THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 24, 1927 Capitol Tbeatr Singer's musical comedy com pany trill stage many features cnrmmas Ye (tonight). A yari- ety of Taoderllle features are on the bill at the BUgh'a Capitol. The stock compny will, keep the crowd In the right ktsd of spirit on Christmas eye. Dolores ILowell, whose talents has been greatly appreciated by the Salem theater fansr -will present "Prisoners Med ley. Of coarse there Is pathos fn it but a little pathos now and then does yon aom good. Bozo Is there again with "Blots the Dutchman" In parody on "Let the' Rest of the World Go By." Bono's nose Is go ing to be the same color Christ mas eve as it always is (no change. Mitzi LaMarr will be seen in sac a lirely sketchxople will hare to hold their seats-On the screen the Capitol will present "Poor! Girls" a drama of the vlrid night life of New Vork. . - coroaado Beach, one of the world's playgrounds for the weal thy, was used as the location for the making, of the exterior scenes. while an an usually large building program was. Instituted at the First National Studios to proTide the settings representing portions of New Ygrk. F anchon . andT Marco "HI-Hat- ters" idea accompanies tils pic ture on the bill. . ' " Jiisinore Theater . k Colleen' Moore, viracioua First National star, comes to the Elsin ore theater tonight and Sunday in her latest John McCormlck comedy-drama, "Her wud Oat." An all-star cast supports Miss Moore la this picture. Marshall Neilan, famous director, . who made some or the star's ouutand .rfng hits, directed "Her Wild Oat." adding innumerable comedy touch es for her for which he is so re nowned." '-A "Her "Wild Oat" shows Miss Moore as a little lunch wagon owner who takes her - life's say ings and spends every cent on one week of luxury and thrills at an exclusiye . seacoast resort. Her ' hoped-for splash In society Is only i ripple, however, and she la per suaded by a newspaper reporter friend to obtain recognition by Impersonating a duchess. After Motion picture patrons are di vided Into! little armies and fac tions, as any exhibitor will affirm. The western star brings out his luiiowers i one nignt. the ex- Shakespearean actors entertlns a different crowd the following night, and Poll van na has her In nings the next. When three different groups go to see a single picture it mean that the picture has an appeal to three groups. That is the' case with "Babe Comes Home." the First National Pictures', baseball pro duction now showing at the Elsi- nore theater. It stars Babe Ruth and features Anna Q. Nilsson and Louise Fazenda last time matinee today. : ' Babe Ruth and baseball attract vu iimowjng; a second group never misses a picture In which Miss Nilsson appears, and a third belongs to i loulse Fazenda. Of course, there are others outside this classification, chief among whom may; be named the discern ing picture shoppers and those who hare a habit of attending on cer tain niglis. While baseball furnishes a thrilling and colorful background for the plot of "Babe Comes Home," two unusual love stories, much comedy and some tense dra matic action vie with' it in appeal. Consequently all three groups of spectators at the filsinore theater a day of worried glory the pseudo duchess is exposed; and Colleeen'sget their fill of the sore of enter troubles begin all over again. tainment they like best. LAD HOLDS FIRST ALIBI I YARN TRUE TO FACTS cake of soap had been partly used and that the cleaning powder had been used copiously .The cleans ers were found in the bathroom tt tlie apartment by Detective Walsh. r SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. . 3. CAP) Possible corroboration of .William Edward Hickman's story that he had an accomplice in the kidnaping and murder of Marian Parker, In Los Angeles, was seen tonight in a report that a stranger answering the description Hick man gave of "Andrew Cramer" had called at the Herald hotel here Jast Tuesday bight asking for "the man' in $02." : ! Hickman, who stayed at the ho tel Monday night, and fled Tues day morning when he read In newspapers that he had been Iden tified as . the kidnaper, occupied room 402. He stated that, Ii and "Andrew Cramer," named as the aetnal slayer, had agreed to meet at the Herald hotel here. The new Information was fur nished by W. F. Smith, proprietor or the hotel, who said the strang er visited the registration desk when Smith was in charge. Smith told htm there was no man in room 502. "Sure there Is," said the stran ger. Asked the man's name, he said he knew only his Christian came, which was George. Falling Jio get information, the inquirer left hurriedly. Smith surmised last night after reading Hickman's des cription of his confederate that possibly the confederate, if he had one, naa arrived late at the ren dezvous and had made' a mistake regarding the floor on which Hickman stayed. TODAY BIG XMAS EVE SHOW ' V 1 n i ON TUB STAGE SINGERS CAPITOL STOCK CO. Presents' A FARCE COMEDY ' with ; Golden Gate Trio RcseLuJ Cliorcs Flat Denial Made LOS ANGELES, Dec. 23. (AP) Andrew Oliver Cramer, convicted bootlegger, from his ceil in the Lincoln Heights Jail here today, threw a bomb which of ficers said shattered the "confes sion" of William Edward Hick man at Pendleton, Ore., that he was aided in the kidnaping of Marian Parker and that Andrew Cramer was her slayer. Cramer admitted having known Hickman. Herman Cline, chief of Los An geles detectives, who is now on his way to Pendleton, has declared his belief that Hickman was both the kidnaper and slayer of the little school girl, had not been' shaken by Hickman's confession. Cramer, 'who has been a prison er here since last August, told de tectives that he was acquainted with a June Dunning. .This was the name given by Hickman when he: told Pendleton officers that Andrew Cramer -d' aided him in the crime.! He said he picked up Cramer and June Dunning In San Diego last; Thanksgiving Day and gave them an automobile jride to Los Angeles. r Movements Traced San . Diego authorities said to day they bad information that An drew- Cramer and June Dunning had been in San Diego last Sep tember or October In Sacra mento, the state criminal identi fication bureau revealed that an "Andrew Oliver Kramer" and a man apparently his brother, known as "Frank Andrew Kram er" had criminal records on file. Aliases were on file for both men. Both have long criminal records against their names, most of them originating in Los Angeles county Frank Cramer, to police as the brother of the Andrew in jail here, also is a prisoner. Ha Is serving a term for robbery. ' Conflicting stories were , told police and newspaper men by the brothers concerning" their ac quaintances who might throw ad ditional light oiuthe abduction and murder of the daughter of Perry M. Parker," bank official. ' Rose Dunning Xamed Andrew toid officers that his brother had "kept company" wltlH Rose Hurst, alias Rose Cramer, whose true name he said was Rose Dunning, j June Dunning. Andrew said, was a sister of Rose. Both women, I be said, ran rooming houses in Los Angeles. Police late today were seeking them. - Frank. 1 from his "tell in the -4. - - count Jail, told police that, ne ihad.never; heard of June Dunning and that the only sister Kose naa was Mabet Dunning,- Rose, Frank said, is bis wife. - Mabel died nine months ago, be said. When Andrew Cramer told of ficer that he knew Hickman, be said that It might have been last June when he met him. ; He re fused to say under what circum stances. f :-! jutt;f r "I dottH know why he pick on ma " Anrirw : said when he ad mitted that he knew Hickman. "I Is impossible for me ta kave been I a on tfcftt , killing as I wa right there all the time. It's almost too I ridiculous to talk aboat. .. t Contradictions Multiply . Another contradiction of Hick man's Implication of a man and j woman accomplices : was seen by) officers in the story of Edward j Steltreid,' fellow: tenant of Hick man's at the Bellevue Arms apart ment. "Steizreid described In de tail the movements -of two men!, who eHed a third,' declared to have been recognized by him as similar In appearance to the kid naper, In carrying a suitcase and several , bundles, ' from the ' aide door of the apartment house at 1 1 o'clock Saturday night. The police pointed out that this wi several hours after Hickman had delivered the slain girl's torso to her father. .Detail Belated I Stelzreid said he and his wife returned to the house at that late hour after visiting a friend. He related seeing a man seated in a small coupe with : lights burning and motor running at the aide door curb. When he and his wife were about to enter a second al leged accomplice - and the youth known in- the house as Evans, came out, brushing them closely In the narrow entry way and car rying the suitcase and . bundles. Stelzreid said he looked ont through the door and saw the man open the coupe door to allow the placing of the bundles Inside. Later, when Hickman's photo graph was published, be said he recalled tbei Saturday night meet ing and reported it to the' police, An additional bit' of -evidence of the presence in Hickman's apartment of the slain girl was un covered by an investigating de fective. A hair found 'on the dresser was declared by Police Chemist Welch to have been iden tical with that of Marian's. One youth for whom detectives renewed their search for question ing was named as Horace W. Tay lor, powerfully built man of 22 years. The police had reports that be accompanied Hickman here from IJansas City. They attended high school together and were re ported to have left :he midwest city at about the same time. Tay lor was reported to. have .told ac quaintances he came west to visit an uncle here, but the latter said be had not seen the youth since a year ago. Taylor was said to have spent a few weeks - in a Missouri asylum last January and February. Cleaning? Materials Found In the inspection of the apart ment today by the police chemist. resulting in the discovery of the hair believed to have believed to have been Marian's, Welch also found that ten bars of soan were found to have been used partly. although Hickman had occupied the apartment only two weeks. Two cans of cleansing Dowder. both of which tad been used co piously were found in the bath room of the apartment. Previously, Welch had deter mined that a few stains found in the bathroom were blood spots and were fresh apparently having been made Saturday, the day fixed as the time of the slaying of Mar ian" The police chemist's findings. coupled with other clues found in the room blood stained towels: missing parts of newspapers which had been, wrapped around parts of the small girl's body; im provised gloves, made perhaps to keep the girl from leaving finger prints in the apartment; the pres ence of a huge butcher knife in the apartment permitted, "the po lice to reconstruct what they be lieved to have been the details of the murder. . - PjoJire Weave Story Here is the description of the crime as reconstructed bv the of ficers if it were the work of Hick man alone: Hickman lured Marian Parker to the apartment through the same ruse by which he had obtained her release from school-the plea that her father had been injured and was carried there. When she reach ed the room he fed her and told her if she made no outcry she would not be harmed. He bound and gagged her - and gave her-an anaesthetic . or something similar to make certain she would be there upon his return On one of the occasions when he returned to the apartment be found her in a con dition that would require a physi cian to revive her or else he found her dead. (A new analysis of the girl's lungs' bas been ordered to determine whether there might not have been some slip in the first conclusion that no anaesthet ics were used.) With her death, the man was confronted by the necessity of getting rid of the body. In order to carry it from the apartment, he dismembered it and wrapped the pieces in news papers to make convenient bund lea. This was done in the bathtub and afterward he scrubbed it thor oughly, missing only a few small stains. Then he carried out the bundles representing the parts of Marian's body. . LINDBERGH'S FETE TO END ON Reception In. Afternoon To Be Only Purely, Yankee Affair of Stay MEXICO CITY, Dec. 23. (AP) Colonel Lindbergh's en tertainment as Mexico's guest will officially end Monday afternoon with the first, last and only purely American function he has known here a reception at the Ameri can colony to 'meet the flier and his mother. All Tuesday Lindbergh will t2 left absolutely tree to prepare his plane, the spirit of St. Louis, for his Central American fl'ght and to study map3. He will hop off for Guatemala Wednesday morn ing. The aviator informed the cor respondents that he might fly to Porto Rico, but emphasized that for the present no definite plans had been made for such a visit- whether it would be before his flight to Havana or later. Wednesday morning will see him on his way to Guatemala City which he expects to reach in nine hours or less. From there he will fly to the capitals of the following countries In the order named: British Honduras, Salvador, Hon duras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama. The Panama-Havana flight, he added, might not be a non-stop affair, as he sees no reas on for it. if he makes a stop on this flight he has not yet picked his landing place. Mrs. Lindbergh will probably fly back to the United States in the tri-motor-d Ford plane in which she winged her way from Detroit to Mexico City. John W. Davis Presides At Jackson Day Dinner WASHINGTON. Dec. 23 (AP) John W. Davis, the democratic standard bearer in 1924, will pre side over the Jackson day dinner here January 12, the first national get-together of democratic leaders since 1920. As toastmaeter at this revival of the party's pre-convention ral lies, Mr. Davis will call on all of those whose names have been put forward for the nomination at the 1928 convention. All other leaders of the party have been Invited to gather at the banquet table to hear the call to arms of the presidential campaign ana me views or tne party's po tential nominees. CHIME DOESNTPAf UNI DECLARES Solemn Warning Issued To AII Young Men Through out United States PENDLETON, Ore., Dec. 24 (AP) Warning to the young men of America to avoid ways of crime was given by William E. Hick man, in a signed statement given out at the city jail here early this morning. The statement, as he dictated it to the city attorney, C. Z. Randall, follows: "This affair has gained nation wide publicity and the great re ward and search by the people of the west coast show opposition of America's crimes and everything should be done to prevent anyone from interfering in any way with the liberty ana life of American citizenship. "Young men and college stu dents should consider the Parker case as a typical crime of the worst that can happen when a young man gradually loses interest in family, friends and his own honesty. - "The young men of thi3 coun try can see that I can pass as an ordinary young man as far as out ward appearances go. "Crime in its simplest definition is to have . money without work and enjoy the same place in so ciety as other people ' and still show no hottest effort or intention to go right. "Young men, when crime bas once overcome your will power to be honest and straight you are a menace to society. Take my ex ample to illustrate this. See bow I tried to get what every young man wants, but In becoming a criminal to do so, I put my own life in a mess and the way out is dark. "I hope I can do some good by giving you this warning. Think ft over, see my mistake. Be hon est and upright. Respect the law. If you do these things you'll be happier in the end and you will have gained much more from life. (Signed) "W. Edward Hickman." n i . a m i s a in. tomorrow fWlWIU ' on Southern Pacific train number itah Tnrr rill board the Port land limited, leaving an hour later ms DanillarAfl ' tUI A CUU1V W . There will begin a questioning designed to break down Hickman's story shifting the blame for the mni- anA mutilation of the lit tle girl onto the shoulders of an- other. . - - . . -. ! FLYER" FORCED TO LAND Tex Rankin Comes Down Near Bend, on "Way to Frisco BEND, Dec 23. (AP) Tex Rankin, veteran Portland air man, flying to San Francisco .with photographs of the Vapture of, William E. Hickman at Pendle ton, was forced down to land here tonight when he encountered a heavy snowstorm over the Cas cades. He will leave Bend for the south tomorrow morning. : OREGON I Hickman To Get Third Degree From 'Officers PORTLAND. Dec. 23. (AP) William Edward Hickman, cap tured kidnaper and alleged slayer of Marian Parker of Los Angeles, i tomorrow will meet face to face in j Pendleton the men who directed) the hunt which finally led to his arrest, and the man who will pros- ecute him before the bar of justice for his crime. The men are Chief of Police Davis and Chief of Detec tives Cline of Los Angeles, and Asa M. Keyes, district attorney of Los Angeles county. The party left San Francisco at 7:40 a. m. today and will reach m. 1.".WT li TUESDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 27 LONDON pE iiiEjj mm. h.. MAIL ORDERS NOW PRICES 51. IO. 91,65, 9SJ20 and $2.75, including tar. .Box Office Seat Sale December 17th liberty; street 'FOR SILK HOSE HIELEY'S FOR THE LAR0EST . V-: - i - SELECTION ' j le. nee cor ter f of 5. sin Nij Mr ' the as Cu " in. C- II g: j. - M ei t3 0 V The Gift That Lasts ELSINORE and OREGON SCRIPT BOOKS $5.00 for S4.50 TONIGHT SUNDAY MONDAY 1 ,'v. V C-O L.L E E N -in- "HER WILD OAT" SUNDAY MONDAY FANCHON & MARCO Present "HI-HATTERS" with EDNA COVEY, world famous comedy dancer, with a f Chorus of Hi-Hatted Beauties NEW YEAR'S EVE MIDNIGHT MATINEE "Fun Fit for a Kins' Mi IPTHOS LAST MINUTE SUGGE, STIONS lere are a few excellent suggestions still available from our Holiday Stocks: Solid Mahogany Tea Wagons Assortment of Foot StooLs at Fine selection of Smoking Stands at" , . and up Nine Cup Electric Percolator Electric Gridle . Decorated Iron Fernery L Cogswell Chairs from ; $24.50 $2.45 75c t0 $19.50 $5.75 $5.25 $4.95 $29.50 up Mantle and Hall Clocks in Mahogany. Spinnet Desks ... . Telephone Stands and Chair . Fancy Framed Mirror, Special Pullup Chairs Lane Cedar Chests . A fine $29.50 Cedar Chest, only a few left. Special $19.85 up $1350 up .... $5.95 ... $8.50 up $10.50 up -$19.85 Si T : Visit Toyland A few of the excelent values from Salem's largest Toyland: N3. 1 Erector Sets Ives Mechanical Train Ives Tunnel , ,. 85c $1.10 .85c Doll with hair, voice and losing ACk eyes p l JS-mi Crying 1 . Dolls .79c Mechanical Dump "j Q r Trucks and Racers X J C Sandy Andy Special - 49c Doll Houses 75c. and.tD.D .75c Tool",-; Chests 1 23 Inch : Dolls. $4.95 - ?" t 1