The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 18, 1927, Page 2, Image 2

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ER 18, 1927
Bllgh's Capitol Trill otter a
vaudeville bill today of five bis
acts. LeRoy & Roxior, who open
at the Capitol today, hare an act
- that makes frlenda with all vaude
ville fans trom kids to elders, en
titled The New Used Car.- It is
, a clean bright and most pleasing
act; introducing smiles and songs.
They go a little better than smiles,
' however, as their act is productive
. of much full grown laughter, i
The Deo Marr Trio hare a torn-
" edy singing7 and talking act. The
- comedian is considerably. above par
.... and the -two girl possess, good
looks, Tofee and personality ga-
.. lore.' The act i cleverly harmon
ized r presenting the finest of mel-
, ody with " ' comical X racka and
stunts. The Totten revue of f er a
series of songs, dances and piano
. numbers all artistcally blended to
form a most colorful fifteen- min
utes of entertainment. Alex fer
rell In "Shadow Land' Is describ
ed as a unique novelty presenta
tion in which sallbouettes and
. shadowgraphs are cleverly com
bined with plenty of comedy,, the
. entire act heading . Interest from
start to finish. Buster Lorrento,
the tenor singer, who possesses a
t ,' Voice of real quality, will be heard
In some new numbers. On the
screen the Capitol will present
Victor Hugo's , Immortal drama,
"Lea Miserable.",- - ;
Master Organist at Bligh's Capitol Theater
Mr. Thompson has arranged a special music score, for
Victor Hugo's Immortal Masterpiece, "Les Miserables," that
starts today for a three day engagement. This Dicture' iust
f recently broke recordset Portland's Columbia Theater for a
run of three weeks.
"The River of No Return Coming. Soon
'"' "1 .
r-' . . f T
1! v
, "Les MlserabHes", that famous
drama by Victor Hugo will be
presented on the screen at, the
Capitol theater today, Monday
and Tuesday. The story follows:
Jean. Valjean of La Brie, a day
laborer, earns a scanty liring for
hia sister and her seren children.
For, stealing a loaf of bread . to
sare them from starratlon he is
sentenced to the galleys for five
years. Discharged from the pris
on In 1815, with soul .poisoned
and embittered against society, he
finds shelter with a kindly and
charitable bishop, whom he re
pays by stealing his surer plate.
Instead of arresting him, the good
bishop gives him more silver to
add to all he has stolen, then
sends him on his way with a
blessing, commending his soul to
Valjean, filled with remorse ano;
gratitude. Is regenerated by the
bishop's action. Two years later
in a strange town he begins Mf e
anew, working out an invention
that brings him prosperity and the
respect of the community. His
liberal philanthropies are widely
praised and he Is made mayor.
Employed in his factory Is Fan
tine, a girl who has been deserted
months later he saves the life of
a sailor on the galley, bat in doing
so, disappears, ; and la reported
drowned S: ' .? -' -C -V.
. In 'the forest of Montfermiei,
Jean Valjean, In rags and tatters,
meets the. unhappy . Cosette who
has been sent to draw water by
the cruel Thenardlers, who are
making her life " miserable - with
their fiendish treatment.-. He pays
the child's guardians a large sum
of money and takes her to Paris,
where they live-in a tumble-down
place "In ' a gloomy and remote
part of Paris. Here they are -safe
until the great benevolence of t$e
apparently poor man arouses the
suspicion - of the old caretaker.
The Georgia Blossoms all color
ed minstrel show opens their en
gagement at the Hollywood thea
ter Tuesday evening. There are
14 people In the company and they
have a show that is something en
tirely different in the "way of en
tertainment.'' w v..
V,; In- this, company there are 14
real entertalnere, . Among them
m n ha fnnnA i nh ' vAlt ' knnwn
The dogged Jarert is soon on his mIn8trels 'Williams & 'Burns.
irau again. vaijean itees wiid
Cosette 'and 'eludes Javert by
climbing: "wall: Into a convent
garden where .'works7 Pete Fau
chelevent,; whose life--' Valjean
saved tnany years ago. .'In.graU-j
tnde.Pere has him appointed his
assl8ta&twhile Cosette Is raised
ii ; the :onvent school and grows
up t .te a charming young lady.
-SVtMrtn the revolution of 1R30
yelJeahjsaTes Ja vert's Hfe win
ning, his friendship, and immunity
from " his relentlessly avenglng-
hand" Baron Marius, a young man
earning a scant living at litera
ture, inarries Cosette,1 who re
ceives : ar handsome dowry J from
Valjean. Vho tells his life story to
Marius, j Lacking sympathy and
understanding, Marias allows the
old man "to go away broken heart-
by the father of her baby, Cos-Uo!; but soon after Thenardier, now
t r - ' "The Rlvef. ofNo Return,", a
Vthr!lIinr----pIcture; or' thePacific
5; "Northwest will come to the TJapI
ff -tol theater for two days, Wedfies-
dayand Thursday.; ; '
It Is not Just a. ''scenic' but, a
natural drama picture full of real
- action and real" thrills, and has
. been, filling jeatr.wlth'nth.
. siastlcfiudiences wherever shown!
Over two " years ' ef work were
tr spent in. the-taking of these mov--;-
les and was one of the. most hat
Vx ardoas undertakings ever taken
in tha interests of moving
i"Picture;- -, . '
The main part of the teature
was photographed in central Idaho
and shows a 175 mUe trip by ca
noe through the rapids of what is
known as the impossible Canyon
of the Middle Fork of Salmon
river. This strip of territory has
never been traveled before. The
average depth of this canyon is
frcm 5000 to 7000 feet, .. . (
It also shows the trip by boat
down through the wild .. roaring
rapids of the 2 5 0 mile 1 mighty
gorge of the Big Salmon river,
the largest, deepest, and rough-,
est river canyon in North America.'
Some' of the most thrilling shots
water when it Is considered im
possible to run the river with a
boat. - ! - . ! ' i
i The ISzhlbitors Herald of Chi
cago, under "date -of September
24. 1927t says of this- picture:
"There is a - geographic fUm of
six reels,;-taken within the bor
ders ,of the United States, that is
easily comparable with any Alas
kan, African or any other scenic
on the market. ; It depicts the last
virgin wilderness of some 300
miles1 square of unexplored terri
tory of our nation. It lies- in the
almost impenetrable fastness of
Central Idaho, and the delightful
yet hazardoas task of photograph
ing this country fell to the tot of
Mr. H. W. Deldner of -Payette.
Idaho, who has just completed an
other trip byjcanoe and long boat'
down the lamous salmon river and
its principal tributary, the hiterto
impassable Middle Fork.
' 'This f picture will deUght all
lovers, of the out of dooraOyer
z u u o reel oi t mm, bww ygua
game in their natlT haunts,-sich
as 'deer; "mountain gbataf flii-tlg
horn sheep, bear and 'otter.; This
film also shows, the grandest of
all mountain scenes, alluring can-
streams. Furthermore there are
shots after, shots of tense : action
when the beat rushes over fur
ious, foaming, rocky rapids and
death is forestalled only by a frac
tion of a second.
Inaddition, two reels of Oregon
scenery are shown Including
scenes from the world's famous
Pendleton Round-up. salmon fish
ing on the Colombia river, scenes
on Pacific highway, winter and
summer sports on Mount "Hood.
eastern Oregon rabbit drive, sun
set on the Pacific and" many
others. . r
. This film has the backing of
the Portland chamber of com
merce and is indorsed by the state
chamber of commerce of Oregon
and Idaho.
Tommy Thompson, master or
ganist at Bligh's CanitoMheater.
has arranged a special music scoreT and claps him Into Jail
ior victor Hugo's imortal mastr
piece "Les Mise rabies." that opens
for a three-day engagement start
ing today.
ette. .The child la left in the care
of a craven and hideous pair
named Thenardier. It Is learned
that the child Is illegitimate and
the girl is discharged from the
factory without the knowledge of
the benevolent manufacturer, who
later learns of the girl's distress
and promises to aid her and take
care of her child, but only after
Fantine has . been reduced to
frightful poverty by the crafty
Thenardlers, whose heartless de
mands have driven her to sell ev
en her hair and teeth to provide
for the supposed Illness of her lit
tle CosetteJ .
Javert; a relentless Inspector of
police, suspects the manufacturer
of "being the ex-convict who stole
the silver plate and who also took
two francs" from a hurdy-gurdy
boy years before. But Javert Is
unable to prove his case until one
day an Innocent man is charged
with Valjean's ancient crimes.
Then Valjean steps forth and con
fesses, saving the man from con
viction. The lenient Judge lets
Valjean go, but Javert hounds
bim to the deathbed of Fantine
escapes and hides his great- for
tune in the forest of Montfermlel
before he is again captured "and
sent to the galleys for life. Nine
wore taken this spring on the high y oris - and - beautiful, mountain
J i-
j. B m. . ! .41 1 .
v-.-," ...... jjr- : it . w K a
SJ . V -V ..' 4, ews ftwaw
h jCvW Comedy
Special ' music
score arranged
and played by
Tomy Thomp
oa on tbe
Aicandi ng
Wurlltser.. . .
tJvrrcls Saccessor to
Tli UunchbacSc of Notre t
Dame C
rmseated by Carl Iiaemmla I ;
a uiavcrAL . L
up to and including
a member of a- gang of ' Parisian
cut-throats, coming to blackmail
Marius, reveals the noble life of
Valjean. Marius and Cosette,. re
penting their coldness, hasten to
the old man, who is very low. He
dies In their arms.
Bert Chadwick.- Lancaster, Ford
and 'Lajicaster;.' J
Every Indication points to a real
show, which" will be a delight to
the people attending the HoUyr
Ruth Breaks Batting
Records.On Movie Lot
When Babe Ruth squared off
against; the opposing pitcher of
the .bage'baTti c 3 mai' filmed in the
making cr ;'Ba ) "Comes Home,"
for First ; National Pictures, a
Angeles, saw him break, all exist.
Ing records unofficially. Betweej
actual -snots" the famous sice,
ger entertained the crowd k'J'
smashing-balls over the fenc
The Bambino Is shown in action
at the Oregon theater, where the
picture opens next Friday,
packed park at Wrigley Field, Loj
In 5 lb. boxes, different flavors
Now is your chance to buy your
Xmas Candies' -
Put them away- for Xmas
Made within' a week
- ! .
Regular Price S3. 00 per
. While they "last at .
36c a lib. i
Two lbs, for 70c
Or one Five lb. Box f 1.75
We reserve the right to limit
Only at
North Commercial St.
Phone 197
Yellow Front
Penslar Agency
t -
Anyone fnfpr
eated la tw7
doors will have
a rare treat
this plctare.
$.:$ $ " Save . $ $ $
Kirkwood Motor Co.
311 No. Commercial St Salem Oregon Phone 311
We have in stock 10 1926 and 1927 model automobiles
on display at our show room.
SAVE $400.00 TO 600.00
Save $ $ $ at
Kirkwood Motor Coi $ S
These Cars are Open to Inspection by YdiiifOwn
On the Ktfrrs Kaniay
5nio A cm e
vArittrvii.LT: O
December .22
Oregon Building
TelsDhone 951
TO) V3 iO
New and
Boudoir-"and House
13S to S
in all the very latest styles for men, women and children, made of Leather, Felt, or Satin,
both domestic and imported. Prices range from
Beautiful Rhinestone and Cut Steele Buckles
Most wonderful designs all put up in the most beautiful Gift boxes. A gift that will
last a life time. Priced from - '' " ;
3.00 to S3SdG)0
Silk Hose for both Men and Ladies
We carry that most Complete stock of the finer weaves in Ladies All Full Fashioned
Chiffon and Service Hose for better wear-that is carried in the City. When you make a
present you will of course want to give, the very latest things. We always show the new
things firsts so to be sure you aro right get your box of hose in our Hosiery Department.
Box-Price ' : :: . ' . ' .
v.. . t .
Swankie - Boots
The very latest in leather street boots, Red and Black Patent Leather, and Tan Calf with
brown suede trinu V Get a pair before they are all gone only a few pairs left at '
Men's Leather House Slippers
of the very finest qualify both with Soft Soles and Leather So'es. Everets,
niost every knQwn "style. Get your sizes'early. Priced from'
to $(S.O0
Dr. Jolm;M. Grormolm
r Toot Specialist
I i W
Expert Shoe Repairinr
in our New Shop