--he Oregon Statesman . ! Elly Kxcap Xaadav ay TUB STATESMAN PtlilXSllLNU COMFAJfT 1S SamU Caouaarcial guaet. Satan. Ortros t ' V . , ' ' ' Jaaaafraa: caivor be. y. tinn - - . City Edrta J'ctor D. Carlaas - - Sport Id nor Eall Bnaca - . , SoeUty Editor . Acwrtinsgr M ,affr W. H. Ben4raoa OimbtiM Mium K. A- Raata - LiTxock Eitr W. a Coaaar , . r :' . ; Paaiu? E4Ut - JdXJtBX OF TBS ASSOCIATED TOa ' - .'ft U .utt ta U. mm, tor aaolieatioa at U SaUctas Otmi Imiwmi p..ii. r. i...t,. aVSI A-J? 8tmrU?., BW- B r Saaroa Did.; Cu - HSHs'w. Slat at.; ChiaaCa. Warqaatta Bio. PnUM Ofna2S r S8 aVaeiaty Idit io XEXXVHOKES) Ki rVpt2J ar 10 7ok rxoartnmt CuxUlLra Of tie gataras at tea P t Offica a Salaay Onpi. a w.i-clw aauar. .V ;j, " - ' December , IT, .1927 ' ' ,-:-. -- Y'Y t v When the dl8ClDle w it, they marvelled, saying. How soon if 17, V treo withered away. Jeso answered and aald onto them. Verily I say unto yon. It ye hare faith.- and doubt not. ye shall not only do this which Is dons to the fig tree, but also If ye shall say! unto this mountain. Be thou removed, and bethoa cast Into the sea: It shall be dona.' Matt. 2:20 and 21. ,i ;,- TIDETVATEH AND OTHER WATER : (Eugene Register) ,The Tom G. Taylor company, of Portland, it is announced, proposes to finance a If 2,500,000 pulp and j paper mill at Seattle. This same concern, the Seattle dispatch adds, has financed similar enterprises at St. Helens, Oregon,' and .Turn water, Washington, and is engaged in financing a million-. dollar paper mill at Tacoma. "r !' " " It will be observed that all these plants are at tidewater points. It is to be assumed, therefore, that they plan to ship ineir proauct Dy water to tne eastern seaboard. ; But the Atlantic seaboard is not the only purchaser of pulp nd paper' The interior also uses hese essential products. There is a market' in the interior, which must be supplied by rail, and plants in interior Oregon, located at advantag eous rail points; can supply -this demand in competition with the tidewater milts. - Interior Oregon cities f which are pe glectlng; the opportunities for paper: mill development are overlooking a very important jpayroll.future.1 " ; - - this city as the'eenter of the greatest cruda drug industry in the world; and this will affect beneficially every other part of he Willamette valley. It will be no accident. Nature has so decreed. It is ccming because the Almighty made the setting when His processes-formed this .valley . Christmas and New Year's day are . legal holidays In Oregon. Further, as declared by law, "whenevervany legal holiday other than a Sunday falls upon Sunday, the Monday following shall be and be observed as such holiday.! So Monday, December 2Sf will be a legal holiday in Oregon, and so will be Monday, January 2 This is printed in answer to inquiries. - yY'YYl. X lHYY-rJ Yr. Yy yXY: :l Y jt seems childish to' the writer, the petitions .being signed against the hauling through the streets to the proposed in cinerator of the city's refuse. Who will notice it? Who will be able to differentiate it from any other thing being named by truck through the streets? ., . Salem never looked so festive In any former holiday seas on. .Getting more so daily. If the true Christmas spirit can be in proportion to these signs of it; and it can be projected throughout the year, Salem will be a wonderfully good city in wiucn io uve. The above, from , the, Eugene Register, calls attention to a development that is surely coming For the manufacturing- of paper" in this country is fast being moved to the Pacific coast, where the great pulp wood supplies are to be found.'. But the big mills have naturally been locating on tidewater, and the tendency will be in this direction.for some time, if not indefinitely . ' Or on navigable streams through which ocean going ves els ni3y be reahed." Tlie reasons are obvious, i The supplies may. go from such.points to all markets, whether interior or on deep water ports. : And the whole world buys paperi Eugene may have a paper-mill, or Corvallis or 'Albany, or any Willamette river point, when there is still water the ; year, uuruugu in mis smui, giving a cuusuuk stage aiiow- ing navigation by boats and barges , . ' j . VA-;Jn i And still water is obtainable and may' be had through" the united efforts of all the people of this great 'valley..' It should be provided. It would enhance the l value of every product of .the industries on the land and in the cities and towns; every bushel arid pound and bale and article. Whydo not all the newspapers of . this valley and all the r people livinghere, join in this demand? j. It Is not likely that Eugene will get a paper mill till there is still water in the Willamette, though there is a vast supply j of pulp wood tributary to that city. - It will come down the river in rafts, or by rail; or go west to tidewater points," till that timey- ' And the writer happens to know that there are projects now on tapis for; paper manufacturing plants ..on tide water west of Eugene. . - - POLICE SEARCH CITY : FOR GIRL'S KIDNAPERS (CaaiUM from papa 1) who was reported by him to hare been. Injured-In an antomoblle ac cident. The abdactor represented himself as a clerk in the bank of which the father. Perry 3JL Parker, was employed as assistant eashlerJ The trirt's teacher. , Mrs. Man Holt, gave the police a minute de scription of the man. whom she said drove away in a small coupe Harjorle Parker, twin sister of; the missing rtrl, told her parents that the man had been about the! school' srounds several hours be fore calling for Marian. She also said that the day previous he had anren alongside a trolley car. beckoning them to ride with him. The full forces of the police de tective department, the sheriff! office and the district attorney! detective detail, scoured the hnis in. the suburbs for trace-of the ma chine, or a mountain cabin that might Imprison the girL showing payments to Americans, uui naa oeen caned out of the country before ho conld go Into ua maiier. Editor Gives Acconnt Victor Watson, managing editor or- tne New yYork Daily Mirror, who saia ne waa called An by Mr. Hearst to examine the documents taken from Mexico atjj told the committee he suggested that their authenticity be checked by getting the corresponding papers from the files In the New JTork consulate.- -5 He said he suggested having AvUa getting them there." ; Avlla had testified previously, he ; later gave a clerk . itf the New - Tork odce $S500 for papers taken from the office of Hias. - "Y-"-; . Before the day . ended the com mittee had before.lt the opinions of several experts pt the genuine ness of the documents,, but it did not, reveal the Information ob tained. The experts were called la to study the papers during a meeting of the committee behind closed doors.. HEW FIRE HITS QUEBEC ACADEMY FOR YOUTHS -Si (CottaBad fraat yas 1) had been on the premises there would have .been no loss , of life. The Jury added to its verdict a de mand' that "more effective super vision be exercised during the night and that ' automatic sprink lers be Installed in all buildings of this kind." The parents of some of the lit tie victims, sisters in charge of the hosnlce and 91 firemen testified at the inquest. O- l Cits For TJrealtfast Good Christmas present . , . Starting of endowment fund tor1 the Salem General hospital . YYyY-YY - j - Started with 91000. given by the janitor of the Institution That should be the beginning of a large endowment fund, and will of course be. But It should grow fast, . . .'. Also, the Salem YM. Cf. A. has an endowment fund. It Is S10, gives $1 each by a class of 10 boys. It has been officially ac cepted and set apart as an endow ment fund by the board of direc tors, and is drawing interest as i. - A - 5 Another thing, paper mius require a great deal of power. And they require a great deal of water. The one paper mill in Salem uses three or four times as much water as all the other users of this city combined ' - """For the paper stock, or cellulose, when It goes into the paper machines is mixed with nearly all water. It is ninety- nine and seven-tenths per cent "water, and only three-tenths of one per cent paper stock, or cellulose. j . " ' t i A BOUQUET OF BUNT (Portland Telegram) . - : Our good friend, the Oregon Statesman, gently chides The Telegram for confusing "refinery' and "still" in a recent tribute to the Statesman's clever advertisement of the mint that is, we understand, somehow processed by both." ,'Y We hasten to thank the Salem newspaper for the correc " tion and for further information in regard to the possibilities of the crude drug industry in the Willamette valley. As the J Statesman alliteratively remarks, the peculiar qualities of son ana snower ana sunsmne snuuiu mMe uiu aavureu ic- giori the drug center of the world. . ; . . I Travelers have often commented upon the many similari ties to be f ound in the Willamette vauey .ana tne lamous ir.lo r rr. .i.maa v n?a an nftr Birrrvnsati fit tho Statesman's propnecy tnat. tne precious aiiar oi roses may become an important Oregon product. - That promise gives us the greater eagerness in following the slogan articles of the scented Statesman- We will be willing to take it for granted that the editor knows his onions If he successfully demonstrates that his nose knows the rose. And just to show we know our dictionanr, we niaintiin that the latter ia still mere refined. -- , The Telegram writer In the above shows that he is an cpt pupil: and ha knows his dictionary. It might net be amiss to explain that the mint still is the clant in which the peppermint oil i3 distilled from the mint hay. But the peppermint oil Is often mixed with for eign substances, coming from weeds ; or other growths ; or it may have been improperly stored and thus gathered deleterious foreign substances. Tha peppermint oil refinery refines it; takes everything out of it but chemically pure repperraint oil; find that oil cf tha proper consistency to La arccab!a to tha clfactory nerve?, and to the tang of the ... . . . . ... . ii ; sensa cf taste,. which .13 (.izo . inrpcriant. . :- Ar. 1 th.3 pepr crrr-Int cil refinery i3 ccpabi8 of doing the ;rr.a tl '.nj for any other esscatfel olL Hence the great cf i T..2-7T ' Ealcm rctlaery in davelopinrr the cr.crracr: cru-3 dmj.'.ir. 'utry tha ..Villamette NEW CHARGES PRESSED BY OKLAHOMA INQUIRY ' "(Coatiaoed from para 1) essary to declare martial law If meetings were stopped, at a n y place other than the- capitoL. , Members of the Investigating committee were at the capitol this morning, intent on taking advan tage of the senate's offer of Its chamber as a convening placeC ... : They found entrances to -the leg islative hall roped off and patroll ed by national guardsmen uner the adjutant general. I t ; .t j To test whether the order. would prevent them from .meeting at any other place In the capital, about twenty members entered the of fice of Lieutenant Governor W, J. HoUoway, who" was not there, f -A guard lieutenant foUowed them In, reinforced by several privates, and instructed them to leave. HEARST CHARGES DUE FOR THOROUGH PROBE mortgage (CoatiBe& (rem paf a 1) ,. nam from the 10th day of March. 19ZC untu paid; and the sum of 150.00 a reasonable-attorney fee upon that certain promissory note executed by defendants A. W. LAtnrep and Nina LathroD in fa vor of plaintiff, on the 8th day of July, 1925, and judgment for plaintiff's costs and disbursements incurred in thia suit, and will take a decree for a foreclosure of the which secures . said mortgage, which said mortgage o.iia. r ri 1.1. k.i. v I . " """""P mi"-i ana wina iAthrop, and will take a ther, Ellas, as shown by the decree that the whole of the lands uwumenis. r j. - and premises described in said .Code Deld Frandnlent , . mortgage be sold by the Sheriff of Ellas has denied that the mes- Marlon County, Oregon, and the sages were la the official Mexican proceeds of such sale properly en code. YY' : v f pllcable thereto, be applied on the Avlla was recalled 4o the stand P)inent of the amount due plain- today by' the committee, . which! 11X1 on said note and mortgage and questioned him further about his ttttrneyB fees and costs and dis assertlon that he knew Elias in I bnrsemens, - and costs and dls- New Orleans in lt2. Ellas testi- Dtt8menU o aJd ale nd to the fled he never saw or knew AvUa Z-l Lue nerur oi juanon k lit. . m. ...... I County. Oregon, execute a deed to vlsltlnrthe New Orleans Mexican "t6 mnani&ta. ti Any-nTA Z Zt tnat plslntiff or any other party to de8CT,e1 tne of- this suit, may be a purchaser at lice generally. said sat and t T.a, ff i,. UWfH xuaaa. woo lormeny i said defendants i or all Mrmn. Mexico City, along with John Page (either of them be barred and fore who wrote the articles' about the! closed of all right and equity of aocumenu ror tne Hearst papers,! redemption in said premises and told the eommltlee he knew no-1 tnt plaintiff have the whole of thing of them. He said he had i the relief prayed for In Its com- heard documents were available Pllt, said mortgaged premises i-. - . " are described as follows: . v KOT1CB OP FTVAL. Beginning at the northeast cor- SETTLJiMENT : ner of lot number eight In block Notice Is hereby given that the number four of Bechtel and iw. undersigned has filed In the Coun-lnon's Cardwell Addition tn- th xt A;oun oc xne iate ? ox uregon.i oty of Salem. Marion County for the County of Marion, her dulyl Oregon, as said lot Is shown and verified final account, as admlnis-l designated on the amended elat of tratrix -ox the esUte of Ellen C. said addition now on file anil nf uraper. oeceasea. ana tnat said I record In the office of the Record won n xixea aioaoay, ine xstn er or Conveyances for Marion day of January. It8. at the hour County. Oregon., and running of ten o'clock A. M. of said day, as thence, southerly along the east the time, and the County Court line of said lot fifty feet; thence n.oom in me wumy uonn Mouse. i westerly and - parallel with the In Salem.. Marion County, Oregon I south line of " said. lot. mt tt as the place for hearing said final! more or less to the west line of accouni ana au oojocxions wereto.i said lot eight: thence norfhrhr Dated at Salem, Oregon, this! alone the west Una of mm i i n ,oaj w 4wwm wr, i m. ' line SUev dlvldlnr said KWv. ELIZA DRAPER. I thence easterlv alone th- Administratrix of the esUte . of line of said aiiev f. i- Ttl n T TN , I. . . . "" " uueu m-vi . wn.oaBu. , i oennninsr. Dema- rrto nnrih..i. i iy ieei or saia lot !-tit A"u"!f Lff -Teaarenotined that on the .. saieia, ureggn. - - -Ifiav of TkmW ttf ,w. O ol l"B DOT enuuea Court, made an 8UM3IONS No. 1S940 la the Circuit Court of the State of such. uregon tor the County of Har-j . - Y Department No 2 T?t f und to' '-,wm gTOW' and Chas. K. Spauldlng lagging Com- ount.t0 W "L U hoBld be' j pany, a corporation. Plaintiff. COJne lerge enough so that the in- ''':-v.'.va terestJ: will, take care of the ex- ' A. "W. . Lathrop and Nina Iath-t Penses that are now contributed rop.; hia wife, Joe SItko, EdwtnbT the general public But never jFTirrer, 5w. w; Walker, Lena M J Urge enough to do away with the ocaara ana Lenmi. Scharff, ex-1 due paid for the privileges of the TZy?Z. wi eslale or l institution. Men's Adjustment Cinm-nar,-, ru. : rendants. , ; , i oeven aiiies uux," the new t To the above named Joe SItko I000181 of Eua, McMunn. is In pro- uienaani, m i phubc. i; mu ne reaay in the Name of the State of Ore-lror d on Monday. It will be slm gon: j liar to Down bn the Parm,' Miss ; ,YPU are hereby; notified to aw-l McMunn's boolrthat w feat, pear In answer to comnlaint filed four rim itnr n.m.. v. against you In the above entitled vea k C111M All n Wn.. r " " J "f, of JanuaV. iMiV d 'you tZl?r V" 0' liday w auucax 111 avuswer in iiun complaint, plaintiff will anpeal to the Court for the whole of the re-l DUNDEE WINS Uef prayed for in said complaint,!- HOLLYWOOD, Dec 1. -(AP) tu-wii; Vin nnnAn f n.l-t As Judgment arainst the defn-ivhn firht. i dant A. W Lathrop and Nina as his brother Joe If A-oiJ f.!"9-6f; ckamplorwo. lZTl the rate of eight per cent per an- riC n. Tommy O'Brien la, a TVEF.TY-FIVE YEARS AGO o ' ' ' o Fros9 Columns of the Statesman, 5 Dee. 17, 1902.) A gang of boys were 'arrested today -charged with beating Into tnsensIbQlty Ah Bio p. a Chinaman. The gang has Infested the water front for several months, causing no end of trouble.- Albany- Judge R. P. Boise to day senunced R. W." Harr&, a young' hobo, to the penitentiary one year for stealing a jar of fruit. The man pleaded guilty. . THE MORNING ARGUT.1ENT AUNXHET Ey Itshawt Qalllea Real Horses and Races Planned For Dance Hall The management of the Crystal Gardens announces that In addi tion to the famous McElroy Span ish Ballroom band he has secured an attraction from the east known as the Great Horse Race. Accord ing to the. advance agent tor the stunt, real horses are used In a thrilling race on the dance floor ridden by Jockeys chosen from among the dancers. This r special double attraction will be the feature at the Crystal Gardens Tuesday evening. Y Y 'TT-is sociable enough. The reason he don't, like to go vlsitln.' is because he don't never know whether- he'll nave. a. place to pat his tobacco Juice." (CepTrifht, 1MT. Pabilaam fiyaiJeata)' -POOR PA . Ey Claade Callaa "Ma hasn't mailed the presents to my people yet. She's tryln to think of somethln to fUl up the box." ; ' -' Cprrifkl, lStr, FabtUWrs 8ra4lcaU " --"i ' ;- - Yt - ' ' . ' 10 round bout here tonight. At the first sneeze take HTLL.'SJ Cascara-Bronude-Quinine. It breaks up a cold in 24 hours because it does the four things necessary at one time: Stops the cold, checks the fever, opens the bowels, tones the system. Cascara Bromide Quinine In the red box with portrait, sue luverywhere v .$ $ $ Save $ . $ S Kirkwood Motor Go. 311 No. Commercial Stv Salem Oreson rhone 311 We have in,tock 10 1926 and 1927 model automobiles on display at our show room. SAVE 0400.00 TO 600.00 ON EACH ONE Save $ $ $ at Kirkwood Motor Go. $ $ $ These Cars are Open to Inspection by Your Own ' . Mechanic . : m hi i m in Hosiery u3eaAkmedsiI Salem Llax Icets Ka. 1. whaat. vhlt Ka4 whaat, aacaad. Oati, par ba. nlllinc -tl.IS .S1.X0 S.3S PCRX. 11 U II US AJTD S1TE7 Tp. haca , - Tea. ataara , . , , e -OT H I and Xrasl aag-a .14 as rCtJXT2T Ij'ght beaa Hea aarns Pprmn . Broiler, r la ncL.rd, Bntterf.t JPriat Butter that v.-l".I 1 3 I'j.ai ta raarl: vrazTirrrs Beett. ,Kck4 C :rr, I-a ! T I order In the City of Salem, Marlon al County, Oregon, jauthorixins: and oirecungu. xnis summons to be! served on you by publication uereor once a week for six con secutive ; weeks in the Oreron Statesman, a newsnaner snbliahAa In Salem, Marlon County, Oregon. lit j required, by law for the nubUca-i uon orsummons; first publication! of thia summons being made on j tne I qui day of December, 1927, and the last publication, will be I made when the same will expire, on the 21st day of January, 1928, and that you be required to appear and answer said complaint on or before the 23 rd day of January 1928. all as In said order prc-l vlded. ' KETES & PAGE. -Attorneys for Plaintiff. SOS U. S. National Bank Building. D10-17-21-31J7-14-21 .. JnOurHoskry5Soa. Exquisitely sheer, clear fine chiffon hose iall-silk from their picot tops to their silk tips. The garter hem is of double silk with invisible runguard. The foot is lisle lined. Fourteen popular shades for street) afternoon and evening wear. In cluded are vanity, grain, mirage, at mosphere, plasm grey, evenglo. dust, season," gunmetal, opera pink, and other wanted colors. , . YHEN SHOPPING- ihinh, cf telephone cctwsnisncs,, AT this season, multitudes of minds are CJXjL centered on a common thought the -spirit of giving. And so, despite the plea of merchants to "shop early", crowds of eager people fill our streets and stores in a hurried, last minute search forifts. To avoid the bustling crowds, xnanv clearbink ; Lag people turn to the telephone to help them locate just the gift they are looking for; or when time is a fccror, to make m ments, to call the folks at home if they are delayed. " and for many other uses both at tha season and throughout the year. Public telephones are located everywhere for your - . convenience. hook for, the 'Public Telephone Sgtt THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY $2.00 3 pairs in Gift Box $5.50 .13 Q.1 4 . .19 J .31 .84 .50 7 cay .ii .0 2 .SOCl-Si .v IHE PRICE -ass. -asssv ) i vl -r"T Wlmt MOTHER really wanti , tor rett and recreation more V Give Her This e Wito Mandllma fewer kitchen hours.IWp Mckcr Hndcm comeoutofthekitchcnMntQt - V, v . r ncher.rappier everyday life. rlx'lr offer with t-ustpeclJ cat , h JA raasran, cany new and dt luxe Aahite,, Jf" thout extra cost, at Clcctrtc angt - reach. See this ran2e today and HStoGwMj-JstTthcby pst Christmas ever. Many ether 'taodcls. IWarttrs for "Cifts That Ketp On 0ivin3 PORTLAND ELECTRIC fUWtJl CO. 37 N. LibcrtyCt. t S 'V C7