THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGON, BUND AT. MORNING, JANUARY 15,-1923 lEiW STB OUT AS HEAL 01 Buick Brought Out Fine Line - of New Models All Well Received i FLINT, Mich-, Jan. 14 Viewed j la retrospect, the year 193? steads oat as oa of the moat sat isfactory In Balck alstory. la the opiaioa of Balck Motor company officials. Bealdea building the l.OOO.OOSth Balck and thereby shattering all records for the maaafaetnre of fine motor cars. Bolck brought out a line of new models which, has received public endorsement nn paralleled In Balck history. The year also saw expansion steps which leave Balck better equipped than ever, from the factory standpoint. roe z.QQQ.oootn uaick was built early In November, heavy Bale of the 192S modhjs advanc ing the date of its production considerably.- These new models. In troduced to the public In late July, attracted 1.526,152 persons to Buick sales rooms during the first three days of its display, in the larger cities where attendance was checked. The sale of the new - oaodels was so sustained that Balck finished the year with a new production record of approxi mately 250,000 cars. The 2.000,000th Buick. a five- passeager ceape, is being exhibit ed by Buick la connection with the national automobile shows. It was on display at the New York Buick Branch, Broadway and Fifty-fifth Street, during the New York show, and Chicago also will see It. The contrast between this lux arlous creation in maroon Duro. shining nickel and rich uphol stery, and the Buicks of 1904.- Bukk's first production year, Is ast. The 2.000.000 Buick ' is scarcely' recognisable as one of the saeae genus as these early mo tor cars, so great has been the advance in engineering, bodr bolkitag. and all else connected with automobiles. Figures kept by the Buick or ganization indicate that 1,500.000 or the 2.000,0000 Buicks still are In active service today. Many Date back fifteen or more years. An 18-year-old Buick touring car crossed the continent from San HIGHWAYS OF THE FUTURE - J X . f V.; CoL Charles Lindbergh, Secretary Hoover, Clar ence Chamber-tin and ether exponents of commer cial aviation have repeatedly emphasized the neces sity for property equipped airports. Flying cannot be established a a reliable form of transportation serv ice, they say; emtif adequate terminal facilities are provided. The airport Illustrated here embodies features which have been approved in theory and found workable in practice. Incoming passenger planes, after landing on paved runways out in the Held, taxi up te the port administration building. There, passengers disembark and enter fast motor busses which carry them over hard, smooth roads to the nearby city. Travel by air Is a result of a demand for speed; unless road facilities between airports and cities are such that sustained speed la possible, much of the advantage of flying will be destroyed. A wide concrete "apron" In front of the raw of hangars Insures a. tnudless maneuvering space for the plane handlers before and after flights. Fir hazards are minimized by the use of flresafs mats rial In all buildings. The office of the piano dispatcher, the field czar on plane departures, Is located In the little glassed balcony above the main door of the administration 1 building. Rest rooms, weather bureau offices, pilot slub rooms, ticket offices and dining rooms will bo included in this main building. quality, was completed during the year which saw the 2.000,000th Buick built. The first step In this program was construction of the nnifled line, where Buicks are assembled. The various parts feed to this triple line over conveyors of various sorts, each coming from the plant which made it. The capacity of the line is about 1,200 Saba. Texas, to Flint last Bnmmer, fa day. It requires just 75 minutes to transform a bare frame into a finished Buick. and returned, making the trip without trouble of any kind. A huge program of expansion, necessitated by demand for Buicks and the desire to extend supervision over the product's In September, 1927, the new gray iron foundry, built at a cost of fa. 500. 000, was put Into pro duction. It is unique among the world's foundries in that progres sive methods, like that devised for the assembly line, obtain through out. Materials, flasks, hot metal", all move on conveyors, of which there are 3S7 of various types. The six 95-inch cupolas have a combined capacity of 750 tons of metal a day, so that the new foundry. In conjunction with the old foundry. Is adequate to Bulck's entire gray Iron casting require ments. Still another unit in the ex pansion, started during 1927 and now nearing completion, is the engineering and' research building where all work of this sort will focus, leaving various parts of the factory, now devoted to engineer ing work, free for production pur poses. "We are all set." said Cady B. Durham, vice president in charge of production, "to go out this year and break our own rec ord." WORLD PROSPERITY ; If! STORE If! 1928 CCaatlasai ima pass 1) eoaatry. The celebration aver the new I highway . systenl la Cuba vhleh will take place earl la the fes U bat a grlaptoffl of the road programs which are betas? iaaa- garlted la Latla America ia An stralia, to the Orient and through Strop. .- : The ' American aatosaobO In- dostry Batnrally hopes to get Its shart of the world market for motor vehicles, bat It la betaf gen erally recognised that lb origin'! atiag eonatry of ih ear la not the place which reaps the major part of the prosperity which this salt of motor transportation cre ates, j By this I mean that when aa automobile is bought to Ar gentina, for example, the benefits of that purchase adhere much more to Argentina than to the country which happened to manu facture the car. The employment figure which I gar earlier had to do with all the branches of the motor Indus try. Its trade, and Its operation. Employment solely in the manu facturing plants was around 350, 000 persons last year. This means an average output of ten cars per man per year. Hence when an American automobile la purchased abroad It means the employment of on man for several weeks In this country, but In the country where lit is purchased it means a profit for the dealer, employment for the salesman, business for the trad to accessories, gasoline, and oil, and a demand for highway construction, j In short, it is the focal and stimulating point for a radios of transportation facilities. Era. of Individual Transportation In conclusion it la pertinent to say a word about the outlook for the domestic automobile market. Ia a abort Urn we shall be selling a millie aatsndhlles la f other evtthtries eaek yraf, bat the heme nftrket will eeatiati te) be the basis bf ar hasbessj There are mere than tweatjHhre million abtr vehicle d highway; atef tha three mtlllea these will Beed to he replaeed eaeh yea The traffic problem U tteW re ceiving intelligent etaey and good results are already apparent When we bear la laiad that It has only been within th past two or three years that eonimaaUl have been considering uniform regula tion a btwa states and cities. on realises that there is much that can b don fn the way of organising the management of traffic and creating more facil ities, so that our highways can handle nsw volume of vehicles with more efficiency and safety. Tier Is a great deal to be done to the way of Improving traffic conditions, but leaders In the field hav no doubt that American brains can deal with this problem satisfactorily. Another trend which Is evident and which will be more so as time goes on. Is the demand for the use of an automobile by each adult. The old Idea of on car per family is passing. The low prices of modern automobiles have made It possible to hav a large car for general family use with on or more small automobiles for the different members of the family. This is becoming a necessity. Be cause of the us of motor trans port a vast number of American homes are located in regions which have only the automobile as the means of communication, and social and business activities to a large degree are arranged on the basis that the motor car is be coming indispensable for -each adult. I recognise that in some of the titles ml eleeely eeneea- tratee! popdlaiieM this eonditiea k vM.l L.ft i has sseakta of living arrangements la most eflae eemmanlUei to the country .... -ft i imnortani always to hear la tniad that 1S4 f th motor ear are owned id ewaaraaaitie oi ten tbeusasd population: of le With th Peat ap demaao. tae nrAmiA. Interest fa motor ira tort and th need for more ti am as automobH nef family la thl eoantry, th motor Industry looks forward to a long period i prosperity. STAR FOUR TO GO INTO COMPETITION Cattaa4 tnm pf 1) rertlsing campaign that has ever heralded a Durant product. With in the next ten days th first of the advertisements In this great schedule IS to appear In national publications: and a sweeping sales driv Is to b launched immediate ly under the personal direction of W. C. Durant. As a prelude to his startling an nouncement at the opening of the New York Automobile Show, W. C. Durant gave a silver anniversary luncheon to newspapermen of New York. Philadelphia, and other eastern' cities. Among the speak ers at this luncheon were two Pa cific Coast men, Norman do Yaux and James Houlihan. De Vaux Is head of the Pacific Coast Durant factory and Houlihan serves as ad vertising counsel to the Durant in terests throughout the Pacific Coast region. During the course of this lunch eon, T. S. Johnston, assistant to W. C. Durant, outlined the plan for the advertising campaign that will back up the Durant products during 192S. Within the next ten days -te first of tbe advertise- saeats to th campaign win app.tP U national publieatieae B4 rweeplaf tale driv is to u launched immediately, under th personal supervision of W. C. Dur. aat v: - ' arfTXJU TfJC TO LEAR Every man should ask bimMit. occasionally, IIw long has it beea slac I learned a aew thing" -American Magazine. PRECISION AND CARE are the two requirements be yond knowledge and skill that yon should demand in your auto repair shop. Tools, of course; and patience too. All these you will find here, and to addition work done with a conscience. Result . SATISFACTION. The MOTOR SHOP Coffey & Davidson 267 X. Chnrch Telephone 43 (ll!IISiauX!li j j LOVELESS MILLIONAIRES In our secret hearts we don't tremendously admire th captain of Industry and their kind, though we may envy them their power and wealth. American Magazine SSsjsgl ("Factory) -a Successful Six now Md tor Eveo Greater Success 2-DOOR SEDAN UJXS hsBfiefr ttBasitt weirdls gimi to dies - . v. . . r New 4-Wheel Brakes Aa4Pa New Fisher Bodies New Fenders New OMR CyUnder Read NewCranhcasm. .- ' Ventttatton : New Carburetor i r New MontfoMt and ' .Mt&er - '- '?' i ' New, New CrossFloW m. Sb&diOSOr .- , New Thermostat. v New Water Pump ; New Instrument Panel New Coincidental Lock - ' New Dash Gasoline Gauge New Fuel Pump : - New Stop Light - ' NewChuch . . New Steering Gear New Frame. New Antes, New Wheels , " X THEN yoa see the New 8erles W Poattse Slx-when 70a expert, ence Its vastly improred performance youTl andfrstand why sonaatty vtaV cors ai oar ssaesrooens are actuauy numerous other adTsneements tk acre that this Is nothcr great trii c4 Oakland and General Motors fhey umpti I why so nunv tsrisfiarf Boa, tisc o owners agree with us ba 1 trfned! Cosne la and see how taoeh 1 your dollar wiu bay I It's so snuch better that words 1 begin to describe ttrThey knew that last year fonnac 5I was a great cr- and a great saeeesa. Bat when they fav epcttzMsaagzUacentnewFlahbocU Usthe smoother and more powerful siz-cyunaer est gine tno stronger wua Its Sfir wheel tmsuwend ROADSTER,. 74l CABRIOLBT. a,aa..t79f v FOUR DOOR CDAN,..,.,,..3W SPORT LANDAU SEDAN... ...7i oil Prices at Fmeterg v VICK BROS., Salem, Oregon ABSOCIATfJ DEALERS rjyerly Motor Co Atbaay, Oregon Benton llotor Co, Ine Oorrallla, Oregnni 8 11 vert on Meter Car Co, Bllrerton, Oregon Fred T. Bilyoo, Sclo, Oregon Bone Brothora, Turner, Oregon j C. J. Sh reeve A Son, JJalLu Oregon f llonry C. Hollomon. Ilarrlsbonc, Oregon T, P, Ponieroy, Independence, Oregoaf F, L, Miller, Aurora, Oregon N. J. Arnold, Monmonth. Oregoni Toledo Sopor Service Station, Toledo, Oregon, ' . ...... : . , -. , ' 4 V:" , o ))($ .41 CtoOTEolet ElecttsilBies imericai I Prices (Reduced! I ; 1 1 t ' I The COACH $585.00 . .'495 Roadster TH V' I Touring a The - : j ! . Coupe . . The Four-Door Sedan i The Sport Cabriolet , , The Imperial Landau 495 '595 '675 665 715 375 Uzht DeUrery (Chassla Onlj) j Utility truck 495 (Chassis Only) . AH price fob-FUat, Mich. A new automobile ao amtarlonal as to clectriff the nadoo! . . i With marrelous new Fisher bodies otTering all the distinction. beauTr and luxury far which Fisher crafts men are famous! With performance that is a revelation to owners of eren higher priced cars! With 107-inch wheelbase four inches longer than before! With four-wheel brakes and many additional mechanical achlerements! - j And prices that demonstrate again Chevrolet's ability to provide the utmost in modern motoring luxury at the lowest possible cost! The engine of this great new car is of the improved valveinhead design. With alloy "invar strut" pistons tpeciailf designed h7dro laminated camshaft gears . , , mnsb . room type valve tappets J and m complete new steel motor . enclosure it provides a type of motor operation so thrill' tng that It must be expert ence4 to be arpreciatedl Coupled with this thrilling acceleratloa and speed is a type of riding and driving comfort almost unbelieveable in a low priced car. Four inches looger than the previous Chevrolet chassis swung low to the road and with four semi-elliptic shock absorber springs the Bigger and Better ' Chevrolet holds the road . with a surety that is simply a mating, and rides in perfect comfort at high speeds over the roughest stretches, of highway. And never before was a low-priced car so easy to drive for the worm and gear steering mechanism is fitted with ball bearings throughout even at the front axle knuckles. (wheon Brakc9 3"" shw' esv All these spectacular new mechsnl cal advancements are of course, in addition to the host of notable fee cures that Chevrolet has previously pioneered in the low-price field Come in and see this latest and , greatest General Motors achievement! Learn why it it everywhere the subject of enthusiastic comment why everywhere It is hailed as the worldV most luxurious low? priced automobile. fid TWaVK'r-r lgxrwmeA'-CAt I v ug XUO XTXSwJU.C4 V JM. ls Y JL VfJIW 1 VTe ISA fi rVnamawi,! BiMi fTl fl Asseclate Dealers t - - . - - .rrr I DALLAS CHEVROLET CO.. DALLAS , BAIX BROj, I ukwcxj GEOaDORR, WOODBURN ; HALLADAY'S GARAGt, Muwmuuin v t f r J. v 4 , . j Q UAL IT Y A-T L O CO ST