u - t IxiK OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 18 1927 I SOCIETY (Continued from pare It) r I assist on the evening's program. Pre-HoUday Bridge Party is Interesting Event of Last Niaht ' " i Mr. and lirrfl EJ. W. Peterson The following numbers will bejand Mr. and Mrs. M. p, Adams en- tertaxnea'iirititf . dellgnttol lire- table brUgfj f rty last; night at the reiersoa iHOme.iPecorated Christ mas treea mistletoe, and holly made the TOom.festlTe. Following the playing, the hos tesses serred delicious refresh mentsj , " ' ' ' In the - group were: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller, Dr. and Mrs D. X. Beechler, Mr; and Mrs James Imlah, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Grote, Mr. andMrs. William Ellis, Mr. and MrsJ Sam! Laaghlia. Dr. and Mrs. Harold Brown. Mrs? Rose Babcock, Mr, and - Mrs. Harry Crawford, Mr and - Mrs. I. M. Doughton, and the hosts, "Mr. and Mrs. M. P. "Adams and Mr; and Mrs. E. W. Peterson. riven: Organ Prelude, Andante , Mrs. Zinn "All Hail! Immanuel" Choir 'Where Rippling Kedron Flows" Choir (Soprano obligato, Mrs. Harms) hf'Wherefore This Tomniir Mrs. A. ii. uue "Beside the Manger" Mrs. Harms and Women's Quartet. "No Kins Save Caesar" Choir 'O, Holy Night" .Adam Violin, piano and organ IThe King Has Come" - Mr. Glaisyer and chorus "The Shepherds Song" Men's Quartet "O Ruler of the Ages" Mrs. Harms and Mrs. Roberts "Mary's Vision" Mrs. Roberts "Glory to God" Choir. In addition to this musical con cert a one reel film will be giTen. The public is cordially Invited to attend. Yomarco Class Will Have Party at Roberts9 Home Professor and Mrs. T. S. Rob erts are entertaining members of the Yomarco Class of the First Methodist Church with a Christ mas party Wednesday evening. December twenty-first, in their home at 505 North Summer Street. Mrs. A. A. Siewert Is chairman of the committee in charge of the affair. Each member is asked to bring an Inexpensive gift for the Asso ciated Charities. Writers' Club Will Meet at Public Library Members of the Writers' Club of the Salem Arts League will meet Tuesday evening in the Fire side room at the Public Library. Chadtviik Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, Will Have Christmas Party Members of Chadwick Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, will have their regular Christmas par- Iv Tuesday evening, December twentieth, at the Masonic Temple. Each member is asked to bring a gift. Mr3. Ida Niles, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Nile?, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hauser, Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Mc Donald, Mr. and Mrs. William F. McCall. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Harrl on, Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Mor ris, Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Hauser, Mrs. Nellie Taylor, Mrs. Gertrude J, M. Page, Mrs. Cora Boyer, Mrs. May Chambers, Miss Mary ChT wirk, and Miss Oda Chapman com pose the ""trommittee" in charge "of the affair. ' Miss Baker is Home For the Holidays Miss Dorothy Baker, student at the t'niversity of Oregon, is spend ing the", holidays in Salem as the guesf of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Baker. Business atulProf esslonal Women-Will Meet This Week The rnVmberBof' the - Business and ProXeBSioiia Women's club will hold their 'annual Christmas program and party at 7: 45 o'clock Wednesday evening, December 21, at the Woman's Club building on North Cottage street, t . The program will be In . charge of Miss Lyle Murray. Miss Grace Gilliam will direct the Christmas music. Miss Lina Heist will talk on her visit to the Holy Land. Each member is asked to bring a fun gift for, the tree, not to ex ceed 10 cents In cost. Fifteen cents each will co Yer the expense of refreshments and club 'house rent. T'y. The executive board announces that members "who" do not pay their dues by the first of the year will be dropped, from the mailing list. Checks should be mailed to Miss Josephine .Shade, 372 Court street. - ' ; Mrs. Sarah Oliver is Honor Guest at Attractive Dinner Party Honoring Mrs. Sarah Oliver on Wednesday, Mrs. L. H. Bower man was hostess at a 12:30 o'clock dinner at her homepn Les lie street. The guests were seated at one long table where covers were ar ranged for nine. The rooms were decorated with holly wreaths and flowering pot ted plants. The dinner was an elaborate, old-fashioned one. In the group were Mr3. Rachel Reeder, Mrs.. E. Galloway, Mrs. Jennie Nunn, Mrs. Ensign Pitt, Mrs. Retta Pemberton, Mrs. Ada S. Condit. Mrs. Mary V. Charlton, the honor guest, Mrs. Sarah Ol iver, and the hostess, Mrs. L. H. Bower man. The afternoon was spent in con vextion. Mrs. Oliver plans to spend Jan uary in California, with friend." and,relatiyeJs. , . Guest From California Is Honored at Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Jory enter tained with an attractive dinner party on Friday night honoring their niece. Miss Ruby Howland. who has been visiting here from Long Beach. Cal. Miss Howland returned to her home yesterday. . Penney Store Enter v4; tains Employees With Social Evening ! At the regular monthly store meeting of the J. C Penney Com pany associates, held on ! Friday evening, an unusually Interesting Program was In order.'- Mr. Dave Lenniger, who is a harpist of skill. - contributed a group of numbers; Mr. JM7 Davis, flutist, played, after which Mr. Ring, cornetlst, contributed. M. E. Niemeyer,. leader of "the Penco quarter, gave. Impersona tions of a lady soprano. Later he gave barnyard Imitations. : Miss Ollie Hansen, Mrs. Vera Frame, Mrs. Magee. and Miss Jones contributed with an enter taining sketch, "Our New Neighbors.'-; The Christmas gifts were dis tributed by E. O. Jarman, In the role of Santa Claus. r A business meeting followed the program and distribution of gifts. Prinale Pleasant Point Club Meets at Robertson Home The members of the Pringle Pleasant Point social club met on Thursday at the home of Mrs. J. N. Robertson, 1492 Court street. A bountiful dinner, was serred at the noon-hour. The guests of the day included Mrs. Lester Bobbins and baby, Mrs. E. M, Brunner and son, Mrs. Staley, Mrs. G. H. Grabenhorst,1 Mr. Clarke, Mr. Mothorn, Mary, Alice and Margaret Jones, Waldo Clarke.' Pollyanna, Shinkle, Gene and Kent Weckter . Virginia Coates,- Rex, Roberta, and Henry Grabenhorst. A Christmas tree was the cen ter of attraction. Each guest and member received a gift from Its boughs. ' ' , - . In the club group were Mrs. I. W. Potter,' Mrs. Homer Harrison, airs. w. M. Coburn. Mts. J. Yates. Mrs. Harry Wecbter, Mrs. F. Clarke, Mrs. C. Jones, Mrs. J. W Keyes. Mrs. William Robbins. Mrs. William Grabenhorst, Miss Grace Robertson, Mrs. Ollie Sha rer, Mrs. Rue Drager, Mrs. E. S. Coates, Mrs. Marjorie Shinkle, Mrs. J. M. Coburn. Mrs. Charles Grabenhorst, Mm H. E. Stewart, Mrs. T. E. Meeks. Mrs. Lydia Clarke. Mrs. W. H. Pronst. Mrs. Christine Mumm. Miss Brownell, and the hostess, Mrs. Robertson. Out of town guests in the group were Mrs. Laura Tates Greenfield of Billings. Montana, and : Mrs. Sturgis. both former members of the club. Mrs. Mn lim t Cnnnoir So ZT - v wvpsir fro 4 .ft IO tess for Maoris Study Club Auawrua siuay ciuo members were entertained on Tuesday at luncheon bv MTS TftTTrlA iAAnA Christmas novelties centered the Fur mi tm re " Heads the Christmas List -ONE OF THESE FINE DESKS WILL MAKE AN IDEAL GIFT k :: V 6 A Desk for Every Use and ' . 1 for Every. Place in the Home. Book Desks . - Wall Desks Secretaries House Desks j Spinets , Cabinet Deslcs and.Oihers . PRICES - - : $16.75 to $71,50 Made of genuine Antique Mahogany, finished in the i Newest of Designs. If you want to make some one , nappy Christmas give them one of these fine desks, and pay for it next year. r ;.:4iv.-,tq4ta. k ' V'v--- rfit?wft f ' fee , "CREDIT WITHOUT INTEREST?, : r IBniurMilTiiiEa. (Ed?., 467 Court eL 1142 table and covers placed tor Mrs. Cecil Weaderoth. lira. KUzabeth Birham, Mrs. Ulanit Lea Tlbbetts, Mrs. Ada JLlklra, lira. Florence PnghrMrs. Eleanor. Fox. Mrs. Dor lea McCarthy, Mrs. Daisy Harlan, Mrs. Josephine Butts, Mrs. Anna Hendricks, Mrs. Gladys Chields. Mrs. Ethey Cooper. ' ' 'Mrs. Cooper was assIstSd in serving by her mother, Mrs. Butt. - During the business meeting several of the members gave in teresting papers on the pioneer days In Oregon and resources of the state, The next meeting of the study club will be held January 3 with Mrs. Eleanor Fox hostess in her home at 2645 Portland road. High School Epworth League Entertains Wilt" Christmas Party The high school Epworth League of the First Methodist church entertained on -Friday ev ening with a party, honoring -the standard Bearers and the Qaeen Esthers of the church; fne id .- Miss Taylor was in charge ef. the games. - , - A Christmas tree, with presents for all, was featured. Miss Es ther Gardner was chairman of the refreshment committee. Sixty guests were present at the affair. Salem Nature Club Postpones Meetings There will be no meeting of the Salem Nature club until after the holidays, according to announce ment made yesterday. High School Football Boys Are Honored With Banquet An interesting banquet' was held at the Salem high school last week honoring the members of the football team. Mrs. Jensen and the girls of the domestic science class served the banquet. The de corative features were the contrl button of Miss Helen Barrett. Miss Edith FIndley was chairman of the affair. W. C, T. U. Announces Christmas Meeting The W. C. T. U. will hold the annual Christmas tree meeting on Tuesday of this week, at 2:30 o'clock, in the hall. Donations of gifts dolls, toys of any kind, books, i clothing, and candy, are wanted for this tree. These do nations, all of which will be most gratefully rectlved, will be sent to the Children's Farm Home at Cor vallls. - Gifts should be left at the W. C. T. U. hall or different arrange ments may be made by calling Mrs. J. J. Nunn at 690. Mrs. Charles Lisle will be In charge - of the devotions daring the afternoon, while the ganeral leader will bs Mrs. Elmir Raid. Christmas Carols WiU Be : Heard at Theaters Two loeal soloists, Oscar Ging rich and Lyman McDonald, have been secured to sing at the Elsl nore and Oregon theatres on Wed nesday and Thursday of this week. In the interest of the Christina seal sale. .The feature Is being sponsored by members of the Sa lem Women's club. SHOW SOON BEXEFIT AT EUSIXORE TO BE WEDNESDAY EVENING Some "newsies" have homes and some haven't. But, as has been of ten demon strated, they can eat and they all like presents. With something of this thought in mind, the Elsinore theater man agement has arranged a special newsboy performance next Wed nesday evening. Thirty per cent of the proceeds will go toward expenses of the din ner Christmas day and for useful presents. CANDY DEPENDABLE FRESHNESS THE SPA OBREGOFi'S TERM RAISED Time of President in Office In created Br Two Tears MEXICO CITY, Dec. 17 (AP) General Obregon, at present the only Mexican presidential candi date, will serve a six Instead of a fonr year term, if elected in 1928. The chamber of deputies and the senate have amended the constitution extending the presi- - Special Sunday 60c Dinner 60c at VALLEY GRILL 156 U S. Commercial Street RELISHES Chilled Celery Hearts Ripe Olives SOUP Chicken Gumbo a la Creole CHOICE OF Roast Oregon Chicken, Corn Fritters Creamed Chicken en Casserole Breaded Veal Chops, Sauce .Supreme Roast Leg of Pork with Sage v Dressing VEGETABLES Cold Slaw Mashed Potatoes HOT BREAD Parker' House Rolls DESSERT Jello with Whipped Cream DRINKS Choice of Coffee, Tea, Chocolate or Milk Four Doors South of Ladd A Bosh Bank deatlal term from tour to six years. Twenty-two state legisla tures previously bad ratified the amending bill passed by the fed eral congress. Beating ewords Into plows harr ; won't help if they keep on bea ing twisted Terslons of history ir -to the heads of children. Bea rt mont Enterprise-Journal.' ' "A Look Into the Heavenly Throne Room" Hear This Subject 1 & Sunday Night December 18, 7:45 at the -w Seventh Day Adventist Church' Corner of N. Fifth and Gaines St. J. COMING CRYSTAL, GARDENS Tuesday, Dec. 20 4 COLE McELROY'S SPANISH BALLROOM BAND : And Extra Added Attraction The Great Horse Race .:). A Traveling Eastern Attraction Horse race on the dance floor. Real horses nsed and the dancers are Jockeys. Something new you'll like. FORDSON TRACTORS All Worn Parts Replaced with New $225 to $365 - Fordson with Trucks $600 See Us for Terms Buy when you hatfe such a good selection as we have now to choose from. VALLEY MOTOR CO. Say Merry Christmas with Flowers CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS Poinsettiaes L.-$1.60 to $4.00 Cyclamen . $1.00 to $3.50 Primroses .. .$1.00 to $1.50 Christmas Cherries ..$1.00 to $150 Begonias ..$2.00 to $4.00 Planted Baskets $3.50 to $7.50 OSCAR D. "FROSTY" OLSON Salem's New Telegraph Florist Phone 801 I ' 1 1 SALE ENDS SATURDAY DECEM'B 'ER 24 EL, SELLING OUT High Grade Pianos and Phonographs at Practically, Give-A way Prices and Terms ' A SAMPLE OF THE MANY FINE BARGAINS SOME NEWfr-SOME USED STANDARD MAKE $65 Term f5 Cash and 93 m Month S4oo kurtz1an $135 Temn Cash aoid S5 a Month Fine Upright Piano $115 Terms 3 Cash and $3 a Month J pfi rBAcncE PIANO 01 rocr Terms $3 Cash and $3 a Month STANDARD MAKE $90 Terms 93 Cash and 9$ a Month- SOME OF THE PIANOS ARE BRAND NEW SOME USED ALL ARE FULLY GUARANTEED S630 STYLE $225 In perfect condition SIO cash 90 month III i "I SOOO STYLE WEBER $170 In fine condition - $10 cash $7 month VOSE $450 STYLE $165 High grade make 96 cash 9a month A, J if 9473 STYLE NEW PIANO $285 Latest case design $10 cash 96 month 9323 STYLE NEW PIANO $315 Latest case design 910 cash $6 month AMONG THESE PIANOS ARE SUCH WORLD FAMOUS MAKES AS KNABE, SCHULZ, KURTZMAN, REMINGTON, BEHR BROS., KOHLER & CAMPBELL, FAIRBANKS; MAYNARD, GIBSON, SINGER, EMERSON, RICHMOND, WEB ER, VOSE, AND OTHERS. 9700 Player Piano and. Rolls $195 915 cash 97 month 9750 Player Piano and Rolls $260 913 rash -98 month almost NEW BABY GRAND $355 915 cash 910 month Almost New Apt'mt GRAND $395 915 cash 910 month 9700 BRAND NEW BABY GRAND $465 915 cash 910 month . 1 1 WE WILL MAKE ITER MS ; ON ANY PIANO OR PHONOGRAPH ABOUT THE SAME AS RENT A UST OF RECORDS FREE WITH EACH ONE. WE LIST HERE A FEW OF THE BARGAINS: Terms as low as $1 a Week on Phonographs $ 35 Columbia 3 50 Grafonola SI 50 Columbia $150Victrola .$ 10 $ 15 45 $ 50 $200 Laxinola $ 40 $175 Victrola Console ......:.$ 65 $295 Edison $ 95 20 $ 75 Mahogany Style . .$ If you want a Phon ograph come down and pick it out. We will make the price and terms right Most of these are just like new. All are in good condi THE, PIANO EXCHANGE LOCATION OF SALE AT ' 7 0 V 990 NORTH FRONT STREET SALEM JUST NORTH OF HUNT'S CANNERY