IS IHslnore Theater - Mary Plckiord In "My Beat Girl." the feature picture at the , Elsinore to&r- was directed by Sam Taylor, who ie famous for the laughs he pat into Harold Lloyd's productions; and the Pick ford pic ture Is said to teem with.' delight ful comedy. On the other hand. "My Best Girl- was written by Kathleen Norris, whose love-stoj-les are a delight to lorers f ro mance and who knows the heart of youth a few other American writ- : era do,- - ;r, .i';. -i ,v -j-.-) ;v3r ; " ' "My Best Girl" is the story of a shop girt, Maggie Johnson, who through ail the hard knocks she . receives, still retains a belief la better things. ; She is an enigma to her own family, who cannot un derstand the idealism with which she paints out the shadows in their lives. At the . store she meets a new' employee, joe 'Grant,- with whom she. falls In love.y She has I tertainlng ' American - audiences. When ' fee strolls oat - from the wing he looks for; all the world like a prosperous middle-aged bus iness manr about to make a three minute speech in behalf of the Red Cross or some other worthy organ ization.' He does not do "Very much talking. "The Happy Chappy de votes the major portion of his pro gram to song hit composed ; of popular comedy songs and original parodies. His resonant baritone is 01 me finest timore, and is power ful enough to reach the most re mote corners of the spacious audi torium and retain all of its mel low sweetness. .--William Morrow, with the as sistance of the pretty Miss Stella presents a comedy skit with songs entitled "Sometime, Somewhere. The etory deals with an English golfer and a typical American girl. Throughout: the act musical num bers in keeping with . the charac- no idea that he la the son of her ters of , the act are introduced. employer. It k a marvelous ro mance of, two youngsters walking headlong-and blindfolded into the trap that Fate has set for them, Maggie has aV slater 'whose friend ship for a -married man nearly wrecks the 'whole 'Johnson family and does plaz baTocjirlt'fc Maggie's own romance. .. - - Charles Rogers plays the part of Joe .Grant, and it t expected that Ala handsome youngster, last seen in "Winbs." '"ill sooa be .one of the most popular leading men on the screen. :- ...-. Capitol Theater " BligVa Capitol will offer Asso ciation Van de villa program for to day consisting of . five; actsJ A number of years ago in thet Orien tal theater in the famous China town of New York Ah San Xu made her stage debut to the world. She was a little girl fresh from the city T Canton and was very much taken, with, the thrill of her new profession. Since - that, time she has rapidly made; her, way to the top runner- of. the theatrical ,; lad der. Ah San La is the only Chi nese ballerinn in the United States today. She will offer a number of very beautiful dances including toe, acrobatic and ballet. A quar tet of native instrumentalists : ac company her, four boys with a keen ear for . subtle ; harmonies. The act is a splendid collection of Asiatic idancea and ; native music. George Armstrong is one of vaude ville's favorites, for nearly a quar ter of a century he has been eu- wbich includes William Morrow's famous travesty or Shakespeare's Seven Ages of Man. The special scenery used, together with the novel and unique lighting effects tend to make this, production .'ex traordinary s in Z' every way. Mr. Morrow has had a: vast experience In the show world,? For years he was with the Charles Hoyt-plays and .has appeared - in practically every vaudeville theaters in Amer ica and England. ! -:;c r;S?;-t I Selma " Braatz. "Vaudevilles Leading ' Lady Juggler." ' can do about anything ever attempted by any juggler male or female. . The vivacious Miss Braatat manipulates hats; balls, billiard cues and-otber objects .with an easy grace that is most difficult" to oqualJ: . One c of the featured of her act I the Jog gling of three billiard cued, daring which trick she; tosses one of the cues high in the air catching and balancing same, on her forehead.1 "A New Pianist": will be pre sented by Dan Sherwood and Kathryn Claire, an ececntric come dian and a charming young wo man. - A -new? pianist" is being sought' by Mlse Claire'-and ""Mr. Sherwood calls In person to dem onstrate his ability; In giving a specimen of hi3" talent Mr. Sher wood shows extraordinary ability as a burlesque musician aa well as efficiency of technique and color when he takes the Instrument ser iously.. The 'vehicle, abounds In humorous situations and lines, a is sure to create a favorable im pression with Salem audiences. i 1 I i ASSO CIATION BUXAPITQL TODAV; -i-lL '."l-r" , . : 11 - 1 11 1 ? a .a saws IMS EEEI1ED By U.S. Official Decree Signed Yes- . terday By Judge TV Blake Kennedy Ah San Lu & Boys, headliners. M IB ELMA LOCAXBILL. BECOMES BRIDE -OF ERNEST ROTH PRATUM, Dec. 29. (Special) -Both ehuTchea here had 'inter esting and well 'attended Christ mas programs., Some of the yonng people who are attending' school at Portland are at home for the holidays. A pretty wedding took place at the' Mennonlte church last night when Blma Loganbill was married to Ernest Roth!" Rev. "John" Fran officiated.: The entire congrega tion was invited to attend the cer emony. '; , Mr. and Mrs. A. Bowen enter tained at their home on Monday a number of relatives who were en- oylng their Christmas vacation on i typical country farm.' Mr. ' Bow- en gave his guests some first hand Information as to the method of removing fir stumps with explo sives. y - ' s - J Miss Lydia Powell of Clear Lake spent the holidays at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Powell. r '; - Mr. and Mrs. Charles SmlUi of West Linn were visitors here Mon day. ' ' '; ' '. - ; ' J , Miss Irene Quinby of Halsey is visiting with her friend ' Miriam Beesley here. Both are school tea chers. Miss Lydia Stuffer and her bro ther Joseph spent their Christ mas vacation at Albany. . - - OICLAHOMA POT BOILS UP AGAIN 20 ME31RER3 OF SENATE! MEET - IX DOWNTOWN HOTEL . National Guard Again Called Oat - to Bar Legislators from : ; . . Capitol Building WOfll.OIESiTSB TCNEKAL SERVICES HELD FOR 3UIS. LAWRENCE " " ; SCOTTS MILLS. .. Dec. 29. '( Special )--FuneraI servicee" were held- Saturday afternoon at the Christian ; c'aurch. for Grandma Lawrence. who passed- away ' Thursday at the home of her son, E. R. Lawrence, where she, had been confined to her bed for over two years. jVl-..H--; Grandma Lawrence was past 96 years old. She leaves two daugh; ters, Mrs. George Smith of Salem, and Mrs. Jake Van Axnman. and three -sons William, Asel andE: R. Lawrence, i besides , 12 -grandchildren aad a host of friends. In- terment was.' in' the T. OS? 0.-F. cemetery- . - -V, ; Mr. and ifrsv W. -A.-,Lawrence and sonTof Albany Tisited. rela tives here over the .holidays, ana attended the funeral of Mr. La"--rence's grandmother. ' - ".-"'. Mr. and Mrs. T. .Maplethorpe, Miss Loraifle Hogg, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Shafer and, sons,' Cecil and . rrnk. of Salem. And Mr. and' Mrs. n c - Bluhm and two -children Borgia and Barbara of ..Tenino, Wash..' were dinner xnests of Mr, nrf M2 W. T. Hogg, Christmae ,1J. ... ... .... f-i .;-.. t f;',Vl. - nn tn. Mr. and Mrs. DaxlA P- u.a at the SllvertoA bMpilaL December - 2 8. ; -1 9 2 T, axhter. She has been giren the r jne of Ellxabeth Harriet. . , ifisa Lain Dale, who la, teacn inr at Vancouver. Wash., visited hor narenta here over Christmas Mr. and Mrs. Calvin philips of riBitine Mr. and Mrs. " nnrf Mvera. r.e.aiTr Amundsoa, of Week End Special IcSp-s 0!d Fashioned Chocolate . Drops r Asserted Flavors Rcar Price C3c a lb. ' Saturday crdy at 22c a. "Lb. TWO LE3. FCa 4Cc Only zX Dr.ra r.'. c 1 Lcr.3 :m'l I t. r A 'cv y;:l.lov7 Stayton Is visiting her parents dur ing the Christmas vacation. Mr. and Mrs." W;.L. Taylor and family of Tillamook visited rela tives here over Christmas: - ' - 'Mrs. Tony Miller and two-sons are visiting Mrs. ? Miller's . sister and brother-in-law; 'Mr. and Mrs. Reuben. DeJardinJ' 1 Mr. and Mrs. George Ilaynee and son Glenn spent Christmas ith Mr. Ilaynes mother in SH- verton. , e - - . r Mr. and Mrs; Arthur Rich and family spent .Christmas day witn Mrs. Rich's sister in Salem. 'U.S. Korb returned home Satur day from, southern Oregon, where he has been the past month.., - ' W. and Mrs. S. M. Bennett and son Jimmio of MUwaakie and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Saneresslg and daughter Cleo.lZspept2Chrlstmae day with Mr. and Mrs. ; w. f A Saueressijg.:!? .3 . -V ; ; Mr. and Mrs Walter Scott spent Chrlstma da ".with Mrs. Scott's inter: Mrs. Harrr; Pounder ? and family, in Silverton ; ; -;v:.?t Shirley Danagas who . Is attend ing O. A. C to home on Ws Taca Uon. ; i . " ; 'Mr and Mrs. Bennett Dunagan and family and Ernest Steward of Halsey, attended the funeral of Mrs. i Dunagan's ' grandmother, Mrs. Lawrence,-Saturday. "Mr. and-Mrs: Monroe -Groshong, Mr. and Mre. Albert Groshong and Mr, and Mrs. George-eroshong at tended the.' funeral of John Or?: hpnjf.'neld in qervawaturaay.- A Cleasant surprise- birthday party --was ; given. for J,' 0.;Dtx6n Friday erehlng at his home. "The evening was-: spent i in' -playing tames and HiancIngafterrw!eB.a delicious luncheon wa served; Mr. Dixon was presented with a box of Mr. and Mrs. C--E. MulvihiU and daughter and Mr; aad-Mrs. loba Brougher of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Brougher of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Harrey Brougher of St. Helena, were dinner guest of their parents, Mr,, and Mrs. .A. ,r, Brougher, Monday. . . LAV KILLING TO HICKMAN Investigation Started to "Deter mine Old Mwnler Charge LOS ANGELES. Dec. 2 (AP) A telegram was received by the colics here from tbe Milwaukee chief of police asking that, Hick man be anestloned'cantiotlsiy as tn his movements from October a to October IT last, declaring that Hickman acswered the description ftf who murdered a toue tirl tbxre. October 11 by strang'l- tnjE her. iThe Milwankee chief stated he coder stood Hickman was in Chicago October. 17 and aslted also that it be learned If the youth had a Ford coupe during the per iod and what he did with it.. This and Informatlsn fron Kan sas City exrresslag ; the - beuef Ilickxnaa rilsfct have been the murderer cf aa old man at Cot tonwood r&IlJ, lias..'- "waj ' glTcr two pcl'ce detec'lves for laTCiti- LIGK PURISTS bnnnrn nv.nniiin ouuntu m DULLIl G Ohio State University Pro- tfessor Attacks Sticklers f ;la English' OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla., Dec 29. (AP) Barred from their chambers In the capitol by nation al guardsmen and defying a dis trict court injunction, 2S mem bers of the state senate met late yesterday in a downtown hotel room.',---';;. J ' ,' It was their third Becret hotel room session of the day. Early t hie morning they , got together - and agreed to disregard the court in junction and proceed with thir plans to hear impeachment charges against 'three state officials. Short ly after noon they met secretly and voted to make an attempt to get by the national guardsmen in front of the senate doors-at the capitol. When they reached the capitol they; were repulsed. ' . While the ; meeting Wednesday was executive, listeners at the door could plainly hear one of the members reading sections of the constitution to those present. That part dealing with the rights of the legislature was heard. The senators adopted by a rote of 54 to 2 an opinion affirming the exclusive jurisdiction of the senate court In impeachment matters it was announced by Senator Guy L. Andrews of McAIester. The opin ion was prepared by Senators Mac Q. . Williamson, acting, president; W j J, Otjen of Enid, republican and . Lester Smith of. We wo ka. Adoption of; the' opinion placed the senators on record asf holding that x they are answerable to no other state court for their activi ties in impeachment matters. Governor Smith To Hear ;. ,.' Final Plea Snyder Case CINCINNATI. Dec. . 29. (AP) Scorching condemnation of pur ists who wish to preserve awkward phrases in the English, language simply because- they are philo- logteally correct, was . uttered by Professor George . M. Boiling of Ohio State university, before the Linguistic Society of America here yesterday. . : ' . The purist would have, us say ing somebody si else, hat?" . in stead of - "somebody else's I nt" Professor Boiling . scorned; , 'h can't parse the latter phrase so he should, not be allow ed. . "1 say 'aren't F in preference to the awkward 'am I not'." said Professor Samuel - Moore. . of . the University of Michigan. VI' can't quite ? bring myself to say. 'ain't F so I say faren't I' by, way of compromise and I don't think that it is going to hurt the engUsh lan guage." t. jt Professor Moore believes usage should determine - everything - in epeeclu. . , t. ,'i k-i - I A suggestion that the. American newspapers are-: abusing . the r.etig llsh language was; mets by a; pro test. - -A-vsti - j'The purists may say so, Pro fessor '.Moor -declared fhul that is absurd. '-.The-.'newspapere I read are. not -committing - any grievous faults-except by accident". 'Professor . BolllAg does object however. 1 the -substitution -ot commas for the ' word . "and!. In newspaper lieadllnes.; ?i I - know why they do It, but all the same they should avoid it. 'Men. -women hurt In . train wreck! that Is very awkward." he said. ; " MUSICAL LOXGS, RADIO SIXG- ERS, TO BE IN SALEM " , John Basil Long and-Ada -May Long "The Singing Longs of Los Angeles, are' to begin' an engage ment with the Court straet church of Christ i as evangelistic ' singers and workers, next Sunday," Jan o-l ary 1st; ' M v ;- The Longs, with their baby son, recently completed -' an evangelis tic tour ot thirty-six states in this eountryJand Canada-They gave eleven radi , programs (t h e "Longs", happy half honr) over K G E. F., Los Angeles,' upon their return, and are back in the har ness on another tour. Their tenor and contralto solos and duets are available as phonograph records. ' Norris J. Reasoner, pastor of the cnurcn, nas naa evangelistic ex perience and will do the preach ing during this campaign, -which is scheduled to last three weeks or longer. Subjects he may choose to pre sent Include; "Millions Now Liv ing Are Already Dead." "The Two Poles of Salvation, "Boulders on Hell's Highway," "The Three Crosses, and a Fourth," "Should All of God's Children be one?" - CHEYENNE, Wyo.,- Dec. 29. (AP) Harry F. Sinclair's lease on Teapot Dome naval oil reserve id Wyoming; today was cancelled and the property turned back to the United' States navy when Uni ted States Judge T. Blake Kenne dy signed a decree of cancellation. The order was signed on order of the suDrence court of the United States. : s In losing all rights and title to Teapot Dome Sinclair today also failed In an effort to salvage per haps a million dollars from the wreckage when Judge Kennedy ov erruled a motion ' of counsel for the Mammoth Oil company which sought to have Inserted in the can cellation decree a provision that a an it claim deed to land ' in the re serve delivered by the company to the United States as a prere quisite to the lease, should be re turned to the Mammoth Oil com pany. Owen J. Roberts of govern ment -counsel, resisted the motion and the court declined to incor porate the provision in the cancel lation order. ' J i While counsel lor the govern ment characterized the quitclaim asjprobably "worthless" other ap praisements of its worth have been as high as 11,000.000. , The signing of the cancellation decree brought te an end litiga tibn ot . more than two ' years PROBRAM PLEASING CHRISTMAS EXTERTAIXMEXT : HELD AT FRUITLAXD ALBANY, N. Y Dec. 29 (AP) The final plea for the life of Mrs. Ruth Brown Snyder, thei Queens; Village housewife ; and mother awaiting execution for the murder of her husband. Albert Snyder; wfi be, made to Governor Smith on January 6. At the same time couiis'el for Henry. Judd Gray the woman's paramour and ac- eomnllce in the murder, will be given an opportunity to urge la his behalf, a. commutation of the death sentence to one of life im prisonment. ,. '' Both ; Mrs, JSuyder and Gray, a lingeries and corset salesman, are under -sentence to die sometime in the; wjeek beginning January 9 since, the executions at Sing. Sing prUoahere-thepair are inmates of the death house, are carried out usually on 'Thursday nights, the liyes of. both defendants will be forfeited; on January 12 unless ex ecutive clemency should be extend- ed.-yj - . FRUITLAND, Dec. 29. (Spec ial) The Christmas program which was held at the church last Saturday night, met with great ap proval. - About 200 people were present. ' 5 ;"'-, Mrs. Anna Girod and family are spending the week end In Albany visiting relatives and friends. The marriage of Miss May Wea ver to Mr. Gesner, of Rickey; la of much Interest to her many friends in Frnitland. Miss Mafjorie Taylor is spend ing the holidays with Miss Sylvia Honkola. v ' ' ; D. Forman of Dallas spent Christmae with Mr. and Mrs. Har mon. 1:' Edwin Seamster, . ot - Gates, visited with the Faggs recently. Mr. and Mrs. R. Coulson, of To? ledo, -spent the Christmas Treek end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.- Coulson, and Mr. and Mrs. Greenfelter. .' fled that the body found on the shore ot Green Lake in Seattle was that of Julia A. Smith ot Portland and not that ot Sylvia Gaines, told police Wednesday that she" bad identified pictures or the body at the request of a Seattle attorney. She said she met Mrs. Smith, in a Portland . restaurant and had seen her bat two times before be Ing called to Seattle. Shown pic tures ot the body found on the lake shore, she : said she immediately recognized "it as that of Julia Smith. She was unable to recall the name of the Seattle attorney; and admitted that she knew. very little ot Julia Smith. Miss French lives at a hotel here. .. s. - ' : . ... . 4' Interstate Bridge Open Toll Free In One Year - PORTLAND, Dec. 29. (AP) By guaranteeing responsibility to a limit of $125,000 the Oregon state : highway . commission has agreed with the Multnomah coun ty commission on terms by which the county will turn over to the state commission the Interstate bridge, spanning the Columbia river between Washington and Oregon. . . ";.; "The bridge will be made, toll free at midnight December 31, 1928. - OFFICERS SELECTED FRCTTLAXD CHURCH RE. ELECTS ALL BUT OXE FRUITLAND, Dec -29. (Spec laL) At the annual church and Sunday school election, which was held at the church last night. following officers were" ree"" V, Runner, assistant super'nUu.-vk ' Miss E. Girod. secretary of pgTil . scnooi; tarn, . uens, n co . Sunday school; Miss D. LF- church treasurer. -.jf T Miss S. Honkola and F. Paul iJ? rod were elected as Sunday school librarians.; 4 The Frnitland church and Sun. day school seem to be well please .i with their officers, as all the offi cers, with the exception of the li brarians, were re-elected. II. Turner Cade, who was the librar ian, found it impossible to attend every Sunday. V J The single-track mind Is seldom well ballasted. Shoe and Leather Reporter. 0 ; :o 1 Too Xte To Classify o- NOTED LAWYER DIES -SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 29.- (AP) Gavin McNab, San Fran cisco attorney and democratic po litical leader, died here suddenly today of apoplexy while seated at his office desk. ; GAMBLERS TAKEN SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 29- (AP)--Two men. said to have victimized hundreds of coastwise standing during which the feder-t811181110 Passengers in gambling al government sought to , regain possession of the naval oil ret f . . . serve. ....;-. ; Originally instituted by special government counsel named b y President Coolidge, the suit was directed agalnstjthe Mammoth OH company, holders of the lease on Teapot Dome. Sinclair Crude Oil Purchasing company and the Sin clair Pipe Line company. 1 The purpose ot the suit was to set aside a lease given by Edwin Den by, then secretary of the navy and Albert B. Fall, the secretary ot the interior, on April 7, 1922, to the Mammoth Oil company. Dis solution of a supplemental agree ment made on February 9. 1923, also was asked. Story By Star Witness In Seattle Case Weaker PORTLAND, Dec. 29. (API Muriel French who In an affidavit signed several months ago ' test! The Gift That hosts ELSINORE and OREGON : SCRIPT BOOKS S5.00 ,or S4.50 schemes, were arrested Wednesday after1 a search of more than s year by coast authorities. LOST -PAIS OF GLASSES. 2LFS1. GIGANTIC Elks' Gala Day Celebratioh-;::: January 2, 1928 - Partial Program 9:00 A.- M. Reception of candidates 9-12 A. M. Entertainment (singing and vaudeville) , 12-1 M Finals in pool tournament "11 A. M., 8 P. M- -Dining room service (Music during - regular meal hours) 2:30 P. M. Motion Picture (Moulders of Men) John Chapman Hilder, Mgn. Editor Elks Maga zine - 5:30-6:30 Banquet to candidates 6:30-7:30 Assembly for Grand Parade 7 :00-8 :00 Grand Parade on Salem streets 8:00-10:00 -Initiation of largest class in history of T " Salem Lodge 10 :00-12 :00 Prof essional vaudeville in auditorium - All entertainment features are free and " open to Elks; and candidates J Marriage ?After 1 6 Years ; U'ving Together Spoils It - OAKLAND, Cat,; .Dec. 2s. (AP) jnieging that she and her present fabandad lived togeth er tory j f .ontj disagree after ; their i marriage, ' at ' Jackson ville, ore In 1825, Mt. Anna T. Martin today filed suit, tor divorce from Fred A. Martin. : Mrs. Martin asked custody of sens, . born ; before the marriage and J6Q a month' alimony. She charged Martin with cruelty. St. Louis University Reports Serjous Quake ST. LOUIS, Dec. 29, (AP) As earthquake, lasting from 12f29 p. m. to 2 Wednesday, estimated 4700 miles away and of marked intensity, was registered by a seis mograph of St. Louis university. x This is the fourth disturbance recorded In the past two days with two of. minor intensity yesterday lasting seven and twenty minutes respectively, and estimated at distance of 1700 miles. The other occurred at 3:0J a. m. today and lasted for forty two minutes. It was considered probably a part of the later ' shocks recorded ' this aftertcn.tJU ,; ' , TODAY snovrs . 279 TODAY SHOWS . 2 7 9 SALI3t' -CS Tt EATCST EXTERTAINMKNT " vAuii)viiijc,"-- : ' ., .... j - ' "" " v . - . , ... All SAN ill & JMYS , ' - , - - - -' in CtliMNM Knlclc Knchw ,y , . . aOXUMii ARJIilROXG - r : ' ' ' Tbe IfeTW Chap iUASAl-X iiOiJrU i feli-JLLA . . A Cowdy Efcit with Song - - ' "' lai.LJ.IA LiiAAXZ Sm CO, Vawdevllle's IjadinT Iady 3ver . "The Kew PiaaJbt i - fJlix-mStibitcit i: -y: 'Viola Xercl -r"" STOCXnOLDEBS- MEKTIXO The nnnal -xtJoeUag: of'-nhe stockholders -of : thbOpld r Creek Mining and niiag ?do. .wlUt-be held h the. r&omi "bf the Capital Basin ess College, 3i3 If. High St.. Salem,: Oregon,' on j Monday, Jan. 9, 1921, at 7:30 p.m. Bf order of the president. Geo. "(w. Shand. Attest. W I; Staleyi Secretary.:.,-' . v- ', $" 7DJ8Inc. YEAR'S MM E E 0 : ACTS VAUDEVILLE 8 ALSO B ROY Winner in At water Kent Contest On the Screen - BEBE DANIELS ;75c "SHE'S A SHEIK' RESERVATIONS NOW E L Q I N ft '?, $1.10 .. .jt , jir" - - 4 ' - 1 PC El F 0 El D TODAY and TOMORROW Tl-TT - X- r 1 j. , I ! j-iji."IillSLj vsC ". Hzt Beit Pictur.- r: ' UVLrtiXMua owe CHILDREN 10c J p 1.,.. , u. ELSINORE OREGON i '"'j ' TODAY - buc:: jo:;es '"' "HILLS OF PETH- r?r 1 -7 SATURDAY:.';. CIIAHLIS riUKHAY ccbii'Gs'sibftirx"- in . If "LOST l I - i i ill it