The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 18, 1927, Page 6, Image 6

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m I in
Plan for
Full representation of the W1J-
lamette ralley's leading baseball
towns In the Portland City lea rue.
'and an improved ball- park , Cor
Salem, are two of the things that
are in prospect for the fane here
next year- bat they aren't all. It
now appears. " " ,
There Is strong Indication .that
a really adequate s method -.of de
termining a state semi-pro cham
pionship -more ; than that, a
method which will permit fans in
the respect tre towns to witnesc
the championship games will b
worked out. '
It all grows out of the clamor
which Bend. The Dalles and other
cities outside the Willamette rat
ley are making for admission into
the City league. -'
Bend and. The Dalles, at least,
have demonstrated that . they
can support teams which would be
In a class with City league ball,
but they are: so far away that
their applications for membership
will be rejected when the league
directors meet early In 1928.
Eugene and Albany probably will
-,Jt voted in, because last-year's ex
perience has convinced the league
bosses that more tnter-city rivalry
la the thing that is needed to in
crease gate receipts so that strong
squads can be carried all year.
But out of the Insistence that
teams from other parts of- the
state be Included in the scheme or
things,. baseball followers here see
the llklihood that a sort of super
. league, with a short schedule com
prising no more than two games
around, will be worked out, the
league to be composed of cham
pion teams in the valley, la Port
land,' in the central, southern and
. eastern parts of the state.
Experience of two years ago,
when a tournament was played in
Portland with the purported In
tention of picking a atate cham
pion team, will cause that plan to
be passed up. The . tournament
was not . success, because It
didn't settle any state title and
didn't draw financially. Several
sections of the state which admit
tedly had terms on a par with
these entered, weren't given
chance to , participate, and the
games were played too far away
from most of the cities concerned.1
to draw heavy partisan support.
If a short statewide schedule
1 worked out, the games will be
played over s period of several
weeks. In the eity most concerned.
. - Games which might have settled
the state title last year, had they
bnen scheduled under a definite
and comprehensive plan, were
played, but they came so late in
the season ttfttfew (earns were
up to their best 'strength "It the
various leagues work out" their
schedules so that time Is left for
such a series. It wilt come as a fit
Una climax to the season's play..
: : iti
" V,' ' ' y' - '
' I -. . I sjh ' . i. h -A A , 1 .
a i
Thomas Carrington Gawthrop.II, center and captain-elect of the.
1928 Haverferd College eleven He is 18 and is reputed to be the
youngest college varsity captain in the country.
HI li U
Present Standings
Player W. L..
Albright 5
Davis 5
Molley 6
Stoliker 5
Edwards . ,
Kerston . .
Sundin ...
Barker . .
With every player defeated at
least once to date, competition in
the three-cushion, billiard tourna
ment at the BHgh parlors is wax
ing hotter, and some decisive
games are on the schedule for the
coming week, which follows:
Monday, Molley vs. Albright,
Barker vs. Hibler.
Tuesday, Edwards vs. McChes
ney, DaTis vs. Sundin.
.Wednesday, Stoliker vs. Barker,
Hibler vs. Kerston. -
Thursday,! Sundin vs. Molley,
Albright vs. Stoliker.
Friday, McChesney vs. Davis,
Kerston vs. Edwards.
Molley at present holds the rec
ord for high run, with a mark of
Salem sport fans may .see two
all coast basketball players in ac
tion here Friday, December 28.
They are Roy Okerberg, prod
uct of Salem high and University
ot Oregon, and his last year's- team
mate at Oregon, "Swede" "Wester
rren. - .v '
Coach "Spec" Keene, of Wil
lamette university, yesterday re
. celved a telegram from the Ore
gon Mehawks, a Eugene team,
which numbers in Its personnel
these two outstanding players,
asking for a game here.
As the Mohawks will some on a
sixty-forty basis. It is quite likely
that the game will be arranged
against the Bearcats.
Keene will disband his squad
, Wednesday evening, and there will
be no games prior to Christmas.
. The players have been instruct
ed to return Tuesday following
Christmas; however, to begin prac
tice In earnest tor the coming con
ference season. it
A number t practice games
with townjeams have been lined
up for the men. Two games
against University of Oregon are
on the slate for January 6 and 7.
The first conference game will
be against Pacific university Jan
. uary 20. "" " v-
Wlllamette probably wW not
play Oregon State college this
year. Keene believes it would be
- of no advantage ' to work out a
special defense which would be ef
fective against the -percentage
style of play Coach Hager uses.
, Last year, the Bearcats played
O. S. C. at Corvallis, Keene in
structed his men to use. the five
man defense and never to permit
themselves to be drawn away from
the basket.
The result was a dull game of
stalling with the O. S. O. men
passing the ball back and forth
. under their own goal. 'The fans
didnt Mike it, and the Bearcats
" had little, opportunity to develop
their, own' style o. play.
Reggie DePoe, " the Xhemawa
- chao who proved so valuable as
' a football player, has chances of
breaking in as regular forward,
Keene- said' laiV-nighV ! DePoe
last recently bel to practice,
. having been out ofr'school on ac
count of . the em allpox q uarantlne,
. but so outstanding has"been. hla
epr f ormance" the past few nights
that he has shaded all competitor
for the' place. . . '
All tf.9 regulars are gctttaslnt"
ttf p, ai.Ha Injuries "are healing
Monmouth, Dec. 17. (Special)
Monmouth normal basketball
squad, won i their third practice
game when they defeated the Ore
gon Paper and Pulp team of Salem
in a much one-sided game wjtha
final score of 73 to 18. Page of
Salem scored high for his team
with 8 points and Cooke with 19
was high man for the Normal.
The lineup:
Monmouth (73) Salem (16)
Beer man F .... Nobberfelt
Cook F ........ Chlljt
Schrunk C Reaney
Phillips G Page
Ayers G Anolt
Subs, Monmouth; Becken, Price,
Morris and Lehman. Salem subs,
Chambers and Bielser. Referee
After the game the visitors en
joyed an informal dance with the
normal school students.
Determined to regain top hon
ors In the nortnwest coniereuce
at tennis. Manager Ivan White,
number one player on the Bear
cat squad last year, and a likely
repeater next season, has request
ed other university tenis stars to
begin practice early.
Minto and Litchfield, reterans.
will be on hand again.' These, three
netters are expected to constitute
the Bearcat strength.
Whitman college won both the
singles and doubles title last sea
son 'and this is the only school to
challenge the skill of the Bearcats
next season,' it Is beliered. 'Re
ports Indicate that the Washington
Junior state champion, has enroll
ed there, and bids fair to oust Joe
Williams from his place as num
ber one player. 'Williams won the
singles title last year from Ivan
White. i - :
SAN- DIEGO,' Cel., i Dec. 17
(AP). Clipping fire strokes from
par for' the opening 1 8 holes, Leo
Dlegel, professional of .the ' Fenl
more Country club of New York,
turned a brilliant 6T to lead the
field In the first lap of the race
for the S2I0.0 purse in the San
Diego Country club's open tourna
ment ' - j. -
Another "of jthe fascinating
things about the old-time Western
dance-hall, as depicted In the mov
ies, is that every one there danced
the foxtrot, twenty years before It
was Invented. Detroit News.
U believed the squad will
lb r tough assignments
3 after the holidays.
By Norman E. Brown
Basketball is holding the boards
in sport now, with bowling and
billiards Its main competitors. Pro
fessional basketball is- already in
full swing and the American
league, boasting the cream of the
pro-cagers, is enjoying a bigger
season than it had last year.
" One of the new additions to the
ranks of the professionals is Vic
Hanson, probably the greatest all
around athletic star 'that Syracuse
university has ever produced.
Hanson was the outstanding
star of the Syracuse cage team
during his years at that institu
tion, as well as the spark of the
football team.
His comment on professional
basketball, as he breaks into it, is
Interesting, therefore.
He admits frankly that here is
no comparison between the profes
sional and college games as far as
speed, team play and strategy are
concerned. The difference in rules
has no direct bearing on the su
periority of the pro players, he as
serts. The pros are bigger play
ers, faster and smarter.
The middle west athletic fans
are interested in the selection of
Frankolin P. Johnson, affection
ately referred to as "Pitch," as
track coach at Drake university.
Des Moines, Iowa.
Johnson will assume his new
duties January 1.
"Pitch." who draws his nick
name from his middle name
"Pitcher," is recognized as one of
the best high hurdlers in the coun
try. He was selected as a member
of the 1924 Olympic team while a
student at the University of Illi
nois, and equaled the Olympic
record of 14 4-5 seconds In the
tryouts for the 110-meter high
hurdles at Boston. He reached the
semi-finals at Paris when the
games were staged.
He has also ran in the low hurd
les and has a mark of 23 feet, 2 hi
Inches in the broad Jump.
After graduation from Illinois In
1924, Johnson became assistant to
Harry Gill, track coach of the
Illinl, and also acted as freshman
coach. He was 'holding this posi
tion when the recent offer came
from Drake.
Not since the war and maybe
never has a Salem high school bas
ketball team been defeated by a'
team made up from among the
school's graduate stars.
But the alumni list of hoopsters
becomes more impressive each
year; containing now a goodly
number of all-state honor players
such as Heenan, Okerberg, John
and Robert Drager, and the Ashby
brothers, and the prediction is that
the Red and Black will get plenty
of competition next Friday eve
ning in the annual game, a fea
ture of homecoming.
Luke Gill is lining up. the alum
ni players and has a list of more
than a dozen to choose from. Oth
er outstanding players are Wesley
Gosser, "Slats" Gill. Harold Ole-
EUia. Glen Nash, Grant Fallin, Bill
ger and Luke, himself.
Since eligibilities required for
competition between high schools
need not be in effect, Coach Louie
Anderson may start Tom Duffy In
one of the forward berths, and
Homer Lyons In the other one,
with Beechler at center, and Bob
Kelley and Frank Shafer, in the
guard berths.
Other men likely to break into
the game are Slegmund and Per
rine, forwards, and Temple and
Gottfried, guards.
Last year, the high school de
feated the alumni 40 to 31.
The annual "Fusser's night
will be In effect Friday for the
students. In the afternoon, a spe
cial assembly will be held f with
prominent alumni among the chief
Cadets Not to Sue for
Peace in Grid Squabble
ANNAPOLIS. Md., Dec 17
(AP) Traditional athleUc rela-
ionship between West Point and
the naval academy went by the
board, at least temporarily, today,
with the announcement by Rear
Admiral Louis M. Nulton, super
intendent of the midshipmen's In
stitution, that "the naval academy
contemplates taking no further
step towards an army-navy game
for 1928."
Admiral Nulton'a statement fol
lowed the decision of West Point
authorities, speaking through Ma-
or General E. B. Williams, sup
erintendent pf the military acad
emy, who asserted that the navy
request for a three .year eligibility
rnie,- governing membership on
athletic. teams, would not be com
piled with at the cadet school.
This was navy's year to write
the contract for the annual grid-
Iron classic between the two
schools, and navy authorities had
Included a clause In the contract
calling for the adoption of the
three year eligibility rule by the
army. This rule, which became
effective with the midshipmen last
June, states that students " who
pa-tlcipated In three years of rar-
slty sport, either at the academy
or at another collegiate institu
tion, cannot continue to represent
the middies in that sport.
Navy "wanted West" Point to
adopt the same procedure but Ma
jor General Winans, in a state
ment yesterday, said there would
be no change. In existing athletic
rules at the military academy, and
forthwith mailed back the con
tract to the lavy calling tor a
1928 game.
Whether official Washington
will be forced to take" action to
brlnr about an . asreement. de
pends largely, it was. pointed out.
on whether Admiral Nulton and
General Winans get together In an
attempt to Iron out the difficulty.
Tn his statement today. Admiral
Nulton expressed the opinion that
"the mission of athletics at the
naval academy In relation to the
student body and the general ser
vice Is identically the same as
that of West Point, but the naval
academy des not consider It es
sential in ful filling this mission t
play players six and seven years
Inthe same sport, nor does It con
slder such a procedure-in the best
Interest of amateur sports."
selves embarrassed -should,, they
fail to have their il28rilicenses
attached to their motor vehicles
on and after January. 3 . .
"I do not know what, else can
be done to impress upon the motor
vehicle owners the importance of
this, matter to them, as the appli
cations have been supplied to them
early and their atntion has been
repeatedly called to it through the
courtesy of the press, many times
since that date. I presume it Is
something like the problem of
matter that is deferred to the
last moment.
"Motor vehicle owners by
promptly submitting their applica
tions for 1928 licenses will dis
tribute the labor "incident to the
issuing of the license plates and
insure earlier delivery of such
plates to them." ' .- -
I KlllI
I hi
Secretary of State Sam R. Ko
zer Is puzzled. He is unable to
figure out why only 17,000 pas
senger automobile owners and
1200 truck owners In Oregon have
applied for their 1928 licenses,
while at the corresponding toe
last year 19,500 passenger ve
hicle owners and 14,500 truck op
erators had applied. This is not
withstanding the fact that there
are more motor vehicle owners in
the state than a year ago.
Licenses have been issued this
year to 224,450 passenger car
owners apd 20,950 truck owners,
a total of 245,000. Fees from the
: ( '
transactions aggregate $6,500,
000. "While the situation here in
Oregon around the annual license
renewal period is not different
from that in other states," said
Kozer, "yet the fact that motor
vehicle owners are slower this
year in applying for their 1928
licenses than they were last year
in applying for 1927 licenses evi
dences the fact that the conges
tion around the closing days of
the present year and the first days
of the coming year will be greater
than at any time heretofore.
"Blanks were mailed to the mo
tor vehicle owners of the state by
the secretary of state on Novem
ber 1, 1927, and during the 45
days that have expired since that
time applications for less than 18,
Christmas shopping that is. it is
000 licenses have been received.
"Motor vehicle owners should
give the matter of applying; for
1928 licenses Immediate attention
otherwise they may find them-
Is now ready to tike care of
anyone who wants
Fruit Trees & Franquet
Walnut Trees
.At 174 S. Liberty St.
Salem, Ore.
H Block S. Salem Bank of
Beats Electric or Gas
Christmas Programs Given
By Monmouth Grade Pupils
Monmouth, Dec. 17. (Special)
Christmas programs were given by
the various grades of the Mon
mouth training school Thursday,
during the day, with the exception
of the eighth and ninth grades
which gave two plays Thursday
The play, "The Birds Christmas
Carol,' was presented by the stu
dents of the eighth grade, and
"Long Ago in Judea," by Virginia
Sanderson was the play given by
the ninth ' grade people. Both
plays were accompanied with
Christmas carols sung by the train
ing school children under the
direction of Mrs. Wren, of the mu
sic department.
The training school closed . Frl-men
day for a two weeks' vacation.
Madrid. Oct. 15. (AP) Tor
rential rains hare flooded several
districts in southern Spain. In
Malaga much damage was done to
the almond, grape and the Arch
bishop of Canterbury. Columbus
Dispatch. ; t - .
PORTLAND, Oct. 15. An era I- C?"
nent professor In .a leading scien
tific Institute nas completed a very
Interesting-test on a most remark
able white light for home use. The
test shows that this wonder light is
superior to electric, la cheaper
than common oil light and is tha
closest to sunlight of any artificial
. A leading eye specialist say
this light Is a boon to country peo
ple where poor lights are causing
much damage to eyesight. The
fuel used 4s common kerosene and
the lamp Is bo simple and safe that
a child can light it. It burns with
out odor or noise, no pumping up.
The V. S. Government and 3:5
universities have also tested this
remarkable light and have data a
to its wonderful quality, efficiency
and economy.
Readers sending their name and
address on a post card to V. M.
Johnson. 161 North Union Ave.,
Portland. Ore., will learn full par
ticulars as to wholesale prices and
how to get one free by showing
it to friends and neighbors. Mr.
Johnson also wants men and wo-
to act as distributors. Ex
clusive territory given.
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 1863
General Banking Business
Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m.
SutMUMtyhat of that ?
If John McQraw's Predidon
that ball clubs may soon travel
by plane comes true, the sport
news may soon be something like
LONDON Be '-feated the
Monocles In a .--header to
day. Otto Schnapps, batting star
of the Pretzels, hit a homer and
won a keg of Pilsener for the long
est drive of the season.
ROME Benito Mussolini op
ened the season by pitching the
first ball for the Spaghettis. The
game ended in ' the third Inning
when Black Handers blew up the
MOSCOW Ivan Tuff sky, man
ager of the Bolsheviks, denied to
day that his club had bought the
Cincinnati Reds tor a iarm
"Those guys are too radical for
us.M said Ivan. .
SHANGHAI The Canton Red
Sox, are In the market for more
kjlayers. After losing ten straight
rames the entire team was as
: CAIRO The Great Pyramid
has been .renovated and! will be
nsed as a grandstand this, season
by the Mummies. It, is also Mid
the Egyptians hope to Inject new
blood Into the squad, which last
season appeared to be ded.on Its
fee. , -.:S-tr, '
; BUENOS A YRES The Llamas
are. back In town, after i a - barn
storming tour of the Cannlble Is
lands. ; Sam Hefty. their 4 fat
pitcher, did not return with' the
team- "Ton see, the " manager
exrlalsesJ, we arrived In1 the Is
lan3 just before
Music expresses Christmas. Below is but a partial,
list of the many instruments ideal for Christmas
giving. The instruments themselves, or Sherman,
Clay & Co. Merchandise Orders, will make this.
a nevcr-to-bc-forgottcn Season of Good Chqcr;
Concertinas from 6.00
Miniature Baby Grands,
Piano . Music Boxes,
two tunes . . . 7.50
Music Boxes, various
styles from $6.50 to 10.00
Accordions from . 7.50
Accordions from , 12.50
Piano Accordions from 95.00
Autoharps from . . 7.50
Blow Accordions from 1.00
- Snare Drums from - 1 1.00
All Metal Snare
. Drums from ... 12.00
Pctable Victrola . . 30.00
PUao ScartVOV . .$12 op
Bench Pads ! . 3.85 trp
Pianaeac&es $12up
- Sheet Music; . . 35cup
Sheet Music Gahinets $25 up
Music Rolls "from $1 to $4.75
Banjukes from . . 4.00
Ukuleles from . . ,2.50
Mandolins from
Cornets from .
Pianos from
Trumpets from
Trombones from .
Saxophones from
Saxellos from .
Banjo Mandolins from
Taropatches from .
Guitars from . V;'V"
Hflo Steel Guitars - , -Violins
from . .
Vlolincellos from .
Clarinets from ' . .
Flutes from .
Piccolos from
Deagan Xlyophones
from . . .
Deagan Marimbas -
from.. .. . 140.00
Little Harp' . . . 225.00
Portable Phonographs 1 7.50
Brunswick, Columbia
. and Victor Phono
graphs from $50 to $300
$7.50 up Music Bags from $2.50 up
J Sherrriana&Co.
1 30 S. High, Salem, Ore.
And 40 hthef Coast cities, inclading: Salem, Eugene, Longoiev,
Seattle, Tacoma, Spokane, San Francisco and Oakland.
Gilfillan and R. C. A Radios
V Steinway, Steck, Everett and
Other Pianos
T - Brunswick," Columbia and
Victor Phonographs
feV 'U-'C-i
Let Kennell-Ellis
Make Your View and Commercial
Pictures, -Any Time, Any Place
Old Photographs Copied
Often yon want old photographs reproduced, but fear entrust
ing them to strangers.
- .
Our reputation assures the safety and proper care ot your
picture, which we will copy, enlarge, frame or hand color at
s price lower than the unknown agent can offer.
Kennell-Ellis Studio
429 Oregon Bldg. '
W can name offhand a hundred gifts that
will tickle the pride and vanity of any man.
If it's for a man. visit this store roam at
will among our gift displays they're a mint
of ideas on what men like. If you wish, tell us
his age and occupation and we will suggest
gifts we kn5w' from experience will please
him. This store, which throughout the year
pleases him with quality and style distinc
tion at a moderate price, is eager to help you.
He'll Enthuse
over the correct styling of these
gifts from Emmons :
" $5.50 to $9.50
- $15.00 and $17.50
. $2.00 to $5.00
Dressing Gowns
Shirts, in all styles
The Newest in Ties'
Imported Silk . Scarfs
Belt and Buckle Sets '
Wool and Fur Lined Gloves
$1.00 to $2.50
$1.75 to $5.00
$1.00 to $3.50
v " to $5.00
Fancy Handkerchief, Silk and Wool Sox,
Leather Bin Folds and Keytalners,
. Hats, Sweaters, Topcoats.
(Scotch Woolen Mils)