The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 15, 1928, Page 16, Image 16

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    ""w X"-"- ,
ir ma.
Iqss tairii
Make your dreams of owning a fine Motor Car this season
come true by sending in your Nomination Blank now.
FORD PHAETON Fisrst Prise 'District No. 1
Ford Phaeton First Prize District No. 2
How To Secure Votes
Votes cannot be purchased and they cannot be ;
transferred. Once they are Issued to the credit of a i
contestant they must stay issued. This rule is lm-;
perative. There are Just two ways to obtain votes.: i
One is by clipping the free vote coupons vhich will
appear in the Oregon Statesman. The other Is by :
securing new and renewal subscription payments to
this paper. The coupons must be deposited In the
ballot box in the campaign office before the expira
tion date printed on them. All subscriptions mast b
paid before votes are Issued on them.
New subscribers and those renewing old ones may
pay at the office of The Oregon Statesman and have
the votes credited to any one in the contest. Pay
ments can also be made to any contestant in the race.
Here's your opportunity to get into the race good anil
strong with one stroke get four yearly subscriptions
and you will receive 400,000 extra votes by sending
four of these coupons in.
Opportunity Coupon
GOOD for 100,000 VOTES
Member's Name .
Vddrcss ---------.---------------
This Coupon and a one (1) year subscrip
tion or the equivalent thereof entitles the mem
ber to 100,000 extra votes In addition to the reg
ular ehedule. Only four of these Coupons al
lowed any one member.
Everybody Wins
In order that all may be rewarded by
The Oregon Statesman for the part they
take, those members. whofail to receive
any of the grand prizes will be paid a com
mission of 20 per cent in cash upon all the
subscription money turned in by them,
providing they remain active members to
the end of the campaign. Thus there will
be no members who participate go unre
warded for their time and efforts.
The Oregon Statesman
The Morning Paper A Local Paper
The Oregon Statesman, while it has the leased wire of the Associated Press,
and prints the most reliable world news, is more distinctively a local paper, pri
marily interested in the new of Marion and Polk counties.: You want to keep in
touch with what Is going on in the big world, and in your own great country;
but your flTst concern la all about the things that are happening in and around
your own home. The Statesman is both a general and a local newspaper with
the accent on the local. -.
A Booster Paper
Tbe Statesman is. above all else, the constructive newspaper of this section
and this, state. It is interested in the development of the- industries on, tbe land
and in the cities and towns of this section. It is a builder. It Is concerned about
getting more acres under profitable use "more acres and more to the acre." In
its Slogan campaign, it is distinctive. No other newspaper anywhere has anything
comparable with these campaigns; partly because no other section is the "land of
diversity" and the "country of opportunity" to the extent that is true of this most
favored section. These Slogan campaigns
improved in many ways.
will be continued, and enlarged, and
The Best Newspaper
. Do not be misled by the claims of other papers. The Oregon Statesman ia
the Capital City's oldest, brightest and best daily newspaper. There is a certain
mark of distinction in being a subscriber to the Best Newspaper.
Associated Press News Service
This newspaper receives wire reports of the Associated- Press, the greatest
and most reliable press association In the world.
The Local Advertisements
The Statesman carries the advertisements of the local stores. Listen! By
watching the bargain advertisements carried from; time to time you can save
many times the subscription pricew Some of your neighbors save as high as 35
per cent of their annual buying costs each year. It pays to watch the advertise
ments in The Oregon Statesman they are wonderful money savers for you.
General Features
All the important news of the day is told briefly; charming abort stories
and features, exclusive reading matter for the women folks; authoritative market
and financial reports, classy sport news; all about the movies and theaters: Not
too bulky, handy to read. It's the home- paper par excellence. The Morning
Oregon Statesman is-the best dally and Sunday newspaper published In the Wil
lamette Valley .with complete dependable newt;: features and editorials.
Rural District Correspondents
The Oregon Statesman- bar In each-community a correspondent wbo reports
the various local happenings In their immediate district. These correspondents
are selected with the greatest of care and consideration.' tor your benefit. They
are leaders In tbe social life of the community, and for that reason they can give
the news that is in common to the greatest number of people, home news items
that every one will enjoy reading. - . -
The system used by The Oregon Statesman, enables na to have the news in
your mail box the same morning, again you are enjoyfng "Today's news today."
So don't put off until tomorrow to subscribe, send In your subscription today and
know what is going on in your community;
Written by Prize Winners In Former Contests Conducted by the Statesman Publishing Co.
Won 1925 Ford Touring Car
Albert Hensler. Kirkford, Ore
gon, answered last spring's puzzle
and secured his four qualifying
subscriptions in a very short time.
He was delighted with his prompt
reward for this service and he
could hardly believe his good for
tune when the judges decided that
' his entry took Jlrst place in that
contest and he won the 1925 Ford
Touring car. Read his letter:
Kirkford. Oregon. May 11. 1925
The Pacific Homestead.
Salem, Oregon,
To the Puzzle Editor:
Dear Sir:
With greatest pleasure I ac
knowledge your letter bringing
the grand news of having won
first prize. Heading the list of
bo many contestants is alone
worth while for what little labor
I've done. Winning a 1925 model
car for Just solving a simple puz
zle, using a little extra effort to
make It appear nice, is a gift I'm
not able to thank you for, no
think words can express how easy
you hare made it for me to own
a car.
Being raised of farm parents I
am thankful to be gifted' with love
for the wide open fields, the cows
and chickens and I sure work hard
towards owning some day a farm
of my own. When that time
comes I will be only too glad to
tell your readers what the Paclflo
Homestead has done tor me
meanwhile I am a contented and
Interested reader and learner of
Its scientific teaching In the agri
cultural field.
Not being-acquainted with any
one on your paper In any way at
all connected, I am as much to
say, a stranger and having won
first prize sure well proves the
honesty and sincerity -of your
personnel, as well as the fairness
and squareness of your Ingenious
Thanking you and the commit
tee of final judges for your de
cision. I remain as ever,
h- Sincerely.
Won Chevrolet Touring Car
Second Prize In Statesman
January 12th. 1924
An Appreciation I
' To the many friends who made
First Week Coupon1
200,000 Extra Votes
This coupon, when accompanied with two yearly subscriptions
(or their equivalent V to the Statesman, entitles the candidate to
200,000 extra votes If subscriptions axe turned In during the First
Week of their entry. ,
Name of Subscriber
Name of Subscriber
Candidate's Name
One First Week Coupon xan be voted by each, candidate, for
every two one-year subscriptions, or their equivalent, turned In dur
ing the candidates first week In the campaign.
it possible for me to win one of
the autos offered by The States
man I hereby extend my sincere
thanks. To the recipient of the
Overland, Miss Hazel Peetz, my
heartiest congratulations, and - to
other contestants the hope that in
some future contest they too may
carry off a grand prize. The con
test having ended, I set myself to
lose gamely, if that should be the
verdict, knowing that I had done
my level best to win. To state
that I am elated is putting it mild
ly for I know what fine use this
machine will be put to In our
work in the Philippines. Tha
Statesman staff.' and Mr. Hender
son and Mrs. Plinke in particular,
were uniformly courteous and
helpful to contestants, and we be
lieve the contest was conducted
with absolute fairness. Mrs. A.
L. Beckendorf, 2237 Nebraska St.,
Salem, Oregon.
Won New Overland Champion
In Statesman Contest
Turner,. Ore., January 10, 1924
Automobile Contest Editor,
Oregon Statesman,
Salem, Oregon.
Dear Editor:
My joy was unbounded and
words can hardly express my feel
ings of delight when f read the
announcement in The Oregon
Statesman that I had won first
prize The New Overland Cham
pion Sedan in the automobile
contest. All my friends and my
self had worked very hard but we
realized that we had keen com
petition and that the outcome was
In doubt up to the last day. I
wish to thank The Oregon States
man for the absolute fair and
square way In which they con
ducted the contest. I was always
given to understand that while I
was entitled to all the privileges
that any other candidate wa giv
en I was not allowed any unfair
advantage over1 any other candi
date and if I won It would be be
cause I honestly earned more
votes than anybody else. I also
wish to thank the Statesman staff,
especially Mr. Henderson, Mrs.
Plinkle and Mr. Bander for the
courteous way In which they treats
ed me. I also wish to extend my
sincere thanks and appreciation to
my friends for their assistance
which made possible the winning
of this magnificent prize j which
will make traveling life so much
more pleasurable, easy and i de
lightful than traveling by the
horse and buggy system.
Sincerely yours, :
Won $100 Cash Prize
Mt. Angel. Ore., Jan. 6, 1922
The Statesman Publishing Co.,
Salem. Oregon.
Dear Sirs:
Only too gladly do I acknow
ledge the receipt of the check for
"one hundred dollars" awarded
me as second prize in your! recent
contest. To opponents, this ap
preciatory letter shall serve as an
evidence of your upright and fair
dealing with your contestants.;
In securing subscribers for your
useful publications I had little dif
ficulty, although there were sev
eral contestants In our town. The
work was a pleasure, as well: as
a pastime, and I hope to! solicit
more subscribers in the future. I,
too, met with opposition, but I did
not let myself be disuaded from
carrying out that which I had de
termined and believed in succeeding--
, j i
From the very first I resolved
to use the prize money should I
be so fortunate as to win, for pur
chasing or contributing to the
purchase of an electric Ironing
machine so that the work; in our
laundry could be minimized.
In conclusion, I thank you most
sincerely for your courtesy and
promptness and extend my appre
ciation to the worthy judges.
Wishing you a very successful
and prosperous year, I ami
Tours very truly,
Elf a Lytle, Woodburn, Oregon
Winner, of Dodge Sedan n the
Htatrerhaa's Automobile Contest
The feat of this young lady In
carrying' off the first prize auto
mobile, the new Dodge Sedan, in
the greatest subscription contest
ever staged in the Willamette val
ley, is a story of what a young
lady can do when she makes up
her mind to overcome the ob
stables that beset her path. She
is a go-getter, and "hustle along
and get subscriptions all the time"
was the motto that proved success
ful. During the life of the contest
the contest editor received fre
quent information of Miss Lytle's
methods of hustling around and
getting subscriptions and the de
termined way in which she over
came obstacles that presented
themselves on every hand.
A letter received from Miss
Lytle follows:
April 19, 1926
Woodburn, Oregon,
The Oregon Statesman,
Salem, Oregon.
Dear Editor:
Words can not fully express my
great surprise and truly voice my
sincere appreciation of the fact
that I was successful in winning
the first prise The Dodge Sedan
in the Oregon Statesman con
test. I . realized that competition .
was fast and keen and the result
was doubtful Up to the very last
minute. I fully realized that my
privileges were equal to those of
any other contestants and that no
undue advantage was extended
me. - I wish to thank the Oregon
Statesman, and especially Mrs.
Plinkle and Mr., Henderson who
conducted the contest on such fair
basis. : I also wish to thank my
many friends for their loyal sup
pott which helped to make pos
sible tbe winning of this splendid
car. Sincerely yours,
WTon $200 Cash Prize
McMlnnville, Oregon.
Movie Contest Editor,
Salem, Oregon.
Dear Sir:
I received your eash prize of
$200.00 from your recent Movie
Mystery Contest. 1 wish to thank
you very much.
I find that the contests carried
on by you people are not fakes,
hrit just what they are represent
ed to be.
I may use this wonderful cash
prize to help finish up my educa
tional Ideals.
Thanking you again I remain,
PI' Yours sincerely.
Just Show a Sample Copy
No Difficulty Getting Qualifying
Subscriptions To Win a Prise
I found practically no difficulty
in persuading my friends to sub
scribe to your magazine after, I
had shown them my sample copy,
and J may say that they are high
ly pleased with the magazine.
I am glad that I won fifteenth
prize in your Auto-Man Contest.
Yours respectfully,
Won $50 Cash Prize
108 Levens St.. Dallas, Ore.,
June 20. 1924.
The Pacific Homestead,
Salem, Oregon.
Dear Sir: -
I was agreeably surprised and
pleased tha I w" the fortunate
one to be granted the second prizo
in your contest. The check for
150.00 that you turned over to me
never came in better, and it was
easily earned. I only spent parts
of two afternoons In friendly calls
on a few neighbors. I was well
received and they considered
themselves well repaid in giving
me their subscriptions for the Pa
cific Homestead. It certainly was
pleasant work for me.
Wishing. you success. I remain
Yours truly,
Won $50 Cash Prize
805 Cross St., Salem, Or?..
Jan. 10, 1922.
The Statesman Publishing Co.,
Salem, Oregon.
Dear Sirs:
After entering the Movie Mys
tery Contest I was surprised when
I was notified that I was the win
ner of a $50 prize. I wkh to
thank you for the name and for
the . receiving of It so promptly
when I stepped into your office.
Yours truly, ' "
Statesman Automobile Contest!
' - "V." '' , '
Good for 50,000 votes
Only one counted to an entrant
This nomination ballot is good for 50,000 vote3 for the
person whose name is written thereon.
Name ; -. , :
Nominated by
. Nominate yourself or a friend.
These Letters Are Guide
Own Brilliant; Success