The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 18, 1927, Page 10, Image 10

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jgonsta tesman
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fcaiU Bonta . .
eial Straat. Sala
- Ma
C Editor TlnS- V
City K4itor
Sport Editaf
Society Editor
W. C. Connar
Liveatoek Editor
- Poultry Editor
A.-L, H? Or THE AllOOllnn
- yuuimug aeroia. uu papar Bad alaa taa
v nanus
188 13 W. Slat St, V ...
franciao, Baaraa
I Doty
BUf.; 1
BatiM ffle2t or 68t
Six.oty Editor 10
J Department
Clreulatijo Offiea
JCUorod as tka rt rwu i-
" wko. aa aaerjid-eUaa maUar.
g l thine, irhauoerer re ahalt .7k in
prayer, bettering-, ye
mm m j . A- . .
its and the -idftT .k , tDe lempie, tne cnier
-at V." ;:"'"1?wM.,,Mme "to Him
', and Aid Bv hi ,,f.i. uuo " " Me was teacn-
Ih the news section of this
morning's Statesman there is
prrnte4an editorial article from "Tfc Cr,r?n r-r,,,'
nfr nr rrmriaa fViAmri. i j .. ...
- wear aesenpuon of the remarkable
jucjjQsai jl b. O. Vinson to Uquidate the World war, and
H; a Pian 01 liquidation to insure a period of . 62
-j-cara oi woria peace
'2$! prospect of leading to permanent universal peace
t s "uimiiuing woria attention, it is en-
listhtg: the enthusiastic support of some of the leading news
.fapers; and;men of caliber in this country. As the writer of
. - the iticle being referred to says, "it sets the blood tingling
-TLIJldIe3 fire, in thaiullest imajrination."
- Ane pucooraing circumstance concerning the proposal is
y' the fact that it is set forth by a man of practical affairs.
-:.It is the dream fcf a dreamer of dreams who has been trained
- to ducehis dreams to cold figures; to work out reorganiza
tioVplans for great sick corporations in order to lead them
alojig safe paths to solvency and independence.
. ; j-Xou-'.m invited to read the article. You will likely hear
; agreat del more of it. There have been many proposals
-yv of plans for bringing world peace and understanding. This
y vone has an appeal to common sense that no other one has
It ia understood that the iroal la almost reached, in the
drive for funds to relieve the Oregon Linen Mills, Inc, from
the burden of debts. This consummation ought to be hast
ened. And that will not be enough. The institution ougnt
to bo given sufficient funds to make up a comfortable work
ing capital. It will not be like Salem to be comparable to the
big theater manager of whom it was said that he was "the
kind of a man who would freely give a cigar, but withhold
the match."
Editorially, The Statesman has taken no part in the con
test for city attorney. But the writer sees no reason why
any man, just because he has been in the limelight, should
have warrant to claim priority. The office should not be
subject to preemption by a backroom clique. The city should
have the best qualified man it can commandeer for the place
This is a right. Why not campaign along this line?
Our ambassador of good will without portfolio, our un
spoiled boy, Lindbergh, has captivated the Mexican people.
That is as great an accomplishment as was attributed to
his success in Europe. If Mexican bad will can be turned
m til A 1 11 1 A . 1 11. A J
to gooa win, mere win accrue Deneius to Doin countnei
above the price.
(Continued from Pf 1)
t -
s 'West Salem is to have free city mail delivery ; as an in-
al part of the system of Salem
--Josas if the west side suburb were a part of the greater
: sister oVthe east side.
This seeis; a long step towards the success of the conten
tion of the leaSing spirits of the west side suburb for mak
ing that section art the greater city, through a vote of
. the people of the twdalems-
- The writer iopes to this hope realized, and believes
that there should be other P10603 brought out for extern
ing the iintf
tof 1
khXsjci$TS?sTrnoi th anf soutn especially
There is reason for urgency, on account of the fact that
there is to be a federal census taken in 1930. Salem will get
no credit in that census for any part of the city outside of
the municipal limits. Suburbs do not count. Metropolitan
districts get us nowhere in very many ways of benefit to the
various interests that are calculated to help business and
growth here.
That was a wonderful banquet at the Y. M. C. A. last
night; given in honor of the class of about thirty new people
who became new citizens by order of Judge McMahan's court
last week. Governor Patterson was there, and Mayor Lives
ley, and they delivered fine addresses. W. E. Hansen, class
instructor for the Salem Y, was present. In this work, the
Y is a part of the court. The Salem Y has been doing out
standing work in the citizenship classes for several years,
irettincr hiirh commendation from srovernment officials. In
jjsSe classes' there have been very few failures, if any at all
. m me unais. i ne ins iruc uuii ux nri&uua iccn.m ouuuoswu
as citizens of the United States has been thorough. And it
has been sympathetic: and patriptic. This is just one of
the high points among many of the service that is being
performed by the Salem Y. M. C. A., giving the organization
a standing comparable to the highest in the biggest cities of
the country.
l f ' t "-,.-.. f - V - ' '' M " '
in front of a noue a few doors up
the street.
Marian was lured from tbe
Mount Vernon junior high school
grounds last Thursday noon by a
man who represented that her
father was 111.
When ehe failed to return home
at night Parker communicated
with school authorities and when
told of the ruse notified police.
One of the most tntenslre man
hunts ever conducted in southern
California began that night and
increased in scope hourly.
As soon as the man had driven
away Parker ran frantically to his
daughter's side, clasped her in his
arms and found she was dead.
First examination of the mutil
ated child revealed that both legs
had been cut off apparently close
to the body.
After preliminary examination
at the morgue it was estimated
that the girl had been dead twelve
Ghastly Murder Committed
A wire had been twisted so
tightly around the girl's throat
that the flesh had been cut deeply
into a gaping wound. The wire
was run around the back of the
head and to the face where it was
thrust through her eyelids.
The head of the little girl was
exposed but otherwise waa so
wrapped that first examina
J I 1 J
tundreds of detectives, depu
ties and peace officers in the Los
Angeles district awaited the flash!
that the kidnapper had appeared
and with the tragic message tele
phoned to police headquarters, a
tremendous drive was on to find
the fiend.
Tonight's arrangement for Par
ker to pay over the money to the
abductor culminated a two day's
correspondence by the kidnapper
with the father.
Ransom Demanded
Four ransom letters were re
ceived, beginning Friday morning.
Each carried the threat of death if
the money was not paid or if the
police were notified.
After every effort on the part
of police to locate the child had
failed, ft was decided to meet the
demands of the abductors, release
the child from bondage and then
use every effort at the command
of the police, sheriffs and district
attorney's offices to apprehend the
It wae about 7:15 o'clock to
night that Parker's telephone bell
rang, and the agonized father rec
ognized the voice of "Fox," the
man who had telephoned him be
fore. "He told me to meet him at
Manhattan Place just north of
Fifth street," Parker said. "He
told me to park tbe car; tbat I
would find a lot of cars there and
after I had found a place to park
to turn off my lights.
Father In Agony
"I said to him, 'For Ood's sake,
will you have my little girl?'
"He said he would.
"I told him I bad the assurance
of the police that be would not
be covered and that I wanted my
little girl back and that I had the
money. Fox eaid 'All right, leave
there in five minutes.'
"I think I left about 7:30 p. m.
"I drove to the place and park
ed on the right hand side and
turned out my lights. A fellow
drove by once in an open small car
with a handkerchief over his face.
apparentlylooklng things oyejv
hen he came again and pulled
up alongside of me. He pointed a
gun at me and said:
Orders Given
"You know what I'm here for;
no monkey business: hand over
the money.'
"I eaid, 'Can I see the little
"He pulled her up from the oth
er side and showed me her head.
He said she was asleep. I thought
she was chloroformed.
"I paid him the monty and said,
'Can I have her?'
"He said, 'Yes, yon can have
her. I'll drive down a little and
I'll leave her just down the etreet.'
irovft un a couple of aun-
dred feet, got out and Uld her on
the park way 67
drove away.
"I ran down-
. The father could aT no more.
.o were oassing the
tragic spot said the father taelt
iniT. hodv. clasped it tor a
- in hi arms auu - -
in agony. The two telephoned tlw
police and the second phase of the
great man hunt was on.
1Trnnirf tanning
on fineness of the brute
. . - . -m via final WTit-
caxne out in om ot -
u. rfath messages, delivered
v -..t.a mail at the Parker
When I asked you over i
. s mm A At
phone to giTe me your
honor as a Christian ana
business man not to try a trap, or
Up the police, you didn't anewer;
bcanse when those two closed
cars carefully followed your car
north of Wilton street on Tenui
treat and stopped shortly ore wu
ton on Tenth nd then proceeded
to circle the block on arammert-y
San Marine-. rWilton and Tentn
know von afi& knew what for.
"One was a late Bulck and the
nther had disft wheels. Then la
ter, only a few minutes, I saw
vellow Buick police car speeding
toward your neighborhood. Of
course, you done now inyiu'"
about these facts and that
Sees Through Scheme
"Mr. Parker, I am ashamed of
you. I am vexed and disgusted
with you: with the whole damned
vicinity throbbing with my terri
ble crime you try to save the day
by your simple police tactics.
"Yes, you lied and schemed
come my way, only far enough to
grab me and the girl too. You
will never know how you disap-
nointed vour daughter. She was
so eager to know that it would be
only a short while and then she
would be free from my terrible
torture, and then you messed u
the whole damned affair.
"Your daughter saw you, watch
ed you work and then drove away
broken hearted because you
couldn't have her in spite of my
willingness merely because you
her father, would not deal straight
for her life.
Death Threatened
"You are insane to betray your
love for your daughter to Ignore
my terms, to tamper with death
You remain reckless, and with
death fast, on its way.
"How can the newspaper get all
these family and private pictures
unless vou give them to them
11 the quotations?
trmg jam out before 8 pj
m. So I could not if lord to call
you and ask for your 15 00 for a
lifeless mass of flesh.
"I am base and low and I won't
stoop to that depth, especially to
an ungrateful parent.
"When I call, if I call. I'll tell
you where to go and how to go. So
if you go, don't have your friends
following. Pray to God for for
giveness for your mistake last
night. Become honest with your
self and your blood. If you don't
come in this good, clean, honest
way and be square with me
that's all.
"Fate Fox."
(From Column of too Statesman,
Pecenroer -
, ,. .
The hop market continue dull
and featureless.
tAv nmh received dispatch
yesterday from Asabel Bush Jr
who Is' attending
academy, that he Is suffering an
attack of tonsilities.
Several young men In this sec-
tion nave securew "",iuou'
wives through, matrimonial aaver
A Buttefrtlle man re
cently went east tofmeet a young
woman he had corresponded w,tlu
He reported her to be better than
he expected. - , ;;
T o 1 e d o. O. -Mayor S. M.
Jones is opposed to the custom of
liftina- the hat to women acquain
tances. One of his erstwhile polit
ical supporters .wrote ;the mayor
last week asking an apology to his
wife for the mayor's failure to tip
his hat to her m a street car.
p. s. If you want aid against
me ask God; not man.
Greek Letters TJstd
In the first of his messages, the
writer spelled "death" phoenetic
ally in English, but use! neat
Greek characters. His last writ
ten word bore the heading, under
the ominous Greek symbol, "ap
proaching nearer, each and tvery
Little Marian penned tvo letters
to her father, following her ab
duction, apparently at th dicta
tion of her jailer to her fatter and
One given out by the police
read: -"Dear
Daddy and Mother
"Daddy, please don't bring-any-one
with you today. I am ajrry
for what happened last night, e
drove by the house and I cried all
the time last night. If you don't
meet us this morning, you will
never see me again. Love to all.
"Marian Parker."
"P. S. Please. Daddy, I want
to come home this morning. This
is your last chance. Be sure and
come by yourself or you won't see
me again. Marian."
Note Indicates Tragedy
The other letter from the little
victim revealed in the belief of
the police that ehe had suffered
at the hands of the kidnappers
Drobably nm the first, hoi-rs of
Out i Spedalty
Useful Gifts
r 0
mSSStSgt ' T'r ' m
Bissel Carpet
Royal and
Eureka Electric
Sweepers , tt
or a
Real Electric
. a
i !
Nine Cup Electric
Urn Set as cut
with Safety
Device. Special
Westinghoiise Electric Waffle Irans,
Reflector Heater Toasters .V,
All Wonderful Useful Gifts
Uat I Bi ft...
oat of the
x HeadquartOTj
II 1 mw -X. 1 1 aBOTaaraa
I V. V J If
I Now pricsa for 1928- )(
it r i raft
II I A3 per CCUt aUYVCTi
it I HPHIS bat always ben ca
III X Atwater KMttonwn' bo
il I pecpu1bAuadl?ra
HI K AtmHr Kent took fh fimm- v
Aad now. 4 th new. tnem5
bly tow IStzS prfcts of Mfittsr
Keot Kadio. U't only a
of wnctfXawTWw can fist i
V Atwsfer Kent took tbm pmm
work oat of radio and pot mfo it
tbe certalnty'ol'pcriorinanoe that
everybody wkntJ. A mflliom
frrrt?wi booht it, and tnass pro
dafffioa now cnablrs cs to ghare
wkh our oostomrs th benefits
of tower eosti la the world'
greatest radio faotory. You wast
to be thownP Good. Tbet'e whet
were here Ibc
Tradi snd nigh 8U Phone 1841
ttooao. SO, mvmmmrtml
rrjy on tetite-
II Radvo Srvm.
(Continued on page 20)
325 Court St p6p
Give a gift Ui the whole family. One
that will give joy and comfort for years
That gift Is a "Birchfleld" Davenport,
Davenports in Jacquard Velour and
Mohair, some with reversible cushions;
$67.50 to $250
Add a new lamp
to the home this
Christmas. W
have all kinds of
ta ble lamps,
bridge and floor
1 ; 4rSi?P5S
Spinet Desks
A real useful furniture
article for the home.
End Tables
A solid mahogany top
end table, finished in
English brown mahog
anyRegular $8.75.
Foot Stools
An Ideal gift for dad
See our complete selection.
Furniture Company
We -
" Charge
No Interest
I Cobh Vvj o ganizatl. la th. Jted Mat !