarlety. KHQ Spokane (370). 6. orchestra; :80. organ; 8, NBO; 9, orchestra; Oovotes frolic. a, news; o:o, con Two Schemes To Effect RF Control 20I A n 20A .000035 e i ,i ORfD-PLATE rE53TOR.' B90 trf Bt90 PARIS (AP) The hot soup season is on again. Winter is sti ulatiug the busi ness of the city's "soupe popu late" as they are called. Long lines of men, women and children wait for an hour to be admitted Oscillation in tuned radio frequency circuits may be controlled to the rooms where thev may sit by various methods, two oi wnicn naye proven popular, une uses a grid-plat resistor, while the other ha a neutralising condenser and NEUTRALIZATION WITH "N COIL In constructing radio frequency amplifiers each t should be provided with at least one bypass condenser. The capacity may he either one-half or one microfarad. Paris Sees Inauguration of Winter Bread Lines an VN" coil. Connections for either system are shown. E. Bnttwfield cert: 7:30. contralto; 8. 0. vocal; 8:30, Tarsitonians; 10:80-12:80, "Ooofy Bird Frolic" KfiJ iLoo Angeleo (416). 6, musie; 6:45, news; 7, tenor; 8. steel ensemble; 9 operatic quartet and orchestra; 10 bearcats. KFSO Los Angeles (275). 6:80, Angelus hour; 7:80-9:18, service; Aime Mc Phers-on. ICI"0 6n rranelsoo (454). 8. pep band 6:20, news; 7, Hawalians; 8, Jahboree: 10-12, dance orchestra. KGA Spokane (261). 6. 6:15, service; 6:30, concert; 7:30-10. program ; 10 12, danoe music tions with Scotland Yard, the Scientific Police of Italy and oth er notable organizations. Radio exchange of fingerprints would, mean Tirtually Immediate deter mination of the identity o sus pect held by police thoasands of mil 94 a war. Exchange by mail takes more than, two weeks. The bureau oc casionally sends a description of fingerprints by wire, but experts point out that this is not complete ly accurate. The prints of two men may contain the same num ber of lines, but a picture will re veal them as totally dissimilar.. The Bureau, of Identification has not -tried the radio finger print method. Consequently, of ficials say, they are not in a posi tion to pass upon its feasibility They point out the necessity of fingerprint reproduction being a perfect picture. Referring to the London-Chlca aro case, howerer. they declare Scotland Yard doesn't often blun der. The bureau, which acts as rloarinr house and service sta tkm for police departments, thru out the country, has 1.256,000 prints on file. The discovery of two exactly similar fingerprints is yet to be made. Twenty-three experts do the fingerprint work for the Department of Justice One man can classify 30 prints In an hour. Fine us NEW YORK By C (Associated Press Radio T.diter) NEW YORK (AP) The secret of successful operation of tuned radio frequency lies in the balanc ing system used. Of the methods devised the grid-plate restorer idea arid the scheme of neutraliz ing with an "N" coll are popular because of their ease of adjust ment. While the grld-pate plan tends to Introduce a certain amount of resistance, it compensates for this loss through Its ability to put a circuit in balance quickly. The parts used consist of a variable resistance with a range from 25,- 000 to 250,000 ohms and a block ing condenser of .001 capacity. The resistor and condenser are connected in series, one side of the condenser going to the blat and the remaining connection on the resistor being fastened to the grid. The resistor is adjusted until os- cilation Is brought under control. With two or more steps of tuned radio frequency, one of the re sistors may be mounted on the panel and used as a resume con trol. By the grid-plate scheme it is possible, to balance six steps of tuned radio frequency within a few moments. Once put under control the receiver has no trace of oscllation unless tubes are changed or the resistors varied The "N" coil method requires a neutralizing condenser and a pri mary coll tapped, In the center The neutrallzer Is of the ordinary trre. but should be a good one. Ya P's HanrttOmeSTlThe coil consists of 18 or 20 turns. tapped In the centerr The center tap- is connected to French "pot au feu," which, -furnishes three courses, soup, meat and vegetables. Empty-handed Judge "Hare you anything to offer to the court before sentence is passed on you?" Prisoner "No. judge. I bad ten dollars, but my lawyer' took that." Presbyterian Advance., on benches without -backs at plain board, uncovered tables to have their big bowl of soup and hunk of bread. Those who have homes can get their soup in a bucket. There is a sort of time limit for eating because the rooms seldom accommodate more than 50 or 60 persons. They are hurried through the eating process for often they would be glad to stay seated in the warm room. Besides these municicat soup services there are a number of private charities that furnish a certain number of poor families with a big piece of beef and veg etables to make the traditional CREAM FOR CATARRH OPENS UP NOSTRILS Tells How To Get Quick Re lief from Head-Coldsl It's Splendid! In one minute your clogged nostrils will opD, tbe air passages of your bead will char and you cava breathe freely. No mors hawking, snuffling, bVowmir. headache, dryness. No strug gling for breath at sight; your cold or catarrh will be gone. Get a small bottle of Ely Cream Baku from your druggist now. Apply a Utile of this fragrant, antiseptic healing cream in your nostrils. It penetrates through every air passafM of the bead, soothes the inflamed erj swollen mucous membrane and reliefl eomea instantly. I It's just fine. lont stay stuftVd-ap' with a cold or nasty eatarrkr--KeUel so quickly, I f. I JnW New Morgan Partner new l (API The Mrtn'.r i th hanVinc firm of J.l the neutralizing conaenser. tne P, Morgan and company. Harold other side of which la hooked to ot -a vctpH "hflnflenmeatl the gna-ieaa OIQU.O A !.,, .V,, UTEREST EXPERTS New Method May Prove Tre mendously Important To Department of Justice la tied Into the 90 volt B battery circuit. Balan'fng is done by ad until inej man" In his class of 1908 at ' Stanley, who is only 4 2, will fill . i- n 4Ka Xfnriran firm ma a-ani-j !...., .1, created by tlfa resignation of JUSI,U Dwlght Morrow to become ambas sador to Mexico. He was former ly president of the Guaranty Trust company or New x one. i A native of Great Barrlngton Mas.. Stanley entered Yale in 1304, and during his four years there was twice captain of the var slty hockey team. He was chosen the most popular and best looking I STORAGE BATTERIES j INTERNAL TROUBLE With our expect knowledge and corriplete , modern equipment we can determine in five minutes the cause and extent of the trouble. If your battery can be repaired we can do it econom ically and guarantee our work, Vick Brothers High St. at Trade Salem, Oregon i WASHINGTON (AP) Announce- j member of his class In his senior church 1 8. NBO: 8. action .v, l,tiir reminds me OI KM Hollywood (337). 5:30 v -T ,erTieo: 8. orchestra: 9. Tiolln. . -inn njtfti 1 1 la u . - . ..... - a oacon uroi Hoattia o:au, suu; n inrn trins bv the raDia- NBC. jiiiv ' ' - . t ir.n sas.it sun ly revolving knife. Each of tneee - - !itt!o atrina is made UD Of fat and Kn Loa Angelas (43. 6:f0. NBO: V I A , , : 1 1 & V? T, n . a . lean, oi nsuv - . o;3o. Albin trio: 10. orchestra ach StrlD Of our picture is maae KPO San rraneUeo (22). 6:80, KBC; , i i. a j.rk otrlnn whichl 7:80. orcan: 8:80. ordiestra UP OI UB - - ul RED Hsoksra ( 870 . 6:30. NBC: 7:80. 1 . TT . . a U.il H.m aiano '"-. i , . T A ik.l nA i . ilton; 6:30-7:30, SymphonT erebes I ment uum iuuuu mv t ulu year, us: 8-. musical. ... -.il KHQ finokar. (870). 6:30. NBC rinr comoanv and 23 associated! are then conveneu iuW chureh Mr,ic,. ti isa, procram of similar values. ThelKJR Seattle SS4). S:15. Bible dents: 71S, chareh aarvlee. atn- 7:80. been used successfully in the ex change of fingerprints between the police of Scotland Yard and Chicago has stirred Intense in terest among officials in the Bu reau of Identification of the De partment of Justice. If the fingerprints transmitted by radio are legible and mlqutely accurate, the new method will be of tremendous value to the De partment of Justice and polloe or- KHJ Loa Asielsf (416). 6. musie: 6:49, newt; 7, tour en ssrrice; 8-10, orches tra. KTSO Lo Aaceles (273). 6:80 0:80.1 revival eerriee, Airaee Sample MePasr- eoa; 10, erfaa. International work is an Impor tant phase In the activities of de nartment operatives In tracing criminals. They maintain rela radio stations, and Evans being I currents scheduled to sing wun aime. wiu- wuuos - . enures aeroe. I 1rn thrnnarbout the world tee Homer, premier contralto. In would give . d Tsisa,..W HjlS 2! the same hour January zz. in aa-ime u-av- - .w lAir or.lnai tn such linear fashion the ailiou, iarj sn .M.,u'c..ue, i " , -i . , I nttiirA is anal vied. At rangemenis ior i i""1"' i - tours. Including recitals at Wash ! ?ach of the hundreds of distant i, r r nai.irh N. C. andlDlaces this picture Is reassembled ,w, ' I in lines, and the whole picture u-i.a V .rA and third I built ud aatn In the sama time iIsiosns n tb National Radio An land order that the picture at the dition. who also received scholar- transmitting stations is being an- hlns of one year each., are prepar-1 alyred. Ing to start this study. Ted A. I "This method is the one In use Roy. "the singing blacksmith", of lth9 world over, and whether we Corvallls, Ore., who placed sec-arJ transmitting photograph or ond. has arranged to complete htsl nencll aketches, pen and ink maps studies at Oregon State College. or radio vision, the principle , Is graduating In 1929. before taking tne same. In tbe transmission of up the mustcAl scholarship. .till pictures photographs and Miss Emilia De Prato of South tna Hke time is sot a limiting Ean Francisco. Cel., who placed factor and therefore atlll picture second la the ladles' division, and are the easiest done." Marie Bronanyk of Chicago and The transmission of scenes or Den P. De Loaehe. Jr., Ashvllle. without the medium of . a N. C-. third place winners, are ex- photograph, Mr. Jenkins eays. Is a pected to decide toon where they much more difficult process and will ptudy In hla new capacity with the Morgan firm, Stanley will retain directorships In the Bethlehem Steel, Goodrich, Columbia Gasj and Electric and Northern States! Power companies. CAKE JOURNEYS FAR i LAM ONI, Iowa A 25.000- mlle Journey was completed by a wedding cake that arrived at the I Lamonl post office. It was baked (n England, sent here to grace the table of a Lamonl couple, dis patched to a relative in Australia, who had moved, journeyed hack to England, and now lt5s here again. Germany Making Bid For Foreign Victors Involves speeding up transmitting apparatus. fePEPPEBFOR I I RHEUMATIC PAH1 , BERLIN AP) Germany Is bending Its efforts to attract for eign visitors In 1928. No fewsr than 42 expositions, 22 big fairs and 1 congresses are planned dur ing the year. j I Rd pepper Rub takes ths "ouch" In Berlin there will be eight ex-1 trttm -tiff, achirur joints. It ean- poaltlons and fairs, lneladlng a aurt you, and it certainly stops great wireless exposition, and an- that old rheumatism torture at once, tomoblle and horticultural shows. Whea JJJJTOttp Others are to be held at Munich. lJXiS Lelpxlg and Koenlgsherg. quickest reUef known. Nothing has In the field of; sports six great ...k concestrated. penetraUng heat tennis tournaments are scheduled, ien water sports contests, nine au tomobile races' and 41 horse race. Baden-Baden will haTs Interna tional dancing competitions, Hei delberg announces a "festsplele" and Wiesbaden has under way ar-1 the tannine, with the as red peppers. Just as sooa as yxm apply Bed Pepper Sub you will I eel the tingling heafe, la Uares minutes it warms the sore spot through and through. Tin and axe gwra. Ask any good drurgist for a Jar of aWks HA FMntT uh. Be 0 you need office supplies and stationery let us quote price on - - - letterheads envelopes invoice sheets ledger sheets business cards anything in printing nothing too large nothing too small ' Statesman PviblisHingCo. telephone 683 job dept "telephone 23 Sparton Uses No Batteries CT7 SMOOTH as velvet; rich as a rare old violin. Sparton users never cease to marvel at the true, clear quality of Sparton reception the un alloyed parity of its tone. Visit us. Htor tht marvelous Sparton Electric No Batteries SPARTON if.' Mil "The Pathfinder oftbi Air" EASY TERMS vfrMi tHIJj.i NO INTEREST rangsmentsIoxapring'r rws awu wnm- I autumn faatlvaJsv- " -r'T