The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 18, 1927, Page 1, Image 1

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4 JIurjy; t th& 0 Rallying Place for Specialty Mills in .This : City
. 4
L" Weather foreeast: Fair eaat and cloady .
i west portions; bo change la 4emperature;
moderate east and southeast winds. Maxi
mum, temperature yesterday 42, minimum
31, riVer 4.7. rain traces, atmosphere clear
wind southeast. '
L if! 1ST SAL
i I - City , Service . Granted,- To
Take Effect First of Year,
Officially Stated
West SM Suburb To Be Part of
Salem So Far As Malt DeliTery
Concerned; -Effort To
Include Under way
West Salem is to hare city mail
" delivery, beginning with the first
cf the new year. That territory is
? to be taken into the tree delivery
f i-ystm of the city of Salem, Just
I as the sections served in the main
1i city. One new carrier will be re
U jquifed to serve the residents of
5IWest Salem. There has so far
-Jbeen no decision as to the carrier
-CV3 be named to serve the west side
-Nof the river. He may be one of
the .present regular carriers, in
which case a vacancy in the main
force wiU'have to be filled; perT
--haps by stepping up some one in
line of priority.
. : long. Winning Fight
' This marks the end of a long.
winning fight on the part of the
1 enterprising people of the suburb
on the west side of the Willamette
- river. There was fear and indlca
t tion tI -failure attending the ln-
Itial efforts. But. the bIp of
Un"ted States Senator Chasf I. Me
I Nary was enlisted, resulting in the
victory that is now. recorded.
Arnold O. Brunner, inspector
for the postof tice department, and
UciikII. Farrar. postmaster of Sa-
lc following committee from West
i I saiemr-J.-l Arnold, Guy, C. No
gent. W. B. Berth, F. C. Need-
ham and J. E. Summers.
A Iot of AVork
They did a lot of work.
I ciihmitted a-enort of the advan
tages of the whole city of Salem
with respect to mail service. They
f-TTnished facts and figures con
cerning the business and growth
of the whole city; number of wat
er users and , telephone users,
building; operations, manufactur
ing institutions, etc., etc.
Their survey showed that the
portion of the territory proposed
to be given free mail, delivery ser
vice has streets named, houses
numbered and street lights, and
with the exception of sidewalks Is
entitled to the requested service.
(Continu3 om pg ?.)
c. p.TmixrpsiEvrioxED as
Friends Believe He is Riht )Iu
-' to Kmootb Troubled Po-I '
litical Sea'
Sensing a' probable deadlock, or
so close a vote that factfonaJ feel
iDgs in the , city council -would
work to the detriment of .municipal
affairs Jn the case of the choice of
either the Incumbent Fred Wll-
liamsror Ray L. Smith, for the of
fice of city attorney, a sumber of
prominent Salem citizens are com
mencing a boom to secure the elec
tion of C. "B. Phillips. :
The citizens contend that Phil
Hps electlonwoald heal factional
differences, and therefore work to
the' benefit' of the Interests of the
taxpayers, pointing out that he is
well qualified, anlt is as good a
man for the place as could, be
chosen.' :::,,' r tiri.' ;
''Phillips is a native - of Marion
county, born near Scot ts Mills. He
is a graduate "of Columbia univer
sity, .and th law department of
Chicago university. He had one
year of practice in handling mu
nicipal arfairs in Chicago where he
was associated with the Hyde
Park Improvement district law
firm. He has practiced la Salem
four years. He is president of the
Salem Rod and Gun clob. and sec
retary of the local unit of the
stat egame protective association
with over 10,000 members of the
state wide' organization and about
400 in-the local branch. He Is a
J2nd degree. Mason, a. Shriner,
and an active member of the Sa
lem chamber of commerce.
While Phillips' maintains an of
flee next to that of Chris Kowitz
In the Salem Bank xf Commerce
building,1 the two men are in nc
sense-partners. .
How Phillips will appeal to the
councilmen has not been indicated.
Those who oppose Williams will
line up with the candidate who
seems to have: the.; best chance oi
winning out over the incumbent.
Total Membership of Local Lodge
Over 2000, Word
Salem Lodge No. 336 B. P. O. E.
hare received 679 applications for
membership during the selective
membership effort which has just
closed. V
The score of the teams at the
close of the contest which oc
curred at 4:25 (Sundown) Thurs
day was as follows:
Regulars (Captain
Regulars' (Captain
Total Contest score ........ . 640
.Neutrals reported" after close. 39
Official of Own Country to Blame
For Armament Race, As
Kertion Made
Grand Total .V. . . ... .... 679
Judges of the contest were Milo
Rasmussen, Harry, Weidmer and
Bert Victor, it is rumored, will re
quire the extreme penalty from
Captain Gingrich and his cohorts.
The penalty being that bf wheel
ing the. winners j of the contest
around a full city block in wheel
barrows with the E,lks band lead
ing the procession and playing the
tune of Onward Christian Soldiers.
The . date set by the Judges for
the exaction of the penalty is 7
p. m. January 2,. 1928.
NEW YORK. Dec. 17. (AP)
failure of the tri-partite naval
conference called at Geneva last
summer by President Coolidge is
1 characterized as a deplorable Brit-
blunder by Viscount Rother
' more In a cabled dispatch which
: will b , published as the feature
article In the Sunday pictorial, of
'London tomorrow.
Viscount Rothermore, publish
er of numerous English newspa
pers, and who is now in New York,
- lays the principal blame upon Sir
Austen Chamberlain British, for
eign secretary.' -
The dispatch follows, in part:
(By Yixcouut Rothermore)
Last summer at the Invitation
f President Coolidge, the Japan
ese and ourselves met the Ameri
cans at Geneva to discuss the re-
., ; duction of naval armaments. Of
aH the mistakes the present Brit
ish jtovernment has made, .the
vuest was to let that conference
fail. V,. ;-r vv.t
It failed partly because the Brit-
llH WaaVA wAa1 1lAa.
I i en. But the actual responsibility
1 . a a .... ' Bt. - . I ' I.
lrzv?. tne ioreign secretary. He
t 'seemed utterly. noabltt to realize
the all-embracing Importance ot
' V vP1 conference. It waa his business
ctXio know that: there was a Urge
?Vr party ox American opinion press-
J ? las! npon .the "- administration at
1 I - Washington ; the necessity of en
larging the American navy so that
I It should at least equal the British
navy, u
The object set forth by Mr, Coo-
HvJje la summoslng ,the ' confer-
!rti a Rjioro ci rrc
iuiuiuv ii w a -
Comm'rttee To Report Mon
day, But Location To Be
: Selected Uncertain
Bis Gallery Expected at Monday
Night Session of Council;
f - -... . . .
Lengthy Petition to be . :
Submitted, Indk-ation ,
With, the Incinerator commit
tee apparently wavering in its in
tention to recommend the Oregon
Electric gravel pit site for the
new Incinerator,, bolh North and
Southeast Salem citizens are agog
as to Just what Aldreman Dancy'g
report at the council meeting Mon
day night will contain.
Unexpected bitter opposition of
North Salem citizens hae influ
enced the committeemen to cast
about for other possibilities. i
"What will be your report Mon
day? Alderman Dancy was asked
last night.
"I don't know; The committee
is considering several : sites. It
may be any one of them, he re
plied. ' .
Bis Gallery Foreseen ,
It .seems certain that the tneet
Ing will attract one of the largest
galleries of the year, with citizens
from all over the city crowding in
to the chamber to hear the report
and voice protests if necessary, -
In the light of a. statement; by
Alderman ' Dancy1 sometime ago
that the Southeast Salem site was
in "cold storage' and might yet
be recommended, representative
citizens from'that- section" wilt-toe
on - band to ' watch developments.
They promise injunction proceed
ings it forced to that juncture. :
A remonstrance bearing the
names of more than 200 North Sa
lem citizens is now being circul
ated and will be presented from
(Cob tinned oa pace T.)
False Report Sent Out that Koyo
Mam Runs Into Rocks
SAN PEDRO, Cal..! Dec. 17.
(AP). The Japanese tanker Koyo
Mam, en route to Yokohama with
a foil cargo of oil, tonight was
forced to anchor in a precarious
position, just 150 yards off the
rocks of Point Firmin when her
engines broke down. A beary gale
and turbulent seas resulted in re
ports that the vessel had been
driven on the rocks.
L .1 :
Result Stay Be Announced Before
r; Sleetiag Ends; -'
:' - Mead Speaket -? ' 1
. The most important meeting-of
the year for the" Salem chamber
Of commerce Is scheduled for-to
morrow, when the annual election
of I officers will be held at the
weekly luncheon hour. , f :.
-In addition to the. balloting on
candidates recently nominated for
the various offices, the program
will include a-talk by. II. M.. Mead
on the honey industry, in which
he is a leader in the-Salem vicin
ity. --.'.-
President' TJ. S Page will ap
point two sets of tellers, in the
hope that the results of the elec
tion may be announced' before the
luncheon .hour ends.
-Following "are the "candidates
for the various offices:
, President Dr. B. Blatchford,
Fred A. Erixon, George F. Vick,
t i Vice president r Grant W. Day.
L. W. Gleason, Fred A. Thlelson
i Treasurer Dr. L. E. Barrlck,
K. B. Kngel, Lee M. Unruh
; Secretary D. B. Jarman, John
W. Orr, B. E. Sisson , 1 .
Dlrectorj social department C
F. ; Breithanpt, TJ G. . Holt,
Henry E. Morris. ? V ;
Director, civic department -T,
M. Barr, W. W Phillips, E. F,
-i Director agricultural depart
ment Charles Hudklns, Lloyd T.
Reynolds, C. A." Swope.
Director legislative , department
Leo N. Childs.W. G. Kreuger,
J. F. Lurich.' r" . .
. Director Indastrial department
Otto A! Hillman, W J. Llllje-
qnlst, Adolph C. Nelson.
In addition to the directors to
be 'elected at this meeting, two
hare already been elected. Ac
cording to th,e chamber of com
merce constitution, the King Bing
of the Cherriana and the president
of the Business men's league are
members of : the directorate, tm4
cansequeotry P .D. Quisenbefry
and F. E. Sherwin, heads of these
two organizations, will be direct
ors of the chamber.
Gruesome Details Deduced From
Examination of Corpse
The horrible extreme to which the
warped mind of the killer of Mar
ian Parker carried him was re
vealed in the surgical examination
of the body.
' Detectives shuddered as they de
clared they had. never seen such
mutilation. ,
; Death apparently came either
from chloroform or loss of blood
after a terrific lashing.
The arms had been severed at
the elbows, and the legs were sev
ered at the elbows, and the legsf
were gone at the hips. The torso
had been disemboweled add . the
cavity filled with rags.
Women and Girls ' Shot Down on
Mere Suspicion of Being
:.: - f Connected With Reds
' SHANGHAI, Dec. 17 (AP)
The work of expelling commun
ists Is being pursued with utter
rnthlessness in Canton and Han
kow, -even women and. girls are
being ; shot down indiscriminately
if suspected of being communists.
Bobbed hair is considered the
sign of a woman communist in
China and at least , 14 bobbed
haired girls and women have been
shot by anti-red troops in Canton.
During the . ruthless campaign
against the ' communists, troops
shot down the girls and women in
the streets without compunction.
: Nineteen Russians declared to
be communists have been execu
ted in the streets in Canton, as a
warning to those who turned , to
communism, said advices from
Hang Kong. . . ; f ; ; T "
. . Among, those reported killed
were M. Kirisheff and bis wife
The latter was the secretary to
Michael Borodin, Russian adviser
to the former nationalist govern
Fifteen Deported
. ; Fifteen Soviet officials, includ-
Dr.J ing Consul General Plitesche were
deported from Hankow this morn
ing and started for Shanghai
aboard a Chinese steamer. - -
, While, ruthless methods are be
ing pursued in Canton and Han
kow. the nationists in Shanghai
have contented themselves with
mora moderate methods, merely
requiring the registration of all
Russians with - the declaration
whether tney are rrea or
"white." This course of action is
being -followed despite . the' fact
that it has been reported that bad
the communist coup at Canton
proven-successful it would have
been followed by a similar coup
in Shanghai.
..Soviet Consul Kovlovsky with
his staff, however, is ready to de
part whenever; he is required by
the Nanking nationalist wba have
severed relations with Soviet Rus
43 FlflD
S-4 Goes To Bottom When
Rammed By Coast Guard
Vessel Paulding
Eleven Divers Ordered to Scene
of Disaster in Hope of Com
munirating With Member's
- of Boat's Crev
(Continued en pace 7.)
Index of Today's
Section One
General News .... 1, 4, 7, 9, 20
Theaters . 2-3
Radio .4
Sports ... 6-7
Editorial 10
City News ..........11
Society 1 2, 1 7
Features . . . .. ..... .14-15
Woman's. Styles -."-.i ;'... .16
Financial ......... . . . . ; . . 1 S
Classified 18-19.
V Section Two;0
Automotive 1 2, , 7
Better Homes ........ J, 4, 5
Section Three
Final Pleas fa Ce Made to Jury
Late Yesterday
-Final pleas to the - Jury in
George Remus', murder trial were
begun late today. ; . .
Charles P, Taft, II, Hamilton
county prosecutor, faced the. two
women and ten men of the Jury
who for five weeks had heard the
evidence in the trial of the form
er Chicago lawyer, who became the
"king of bootleggers! and final
ly killed bis estranged wife,' imo
gene, here last October 6. ;
Taft had only an hour In which
to open for the state because he
had to divide ; the . two hours, left
of the session with the defense.
That left six hours of argument
to be completed next Monday, to
be- followed by"' Judge- Chester R.
Shook's charge to the Jurors and
delivery of Remus' fate into their
hands. .
Woman's Handkerchief Found
Deserted Ford Coupe :
LOS ANGELES, Dec, 17. (AP)
A Ford coupeTfeita, a woman's
bloody handkerchief lying on the
seat was found ; parked, on the
wrong side of Che atreet - in - the
West Lake park district just -be
fore midnight tonight. The hand
kerchief was rushed to the home
of Marian Parker's parents in "an
attempt ' te Identify it as balonrisri
enca was to ascertain whether It to the nttle ylcUm-of tha kldnap-j
' (CaUj.n-l ea pax T.) I P,n ,leBai ;", . i'ZV7 -- ' -T
f- , ' '.' . "IIWWI Ill I III I HI i L,.r. -juWiWWHJ.Jk'i.JL1' . ." BMgLa
17. (AP) The fate of 43 offi
cers and men, the crew of the U.
S. submarine S-4 was In doubt to
night as the vessel lay on the
oeean floor in deep water off this
port, after a' collision w4th the
coast guard destroyer Paulding.
Whether the hull ot the submar
ine was crushed and her crew all
drowned, or whether the crash
had merely disabled her machine
ry and made it impossible for her
to come to the surface, still was
unknown. Those who witnessed
the collision feared, however, that
a major marine disaster had re
sulted comparable to the loss oi
the submarine S-51 In September,
1925, when that vessel was. sunk
in collision with the steamship
City of Rome, off Block Island,
33 officers and men perished. '
Destroyer Heading Home
The destroyer, on patrol duty
off Provincetown, was making for
the harbor. Suddenly her lookout
saw "the S-4 running submerged
dead ahead. There was no time to
swerve from the course and : the
vessels crashed. The destroyer
made port with her lower hold
flooded. The Panldtnr-Vas struck
amidships but the point at which
the submarine felt the force of the
blow was not known.-
The S-4 went down immediate
ly. Boats, that cruised about the
place f6r hours found no survl
vors, giving the faint hope that
the submarine's hull has not been
pierced. A fresh breeze and rough
seas hampered the work of the
small boats : taking part in . the
work of rescue.
1800 Yards Off Shore
The S-4 went down a bare 1,
800 yards from the shore off
Wood End coast guard station,
which Is situated on the outer, or
ocean side of the harbor. The
water at, that point is very deep,
which, it was admitted,' would in
crease the difficulties of raising
the, sunken vessel.- .
The Paulding's wireless message
Asks for Description of Every Man
vl oa Police Records Wlio Might
: bo Kidnapper -
LOS ANGELES, Dec. 17. (AP)
Herman Cllne, chief of Los An
geles detectives, tonight appealed
through the Associated Press to
every chief of police in this coun
try and Canada to wire him de
scriptions and criminal records of
every man ever suspected of the
crime of kidnapping. Chief Cllne,
directing a tremendous effort tc
apprehend the fiend killer of kid
napped Marian Parker, declared
the crime the most atrocious ever
to occur in southern California.
41 is the most terrible -most
fiendish crime ever to blacken Cal
ifornia society," he declared.' "Let
the Associated-Press carry into
every city in this nation and Can-
ada my-solemn appeal to wire me
description and criminal records,
of every man ever suspected of the
crime of kidnapping. It may be
that the fiend has plied bis terri
ble trade, in some other place and
his record and description may be
in trie hands of some officer to
night. ; - . -
"We will never rest until we
hare him."
(Coatiaa4 oa pf 7.)
Charges Nothing But "Street Cor
ner Gossip" He Avers
17. (AP) Testimony on which
an investigating committee of the
state house of representatives vot
ed a charge of moral' turpitude
against Governor Henry S. Johns
ton wascharacterized by the ex
ecutive today as "street corner
gossip.'r ..
In an Interview with newspaper-
men. Governor Johnston refused
to go into -detail concerning the
evidence gathered by the commit
tee, but he again rose to the de
fense--of -Mrs. O. O. Hammonds,
his personal secretary and adviser.
whose name was brought into the
committee hearing.
r-As"to testimony of W. JI, Frank
lin, a former employe In his office,
relating to his personal conduct,
Governor Johnston said:
'Jle spoke about me acting like
I was. lost when Mrs. Hammonds
was not in. the office and playful
when she was here. There is ab
solutely nothing to-that."- ;h
The' governor i reiterated that
those attacking him and Mrs.
Hammonds "know she Is above
-suspicion." ' l:- ' ' v
Mrsv Violet Jensen of Portland,
PORTLAND. Dec. 17.-r-(AP)
Drowned In a bath tnbf Mrs. Vio
let 'Jensen, "21,' was fonnd today
by.- her - roommate. Miss Alice De
Lose. The" two women occupied a
room at a. hotel.., :'
An - emergency ; physician and
firemen -of-a squad- wagon were
unsuccessful after an hour's' ef
fort to reauscltate Mrs. Jensen. It
m-as their pinion the woman be
came 111 while bathing, collapsed
and drowcti, -
LOS ANGELES, Dec . 17.
(AP) The description of the
man who kidnapped and mur
dered Marian Parker follows:
White, 25 to 30 years of age;
five feet, eight Inches in height;
150 pounds; slender build; ttiin
features, smooth shaven; medium
complexion; "dark brown hair
which is wavy and has appear
ance of being waxed; speaks very
good English and apparently . 'It
well educated;, sometimes wears
brownish gray herringbone over
coat; dark gray' hat.
- The automobile He drove V
dark colored Ford roadster. Part
of the license number all numer
als of which - are- not known, l is
67.67.. Not known whether
these are" first, . last, : or middle
numbers:-4- ' Tr
He has in his possession seventy
five S20 United States - gold cer
tificates; serial numbers K
68016975 to K-68 01 6975 inclu
sive. This money was taken by
tile murderer. when he delivered
the body, of the child to the fath
er. Merchants and business men
are requested to keep a memo
randum of these numbers.
Stricken Home In Los Angeles
Found Typical On
? LOS ANGELES. Dec. 17. (AP)
It was a typical American home
well provided but modest and
refined over which, a fiend in
human form tonight cast the
blackest pall 6f horror and grief
in the criminal annals of south
ern California.
"Perry "M.-Parker,' father of lit
tle Marian Parker, whose little
mutilated body lies on a morgue
slab here tonight, is assistant
cashier of the Los Angeles, First
National Trust and Savings bank.
lie had no enemies; no one that
could wish to do him or his harm,
he declared brokenly as he groped
blindly, for the motive that actua
ted the kidnapper and killer.
Joined In grief with him were a
home-loving wife. Marian's' twin
sister Marjorie and -one .brother,
Willard, about 20 years of age and
the little victim's grandmother
Mexican President Escorts Ameri
can Flyer on Tonr
America's bashful beau today bad
a firm grip oa the hearty or Mexi
co after 72 hours in the'southern
republic. : : .
: President : Calles z. personally
drove to the American embassy to
escort Colonel ; Charles A. Lind
bergh and Ambassador Dwlght, W.
Morrow to a school children's fete
attended; by nearly 50.000 per
sons, in -order to show special
honor to the American flier. ."
Between 6,000 and 10.000
school children called back from
their holidays participated lu the
fete; at the Mexico City stadium.
The day - was proclaimed ' a Jioll
day, the second so proclaimed of
ficially since his arrivals -
Legislature to Be Requeued to
Deal With Spud Situation "
IDAHO FALLS, Ida., r-e.17
(AP) Indications h-re today
pointed to the strong possibility of
Governor H. C. Baldrldge - being
asked to call a special sepislon of
the Idaho legislature to taks some
action to remedy the bad potato
marketing situation. Dealers and
growers here are of the opinion
that statutory regulations will ac
complish what departmental regu
lation has failed to do.
Mutilated Corpse Tossed Up
On Lawn Near Home
After Ransom Paid
Hunt For,: Fiend Begin;
Immediately After Deed
Police Send Out Call For As
sistance In Apprehending
Perpetrator of Worst Crime
In Annals of West '
LOS ANGELES, Dec. 17. (AP)
A uspect whose description was
said to tally -with that lof the
slayer of Marian Parker was cap
tured in Rustic Canyon shortly be
fore midnight as he was about tQ
abandon a Ford coupe which be
had driven Into a thick owth ef
brush. " ;v :.
Tha body of Marian Parker, 1?,
bank official's daughter, who was
kidnaped Thursday, was found to
night in the northwest section f
tue city. . . . .. r. .
The body of the little girl, bad
ly mutilated, was toeed at the feet
of her, fathererry, M Parker
wno naa gone to an appointed
street corner in the northwest sec
tion of the city, carrying 11600 in
ransom money demanded by the
abductor, f
Parker received a telephone call
at 7:35 o'clock tonight instruct- "
ing him to -proceed to the corner
of Fifth street and Manhattan -
Place with 11500 in gold certifi
cates and his daughter would be
returned to him there.
Father Brings Money
The father, distracted and near
ing collapse,; proceeded to the
street corner with the money, ar
riving there shortly after 8
o'clock. . --
A few minutes after he arrived,
a small roadster drew ; up 'along
side Parker's, automobile. The
banker saw his daughter in the
seat beside the driver and was tojd"-
by the kidnapper that the little J
girl wa asleep.
"Here's your child." he said to
Parker. "Give me the money asd
follow Instructions. She i
asleep." ,:''
Parker handed the i kidnapper
the 1500 in the 120 gold certifi
cates designated by the kidnap-
Per. .
Corpse Flung Down
According to the agreement, the
man after taking the money drove
ahead of the car a . little way
Climbing out of the car, he threa '
the body of the girl onthe grass
.j 0atine4 oa par 10.)
St met ore Replacing One Recently
Burned Will Be" Larger,
Contract for construction of th
new three story, building for the
Cherry City Bakery was let Sat
urday to Anderson & Van Patten,
and they will. start work Monday,
the basement and foundation worjr
having already been completc-4
under separate contract.
- The new building, the company
officials report, will afford much
greater apace than the one wb5rh
waa destroyed by fire a few vb
ago. and bas been planned to take
cafe of the expansion in buir:??.
which" they anticipate in the rest
flTeyears, after .which .further
construction will be necessary.
The ccmpatiy has been rla
for some tinieto enlarge lt n v.
ters, and had Ju-t completr ,
addition before the fire, i" r r
the new building will b i'
stories high, the rcmp?!er t;
The enlargement will v. r 1 -sible
considerable Jncrca-f in -. -ductroa
as soon as the Lr.' '
flnislied. Details of th mai'
which Is to be installed
ready to announce soon.
Until the new buHd: -pleted.
the eonirany will ,
or.ratfr..'r la . lenr'rary r.