The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 21, 1927, Page 5, Image 5

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Federated Woman's Club of
Oregon Consider Legislative
Measures , " ,
Mrs. Leander Martin, legisla
tive chairman of the Oregon Fed
eration of Women's Clubs, is call
ing the attention of president and
legislative chairmen or tne va
Tic kg federated-dub throughout
ti.a tstate to certain legislative
measures whose principles have
Jong had the consideration of the
General Federation of Woman's
Clubs. These measures will be in-
trJared into the 70th congress
v hit- convened on December
fifth. She asks that the chairmen
crid to their senators or repre
sentative's and obtain copies ofj
these, measures and make a study
of them. The measures relate to
Hi following bills and subjects:
Flood control, education, the
preat lakes through the Gulf of
St. Lawrence waterway; the Cap-j,T-Ketcham
bill, amendment of
i!io census law, that the designa
' tioa home-maker" be given to
every woman caring for a home;
the Cooper bill, the establishment
in the public health service of a
nurses' corps, uniform marriage
and divorce law; legislation which
concerns the American Indian.
Serving on the committee with
Mrs. Martin are the following
club women: Miss Cella Gavin,
The Dalles; Mrs. W. W. Rod well,
Ho"d River; Mrs. Seymour Jones,
Salem; Dr. Jone Martin, North
Henri: and Mrs. Earl Bunting,
Business and Professional
Women Will Have Christmas
Partu This Evening
Each member of the Business
and Professional Women's Club is
ashed to bring a gift to the Christ
re as party which will be held by
that organization this evening at
seven forty-five o'clock tt the
i Woman's Club-house.
I Miss Lyle Murray is chairman
I of the program commitee and
I Miss Grace Gilliam will'&rect the
Christmas music.
Mis Lina Heist wii tell of her
visit to the Holy Lfl
Russian Drama at Knight
Memorial Church Thursday
The i Russian Drama, "W hat:
Men Lire By" will be the feature
attraction at the Christmas ser
vice at the Knight Memorial
Church, Thursday evening at seven-thirty
The drama will be presented by
the dramatic club of Sllverton with
the following ; cast: Simon, the
cobbler- Soren Ostergaard; Mat
rena, his wife; Mr. Ostergaard;
Michael, his apprentice: Al Beat-
tie; Baron Avedeitch; a wealthy
land-owner: Warren Crabtree;
Thedka, his footman: Frank Rich
es; Sonia Ivanich, a lady of
means: Mrs. Haride; Anna Mol
aska, a widow: Miss Louise Med
ler; Torfinoff; a debtor: Frank
Riches; the Guardian Angel: Miss
Martha Whittaker; A little devil;
Mrs. Crabtree.
This play was presented last
night in the Methodist Church at
Silverton. The Christmas cantata.
"Out of the East" was sung by the
choir of the Kaight Memorial
Church as a part of the evening's
Mrs. Sarah Oliver Honored
With Dinner Party
Complimenting Mrs. Sarah Oli
ver who for fifteta years served as
county president of the W. C. T.
U. and who has also been active
in the local Union for some time,
Mrs. L. H. Bowerman entertained
Wednesday with a dinner party in
her home on Leslie Street.
The dining table was centered
with an attractive Christmas cen
terpiece of holly, mistletoe, and
red tapers with covers arranged
for the honor guest, Mrs. Oliver,
Mrs. Rachel Reeder, Mrs. J. W
Galloway, Mrs. Jennie Nunn, Mrs.
Allen F. Pitt, Mrs. Retta Pember-
ton, Mrs. Ada L. Condit, Mrs.
Mary V. Charlton, and the hostess,
Mrs. Bowerman.
Mrs. Oliver will leave soon for
southern California where she will
spend a month.
, : o
Annual Christmas party, Yo-
marco Class. First M. E3. Church.
Professor and Mrs. T. 'S- Roberts,
hosts, 505 N. Summer St.
Card party, sponsored by ladies
of St. Vincent de Paul parish. Par
ish hall. 8:00 o'clock.
B. and P. W. Club. Woman's
Club-house. North Cottage St. 8
East Central Circle. Ladies'
Aid, First M. E. Church. Mrs. D.
H. Masher, 354 N. Winter St. hos
tess. 2:30 o'clock.
United Artisans and Yeoman
Miss Clarice Ritchie An- Christmas Program Will Be
nounces Betrothal to Erwin Gven at Garfield School
z?M I The a following Christmas pro-
tsatterman 1. .m t .
The betrothal of Miss Clarice i ghooI ThaMdA December twen-
Ritchie and Erwin Batterman was tyaeCOnd at two o'clock la the
announced at a dinner party for afternoon.
which the bride-elect was hostess welcome .Raymond Rannels
saiuraay evening. Carols .3A and EB nunlls
A crystal bowf of Cecil Bn-j "Christmas Wishes" , IB girls
ner roses centered tne oinjng Carolg 4A Md 4B pupU.
a. 1 - il4 ,.. . .Mill WW
tame wua rose siream. uro Reading .....Margaret Ann Bligh
irom rose-snaaea ugnis to inm Christmas nartv Tm Hrt. an
ciever zavors wnicii reprBoeuieui boys
oia-xasniouea nont ww "w"l"lCaroI - . 53 dudIIs
with pihkxoaes. Paper heart, con- rjrm oI toyg ..3B boys and girls
taJnlng the secret of the engage- carols 5A and B nnll-
ment were suspended in the wells. I Christmas Shoppers Eight boys
covers were piacea lor JwiCaroU , 6A and 6B pupils
Ra-rtha Rnrallinm. Mlu Thnsnel-l ir jt .. .
rh-1,.ma. a A ' ' I "lcuu """US Ol IU
.avui a " " " V - j TTvalila.a -M Martha t f a T-- I i . . . . . . . .
-viov . imuvj,- taw - - iscnooi are mviiea 10 aitena.
man, Miss Frances Lemery, Miss I
Doris Wood, Miss Hazel Killing-Guests In Portland From
beck, Miss Erna Batterman, Miss J Salem
Mildred Kantenkranz, Mrs. Gladys Mr. ana Mrs. Donald G. Gordon
Eckeraon. Mrs. Herma RflsteT, and Miss Mercedes Rosenoff, resi
Mrs. V. H. Ritchie, and the hos-ldents of Salem, are registered at
tess. Miss Ritchie. Ithe Congress Hotel in Portland.
Roth Mla TMtrhla, and Mr Rat-
terman are graduates of Salem in the tUOSt for the
High school. Later Miss Ritchie Christmas Holidays
attended Willamette University Miss Signa Wahlstrom left
and graduated from Oregon Nor- Tuesday for Minneapolis, Minne
mal school. Mr. Batterman attend- ta where she will remain until
ed the school of Architecture at after the Christmas holidays as
the University of Oregon. I the guest of relatives,
Guest in Portland
Mrs. B. J. Miles is the guest of
her daughter, Mrs. Will Knight,
In Portland.
Fraternal Temple. 8:00 o'clock.
Russian Drama, presented a t
Knight Memorial Church by dram
atic club of Silverton. "What Men
Live By." 7:30 o'clock. PubUc in
vited. Friday
San Soucl "5 00" Club. Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Rock, Fir St. hosts.
Christmas party.
Christmas party. Women's Bible
Class. First M. E. Church. Mrs.
Almira E. Hale, 595 Marion St.
hostess. 2:30 o'clock.
Christmas cantata, Knight
Memorial Church. "Out of the
East" 7:30 o'clock.
Studio of Dramatf Art
I Opened in Salem fy Miss
uecne 1
The Salem pubia will be inter
ested to know tb Miss Wanda
Dcane, well-knoW dramatic ar
tist, arrived in Sni a short time
ase and has od6! a studio of
dramatic art inAhe new Nelson
Miss has had exten
sive profession experience in the
cam. is a gradate of the Ameri
can Academy' Dramatic Art. The
rreater par.' h e ner
graduation has been spent in New
York City.
Mies Deane will enroll students
in her classes this week.
Mrs. Cfiarles McNary Hostess
at Luncheon
Washington, D. C. Mrs. Charles
L. McNary entertained at lunch
eon following the Townsend mu-
sieale on Wednesday. The honor
pust was Mrs. William E. Jar-
dine. !
Senator and Mrs. McNary en
tertained at dinner Friday eve
ning honoring Judge Hervey Lind
ley of Seattle, Washington.
Officers of W. R. C. Will
Be Installed January Seventh
Installation services will be held
January seventh for the following
officers of the W. R. C. who were
elected at a recent meeting of that
organization : president. Bertha
Loreland; senior vice-president
Pearl Ahrens; Junior vice-presi
dent Rose Hagedom; treasurer
Hattie Cameron; chaplain, Jennie
F. B. Jones; conductor, Minnie
D. Baker; guard, Hattie Kennen
The executive committee report
was given at the meeting of the
the alumni organization will be
present at the banquet, and a most
enjoyable evening is anticipated.
Dr. Howard Taylor Gives
Interesting Talk at Meeting
of A. A. U. W.
Dr. Howard Taylor, psycholo
gist at the University of Oregon,
gave a very interesting talk at the
luncheon meeting of the Salem
branch of the American Associa
tion of University Women Satur
day afternoon at the Gray Belle.
He spoke on the subject "Train
ing for Character."
Dr. Taylor said that the founda
tions of character are laid dur
ing the first six years of a child's
life and the importance of the
training during those first yearB
cannot be over-emphasized.
Sensible corrections made dur
ing the pre-school period are most
effective, said Dr. Taylor, but
morality training in high school
or even elementary grades is late
and of little benefit to the child.
Preceding Dr. Taylor's address,
Miss Flavia Downs played a piano
solo. Three Christmas songs were
sung by Dorothy Kibbe and Fla
via Downs with Rachel Pemberton
playing their accompaniments.
The international relations sec
tion of the association met follow
ing the luncheon. An informal dis
cussion of the World Court was
given by Professor Roy C. Hard
Woman's Bible Class Will
Meet Friday Afternoon
Mrs. Almira E. Hale will en
tertaln the members of the Wom
en's Bible class of the First Meth
odist church at their regular
Christmas party which will be
held at two-thirty o'clock Friday
afternoon, December twenty-third.
Howard Young Honored Miss Latimer Has Dinner
Wirt, RW? Prrf,i Guests
w. Mlss Loia yy. nad as her
ISirmaay Anniversary dinner guests on Monday evening,
Mrs. T. W. Graham entertained Dr. Fannie A. Brown, Mr. and
Saturday evening In her home at Mrs. H. W. Bross, and Miss Jo-
570 North Winter Street with a sephtne Bross.
delightful bridge party-having as
her guests the members of her Will Spend Holidays at
bridge club and their husbands. The Dalles
The affair was nlanned in honor! John Gilhausen, a student at
of Mr. Howard Young who observ- Willamette University, left yester
ed the anniversary of his birthday! day for The Dalles where he will
on December seventeenth. I spend the Christmas holidays with
The living rooms of the Gra-I his parents.
fiarn fesmA wab orrva aHva I
. San Soucl "500" Club Will Be
briiiiantiv liehtek Christmas tree. Entertained Friday Evening
Four tables of brid were in The San Soucl "500" club will
play with Howard Young winning be entertained Friday evening at
hi i,nnnr Ufa v,,r. ico. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
also the recipient of a lovelv Rock, 1955 Fir Street. Each mem
Mrthdav trift DeT oi tne ciuo is asaea to ormg a
j 1 . . ...
A two-mil rs snnnfir wast nerv-f -nriStmas gill.
ed at the close of the evening by
Mrs. Graham.
The guest group included: Mr.
and Mrs. Young, Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Wlrth, Mr. and Mrs. Ken
neth Fitzgerald, Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ander
son, Air. and Mrs. Charles Pratt. I
Miss Alice Roth, and the host and!
hostess Mr. and Mrs. Graham.
Mrs. Ralph White WUl
Entertain With Annual
Christmas Party
Mrs. Ralph White will enter
tain her Junior ballroom and bal
let dancing pupils Thursday eve
ning, December twenty-second,
with a Christmas party at Castil-I
Llan Hall.
The parents of the pupils will
be additional guests at the party I
which is an annual affair and one!
greatly anticipated by the young-1
er set of Salem.
When the Oregon State Teach
ers' association meets in Portland,
December 28, 28, 30, the alumni
association of the Monmouth Nor
mal school will have many social
and business matters to consider
On Thursday evening, Decem
ber 29, the Monmouth Normal al
umni will hold a banquet at 6
o'clock in the ballroom of the
Multnomah hotel at which time
business matters of the alumni as
sociation will be discussed.
Floyd D. Moore, president of
the association, has appointed
Fannie G. Porter, principal of the
Failing school, of Portland, Ore.,
as chairman of the banquet com
After the banquet, a dance will
be enjoyed by the alumni asso
ciation and the Normal student
body. Miss Lois C. Lee, teacher
in the Milwaukie grammar school
is chairman of the dance commit
tee, and has made extensive ar
rangements tor a most enjoyable
evening, one of the most popular
orchestras in Portland has been
engaged to furnish dance music
All Alumni members of the Nor
mal school are urged to be preset
at the banquet and to bring their
wives and sweethearts, and all
alumni or students of the Normal
school are requested to participate
in the dancing immediately fol
lowing the banquet.
Many of the older members oi
Spirit of California In Air Since
Early Sunday Morning
(AP) Roaming the . airways of
the state since 8:22 Sunday morn
ing, the crew of the huge tri-mot-
ored monoplane Spirit of Califor
nia kept the craft in the air last
night with high hopes of setting
a new endurance flight record.
DELANCO, N. J. -"now would
you like a punch In the nose?"
Isn't the greeting prescribed by
etiquette books for a former spec
ial deputy to use in speaking to
a Justice of the peace. Therefore
Joseph Gambel, 22, is exactly $25
poorer. Justice of the Peace Rob
ert L. Krager had Gambel arrest
ed because he objected to being
asked that question frequently,
and the magistrate imposed a 1 25
ml m 111 J I . " I TBI - 1 ft. "I
11 in 1
I In ' - . : - 1
IVe Wekomeyou
to Portland. 200 comfortable tooma.
each with bath. Reasonable rate.
Coneniant do w.Uiwu location.
Nw amder personal management of
1 M W m
xpin k rft. v. mmm
Soon b Gone and Forgotten ?
Hem are two irons-"ths standard six pound
famous HoTroiNT'"and a smaller three pound
De Luxe Traveling Set ---both gift that will b
long remembered. Low priced. For everyday ws.,
YouV dffortfwittti
eUctric GIFTS Today
Youii find an attiactive asortmr.i ktr t. A sm3
amount will reerve any gift in s:ock Delivery
Xrazs Eve ' . "
; -av. .
Headquarter for "Gifts that Keep cn Q'lvmg
Vibbert & Todd
in S. High TckfVonc 2112
Spa Candies
Established in quality for a
Tliird of a Century
remm ivtrtjet Cofpsaaturday
at McComack Hall, by Mrs. Flor
ence Shi pp. i
The following delegates were
selected to attend the department
conrention which will be held In
Roseburg sometime in Jone: Pearl
Ahrens, Jennie Martin, Louisa
Koon, Catherine Low, Mary Ney-
beart, Hattie Kennen, Delia
Clearwater, and Pauline Cook. Del
egates are: Ina Koon. Maude
Chittenden, Cordelia LaBare, Met
tle Schramm, Lula Bornlng, Ida
Tragllo, Minnie Baker, and Eliz
abeth Bliss.
United Artisans Will Have
Christmas Party Tomorrow
The United Artisans will have
their Christmas tree and program
Thursday evening at eight o'clock
in the Fraternal temple. Each
member Is asked to bring a gift
for the tree as well as a pound
package to be given to the Asso
ciated charities.
The Yeoman lodge will meet
with the Artisans Thursday eve
ning. All members of both organ
Uations are invited to attend.
' Yet Appreciated
Gift Suggestions j
Sheaf fer
i "Pens and Pencils
A sift that would b ap
preciated by recipient.
I Toilet Sets for
Meri -
Toilet Sets for
Leather Sofa
Rillfold and Haytalccr,
4; or Billfold and lsatt
r'r'' .fa a. . kf A 4a ! J '
Perfume Bath Salts
Bath Powder
j Drut Storo
157 So. Corral rrr!:.l
- 'fit
Each member is asked to bring
an inexpensive gift, not costing
more than fifteen cents.
East Central Circle, Ladies
Aid, WUl Meet
The East Central Circle of the
Ladies' Aid of the First Metho
dist Church wll meet at two-thir
ty o'clock this afternoon at the
home of Mrs. D. H. Mosher, 364
North Winter Street. Mrs. Young
will be assistant hostess.
Is now ready to .take care of
anyone who wants
Fruit Trees & Franquet
Walnut Trees
At 174 S. Liberty St.
- Salem, Ore.
H Block 8, Salem Bank of
Home Telephone 1775M
Office Telephone 3TT
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When Glasses Arg
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The modern Corporate Trustee, guch as the Trust Division
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Its organization is perpetual its location permanent. . It
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United States National Bank
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Sale of
; j
Fancy Iron
Silk Mull
1 f )
.Herfs anor Wumph in lamp gelling! 5S rwpcIIED3 cvl? C:
tembesf lamp event during which 123 lamps ESTd toli ta cm lov ,
.Wo Kayo 10Q lainpa In this sale ot fana box fivz?, n?Mv c.z":
UiUOa (UIU Mi UUUJtMUVWtH HI M-t wkawwa, trwav K 4 .
tafllo braid and motif trim CJord. socket, Et Efilla Cotc; ;
Come Early