New First National Bank Building Directory BASEMENT D Lnx Shining Parler Experte for Ladies GoatUmon. SECOND FLOOR Coffey ' Photo Servle TeL 708. Over the Sp . THIRD F LOO ft Morris Optical Co. 801-801 808 Ur. lary E. Morrii. Optometrist Telephone IS 9 C. P. Gillette Lawyer Suit 810-11-12 -Telephone 1058 Socolotsky 8on. Tel. 970. 104-80 IU Eiut, Imb. Insurnne Dr. Pavid B. Bill. Orthodontia (Straightening' of irregular tooth) Suit 06. Hobs IMI Every day except Thursday rOUKTH FLOOR Dn. O'NoiU Burdette. Optometrist Pknt 25 4O1-401 -403-494-40S SIXTH F LOO is Geo. B. Vehrs M. l.. Physician Surgeon Unite 603. Tel. 876-1379 Bel. 775 lUbin D. Day and Donald W. Mile Attorney at la 1 Telephone 19. 610-ll-eMl EIGHTH FLOOR Dr. C. Ward Davis, General Dentistry Tel. 810. Evening by appointment. Room 802 . Dr. H. B. Scofield ui 90a Chiropractor, Sonrocaiometer 8orvico NINTH FLOOR Dr. H. M. Brown, Eye, Ear. Nae and Throat Specialist. Suit 901 TENTH FLOOR) Dr. W. A. Telephone 1285 Johnson,' Dentist J 001 , Local Rates For Classified Advertising Dally or Sunday Scents per word 6 cants per ward 8 coats per word One time -Three "times... Six times.. 1 mo. dsiTy and Sun.-20 cents per ward la order to earn the more than ess time rate, advertising must ran in con secutive issues. No Ad taken for less thsa 25c Ads ran Sunday ONLY charged at one-time rata. Advertisements (except Personals aad Situations Wanted) will he taken over the telephone if the advertiser it a subscriber to phone. The Statesmsn will receive adver tisement at any time f the day or night. To insure proper ciassifieatioa Ads should ba in before If. a, TELEPHONE fcf OR 583 LODGE ROSTER CHEMEKETA LODGE NO. LLO.O, F Meets every Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock; third floor of L O. O. F. Temple, corner of oOurt and High Su. AUCTIONEER 2 F. N. Woodry 12 Yra. Salam'a loading Auctioneer and Furniture i.'eaiar. Res. A Store, 1610 N. Summer St, Phone Sll H. F. Woodry & Son Right down town. Cash paid for naad furniture. Store 271 N. Comm'l I TeL 7a. Agents for Lange Ranges, 2 COL. A. L. STEVENSON' AUCTIONEER 23 years experience in the Willamette valley, for dstes or arrsngemeava see V. A. Doerfler, farm sdviser, lull riunal Bank. Salem. Phone or write A. L. Stevenson, CorvxlUs. Ore BATTERY -ELECTRICIAN 6 R. D. BARTON Starter aad Soath High. exide Batteries generator work ; 202 TeL 168 HIGH AND CENTER FLEENEB ELECTRIC CO. HOUSE wiring by hour or contract. Estimates fnraisned. TeL 980 47t Court 81 BICYCLES-REPAIRING 8 LLOTD E. BAMRDEN COLOMBIA Bi cycles and repairing. 887 Court. CLEANERS AND DYERS 8a CHERRY C1TT CLEANERS. C. Doaaa. 250 N. Liberty. TeL 994. ail.KW CLZANERS A DYERS inn a. Ooan'L TeL 1888 CHIROPRACTORS 15 DR. O. L. SCOTT, PSO. CHIBOPBACTOB . 256 N. High. TeL W-Jfc. or even. 2U04-J HH H. R- 8COFFIELP. P. 8. C S06 first Nstiemat Bank FLORISTS 16 FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Olson's, Court A High St. TeL SOL CUT FLOWERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS Funeral wreaths, dece rations. C F. BreithaupL florUL 9 IS But Street, TeL SaO. . ' INSURANCE 18 FOR SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mort races. Trust Deeds. ConUacU n hoaars Will net 6 to 20 per cent, BECKE A HENDRICKS Heillg Bldg 189 N. High 8L FARM LOAN 8 PLENTY 01" M0NXT tnB m Mad farm aacnritY. CITY LOANS W axe loaning Pru dential I nan ranee company money on city residence and hssiness property at ' per Mat, pins buisssi -siaw-kina A Roberts. Inc. - SO Oregon Building., . Insure Tow Home or Car now. ; Phone 161' HeiUg Bldg, 189 X. High 81 WANTED-Employment 19 - -".- - " . ; MAN WITH OAB WISHES EMPLOT ment. Box 86 Btstesinan. - JOE WILLIAMS REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY ANDERSON KUPERT. Realtors 169 8. High. - TeL 1644 BARBER A BOND : 300 Gray Bldg. TaL jJ90 BECKE A HENDRICKS 189 N. High. TeL 169 A. C. BOHKNSTEDT 147 N. CommerciaL Tel. 577 H. E. BROWN 1 109 S. Com'l. - Tel. 559 or 205S LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtor 320 State St. Tel. 1727 R. & CLARKE 109 S. Com'L Tel. 559 or 2 05 J E. O. COPPOCK 381 State St TeL 567 FRED G. DELANO J80 N. Church. Tel. 830 HOMER D. POSTER REALTT- CO. 315 First Nat. Bank Bid. : TeL 842 OASKILL EARLE 166 S. Liberty St. TeL 142 W. H. ORABENHORST CO. 134 S. Liberty St. ToL 515 MELVIN JOHNSON 120 C. S. Baak Bid. TeL 637 W. 147 N. Com'L O. KJtUEGEB TeL 117 LARSKN A RICE 2:5 Oregon Bidg. Tel. 174 W. A. LI8TON 404-5 Maaonie Bldg. TeL 1321 ARTHUR MADSEN i074 North CapiteL TeL 2807 MELLINGER COMITTI 409 Oregon Bldg, TeL 1178 O. K. MIDDLETON 704 Oregon Bidg. TeL 1808 JOHN W. ORB New. Bligh Bldg. Tel. 2485 GERTRUDE J. 84 Co art. M. PAGE TeL 1188 PERRINE A MAR8TER3 211-212 Gray Bldg. TeL 907 W. E. MOSES Mortgagee, Loan. Insur 431 Court tit. TeL 2818 WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor 175 8. High St. TeL 534 SALEM REALTY CO. 462 State Su Koon 7. Tel. 1004 VICTOR SCHKEIDEB, Realtor :28 Ore. Bidg. ToL 67? J. E. J81 N. High St. SCOTT TeL 1122 CHARLES BP C RUN 110 Oregon Bldg. Tel. 1935 SOCOLOFSKT A SON J04-5 First Nst. Bank Bldg. Tel. 970 8QUAHE DEAL REALTY V. 8. Nat'l Bank Bldg. TeL 470 TRIANGLE REALTY CO. iU Court Su TeL 651 ULRICH A ROBERTS 129 N. CommerciaL Tel. 1854 U. S. REALTY CO. 42 Bute St. TeL 2660 P. L. WOOD 441 State St. TeL T94 BEAUTY PARLOR DIRECTORY THE BEAUTY BOX Complete Beauty Service 520 State St. TeL 1983 THE CAPITOL BEAUTY 8HOPPE 228 N. High. For Appt. Tel. 868 ELITE BEAUTY 8HOPPE. Jver the Gray Belle. ToL 914 MARIN ELLO BEAUTY PARLORS Permanent Wave Specialist 45 N. High St. Tel. 1690 MILLER BEAUTY SHOP Tested and graded before permanent, using Text-o-Meter machine MITZI GRAY BEaUTE SHOPPE 709-13 First Nat. Bank Bldg. TeL 187 THE MOD His 'WETAUTY PARLOR 1)2 N. CommerciaL TeL 956 THE MODERN MARINE LLO !06 Masonic Temple Bldg. TeL 879 NIFTY BOB SHOP F.ugene Permanent Wsving, Hair Cutting ana Msrcelltng. 311 State St. TeL 270 FOR RENT 21 FURNISHED HOUSE AND MODERN apartments, gmrsge. 1421 N. Church St. Phono 18&2M. NURSING 22 HIGHLAND MATERNITY HOME. FIRK prwof building. New, clean, quiet. The best of care. 2706 Maple. Phone 2832 M. FOR RENT-Apartments23 HEATED APARTMENTS. 482 MARION. FURNISHED APARTMENT, entrance. 1296 Marion. PRIVATE APARTMENT DOWNSTAIRS, 8 ROOMS. private bath aad heat. 1198 Court, FURNISHED APARTMENTS FOR KENT. ' 2361 Hesel Ave. Phoae 1939-W. With garage. CLOSE IN, FIVE ROOM FURNISHED apartment. Ground floor, garage. 864 Mill St. FURNISHED 2 ROOMS AND KITCHEN- otto, water, light, aad fueL 828.00. Close in. 556 Marion. FOR RENT New furnished flat, large living m. kiteheaettot dining alaova, bedroom and J glassed in sleeping porch, hwd. floors throughout. rrigMeire. hot water heat, overstuffed furnishings, near State honse. 950. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor 175 8. High 81, FOR RENT-Rooms 25 NICELY board. FURNISHED BOOM 405 Marie St. WITH ROOMS WITH OB WITHOUT BOARD nt Alexandria. 1089 Chemeketa Phone IS89. MINUTE MOVIES 1 UJMEELAN NV CWLD , VfcO M0 ST COMB 1 L-T , I, 1 I S!S FOR RENT Houses 27 FOB RENT, , DCF1XX North W ui tar 81 HOOSJL- 041 fcknisbtd e boom modern house, garage TelaphoBO 1003B. FOR RETT 8 room furnished house with garag. TeL 687 or 1933M. MODERN. FIVE BOOK FURNISHED nouso for rent. Ala live room un tarnished bouss far rsnL Phoo 637. FOR BEST FURNISHED BUNGALOW . 6 room eleaa is for 935 par mo La. KZ Bechtet or Basra, 841 8tat Bfc, -two. Houses For Rent 812 to 855. Three plain homea with bath, etc., for rent for 820 month. Immediate posaesiic-n. Becke & Hendricks ' 189 N. High Street FOR RENT-Farms 29 IRRIGATED FARM NEAR WEST 8TAT ton for truck gardeaing, flax, pep permint aad potato growing. FiaxlaBd Development Co., 411 Masonic Temple, Salem, Oregon. BOARD AND ROOM 31 THE PREDERICKSON BOARD AND room 936 for two in a room, $40 for one. 645 Marion St. TeL 1547-K. LAUNDRIES 32 - CAPITAL CITT LAUNDRY "Too Laundry of Para Materia la" Telephone 165. 164 Broadway THE NEW SALEM LAUNDBY THE WKIDEB LAUNDRY Telephone 25. 263 S. High fRY THE HOMC WET WASH LA UN dry. Tel. 171, 1356 B Street. TAILORS 34 D. H. KOSHER TAILOR FOB KEN and women. 474 Court 84. WANTED-Miscellaneous 35 FURNITURE PACKING FOB- SHIP Is. Giese-Pwwera Turnltnre Ua. WANTED HEIFERS OR CATTLE OF aay kind. Phoae 101F81 after 6 p. m. W1NTED PRIVATE MONET FOB farm loans. We have several appliea tions on hand. Haw kin S Roberts, Jne 205 Oregon Bldg. WANTED GOOD WASHED COTTON Kara not smaller than 1 yard to nee for wiping machinery. Highest price paid for good clean rags, sppty nt Statesmsn office, see StifJer. MATRESSES 36 MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THE Capital City Bedding Co, 1190 North CapitoL Called for aad delivered. AU work guaranteed. Tei. 19. FOR SALE 37 WINTER APPLES. RULLT80N'S. BT 8. Box 59. Phoae 4F4. 2 MAitES WT. 2800, Y0UNO. A horses gentle, priced to selL 1810 Mission. TO TRADE 8840 PIANO FOR GOOD automobile. See Bark at Fitcgerald Sherwin Motor Co. FOR SALE FULL BLOODED PEDI greed German Polio Dogs. Cheap. Call 526. 182S-W. FOR SALE 110 GAL. VISIBLE pump. 1 550 Gal. Tank. At a bar gain. 8mith A Gilbert Oil Co., phone zizv-j or soao-w. PEDIGREED AIRDALE MALE PUPS 4 months old, n bargain If taken before Dee. 16th. H. F. Butterfield, Pacific Hwy, Waodburn. Ore. ToL 1102. OATS AND VTTCH HAT AND CLOVES hay, bale or ear load. Will deliver in ton IqU or mora, R. L. Houek, In dependence, Oregon. Pbea Indpe dence 26F14. HOME BURNED. TOTAL LOSS. QUIT ting poultry business. Sacrifice price on 1000 Hansen strum Whit Leghorn hens. Wonderful layers. My loss, your gsln. Mishler. Phone 368J. HEAD YOUR FLOCK WITH ONE OF these fine roosters. Twenty-five of then from dama with laying records 288 to 816 eggs per year. Fancy oreeaers woum enarg yon f 15 to 9100 each. Home burned, mast selL Price 93 to 910. Mishler. Phone 358J. FOR SALE-LIVESTOCK 39 GOOD FRESH COW. PHONE 6F4. VETERINARIAN 39a FRED W. LANGE. VETERINARIAN Office- 629 a CommerciaL TeL 1198. - Ras. TeL 1666. WOOD SAWING 42 WOOD SAWING. PHONE 167T. North CommerciaL 1610 WOOD FOR SALE 43 16 IN. WOOD 169. 7.00 CORD. PHONE GOOD DRY WOOD. PHONE T3F2. M. I. Msyfield. FOR GOOD WOOD CALL 0. D. QUEST, Phoae I27F21. CALL TRACY'S FUEL YARD FOR GOOD 3lr-. CALX. T68R FOB DBT FIB AND OAK, gn rani en run eer. Beat wood ua sewn. A Wood. GOOD COAL DBT WOOD PROMPT DP-LIVE BUS IBLLMAN FUEL CO. TELEPHONE 1855. C (SEE) A. ANDERSON FOB WOOD TO BURN SALEM TBiNS. FUEL OO. GENERAL TRANSFER WORK. TEL. 529 UPtt'S wvKP8 V3 S0r4? AJrO V01 St - JXNC-SMlTTfeM TE) 7 I .IF V HlHvS A . u oil v iv m . . . WOOD FOR SALE ' 43 GOOD DRY WOOD FOB TOO 1 A. TL 980. - 4- 18 INCH OLD FIB AND ASH. a C. Harbangh. 1038 Highland At. Phone 1990. r. . :. ... BEST GBADB OF WOOif V Dry wood 4 ft. nam 16-inch. Largs : saaan are cheaper to My. Mill wood la oar specility. Prompt delivery and reasonable price. FAED S. WELLS 280 8. Chnrch Tet 1542 POULTRY & EGGS 45 POULTRY WANTED ANT KIND. SIZE or s mourn, top- market ntx-aest cash price. Salem Poultry Co., 146 Center Bt, root ot the bridge. Phone 490. MUSIC STORES 46 GEO. C WILL PIANOS. PHONO- graphs, sewing machines, sheet musi and piano studies. Repairing phone , graph aad sewing machines. 433 Stat . street. Salens. . I'm MO i i ipiiii . . KODAK FINISHING 46a FREE XNLARG EM ENT WITH EVERT 50e order Kodak work. Rnwlinga, rorriano, uro. Newspapers-Magazines 48 THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM SALEM Agency. The Ace. Tel. 939. THE OREGON STATESMAN, 50 CENTS per mo a in aeiiverea to your hoi early each morning. TeL 23 or 688. IF TOO WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper send five 2-eent stamps to the Panfl Homestead. Saloon, Oregon, w a tares men ma trial mucrtptwa Mention this ad. POULTBYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamp for special three month' trial for the best and oldest Journal la the West. The itiel and adver tisement are of special interest to ths poultry breeder of th .Northwest North weat Poultry Journal, 211 8. Com ments! at. Halem, Oregon. PAPERHANGING 50 PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE dernratiag, papenkangiag. tlatiag, etc roils Sia- workman. PAINTING - 50a CHAS. BENNETT. PAINTING CON tractor, painting, paper, hanging. zzss-j. sst wees Miliar. MISCELLANEOUS 51 FOB SALEM call 167. SCAVENGER SERVICtE WE BOARD DOGS AT OUR Flake' Petland, 278 State. FARM. FURNITURE UPHOL8TERINO AND Re pairing. Giese-Powor Furniture Stare. FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS. 10 cent a bundle. Statesman office, 81 South OoasmereiaL WHITE SCOTCH COLLIE AT STUD. Salens' White King. Register nunrt 665981. Service guaranteed. Pnppie sua grown siocx tor sate. Mrs. Ben nett, 1080 Chemeketa. Phone 1589.: OCR CUSTOMERS ARB OUR BEST booster Because wsen w d your w tuning, "tis done not yon. Kleetrie and acetyleae welding. large and small. O. D. Oppon, 295 Mill St. TeL r72 and 2086-J. STOVES AND STOVE REPAIRING stoves for bale rebuilt and repaired by expert. All kind of woven wire fence. Fancy and plain. Hop baskets and hooks, logaa hooka. 8alam Fenee and Stove Work. 240 Court street. Are You AI1 There?! Chemical analysis of th human . bedr shows that it Is composed of th follow ing element: Oxygen. Csrbon, Hldro- gen. Nitrogen, Calcium. Phosphorus. Potaaeium Sulphur. Sodium Chloride. magnesium, iron. Iodine, fluorine. Bill con. Zinc. Manganese. ion supply your body with these chemical elements through th food you est. th air you breathe and the watsr yon drink. Good hsslth depend much upon the chemistry of the body, thus supplied and insists ined. Many refined food in common use today are lacking to : an alsrming extant in these vital nnd health promoting properties, nnd this deficiency is responsible for many chronic ailment. Pacific Health-Ore. is rich in th majority of these elements snd it nae has accomplished marvelous' result tn restoring neaita. Give Nature a chsncs you'll be surprised at her re sponse. ; SEE YOUR DBUGGI8T TODAY PIANO TUNERS 54 EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Piano tuner. Lave orders wills Mnsie store. PERSONAL 65 W. T. RIGDON'S NEW BOOK IS NOW ready on sole at aay of th book tors. This is aa all Salem Book, written 1b Salem, printed fn Salem, and should PRINTING 56 FOR STATIONERY. CARDS. PAMPH lets, program, boooks, or any kind of printing, call at th Statssmsa Print tng IVpartment, 215 8. Oosmaereial TeL 688. MONEY TO LOAN 57 FEDERAL FARM LOAN 6 . Wood. 841 SUt St. P. H. BELL. 219 U. 8. BANK BLDG. Residence and bnsinne loaaa. ToL 07 or 3141-W, ., MONET TO LOAN FOB BUILDING AND en city property. B. 8. Martin and L. R. Martin, attornsys. 413 Oregon Mmiitftng. l u . a 084. ff W.rOO PRIVATB MONEY TO LOAN ON Salens afestlential rroporty. SOCOLOF8KT A SOB. 60 First Naf 1 Bank. Loans No Delay If yew desire loan, en good real or persoaai property, so Jean EL Scott, bub urogon untieing. qttakd fabm loans at lowest ewtalnnhle. hnanraneo dip as am ant offer yw pert advise end sorriee In u Un. HAWKINS a UAJa bVbTB inc. ; TM1TT na Orwi BMri A LfTTTr. fiCNd I MtBB-X Hi vour HONOfj.K - Sue. una oryj WW iSHC UIAaA DO VOU MCAN Tt SAV TWST V&U AM lOMr AMAH llWO rTiAlTlAUl- VJEJ3V VatU. v KARrv Hf , AND X SHALL CUT VCU Crr VXCHOUT PENNy MONEY TO LOAN 57 OUBi INSTALLMENT LOAM 8 MAKE I IT EASY FOB YOU , - ; BECAUSE i t 1 Yen steadily redae th principal vita bnt iiuu greater anoBtaly ent Uy than rent. ? 2 Ton don't hav th total principal 4a In lump sum which may be difficult to meet, S On a loan of 9 1000 for S yean your total interest i 921640. A Ten ore doing business with n eld estamished firs. . ANDERSON A RUI RT. Realtor ' 189 8. High Street. TeL 1644 Correspondent. Eqnitebl Saving and I Loan Association WANTED LOANS 59 ! i WANTED Private money to loan on RIAL ESTATE. WJ H. ORABENHORST A CO. 134 8. Liberty St. PLUMBING 60 PLUMBING AND GENERAL. REPAIR work. Graber Broa, 144, S. Liberty leL saw. - , BUSINESS OPPR. 61 FOR- SALE POOL HALL. GOOD thriving busiaess, best location. Write Box 192, Newport, re. WELL EQUIPPED MEAT MA&KET. DO- Ing about 91500.00 per month busi ness, I and going atrong, for sal at bargain, in Sslem. First i Class- Implement nnd Hardware busiaess well located in first cuts Val ley city, eleea and will sell at In voice,: amounting to near 9500.00. Will take Salem property for one half. Ss lem Realty Co., 462 8 tale St. RADIO 62 Radiolas For every purpose, for every parse All ttaadsrd site of Radio- Tube. EOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP. 885 Court St. Tel. 488. REAL ESTATE 63 FOR SALE CLOSE IN LOT ON N. Chnrch. Call owner, 898-W. FOR SALE FTTE ROOM COTTAGE. xhole location, tieean view. Bargain. Writd Bos 192, Newport, Or. FOB SALE TEN ACRE TACT Beaverdam land . in Lake Inbish OF tioa I near ' Brooks, Oregon. Price 97.000. Owner. Frank Kramer, 984 Richard son Rosd, Portland, Oregon. REAL ESTATE WANTED There ere buyers in nil psrhs of ths country. My method reaches them. Com to office or phone. F. O. DELANO 290 N. Chnrch St. Telephone 2830 j BUILD TOUR HOME Under a beautiful oak tree on choice lot we can sell yon for 8800, close to school snd bus lins, street paved aad walks in and paid. SEE LEO N. CHILDS CO, Realtors .420 8Ute Street. Phone I72T (EXCHANGES W hav homes in Portland, Eugeaa, Roaeburg, DsUas and other Oregon cities to exchsngn for Salem property. W. G. KRUEGEB Realtor 147 N. Com'L Phone 21T TIMBER BARGAIN Timber land for eale font ten to sixty ,ere: for the price of stumpag. Deed to tend free. Will tsks wood in th timber st f 3.00 per cord in payment for stompage. John H. Scott, .05 Oregon Building. 4 rm. house, cor. lot 51700, paved street. N. A E. front corner. 92150. 6 rm. honse, .paved street, chicken perk, garage, $2900, $200 down. 5 rm. house, psved str. E. front, gar age, $2000. easy payments. GERTRUDE J. M. PACE 4S4 Court Street. SNAP $4800 Owner swsy asks us to sell his fine home In 8. Salem. Has 6 nice rooms, tsseraent, fireplace, etc Built amoag new homes, on nice high lot. Takes only $500 to handle. -This is a bargain you cannot afford to mis. SEE Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO, Realtors 820 Stste Street. Phone 1727 THE OWNER OF A NEW MODEL EX tra well built, North Salem home must sell on sccoant of leaving city. Double construction throughout. Fireplace, bevel plate full length mirror and win dows. Screens for windows. Every thing aa you would do it yourself. Only $4000, essy terms. A. C. BOHBNSTEDT Realtor Loans Insurance 147 . No. Com'l SL, Salem, Oregon. BEST Bl'YS -in high class Home, ye real Homes, built of best msterisl and workmanship to a queen's taste. $9500, Fsirmount Heights, 7 Rooms. $8000, N. Summer St. $6000, stucco 5 rooms. $5000, beautiful view 6 rooms. $5200, closs la 5 Room'. Another one for $4600. A cosy 5 room for $3500. The above home re new snd up to the minute, best of location, underprieed. essy terms. Some good buys In houses and lots. $600 $1500 32150 $2500. We have ths bom you are looking for. Se Louts Bcehte! J. D. Sesrs. 841 Bills St, Boom 2. BARGAINS IN HOMES $2200 Good 5 room . horn located I East Rslwro, 9 blocks from Stat St., $675 each, balance payable $Z3 per month, interest 6. $2750 Modern - 5 room bungalow with fireplace, located at 1010 N. 20th : St.. paved street and cement ; walk. This horn I in first : elsss condition. $250 down, bal- . aac $30 per month, immediate possession. $?100 5 rooms with sleeping perch. 1 ! cats on onth Church SC. East I front lot 56x105. $500 down, bal ; once $85 per month to include in ' terest at 6. $3750 New modern 6 room bom with j bssement, furnace sad tirepmco. . j garage, paved street, . $J5 down. balance $40 per month. $3000, T room bona located near t new Leslie Junior High School. ($1000. down, balance A 80 rpot menu, interest $4200 Modern np-as-dahs aesi Engrteh ; style home, located on paved street, full consent basement, fnr ) nsce, laaadry tray, firoplao aad garag. xnia Bom is modem in j every way. $250 down, bslonse $40 per moat, tnrmedlat possession. i loeaUd in south . Sslem aear the : nsw Junior high sehooL W. H. ORABENHORST A CO, RoaHors 114 8. Liberty ftt. Phswe BIS MAS GBTTIKG-. V 9- l 4 x votir cap2 .w y im xsK-PTVTrN 1IM IKT -L A jt Tv rts SAVs ra w- ew W m . aw-, m REAL ESTATE 63 LET KB SELL TOUR PROPERTY My plan gets th borer. Call or write. T. Q. DELANO 299 N. Chnrch St. Telephone 2880 GREATEST TBI DING ORGANIZOTION ON THE PACIFIC COAST Ws hav ever 8000 properties listed for exchange. Every kind t property vary price, every location. We cam match your exchange EXACTLY. If yen would like to trad your property TO DAY, come in TODAY. So GASKILL A EARLK. Realtors 166 8. Liberty. Tsl. 243 TODAY" 8 BIGGEST B1RGAIN 5 room house completely furnished, large lot, fruit oad nut trees, garage and chicken house, close to school and bus line. This is a real buy for f2oOO, mall payment moves you in, balsaca easy. SEE Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO, Resltors 820 Stst Street. Pbone 1727 CLASSY 4 ROOM FURNISHED A PART - swat for rent, also furnished 8 room. Two building lots north, csn make three. Street paved and sidewslk in. Bsrgain corner on N. Summer, both streets psved and paid. 6 room eld house, plsstered, very comfortable. The lots alone are worth what we are ask ing for corner. BARBER A BOND. 200 Gray Bldg. 125 N. Liberty. Phone 790 $5500. BUY8 A COZY NEW HOME OF aturo. 5 mil., nook and larg floored attic, lueu Data, view lot. easy terms. Locnted south. $3300. 6 rms. English house, furnace fireplsce, gsrage, e'ec. water heater. small aown pmt. will Bsndle. $3500, 4 rms. and nook, furnace, fire place, gsrage, bow, located east. .WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor 175 8. High St. ATTRACTIVE HOME BARGAIN : Fine 4 room modern home with break fast nook and large attic, a full content bssemeut witk furnnee nnd laundry trays, fireplace, garage, oak floor, at tractive in every way. Owaer will ac cept good lot aa first payment nnd will give attractive term on the balance. Pric $ds00. NOW VACANT, UIMb DXATE POSSESSION. W. OKABlENUORST A CO. 134 8. Liberty St. YOUR NEW HOME Jnst the kind you hsv been wishing for. modern and beautiful, now open for inspection. 6 rooms and nook, buiit ins, hardwood floor in part, best of plumbing, fireplace, full basement, furnace, laaadry trays. A choice lot 60x100 feet, eaat frontage, in m choice residential district. Price $6500 with liberal terens. Let ns show you this todsy. SEE LEO N. CHILDS CO, Realtors $20 Stste Street. , Phone 1727 WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR If yon wsat a good farm or Sslem Home or Good Investment or Loan and lasursnce or Exchange of Property W solicit your business In nil these linee on n basis of better service. Come in snd see lus. VICTOR SCHNEIDER 928' Oregon Bldg, Salem. Office Phone 673. Home 732 J RESTAURANT and sods fountain for ssle chesp. Good locstion, own ers going esst. SERVICE STATION snd camp ground Just outside of city limits. Owners going to Michigan. 5 Acres close in. Walnuts snd cherries, 175 trees. $340 eherrie old last year. 5 room house, barn, garage, $4300. Mortgage $1000. Will trad for house la Portland. 40 Acres 4 miles from town ; good soil. 7 room house, Lsru. Will trade for house in Sslem. HOMER D. FOSTER REALTY CO. General Insurancs 815 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tel. 843. REAL ESTATE, TRADES 65 SALE OR EXCHANGE 45 ACRES, 10 acrsa dearbalane Umber, running wa ter, acre Beaver Dam lsnd, 13 miles north of Sslem on good rosd, wsnt city property or live stock. F. L. Wood, 841 State St. EXCHANGE. APARTMENT HOUSE, good location, $9000; want small farm up to $5000. Small nous and choice lot, South Ss lem, $1200; wsnt light ear F. L. WOOD. GEO. F. PEED 841 Stste 8L GET OUT OF THE RUT I 6 acres, 10 minutes from Court House, on fine road. 3 large Poultry bouses, electricity, other buildings, fruits, berries. Just the plsee for your children. Trade for Salem noma. F. G. DELANO 290 N. Church St. Telephone 2830 TRADES Fine fsrm 116Va acres. $17,475. take a small tract as part pay. Fins 90 A. farm $7500. tsks a home up to $8500. Fine 118 A. farm. $15,000. A Beal farm 220 A. fsrra, good build ings, take some trade in Salem or Al bany. Many other exchanges. No dif ference what you hav or where it is locsted See Louis BecMel J. D. Sears, 841 State St., Room 2. REAL ESTATE-Farms 67 BARGAIN SELL 10 ACRES, PUB nished home. Write or call, Isaac Koyea. Bt. 9, Box 47. Salam. 100 ACRES CHOICE TIMBER Not far out on paved road, thous and of cords of wood.' psrt good pil ing aaav to move out. Price 96000. part terms, or will tske Salem honte for part. SEE LEO N. CHILDS CO, Realtors 820 Stats Street. Phone 1727 SPECIAL $2500 for 40-scrs fsrm, 10 cultivated. 20 pasture. 10 timber, well and creek, 4 seres grapas, woven wire fencing, 5 room house, barn boxwo, chicken honse, on a good road, and . 8 cm. to town. Will trade for Sa lem residence. $2000 for 119 aero, livable S rot honse partly furnished, mall barn, small amount in cultivation, nbout 2 block to schooL cow aad some ckiekeas, fine bad for strawberries. Will trado for Salem property. $1725 for 2$ mtv. small house, lead practically lsvsL fishing stress as one aide,, town aad school adjoin ing. AO ncres emltrratad. Easy term Or win trado for Bales pro- party. Loans Insurance Rents 1 KELVIN JOHNSON 920 U. R. Bank BMr. Phone 637 t CAKT STAl4X Mriy noes X. '1 - M " - I r-r-iUJr t lvw-t j 8 - B I a M B WI wJSMTw. ' BJ ' X nW BertR ' SEHD HIM Tl C -rtl!vJr PIWtlT Vnl w . rti- r.ivn I USED CARS-For Sale 79 Kirk wood Motor Co. 311 N. Commercial t 1928 Hupp Brougham.. 11337 Pontine Sedan 1 1927 Easex 4 door Sedan 1 1927 Chevrolet Touring 1 1927 Ford Touring I 1926 Poi tiac Coup . 1 1925 LKdge Deluxe Sedan SEVRAL OTHER GOOD LATE $ 5 Save $ 3 Telephone 311 REAL ESTATE-Farms 67 NINE ACRES WELL IMPROVrD, 3 acres strswberries, 6 room new house, close in on good rosd to exchang -for going Dairy Ranch, will assum. See Salem Realty Co, at 463 Stste 8U :0 A. FARM NEAR SALEM. FINS SOIL new- bungslow, fruit, timber, crop, $6000, take residence. 190 A. farm near town, fine soil, all la cult., for sale, essy terms, exchange or lease. 80 A. fsrm, extra good bldg, trait, fine soil. $6000; take residence. Eugene home for Salem hoane. Salem hours for Corvatlia home. Roaeburg home for Salem homo. See us before laves time, 213 Gray Bldg. PERRINE A MARSTERS TAXIDERMIST 68 WORK GUARANTEED. E. E. WIGGINS. Taxidermist. 1145 Norway. Tsl. S261-W. REAL ESTATE-Suburban 69 SPECI1L BUY 'A ACRE LOCATED on N. 21st St, near Market. Pric ' $750 for quick sale, $450 cash, bal ance mortgage. W. H. ORABENHORST A CO, Realtors 1C4 8. Liberty St. Phone 515 BARGAIN m ACRE LOCATED NORTH near city limits, good street. H block from psvement, hss city wster. Price $650. $25 down, bslsuee $10 per month. W. H. ORABENHORST A CO, Realtor! U4 & Liberty St. Phone 515 SNAP 10 ACRES LOCATED ON PAVED road 1 mil south of. Liberty, la bear ing prone orchard. Price for quick ssle $2650. $650 esh. balance sol diers losn to be sesumed by purchaser. ACT NOW. THIS WILL NOT LAST LONG. W. H. ORABENHORST A CO, RHors 114 S. Liberty St. Phone 515 BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME Highly improved 1 Acres. Besutl ful yard with shrubbery, good houss with hot snd cold water, bath, electric lights, and has its own electric wster system from a good deep welL Gar age, chicken house, lots of fruit, pears, spples, grapes, etc Ton must see this to appreciate it. Let ns show this besutiful place to you. For a short time st bargain. Se Louis Beehtel or Jss. D. Sesrs, Room 2, 841 Stste St. TRANSFER & HAULING 70 CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 State St. Tsl. 938. Diatributing, for warding nd storage our specialty. Get our rate. Frank M. Newton Local and long distance haullag Light Country hanling a specialty TsL 663 WE MOVE, STORE AND SHIP HOUSE hold goods. Our specialty is piano aad furniture moving. We also make euua try trips. Ws handle the best coal aod wood. Call on ns for prices. Ws grv good measure, good quality and good service. Larmer Trsasfsr Co, TeL 930. WANTED-Real Estate 71 LET ME SELL YOUR PROPERTY My plsa gets the buyers. Call or write. P. G. DELANO 290 N. Church St. Telephone 2830 REAL ESTATE WANTED I There are buyers in all part of the country. My method reaches them. Come to office or phone. P. O. DELANO 290 N. Church St. Telephone 2830 WANTED GOOD LOT: As first psyment on attrsetive five room bungslow locsted on N. 20th St, near D. Bt, has fireplace, paved street and in .firit class condition in every wsy. Price $2750. Will Uke mill Ssymsnt er good lot as first psymeut, alaaee essy monthly payment. W. U. GRAUEXJiORST A CO., Realtor 134 8. Liberty Street WATER 74 OREGON WASH. W4TER SERVICE CO. Offic 804 South Oommeroj! 8L Ten per cent discount on domestic flat rate paid in advaace. No dednctioa for b seaea or any cause unless water I hnt oft your premises. TRAVEI 76 IB-lTBi Safely, Swiftly and Cemds-rtablr in buses of the Parker 8 tag Lines, 8-T-A-G E 8 L-E A V E F-O-B Silvertoa 7 a. au. 11 a. m, 6 p. sv Mt. Angsl 11 a. bl. 5 p. m. Dal Is s 7 a. nu. 9 a. m, 1:11 as. Fslls CUy 7 a. us, 2:10 p. ss, 1:15. Independence 7 a. am, 9 a. sm, 11 :LS a. m, 9:10 p. ax, 6:1 p. as. Ana day ooly 8:99 p. ns. Mo woo a th T a. m, 11:16 a. as, 9:10 . m, 6:15 p. an. . Sunday only 1:19 . as.: 6:80 p. m. MsMinnvdU 4J a. A, 2:19 p. &, B.-l p. m. Nrwbeew 9:40 n, m, 9,10 p. m. B:i $ TlUamook- :30 a. m, 9:10 p. I 9:10' p. m. Gall Sll or 696 for Wonsntio. AUTOS WANTED 77 CASH PATD FOB FORTVO. FTKETb AUTO By Ed Wheelan uno GOME MERE aJOftt vl CEvSsvioNir: "-5M0vlWsl nw V4 CROWNED- AO HOWS; USED CARS-For Sa!e;79 -1 1J5S . 650 - 545 425 265 ftSS SIS MODELS AT VERT LOW PRICES. F (H Packard Oldsmobile Two of the Best ' LookTheseOver Specials 1928 Specials 438 Packard Sedan. Like new $2000 326 Packard Coupe. Like now AleVOO 288 Packard 8edaa. Like new $1500 1926 Oldsmobile Deluxe Sedan. Lik r new $ 750 1924 Willyi Kaight Sedan 8m This ' . uf 625 1927 Ford Steel Pick Up A Snp-$ 825 1924 Chevrolet Sedsn. New paint 8 BOO 1923 Maxwell Coup. New paint. $ tOO t34 Gardaer Sport Tosrin $ ITS 19J5 Stnr Tearing A 935 1924 Chevrolet Touring $ 225 ..$ tti. ivzb erd Roadster Buick Tensing. A Real Bay t 200 Two Studebaker Tonriag. See Theen $ 10 Ford Roadster .$ 124 Ford Coup- 6 i 75 Oldsmobile Touring 65 Essex 4 Touring $9 We hsv wonderful line of Teal good used car. Each pric cut down te the besd will sell fast at th abev prices, i Most of them srs newly painted, -They will give their new ewser msny thousands of phsasaat mils. Just sstisfy yourself, com U aod look our stock ever. Our stock change often. It will pay yon t com in frequently If yen -are interested in real bay i good used cars. h CAPITAL MOTORS BIDDY BISHOP 850 N. HIGH 8T. CAS OIL GREASE AND 8TORAGE e OPEN ALL NIGHjr GET A BETTER USED CAR FOR 1928 ' We want to clean up our used stock and will put a 1928 License on each used car we sell. 1928 Touring $ 99 1924 Touring $14S 1926 Coupe, lots of xtrs .....$S6S 924 Dodg. Delate Sedsn $30w ; Msny others to pick fro, VALLEY MOTOR CO. Sslem. Oregoa START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT With one of our good used cars. Choice selection consisting of: 1927 Cadfllae Sedsa Msrmoa Big Six Coup Marmon Light Sedsa Willys Knight Sedan Willys-Knight Touring Chandler Tourings Chevrolet Tourings Chevrolet Coupe Dodge Roadster .1 Fond Coupes Alma af thaaa ran u. .Ima. others are reconditioned. All as mJ bargains ss w wish to dean up for th new yesr. r. N. Mcdonald" Cottage aad Ferry. Phon d09 Salam. Oregon 1928 License Free; With each and every one of these excellent used automobile values Your Very Best Opportunity Buy Now m; . , , BuUk SUadard TleisrU Franklin Sedsa, early nV" v Dodge Coupe Bash SpoeicJ Sli Eselsnrn Franklia Deasi-Sedsa Gardaor Cwp . . Ford Oeupe Pedg 8eda . CWvralet Crap Dodge Tonpe Jewett Coach, 1st meAul Chevrolet Sedan OPEN CABS' Ford Touring Studabaker Touring Franklia Touring Pamnt Boadstor Star Boadster Essex Tonriag star Tetrto OUsraobUe TwnriMA These can ar asrthsadis that wtB ples and psy yon te buy. Thes ear re automobiles thst hav been used in this Bounty snd vicinity. W know thir history . wall and kaew tkeax i b sxeellent vslues. Bsek f every one of them U th standing 1 thai , community mt concern with Utsj stability. . , , F. W. Pettyjohn Co. i . 365 N. Com'l PL TeL ISM AFTEB) WE SELL WX SERVE ' WhATw dO TOtt " Ent All yOBF IdeiA for. storlosT" rurgled th woman who had been 'Introduced to - the . greAt ; wothab novelist. They walk by . me and I grab them." replied the sifted author. Woman's "Home Comfcanlorr.