The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 20, 1927, Page 1, Image 1

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iRossibilities of Honey Industry in Willamette Valley Am Shown to BeUExeptionaly in Mr. Mead's Chamber of Commerce Talk
I ! tCity Council Passes Sett-bach Ordinance Safegard to Safety as : Well as Beauty and Symmetry in Residence Districts of Salem
fl . (1 . . .
Weather forecast: Cloudy, probably rain
over northwest portion; no change In tem
perature; gentle variable winds- Maximum
temperature yesterday 38, minimum 31,
river 4.2, rainfall none, atmosphere cloudy,
wind west.
Drinking men -nowadays ought to be
very liberal to blind beggars. They can
never tell when they'll be la Ibe same fix.
Los Angeles Times.
Incinerator Committee Hears
Last Minute Protest,
j Fails To Report
Members Wondering If- Similar
OppobiUon Will Meet Attempt
To Locate Fire Stations
I In Rei deuce Areas
t. ia minute opposition
xiced by Attorney Walter Wins
ow to the location of the inciner
ator in North Salem Just prior to
the council meeting last night
caused another postponement of
i i..otr rnmmlKee's report
n the location site of the garbage
disposal plant, alter me memuc.a
S -were an ("i1'" y ,
"Zff the Oregon Gravel pit site, wlns
V 7 . ? w hv North
f JOW iiu u
J Aldermen Dancy and Simeral.
t. v VMnan nromiaent North
. r a lII " " - .
palem cillzen. ana Attorney v u
t.., onnirAriArl at some length re-
garding the matter, and when the
council memners were w
order by Mayor Llvesley, Dancy
promptly took the floor and stat
ed that K was necessary to post
pone action.
Calls Mass Meeting
'lie then announced that a mass
meeting for North Salem citizens
had been called for Wednesday,
December 2Sat which the- Incin
erator committee would be pres
ent and give arguments for the
North Salem location. The mass
meeting will be held at the St.
Taul de Vincent parochial schoo)
house. -
The council chambers were com
pletely filled with citizens from
jus to learn the committee's " de
cision. Most of them remained
evtn after Aldrerman Dancy'a an
nouncement. '.v. -Object
To Wagons
The Northv Salem citizens are
baring their protests largely on
the belief that garbage wagons
passing to and from the garbage
plan, in that section would litter
up the streets with, rubbish and
prove offensive to residents on
the wagon route. They also fear
a drop In real estate values de
spKe the fact that it will, be
considerable distance away from
the populated territory.
Faced with protests wherever
(Conttou ps z)
Hare 60 Days In Which to Comply
With Requirements, Ultimatum
Promptly after the city engi
neer's report on buildings which
lack fire escapes, had been read
at the council meeting last night.
Alderman Hal Patton, chairman of
the building committee, moved
that the city recorder notify own
ers to place their establishments
in conformity with the ordinance
In less than stttT diTi nr In ha
haled into court The motion pass
ed unanimously. . i
Alderman Patton took the Ini
tiative in the' matter two! months
ago when he succeeded In having
tne city engineer . Instructed : to
make an investigation and prepare
a report on all buildings not in
line with the ordinance. w
The report showed s e e r a 1
schools and apartments houses and
the county courthouse lacking In
proper fire escape facilities.
The petition from L. B. Bailey,
proprietor of the Busy Bee lunch
counter near the city hall on High
street, for an electric, sign - was
tabled when Alderman Simeral re
ported that the sign had gone up
"ire a permit was granted. The
police department was instructed
to have the slam uv An-mn
Recommendations from the plan
ana zoning commissioned
that permits foe a untM mtmtinn
at the southeast corner of High
uu tioyi streets. '. and ; euro
Pumn at zsk NrK oh-... ... .
f uioned - for by J. W. Parker,
II denied, vrere adnntf .
r ' An H ... ...
. uuc prcmaing ror tne
issuance and nt k
in the amount of 146,417.04 was
ILes Miserables
True to Hugo,
"Les Miserables' the mast
erpiece of Praaoe's most famous
writer. Victor Hugo. U showing
at the Capitol tonight tor the
Jst time, - Of the picture. It
needs only to be said that the
wry u shown as Hugo told It,
at 1U length prevent,
tne filming of some minor epi
aodes; and the spirit and acting
re faithful to the original.
Buildings- in Two Zones Must be
10 tojZS Feet Back From
; ,!. - - Street -t - "
The set-back ordinance, design
ed to promote the public health,
safety, and general welfare of the
public and prevent fire hazard ny
regulating the open apace between
buildings in certain sones, finally
was passed last night by the city
council, after nearly three months
of delay while points were denaxea
by the eouncflmen and the plan
ning and zoning commlssionr
The ordinance in Its final form
provides that no building may be
erected in class one, residential
district, nearer the street line than
(be average of the distances be
tween the closest existing Duua
ings on each side, and in no case
less than ten feet nor more than
25 feet from the street line in
front; and. not lees than ten feet
from the side street line on lots
50 feet or more in width In front.
On lots less than 60 feet the re
quirement Is a distance of 15 per
cent of the width of the lots.
For class two, residential dis
trict, tne provision is in at no
building may be erected nearer the
street line than the average of the
distances between the closest ex
isting buildings on each side, and
in no Instance less or more than
10 feet from the from the street
line in front; and not lese than 10
feet from the side street line on
lots 50 feet or more In width in
front. ,On lota less than 50 feet
the distance snail be equal to 15
per lent of the width of the lots
as now platted.
In both districts, the distance
required between buildings is
eight feet or more.
The punishment for violation of
the ordinance was set at a fine of
$500 or six months in jail, or both.
Marion County Pomona Grange
Committee Considers
A committee representing Che
Marion County Pomona Grange,
-ailed on C. A. Howard, state sup
erintendent of public Instruction,
Monday, to secure information
on which to base action by that
body relative to the law.
The committee was; not"; pre
pared to state what position the
grange could be expected -to take
relative to a proposed change in
the present law which provides
for the adoption of one-third of
the textbooks nsed In the schools
of Oregon every two years. .
The committee was composed of
Or. A. Slaughter of i Salem. Miss
Ella Williams of Stayton and Mrs.
Thomas Bump of Gervals.
Gaines Street Outline Given O. K.
Bids to be Asked
The city council last night ap
proved . working plans for the
Gaines street storm drain line, and
instructed the city recorder to ad
vertise for. bids on drain pine so
that the work on this I33.71S.00
unit can get under way this win
ter. - : i; ' .
Alderman Grabenhorst pointed
out would be possible, to
relieve the . unemployment situa
tion somewhat" by getting this
vork'uuder way: promptly. .
Call Sent Out Over United States
From Radlo Station .
. SEW YORKt Dec. r(AP)
ainions-of radio listeners through
out the country were asked to bow
In prayer for the imprisoned-sailors
of the submarine S-4 for one
minute at 10:S0 o'clock tonight.
At that hour the stations of the
Red and Blue networks of the Na
tional Broadcasting company were
thrown 'together' and : their bread-
casting 'was " suspended ' for " one
minute after the request for -silent
prayer had been made. "
Would Be Life Savers Brave
Gale In Vain In Frantic!
, ' Rescue Effort
Trapped U. S. Sailors ask 'How
Ixmg Will Yon Ber as Mates
Above Stage Losing Race
Against Death
19. (AP) Six men were hud
dled together in the forward tor
pedo compartment of the sunken
submarine S-4 waiting In an ag
ony of mind that can only be
faintly, imagined, rescue that did
not come. That was the situation
that confronted the naval . and
coast guard armada which was
foiled by high seas today in its
frantic effort to carry aid.
Whether any others of the 'for
ty men who went down when the
submarine sank after collision with
the coast guard destroyer Paulding
Saturday afternoon were still
alive, no one knew. That those six
had survived at least part of an
other day was indicated by a ra
dio message from the rescue fleet
which. said they had sent out sig
nals as late as 4:40 p. m. today.
Words Tapped in Code
All that eould be told earlier
in the day was that messages had
been interchanged between divers
and the imprisoned men last night
and-today. The man who deliber
ately and with apparent calmness
in the face of a terrible fate tap
ped out . in code the word that
came from within the submarine
was Lieutenant Graham Newell
Fitch, one of the four officers
ill ii (Ctlaud- pmgf 2)
relative to the operation fof " theQTDCtrT ""PflWPCDTC UIT
state textbook' law with svew 'tefAfACSi. V U N UCtt I a JXI I
preparing a report for -the grange
Regulation of Outdoor Radio
.Deinonstration Urged ; '
Merchants .who operate radios
on the street outside their estab
lishments were hit at in a petition
signed by the Masonic Temple as
sociation, and occupants of the
Oregon building, read at the city
council meeting last night.
The petition labelled the radios
as nuisances and annoying,, to
workers In nearby buildings, op
erated as they are from morning
to night. . - . - .
"We most earnestly solicit your
honorable body for some regula
tory measure sufficient to bring
about the former peace and.qaietT
read tne petition in part.
On motion of Alderman Dancy,
who seconded the complaint in
the petKlon, the city attorney was
instructed: to prepare an ordin
ance to cover the matter. -
Methods of Increasing? Use
' Through. Special Preparu-
tloai Now Plaa
j Removing nothing vital from
the -soil and. instead, adding to
Increase fruit and seed production
and stimulate the value of land,
the honey Industry is a unique
one, H. M. Mead of the Mead Hon
ey company, told: members of the
chamber of commerce yesterday.
Flreweed honey is the valley's
greatest product In that line, Mr.
Mead declared. This honey re
ceives a higher price on the mark
et: than does alfalfa honey and is
much In demand. J -
One hundred thousand bee col
onies In Oregon valued at f 1,500,-
000 -produce annually three mil
lion' pounds of honey, grossing!
S 24 0,0 00 and paying sixteen and
two-thirds on the investment val
ue. With an . additional million
dollars Investment... double this
amount of honey . could be pro
duced, making a 25 per cent gross
return. Two-thirds of the amount
of .honey - now. produced Is -con
turned by the bee farmers and
their neighbors, . only" one-third
reaching the market. This amounts
to about SO car loads.
Experiments are now being
made, said Mr. Mead, to popular
ize a sandwich spread consisting
of equal parts of cows butter and
honey which would strengthen the
honey market. ' A peanut butter
and honey combination also Is be
ing developed, and the field la
open to any one who will manu
facture a honey syrup.
' Mr. Mead also suggested the use
of honey in place of sugar because
It Is an Inverted sweet and not
(Continued oa paf 4.)
Newly Elected Officers to be In
stalled January 9
George F. Vlck, prominent, au
tomobile dealer,' yesterday vat
elected president of the chamber
of commerce for the year 1928.
Opposing; Mr. Vick In the election
were Dr. V. Blatchford and Fred
A. Erixon. '' t- . -
--OtMefofttcers ected'WereFred
A. Thlelsen, Tf ce-presldent; Dr. I
E. Barriek, treasurer; and John
W; Orr, secretary..
. New directors chosen were. U.,
Q- Holt, social department; W. I.
Phillips, civic department; Lloyd
T. Reynolds, agricultural depart
ment Leo N. Childs, legislative de
partment; and Otto A. HiHman.
industrial department. ' , .
The new officers and- directors
will be installed at the meeting.
January 9. No meetings will be
held, until after the holidays. ?
Monday's election changes the
personnel'of the board of directors
considerably, as five new directors
will take seats on the board when
the new year opens. The new di
rectors are W. L. Phillips, Otto A.
Hillman, P. D. Quisenberry, F. EL
Sherwln, and the secretary,' John
W. Orr. : These men have never
served on the board before.
Bolshevism In Vicinity of Canton
Crushed by Extreme MeUiods,
' . Reports Show
SHANGHAI, China, Dec 19.
(AP) Nationalist efforts to
purge" their territory of Bolshevism
and its agents appear to have been
followed by a'relgn of terror tak
tng the form i of wholesale evic
tions, executions and migration.
.While some tales of horror and
brutality- emanating chiefly from
Canton, the center of anti-red ac
tivities, may be exaggerated, there
seems to be little doubt that ex
tremely violent methods used - to
crush bolshevism and expel Its ex
ponents' have reacted on the peace
able Chinese population. Natives
in the affected districts, fearing
to be confounded with. those- sus-
nected of bolehevlst leanings, axe
seeking asylum by the thousands
in Hong Kong. .
News of executions in one group
of six hundred Chinese suspected
being communists came from Can
ton today.; The Soviet vice coun
tul was reported to be among
those executed. . ' - - -
' The danger of the situation is
heightened by reports that 14
Chaisum. who was ousted from the
dictatorship of Canton November
17, is at Swatow trying to prepare
an expedition to regain control of
the city. Apprehensions of re-
fighting have thrown the popula
tion nearly into a panic. Wealthy
Chinese are transferring their val
uables to the foreign concession.
Shameen island.
A Chinese relief delegation re
turning to Hong Kong after a visit
to Canton, - reported that more
than 2,000 houses were destroyed
by fire and that there were 3,000
casualties In connection, with the
disorders of a .week ago when the
bolshevists seized the city and lost
It to the nationalists a day or Be
Discovery Made Last Xlght After
Lair Near Parker Home Found
Earlier in Day , '
Tremendous Ovation Ac
corded Yankee Flying Ace
By Great Crowds
Meeting to Organize Called For
Today Joon at Spa
Representatives of all civic or
ganizations In the, city. will meet
today noon at the Spa restaurant
to lay plana for the annual observ
ance of Thrift,Wek, 'January 17r
24. The V. aU-G; A.' is sponsoring
the work. Last year Salem attract
ed a great deal of attention by the
way In which thrift week was ad
vertised and impressed upon the
people. - -" . r
At today s meeting committees
will be appointed to take care of
the different things, to be done.
One of these will be to arrange
for speakers to' make short thrift
speeches before all the local or
ganisations. There will also be an
important publicity committee ap
pointed. The( organizations that
will be represented at today's lun
cheon are;
Bankers. Library. Y. M. C. A..
T. W. C. A., Klwanls. Rotary.
Lions, Realtors. Chamber of Com
merce, Womens' club, . Business
and Professional .Womens' club.1
public schools. Ministerial associ-pTe
ation, American Legion, building
ana loan associations. Business
Mens league and several others..
Mrs. Lindbergh Makes Trip From
Detroit to Indianapolis on
Way to Visit Son During
Christmas Season
Colonel Charles A. Lindbersh
was the honor guest of the Mexi
co City municipal council at a plc-
I I mMM.;,:
4 j - v
' Charles Lindbergh
nic held this af tef noon fts Xoch
imllco, on the outskirts of the city
Flanked on either aide by high
municipal dignitaries Including
Mayor Arturo Saracho, Colonel
LlndbeTgh received a tremendous
ovation as he made his way
through the great crowd to the
picnic grounds where after formal
ceremonies, an elaborate luncheon
was served. Part of the route was
made through winding water chan
nels and on this stretch Colonel
Lindbergh stood in a flat bottomed
canoe which was preceded by an
other canoe containing a band that
entertained the crowd with .native
music. . '
The official entertainment uro
gram which has been worked out
principally by the war department.
is expected to slacken . somewhat
(Contiavea oa pr .)
Health and Police Committee Re
. i ports Adversely
Further, encroachment on park
ing space . tn the city by reserviag
portions of the street in front of
the Oregon building and the BUgh
and Terminal . hotels .was -checked
by the city council list night when
it approved a report of the health
and police committee recommend
ing adversely on, a petition from
local taxi drivers. v t. . i
Persons Barely Eacane
xnrownmg: A ear Klamath
Beverages Made Here Not Subject
To Tax Provision
PORTLAND. Dee. 19. (AP)
In an opinion handed down today
in the federal court" here, Loju
and Phes, two loganberry extracts,
were held not to be beverages un
der the provisions of the -federal
tax regulations. The decision se
cures a refund of I1S.7SS.S9 with
interest "for the Ptes-company,
and- $1,293.09 with interest for
the - Northwest Fruit . Products
companies paid " the government
tax under protest..
(Copyriskt sy Barris aas Kviag)
' Scenes as Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh took off on his momentous flight from Washington' to
Mexico: Top, Major-Harvey B. BurwelL Bolllnr Field commandant, bidding the fuiom river
adieu; below, the Spirit of fit. Louis begins -to rise above the muddy field, headed south.
( AP ) Five persons barely es
capejb drowning in the upper lake
near here yesterday when an en
tflosed automobile which they had
driven on..-the ice-covered lake
crashed through the ice.-
Eddie Atchison, the last to leave
the car, was imperiled when the
pressure of thelce against the side
of the car nearly trapped him in
side. After a straggle he forced
the door and squeezed . through.
Othexgu la the party were Earl
Atchison; driver of the car. Law
reaee Myers, Mr Gertrude Atchl-1
sou .and; Jauinta . Howard. ,
' The car Jbroka through the let
200 yards from' the edge of the
lake. - ' : .
Sixteen Year Old Bend Yoath Dies
Following Injury
BEND. Dec 19. (AP) Nor
land Pitman, 10, died in a hospital
here' as the 'result of Injuries re
ceived Thursday when he was
struck on the forehead by a piece
of wood which broke as he was
turning it on a lathe in the Bend
high school manual training shop
Meningitis developed late Satur
day night after he was believed on
the way to recovery.' ;
Dime Not ' Enough, - He Insists;
- Judge Says f25 Just Right ;
DALLAS. Texas; Dec. ' 19
(AP) A beggar who became en
raged and railed at - a -man who
had given him a dime "was fined
f 2 & . by Judge Walter Branan here
today. 5 ."This near Christmas
people ought to give me at least
a dollar,? the beggar told the don
or of the 10 cents.
Representative-' Introduces
Bill In Congress "
; WAS IirNGTON, Dec'l 9 (AP)
erection of a memorial to the
pioneers of the Oregon ' Trail ; at
Waahlngton is proposed in a bill
today by Representative Smith,
republican. Idaho, The measure
calls for an appropriation of $10.-
LOS ANGELES. Dec. 19. (AP)
a vacant house, believed by the
police to have been the headquart
ers or the murderer of 12 year old
Marian Parker, during the early
stages of the .kidnaping plot. Was
discovered here tonight. -
The suspected house is on Man
hattan street in close proximity to
the spot where the fiendish slayer
Saturday night collected $1500
from the father. Perry M. Parker.
and left the child's torso in a gut
Captain of Detectives Cahlll and
Police Commissioner Thorpe an
nounced they had discovered in
the house a scrap of paper, torn
and trampled, but with the word
"Marian", barely legible upon it.
Neighbors informed the officers,
they said; that two men and a wo
man answering- the description of
the supposed perpetrators of the
atrocious crime moved out of the
house several days ago.- Cahlll
said the house had every appear
ance of having been deserted
Neither articles of clothing nor
furniture were found and the
scrap of paper was picked up just
inside the back door. The police
said the scrap of paper might have
been a part of a draft of cne of
the ransom notes.
There were two or three other
words on the piece of paper but
the officers were unable to de
cipher them in their first exam
i .'iii
Fingerprint ; Experts Posi
tively Determine Who .
Fiend Slayer Was j
Llewellyn Burnslde Missing Since
Friday; Search Futile
Fear for the safety of Llewellyn
Burnelde, 14 year old boy who has
been missing since Friday from
the state institution for the feeble
minded, was expressed last night
by bis mother, a resident of this
Mty. - . : ' '
A report was received that the
boy wis at Woodburn, but this has
not been confirmed.
Anyone getting trace of, the boy
is asked to notify Mts. J. J. Wlltse,
telephoning 494. The lad was
wearing dark blue overalls, a blue
Jhirt, a red" sweater and a light
hat when last seen. He Is well
built. 4 feet 10 Inches tall, rather
stout for his age. has light hair
and blue -gray eyes.
former United States Senator
Taken As Law Breaker
PORTLAND. Dec. 19. (AP)
Robert N. Stanfield, United States
senator from Oregon, today was
charged with assault and battery
and with failure to give name and
address following an accident.
Deputy City Attorney Jensen Is
sued the warrants upon ' applica
tion of Howard O. Wilcox. Mult
nomah. Ore.. , garage proprietor
the complainant.
Police had not obtained service
on the warrants late today Bail
has been set at S 2 5 0 on : each
Man WasFormerly Employe
of Los Angeles Firm
Criminal For Whom Hunt la
Being Staged Positively
Stated To Be One. Who
Worked With GirTs Father
Stanfield Is accused by Wilcox
of having backed" an automohilAi
twice Into Wilcox's car early Fri- handwriting on the ransom letters.
aay aignt. . wiicox said that Stan
LOS; ANGELES, Dec. 20.
(AP) William Edward Hick
man, discharged employe of the
Los Angeles First National Trsst
and Savings bank was declared
by Chief of Detectives Herman
CHne today to have been identified
absolutely as the slayer of Marian
Parker, 12 year old Los Angeles
3Chool girl.
The motive for the atrocious
crime, the police said, was ven
geance. Perry M. Parker, an as
sistant cashier of the bank, was
the only bank official who op
posed the youth's plea for proba
tion after he had pleaded ruiltr
.to charges of forging checks. Ar
rest on that charge had been re
sponsible for discharge from the
bank and Parker urged that Hick
man be given either a prison or a
jail term.
Hickman, however, was paroled
to his mother, then living in-AI-hambra.
..... . .-
Announcement "that Hickman
had been identified both by finger
prim and photograph as the kid
naper and slayer of the child, wan
made by the - police early this
morning after it had been deter
mined that he was not at-the Al
h am bra address. Neighbors said
the family moved a month ego to
Kansas City,. Mo.
His fingerprints, on file with
the police identification bureau as
a result of his previous arrest
checked with those found on the
rear window of a coupe used by
the slayer when lie delivered the
child's torso to her father and re
ceived, fer It $1500, and also with
prints found on ransom letters
sent Parker.
The i police, photograph was
Identified by Mrs. Mary Ward
Holt, school official who ws
rtlcked Into excusing Marian la
go with the kidnaper, as the man
who had called for the gfrL
Parker also Identified the pic
ture of the youth as the dis
charged employe of the bank.
Experts, who examined ths
field also backed into ' two other
According to Wilcox he walked
over to Stan field's machine after
tne accident and -the former sena
tor became abusive ' and - struck
nut., in the. face. - -r
Benefit: Show Billed, at Elslnore
' For ChristBUMi Fnnd.-i -
Generous response is belnc riv
en the .newsboys, sale of tickets
ror tne benerit show which Is bill
ed at the Klsinore theater Wed
nesday night. The boys are' sell
ing the tickets and In turn, the
proceeds wll be used to give the
newsies, no matter what papers
they handle, a big Christmas din
ner at OXeary's. - '
Two Arrested As Suspects At Al-
bequerqae, Aew. Mexico
19. (AP) An ' envelope . on
which "Miss Parker, Hearst av
enue," had-been written with- a
snarp - pencil. - then erased was
xouna in possession of a porter, II.
Owen of. Pueblp. Colo., and W. R.
Johnston of Delta. Colo., arrested
by the sheriffs of flee here this af
ternoon on suspicion In connection
with the murder of Marian Parker
at Los Angeles. ,.-
Over Cascades -Covered
Depth of Two Feet, Word. .
BEND, De. 19-i(AP) Snow
to the depth of two feet covers the
McKenzie Pass country, althoaxh
in the big cut at the east approach
or the lava fields, the covering 1
much less in depth. Robert W.
Sawyer, state- highway commis
sioner, hiked to the pass summit
yesterday to obtain first hand In
formation en snow conditions.
comparing it with that on the as-
pucauon or uicKraav ror employ
ment at the bank, said the tw
were identical.' '
Th ag-e given by Hickman when
he applied for employment at the
bank two years ago was 19. II
was employed as a messenger ua-tll-slr
months- ago when he watt
arrested on seven counts of forj-ery.
KANSAS CITT, Dee. - 20.
(AP)- Edward : Hickman, Ideatl-fled-
by fingerprints as the mam
sought In connection ; with this
kidnaping and -'slaying of Marian
Parker, lived here with his moth
er .until last summer when his
went to the Pacific coast. .... 1
Young Hickman', was reportr-d
to; have secured eraploymen t tti
the' First National Savings .an. I
Trust company bank at Los An
geles, where the girl's .father ti
assistant cashier. . .
Police here revealed they bait
been requested to trace Hickman
who', was detained by probat!::t
officers In Los Angeles July l--.a
in connection with a forged chr? X
The youth was released on proba
tion to CrSands to friends here.
'. On his return he. was report-
to have remained with his mot: r
for a time and then to have t '
appeared. II was understood t
have been In Chicago Oct. 13 1 - I
and was last reported here f r 2
part of November."
'i The "Hickman . home is la t
vicinity of tha of Dr. Her: rt I
Mants whose car was taken f r : i,
him by a bandit last Mill : 1
which was used by. the kI4sa; r.
: S AUGUS, Cal., Dec. 19. (A P)
A man sousht as a possStls t -
pect In the slaying of ilarlan I -
ker, Los Angeles school rtrl. 2
edrfrom a northbound Lout: ;
Pacific train near here tor
when the. train .was - bear-It ; :
searching officers and escar
the shotgun of -a -deputy f
sent a hall of lead t!tcr T
Seltzer- and - Bogard us fl
ed, bluing away with'tTielr ;
In the hope tfcat a rani?n s
might reach the mart. Hat 1
'( Continual pr r)