The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 18, 1927, Page 7, Image 7

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i :4 '
Poor marrisce licenses were
vesterdAv Issued from the office
of the Marion county clerk,
censes were as follows:
Jh Fariow. 47, and Caro-"ViTL..-J5"iice.
36. Both are resi
dents of Jefferson.
Lewis C. Palmer, 22, of Cald
well, Idaho, and Lois Anne Myers,
13. of Clackamas, Oregon.
Lewis A. Drager, 21, of Albany,
;nd Elizabeth M. Kathoff. 19, of
Konald N. Payne, 22. of 483
)rth Winter street, Salem, and
Triazel L. Craig, 21, of rouie 8,
Bits For Breakfast
class of newly fledged American la the amount of $50,000 corer-
dtixens Here. It was a handsome! lner Bavin oneratlona will ha m
I Good morning. West Salem -
' A pin oi uruaier sweui u iiw
4 city mail delivery with the torn
of the year.
Now for a speeding up of the
plan to make the two Sale ma one
"ity, growing great together.
There is a chance for a west side
countcrDoint to Falrmount Hill
over there, and room for many
beauty spots.
And the 700 people of West Sa
lem would look good included in
the federal census figures of 1930.
m "b "U
The Salem Y free employment
office had 129 people applying for
work last week, and sent only- 39
to jobs. But the appeal to farm
ers to find work for the Idle men
and women of the city is already
bearing fruit.
The McDowell chorus members
realized that they were doing well
at their first entertainment. Every
member of the listening audience
agreed. Now the leading tenor of
the coast says the same thing. He
ertoob a'nn han, 11 1 fafiri t IT
Vji, and this is. very encouraging. Thi3
V club bears the name of America'i
tkX greatest composer of music, and
f"!Vv- the world's greatest in some re
spects, lately being tardily ac
knowledged even in the European
centers of- music, and the Salem
organization is going to live up to
its name, and help render Salem
an outstanding musical center.
The new citizens banquet at the
Y last night will be a high spot in
.he lives of the members of the
thine, and one o the kind that
will help Salem as eity of wel
come and sympathy and ; hospi
tality. ; " V2t3.latu
(Contiaved from pf 1)
la. ... i-
Frencb Refuse Protection
It had been suggested that the
soviet officials in Shanghai might
take refuge in the ' French con
cession but the French consular
authorities have ; lnstrncted the
French police to notify all Rus
sians employed' by Soviet concerns
that they must leave the conces
sion under a time limit which. will
be decided by the I police. Mean
while the French police are picket
ing the homes of the Russians.
The Soviet government has re
pried promptly to. he recent Nan
king note severing relations, M.
Kovlovcky this afternoon handing
Quo Talchl; the-Nanking: foreign
minister, the Russian reply drawn
by Foreign Commissar Tchitch
erin. The gist of the reply is that the
Soviet government never recog
nized the . so-called Nanking na
tionalist government and that all
relation between Russia and
China are governed by the treaty
signed witn the Peking govern
ment In 1924. Every Soviet ap
pointment made in China was
made with the sanction and ap
proval of the Peking government.
The note emphatically rejects
the charge that the Soviet consu
late in Canton was used as a basis
for directing a revolutionary
for approval. -" ; , ;. .
Final adoption of the city bud
get cannot be made Monday night
for the reason that 20 days will
not nave elapsed sine the budget
was first advertised. special
meeting will be called for Wednes
day, December 21, to give final
adoption. - " -
1 2
- f
- t
(Continued frontpage 1")
the floor, it Is said.
Engineers May Report
No other important business is
slated to come before the council-!
men, although it is believed that
the special drainage engineers Willi
have ready for approval a set of,
working plans on the more ur-i
gent drainage relief units. j
Of Interest will be the report byj
Fire Chief Hutton on the work of;
the fire department during the,
past year. His is the only reportj
made at the final session. Reports
from all other city officials are al
ways made at the first January
The issuance of Bancroft bonds i
(Continued from pmf 1)
reporting the collision, started a
rescue fleet from the New Lon
don coast guard and submarine
bases. and from the Boston and
Portsmouth. N. .H. navy yards.
The submarine tender Wandank
was the first to reach the posi
tion of the collision. The Wood
End coast guard station sent its
life boats to search for possible
survivors, but without result.
Sub Being Tried Oat
The Paulding is a 740 ton de
stroyer which was turned over by
ike navy to the coast guard ser
vice. The S-4. while of the same
class as the S-51, is somewhat
smaller. She is 231 feet long and
was built at the Portsmouth navy
yard in 1919. She was making her
standardization trials after an
overhauling when the collision
It was Impossible to undertake
efforts to raise the S-4 early to
night because no vessels had reach
ed the scene with the necessary
equipment for the purpose. The!
Wandank placed six buoys to
mark the exact point at. which the
submarine had gone down. Pon
toons to be used in lifting opera
tions were sent from New London
but it was not expected that they
would be here before tomorrow
A survey made by the Wand
ank indicated that the water is
from IS to 20 fathoms la depth.
at the point where the S-4 went
down. -'- :'. . : v..
NEWPORT, IU L Deo. .17
(AP) Eleven divers from the
diving school of the naval torpedo
station under; command of Lieu
tenant F. E. Mathews, started for
Provincetown Mass. tonight to
take part in the attempt to res
cue the crew of the United States
submarine S-4, which was ram
med and sunk by the coast guard
destroyer Paulding today.
The divers are expected to ar
rive at the scene of the disaster
at daybreak, where they will Join
the submarine tender Falcon,
which left New London with driv
ing equipment. , j
The detachment is making the
trip by motor, thjee trucks carry
ing equipment besides the person
nel. Rhode Island state police es
rorted the navaltrucks to , 'Che
Massachusetts lin to expedite
their journey and Tn Massachui.
sets, police of that state perform
ed a similar service.
True old time quality.
(Continued from paga 1)
It showed that the district has
good walks on about 0 per cent
of its area, and that the balance
of the walks are constructed of
cinders and gravel from which the
water will drain so as to afford
easy and comfortable travel dur
ing inclement weather.
The survey showed that West
Salem has a population of 700.
with approximately 200 families,
and 550 persons over 16 years of
The Territory Served
Following is the territory to be
served, through the new order:
Leaving the Salem postoffice,
going to Kingwood street; on
Klngwood street to Fifth, 'return
on Klngwood to Franklin, on
rranklln to State, on State to
Fifth, on Fifth to Johnson, return
on Johnson to Fourth,' on Fourth
to Division, on Division to Fifth,
returning on Division to Second,
on Second to State, on 8tate to
Third, on Third to Johnson, on
Johnson to Fourth, on Fourth to
Division, on Division to Fifth and
returning on Division to Second.
on Second to State, and on State
to'Third, on Third to Johnson, on
Johnson to Fourth, on Fourth to
State, on State to Rosemont Av
enue, on Rosemont Avenue to
Sixth, returning on Rosemont Av
enue to Fourth, on Fourth to Sen
ate, return on Fourth to Rosemont
Avssiue, on Rosemont Avenue to
Park, on Park to Kingwood Av
enue, and then on Kingwood Av
enue to First street. Also on Lee
street from 21st to 24th. and Elec
trie Avenue from Cottage to Alder
v-v.May Come Into Cftv
uTnia action joins West Salem to
Salem as completely as if it were
a part of the larger city, and under
the same charter and municipal
laws and regulations, with respect
to free city mail delivery.
But West Salem is in Polk coun
ty and has a city government of
its own, functioning as fullv a
that of the big sister on the east
side of the Willamette.
There is a movement among the
leading spirits of West Salem to
have West Salem iolned tn Rntm
They believe this, may be done
mrough an enabling act of the
legislature, allowing a vote on the
same question to be taken in the
two cities, requiring a majority of
the rotes cast in each city Just
the tame as any other addition is
voted Into Salem, as has been done
frequently; West Salem would
still be in Polk . county, hut it
would "be a part of the city of Sa
lem instead of having a municipal
government of its own.
If this is to be done, it is sug-
rested that it ; be accomplished
soon. It would add over 7d0 to
the population of Salem in the
1930 federal census, preparations
for the taking of which will ere
long be on foot..
included, an explicit repudiation maval expenditure What six
of any scheme for measuring our
strength in naval construction
against the Immensely . superior
resources of the United States.
The Immediate future should
fleet the- Americans choose to
build is no concern of onrs. We
have not" the money to emulate
them, and. If. we had. It would be
most wanton waste to spend it o
see a sharp curtailment in British such useless ends. .
(Continued from page 1)
was possible to arrive , at an ar
rangement for the further mutual
limitation of naval armaments. -Results
Pointed Out
The consequences of the failure
of this conference were obvious
and inevitable. As it was Sir Aus
ten Chamberlain's business to fore
see. it introduced an element of
distrust into our dealings with the
United States. It also left America
no other couTse but to bring her
navy at least to parity with that
of Britain.
We cannot put back the clock.
The fatal blunder has been made
and we must bear the consequen
ces, but first it is of the most ur
gent imperial Interest that the new
British government, whose arrival
cannot be long delayed, should is
sue a declaration of our naval pol
icy. In that declaration should be
To insure quality barber work and better service look
for this shop card, bearing the slogan, "It Pays To Look
WelL" ; -v.. ; a . ; ; v.: 'vv y,
This card is 3 guarantee of clean linen, nearly as pos
sible standardized service and that shops displaying
this card "are always trying to obtain better methods of
serving you.
Master Barbers
F. J. Sande, Sec.
;r 7
1 60 N. Liberty Street
V ' rnmmmttmmjmamm ' : 'mammmmmmMmmmmil iwMwwWM!M8!Bgt) I
" ' "
j r
f.f u : . ' ' " i
WKeii Sant Claus slips into the Stocking field he prefers above all that Gifts register a
verh tangible "quality. Choose from our unlimited stock and be assured that your hosi
ery gifts will have it in no uncertain measure.
I Semi-sheer with All Silk Heels, faint sus- Chiffon Silk from top to toe in all the very
I picion of reinforcement in the lisle lined - latest colors, the most wonderful value we
f- mJk
Buy Your Christmaa
Silverware Now
of J. C. Penney Company
Anniversary Pattern
Table Silverware
In th Same Artistic Pattern, la
the Sun Enduring Quality. Guar
anteed without time limit by the)
J. C Penney Company
Owners of the beaotifbl Annirertary Pat
tern of oar Rogers Silrerware Set of 25
f ieces have another exceptional offer in store
or them. You can now select additional
pieces to enlarge your present set or purchase
other pieces to match. Extra teaspoons, table
. spoons, medium forks, stainless knives butter
spreaders, cold meat forks, vravy ladles and
children's sets are now available-
Teaspoons, packed set of 6. .jLJLjtJimjbjkj. 83
.Tablespoons, packed set of 6. . . -. .. , 1.93
Medium Forks, packed set of 6. . . . c. . c. . . t. . 1.93
Stainless Knives, packed set of 6.......,,.,.. 38
Soup Spoons, round bowl, packed set of 6. ... . . 2.49
Ico Tea Spoons, packed sot of 6 . .. 2.49
IndaTidoal Salad Forks, packed set of 6. 3.49
patter Spreaders, packed set of 6. . ... ... . . . 2JBS
Cold Meat Fork, each. . . . -.-c-.:c .. . -98
Crmvy Ladle, packed, eech. . r. .... J9S
uLfs Set, knife, fork, spoon, boxed tjsjtajA;j. M3,
I . 1 . " 1
JVelt, an exceptional V . . :
3 Pairs in a Gift Box
.have ever offered at
3 Pairs in Gift Box
Dr. John M. Gronholm
Foot Specialist j
; thepwce
i -SH0E.-
- Expert Shoe Repairing:
done in our New Shop
Fancy Glovec
: Ideal For Gift
0'- ... .. .
uooa qaaiiry xaonc gloves
lire a favorke with women.
Sveater Coats
For Men
Worsted plait li fine
juage ribbed, heather snsdes,
- $2.98
Fur Fabrics Are Flattering
And Much Less Expensive Than
Real Fur In Your Winter
Here U a dcTer solution of yottf
winter coat problem a smart coat of
fur fabric in noveltj animal and fur
patterns. Cosily warm, becoming an4 '
so inexpensive. ;
19.75 to 39.50
Generous Collars and Cuff a
Contrasting fur collar and cuffs give dis
tinction and charm to these attractive coats.
Popular brown and tan shades black, too
Coats For Women and Misses
Holiday Sets
Bath Powder and Salts
Dainty, fragrant sets -so
appropriate for Christmas.
89c' .
Holiday Hose
Our Own -All Silk
'447. 449 snd 455 are
guides to excellent quality.
A Toilet Set for Christmas
Exquisitely Packed
For Her-Gift "
White Broadcloth Shirts
With JVEite Rayon Stripei
Collar Attached c? Neckband Stylo
Dressy white
Broadcloth Shirts
with single or grotra
'Karoo its ipef,
- iVerr finely made
hirts. and. lot
priced at i
With on. tUU
pocket, eat full,.
carcfnQ tailored,;
best Oallty but--toss
and buttoa
holes. A aift for
particular men.
For beauty's sake the will
thank you for. a gift of fits
toiletrie' Melba- Djer-Kiss.
Uavis and Coty sets are spe-
dally boxed for. holiday civins.)
98c to $3.98!
Warm Houoe Slippero
' . rrhe Cheery Gift of Comfort
yarm and serviceable houie tllppert are liked by all,
and make popular Christmaa gifts: Our displavt wIH
prove especially interesting to yon both because of tha
.ariety of the tyles and the prices which afford iinpor-
.tant favingt
Sizes fcr