The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 20, 1927, Page 8, Image 8

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'Substantial Interests' Al
ready Purchasing Site "
; For Railroad
ALBANY; Dec It. (AP) Re
fusing to dlTolge the Identity of
: tbe interest ne represent. 4. R.
u' Green of of Lebanon has revealed
that he and W. R. Alrln, Lebanon
. realtor, are in the employ of .aab
stantial Interests' that are now ac
tually purchasing right of way
land for railway purposes.
It Is his own opinion. Green
said, that the line Is to be a com?
mon carrier, and not simply a log
ging railroad, thus rekindling the
hope of eastern Linn county that
some day a road would serve that
district. - ;v-- ;- ... ... ,
Farmers whom Green has Inter
riewed say he told them he and
Alrin are. purchasing the right of
- way In the name of the Weyer
haueser Timber company and the
Sly Furniture company of Grand
Rapids. Mich. Since Monday the
two men hare devoted their entire
time, it is understood. In buying
land along a survey between Leb
anon and Sweethome. It is said
they hope to complete their pur
chases Tery , soon and that then
they would be free to reveal defi
nitely t,he names of the companies
who hare directed the survey.
' Down payments in cash are be
ing made by the men to all land
owners with whom they deal. The
balance Is to be paid upon delivery
of title. :
Green said definitely that bis in
terests have purchased a 95 acre
tract on Cheadle lake, 14 miles
southeast of Lebanon, for 112,500,
' to be used as a mill site.
Whether or not the railway is
to be extended to tap the main line
Southern Pacific and Oregon Elec
tric roads at Albany, he waa un
able to say. V"
Beyond tbe assurance that Leb-
n rtn la In tiavA n uvmlll ind that
It is their, belief that work on the
' new railway will start in "the near
future, Green and Alvin would
commit themselves no further to
day. They promised all in forma
tion at their disposal would r-e
made public next week.
Leave on Motor Trip to
California I V ;
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Miller left
late last. week for ' California
where they will vlalt friend and
relatives for mix. weeks. The trip
was made by motor.
B. and P. W. Club WQl Meet
Wednesday Evening
The Business and Professional
Women's Club will meet Wednes
day evening In the Woman's Clubhouse-
on North Cottage Street.
Miss Lin a Heist: teacher of his
tory at Salem High School, will
be the speaker.' .Tjv
Miss Lyle Murray and Miss
Grace Osborn will have chance of
tbe program of Christmas music
and. songs.- f
life of r.ra
en to public
Scandals In Connection With
Sebastian S. Kresge
Told In Court
(Con tin ied from page 3)
Thursday evening at the T. W. C.
A. - .
, The evening was spent -with
games and music.
. Miss .Florence Watts' and Miss
Virginia Best presented each guest
'With a gift from the attractively
lighted Christmas tree.
Members present were Miss Cliz
cbeth Baker, club advisor; Miss
Ethel Mlllburn. Fern Thacher,
Mists Bernice Mulvey. Miss Ann
Laake, Miss Anona Welch. Miss
Elizabeth Welch. Miss Mildred
Judson, Miss Tosanna Zelkie. Miss
Virginia' Best. Miss Lois Manning,
Mis 3 Florence "WIntermute, Miss
Cloydine Mathews, Miss Helen
Bradford. Miss Louise Lanke. Miss
Florence Watts. Miss Lille Parks.
Miss Bessie Tucker, : Miss Marie
Waldorf, Miss Estena Halliam
Miss Engeborg' Halliam, and Miss
VI da Stewart.
AU wmqwiiuN : for tia Aopart
Mat awt fc iip ky tk wr;ur,
moat h wrUUa m ma f ta
PPW oly. Mi k14 t h Urn
Editor Oregon Statesman:
It seems appropriate to give
voice to the sentiment which
arises in one when privileged to
listen to beautiful music such as
was broadcast from KGW last eve
ning (Dec 15) when a trio of
skilled musicians played the Trio
in-C. Minor composed by Dr. R.
W. Hans :- Seitz. ; Those who ap
preciate the old I masters cannot
help being Impressed with the
beauty of this modern ; master's
work, with its andante movement
containing a melody as haunting
ly sweet as a Schubert symphony,
Its Menuetto reminiscent of Mozart
in Its clarity and fidelity of
rythm- and form.' and the entire
four movements making a touch
ing, inspiring whole.
This listener, j for one, feels
moved to express deep personal ap
preciation and pride that a must
clan of not only great interpretive
ability as many know but also
of rare, creative talent, is a citi
zen of our town. ' i
Having some years ago arrived
at the conclusion that the impulse
to give honest praise should never
be stifled, I venture to hope that
you may find epace in your col
umns for this yetter.
Very Truly Yours,
"Constant Reader."
Dec. 16. 1927.
that, being a man of such wealth.
it was absolutely necessary for his
wife to lire on a commensurate
plana. . .
The charge . that Sebastian S.
Krege, wealthy chain store owner.
lived the life of a philanderer
while distributing huge sums to
charity was made la supreme
court last week by counsel for his
wife, who is suing for a separa
tion. The charge was made dur
ing argument on a motion .for
counsel fees for Mrs. : Doris M.
Kresge. who attorneys said had
been forced to pawn her jewels to
meet her legal expenses. No spec
ific amonnt was asked.
Walter, J. Lynch, or Mrs.
Kresge's counsel, asserted that
from December 192 to April
1927 Kresge lived to New York
with Gladys Adele Fish, of Nat
ick. Mass.. a sister of a girl em
ploye of" one of Mr. Kresge's stores
and known to her associates as
"the princess.
Lynch said that private detec
tives would swear that they, with
Mrs. Kresge, followed Kresge to
an apartment in East Forty
eighth street where they found
Miss Fish scantily clad under the
The "attorney also charged that
Kresge was with Miss Fish In Na
tlck last August, and that last
February he was Intimate with
another young woman in this city.
Lynch did not disclose her name.
Lynch declared Kresge's for
tune to be $265,000,000 and cited
his philanthropies. Including his
recent donation of $500,000 for
the advancement of prohibition In
this country. He said he merely
cited the gifts to establish the fact
Committee sessions : and other
meetings preliminary to the eighth
Quarterly meeting of the Pacific'
Northwest Advisory board, were
held Thursday, with several
score shippers, agriculturalists and
traffic representatives participat
ing.' Tomorrow, no less than 500
are expected from all parts of the
board's territory.
Important among the prelimin
ary meetings today was that of the
agrleulural . eounclL . .This body
elected Thomas. B. Hill of the
Washington state chamber of com
merce, chairman to succeed Dr. S
B. Nelson of Washington state col
R. H. Klpp. marketing expert of
the Portland chamber of com
merce, was elected Tlce president.
. A new cooperative marketing
organization's committee was ap
pointed by the council. C. B. Auker
of Mllon-Freewaer, Ore., was elect
ed chairman, and M. R. Romohr of
Wenatchee, Wash., secretary. .
Credit for success In the orderly
marketing of fresh prunes from
the Walla Walla and Idaho dis
tricts the past season was attribut
ed by Bruce Shangle, Milton-Free-
water, president of the Blue Moan
tain Prune Growers, to assistance
given by the agricultural council
and efforts of marketing depart
ments of chambers of commerce.
Upper House of Congress,
Glories In Being Whole
. Show For Crowd
"Walter, has the lady at the
next table paid her bill?"
"Yes, sir."
"Good, then I can make eyes
at her." Dorfharbier ( Berlin ).
The senate gloried Saturday
In being the whole show at the
capitol and made the most of Its
.With its Industrious competi
tor, the house, taking a day off
to rest up from Its 10 day spurt
on the six month, legislative high
way, the senate tackled with en
thusiasm anything it could find.
Beside shooting along to the
White House the only bill In the
offing a deficiency appropria
tion, measure carrying $200,000-
000 It took a headlong- plunge
Into Its favorite pastime of pro
posing investigations.
lit was a typical senate day. A
dozen or more senators constantly
were on their feet clamoring ' for
recognition, each with a pet pro
posal to offer.
Pages were kept scurrying hith
er and thither about the crowded
chamber c a r ry 1 n g resolutions,
bills and "sundry petitions and
memorials," from senators' desks
to the clerk's place near the vice
president who literally was swamp
ed before the senate's celebrated
"morning hour" for receiving sen
atorial offerings had ended.
As shouts of "Mr. President, Mr.
President," reverberated against
his eardrums, Mr. Dawes kept his
ivory gavel conviently in his right
hand, rapped with it occasionally
and recognized senators in the or
der In which he could move his
vision about the chamber. The
racket and confusion was so In
tense that he found It Impossible
to determine the order In which
appeals for recognition were made.
Before closing its doors to the
public to consider nominations the
senate concurred In the house ac
tion for holiday recess from
December' 21 to January 4, and
put threjsgh several bridge bills.
;" Then with the public excluded
and members puffing away : at
their, cigars or cigarettes, the sen
ate had a brief battle over the
nomination of Dwlght W. Morrow
of ' New Jersey to be ambassador
to Mexico. From behind the clos
ed doors came the word that the
former partner In the J. P. Mor
gan banking firm had been oppos
ed by the hard-hitting Reed, of
Missouri, and young La Follette,
of Wisconsin.'
After the talk had subsided,
Morrow's nomination was con
firmed by an overwhelming vote
as were those of Henry L. Stlm-
son, of New York, to be governor
general of the Philippines, and
many others In the diplomatic and
consular service.' ,
to death by hanging for the mur-i
der of Adelard Bouchard, Lachlne
taxi driver. The death sentence
also was pronounced on George
McDonald, the woman's husband,
who was convicted with -her. The
verdict carried no recommendation
of mercy for the husband. '
McDonald and his wife were
sentenced to be hanged March 23.
They were arrested in Denver,
Colo.. August 23. and" went extra-
Stayton Odd Fellows Visit
Silverton Lodge Meeting
Several auto loads of Odd Fel
lows and Rebekabs went to Sil
verton? Saturday night, where they
attended an interesting meeting
of the Silverton lodge. Some spe
cial team work I and a banquet
were among the program features
which entertained those whf were
fortunate enough' to attend from
the local lodge. ;
Mrs. P. P. Crabtree returned to
Stayton Snnday from Seattle,
where she has been visiting for the
past week with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Burson of
Mill City spent Sunday In Stayton
visiting with friends. -.
Mrs. H. A.' Beauchamp left for
Montana Saturday being called by
telegram to the bedside of her
brother, Mr. Hawley who is seri
ously ill. -
Soviet would have more trade
relations if It had less betrayed
relations.- Wall Street Journal.
1 By Rat i o r
Fine Trains
Deluxe Motor-Coaches
Now you have the choke of traveling via Southern
; ' Pacific by rail or highway. Frecpent, dependable trains
or motor-coaches to Oregon points. There's one leaving
t when you want to go, - . ( i '
: Silver-gray motor-coaches are of latest design--deep
spring, air-cushion seats ; plate-glass, awning-etjuipped
"-windows; no annoying vibration. Relax and rest as you ..
v v rilc Try them on your next trip. - : ? -
' Travel by day on train ot motor-Mech. Convenient
over-night Pullman service to Coos Bay, Klamarh Falls
and Southern Oregon points. - r.- i .
: f Note These Departure Times
' T PwihMl-7:0. S:JO. IfcSS -.: ":0. :, iO. .
' Td ua. Su. W ly-e;3e pjm. Jtwin: W NwliaS UpJ. V
r - TnriM . i ; . ;
T I is9X ;43 sua, t . S:?Oyj. ,
Jfi0tt Cin " ' '
T ASmitt. CrmU m4 umit-f-.ia, lt4e A '
Via Huritef. .. . . j . .
. TrxAa ' '
' Tm AfMar. Camllk, Eca u4 Mmdy.20. l9-.n JSw 7. HM
h To Portland . . . 11.50 . $2J0. . : $2.50
' Sowhcra Pacific call tickets (unless specially restricted) are
good co the motor-coaches. .. -., ...-
"X Citv Ticart uniee
184 N. Liberty Telephone SO
dlted to face the murder charge in
Canada after Canadian authori
ties had identified them as mem
bers of a party which had engaged
Bouchard's taxicab to drive them
from Lachlne to the New York
Bouchard's body was found in
ditch with a ballet In the back
on June 18. the day after he had
set out for the New Tork border.
Read the Classified Ads
VALLETFIELD. Que.. Dec. 19
(AP). Ignoring the Jury's rec
ommendation of mercy. Justice
Walsh has sentenced an Ameri
can woman, Mrs. Doris McDonald.
y Cater To
Who Buy 8
Women 8
The home paper is essentlaL
It carries events of local in-
t crest, community items you
wouldn't miss.
V j Portland-Oregon
keeps you in touch with the
outside world, Portland, the
State, the Nation, politics,
finance, education, sports...
special articles by nationally ,
known pens. - - -
Ralom A. D. WILCOX, 840 N. Summer5 StM Phone 2740.
Mt. Angel LOUIS LeDOUX, Box 17.
Silverton LeROY REISTAD, 418 E. Main St,
Jefferson MARLIN HOLM, Box 13.
Dallas RAY JOHNSTON, Box 813.
Independence HAROLD BUSBY, 241 Grand St.
Detroit H. V. BOOKER. Turner RICHES BROS.
For his
Christmas Morning Shave
and ever after .
Give him the luxury of a clean comfort
shave the fastest in the world 78
seconds firom lather to to weL There, is
no finer gift.
The Valet AutoStrop Razor comes '
complete with handsome, de luxe case,
strop and extra blades; This world's
fastest razor is for sale at all dealers-
$5 to $25, according to style of finish,
number of blades, gold or silver plating.
Order this gift of lifetime comfort today.
Sharjpens itself
"V&lieMutGrStroD Razor
'..-.-..-! , - .cjkji. u. a. raturc.
?. Toror Cfcfirs Ira -re iul n iw New Salem Hotel. Hi eh St. between State aod Ferry
mLL J) fr
. ... - - - -- ... -V- - - 1
1 " 1 a'.y .
. i i tmitir,.! nHi -rat 5"?.v.-f.-'
1 'lr
Model 6 G
A beautiful two-tone walnut console cab
inet with built-in cone speaker. 6-tube
model with single tuning control. Regular
price which includes Radio, B Batteries,
C Batteries and A Batteries is $214.45
$1 Otj;85
mm mm
Save $14.60
Model 6 D
One of the finest 6-tube sets made. The
regular retail price which includes Radio
Set Speaker, A, B, and C Batteries is
Save $1935.
tjtT--:- -DILI'S "viT
Model 7 B
A table model with a built-in
speaker. Regular retail - price
which includes Set, Tubes, A
and B Batteries is $193.25.
Save $48J00
Model 8 B Console
. .
This set retails for $280 which
includes set and batteries
' -"2i&2v-
Save $61.75
Jfuwn ii :;;rr mem imc :."
337 Court Street
rhone 488