The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 20, 1927, Page 10, Image 10

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luii) r. hi
rims' charges
Declares Senator Not Jack
ass "At Least Not a
Perfect one" v
NEW YORK. Dec. 19. (AE)
W. R. Hearst today Issued a state-1
IB eat In reply to an open letter
from Senator Nor rls of Nebraska
' retarding publication of docu
ments by the Hearst newspapers.
Thm statement says in part:
- "It 1 not necessary to reply to
Saaaior Norris hysterical and vl
tapcratlve statement In kind.
I might state, however, that if
Senator Norrta is anxious to estab
Ua2k the truth lie might begin by
telling the truth, a thing that he
has disinetly refrained from doing
threaghout his whole statement.
"The plain facts of this whole
Mexican matter are that these
Unlcan documents are apparently
quite authentic and that no proof
whatever has been produced of
their lack of authenticity. .
"I might hare. In the first place,1
refrained - from publishing any of
taa documents, in which case, my
pesnession of the documents being
known, I would erentually have
ben accused by persons as care
leas of facts as Senator Norris, of
having, been too cowardly and too
concerned for my property inter
ests in Mexico to hare revealed
facts through the medium of my
newspapers, which affected the
'welfare of the American people
and which the American people
had a right to be acquainted with
"In the second place. I might
hare printed some of the docu
ments and suppressed others, .in
.which case J could hare been ac
cased of suppression of the facts
or perversion of the facts to suit
my own prejudices or opinions.
-In the third place, I might hare
tmtervlewed the senators men
tioned and published their explan
ations in my newspapers, but
could not see. and can not now
jeev how denials made in my news
papers would hare any " superior
orce or effect o?er denials maae
by them under oath before a goT
ernmental body.
' "Moreover, such a coarse would
save necessitated the publication
f the senators' names, and I was
fa no way adequately informed of
the probable course of the gov
erament, and as to whether It ever
would be considered necessary or
. desirable by the government to
make publis the senators names.
Therefore, I mentioned no In
dividuals, but merely printed the
documents deleted of names, and
left the determination of that im
portant' point for the. government.
,, v-. -V.
"It was only when the authen
ticity of the documents became al--anoet
overwhelmingly established,
that publication : began.-
"Certainly nobody but a perfect
Jacktsa and Senator Norris .is
. not that at least not a perfect
o could Imagine that my prop
erty holdings In Mexico were ben
efitted by losing the friendship
and favor of the Mexican govern
meat. . ." ' . : , . ,.
. -Finally, as to the elleged evil
motive in endeavoring to reflect
mm the insur rents In the senate
through the publicatloa of these
documents, that seems to me to be
the most aesinine statement that
east be picked, out of Senator Nor
rta. scrap heap of misrepresenta
tion and billingsgate.
"My papers have always been
in the main supporters of the in
surgent group of. senators. .-
A a matter of fact, I am an
insnraent mvself. &ad it !
been and always will be an Insur
gent against wnaterer seems to be
contrary to the lnt.retta nf - nnr
government and the welfare - of
our people, and In sustaining those
prlnciDlea and that nniw t nnx
lished these Mexican documents.
oeueving men and believing row
that I did my simple duty, regard
less of consequences to myself and
considering merely the best bene
fit of the American people."
(C.ind from pg 2.)
pect had telephoned ht .
Santa Monica for money, but re
fused to give his" San Diego ad
dress. He was reported to hare
ieii me southern . city in a stolen
Ford coune. A visit tn th
of the suspects' parents was re-
poriea oy the police to have borne
out the caretAkAr'a ar. v
f "vvij, UU UUL
to have assisted in locating the
In connection with the flnd'm
asserted "watch tower" revelations
aeiecuvea declared that three of
the thlrtv thre mmiin nf
Greek letter fraternity were absent
ui wb cuy. ' a widespread
search was put j under way for
them, while the questioning of all
the other members also was
Two fingerprints, found on the
windshield of the kidnaper's stolen
Chrysler car. tallied positively
with the two discovered on his
crudely printed death threat let
ters." The v, machine's ; steering
wheel was removed for discovery
of more fingerprints. "' The car
was ionna in a parking space a
few.blocka from the street where
the killer dumped the girl's body
after receiving his $1600 ransom
from the father on Saturday night.
It had been left.; tnere y a man
answering the fiend's description,
and its license number was that
noted by Parker. The car was
identified as having , been stolen
from Dr. Herbert Mants in Kan
sas City on November 7, and as
bearing license plates stolen In San
Diego December 13.
3 Suspect Still Held
Three suspects continued in
custody although officers ex
pressed the opinion they were not
connected with the crime. They
were held for further investiga
tion. Lillian Padley, 22, telephone
operator, was arrested when she
was reported to have screamed
hysterically, "I didn't kill her." as
she fled from a house on Manhat
tan street, near where Marlon
Parker's body was surrendered.
The others held were Earl Smith,
S3, and Gaylord : Barnaman.
The Padley house was reported
to have revealed footprints, sup
posedly outlined in bloodstains.
Detectives said these proved to be
wine stains.
Blt For Dreakfast I
"Seven Miles Oat" -
5 :
.Title of new book by Ella' Mc-
Munn, to be off the press today.
ilt will be on sale at 50c a copy
at Patton's book store, and per-j
naps at other stores Further an
nouncement will be made tomor
row. -
' f -
The new book is the same size
as the one by Miss MsMunn pub
lished three years ago. which sold
at 75c a copy, and all of the cop
ies of which were sold within a
few weeks; most of them in the
first four days. . . -.- -
. Those who heard the bee talk
yesterday a the Salem Chamber
of Commerce by Mr. Mead, the
king bee of the industry here, were
convinced that every farm in this
section- Ought to have bees and
will have in time; with an annual
harvest which will mean gold dol
lars galore easy money, too; like
"money from home." . I
"W j
. "Lucky" Lindbergh was be
sieged with protests from this
country against attending a Mex
ican ball fight. : As usual, he dis
played his good judgment, of
which he la so abundantly pos
sessed, by refusing to offend his
host, andpromptly accepted the
Invitation to attend. Lindbergh is
the .outstanding young man of his
age. i What a head that stripling
has' on his shoulders! -
. W
' llf the Incinerator fight keeps up
much . longer Salem will become
advertised almost as well as Klam
ath Falls was a few years ago by
reason of its three -court houses
The firhtlnr snirit la not limited
apparently, to towns 46 feet
above sea level. The rams do not
dampen our spirits.'
And now every one to suspicious
of 'the stranger who passes out
twenty dollar CblH." Reference is
made to the Los Angeles' kidnaper
who received -75 bills .of that de
nomination from the father of his
twelve-year-old - victim. When
that fellow is caught all' the twen
ty-dollar bills In Christendom will
not do him any , good; and the
lawyer who defends him may as
well consider himself - a marked
' Lives of flyers all remind ns we
can dare the dcean's brine, and de-
nartlna- leave behind us little rip
ples, -for a time. Spartanburg
Herald. ; :
Elephant Puzzle Contest Annonncement
Sewer Cost Cited
It will cost S5140.87 to nrovide
a sanitarr sewer mtim fn MnrV
one to six In Walnut Park addi
tion, aecordinr to a renort bv Citv
Engineer Rogers at the council
meeting last night.
After an exciting and sensation
al finish, the Statesman Publish
ing Company . Elephant Pusz!e
Contest came to a close at mid
night, Wednesday, November 30th.
This was probably the most in
teresting contest ever conducted
by this company. Contestants said
they had more fun counting the
figures in the elephant than any
puzzle they ever tried more fun
than a cross word puzzle. There
was no trick or chance Involved,
and only patience and accuracy
were required. In the solution of
the puzzle. One lady said It was
the best fun she ever had in her
During the closing hours of the
contest a regular avalanche of so
lutions and qualifications were
received, which far exceeds any
thing ever experienced in any puz
zle contest ever conducted by this
company. The office staff has
been overloaded with work ever
since, and if they have accident
ally made any errors in entering
subscriptions or any other way,
please advise and corrections will
be made promptly.
The correct answer to the puz
zle Is: The weight of the ele
phant Is 6963 pounds. Contrary
to all expectations, a considerable
number (more than 100) of the
contestants secured the correct
answer to the puzzle and accord
ing to the rules of the contest, a
second puzzle will be submitted
to these tying contestants to
solve. This is In accordance with
the following rule of the contest:
In case of ties a second - puz
zle, like the accompanying chart,
except ' larger, will be presented
for those tied to solve. The prob
lem will consist of drawing a con
tlnuous chain across the chart en
circling the figures in the circles.
If necessary to eliminate further
ties the puzzle with combinations
changed wilip be presented for as
many as five .more times, after
which, should any ties exist, each
tying contestant will r eceive the
full amount of any awards tied
for." Contestants who succeed
ed In securing the correct answer
on the first puzzle will be mailed
the second puzzle with full infor
mation and rules to solve as soon
as we can. get It printed.
Each tying contestant should re
ceive this second puzzle not later
than January 2, 1928, and if for
any reason they do not receive the
second puzzle by that date they
should write to the Statesman
Publishing Company for the sec
ond puzzle chart and it will be
mailed promptly.
The contestants who were out
classed will no doubt throw up
their hats and cheer for the win
ners, realizing full well that the
puzzle candidates who have the
ability to surpass their own splen
did efforts are truly entitled to
all the praise that is possible to
bestow on them.
Thanks- many puzzle contest
ants have expressed the desire
that we thank their friends who
cooperated with them by giving
them subscriptions and thus as
sisting them to qualify their en-
tries in the contest for the larger
- William Heyser, aged 71, died
yesterday, December 18. -He was;
tae father of Herbert. Heyser. or
Salem. The remains' will be for
warded to Los Angeles for serv
ices and interment by Rlgdon mor
tuary. .
, 7. I; We
Cider To A
W E N ; ;
I Who Buy
U For j
Vt , Women . Jl
la 5 lb. boxes, different flavors
Now is your chance to buy your
, , Xmas Candles 4
Put' them away for Xmas -
" - Made within a week -
Regular Price 1 S.Oo per - box
. While they last at
. Two lHs. for 70c T -
Or one Five lb.; Box 91.78
We reserve the riht to limit
Only as , - " ,
. - cutjq ETcnn
1S5 Ncrth Ccrstnerclal Ct.
Fhc9 1C7 ".-
In Buying a
You should bear in. mind
that there are many kinds
of Vacuum Cleaners. Some
clean a little, some clean
more and others, clean .more
thoroughly. Thej Hamilton
Beach with ball bearings
and t motor driven brush
, quickly' gets lint, dust and
grit from the carpets. Why
pay $53.00 to $65.00 for
deahers yfhepr the new
- price- on the Hamilton
; Beach is only '
The best cleaner made. . ft
has no equal.',
340 CoiirtSv:
Let iia cend
one cn trial
" J
r - XX 1 nil
. 1 4
jw jA: A jC-K 4 A xv
1 a.l
-, jr. rr -7r ; . ' : v xx x
1 Sii&LJ
is ejj a necr
Standardized cash stores
Expressed over a half million times in 1927-a half million
transactions don't just happen. They are the result of
earnest study and conscientious effort to GIVE MORE
and SERVE BETTER, It is that assured satisfaction
which our customers enjoy day in and day out, week
after week, and year after year, that makes this store
the "shopping cfenter of particular people."
We have an especially
nice lot of
Francy Groin Feed
Turkeys - Geese
and Government
of every kind.
No. 1 Tall Cans
2 for 35c
No. 1 Tall Cans
2 for 35c
Large Bottle Libby'tf
Large Bottle
Tall Cans
Tall Cans
Per Can
Thousands of
poimds of the
Fresh from the factory
Pure and wholesome
and the price is low too
Boyal Chocolates
Ribbon Mixed
Fancy Glazed Mixed
French Creams
Broken Mixed
Starlight Mixed
Also loads and
loads of Nuts,
Oranges arid
and other
j Large Brazil Nuts
; Soft Shell Almonds "
" . t
Filberts, Walnuts,
- Peanuts, Pecans,
Sunkist Oranges,
Apples, Grapes .
Cluster Saisins, .
Candid Fig3 Dates
Fresh Vegetables
Celry Hearts,
Bnissell Sprouts
Solid Head Lettuce
Cauliflower, Spinach,
Tender Sweet Turnips
-f - " - '
Green Peppers
Rose Bud Beets
Sweet Potatoes
Golden Dates
Mince Meat
Ripe, Green and
Stuffed Olives
Grape Juice
All Flavors
3 for 25c
Knox Gelatine
Fruit Cakes
. . t, ..
Layer. Cakes
Cookies 7
French Pastery
..... ,
' " ,:..
. T i 4
' Whole Wheat
2 Large L6aye3
Other Bread Fresh
. from the Oven
- 2 Largo Loaves
There'o no charge' for; deh very For; better service Ph.
your brdeiv early 455--ASS".:-: i ; -