THE OREGON STATESMAN; SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY MORNINGJANUARY 14. 1928 7 -eT 3 I w New First National Bank Directory BASEMENT De Las Shining Parlor Expert for Udm and Gentlemen. SECOND FLOOR Coffey' Photo Service Tel. 708. Over the Spa THIRD FUX)B Morris Optical Co. 801-S0-3C tr. Henry E. Morris. Optometrist Telephone 239 C. F. Gillette .Suite 310-1111 Lawyer Telephone 105ft 6ocolofsky Son. Tel. 970 204-80J Real Estate, Loan. Insurance Dr. David B, Hill. Orthedoatiu (Straightening of irregular teeth) Suite COS. Hour 9 to 5 Every day except Thursday FOURTH FLOOR in-.. O'Neill k Burdette. Optometrist Phone 625 401-403-4O3-4O4-4OJ SIXTH FLOOR ttma. R- Venn M. D.. Phyeu-tan Burgees Snit 603. Tel. 278-2379 Bern. 77f Rubin 1. Day ond Donald W. Mile Attorney, at Law T.1.Thone 193. 810-611-611 EIGHTH FLOOR Dr. C. Ward Davis. General Dentistr; Tel. 816. Evening by appointment. Boom 802 Dr. II. B. Scofield 9 Ch-roprsctor. Nenrocalometer Service NINTH FLOOB Dr. H. M. Brown, Eye, Throat Specialist. Ear, Mom ant Suite 901 TENTH FLOOB Dr. W. A. Telephone 1285.... Johnson, Dentist .100 Local Rates For Classified Advertising Dally or Sunday One time . 2 cent per word Three abases 5 cents per word Six times 8 cents per word 1 mo. daily and Sun20 cents per word In order to earn the more than one time rate; advertising must run in con secutive issues. No Ad taken for less than 25c Ads ran Sundsy ONLY charged at one time rate. Advertisements (except Personals and Situations Wanted) will be taken over the telephone if -the advertiser 4ls subscriber to phone. , "l"L. C.i...n ...111 ruA.i M ,1: moments at any time of the day or night. To insure proper classification Ads should be in before 7 p. m. TELEPHONE 2? OR 5o3 The Oregon Statesman Published every morning except Mon dav, at Salem, the capital of Oregon.' LODGE ROSTER CIIEMEKETA LODGE NO. 1, I. O. O. F Meets every Wednesday evening at 7:. J0 o'clock; third floor of L O. O. F. TeniDie. corner of oCurt and High SU, AUCTIONEER F. N. Woodry 12 Yrs. Salem's leading Auetionoer and Furniture i-'eaiar. Res. Store, lt10 N. Summer St. Phona 611 H. F. Woodry Son Right down town. Cash paid for used furniture. Store 271 N. Cemm 1 TeL 75. Agents for La ago Ranged 2 COL. A. L. STEVENSON AUCTIONEER 23 years experience in the illamette valley, for dates or arrangements see F. A. Doarfler. farm adviser, ktrst r.a .. 1 n.nk Salem. Phojo or vmie A. L. Stevenson. Corvallis. Ore BATTERY - ELECTRICIAN 6 K. D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES d,.-. and reaeraior won , South High. Tal. 168 HIGH AND CENTER joe wiLLiAMS t'LEENER ELECTRIC CO. HOCSfc wiring by hour or contra. Easmsatee t-irnished. TeL 980 471 Court SU BICYCLES - REPAIRING ti r LLOYD E. RAMSDfJv COLUMBIA Bl evcles and repairing. 387 Court. CLEANERS AND DYERS 8a CHERRY CITY CLEANERS. C. Doane, 20 N. Liberty. TeL 934. CLEANERS A DYERS n-r a rm'L Tel. 18i CHIROPRACTORS 15 DR. O. L. SCOTT. PSC. CHIROPRACTOR " 256 X. High. Tel. o-xa-n. or 2104 J DR. H. B. 8COFF1ELD. P. First National Bank Bldg. 8. C. 606 FLORISTS 16 . FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Olsen'a, Court A High St. TeL. 601. CUT FLOWERS. WEDDIXQ BOUQUETS ruaeral wreaths, decorations. C. - RtithauDt. florist. 612 Stale Street, -rTel. 380. - ; " "' ' . '"- INSURANCE - 18 Bnildmg - FOR SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mori ga.-es. Trust . Deeds, Coowsett bouses Will net 6 to zw BECKE k HENDRICKS HeUig Bldf- 189 X. Ui8"n S- FARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONET to loan on good farm eeeurityv ; . -CITY LOANS Wo are loaning Pru dential Insurance company money on city r" dence and business property at 6V pr cent, plus 4 commission Hsw kins & Roberta, In, 905 OregOB building. . z-'.' ' Insure Your Homo or Car svowvt Phono 161 f jfoiig Bldg., 189 K. High St. REAL ESTATE I DIRECTORY ANDERSON kM RCPEBT. Realtors 169 8. High. . TeL 1644 . BABBEB BOND 200 Gray Bide. TeL T90 BECKE HENDRICKS 189 N. High. TeL 169 A.-C. BOHRNSTEDT 147 N. Commercial. Tel. S77 IL E BROWN TeL 559 or 2053 109 & Com'l. LEO X. CHILD8 CO., Realtors Tel. 1727 320 State St. R. 8. CLARKE 109 S. Com'l. Tel. 559 or 2053 E. O. COPPOCK 381 State St. Tet 567 FRED G. DELANO -'90 X. Church. TeL 230 HOSKR D. FOSTER REALTY CO. 315 Firs Nat. Bank Bide TL 84" GASKILL A EARLE 166 8. Liberty St. Tet. 2242 W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 S. Liberty tit. TeL 515 MELVIN JOHNSON S. Bank BldV J20 I". TeL 637 W. U. KRUEGER 147 X. Com'L Tat 217 LAKSEN A MICE 225 Oregon Bldg. TeL 174 W. A. LISTON 404-5 Masonic Bldg. TeL 1321 ARTHUR MADSEN i074 North Capitol. TeL 2807 MELLINUER COM ITT1 409 Oregon Bide Tal. 1179 O. K. MIDDLETON j .'04 Oregon Bldg. TeL 2808 1 JOHN W. ORB j New Bligh Bldg. TeL 2435 1 GERTRUDE J. 184 Court. PAGE TeL 1186 PERR1NK ft UARSTSRS .211-212 Gsay Bldg. Tel. 907 W. E. MOSES Mortgages, Loans, Insur ance. 451 Court St. TeL- 2816 WINNIE PETTYJOHN, 175 S. High St, Realtor TeL 534 SALEM REALTY CO. 462 6tate Su Room 7. TeL 1004 VICTOR SCHNEIDER, Realtor 228 Ore. Bldg. Tel. 671 J. K. SCOTT i3l N. High St. TeL 1122 CHARLES S PURLIN 410 Oregon Bldg. Tel. 1935 SOCOLOFSKY SON 104-5 First Nat. Bank Bldg. . TeL 970 SQUARE DEAL REALTY U. S. Nat l Bank Bldg. TeL 473 TRIANGLE REALTY CO. 121 Court St. TeL 651 ULRICH A ROBERTS 29 N. Commercial. TeL 1854 U. S. 142 8tste St. REALTY CO. Tel. 2660 F. L. WOOD 341 State St. TeL- 794 BEAUTY PARLOR -DIRECTORY- THE BEAUTY BOX Complete Beauty Service 520 State St. ; TeL 1985 THE CAPITOL BEAUTY -8HOPPE 223 N. High. For Appt. TeL 866 ELITE BEAUTY SftOPPBU ver the Gray Belle. i TeL 914 MARINELLO BEAUTY PARLORS Prmannt Wava Snecialist .'45 X. Hih St Tel. 1690 MILLER BEAUTY SHOP Te&ted and graded before permanent, using Text-o-Meter machine MITZI GRAY BEAUTE 8HOPPE 709-18 First Nat. Back Bldg. Tel. 187 THE MODEL BEAUTY PARLOR 1!2 N. Commercial. TeL 956 THE MODERN MARINELLO :06 Masonic Temple Bldg. Tel. 379 NIFTY BOB SHOP I-'. u gene Permanent Waving, Hair Cutting ana Marceuinx. 311 State St. Tel. 270 NURSING 22 HIGHLAND MATERNITY HOME. FIRX- nr.t kniMinr New. clean, auiei. xaa beat of care. 2705 Msple. Phone 2332 M. FOR RENT-Apartments23 HEATED APARTMENTS. 48t MARION. MTRNISHED APARTMENT. PRIVATE entrance. 1-96 Marion. APARTMENT DOWNSTAIR8, 8 ROOMS, private bath and beat. 1131 Uourt. 1 CLOSE IN. FIVE ROOM FURNISHED mnartment. Ground floor, garage, no Mill St. PITRN1SHED 2 ROOMS AND KITCHEN ette. water, light, and fuel, fia.oo. Close in. 555 Marion. FOR RENT New furnished flat, large, living nn.. kitchenette, d hi ing alcove, bedroom and rlassed in sleeping porch, bwd. floors throughout. Frigidsire, hot water heat, overstuffed furnishings, near State house. $50. WINNIE PETTYJOHN.' Realtor 175 S. High. St. Why Worry with Fuel, Ice, Lawns? Hia-h class residential district Xew. strictly modern, quiet apart- Fricidair. Electric Ranges, Radio, Steam Heat, Brick faced Building. Ef fleieat Sesvica. Two rooma with bath, 930 to $35, Three ooms with bath. 940 to 945 Pullman f uraiahed overstuffed, 930. Twn ims furnished overstuffed, 935 to 940. ' WtTSl Three .mini furnished overstaffed. 945 to $50. Ambassador e 650 X. Sonwner. Pbone 1972 New Management MINUTE MOVIES 1 WOMDRUM.M-W. Or GEN. STDRE.TrC "rH MWD INVEMTtD fttTTCNS . ftWl BWX tm CWl:Er?3 AND f OR RENT-Apartments 23 S BOOM JTBX1SBRD. 8.14TH. FCB sm beat, private bath, only apartment - in nice pleasant private bom. F.ff. DELANO 9 X. Church. Telephone 2880 FOR RENT-Rooms 25 NICK WARM 85W. ROOM. TELEPHONE NICELY board. FURNISHED ROOM 405 Marion St. WITH A COMFORTABLE WARM ROOM FOR gentlemen. Reasonable rent. Close is. lldlvV. ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD at Alexandria. 1030 Chemaketa Phone 1589. FOR REOT-Houses- 27 FOR RENT, DUPLEX North Winter St. HOCSS. 94? FURNISH SO 6 ROOM MODERN HOUSE, garage. Telephone 100BR. . FOR RENT S room furnished bouts with garage. TeL 637 or 1933M. FURNISHED HOUSE apartments, garage. St. Phone 185214. AND 1421 MODERN N. Church FURNITURE OF 7 ROOM HOUSE FOR sale. Or will rent furnished includ ing garage at $32.00. 2063 State. MODERN FIVE ROOM FURXI8HED house for rent. Also five room s famished bams a for rent. Phono 687. 6 ROOM MODERN FURNISHED BUN galow, over looking city, 1 aore equip pad for chickens, $30.00. Phone 82 FT I FOR REXT I Houae 1 6 rooms, good, 6 blocks from Aasiness center, 920.00 5 Rooms, close in, light, water and paona free t-$l5.oo. See LAFLAR A LAFLAR -Ladd ft Bosh Bank Bldg. Houses For Rent 912 to 955. Three plain homes i with bath, etc.; for rent for 920 month. i . 1 Immediate possession. Becki & Hendricks 189! X. High Street FOR RENT-Farms 29 IRRIGATED FARM NEAR WEST STAY- ton for truck gardening, flsx. pep permint end potato growing. FIsxfaud Development Co., 411 Masonic Temple, Salem, Oregon. BOARD AND ROOM 31 THE FREDERICKSON BOARD AND room $35 for two in a room, 940 for one. 646 Marion St. Tel. 1547 R. LAUNDRIES 32 CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY "The Lanndry of Pure Materials" Telephone 165. 164 Broadway THE XEW ALEM LAUNDRY THE WEIDER LAUNDRY Telephone 25. 263 S. High fRY THE HOME WET WASH LAUX- dry. Tel. 171, 1356 B Street. TAILORS 34 D. H. MOSHER TAILOR) FOR MEN and women. 474 Court 8s. WANTED-Miscellaneous 35 FURNITURE P.CKTNO FOB 8HIP men's. Giese Powers Furnitue Co. TEACHER WANTS ROOM AND BOARD near Parr is h. Call 1554 R, Saturday morning. WANTED PRIVATE MONEY FOR farm loans. We have several applica tions on hand. Haw kins Roberts, Inc.. 205 Oregon Bldg. WANTED GOOD WASHED COTTON Rags not smaller than ' 1 yard to use for wiping machinery. Highest price paid for good clean, rags, apply at Statesman office, see Stiller. WILL PAY CASH for a good tesm weighing not under 1250 lbs., with wagon and harness. Call 225 Oregon Bldg. TeL 174. MATRESSES 36 MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THE Capital City Beddinr Co., 1190 North Capitol. Called for and delivered. All work guaranteed. TeL 19. FOR SALE 37 RUG SALE 10 to 40 discount. H. L. Stiff Co. YOUNG POLAND CHINA BOAR. PHOXE 105F11. 1923 RICK EN BACKER THOROUGHLY overhauled, new paint. 1855 X. Win ter St. TO TRADE $840 PIANO FOR GOOD automobile. See Burk at Fitigcraid Bherwin Motor Co. ALMOST XEW PHOXOGRAPHS 835TO 965. Imperial Furniture Co., Inc. PEDIGREED AIRDALE MALE PUPS 4 months old. a bargain If taken bofora Dee. 1 5 th. H. F. Battorflald. Pacific Hwy.. Woodbum. Ore. TeL 1) 01. HOME BURNED. TOTAL LOSS. QUIT ting poultry business. Sacrifice price on 1000 Hansen strain White Leghorn hens. Wonderful layers. My loss, your gala. MisMar.. Phone 858 J. HEAD YOUR FLOCK WITH ONE OF these fine roosters. Twenty-five of uhaaa from dasaa with laying; records 288 to 616 eggs per year.' Fsney breedscs weatd charre yam 915 -to 9100 each. Home' burned,' must aoU. Price 92 to 910, Mishlar. Phona 358J. A PIANO MUST BE BOLD. 995. OTH re 9135, 9165, 9190. 9215. Free delivery and guaranteed condition. Al so one Baby Orand bargain. Also a player piaeos with rails. These plsy ers are real bargains. Any terms. See at Tallman's Piano Warehouse. 12 and Mill. Wins FREEtoh umw STRANGE P1EA WAfweL CAFFEIN Of f&cH "SERVED VITH fcAD COfTEfe TOR. 20 0HC NOftLD VbU lies' OHfcxmE ft FOR SALE-LIVESTOCK 39 GOOD FRESH COW. ' PHONE OTP. VETERINARIAN 39a FRED W. LANGE. TETERINARIAX Office 529 8. ComasareiaL Tal. 1198. Roe. TeL 1666. WOOD SAWING , 42 WOOD SAW1XO. PHONE 167T. 1610 North Commercial. WOOD FOR SALE 43 it IN. WOOD 97.00 CORD. PHOXE 1669. i GOOD DRY WOOD. PHONE 72F2, M. I. Mayfiald. FOR GOOD WOOD CALL C. D. QUERY, Phone 127F21. GOOD DRY WOOD FOR TOO D. Lamar. TeL 930. CALL TRACY'S FUEL YARD FOR GOOD wood. , Phono SSI?. 16 INCH OLD FIB. 98-00 CORD. R. X Scisun, Rt. 1, Gervaia. . 16 IXCH OLD FIR AND ASH. O. 17, Harbaugh, 1038 Highland Ave. Fhaa 1990. CALL 783R FOR DRY FIB! AND OAK. guaranteed full cord. Beat woo la town. 1 W GOOD COAL DRY WOOD PROMPT DELIVERIES HILLMAN FUEL CO. TEI.EPHONE 1855. C. 4.SEE) A. ANDERSON' FOR i WOOD TO BUBX SALEM TRJ NS. A FUEL CO. GENERAL TRANSFER WORK. TEL. 529 BEST GRADE OF WOOD Dry wood 4 ft, and 16-laea. Large loads, are cheaper to bny. Mill wood H oar specialty. Prompt delivery aad reasonable price. FRED E. WELLS 280 S. Church Tel. 1542 POULTRY & EGGS 45 POULTRY WANTED ANY KIND. SIZE or amount, top market, highest cash prices Salesa Poultry Co., 145 Center St., Foot of tha bridge. Phono 490. MUSIC STORES 46 GEO. C. WILL PIANOS. PHOXO- graphs, sowing machines, sheet musie aad piano studeea. Repairing' phono graphe aad sowing machines. 432 State street, Salem. KODAK FINISHING 46a FREE ENLARGEMENT WITH EVERY 60c order Kodak work. Kaw lings. i-oruena. ; ure. Newspapers-Magazines 48 THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM SALEM Agency. The Ace. Tel. 939. THE OREGON STATESMAN, 50 CENTS per month delivered to your home early each morning. TeL 23 or 663. IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper send five 2-eent stamps to the Pacific Homestead, Salem, Oregon for a three months' trial subscription Mention this ad. POULTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps far special throe months' trial for the beet and oldest Journal in the West. The articles and adver tisements are of special interest so the poultry breeders of the Northwest Northwest Poultry Journal, 211 8. Com mercial St., Salem, Oregon. PAPERHANGING 50 PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paperhangisg. tinting, eta. He liable workman. PAINTING 50a CHAS. BENNETT. PAINT IXO COX tractor, painting, paper hanging. 2283-J. 117 Weat Miller. MISCELLANEOUS 51 FOR SALEM call 167. SO AVENGER SEHVICM OLD MIRRORS RE-SILVERED. PHONE 852, res. 1310-W. WE BOARD DOGS AT OUR Flake's PeUand, 27S State. FARM, FURNITURE UPHOL8TZRINO AND RE- psiring. Gi ess-Powers Furniture Store FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS. 10 cents a bundle. Statesman office, SIS South Commercial. WHITE SCOTCH COLLIE AT STUD. Salem's White Kimg. Register number 585981. Service guars n teed. Puppies and grown stock for sale. Mrs. Ben nett, 1030 Chameketa. Phona 1589. OUR CUSTOMERS ARE OCR BEST boosters because whaa wa do your welding, tit dona ' net you. Electric and acetylene welding, large a. smalL O. D. Oppea, 295 Hill St. TeL ZJ2 and 2086-J. STOVE8 AND STOVE REPAIRING STOVES FOR SALE REBUILT AND repaired by expert. All kinds of woven wire fence. Fancy and plain. Hop basketa and hcoks, logon hocks. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 850 Court street. PIANO TUNERS 54 EDWiRD WELP EXPERIENCED Pisno tuner. Leave orders wills Musie Store. PERSONAL 55 W. T. RIGDON'S XEW BOOK IS NOW ready oa sola at any of the book asoraa. This is an aU 'Salem Book, willten la Salem, printed in Salem, aad should bo read by Salem people. PRINTING 56 Win STATIONERY. CARDS. PAMPH lets. Drotrama, boooks. or any mad or nnnilnr eall at tha Stateaman Print tag Department. 215 S. Commercial TeL 584. MONEY TO LOAN 57 MONEY TO LOAM FOR BUILDING AND - on city property. B. 8. Martin and L. R. Martin, attorneys, 419 Oregon Building. TeL 2084. - 910.000 PRIVATE MONET. TO LOAN OX Salem iteaiueutiai rswporsy. SOCOLOFSKY SOX. 805 First Xafl Bsak. 2 .HWAJL tUMMA gjmf SREAT MATTRESS FACTbRy AT EDDlNCr. ?A. CLOSED PORTHfe MJlNTfeR CeCAOSE "THE VjJOrKMEN COTlWUAa LAV DOUJN On THElPS. MONEYTO LOAN: 57 FEDERAH FARM LOAN 5H '. F. I Wood, 41 State St. P. R. BELL. Ill U. 8. BAXK BLDO. Reside neo aad baiiaass kssna. Tel. 607 or 11U-W, -... CITY AND FARM LOANS AT LOWEST ratea. i iisoas aarasa oouiaaoie. uur insnraaee doaartsont offers you ax- L pert advise and service in s3 11 aee. haKg A ttUHUCTS . tIBC Tefc-1427. MS Ore con Bids. OUR INSTALLMENT LOANS MAKE SIT EASY FOB YOU BECAUSE ' 1 You steadily reduce the principal with: bat little greater monthly out lay than rant. 2 You! don't have the total principal due i in a lump sum which may be difficult to meet. 3 On a loan of $10 w for 5 year t your total interest is $216.80. 4 You. are doing business with an old established firm. ANDERSON A RUi URT. Realtors 169 : 8. High Street. Tel. 1644 Correspondents, Equitable Savings and Loan Association WANTED LOANS 59l - WANTED Private money to loan on . REAL ESTATE. ' W. H. GRABEXHORST A CO. 184 S. Liberty St. .1. . p.. ! ... i. i PLUMBING 60 PLUMBING AND GEXERJL REPAIR work. : i Graber Bros., 144 S. Liberty TeL 550. BUSINESS OPPR. 61 FOR SALE POOL HALL, GOOD thriving business, best location. Write Box 192, Newport, re. MOXEY FIRST DAY, HALF INTEREST In barber shop, heart of city, doing line business, fully equipped. Snap. I F. G. DELANO 290 'i Church. Telephone 2830 RADIO 62 Radiolas For every purpose, for every purse AU standard sixes ef Radio Tubes. EOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP, 835 Court St. Tel. 468. REAL ESTATE 63 FOR SALE FTVE ROOM COTTAGE, choloe location, aieeaa view. Bargain. Write Box 192, Newport, Ore. CHOICE i CORNER- LOT WINTER AND E. street, naviar .and sidewalk both free, restricted district, price 91500. Owner,; phone 1175-K. ! EXCHANGES T We tiave homes in Portland, Eugene, Roseburg, Dallas - and other Oegon cities to exchange for 8a!em poperty. i W. C. KRUEGER Realtor 147 Xj Com'L Phone 217 FOR SALE 4 ROOM STUCCO HOUSE with furnace $2500.00. - A Good closed csr and cash for 5 room bouse up to $3000. Confectionery and lunch room for sale. 135 sere farm for city property. F. L. WOOD GEO. F. PEED I I 841 Stste St. 4 rm. house, cor. lot $1700, paved street. : N, E. front corner, $2150. 5 rm. house, paved street, chicken park, garage, $2900. $200 down. 5 rm. house, paved sir. E. front, gsr age," $2000. easy payments. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 484 Court Street. GREATFST TR DING ORGANIZOTIOX ON THE PACIFIC COAST Wa have over 8000 properties listed for exchange. Every kind of property every price, every location. We can match your exchange .EXACTLY. If you would .like to trade your property TO DAY, come in TODAY. See GASKILL k EARLE, Realtors 166 Si Liberty. Tel. 242 ; IF YOU ACT NOW! We ! ean offer you a good 5 room plastered house, built ins, best of plumbing, electric lights, front and back porch, gsrage and woodshed. Nice corner lot, close to school. Price only 9250 end paving extra, $300 cash, balance $25 per month. 6. Let: us show you this home rtoday. LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors C20 State Street. Phone 1727 $5500, BUYS A COZY XEW -HOME OF stueo, 5 rmi., nook and large floored attic, i tiled bath, view lot. easy .terms. Located south, $5800; 6 tm. English house, furnace fireplace, garsge, alec, water heater, email : down pmt. will handle. $3500:, 4 rot, and nook, furnace, fire place,, gsrage, new, located east. WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor 175 S. High St. J BUY YOUR LOT NOW Don't wsit nntil the spring of the year and pay 9100 to $300 more for your Jot. Hero are some real lot Bar rains i 5 lsrge lots X. Salem 91850 6 lots, assume St. sssm't . 91000 4 lots, assume St. aesm't 91000 3 Choke lots, psving paid 9 850 1 Beautiful lot near .Capitol St...-$10O0 1 oa 14th close to State -9 00 Good lots $200 $850 and up 1 Buy Yonr Lot of LOtjlS BECHTEL J. D. SEARS ; Room 2 341 State St. Farms big and little 10 ; acre tract Grabenhorst fruit tracts, no buildings . $2850 10 acre tracts, close to city-93000 40 i acre dairy 6 miles ont .95000 120 acre all purpose farm, stock and eaninment 50 acres seeded. ' good buildings 915,000 88$ acre all purpose fsrm, stock and equipment, 9 fausvis, good vara and other buildings ...938.800 16Q acres 80 prunes. 15 cherries, balance timber,' good buildings, 12 tun nel dryer. This orchard is in prime conditron and should give good returns if managed properly. BARBER A BOND, 200 Gray Bldg. 125 N. Liberty. Phona 790. REAL HOME BARGAINS 4 A. tract, good soil, good bldgs.. fruit 'and berries. Sacrifice $1100. 40 4. farm near town, half in cult.. 5 nerea bearing fruits, good bhlga. Est. soo Cd. wood, el bsd 8S700, tarau. OiOee ia Confectionery, quick sale 9700, 100 A. farm, fin loam soil la emit. weed sedation. 9100 per aero. Temi W A, enotce river bottom aad wear towa, modern bldgs. Seeriflaa 97500, terms or take reeldeaee for part. Good S room plastered home, . large lot, gne and barn. for sash 91500, 212 Orsv BMf. UENRy rums. OLDEST LNING -GRADUATE CT GWEVj AN HON GfcSsfeO.K. THE FACULT;.,, AH.WATED CARTOO'M" SPOT1IGUT AT LAST ffl S km '- ' ,i - - REAL ESTATE. 63 2 GOOD 4 ROOM HOUSES. GOOD Lo cation. $1500 each, some terms. Salem Realty Co. 463 State. WHERE ALL HOMES ARE XEW 950C below coat boys a fin home of 4 rooma with nicely floored upetaire suitable fee 2 rooms. -has base ment emd gareire, on a good corner in X. Salem. $3750 with small payment down handles this. SEE Mrs. Ellis with LEO X. CHILDS CO., Realtors C20 Stat Street. Phono 1727 THE OWNER OF A XEW MODEL EX- tra well built. North Salem homo must sell on account of leaving city. Double rontt Taction throughout. Fireplace, bevel plate full length mirror and win dows. Screens for windows. Every thing as yon would do it yourself. Only $4000, easy terms. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT Realtor Losns Insurance 147 No. Com'l St., Salem, Oregon. ATTRACTIVE . HOME BARGAIN : Fine 4 room modern homo with break fast nook aad large attic, a full can; out basement with farriers and laundry trays, fireplace, garage, oak floors, at tractive in every way. Owner will ac cept good lot as first payment and will give attractive seems on the balaneo. Price $460. NOW VACANT, IMME DIATE POSSESSION. W. GRABENHORST k CO. 134 a Liberty Bt. -SNAP- LOOK LOOK LOOK A good 6 room hoaae. close In. com pletely furnished with overstuffed fur niture, garage, fruit and shade treee. Paving paid. only. 7 blocks from First National Bank, owner leaving city, tnust sell st a -sacrifice price 93700, good terms, or will take a car or a va cant lot as part pay. See IXJUIS BECHTEL or J AS. D. SEARS 841 State St. Room 2 WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR If you went a good farm - or Salem Home or Good Investment or Losns and Insursnce or Exchange of Property We solicit your business in all theee lines on a basis of better serviee. Come in end see lus. VICTOR SCHNEIDER 223 Oregon Bldg.. -Salem. Office Phone 678. Home 782-J THINK OF IT A Good fl-Room Heme FIRST OLASS LOCATION and remember This is no idle ststement IT IS A REAL GOOD BUY Price $3000. If you want a good plain home, bun galow style, with no extra class but with all modern conveniences such as fireplace, furnace, built-in, etc., this is the place you will buy. All rooms on ground floor, garage, paved street. ANOTHER ONE $1200 Ia a little 4 room home of excellent lo cation, modern conveniences. For good buys see SIEMFN S ANDERSON & RUPERT, 169 S. High MIXED SPECIALS 4 room, new modern, furnace, gar age, lsundry trays, oak floors, floored attic, $3650, good terms. Tracts near city are selhnp from $400 to $1000 per acre. He have some good ones for 9300 per sere. A good 40 sere dniry ranch with ( hesd of cattle, (rood lionse. good gsr sge. old barn, creek. 11 acres cleared balance mostly stump pasture. 22 acre prune orchard land lays nice, treee all healthy and in their prime. no can look lor hotter results ic prunes next ypr. Make m sn offet on this fine orchard. No buildings. BARBER A- BOND, 'J00 Gray Bldg. 125 N. Liberty. Phone 790. RESTAURANT and soda fountain for sale cheap. Good location, own ers going east. SERVICE STATION sad camp ground Just outside of city limits. Owners going to Michigan. 5 Acres close in. Walnuts snd cherries, 175 trees. $340 cherries sold last yesr. S room house, barn, garage, $4300. Mortgage $1000. . Will trade for house in Portland. 40 Acres" 4 miles from town; good soil, 7 room house, tsrn. Will trade for house in Salem. HOMER D. FOSTER REALTY CO. General Insursnce 815 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. TeL 849. 1 $2200 BARGAINS IN HOMES Good 5 room home located in East Salem, 8 blocks from Stste 8t., $675 rash, bslance paysble $-5 per month, is tares t 6. Modern 5 room bungalow with fireplace, located at 1010 N. 20th St.. paved street and cement walks. This home is In first class condition. $250 down, bal $2750 ance $30 per month, immediate possession. 5 rooms with sleeping porch, lo $2100 cated -on South Church St.. East front lot 56x105. $500 down, bal ance $35 per month to Include in terest at 6. Xew modern 6 room home wit! basement, furnaee and fireplace, garage, paved street, 9250 down, balance $40 per month. 7 room house located nesr ths new Leslie Junior High School. $1000 dowu, bslance $30 per month, interest 6. Modern up-to-date semi-English style home, located on paved street, full cement basement, fur nace, laundry trays, fireplace and gsrsge. This homo is modern ia every wsy, $250 down, balance $40 per month, immediate possession. $3750 $3000 $4200 located in south Salem near the new junior high school. W. H. ltd GRABENHORST k CO.. Realtors S. Liberty St. Phooe 515 REAL ESTATE TRADES 65 TO EXCHANGE 40 aero farm all in cultivation, good barn and house and all equipped with 9 cows, Z extra good horses, chickens, hogs, etc. Would consider good house in Salem of close-in acreage. Price 912,500. IT interested see UOMYER with Krueger 147 X. Com'L Phone 21T ; TO EXCHANGE S acres close ia, 6 room house, barn, electric light- some fruit. Price 94600. Want heme la Salem as part. 1 aerea 9 miles East of Salem, has some fruit and berries. 9 room house aad barn, " Price 95000. Will trade for k-eese in South Salaam. SEE Tbqmasea with LEO N. OHILD8 CO.. Realtors f20 State rHreet. Phone 1727 lw.. S LVP kAtKl '44ELLO ;pUBLtc AND QASKET- USED CARS-For Sale 79 Kirk wood Motor Co, s 1 311 N. Commercial 1 1929 Hupp Broughaa 11327 Pontiac Sedan . 11927 Ksex 4 door Sedan 1 1927 Chevrolet Touring 1 192" Kid Touring 1 1926 Pcitise Coupe 1 1925 Lvde Deluxe Sedsa SEVRAT, OTHE2 GOOD LATE $ $ Save $ $ Telephone 311 REAL ESTATE TRADES 65 EXCHANGE One of tha best 70 acre Dairy fames in tha Valley. Only 1 mile from col lege town. Is fully equipped nnd in cludes 2 good horses, 4 cows snd 200 pullets. ' Will take property ia Salem-, or sell on easy terms. Will bo glad to show this If you have anything to match It. SEE Mrs. Ellis with LEO X. CHILDS CO., Realtors S20 State Street, Phona 1727 REAL ESTATE-Farms 67 BARGAIN SELL 10 ACRES. FU fi nished home. Write or call, Isaac Keyes, Rt. 9, Box 47, Salem. . SPECIAL $2500 for a 40-aere farm, 10 cultivated. 20 pssture, 10 timber, well and creek. 4 acres grapes, woven wire fencing, 5 room house, bara 30x30, chicken house, on a good road, and 8 mi. to town. Will trade for Sa lem residence. $2000 for 119 acres, livable S room house partly furnished, small bsrn, small amount in cultivation. about 2 blocks to school, one cow snd some chickens, fine lend for strawberries. Will trade fur Salem property. $1725 for 23 acres, small house, land practically level, fishing stream on one side, town and school adjoin mg, u acres cultivated. t.uty terms or will trade for Salem pro party. Loans Tnrursnre Rentals MELVIN JOHNSON 320 U. S. Bsnk Bldg. Phone C37 TAXIDERMIST 68 WORK GUARAXTEFD.'E. E. WIGGINS, Taxidermist, 1143 Norway. Tel. 2201 W. REAL ESTATE-Suburban 69 SPFXUAL BUY A ACRE LOCATED on X. 2 1st St., near Msrket. Price $750 for Niuick sale, $450 cash, bal ance mortgage. W. H. GRABEXHORST A CO.. Realtors 1Z4 S. Liberty Bt. . Phone 515 BARGAIN Vi ACRE LOCATED NORTH near city Irmils. good street, i block from pavement, has city water. Price $650. $25 down, balance $10 per monto. W. H. GRABENHORST k CO. Realtors 114 S. Liberty St. Pbone 515 SNAP 10 ACRES LOCATED ON PAVED road 1 mile south of Liberty, In bear ing prune orchard. Price for quick ssie sziioo. $eao cash, balance sol diers losn to be assumed by pure hake r ACT NOW, THIS WILL NOT LAST I.ONG. W. H. GRABENHORST k CO.. Realtors U4 S. Liberty St. Phone 515 TRANSFER & HAULING 70 CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 State St. Tel. 933. Distributing, for warding and storage our spfclslty. Get our rates. Frank M. Newton Local and long distance hauling Light Country hauling a specialty Tel. 663 WE MOVE, STORE AND SHIP HOUSE hold goods. Our specialty la piano and furniture mi ing. We also mske coun try trips. V.e handle the best coal and wood. Call on us for prices. We give good messure. good quslity and good service. Larmer Transfer Co., Tel.980. VYANTED-Real Estate 71 HAVE NUMBER OF CLIENTS WANT-ing- residence lots. What have you I I can sell them. P. O. DELANO 290 N. Church. Telephone 2830 WANTED GOOD LOT: As first payment on attractive five room bungalow locsted oa N. 20th 6t nesr D. St., hss fireplace, psved street and in firtt class condition in every way. Price 92750. Will take small payment or good lot as fjrst payment, balance essy monthly payments. W. IL GRABENHORST A CO.. Realtors 134 S. Liberty 8treet WATER OREGON WASH. WiTER SERVICE CO. Office 804 South CommerrssI St. Ten per cent discount on domes tie flat rate paid in advance. No deduction for ab sence or any cause unless wster is shut off your premises. TRAVEi 76 T-R-AV-B-A Safely. Swiftly aad ComArtably la buses of the Parker Stage Lines, ST AGES L-E-A-V-E F-O-R BUvertoa 7 e. m., 11 a. m., 6 p. am. Mt. Aagol 11 a. m.. 6 p. as. Dallas 7 a. nu, 9 s. m . 1 :1S p. am. . Falls City 7 a. m, 8:10 p. aa.. 9:15. Indepe'ideaeo T a.m., 9 a. nv 11 :1S a. m.. 9:16 p. m.. 5:15 p. am. Susv day only 6:80 p. m. MoamouSh 7 a. m.. 11:19 a. am, 8:10 p. au. 6:16 p. an. Sunday only 7:10 p. am.; 8:80 p. sn. MeMiswviUe 6:80 a. k, 1:10 p. as.. 6:15 p. am. Nawbsrg 8:80 a. au, 9:10 p. am, 6:16 p. am. Tillameek 4:80 a. at- 2:10 . at. Osll 222 v naa :.'.-iti By Ed Wheelan tiRTefc CLAMS TV4AT-tft0S CAN i rU L AH MWV SPACE IN A MftH'S E WONDER lr nc KUt.TVd." 'Public uellO 5ii USED. CARS-For Sale 79 T 3 .91250 . 650 - 545 - 425 . 265 - 52$ . SIS MODELS AT VERY LOW PRICES. Buy Your Used Car Before the Spring Rush j 1926 Coupe with $100 worth of extras .. 9367 1926 Rdster. natural wood wheels, new paint ..A26J 1926 Tour. Closure, BuckstelL new paint ,. , , f'nn 1925 Tudor Sedsn 1923 Coupe new paint Ll.9250) 1.9183 -..L.8450 1928 License,. 134 xiulck Kdster Many Others All With Valley Motor Co. Sslem, Oregon ' Packard Olds'mobi " Two of the Best1 LookThese Over Specials 1923 Specials 426 Packard Sedan. Like new -t$2000 326 Packard Coupe. Like new. .$10 233 Psckard Sedsn. Like new..J$ 1500 1926 Oldtmobile Deluxe Sedan. Like, ' new 150 1924 Willys-Knight Sedsn See This 923 1927 Ford 8tel Pick Up A Snap. 925 1924 Chevrolet Sedn. New paint 9 200 1923 Msxwell Coupe. New paint....'- 1 00 1924 Gardner Sport Touring. . $ 875 1925 Star Touring XI 5 1824 Chevrolet Touring $25 1926 Ford Roadster ...9 t2S Buirk Touring. A Real Buy 9 ZOO Two Studebaker Tourings. Sea Thein , 9 150 Ford Roadster 9 125 Ford Coupe ,, ...9 75 Oldsmobile Tonring J M Essex 4 Touring $ 60 W e have a wonderful liue of real good used cars. Each price cut down to the boa and will sell fsst at the above prices Most of them are newly, painted. They will give their ' new owaors msny thouasnds of pleasant miles. Just sstisfy yourself, coma in and look our stock over. Our stork chauges often. It will pay you to come in frequently if yoa are interested in a real buy in good used cars. CAPITAL MOTORS n BIDDY BISHOP 350 N. HIGH ST. GAS OIL GREASE AND STORAGE OPEN ALL NIGHT START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT With one of our gootf used cars. Choice selection consisting of: 1927 Cadillac Sedsa Marmon Big Six Coup Msnnon Light Sedan Willys Knight Sedan Willys-Knight Tourings Chandler Tourings Chevrolet Tourings Chevrolet Coup ' Dodge Roedstera Ford Coupes 8ome of these cars are almost avt others are reconditioned. All are tv bargains aa 'we wish to cleaa up for the new year. - - r. n. Mcdonald Cottage and Ferry. P'aona dOl Sslem, Oregon VICK BROS.' USED CARS: 1926 4 -Door Pootiae Kedaa vet 7A 1928 rrl Coupe --, , $15 '1924 Ford Sedsn , , 1924 Willys-Knight Sedan .' ' .' 550 19i3 Buick Coupe . 450 1926 Ford Rosdnter Rtlt Tsn 19.24-Ford Touring . ion 1924 Overland Touring ...... 150 Phone 1841. High at Trade VICK BROTHERS The House That 'Serviee Built 1928 License Free" ; With each, and every one of these excellent used automobile values Your Very Best Opportunity Buy Now Buick Standard Victoria , Franklin Sedan, nearly nwsy ' . i Dodge Coupe - , Nash Speeial Sis Encloeur Franklin Demi Sedsa - Gardner Coapa 3 - Esses Coach . Ford Ooupe Dodge Sedaa Chevrolet Coupe ' Dodge Coupe Jewett Coach." lata model f Chevrolet Sedaa - OPEN CARS ' Ford Teuriag ' Studehsker Touring .. PraaUia Touring Durant Roadster Star Roadster Eases Touring i Star 'Touring - ; - -i. , . . Oldsmooile Touring '7'''rJ.:,:A;Tj-'- i''l vi. That csrs are merehsndiss that will ..please and psy you to buy. Theia ear are automobiles that have 'heeu used in this county and vicinity. Wa kaow their history weU aad koow them to ho excellent waiuea. - Back at every no of -them la tha standing in this community of coacera with uWr UoMd tahility. - JRAVsPettyJohn to. 865 W. Cnu'l Ft, TeL 12 SO AFTER- WE SELL WB SERVE" AUTOS WANTED.;! 77 WANTED--Employfnent 19 S. . ... 4 MAN WITH CAR WISHES j EMPL0T- CASH PAID FOR FORDS KIKES AC TO f"""- uo Stataaman.