THE OREGON STATESMAN,1 SALEM; OREGON. SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 14, 1828 3 'Jf- V Jo jr- IXLH-w & General- Federation of en's Clubs Hears Crjjon Report on Art' Washington, D. C. la the Far Tc M.!Cil irrta'.'ailca of effi Western state of Oregon, where .e.s ot Earl ara Frietchie Teat, No. the scarcity of large cftJc and thej: Daughters cf Ve'.erar.s, was tparse and widely scattered popu-.keld Wednesday evening at the lation make art galleries, rrn e-rWomas i; Club-house. yms and kindred art centers it c exception rather than the rule, the club women are making a re markable contribution to know ledge and appreciation of art through art libraries, art exhi bits and art contests. This work, carried on by the Oregon Federa tion of Women's clubs, was de scribed in a -report sent by Mrs. Sadie Orr Dunbar of Portland, di rector of the General Federation of Women's clubs, at the meeting of the board in Washington this week. J- " Picture libraries consisting of,3'ciaa. Mary M. Eatress; color good reproductions of standard joearer, No. 1, Dora Morlcy; color works of art, mounted on heavyi te-irer. No. 2. Margaret P. Rln cardboard oil the back of which ijjeJe'; color bea er. No. 3, Laurine the name and description of thetsKow; eolor bearer, No. 4, Laura picture and the name, nationality Arpke. and other information coneerninsj Mrs. Oliie V. Williams, depart the artist, have been made by ment president of Portland, acted hundreds of Oregon clnb wbmen,"jas installing officer. Other guests said Mrs. Dunbar! "These? circa-1 roni Portland for the evening late in libraries, schools, hespit- weie Bern eta Johnson, department als and other institutions Just likei books. "Clubs hail with delight an ex hibit of these reproductions. Thoy are often augmented by paintings by Oregon artists, so through the 1 1 eforta of club women, the people wM of reKn are getting a liberal ed- y" ucation in the world's masterpfe- yt ces and at the same time they, are f , Vjn becoming familiar with the wdrk I ' of their own artists." I Oregon's chief educational ac- -tlrity is a scholarship loan fund ' totaling m o r e than $30,000, ' through TThich more than 100 1 . girls bare been aided in-securing ua)WYK WULaituu. Ladies' Aid of H B.C.. I . gleets, Officers for the Yeatr Mies Ada Simpson was elected president of the Ladles' Aid of -the Woman's Relief Corps at the meeting of the society Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. N. Robertson. Other officers elec ted for the year areMrs. Phoebe Smiley, vice-president; Mrs. Jen nie ' F. B. Mltter.treasurer; and Mrs. Mary Ackerman, secretary. Hostesses for the meeting were IKT Mrs. J. N. Robertson.,, Miss Grace RoSfertson, Mrs. Elizabeth Pound, Miss Ada 'Simpson, Mrs. Louisa Koon, Mrs. Rose Voris, Mrs. Lou isa Kraps, Mrs. Laura McAdams. Mrs. Mary Watson, and' Mrs. Ber tha Loveland. Visitors were Mrs. Carrie Jen nings, Mrs. O. E. Shafer, and Mrs. J. R. Topping. About thirty mem bers were present. The program included read ings given by Mrs. Myrtle Col lins, Mrs. Jennie F. B. Jones. Mrs. Louisa Koon, Mrs. Phoebe Smil ey. Mrs. Rose Voris, and Mrs. Ber tha Loveland. Mrs. Laura McAdams, retiring president, presented Mrs. Bertha Loveland, retiring secretary, with a lovely basket of flowers. Mrs. McAdams and Mrs. Loveland have served together in the capaicty of president and secretary for the past three years. Priscilla Club Entertained With Attractive One O'clock Luncheon Mrs. George Duns ford was hos tess Thursday afternoon at an at tractive one o'clock luncheon in her home on Saginaw street, hav ing as her guests members of the Priscilla club. Mrs. S. B. Gillette was an additional guest. Co vera were placed at the lun cheon table, centered with deep rose cyclamen, for Mrs. Gillette. Mrs.-Dan J. Fry. Sr.. Mrs. Kittle Garver, Mrs. J. B. Craig. Mrs. W. S. Mott. Mrs. Ida Babcoek. and the hostess, Mrs. Dunsford. The afternoon was spent with sewing and conversation. Mrs. Engel Hostess at Meeting of Club Mrs. Adam Engel was hostess at an attractive bridge tea on Tburs day afternoon, honoring members of the) O. D. O. Club Mrs- J. J. Karst, Mrs. Eugene Eckerlin, Sr., Mrs. W. J. Lee. Mrs. George Patterson, Mrs. T. A. Windlshar, Mrs. A. A. Mickel. Mrs. fj. G. Schmid. Mrs. D. M Church, Mrs. C. A. Johnson, Mrs C. Quackenbush, Mrs. T. A. Boe- hringer, and the hostess, Mrs. En gel..;.:- ' . . Interesting Film at First Congregational Church The last eight reels of the mo--tnoS1, picture film T he Road to vaiiMHi, ' win ha : reatnra oi r "-..J w - the Sunday Night services at the First Congregational church. For the convenience of those who were unable to see the first two reels which were shown t the services last Sunday night In conjunction with the concert given hy the Wil liams Colored singers. They will be Riven again tomorrow evening, beginning at seven o'clock. , - All-Day Meeting of Woman's c nion The Woman's Union of t h e First Congregational church -will meet at ten-thirtv o'clock Wednes day for an all-day meeting at the Church. Sewing will be done for tne Marion County Henlth Demon stration. Worr.-AK::rl Irsicljz'jcx of Of ft rcrs of Barbara Frietchie Tent The following offire. s were In s'si:cd: president. Bertha" Berg man; senior vice-president, Mabel Needham; junior vice-president, Pearl Ralph; chaplain. Canie Bar hbloniew; treasurer; council member. No. 1, Marguerite P. El-J liott; council member. No. 2, My ra Dotson; council member. No. 3. Louisa A. Horning ; patriotic in structor, Madeline Math; secretary Jennie Miller; guide, Gladys Bar tholomew, Press correspondent, Kva Crann; guard. Myrtle Davis; assistant guard, Aris Hicks; mu- junior vice-president; Adeline Black, department treasurer; Ma rie Bennett, department secretary; and Sarah Lark in, department guide. Members of the G. A. R. and oiher allied patriotic orders of Sa iem were additional guests. A social hour followed the in stallation. Refreshments were ser ved at a late hour. Mrs. Hathaway Entertains Members of Boole and Thim ble, Club Memlrs Qt, the Book and Thim ble Club were, very pleasantly en tertained Thursday afternoon, at the home of Mrs. Char lea Hathaway.- - - Member present jvere .Mrs. Charles Adams, Mr. F.;L. Brown, Mrs. Joseph Cook, Mrs. H.-J.. Vfv-r gusou, Mrs. -Max Gehlhar,. M r s Fred Kubin Mrs IUiy Lacey, Mrs. E. W. Patterson; Mrs. George Prop,, Mrs.. Charles R. Schwartz, Mrs. E. A. Soiinners, Mrs. -.George Van Saatcn, Mrs. Ross DamrelL Mrs. Harold Cook, Mrs. George Baker, and the hostess, Mrs.' Hath away. Mrs. Arthur Hathaway and Mrs. Weathers were additional guests. Mrs. Gehlhar and . Mrs. Lacey were in charge of the program which included musical numbers and readings. Refreshments were served at the tea hour by the hostess. The club will be entertained in a fortnight at the home of Mrs Max Gehlhar in West Salem. Thursday Bridge Luncheon Club Entertained at Kapphahn Home An event of the past week was the bridge luncheon for which Mrs. E. L. Kapphahn was hostess Thursday afternoon in her home at 1408 Court street. Members of the Thursday Bridge luncheon club formed the guest group with Mrs. P. E. Fullerton as an addi tional guest. Spring frowefs and green tapers in crystal holders centered each of the. three tables arranged in the dining room. Covers were placed for Mrs. P. E. Fjillerton, Mrs. L- P. " Aldrich. Mrs. W. I. Needham, Mrs. August Huckestein Mrs. R. C. Hunter, Mrs. C. M.Tn man, Mrs. Charles Knowland, Mrs. R. W. Hans Seitz. Mrs. William Liljequist, Mrs. C.'E. Patton. Mrs. P. J. Meany, Mrs. R. C. Hunter, and the hostess, Mrs... Kapphahn. J High score prize in bridge was won by Mrs. R. E. Johnson. Honored on First Birthday Anniversary Mrs. C. B. Otjen was hostess at a birthday party Thursday after noon in her home on Rural Ave nue in honor of her little" son. Daryl, who celebrated his first birthday anniversary on. that day. The afternoon was spent play ing games. A large cake with one lighted candle centered the table where refreshments were served late in the afternoon.' The little guests were .Ted Small ey, Bobby Com stock, Richard Corn- stock, Beryl Burch, Virginia La- Velle, Martha Dunsmoore, Orrin Otjen,' and Elizabeth Otjen. State Meeting of Business and Professional Women WiU Be Held in Salem ; Representatives from the varj ous Business and Professional Women's Clubs of Oregon and the state officers will be in attend ance at the state meeting of Busi ness and Professional Women which will be held . In Salem next Saturday, January tw urst. A banquet will be served at seven o'clock at the Marlon Hotel. Piano and Violin Students Will Be Guestp at Musicalex Mrs. Joy Turner Moses will en tertain a group of-her piano and violin students on i, Sunday after noon with a musical-tea In her home at 835 North Capitol atreeL Dr. Warner Returns to-r After spending the past fort- .tarnt la Med ford Asnianu Dr. Estella Ford Warner, has re turned to her home r istenv. -o " t . , , Social Calendar o o , J Saturday Woman's ClubrClnb-honse Cot tage street. 2:30 o'clock- Benefit Bridge Tea at Hotel Os burn. I Eugene. Daughters of the Nile Club. 2:00 o'clock. ..Bridge party for members' of the Daughters of the Kile club and their husbands. Mr. aad Mrs. V. E. Kann, 896 .N. Cottage street hosts. 8:00, o'clock. W. lU. Sorority "Open House." Beta: Chi. 7:30-8:00 o'clock; Al pha Phi Alpha 8:00-8:30; and Dvltaj Phi 8:30-0:00 o'clock. Public invited. Satem Nature Club. Y. M. C. A. 7:30 o'clock. Sunday Fiiiia at First Congregational -herch. Film. "The Road to Yes ,ei day," 7:00 o'clock. Monday American Legion Auxiliary. Mc Cornaek Halts S: 00 o'clock. Tuesday Neediecraft Club. Mrs. Louis Bechtel, 1565 Ferry street hostess Moroni Olson Players present "The; Detour.!' Capitol theater. 8: 15 'O'clock. Wednesday First Dirifion. Child Study Classes. A. A. U. W. First National Bank Building. 7:30 o'clock, j Wednesday All-day meeting. Woman's uni on. First congregational cnurcn. 10:30 o'clock. Salem Daughters cf the Nile. All-day meeting. Masonic Temple. , . Officers of First Congrega tional Church Elected for the Year Members of the First Congre gational church met Thursday eve ning at six-thirty o'clock for din ner In the church dining room.. The annual business meeting was held later in the evening with the following officers elected for the year: ' Board of directors: H. W. Bross, G. Dl Newton, and W. I. Needham; Deacons: John Bayne, Benjamin Morris,' and Dan J. Fry, Sr.; Dea conesses: Mrs. A. N. Moo res, Mrs. J. F. Humphreys, . Mrs.. Dan J Fry. i Sr., Mrs. FW. Stea- loft. Mrs. Alice Miller, and Mrs, C. Hi Fake ; Clerk : Mrs. Carrie Ro land i Treasurer: E.' W. Hazard; financial secretary: Richard Slat er; ' j Treasurer of Benevolence fund: Miss Oda Chapman; Chair man of ushers; John Bayne; Chair- intendent of the Sunday School: jiTarlt McCallister; Assistant Su perintendent: 'John Bayne; Music committee: Mrs. W. E. Hansen, Mrs. j" Bertha Carlson, Mrs. Kittle 3raver; Nominating committee: G. L.' Newton..Mrs. W. D. Clarke, Dr. H. M. Brown, and Mark McCallis ier. Third Concert of Salem Artists Series Witt Be Gxvm Januaryttth "Mary Lewis wins In Paris" was the headline on the story cab led from the French capital on the occasion of "her performance of "La Boheme" at the Opera Comique, in June 1926, and that the audience greeting her was the most brilliant seen in the opera bouse that year. , Miss .Lewis made her operatic debul in Vienna, triumphantly as everyone knows, has sung at the famed Covent j Garden, London, and! spent two seasons at the Met ropolitan Opera House, New York, the 'goal of every singer in the world. siie will sing in concert here on January 2Cth at the Elsinore the ater! as the third artist of the Sa lem Series. Special Program Will Be Given at Meeting of Ameri can Legion Auxiliary Tie program promised by the losing side in the recent member ship! campaign of the American Legion Auxiliary will be given Monday, evening in McCornack Hall, beginning at seven-thirty o'clock. All members; are urged to at tend, and bring their mothers, mother-in-laws or friends as spe cial : guests. Spend the Day in Portland Mrs. Carl Gregg Doney and Mrs. Gustav Ebsen spent yesterday in Portland. Elks Will Have Dance on January Twenty-third The first ot a series of dances given, by the local Elks' lodge will be aB event of Monday evening, January twenty-third. New members are especially urged to attend. Will Spend the Week-End at the Beach -Mr. and Mrs, J. E. Lewis and their daughter, Mary Ann, are spending the week-end at New port. Daughters of the Nile Will Have All Day Meeting - Salem Daughters ot the Nile Club will have an all-day meet (ng Wednesday in the Masonic building. - - . The Silverton Daughters of the Nile will have charge of the meet ing. The committee includes Mrs. Louise Patty, chairman, Mrs. Gladys Irish, and Mrs. Alice Ev enson. 4 .'.I ' i. U. ' It's Illegal to .transport fight films. The Idea Is that It'sjwiek- ed to see a - fight unless you're rich enough to go to It. Easton Express. W,jv.. tatakow " - - Bar RBANJ Jll.IJt. fw44 yaars ! M BMSMX, StiaNS t t. A m yh4h 17 ' 4i CHURCHES JSatfSgE I II I ill II I I in i . i I 1 1 1 1 1 ! I 1 a AMEEJCAH X.XTTHESAH CHURCH Holds rervUr services Sunday after noon, in th Presbyterian chorch which It has pnrched. e p. m. Confirmation C'.sss. S:1S p. m. Graded Bible School. I p. m. Warsoip Hour. rtor i-otnr B. Dock will preach. Becenily elected deleona will be installed. Cordial invita tion is extended to all. INTERNATIONAL BIBLE STUDENTS ASSOCIATION Meets eery Sunday, for Biole tndy Mj , m bciu held temporarily at 11 AO Broadwar Street. North. Junior BSC. meet daring firat leaaon hour iiUr 4-.30 t 5:00 t. n. You are eor dihlly inTited. ETening aerriees from 8 to 13 D. m ane broaarasiea iron rwwp, Ridio KEX. 239.9 Metera. CHEISTIAN SCIENCE Firat Cbureh. Corner of liberty and Cbemeketa atreeta. Sunday aaorutng er ea at 11. Sunday evening aerire ntj 8. Subject or lesson sermon, uic Wednesday evening testimonial meeting at iOO o'elceU: Sunday school sesslon-con at 8:43 and ll:O0 a. ra. Reading rotoia 406 ilascmie Ten pie. open dailr .'rom 11 to 5:30, except Sundays and holidays. SOUTH 8ALEM FRIENDS CHDBCH Sunday Services: 10:00 a. m. Sunday School. Mrs, F. A. Elliott. Supt. 11:00 a.l m. Morning Worship: Sermon by the Ptor. 6:10 p. 4n. Christian Endeavor Praver Ueetiag. 7:80 p. m. I'raver Mee'ting. Choir praetico at 8:30. The public la cordially invited to these servic es!. Chas. C. llaworth. Pastor, 1655 S. Liberty. EVANGELISTIC FULL GOSPEL TAB ERNACLE Thirteenth and Ferry Sts. H. Hansen, Pattor. Phone 121-U. The Sunday morn ing services will be held in the Armory the sumo as the two previous Sundays on account of : the I'ldina Utley meetings. Sunday school at 8:45 a. m., preaching at ll:0O a. m. Joa Elliott, Philippine sang leader,; will bring the morning mes sage, daring- which hour he will give his remarkable life story. , Monday and Tota lis 7 of next week there will bo held in the Tabernacle a Fellowship Rally of the Northwest District (Oregon, Washington and Idaho) ot the Assemblies or God for the ministerial brethern. Christian work era and laymen. Two meeting daily, 2:E0 and 7:30 p. m. Am interesting program -f special music, speakiag, etc., will be rtren. The public it cordially invited. lieginnlng Tuesday evening 7:J0 and eon tinuing throughout the remainder of the week and all of the following week the iSbernarie will- bo turned over to Evan "L V iv A! " S i, J"""fr, JTl'lall children tip to junior high age. retary to Dr. Charleses. Prica.n whieh'ch,.,, ; ,eBM,, Vorkera eonferonaa Toes ne wu. rou.uci a series oi special .van - gensiic serv,ces. FTBST BAPTIST CHURCH ' Corner. of Liberty and Marion 8 la. Robert 1 Payne, Minister. Fred Broer Sunday Sup. Misr Miaette Magera, Di rector ot music. Mrs. W. V. Foster, or ganist. Sunday School 8:45. Morning preaohmg service . 11 o'clock. . Topic, "Caildren of God.". Too peoples meet- a o:ew p. m. evening preacntnr aer rtca 7:30.1 Tooie. "What Pmfitl' Special maaic by tho choir at both ser-1 vices. BETHANT TaErOBMXD CHtTBCH , Comer of Capitol and Marion St. Sn day School 10 a. m. Germaa Mr vice 11 a, m. M.Denny, miniater. ' venriH fflnTtCH m.Urrh Street between Chomekota aad ..-. v K. Tnllv. D. D.. pastor, c a. . ..hnol 0-30 a. m.. followed by public worship at .10:45 . m. . 8?"i 'Not Far and Not In," Mark 12:34, Yoong People' Societie :30 p. m. v...s.. ..liln 7:30 o'clock. Sermon, "Nothing But Leave." Mark 11:13-14, The Pastor will preach at both service. Another we Gospel meetings will be conducted by the Pastor, at i .av v. . The public is cordially invited. JASON LEE MEMORIAL If. E. CHURCH Corner North winter as Thoma Acheson, pastor. Robert vvitty ...I Mr. tientrr. helpers. nm cnurco . .l.t walcomo to sll of its ser- n the coming Lord's Day. Public ..nkin it . m. Sermon theme: "What Khali Be The Ministers Emphasis! 7:30 ,i. m. Theme: "Portners In The Voyage f t -f. Th rhnrch school meets at 1:45 a. m.i A fine opportunity for all in a well euuinped school. Three cnapr nf F.nworth Leaeue at 6:30 p. W. lunior High; High School: Young People ill meet separately, for devotional and araiso serviret. Open Forum to church -h,vnl annes. Joseph Barber In charge Ueetinr at 6:30 hour. There will be bv the choir at all service The Junior . church will meet in esiey nll at 11 a. m. with Ktert my in charge. Test our welcome at all services. RICKREALL CHURCH Services :in the Rickresll Commnnity Church Sunday at 11 a. ra. Sunday school at .10 a. ra. A cordial invitation to all. COURT STREET CHURCH OF CHRIST 17th and Court. Norn J. Keaaoner; minister. Res. 144 So. 19th. The revival meetings continue with large audiences snd greaf interest manifest. Large delef -.ations from other of tho city's churches 'ave been coming on several different nights, while the prayer meetings are ex tended to various part ot the city. To night's (Saturday's) program begin at 7:00 sharp with a discussion of tb book f Revelation. At 7:80, song service and .ermon. subject. "The Fith tht Save. lord's Day- activities begin with Bible rhooI promptly at S:45. Th line in resse of last week should continue., Morn n( worship at eleven, subject. "The 'word's Supper." tho C. F.. meetings 1:30, evening worship 7:80. sermon sub- iect. "Should All of God' Children b United into One Church in , Each Conv uunityt" This shonld he a great service. Cuene early to get good seat. Monday to servicea.i Tuesday: Revelation at 7:00 'or a half hour, then beginning at T :3Q, "The Hlorious Name." Wednesday. Rev lation at 7 :f)0. then, "The Four Fold ronfession. Thursday, Ras-elation 7 7:30. hen, 'TB Wot B Ureatest Peteetive, ; Kriday. Revelation 7-7:30, sermon subject 'or this evening, "Can a Man b Saved Outside the Church!" (without church naembership. Saturday. Revelation, .then,, "The Essential Element." A most eorv Hal invitation is extended to all at all timet. Make your church homo with the ?urt Street Church. CHRISTIAN ALLIANCE TABSRKAOLB A55 Ferry 8t. Sunday school at 9:45 -harp. Mrs., Mollis Wilson. Supt. Mont :ig preaching service at 11:00 o'clock. Sermon Snlject: "Th Means Of San rtifirst ion." Regular evening ervic at 7:30. So ject: "Tho Devil s Excuses." The five-minute sermonett Just before the messago wilb be given by Mr. G. L. Warren. Regular week night service will be resumed. Prayer meetings- Tues day and Friday nights at th Tabernacle. Young People's prayer meeting Wednes 1ay night at the Faitor's home, 152 X. Kth St., and tha Young People's de votional serf iew at the Tabernacle on Sat urday n ght. Come snd worship with as. Prayer for the sick at any service. J. .0. Miaton, pastor. THB KNIGHT MEMORIAL CONGREOA ! TIONAL- llh aid Ferry streets, H. C. Stover, minister. Tb Ckarch ShoI meets at 10 s. m. Superintendent. C. C. Harris. Morning service at 11. "Dealing Ho estly with Tin-e." will ke tho subject e the morning address. Christian Endeavor mi KsMmi omas I ox v.. . ar :r wm i i mi i r : 11 i II. - . -r.TT'.-r..- . - i . 11 'rl COMING TO THRELSINORE - at 6:43 p. m. "Henry Ford's Philosophy' will b the subject matter of the evening acdress by the pastor at 7:30. Mosie by ibe cho:r tn the morning and evening ser vice. The monthly church night dinner will be beij on Wednesday, January 15, at 6:45 p. m. , THE SALVATION ARMY ; 241 State. The big Sunday school contest, ! 'Columbia" vs. "Shamrock" x-gin proper this Sunday 2:0 p. tn. Ail boys and girls, without caurch con nect ion,' especially invited.; Morning! puoue service at 11 o clock, and aalva tion meeting at S p. in. Young People's special hour. 6 p. m. The ! 'TV Your Hest" campaign is now in full swing. anr e invite the helpful STSTers of all Chris tians. Cominr cv,nt: T. tm.. - o 1,1 jutant and Mrs. Eterhsrt, yom.g people's' ir urcjun, win concuet special .trviees. FUST SFIBITTJAUST CHURCH Of Salem will Hold servloes at the-.r hall. "Frsternal TwpV." 447 Center St. this S.r!day evening. Jan. 1Mb at 7 :30 cfock. ibe Rev. Louella M. will deliver an adres on -'Snirit .al t n 4rrtow.!' Messagea. The Public Cor dially jnvited. THB SEVENTH DAT ADVENTIST Corner of North Fifth and Gaines Kts. Sabhath School 10:15 a. m. Sermon. -Tho Family Altar." at 11:0 Young People's Meeting 4:00 p. m. Prayer Meet ing Wednesday nilfht 7:30. Sermon Sun day night 7:45. "The Woman of Rev. 12 . nd Tb Oreat Red Drason who- Sought to Devour! Her Son as Soon as He Was Born." ! Joseph T. Jacobs, pastor. LESLIE MEMORIAL CHURCH - fMetbodist Episcopal) Sotith Commercial at Myers. 8. Dar low Johnson, pastor. 848 E. Myers St., Phone 87S4. Morning Worship 11 a. m. Sermon by Dr. Geo T. Hopkina who come? with a compelling snesaage about the veterans of the Cross. Antbem bv the Adult Choir "Onwsrd Christian Soldiers" (Heyaer)- Happy Evening Hour 7:30 p. m. Song service led by Tonag Peonies' Chorus.! Sermon by the pastor. "Jesus Christ snd the Eighteenth Amendment." Thia i a topic of timely Interest, the amendment being eight years old Mon day. January lflth. Church school at 8:45 mi m. Something worth while for very member of the family. Ivan Cor ner. Supt. Fran el Asbnry Epworth League In Leslie hall at 6:30 rontinning the study of Christ of the Iadian Road. Intermediate Leajrne at 6:30 in the ebnrcb parlor. Junior Leagna in Leslie , tTenla- 7:80 in Leslie ball. Brother I vt v..n.t wn.,. in .h.rh hasesnent. Choir practices Thursday eve niag under direction of J. William Bel rher of Portland. . Junior - Chorus, at :C0. Adult Choir at S:30. Mid week mooting at 7:30 Thursday evening. To pis. Prayer a Communion with God. tha second of a aeries on "The Mean ing. of Prayer. ". baaed on the book of that title by Foidrtek. Woman s Foreign Mi stonary society Wednesday. 2:30 p. ss tao home of Mr. Vsss, 1 r'ass, 1633 Com ercial afreet. FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL Comer R tat e and Church. F. C. TayloT. pastor, 838 State. Phono 074. Director Religions. Edueatioo: Marcarot K. Both erland, phone 872. Sermon topics: "Tb Safety of the Soul."-a. m. Anniversary of NaNoital Prohibition -will be celebrated m tho ovocunr with add raise bv-Jitda-e u. at. nrfwn -of the supreme court, and i.eorge : Alexander, state prohibition off! cer. Special music: Mala Chorus. "The Blind Ploughman." Clark. "Behold the Lamb of God." Handel. 8uaday school :a a. . m., 11. r. Shank. Supt. Ep worth league:. 6:80 n. m TTnivaraitv vnapiei lopic, "UBrist Ideal and My self." . Leader. Dorothv Fiaher. First Church ' Chapter Topic. "Tha Gospel of v-race, ; eiuay in the Woe-pel of Luke led Dy mi Butneriend. Junior High Chap ter topic. "Tha Christian and Hi. Money,'? Loader. Harry Mosber. Week-1 day services: Ladies Aid Circle meet on1 Wednesday afternoon at 2:30. Mid-week Service !of Prayer and1 Praise. Tha snh. ject, "Things Which Defile a Man." is the third of a series of studies on "Things Pertaining to the Kingdom." Other events: Junior church it 11 1. .u. church annex. Leader. William Mosher Junior message by Dr. D. H. Leech, Tist ""f- oervice at tne Old Peoule'a Home sponsored by the University chapter of the Epworth Leaguo at 3 p. m. SILVERTON DISTRICT SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION January 15, 1928. Silverto CongTeg tion. church. 12 :C0 p. m. Basket din ner. Program: Convention theme "Be ginning" Text. Prov. 9. 10. "The fe.r of the Lord is th beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of tho Holy I under standing. 1. Song service led by Oon gregtionl church choir. 2. Devotional Rev Gillander. 8. Butlness session. 4. A lesson Story by Mr. Jone' class. Firt Chn.ti.n church. 5. A Story in Song by Junior Girl, Monitor 8. 8. 6 . JCh"re r Mrquam 8. 8. 7 1X7" ..f" ,t--7; Beading . V, wnrtett. 11. Selection by Silverton M. E. Sunday Donald C. Glover. 14. Benediction, i CHURCH OF GOD X. K- Ohureh street. J. $. Gillesnie pastor. 1315 N. Church, phon. iolli Servlct n m. in, 7.'80P Bmrnt topic.:. Repentanc. . Reonial CANDY '!' 1 , CHICKEN BONES j Regular Price 35c a lb. FOR SATURDAY OXLY . 25c a lb. or Two lbs. for 45c We reserve the right to Limit Quantities. Only at Schaefer's DRUG STORE 1S5 S. Coitt'l St. - rttonel97 Ute Penslar Agency Original yellow FRONT ATTABERNACLE t!" i iinss yJ X JJTA.-ihf5i4 - - 1 .' - -. 'X- v 'i Evangelist Russell P. Rothgeb formerly secretary to Dr. Charles. S. Price, evangelist who attracted enormous crowds in Oregon a few years ago. Is to hold interdenom inational revival services in Sa lem. The big Evangelistic Taber nacle at 13 th and Ferry streets has been placed at his disposal for the coming meeting of only a few days duration, beginning next Wednesday, January 18, to con tinue to the 29th. Rev. Rothgeb Drays for the sick, and many claim to have been healed of their: diseases. Everybody is invited to attend, and the churches of the city to co-operate as they can. Some of the ministers have ex pressed their desire to help in any way, that the young people of ba lem might be reached by the gos pel message, and especially the college and university students. The evangelist himself having been one of their number before his conversion. lieving the Gospel, 11 a. a. Evnge1irtie. 7:30 9. . Sunday, school: 10 a. m.. 8npt.. Tamo Dayis- Yowng pooplea' meeting: V:30 p. m Mis Dora Hanson, leader. Woek-dav services : Prayer service and Bible study of U second chapter of Revelation ea, the ehwehe of Asia. Wed esday evening 7:30. Other events: Teacher meeting Friday evening 7:80. GLAD TXDIVOS MISSION 345 ft Court St., C. 8. Johnson, pastor. 431 8.. Cottage. Service:, 3 and 7:30 p. at. Sunday school : 2 p. m. Supt.. W. Remington. Week-day servfeoe: Tnesdsy, Thursday and Saturday evening. CASTLE CHAPEL UNITED BRETHREN Corner N.r 17th and Neb. Ave. W. N. Blodgett, pastor, 1743 Nb. Ave,, phone 622J. Bervieea: 11 a. m., ami 7:30 p. m. Sermon topic: "What Think T of Christ," a. m. Evangelistic, p. m. .Sun day school: 10 a. m., Ed. Weigle, Supt. Young peoples' meetings: 6:80, Floyd Bailey, president. Junior C. E., S p. m., Mrs. Working. Supt. Week-day arvicos: Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:30. Ladies Aid Wednesday. Every on wel come to 4 'The Church with th Open Door." FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Center and Liberty. Charles E. Ward. pastor. 440 Center St., phon 591-R. Services: 11 a. m., and 7:0 p. m. Ser mon topic: "Near East Orphans," a. m. "I There Re-Incarnation I" p. m. Special services, music, etc.: Those who couht not sea th screen last Sunday eve ning may come at 7 p. m. this Sunday when tb first part of the "Road to Yes- 9:45 Sunday School. 11:00 Orphans of the Near East. 7:00 Is There Re-incarnation ("The Road to Yester day") THE CHURCH WITH AN AIM NOW a and finer shaving cream VALET CREAM .s5l5it j VAISt- AtdoSrc? SHAvTNG: CREAM terday." will - repeated. Sunday school: 8:45 a. m, a.srk McCallister. superintendent. Weetday services: Prayer meeting and Bib; study Thurs day at 7:30, using as our stady Matthew XX and XXI. Other events: At thef morning service a visitiag apeaker will tfll ns what has been ioue with Near LUtat Keiief money. ST. PAUL'S (Episcopal) CTiurch Street at- CherreVeta. Rector. j Rev. H. Ilnnria Chamlrs. Services:' Holy Euchsrist at 7:30 a. m. Morning) prayer with sermon and music at 11 a. 7r. " Cnrci school at 9:a a. m. Toons' Peoples' Fellowship meet at 7 p. m. in the parish house. CHBMEKETA ST. EVANGELICAL I Corner of ChcmeVeta mi N. 17th. G.! K. Krskiae. pastor. 26S N. 17th St.. phone j lOOo-W. Services:: 11 a. m.. and ":it! r. m. Senoon topics: "Outward and In , ward C'br;tianitv," a. m. Sermon by Rev. G. L. Ijovcll. p. ra. SariNv ho. 10 a. m. O. K. Straushnugh. Sjpt. Yoangi t'eopls's' ?.Iceting: Senior snd Inlcrme ; diatr Chri't'an Fnitravor st fi:S0. Lflil j er ot Senior raeetins, ll-uh Burch. Te Woman's Missionary Society will bolfl ! their reeular montiil n'ening m tlil cVurch on this Snsday l 3 ! m. V '-! diy lervices: Mid-werk prayer service, I Thnrsdny evuninir at 7 .0. Lentivr.' F. j Kur. Choir p'sct ce. Wedneay ere ning at 7:3i Oihir events: Tlie Third! (fisrterly Cnmnnirn c-fssion of tlii Cunfcf n.- yi-r will be o' -erwi cn th I SunJiy even tig. in charge of Rev (i I., i Uovcll, Presiding Elder of Salem l):t-Kt. FIRST CHRISTIAN H-cii and t'et-r. D. J. Howe, petor. 7C5 N. Cuttage. phone 2438W. Srvir: 11a. m.. and 7:30 p. m. Sermon topic: "Individual Kesponvibility," a. m. "The Church and Her Task.' p. m. Instal'a tion of officers at the evening services. with preliminary of seversl special mus ica-numbers hundsy school: 9:45 s. m . O. J. Hull, Supt. Yoang Peoples' Meet ings: Intermediate and Senior C. .. So cieties. All young people cordially Invit ed to attend. Weekday services: Prayei service and Bible study. Wednesday. 7:30 l. la. Other eventa: Choir rehearsal al tha "church 7:30 p. m. Thursday evening You will find a welcome and a friendiy spirit at this church. MILL ST. METHODIST 15th and Mill streets. Patrick Dahlin. pistor, 895 S. 15th. Services: 11 a. m.. nrf 7:30 p. m. Sermon topics: "The Filial Life." a. m. "Deliverance From Kvil," p. in. Sunday school: 9:45 a. m. Miss Esther Erirkson, Supt. Young JVi ples' meetings: 6:30 p. m. Week day service: Prayer, meeting Thursday 7:30 p. nr. You ace all cordially invited to our services. EMMANUEL FULL GOSPEL MISSION 420 State St. Ralph D. Bullock, pas tor, 460 8. Cottage St., phone 938 M. Servieea: 2:30 and 7:45 p. m. Sunday school: 2:80 p. m. Young Peoples' meeting: 6 p. m. Week-day services: Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday night at 7:45. CENTER ST. METHODIST EPISCOPAL 13th and Center streets. Rev. E. J. Asehenbrenaer, pastor. 684 N. -Winter St.. phono 680-M. Services: 11 a. ns., and 7:45 p. at. Special music: The male quartet will stag at the morning serv-r. Sunday school: 10 a. m Martin Schrei her. Supt. Young People' Meetings : F.p worth League devotional service. We will begin our Mission study about Africa This will be conducted in the . English language. Week-day services: The reg ular mid-week prayer meeting will be Jreld on, Wednesday vening at' 7:45. Othfr re marks: The morning services ar con dnctod in German, and the evening serv ice ia English, and tha Sunday school in both languages. You will be welcome at all of our sorviews. PiiOuupDes Can positively be cleared up often in 24 hours I Sulphur in combination with menthol does HI Succeeds where other measures fail. Sulphur clears the skin, reaches down into the skin and lolls the parasites that cause most skin troubles. And as sulphur clears the skin, menthol heals it. Twofold action for perfect results. Pimples; blackheads, acne, skin eruptions even fiery eczema yields. The itching and burning stops instantly and soon thor ough healing sets in. Rowles Mentho Sulphur is Inexpensive and all drug gist supply it tn jars ready to use. Be sure it's Rowles. First Congregational Church Center and Liberty For men who prize the Valet AutoStrop Razor and the new Valet blades, Valet AutoStrop Sharing Cream will add new ease to their shaving. To men who use other razors it will prove a revelation. , Pearly white, alive and pure, 'it gives a hnmrious lather. Valet AutoStrop Shaving Cream not cnfyMltenstlsebeaxTlfo Its moisture, while you shave. Soothing as a lotion, its cocoamit oil content refreshes as well aa, oftena the akin aad keeps it elvety amooth. ; i: 35c a tube : Ifyoordaler ha not yet received Ilia aupply, send 35c to AutoStrop , Safety Razor Con ine, 656 Fiat AreNew York and we will for ward your tube postpaid. Pleas mention your dealers name. Doe s the Lie? If it does, it is not God's Word, and therefore should be discarded. Strange tho it may seem, there are even Ministers who proclaim from their pulpits that the Bible is'NOT infallable. Is it any wonder that their churches are void of spiri tual power, causing them to resort to social activities in order to attract a follow ing. The first lie the Devil told to man was that God's Word is not true, and he has never coined a blacker one from that day to this, whether it comes from the pool hall or the pulpit. However, to those THAT BELIEVE, God is fulfilling His promises. People are finding that there IS a re ality in the religion of Christ for the salvation of the soul; whereby the very center of a man's life is changed. The power of habit is broken, and Joy re places heartache and sor row. Hard tho it is to believe, diseases are being healed. Blind eyes are being opened, deaf ears unstopped, crip ples are made to walk, and the dumb to speak. These miracles many times being performed instantly by Di vine power thru prayer and faith in the infallability of God's Vord. Hard to be lieve in this day of Modern istic teaching, it is true, and no one should be blamed frur doubting, but it does behoove us to find out for ourselves whether or not the Bible is true. For it really IS true and God IS honoring His Word TODAY' just as He said He would wherever He found FAITH not UNBELIEF. Come and See for your self, don't .take another's word, for they may be mis taken. Big Evangelistic Taber nacle to accomodate 1500 Corner 13th and Ferry Streets. Inter-Denominational Revival Meetings Jan. 18th to 29th Every night at 7:30 Your one ""opportunity to hear F"TGELIST Russell P. Rothgeb Everybody Welcome No denominational barriers. No pull for any particular churchBring your f riend3 to )be saved, the sick to be healed, and take them to your own church to be real workers for God. Bible 4