; I .... THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON. FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY 13, 1928 7 I I 1 : r , i r r Local Rates For Clarified Advertising Daily or Suaday 3 coats per ward . 8 cent per word ; csu per word Oil time- Three time.. Bix til 1 me. daily and Sun ..20 eenumer word 1b order to aara- the' mere than, oaa tima rata, advertising must n ia con secutive imti. K Ad Ukca (of lea taaa 25c Ada rm Sunday ONLY charged at oae-tlme rate -. Advertisement (except Personals sad Sitaatioaa Wanted) will be Ukon over the telephone if the adrertiaer ia a subscriber to phone. The Statesman will receive advar tiemeat at any time of the day or night. To insure proper claseiiaoutiew Ada should be la before 7 p. m. TELEPHONE 'it OK 663 ADTnnsmaiv HOKX8T AUV LKTiaiatU Taeee V lau anit bo kept tree trees saying of a smoetioaabla nature, misrepresent taAiena will BOt bo teleraWd. laierma- tioa ahewiag any eEOssionnbts ' iniecii ea tao part at ino mtwuni nw be reported to taio ens paper r n Salens Ad ciaa. LODGE ROSTER rHEMEKETA LODGE XO. 1. L O. O. F. Meet every Wednesday eveaiag at - 7:30 o clock: third floor of L O. U. i Teaaple, corner ef oCart aad High St. AUCTIONEER F. Ne Woodry Tra. Sates' leading Auctioneer aad rFurmture i.ealer. Rs. A Store, 1610 N. Bummer SV i Phone 511 H. Fa Woodry & Con Right dowa towa. Cash paid tor aaed furniture. Store 271 N. t'ona'l TeL 75. Agent for Laage Ranges. 2 0L. A. L. STEVENSON AUCTIONEER 2g year, experieaco ia the Willamette ailey, (or datea or errangemec-. n" V. A. Doerfler, farm advisor. l'irl Na tional Bank. Salem. Phoue or write A. L.Stevenson, Corral' in. Ore BATTERY - ELECTRICIAN 6 K. D. BARTON EX-IDE BATTERIES Starter and generator - work; 20i Konth Hi 2b. 6 Tel. 1G8 man and CENTER JUE tt'lLUAil 1AMS PLEEXER ELECTRIC CO. HOUSh wiring by hour or contract. Etimai fnrfiianed. Tel. M 471 Court St BICYCLES -REPAIRING LLOYD E. RAMSDEN COLUMBIA BI cycle, and repairing. 87 Court. CLEANERS AND DYERSa CHERRY CITY CLEANERS. C. Uoaae, 20 N. Liberty. Tel. 934.. SALEM CLEANERS ft DYERS 10T3 S. Com'L ToL 1868 CHIROPRACTORS 15 PR O. L. SCOTT. P8C. CHIROPRACTOR 256 N. High. Tel. 828-R. or lies. 2104 J DK. li. B. SCOFFIELR P. S. C, 80to r'iret National Bank Bldg. FLORISTS 16 nOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS OUen'a, Court ft High St. TeL 801. CrT FLOWERS. WEDDINO BOUQCET8 Funeral wreaths, decorations. C F. breitheupt. florist. A12 State . Street, Tel. 3B0. INSURANCE 18 lliR SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mort gses. Trust Deeds, Contracts oa nouses Will net 6 to 20 per eaai. BECKE ft HENDRICKS Heilig Bldg., 189 N. High St, ; l ASil LOANS PLENTY OF MONEV to loan on good farm seearity. CITY LOANS We are loaning Pro dentlal Insurance company money oa city residence and business property at 5V per sent, plus a eotnmtasioa Haw kins ft Roberts, Iuc, 205 Oregon Building. , Insure Your Hihbo or Car Phono 161 Heilig Bide, 189 X. High St. VVANTED-Employment 19 MAN WITH CAR WISHES EMPLOY client. Box 84 Statesman. FOR RENT 21 FURNISHED HOUSE AXD ' MOPERX apartments, garage. 1421 X. Church Ht. Phono -1852M. e xiii.i.ii.n. i i w m w tmiwi i"i mt NURSING 22 HIGHLAND MATERNITY HOME.. FIRR- pfvof building. New, clean, aaiot. Tbo best or - care. n mspie. s-bsw 2332-M. FOR RENTApartments23 : HEATED APARTMENTS. 432 MARION FURNISHED APARTMENT, PRIVATE eatraaco. 1296 Martoa. . APARTMENT DOWNSTAIRS. 3 ROOMS. private bath aad heat. 1188 Court. CLOSE IX. FIVE ROOM PUBLISHED apartment. Ground floor, garage, ao Mill St. . t-nvic?urn umvi AXT KFPCHEN. dif. water, light, aad fueL $25.0. Cloao in. S53 Marwn. FOR BEST New fumlahed flat, large living rm., kitchenette, dining aloeve, badroosn and glassed In Bleeping porch, hwd. floors througnouL Friridalre, hot water boot, overstaffod fuxaUhlnga, near State boos. 85. ' - WINNIE PTTTTJOnX. Realtor 17$ 8. High BL ; Why Worry with ; Fuel, Ice, Lawns?: Jtaertaa. ' ; Xew, atrietly aaodora, .ale BperV tneats. -v . :- - , - - ;. -, vi.l. rt4i Rum Re J to. Steam Heat, Briok-faoo4 Buildings Ef ficient Servico. ' ? ( Twav room wMh bath, $80 to 33. I Threo mm wltb btb. 649 to 846. Pullman furnished overstuffed. 939. Two room rurnianen' everswioa. Three room furnished verstaffed. $45 to $50. . . f v Ambassador ' i fcB9 M Bomsnja". . Phono 19TS ; Manageasoal , - FOR RENT- Rcx5mi 25 KICELT FCBNIBHBD' HOOK ;?tWTW board, 48 Merlon BL . : A COMFOBTABLB WAH BOOH FOB geatleasaa, , BeasenabU iwat. Close in. 77 4W, -,v- ,--:---.,.V- KOM8 WITH OB WITHOUT BOARD 4 Alexandria, : JO 86 Caesneketo Pna4 1589, , '. "r;'. . ; FOR RENT r HOUSES 27 rVSHlSSrp $ EOOJf MrBKBX HOUSE, . gacagav Tslaphone 1606& REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY ANDERSON BCFERT. Realtor 169 8. High. TeL 1644 ' BARBER BOKO .: 200 Gray Bldg. - - : .Tel. 790 BECKS HENDRICKS 169 K. Higb. Tel. 169 A. C. BOURN STEOT 147 X. ConxmoreiaL . - TeL-677 H- E. BROWN 100 S. Com'L TeL 659 or 295 LEO X. CHILD? CO.. Realtors 20 State St. - , TeL im R. hV CLARKE 109 S. Com'L Tel. 659 or 2053 E. 0. COPPOClC M 381 State fit. r TeL M7 FRED. O. DELANO 290 X. Chorea. TeL 2930 HOSIER D. FOSTER REALTY CO. Ala rirt Kit Bk Bldg. TeL 942 GASKILL. A EAKLE 166 8. Liberty St . . TeL 22A2 W. H. GRABENHORST A CO t$4 8. Eiberty Bti ' - ,- T.rttL. 615 MELVIN JOHNSOX 120 U. B-Baua Bldg. . v- . TeL M7 W. Q. KKUEOStt 147 N. Com'L Tel. 117 LARfiEX RICE ZZi Oregon Btdg. TeL 174 w. a. Lisroa 404-5 Masonie Bldg. TeL 1321 ARTHUR HAD8EH .'074 North CapitoL TeL 2907 MELLIXOER COM ITTI 409 Oregon BMC TeL 1176 O. K. MIUDLETON '04 Oregon BUg. TeL 2908 JOHN W. ORR New Bligh Bldg. TeL 2493 GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE id4 Court. TeL 1186 PERR1NE ft MARSTER3 .ill 212 Oray Bldg. Tel. 907 X. E. MOSES Mortgagee, Loaot, Insur ance. 451 Court St. TeL 2818 WINNIE PETTVJOHN. BoaKor 1 75 S. High St. ToL &34 SALEM REALTY CO. 162 State SU Uooea T. .ToL 1004 VICTOR SCHNEIDERr Roaltor 228 Ore. Bidg. TeL 672 i. K. (6COTT J31 X. High St. TeL 1122 CHARLES 8PURL1N 10 Oregon Bldg. Tou 1935 SOCOLOFSEY ft EON ' :04 5 Firat Nat. Bank Bidg. Tel. 970 SQUARE DEAL REALTY C. S. Nat l Bank Bldg. TeL 473 TRIAXULE REALTY CO. 121 Court St. TeL 651 ULRiOH ft ROBERTS -29 X. CominereiaUxw. TeL 193 U. S. REALTY CO. 142 State St. Tel. 2660 F. L. WOOD 341 SUte St. TeL 794 BEAUTY PARLOR DIRECTORY . THE BEAUTY BOX - Complete Beauty Service 520 SUte St. ToL 1985 THE CAPITOL BEAUTY SHOPPE 223 X. High. For Appt.' TeL 966 ELITE BEAUTY SHOP? )ver the Gray Belle. '' 'TeL' 914 MAR1NELLO BEAUTY PARLORS ' Permanent Wave Spocialts V :45 X. High St. TeL 1690 .MILLER BEAUTY SHOP Tested and graded before permanent, using Text-o-Meter machine MITZI GRAY BEAUTS SHOPPE 709-18 First Sat.-Bank Bldg. TeL 187 . THE MODEL BEAUTY PARLOR 112 X. Commercial. . TeL 956 THE MODERN MARINE LLO i06 Maaonio Temple Bldg. TeL 879 NIFTY BOB 8H0P " Kageae Permanent Waving,- Hair Cutting aad MareoiliaX. 311 State St. - Tel. 470 FOR RENT-Houses 27 FOR REXT. DUPLEX HOC8E. 84' North Winaar St. FOR REXT - S room faraisbed bouse wltb garage. Tel, 687 or 1933M. FURNITURE OF T ROOM HOUSE FOR aelor Or will root furaiahed iacled lug garage at 982.00. 2063 State. MODERN, FIVE BOOM FURNISHED bouse for root. Also five' room un fnraiahed house for rent. Phono 687 S ROOM MODERN FUTCNIBHED BUN calow,- wvorlookiag ity. 1 aera oojuinl pod for cbkkoaa, 980.00. Pboao 82F2. FOR BENT FURNISHED BUNGALOW 5 rooar etoao an for B nor aaontk. BEE Bochtol or Seam, 841 State St., Boom Houses For Rent - 4 $13 to $55. Three ptala bomee with bath, etc, for roat for $S0 month. Immediate Becke & Hendricks 189 X. High Street FOR RENT-Farms 29 IRRIGATED FARM NEAR WEST STAY- ton- for xraca gnraewiBBV im. pwp wermint and pet to grewlag. Ftaxlaad Dorolopmoat C, 411 Maaostio Temple, fieloa. Oreewnv ' " MINUTE MOVIES tt UJHEELANSV THE DOy FBIEHb . fiC,rwT ftUri-:, a -iao s r-i !MC' 4 sn;H PC rl03A' 7 BOARD-AND ROOM 31 THE FREDEUICSSON BOARD XX D room $$ for two la a room, $40 far one. Marten BL TeL 164T-K. LAUNDRIES 32 1 CAPITAL CITT LAUSDRT -The Laandry of Para Matortaia" -Telephone 195. 1S94 Broadway THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY 1 THZ WELDER LAUNDRY Telephone 25. 243 S. "Blgk tBT THE HOME WET- WASH LAUX dryi TeL 171, 19S4 B Btreoi. - TAILORS 34 D. H. M08HKR TAILOR FOR MEN and voam. 474 Court St. WANTED-Miscellaneous 35 rURXITURE PCKTXO PO aVHTJ manU. Oiaee-Powort Pumltnre Co. WANTED HETFERS- OR CATTLE OF any kind. Phone lOiral aftex p. i TEACHER WANTS ROOM. AND BOARD ,. Bart Parriah. Call 1554-R, Saturday iug. . WANTED , PRIVATE MONEY . FOR . faoaw laaae. We bavo aoeoral asptiea- tioa on hand. Haw klaa A Roberta. loo.! 9 US Orogoas Bldg. " s - WANTED GOOD WASHED COTTON Kagaf not aaaaUor than 1 yard to ate I for Wiping wtorhiaery.- Higheet priee paid 1 for good elgo' raga, apply at . Statesman offiea. s Stiier. More Than a Tonic iMore Than a . Health-Food A Natural Remedy! Pacific Health-Ore - This product supplies Nature wltb vital workiag aad building materials providea eUment to maintain tbo normal chemical balance i to insura tbo natural harmony aad proper functioning of glands and or gan and to maintain a rich and healthy blood stream. Used as a mineral water pleasant to take one package ia sufficient for three mouths treatment. Sold nsder a positive moaey-oacK guarantee. -- MATR ESSES 36 MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THE Capital City Bedding Co, 1190 North Capitol. Called for aad delivered. All work guaranteed. Tel. 19. FOR SALE 37 mXTEls APPLES. ROT-IFSOX'S, KT I 8. Boa . Pboao 4F4. TO TRADE $840 PIANO FOR GOOD automobile. See Burk at Fitxgvrald Sberwin Motor Co. PEDIGREED AIRDALE MALE PUPS d months old. a bargain if takaa bofore Dec 15th. H. F. Buttorfleld, Pacific Hwy, Waodbora, Ore. ToL 1)09. OATS AND YFTCH HAY iXD CLOVER bay, a I bale or ear load. Will deliver in toft Hot or mora. R L. Houck, la dependence, Oregon. Phono Indepen dence 26F14. HOME BURNED. TOTAL LOSS. QUIT- ting poultry business. Sacrifico price oa 10OO Hansen strata White Leghorn bens, i Wonderful layers. . My loss, ' your gala. Misbler. Phone 858J. HEAD YOUR FLOCK WITH ONE OF these fine roosters. Twenty-five of then from dams with laying records 288 to; 816 eggs per year. Fancy breeders would charge you 915 to 9100 each. - Horn burned, must aalL Price 82 to $10. Mishler. Phone -858J. A PIAXOtMUST BE SOLD, $95. OTH ers $195, 9165. $190. $215. Free ' delivery; aad guaranteed condition. -Also oa. Baby Qraa4 bargain. . AJs, $ player piano with rolls. Those play. , or are.yeaLJargataa. . Any terms. See at Tallaun PisnoWarehouse, 12 and MilL i-' FOR SALE-LrVESTOCK 39 GOOD FRESH COW. PHONE 6EF4. VETERINARIAN 39a FRED W.I LANGK. VETERINARIAX Offlce-539 S. CommerciaL TeL 1198. iioa. TeL 1666. . . WOOD SAWING 42 WOOD SAWING. PHONE 167T. 1610 -Korth CommerciaL WOOD' FOR SALE 43 16 IX. WOOD $7.00 CORD. PHOXE 1669. GOOD DRY WOOD. PHOXE 72 F2, M. L AUyfield. FOR GOOD WOOD CALL 0. P. QUERY, ' Phono 127F21. GOOD DRY WOOD FOR YOU D. A. Lamar, TeL 930. CALL TRACY'S FUEL YARD FOB GOOD wood. Phono 23 It. . 16 INCH OLD FIB. 49.00 CORD, K. X. Scions, Rt. 1, GerveU. - 16 IXCH OLD FIR AXD ASH. a 17. Herbeagh, 1038 HigbUnd Ave. Pboao CALL 788R FOB PRY FIB AXD OAK. .guaranteed fuU eerd. Best wood is -ywa. Kl w own. - . .- GOOD COAL DRT WOOD . PROMPT , PELIYERIKS ' - ULLifAX FUEL CO. TELEPHONE 1655. O, (SEE? A. ANDERSON FOB) W0OD TO BURN , SALEM TR4X8. ft FUEL CO. QENERAL TRANSFER WORK. TEU 529 BEST GRADE OF WOOD THT wood d ft, and 16-laab. Large aro cheaper to our. Mill we la oar apoolalty. Prompt delivery aad raaeoaaMo price. FBXD X, WILL f$0 S. Church! TeL 1543 POULTRY & EGGS 45 POULTRY WANTED ANT VIXD, SIZE or niBt,rtopj morfcet. ntghaai eaab roo, . Salom Foal try Gov,- 143 Center Rt.. Font of tup andco. Pboao 9490, Jorwrt aw ns 'A2 AB;; .GRACIOUS, mraa aramtnvn i' MUSIC STORES -43 GEO. C. "iWTLIi PTXXOS,' PnoXO- grapha. aewlag macaJnea, aheet maala aad ptaao atadlea. Repalrlna1 vhoao- grapha aad aewlng mschmea. 482 State atreot, BaJeaa. - - . ,' KODAK FINISHING 46a FREE ENLARGEMENT WITH EVERY 60e order Kodak work.. Rowlings, Portland. Ore. Newspapers-Magazines 48 THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM EALXM Agency, j The Ace. TeL 939. THE ORZOOS STATES MAX, 50 CENT8 per monta oitvorod to - year borne early each morula g. ToL 23 or 63. IT TOO WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper aend five 1-eent stamp to tbo Pacifie Homestead, Salem, Oregon, tor a three months' trial aubecriptioa MoaUoai tbia m. v.,. POULTRY MEN SEND EIGHT TWO- cent aaampa for special throe xnantha trial for the best and oldeo - Jeormal la tbo Wees. The articles and advar tiaomoata are of apodal iateroot to the poultry breeders of the Xerthweaa -as. , Northwest Poultry JoaraaL 211 B. Cam. 'mercial St.. Salom, Oragoav PAPERHANGING 50 PHONE. OLENX ADAMS FOR--HOUSE decorating, psrperaanging. tinting, etc Reliable woafcmaa. ' PAINTING 50a OHA8. BENNETT, PAINTING COX i traesor, paintiag,' paper banging. 3283-J. 187 West Miller. MISCELLANEOUS 51 FOR SALEM SCAVENGER SERVIOZ call 167. , WE BOARD POOS AT OUR FARM, Flake's Fetland, 273 SUte. FURXITURB UPHOL8TERINO AND Re pairing. 6Hoao-Powora Fnrnittire Store FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS. 10 cents a bundle. SUUsmaa office, S15 South Commercial. i WHITE SCOTCH COLLIE AT 8TUD. Salem's White King. Register number 685991. Service guaranteed. Puppies ana grown stock: for aaie. Mra Boa- sett, luao unemoKeta. raone. OUR CUSTOMERS ARB OCa BEST booatora aocaaae wbea we do your welding, 'tis done not yon. '' Elaotrw and acetylene welding, large and srasIL O. X. Oppen, 295 Mill SL ToL Z12 and 2086-J. STOVES AXD STOYE REPAIRING STOVES FOR SALE REBUILT AND repaired by expert. All kindapf wev bssket and books, logaa hocks." Salom Fence and i Stove Work, 250 Coart street. Are You A11 There?' Chemical analysis of the human body ihow-'thst "it I compoMd of the follow ing elemanU: Oxygen, Carbon. Hldro- gan. Nitrogen, Caleium. Phosphorus, Potassium Sulphur. Sodium Chloride. Magnesium, Iron, Iodine. Fluorine. Sili con, inc. Manganese. sou supply your body with these chemical elements tbroush the food too oaL the air you breathe and the water you drink.. i Good health deoenda much unon the chemistry the body, as thus supplied aad mainUined. Maay refined foods in common use today are lacking to an larming extent m these vital and health promoting properties, and tbia deficiency 1 responsible jfor many, chronic ailment. Pacific nealth-Ure, is' rich In the majority of these element and its use baa accomplished marvelous result ia restoring health. Gtvo Nature a chance you 11 be surprised at bar re sponse. 1 6 EE YOUR DRUGGIST TODAY PIANO TUNERS 54 EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Piano tuner. Leave orders Wills Musie Store. PERSONAL 55 W. T. RIGDOX'S NEW BOOK IS "NOW ready en solo st say of the book stores. This is ea all Salem Book, written In Salem, printed in 8alem, and should PRINTING 56 FOR 8TATIOXSRY. CARDS. PAMPH- lets, programa, boooks, or any kind of ni-Wtsr rait! at the Statesman Print ing lspartmnt, 215 8. Commercial TeL 588. ' MONEY TO LOAN 57 FEDERAL FARM LOAX 6 . F. L. Wood. 841 State St. P. tL BELL, 219 U. a BAXK BLDG. Resilience and business loans. TeL 607 or 8141-W- MOXEY TO LOAX FOR BUILDING AND n city property. B. 8. Martin and U R, Martin, attoraeys, 413 Oregon Building. Tel. 2084. $10,000 PRIVATE MOXEY TO LOAN ON Salem Residential Property. '- EOCOLOFSKY SON, 305 Fixt Xafl Bank. Loans No Delay If yon detre loan on good real ar personal property, see Joaa u. Scott, -80S Oregon Building, - s CITY AND FARM LOANS AT LOWEST rates. Boat term obtainable.' Oux taauraace department off or you sort advise and aervioe in all 1 nAwjiiHB is. BUBKBis isne.i TeL 1427. 09 Oracen xUdg. OCR INSTALLMENT LOANS MAKE IT EASY FOB TOO nr straw i . . . 1 You steadily raduoo ths' priastpai, with bat little greater monthly ouv ' lay than rant.. 1 You don't have the total principal daa In a lamp sum which may. difficult to moot. t On loan of $1000 for $ yeryour toast tatsrsst u su.w, . - 4 Yon are dokng basiaesa with an old . oaUbliahed tima. AMDJUtSON ft BUI XRT, Realtors 169 8. High Street, TeL 1644 CorrespondeitU, i Equitable Savmgs sad Lean Association..'"-- ' ' WAfiTEDLOANSgw ' Frivaon mo nay to loan REAL E8TAT9L ' f W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 184 8, Llbertjr "t. 1 - - LBR!&.MDL4j& $AN . ' - TLTvnV LTil,Cw CXOVsKV , w. kaMnty war fViliAHlHVS TTajC. 18 MORS I V s la Ji PLUMBING 60 pLtnrarxo axd - oxxyrjl repair work, I Or bar Bros, 144 0. Ubarty TeL 630. BUSINESS OPPR. 61 FOB SALE POOL HALL, GOOD thriving business, boat looaliosw Write Box 193, Newport, re. . WELL EQUIPPED MEAT MARKET. Do ing about 31500.00 per month basi aoea, and going Strang, for sale at a barcsJa. 1st Salem-. .., First - Class Implemeat and Hardware a-usices wan located rn firat alas Val ley city, dean and wtll sell at in Toleo. aasoaatlag to Boar $9500.00. WIS take Bales -property for one balL' Sa lem Realty Oo, 463 State 8k RADIO 62 Radlolas For every purpose, for every parse All standard si see of $ Radio Tubes. EOFT ELECTRICAL SHOP. 933 Court St. -Tl,.-4g,- REAL ESTATE 63 FOR SALE: JTVB ROOM COTTAGE, choice location, twean view. Bargain. write box 13, asvpen, vsw. -v su r wv nwra i.katiko city. Forced to sail my sevea room strtctly modern none. imntciiM oc enpancy.i Phono 2441-M. ' HEAL WSTATE WANTED There are buyers in all parts of the country. ; My method reaches them. Come to i office -or phone. j F..O. DELANO 290 X. Church St.. Telephone 2830 - nfimsnnt j ' Wo have homes la Portland, Eugene, : Roseburg, Dallaa and other Oogoa ; cities to exchange for Salom popart y , - ... 1W, C. KRUEGER . - . 1 , . Baal tor ' ' k 147 K. Ooni'L - Phons tlT ! BUILD TOUR HOME i - TTndar: a beautiful oak. tree oa f choice lot we can sell yon for $800, i close to; school and bo line, street ' paved Slid walks la and paid. SEE t LEO N. CHILDS CO, Realtors j 820 Stat Street. Pbons 1727 I rm. j avuvo, cvr. in oAiuv. J . V . 1 . II.AA - . J street, t N. A E. front corner. $2150. ' 5 rm. f house, ' -paved , street,- chicken park, garage, $3900 9200 down. 5 rm. hours, pared str. E. front, gar age, $2000. eaay payment. ,.- GERTRUDE -V.-M. PAGB 1484 Court Street. TIMBER BARGACr Timber land for sale fom- ten to sixty acres 'for tbo price of'stumoage. Deed to land free. Will take wood ia the timber at $3.D0 per eord in payment for stumpsge John H. Scott, too OTegon .Building. : - ; GREATEST TR DING ORGANtZOTIOX ON THE PACIFIC COAST ! We bsve over 8000 properties listed for exchange. Every kind of property every price, every location. We eaa ' (natch your eiehange EXACTLY. If yon Would like to trade your property I It- DAY, some in TODAY. See GASKILL ft EARLK. Realtor 166 8. Liberty. TeL S243 $4800 i-Owner away aska ua to sell bis fine home in B. Mien. nmm a nice nwut, .kihiuvu h,h.v Built among new homes, on nice high OS 1 SKSS Only fuv v iivuiuv. Is Sybargain you cannot afford to miss. IS JSC. Mrs.: tins wim r- LEO X. CHILDS CO, Realtor 820 State j Street. Phone 1727 THE OWNER OF A NEW MODEL EX tra wall built. North Salem home must sell on sceount of leaving city. Double construction throughout. 1 ireplsce. Jevel piste fuU length mirror and win do'ws. Screen for window. Every, thing s you would do It yourself Only $4000, sy term. ! A. ;C. B0HRN8TEDT Realtor Loses Insurance 147 No. Com'l St, Salem. Oregon, I -1-BEST BUYS ! in high class Homes, yes real Home, built of best material ana workmanshin to a -Unpen' s Uste. 89500. FairmouBt Heights, 7 Rooms. $6000. X. Summer St. $6000, stucco 5 rooms. $5000, beautiful view A rooms. ; 35200. close in 6 Room. Another one for $4800. A cosy 5 room for $3500. , The above homes arc new and up to the minute, best of location, underpriced, easy terms. Some good buys in bouse and 1U. $600 $1500 $2150 92500. We have the homo you are looking for. bee loni BechtelJ.j D. Sears. 841 State St, Boom 2. 1 j THINK OF IT : A Good 6-Room Homo j FIRST L CLASS LOCATIOX and remember This is no idle sUtement i IT IS A REAL GOOD BUY Price $3000. If yon want a good , plain home, bun galow stylo, with no extra class but with all modern convenience such as fireplace, furnace, built-ins, etc, this is : the place yon will buy. All rooms on ground floor, garage, paved street ANOTHER ONE j i $1200 In n little 4 -room borne of excellent to cstion, modern convenience.; For good buy see t . ! 6TEMEXS - ANDERSON ft RUPERT, 169 8. High ! BARGAINS IX HOMZ8 $2200 Good 5 room homo located in j East Salon. 8 blocks from State T . St, $676 cash, balance payable $25 per, saonth. interest 6. $2750 Modern i 5 moss ' bungalow with , fireplace, loested at 1010 X. 20th ; St, paved street- and cement V walks. 1 This horns ia in first nlaaa condition. 8250 down, -bal- uacs $30 : per , month, immediate riaesaion. ,- ..... rooms wit Sleeping porea. lo ck ted on Sooth Church St Bast , . ,, front lot 64105. $600 dowa. bal ance $95' per month to inclada in teres t at 6. . , . 1 4 - - $3750 Now modern ) room home with basemen t,. furnace . and flrwpkeca: ' garage, paved street, $260 down. - baJaaea W0 - per- snwntn. f- $3000 T rooasi "booeo - leeated' near the - - new Laalto Janloy High Bokool, $1090 down, naiaaeo $80 per Coata, laeoroes edorn f up-to-date seml-Engllak stylo homo, located oa mondi street full eemsnt basemen!, far-' nacar-lauaary traya. naaplaoo and garaga, IThls homo Is- msaern la . every way, $250 dowa, balaaeo $40 poo i saoath. immediate posaaaaiea. leeated In south Salem near, the hewi Junior high school. ; W. H. GRABEXHORarr ft CO, Boaltors lid H. Miwtf Ht. - - Phone-iIS X HOT CHS. . -. i i f ujnat wmaw rvrsaao - aaa CatAJ A accept? xTV4TttAtfT -mar ual MXQ KND 5 1 OivT 1) r REAL ESTA1 E 63 LET XX SELL TOUR PROPERTY ' My plmm got tbo buyer. Call or writs, F. O. DELANO 290 X. Chareh St. Tetepboae 2990 EXCHANGES - We asm bomaa 1st Bortlantt, Eugsaa) Booebaxg, Dallas aad other Oregon due to exekao for Balem property. W. Ov KRUXGKB - Boalto 147 V. Com'L - Phone 217 TODAY'S BIGGEST BARGAIN S room bouse completely furnished. -- largaj lot, fruit and. aat trees, garage ' sad chicken house, close to school aad bus Una. This is n Mai buy for $2300. ". small payment suovea you ia, baUace SEE Mrs. Ellis with 1 LEO X. CHILDS CO, Realtors 820 Bute Street. Phono 1727 CLASSY d BOOM FURNISHED APART- meat for rant, slso furnished 8 room. Two building . lets north, can make three. Street paved and sidewalk ia. Bargain corner on N. Summer,- both Streets paved aad paid. 6 room old bouse, plastered, very -comfortable.- Tbo lots alone are worth what we are ask ing for corner. BARBER ft BOND. 200 Gray Bldg. 125 X. Liberty. Phono 790 $5500. BUYS A COZY XEW HOME OF etaco, 5 rasa., nook and large floored attic, tiled bath, view lot, easy terms. Located couth. $5800, 6 rasa. English house, fur Baca, fireplace, garage, alec, water beater, small down pmt. will handle. $ it 500, 4 nas. aad nook, farnace, fire place, garage, new, located east. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor v 175 S. High SL ATTRACTIVE HOME BARGAIN: Fine 4 room modern homo with break fast nook and large attic, a full comoat basement with furnace and luaadry trays, fireplace, .garage, oak floors at tractive in every way. Owner will so cencjarood lot -As first Barmen t aad will give attractive term em the balance. Pries $4o. kuw yacaat, inima, DIATE POS8ES8IOX. W GRAUEXUORST ft CO. 134 8. Liberty St, TOUR XEW HOME Just the kind you have been wishing for, modern and beautiful, now open for inspection. 6 rooms and nook, built ins. hardwood floors in part, best Of plumbing, fireplace, full basement. furnace, laundry trays, a cuuice i 50x100 feet, east frontsge, in a choice residential district. Price $6500 with liberal terms. . Let us show you this todsy, SEE LEO X. CHILDS CO, Resltora 820 SUte Btreet.. Phono 1727 WHAT ARE YODT LOOKING FOR If you want a good farm or Balem Home or Good Investment or Loans and Insurance or Excfaanre of Property We solicit your business la all these line on s basis of better service. Come in snd see lus. VICTOR SCHNEIDER 228 Oregon Bldg, Salem. . Office Phone 673. Home 732 J REAL HOME BARGAINS 4 A. tract, good soil, good bldgs. fruit and berries. Sacrifice $1100. 40 A. farm near town, half ia cult. 5 acres bearing; fruits, good bldgs. Est. 500 Cd. wood. Snao 8700. terms. " Close in Confectionery, quick ssle 8700. 100 A. farm, fine loam" soil in cult. Good legation. $100 per acre. Terns. iO A. choice river bottom land neer town, modern bldgs. Sacrifice $7500, terms or take residence for part. Good 5 room plastered home, large lot, garage and- bsrn. for cash $1500 PERRINE ft MARSTERS 212 Gray Bldg. RESTAURANT and soda fountain for sale cheap. Good location, own ers going east. SERVICE STATION and camp ground just ouUide of city limits. Owners going to Michigan. 5 Acre close in. Walnuts and cherries, 175 trees. $340 cherries sold last year. 5 room house, bsrn, garage. 94300. Mortgage $1000. Will trade for house in Portland. 40 Acre 4 miles from town ; good soil, 7 room house, barn. -.Will trade for house in Salem. HOMES D. POSTER REALTY CO. General Insurance 815 First Nst'l Bsak Bldg. Tel. 842. REAL ESTATE TRADES 65 SALE OR EXCHANGE 45 ACRES, 10 acres clear, balance timber, running wa . tor, aero Beaver Dam land, 15 miles north of Salem on good road, want city property or live ttock. F. L. Wood, 341 Stat SL EXCHANGE. APARTMENT HOUSE, good location, $9000; want small farm op to $5000. Small house and choice lot, South Sa lem, $1200; want light ear F. L. WOOD. GEO. F. PEED 841 State 8L oet nnr ns the ruti- 5 acres, 10 minutes from Court House, on fine road, 8 large Poultry U . .L.t.i.K. nlk., hllfldinffS. fruits, berries. Just the place for your Children. ITSae lor ssiem noma. F. G. DELANO 290 X. Chureh St. Telephone 2830 ! TRADES t7H . 1 1 A 11. um. 817. 4T5. take S email tract a part pay. Fin 90 A. farm $7500, take a koma up to 9IS0O. rtno lis A. larm, A Real farm 220 A. farm; good build Inge, take some trade in Salem or Al bany. Many other exchange. X dif ference what yon bavo or where it is loested See Louis Beehtel J. D. Sears, 841 State 8L. Boom 3. REAL ESTATE-Farms 67 v - SPECIAL $2500 for S 40-acre fsmx, 10 cultivated, 20 vastare, 10 timber, well and creek, o ncres grapoa, woven wire ,- fencing, g room House, earn huv, . ihlokoa-kouse, oa s good road, aad -9 nL to town. Will trade for Sa- . lent residence. 82000 for 119 aeras. lirablo S i house partly famished, aasall bam. small amount ia ealtivatiea. about a blocks to school, ome "' cow and soma shickwas. fins land for strawberries. WiU trade for Salom property. $1725 for 39 seres, small house, land jwaetlealiy leveL fishing stream an as side, town ana school adjoin- -ing, 30 acre eultrvated. Easy term or will trado-Tor Salons pro- .. porty. , lioejsa Inruraneo Rental MELVIX JOHXSOX 5 TT. 8. Bank Bldg. Pboao 687 f PBJWVVCFHy WOWgyi IUS.VAIT A MWUTfe, ;?UTTUB NECK nmW B H"y Aft 9 If t4 . nf kw . . at . a. a. Sao ft a, .A aaww -a Jsww way . r, GS.X R SUE vt)U I cuesy SAIT yumb. vtn oiAr4s ABOUT lyiARAytWd but 6 XOVKd GOING-Tfb UVB IN ) USEOCARS-For Sale 79 Kirk wood Motor Co. 311 N. Commercial 11933 Hupp Brougbanv. 11317 Pontiao Sedan .... 11837 Essex 4 door Sedan 1 1927 Chevrolet Touring 1 1927 Ford Touring , . . 1198$ r tiac Coupe 1 .... 11925 Dodge Deluxe Sedan SEVERAL OTHER GOOD LATE $ 5 Save $ $ .Telephone 311 REAL ESTATE-Farms 67 BARGAIN SELL 10 ACHES. FU fi nished home. Write or call, Isaac Keyes. Rt. 9. Box 47. 8slem. NINE ACRES WELL IMPROVED, 9 seres strawberries, 6 room aew house, . close in oa goodVroad to exchange for going Dairy Ranch, will assame. See balea Realty Co, at 42 State St. 100 ACRES CHOICE TIMBER . Not far out oa paved road, thou and of cord of wood, part good nil ing, easy to move out. Price $6000, part terms, or will take Salem home for part. SEE LEO X. CHILDS CO, Realtora 320 SUte Street. Phone 1727 TAXIDERMIST 68 WORK GUARANTEED. E. E. WIGGINS, Taxidermist, 1143 Norway. Tel. S261-W. REAL ESTATE-Suburban 69 SPECIAL BUY ACRE LOCATED oa N. 21st St- near Market. Price $750 for quick sale, $450 cash, bal ance mortgage. W. H. GRABEXHORST ft CO, Realtors 1C4 a Liberty St, . Phone 515 BARGAIN ACRE LOCATED NORTH near city limits, rood street. Vm block from pavement, ha lty water. Price $650. $25 down, balance $10 per month. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO, Realtors It 4 S. Liberty St. Phone 615 SNAP 10 ACRES LOCATED ON PAVED road 1 mile south of Liberty, in bear ing prune orchard. 'Price for quick ssle $2650. $650 cash, balsnce sol diers loan to be assumed by purcEaser ACT NOW, THIS WILL NOT LAST LONG. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO, Realtors i:4 S. Liberty St. Phone 515 BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME Hirhly improved 1H Acre. Beauti ful yard with shrubbery, good bouse with hot and cold water, bath, electric lights, and hat its owa 'electric water system from a good deep well. Oar- ace. chicken house, lots of fruit, pears, apples, grapes, etc You must see this to appreciate it. Let us show this beautiful place to you. For a short time at 6 bargain. See Louis Beehtel or Jas. D. Sears, Room 2, 841 State St. TRANSFER & HAULING 70 CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 State SL Tel. 933. Distributing, for wsrding and storage our specialty. Get our rales. Frank M. Newton Local and long distenee hauling Light Country hauling a specialty Tel. 663 WE MOVE, STORE AND SHIP HOUSE hold good. Our specialty 1 piano and furniture moving. We also make coun try trip. W handle the best coal and wood. Call on na for price. Wc give good measure, good quality and good service. ' Larmer Transfer Co, TeL 989. WANTED-Real Estate 71 LET ME SELL YOUR PROPERTY My plan get tha buyers. Call or writ. F. G. DELANO 290 X. Church St. Telephone 2830 REAL ESTATE WAXTEDI There are buyers in all parts of the country. My method reaches them. Come to office or phone. F. G. DELANO 290 X. Chareh SL Telephone 2830 WANTED GOOD LOT: A first paymeat on attractive fire room buagalow located oa X. 20th St, near D. St, has fireplace, paved street and in .first class condition in every way. Price $2750. Will take small payment or good lot first payment, balance easy monthly payment. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO, Realtors 134 S. Liberty Street WATER 74 ORESOX WASH. WATER SERVICE CO. Office- 804 South Commensal SL Tea per cent discount en domestic flat rate paid ia advance. Xa deduction for ab sence or any cause aniens water Is shut off ynwr premises. TRAVEI 76 T B-A-V B - Safely,- Swiftly aad Comrtably la usee- of the Parker Sure Line a, . 8-T-A-G I B L-E-A-V-B F O B Bilvertea 7 a. m, 11 a. m, 6 p. m. Ms, Angel 11 a. n, f p. m, DalUew 7 a. sa, 9 a. m, 1:35 p. m. . Falle City T a. m, ttlO p. as, 6:15. Indepondenao t a. m, 9 a. ax, 11 :16 n. as, 9:18 p. m, 6:15 p. s. 9aa day only 99 p. sn. Monmouth 7 a. so, 11:11 a. av 8:10 . au, 5:16 p. an. Bnaday oat 7:10 p. m.; 8:30 p. m. . KsMlnnvUto 6:30 a. k. 1:10 p. au, 6:15 m, av.-. - - -y Xewbarg $:M a. mw ;10 p. ss, - 6:16 a. an. i Tillameok 8:30 a. m, $:19 . as. Call 839 or 696 for Intormation AUTOS WANTED 77 CASH PAID FOB FORT F.IKFJt AUTO By Ed Wheelan AHVOWiMS- ABOUT MOT- 7 wcr rwTo tsmt pown unvi A Jrt Orf BALL AH CHAIN D0V WAS - m: I - m I (TV USED CARS-For SaJe 73 lis Hi i 4i I m t ,$1250 . 650 . 545 . 425 , 265 . s:s . 615 Mi n Hi- r-it MOliELS AT VERY LOW PRICES 'v f -' V Packard Oldsmpblle a jrvf vi S11V uk Look-TheseOver Specials 1928 Specials 426 Packard Sedan. Like new.l.82000 S26 Packard Coupe. Like new $1609 238 Packard Sedaa. Like new ...$1500 1926 Oldsmobile Deluxe Sedan. Like' new 6 750 1924 Willys-Knight Sedan Seel - This $ 625 1927 Ford Steel Pick Up A 8nap. 9 823 . 1924 Chevrolet Sedan. New paint.4 BOO 1928 Maxwell Coupe. New paint 9 100 1924 Gardner Sport Touring $ 275 195 Star Touring $ t2i 1924 Chevrolet Touring . 9 923 1926 Ford Roadster 9 825 Buick Touring. A Real Buy.f 2V0 Them 150 123 173 163 60 real Ford Roadster Ford Coupe Oldsmobile Touring Essex 4 Touring , , " W'e have a wonderful line o good used cars. i Each price cut dowa to tbo bona snd Will sell fast at tbe above prices. . j Most of them are newly painted. They will give their new ojrners many thoussnds of pleasant mile Just satisfy yoarself, coma in and look our stock over, f Our stock changes aften. It wig pay you to come in frequently if you are interested in a real buy in good need car. . j CAPITAL MOTORS BIDDY; BISHOP T 850 N. HIGH ST. I CA8 OIL GREASK AND STORAGE OPEN ALL NIGHT ' J i GET A BETTER USED CAR FOR 1928 We want to clean j up our used stock and will put a 1928 License! on each used car we sell. - r JL. 90 4-$ 1 45 1928 Touring 1924 Touring 1926 Coupe, lot of extras. 1924 Dodge. Deluxe Sedsn.. .A $36 -i-$3C? Many others to pick from. i VALLEY MOTOR CO. Salem, Oregon START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT ; With one of our good used cars. Choice-selection 4 consisting of: 1927 Cadillac Sedsn , Msrmon Big Six Coupe Msrmon Light Sedan Willys-Knight Sedsn Willys-Kaifht Tourings Chandler Tourings , ' Chevrolet Tourings Chevrolet Coupe Dodge Roadsters . i Ford Coupes Some of these car are aim t aew. others are reconditioned. AU era ! bargain aa w wish to cleea an for the new year. r. N. Mcdonald Cottage and Ferry. Salem, Oregon Paone d09 I 1928 License Free With -each , and every one of these excellent used automobile values x Your VeryBest Opportunity ; . Buy Now. Buick Steadard Victoria -Franklin Sedan, nearly new " Dodgu Coupe : 3an Special Six Enclosam Fraaklm Demi-Scdaa Gardner Coupe Essex Coach : Ford Coupe , '. Cbev relet Coupe . Dodge Oonpe Jewatt Conch, late waevreiet Sedan OPEX CARS Ford Touring Btndebaker Teariag . -Franklin Teuriag Dura at Roadster -- 8UT Roadster Essex Tourmg Star Touring :. Oldsmobile Towrbtf 1 ,-: t - ' ; These ear are merchandise that wQi plsaae snd pay yon to bay. These ears : ere automobile that have been asm.' ia this county snd vicinity, i Ws kaov their history well and know thjm to bo exeeUent value. Back 1 of every an ef them la the standing in thi.. comm anity of a ooacern with aaano tioaed stabUity, - ' ( ' - : ; m Fo W. Pettyjohn Co. ' : --r-:y-:U, :. ':i ' 165 X. Com'l Ft. :Tel. 1260 "AFT LB WB SELL WB fEBVS" DTJT MANY DONTP It does not matter bow b!$ a mast is or now taorougruy nc knows nig ob,. be canapt - fc a first clas leafier unless te Tubs peoplii the, rlgnt war. AmrHcaa I t r-