The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 18, 1927, Page 12, Image 12

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Jr.hrlatmai nageant, The
Nativity. Young People's Fei-
Bt Paul's Episcopal cnorcn.
7:a0 o'clock. Ptibllc welcome.
Double Quartet will ptesent
Christmas cantata, First Congre
gational Church. Film, "Bt. Paul,
the Aoostle." 7:80 o'ciooc.
Christmas concert. Vested cnoir
mimt Methodist Church. 7;30
o'clock. ;
Pre-Christmas pageant, "The
Nativity." Young People's Fellow
ship. St. Paul's Episcopal Cfcurcn
7:80 o'clock. Public welcome.
rhrlatmaB CanUU. "In Excel-
sis." Choir of First Congregational
One-reel film, "St. Paul.the Ap
ostle" 7:S0 o'clock.
Pageant, "The Real Meaning of
Christmas." First Christian
Standard Bearers' Class, First
M. E. Church. Mrs. A. A. lee
1615 Bute St. hostess.
Woman's club calendars on sale
at Hamilton's Furniture store.
Willamette order Jerusalem,
Shrine No. 1, stated communica
tion. 8 p. m. Monday at Masonic
Operetta at Washington school.
"Crowning of Christmas." 7:30
Christmas party, Chadwick
Chapter, Order of Eastern Star.
Masonic Temple.
Woman's club calendars of
"coming events" on sale at Hamil
ton's Furniture store.
Writers' section of Salem Arts'
League. No-host meeting. Public
W. C. T. U. annual Christmas
party. Hall. 2:80 o'clock.
Etokta club Christmas party
Mrs. Mason BishOD. hostess. 1:00
o'clock luncheon.
Annual Christmas party, Yo
marco Class, First M. E. Church.
Professor and Mrs. T. S. Roberts,
hosts, SOS N. Summer St.
By Edwin T. Reed
. Reed is an Oregon1 poet and the roem that A.1 1 - m
iivjiii ma recenuy puuuanea volume oi.verse
. and PVmrinnTiv Piihliaio'a coHo1 ,trVha rtrusm
There's comfort In an open grate,
Irradiant and mellow,
Each fagot glowingiy elate
And talking to its fellow,
And old dim phantoms of desire
Fanning new visions in the fire.
For there, in crimsoned dreams, I see
The magic mist that hovers
Over the moonlit ecstasy
Of shy abstracted lovers.
Reading in one another's eves
New mysteries obscure and wise.
Within its warm encircling glow
The children's bedtime story
Weaves in the firelight, to and fro,
Soft jflooms and fading glory,
Until the youngest fal to rest
Soft pillowed on his mo iner's breast.
kt three score yeajtf and ten,
iffsnadows .tiricken
rt shall flame again
Vises quicken
at futile park
nrruMnfr Hariri
In the opinion of "Mr. Gaenther
. 4TrIrir1ifrSaIemffft
the dedication, local people should
feel proud that so many of their
number are so vitally interested in
the installation of a new organ.
Church, Memorial Organ -
The auditorium of the First
Baptist church was packed to its
it, capacity on Friday night when
Professor T, S. Roberts, Salem's
'l own dean of organists, formally
dedicated the Mrs. Thomas Kay
-1 Memorial organ a superb instru
l ment built by the Guenther Organ
ill.Company of Portland.
The entire excellent, program
was : one of" amazing variety and
? exhibited faithfully the many pos-
'siblli ties of the Instrument.
.V The statellness of the whole
i mechanism was expressed to the
audience in Wagner's immortal
"Eifgftns! Chorus" (Tannhauser.)
Then followed a contrasting
number. Buck's llfht, lilting
"Scherio." 0
--; The March Movement by Rogers
? was chosen especially for its fine
y pedal effect, by which means the
T recurrent theme was introduced.
r The chime, of the new organ
'were played for tie first time In
Kinder beautiful selection "In
"Moonlight.! f r
"Kammennoi Os trow." meaning
rocky island, fa the retreat where
Rubensteln, the- composer of this
'picturesque piece,' was In the habit
of spending his summers. The or
gan introduced a wealth of tone
color deeply representative of the
isle in the- Baltic sea, off the eoast
of Russia, -,
Johnston' 'ETen Song ' w i t h
the .organist's right hand on the
ex human, and the left hand
playing the tremulous flute-tones,
was a particular Joy,
"iiLr -i -fiaU, at .tho pl-
instrument blending admtr-
abar with the organ.
piiss Eleanor Moore's soprano
interpretation of the beloved "Ave
Marie," by Bach-Gounod ws a
fine rendition, especially so with
the instrumental background that
was given.
Bonnet's charming organ com
position. "Romance sans Parole'
was followed by a very, modern
number, Vibbard's "Indian Seren
ade" which, by the way, Professor
Roberts played publicly in Salem
on Friday for the first time. The
weird strains of the piece were
brought out with commendable
skill, not by the use of any sing
le stops, but by an effective com
bination of several.
The Largo from the "N e w
World Symphony," by Dvorak, to
which the famous words of "Goln
Home" are written, was a master
fur thing with Professor Roberts
achiering fine orchestral effects.
It is playing like that of Profes
sor Roberts on Friday that makes
it easy to understand why the pipe
organ, with all its composite in
struments, ' has been called the
"one man symphony."
The audience was deeply appre
ciative when Professor Roberta set
the organ for an original arrange
ment of his own. Fantasie on
Christmas Carols." . Each carol
was given Its characteristic solo
stop, with the dim ax coming when
the organist played "Silent Night"
with' th chimes.
MetikV "Meditation" wi
delightful trio for organ, violin,
and piano, with each of the artists,
Professor Roberts, Miss Love,
and 'Miss Hall, a soloist In his
own" right.
. Th concert cam to an impres-
sIto close with Gounod's "Grand
rbcessloaal." For this 1 number,
Stessor Roberts released the or
's fullest power,
Resume of Work of Edward
MacDowell Association is
Enlightening to Public
Genius is essentially vision, and
we can pay no better tribute to the
memory of a genius than to carry
out the ideals his vision inspired.
It was to carry out the ideals ard
dream of Edward MacDowell that
funds have been subscribed to car
ry on and bui'up the MacDowell
colony at Peterborough, where
creative artists may go for their
work and feel the inspiration and
peacefulness so enjoyed by Mac
Dowell. In 1895 MacDowell purchased
an old farm. In the deep wnoda,
about ten minutes froia the little
farm house he built a log cabin.
There &e did much of his best
work, and there he liked to dream
of a day when other artists could
work this is the dream that has
come true During the last year
of MacDowell's life, a society was
incorporated under the name of
"The Edward MacDowell Memor
ial Association."
The purpose of the society was
to establish in America a fitting
memorial to the work and life of
the American composer along the
lines of MacDowell's own sugges
tion. Mrs. MacDowell deeded the
Association the farm at Peterbor
ough and the contents of the Mac
Dowell home, and before MacDow
ell's death a colony for Creative
Artists had been established.
There is nothing camp-like about
the place either in appearance or
in manner of life. There are com
fortable and convenient living
quarters for the men and women;
a common dining room in Colony
Hall, where wholesome food is
served and in the living room en
joyable evenings are spent by all
who wish to remain. The most
important side of the colony pro
bably Is the individual studios,
scattered here and there through
the woods out of sound and sight
of the others. AH of the studios
have open fireplaces and pleasant
verandahs and are simply aad ar
tistically furnished. In order that
the working day may be long and
uninterrupted, at noon a basket
lunch Is left at each studio.
Starting with MacDowell's home
his log cabin and two hundred
acres of land the Colony has now
fire hundred acres including for
est and a farm in good cultivation,
well equipped farm buildings, stu
dio buildings to accommodate be
tween twenty-five and thirty ar
tists, several dwelling buildings,
a library, a swimming pool, a sup-i
erb open air theater for out of
door festivals of muslo and drama.
Tha Colony is now called "The
Edward. MacDowell Association,
Inc." and since the death of Mac
Dowell, January 23rd, 1908, his
widow ha untiringly worked to
accomplish what - has been' done
in the past years. Besides subscrip
tion given the Association, Mrs.
MacDowell has toured each year
through great difficulty, giving
Mrs. B. L. Steeves Writes
Book Worthy of a Place on
Every Bookshelf
A book, containing pages of
priceless pioneer lore, Mrs. B. L.
Steeves' "Book of Remembrance,"
is Just off the press and la weu
worthy of a place on the bookshelf
of every home. The holiday sea
son affords the ideal time to make
this valuable addition to the fam
ily library; it also affords oppor
tunity to give a gut mat is oounu
to be appreciated.
The fact that Sarah Hunt
Steeves,- as the author signs her
self, is the one responsible for
this interesting pioneer book, wilt
teoif cndor the volume to
.u "'"l
The material is such that it has
neveT before been presented to the
nubile. Mrs. Steeves has gleaned
it herself, without aid.
For dramatic history that Is at
once unrivaled for its authentic
ity and intimate presentation of
Marlon County pioneer life, "The
Book of Remembrance" is a de
The perils of pioneer life; the
vivid, picturesque Incidents that
live often in the mind, but less
frequently on the printed page
abound in this worthwhile volume
of 360 pages, printed on heavy
paper and artistically bound.
Such family names as Griffith,
RIgdon, Looney, Pringle, Byrd,
Savage, Hunt, Downing, Herron,
Kinsey, Towsend, Glover, Benson
Strang, Denny, Condit, Shaw
Jones, and Wade become the per
sonification of stirring romance
and adventure in Mrs. Steevep
pages of "Remembrance."
The book is on sale at the local
book shops and at the .home of the
author, 1954 Court Street.
concerts of MacDowell composi
tion and lectures on the Colony,
turning the fees for this work in
o the Association fund, sacrific
bag and enduring so that the work
of the Association might grow
The amount realized by this cour
ageous little woman each year has
been between eight and ten thou
sand dollars.
This season, because of severe
illness, all engagements have been
cancelled and it is for us, sow, to
accumulate all that we can
tfWllMafavlL'piiJJ UtoToenetitg
to send on to Mrs. MacDowell for
the Association and herself so that
she will not have the great finan
cial worry along with her suffer
ing, j
In the Pacific Coast District,
Mrs. Elbert C. Peets, President of
this district is asking that each
state and each city announce
MacDowell week, beginning with
the anniversary of MacDowell's
birth, December 18th. During that
week securing subscription or giv
ing benefits, whichever seems most
fitting to your locality.
The local subscription will be
managed through the Salem Mac
Dowell club,
Af rs. Stewart is Guest at
Slater Home
Mrs. Josephine Stewart, house
mother at the OfanMa Phi Beta
sorority at the University of Ore
gon, arrived In Salem on Friday
to spend the holidays with her
son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Slater. Later, Mrs.
Stewart will go to Portland for a
visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Stevens who, in turn, will
come to Salem for a holiday visit
at the Slater home.
Judge and Mrs. Belt Enter
tain With Dinner Party
on Friday
Judge and Mrs. Harry H. Belt
entertained on Friday evening
with a delightful eight-cover din
ner in their home. A miniature
Christmas tree centered the din
ner table where covers were plac
ed for: Dr. and Mrs. Harold
Brown, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Clarke,
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Laughlin, and
the hosts, Judge and Mrs. Harry
H. Belt.
Bridge was the after-dinner di
Mrs. Harold Brown won first
among the ladies, while gentle
men's first prize went to M r
Miss Wrenn's Oriental Shop
is a Lure to the Christmas
The" smart Oriental gift shop of
Miss Sara Wrenn on North High
street is rapidly becoming an in
teresting meeting place for Salem
Christmas shoppers. A stock that
is at once unique and authentic is
featured behind the tiny-paned
windows where Miss Wrenn, who
has spent many years in the Ori
ent, presides.
It has been a pleasure to Salem
to welcome this talented young
woman, who has chosen original
writing for her avocation. She
delves in both poetry and prose, as
well as in Oriental Jades, brasses.
and laces.
Woman's Club Calendars
are Ready for Distribution
The calendar committee of the
Salem Woman a club announces
that the useful calendars of com
ing events, compiled annually by
the club, are now ready for dis
tribution. Those .who wish calen
dars are asked to call for them on
Mondav or Tuesday Of this week
at the C. 8. Hamilten Furniture
Store, on Court str4f The calen
dara sell at 25c ea
Delightful Christmas Pro-
simm rtiitfi-n Niaht at
Senior High School
A delightful program of Christ
mas carols was given Friday eve
ning in the auditorium of the Sa
lem High School by memDers oi
the music department under the
direction of Miss Lena Belle Tar
The following numbers were
"Pilgrims' Chorus" Orchestra
O Come All Ye Faithful"
Chorus I and II
'The First Noel" Orchestra
'Angels from the Realms of Glo
ry Chorus II
We Three Kings of the Orient
re" Chorus I
Featuring Joan Evans, E 1 o i s e
Wright, Mildred Gadner
"King Wlncleas" Chorus I and II
"Noel" - - uantat
(a) O'er, the Distant Mountains
(b). Solo: "Once in Royal uav
id's City."
Miss Elizabeth McCrone
(c). "And There Were Shep
(d). "And Lo, the Angel of the
(e). "Glory to God."
"Mienonette Overture" ..Orchestra
"O, Little Town of Bethelehem".
Miss Lucille Cummings
(Violin obligate, Leonard Chad
9tara of December" ....Chorus I
The World's Redeemer" -
(a) . "Far in the East."
(b) . "From Lands Afar."
(c) . "Joy to the World."
"Silent Night, Holy Night"
Accompanists for the evening
were Miss Lois Plummer and Miss
Bertha Carl.
Annual Christmas Concert
Will Be Presented at First
Methodist Church
The annual Christmas concert
presented by the vested choir of
the "First Methodist Church in Sa
lem, will be an event of Sunday
evening, December 18th, begin
ning at seven-thirty o'clock.
This 'chorus of sixty-five voices
is directed by Professor Emory W.
Hobson. Professor T. S. Roberts
will preside at the organ and Miss
Josephine Bross at the piano.
Special soloists will be Everett
H. Craven, of Portland, Mrs. Tre-
val Powers, Mrs. Gilbert Wrenn,
(Kathleen La Raut) and Ronald
The evening's program follows:
Overture Grave and Allegro
Professor T. S. Roberts
Recitative (a) "Comfort Ye My
Aria (b) "Every Valley Shall be
Exalted" ...
itonald OS tea
(Miss Broes at the piano)
Recitative (a) "Thus Salth the
Aria (b) "But Who May Abide the
Day of His Coming"
Everett Craven
Recitative (a) "Behold a Virgin
has Conceived"
Aria (b) "O Thou That Tellest
Good Tidings to Zion"
Mrs. Treval Powers and Chorus
Offeretory, "Pastoral Symphony"
Professor T. S. Roberts
For Unto Us A Child Is Born"
Recitative "There Were Shepherds
Abiding in the Field"
Glory to God in the Highest"....
"Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter of
Zion" .
Mrs. Gilbert Wrenn
Recitative (a) "Then Shall the
Eyes of the Blind be Opened"
Aria (b) "He Shall Feed His
Mrs. Treval Powers
Behold, the Lamb of God"
Aria, "He was Despised and Re
Mrs. Treval Powers
'Hallelujah Chorus"
Weil-Known Visitors Arrive
in Salem for Holidays
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Read and
their seven-year-old son, Gordon,
of San Francisco, California have
arrived in Salem, whre they are
very well known, to spend the
Christmas . holidays with Mrs.
Read's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
W. Fawk at 1297 South High
Before her marriage Mrs. Read
was Miss Gertrude Fawk. Mr.
Read, who was formerly connceted
with the Capitol National Bank is
now with the Federal Reserve
bank in San Francisco.
Mr. and Mrs. Read are already
seeing many of their former
friends. -
XZMarles A. Gran is
Visitor in Salem
Mr. Charles A. Gray,Vce-
mother on the University y
gon campus, spent FridayHv-aa-
lem at the home of Mrs. Frank
Snedecor. Mrs. Gray plans to spend
the greater part of the holiday
period with relatives in Indepen
First Christian Church Will
Sponsor Pageant Written by
a Local Woman
Sunday night there will be giv
en at the First Christian Church
a pageant The Real Meaning of
Christmas written by a S a 1 e m
woman, Mrs. John O. Humphreys.
About fifty persons will be Includ
ed in the cast, persons from every
department of the Bible school.
Elaborate costuming and lighting
effects will be a feature of the
pageant. The staging has been di
rected by Mrs. Frank Brown, cos
tuming by Mrs. Humphreys and
Mrs. L. L. Robinson and lighting
by L. L. Robinson. A modern fam
ily is depicted in the play and
these parts are being taken by Mr.
and Mrs. E. W. Cooley, Mrs. G
M." Douglas, Kenneth Robinson,
Joy Cooley and Barbara Young.
Nellie Dolby and Helen Rose Lee
are angels, Thelma LaDuke. and
Byron Cooley - ar, . representing
Mary and Joseph, Fred Berger,
John Kelly and Kelly Wicklzer are
the shepherds, Roland Campbell,
Cleo Seeley and SanfBerger are
wise flien. .Azuxeua iuw'ieaus
in a group of poor children and
Jeames Campbell is an aged man.
Mr. and Mrs. U. G. Boyer
Entertain With Distinctive
Holiday Dinner
One of the lovliest dinner par
ties planned for the holiday sea
son was that of Friday evening
when Mr. and Mrs. U. G. Boyer
were hosts in their home. Covers
for twenty-four were arranged at
small tables, each table made es
pecially festive for the Christmas
The use of a crystal dinner ser
vice made the 6:30 o'clock affair
of particular interest: Miniature
Christmas trees, red candles, clus
ters of mistletoe, and red carna
tions were used in decorating the
rooms. t
Covers wore placed for: Dr. and
Mrs. Benjamin Blatchford, Mr.
and Mrs. C. F. Brelthaupt. Mr. and
Mrs. F. A. Legge, Mr. and Mrs. F.
A. Lee, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Swaf
ford, Mr and Mrs. F. C. DeLong,
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Clark, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Kloepping and daugh
ter, Miss Dorothy Kloepping, Mrs.
B. E. Carrier, Mrs. Jennie Carrier,
Mrs. Ora F. Mclntyre, Mrs. H. M.
Durkheimer, Mrs. J. A. Mills, and
the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. U. G. Boy
Etokta Club Will Hold
Christmas Party on Tuesday
The members of the Etokta
club will meet on Tuesday at the
home of Mrs. Mason Bishop for a
00 o'clock luncheon, business
meeting, and Christmas tree. Hos
tesses with Mrs. Bishop for the
Christmas party will be Mrs. Ray
Pemberton and Mrs. S. B. Gillette.
Students Home For Holidays
Herbert and Harold Socolofsky,
Robert Bishop, Harold Olinger,
Edward Seigmund and Dan Kelly,
students at the University of Ore
gon, are all at home for the holi
days. The first two are seniors
and members of Beta Theta Pi.
The four latter are all pledges of
the same fraternity.
First Congregational Church
Will Givt Christmas Program
The ca3tmas Canta. "In Ex
celsis," will he presented this ev
ening at the First Congregational
church, by the choir. -
fMembers of the choir are: So
pranos Mrs. Harry Harms, Miss
Nellie Morgan; altos Mrs. Emma
McAllister and Mrs. John J. Bob
erts; tenors H. B. Glaisyer and
William McQUchrist, Jr.; basses
A. H. Gille and W. H. Bross. Rob
ert Morton Zinn Is organ accom
panist. -
Miss Iva Clair Love, violinist,
and Wendell E. Helm, pianist, will
(Continued on Page 17)
Spa Candies
Established in quality for a
Third of a Century
In Salem
Discount on all merchandise
from Dec. 19th to Dec. 24th
Butterfly Linen
365 N. High .
Chambers Bldg.
IB ii.i mm "1 "
' v '
i 1 A g
Upialty shop f :t:: j
Silk Lingerie Robes
Pajama Suits
Imported and Handmade
- Handkerchiefs
Purse Sewing Kits
Special Prices on Ribbon
Kidder Kid Dolls
New Location 244 N. High
Ten Years Practice in
Phone 625
Dp. Li R. Burdcttc
401 First National Bank Bldg.
There's only one better place than this to eat Sunday
Dinner and that's home. So don't feel too sorry for
yourself if you can't get to eat a drumstick off the
family bird. Come here and enjoy delicious chicken
with all the trimmin's. Our chef knows how to prepare
food with that "home taste" all r?ht. i ,
50c and 75c Dinner
(Formerly Minto's)
Opposite The Elsinore
f We y
If Cater To
I Who Buy II
U For jj
y Women jj
t- ' PLEY'S J
-,: . .-V. . .-, -. . . ., -t v..
"n;: " f - 7 " "4,
Are Absolutely Selling Two Dresses
" for the Price of One
Formerly $10.00 to $15.00
Now fs the timer" to bay mother and daughter a present for
' Christmas.
395 N. HIGH ST.