THE OltEGON STATESMAN, SALUM, OREGON. JiLA.TUItD AY. UOItNING, DECEMBER 17. 1C27 1 o. 1 and Mrs. W. H; Dancy tfosts at Meeting of Capitol Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dancy were . osts at the meeting of the Capi tol "60 CInD weonesoay ereninK- irs. George I Rose. Mrs. W; Al 1 ones, and MIsa Mabel ., Crelghton, 7ere additional guests. . . A seven o'clock dinner waa serv ed at the. home of Mrs.. James t fodfrey on North Winter Street. 'ro small Christmas trees, bril liant -with tinsel, colored lights. tind ChTtetmas noreltleB, decorat ed the table. CoTers were placed tor Mrs." Rose, Mrs. ; Jones, Miss Crelghton, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin I Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Banm sartner, Mr. and Mrs. frank S. Jurbln, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Locke, Mr. George C. Brown, 4 Dr. . and Mrs. "X. F. Griffith. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Meyers, Dr. and Mrs. R.E. le Stelner, Dr. and Mrs. WJ Carl ton Smith, Mrs. George "Rodgers, Dr. and Mrs. H. II. OHnger, Mrs. James Godfrey, and Mr.-and Mrs. Dancy. 1 The remainder- of the evening was spent playing auction "BOO" at the Dancy home. Mrs. Ollnger and Dr. Smith won high score prizes for the evening's Play. . . , - V The, club will not, meet again O t - -o I until late in January, Professor Taylor' of Eugene M ul Be Speaker at A. A.U. vs Luncheon ir . f ' Trainlnrfor Character is the subject of tne addresser hicb will be glren by-... professor : Howard Taylor of the department of psy chology at the University of OreM gon, before members of the Salem Chapter : of the -American Associa tion of University Women .when they meet for luncheon this . aft ernoon at twelve-thirty o'clock at the Gray Belle.! - - - - v. Roy Harding will .meet with the International relations section fol lowing the luncheon. . Mrs. Hudkins Entertains 5 Kensington Club : ? -o; Mrs. Charles Hudkins entertain ed 'members of the "Kensington Clab Thursday -afternoon, 'l Addi tional "guests were Mrs.' Rex San ford, Mrs. WY E.: Feldman, r and Mrs. Walter Nelson. ' The rooms of the Hudkins home were lovely with potosettas- and evergreen boughs. . , i. . Members present were Mrs. I. M. Doughton, Mrs. F.N. Asunsen. Mrs. - George ? Griffith, Mrs. Her bert Hauser,. Mrs. George M. King. Mrs Henry "E Morris, Mrs. Charles : Pratt. Mrs. - A 1 1 r d s C. Smith, and 'Mrs. Otto J. Wilson. r f i c WiUard Women's Club HaS7 Inter estinglMeetirigs in De-T cember . ' -.: . The Wlllard Woman's Club -has enjoyed two very interesting meet ings In the month , of .December." On December first the club was 'i entertained at the home of Mrs. 1. B. Haberly. After the regular bus-4 I . In ess session, a program waa given and plans made for the club's Christmas program which was giv- en December ! 5th at the home of Mrs. D. F. Hillman. ; - -: A financial rport of the bazaar .which the dub held recently was read by Mrs.' Adam Hersch, the club treasurer. " - Christmas music and a tree were features of the. meeting! ; Gifts taken from the tree were sent to the Children's Farm Home at Corrallis. The dub will meet January fifth at the home of Mrs. R. Her rick. . ; jhters of the Nile WiU -iT&A Annual Christmas Pa-Ay - . The annual Nile Club Christ mas party will be an all day affair held Wednesday, December twen ty-first, at the Masonic Temple Luncheon will be served at noon. Members will exchange gifts s In previous years. - - Mrs. Ruby Seitz is chairman of tbe committee in charge. Other members are Mrs. Clara Olson, Mrs. Monnie Hauser, Mrs. Anne RotUe. Mrs. Louise Flack, Mrs. Martha LeGarrle, Mrs. MersaLU lequist. - : " Today . Maorua Study Club. -; Jtr. and Mrs. - David,. Pugh, Mornlngside Heights, hosts. Christmas party. WML a McCornack HalL-2;00 o'clock. Delegates for department convention will be elected. - . A. A. U.'W. Luncheon. Gray Belle. 12:30 o'clock. Sunday : - Pre-Christmaa pageant. T h e Nativity." Young People's Pel lowshlp. - ' - St. Paul's Episcopal - Church. 7:30 o'clock. Public welcome. - Double quartet will p r e s e n t Christmas cantata. Firstr Congre gational Church. Film, "St. Paul, the AposUe., :30 o'clock, f ' Christmas concert. Tested Choir First . Methodist Church. - T:80 o'clock. ' ' . Pre-Chrlstmas pageant. T h e Nativity." Young People's Fellow ship. SC Paurs-Episcopal Church. 7:30 o'clock.- Public welcome.' -: Christmas Cantata."-"In Excel sis. Choir of First Congregational Church. -:- -,: i '','";; j ' One-reel film. "St. paul.tbe Ap ostle" 1;S9 o'clock.; . , . J -.v. Monday ri"". 'j::: i .Standard Bearers Class, First M. EChurch. Mrs. - A. ' Ai Lee, 1B15 State St, hostess. . ' - , " Tuesday ' Operetta at Washington school. "Crowning of" Christmas. ; 7:10 o'clock. Christmas party, Chadwlek Chapter,; Order of Eastern Star. Masonic Temple; - Wednesday v Annual : Christmas party, To rn a rco Class, First "M. E.' Church. Professor and Mrs.. T. S. Roberts, hosts. 605 N. Summer SU ., Christmas Program WiU Be Given Sunday Evening at Congregational Church The Christmas Cantata, In Ex- celsis" (J: Lincoln, nail),-will be presented Sunday evening, De cember 18th. at save n-thirty o'clock, by the choir of the First Congregational Church. Members of the choir are : so pranos Mrs. Harry Haras. Miss Nellie Morgan; altos Mrs. Emma McAllister and Mrs. Joha J. Rob erts; tenon H. B. Glalsyer and William McGUjChrlst. Jr.i basse Al H. Gllle and W. H. Broas. Rob ert Morton Zlnn is organ accom panist," 'lJ-: S:3':- C " ' Miss Iva Clair Love, .violinist, and Wendell E. Helm, pianist, will assist' on " the : evening's program The - following numbers will, be given: v Organ Prelude. Andante , - Mrs. Zlnn "All Hail! Immanuel" ", " , , ,' " Choir - : "Where Rippling' Kedron Flows" - Choir (Soprano .obllgato, Mrs. Harms.) "Wherefore this Tumult T" ' ,'V" Mr. A. H. Gille . - ..- "Beside the Manger Mrs. Harms and 'Women's' Quartet "No King-Save Caesar" -..7 y Choir O. noly Nighf .Adam Violin, .piano, and organ "The King ha Come" lit. Glalsyer and chorus "The Shepherds' Song' . Men's Quartet O-Ruler of the Ages' . Mrs. Harms and Mrs. Roberts . Mary Vision ,... - h , . Mrs. Roberta . , Glory to God" V '; ' Choir In addition to this musical eon- cert a one reel film will be given. The public is cordially Invited to attend. In Portland for Several Days 1 - Mrs."W. Al Jones and Ml&s Mab el Crelghton are - spending several days in Portland. " ' , ' 1 ' Attend Meeting in CorvaUis - Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dancy mo tored to Corrallis . this morning where they will spend the day in attendance at a meeting of the "Old, Timers Club." ; r Returning to Home in California . After spending. three weeks tn Salem as the" guest of her uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs." William Faculty Women's Club Enter tained at Roberts Home . Mrs. T. S. Roberts, Miss Avoca McMlnnls. Mrs. Emory W. Hob- son, and Mrs. Roy Hewitt, enter tained . the Faculty: Women's Club of Willamette University at the Roberta home on North Summer Street Thursday afternoon. The - livinr- rooms were attrac tive with Christmas decorations. The tea table waa centered . with hoDy and red tapers. A feature of the entertainment was the organ concert played at the dose of the afternoon by Pro fessor-Roberts. - Chadicick Chapter; Order of the Eastern Star, Witt Have Christmas Party . Members of Chadwlek Chapter. Order of the Eastern Star, will have their regular Christmas; par ty, Tuesday ' " evening, , December twentieth, at the Masonic Temple. 7 Each member is asked to bring a gift. ; v ; "r;'ij ' Mrs. Ida NUesI Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Niles, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hauser. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Mc Donald. Mr. and Mrs. William F. McCall, Mr. and Mrs. J. E.'( Harri son, Mr. and Mrs Henry E. Mor- Goode. Miss Ruby HowUnd left ris, Mr, and Mrs. Paul H. HaBer, this morning for her home in Mrs. Nellie Taylor,"" Mra, Gertrude Long Beach California. . ! J. M; Page, Mrs. Cora Boyer. Mrs. May Chambers. Miss Mary Chad wick, and - Miss Oda Chapman compose the committee In charge of the affair. - Standard Bearers' Class Will Meet r: :-,y---:s".' ;7..;7'-:-: The Standard Bearers' Class of the First Methodist Church will meet at the home of Mrs. A. A. Lee 1515 State Street, on Monday evening. :; ' Miss Viola Crosier will lead the devotlonals7 Miss Esther Cook, Miss Muriel White, -and Miss Eu genia Savage will present the les-J son. ' . ; . . . - -"" The refreshment committee In eludes Miss Esther Gardner, Miss LYada Maxwell, and Miss Mild red Cook. ' Recent Guest From Portland Mrs. A. Mv Livingstone of Port land has spent the past week - in Salem as the guest of her sister Miss Alice Hughes. Writers' Club WiU Meet V Tuesday Evening at Public Library - ' . - ; :- ' ' '-" The ,WrItera ,SectIon of the Sa lem Arts League will meet Tues day evening in the Fireside room at the Public Library. - . Mrs. F. G. Franklin Hostess. at Delightful Afternoon Tea. Mrs. F. O. Franklin was hostess one day- recently in her tone ca Marion Street at a delightful aft ernoon tea having as her guests members of the senior class at Wil lamette University. Miss Lois Latimer, who spent the past summer in England, and Kenneth McCormick, who traveled on the continent and In the Holy Land, gave lnteresUngaccounts of their vacations. -: : In the group were Miss Mild red' MiUs, Miss Elizabeth Hyde, (Catiad oa pc ) We Cater To Who Buy For 'If C it i w ti inn - .. . E fa suss- , h. M0HW MieSMiiw mqyfp DC!JDG.E !:rv -tiAKkS:' CAKING EASIER . Housewives .Restaurants Bis Hotels , IUUroad. Domestic . Scientists , ,7 Chefs - - than any other innd ' "of baking powder in the world. The cIksV of experts who demand the best. There are no !jusfcas ' goodsand theyknow it because they have tried others and conv ' pared results. -They selected Cahunetand stick to it, year in and year out, because LTSRAN PI. ffAH3 (C!xi one sj8 -H: i)' ;sV iv;i; i;iCi v; vv . v Silk M IS fEEE with Every Pair of Pumps, Ties, Oxfords Salem's Greatest Shoe, Values . 0.85 m , . 1 the Pair TVifr Kamilton Shoe Co. la celebrating its second Christmas among you. Beginning today and con- : . i tinuing until Christinas ; . J a gift pair of silk hose ' I , " is included with each pair . V . of pumps, ties'' or ox- .''"; fords.-."--' V. ' : ' ' . J-s You'll Find the Prettiest 'Caprices of Fashion that the season has produced, here to make selection exciting.- Youll find the new colors for -daytime styles, the latest in metallic effects, the exquisitely tailored blacks that are essential to winter smart- Tripedic; Arch, Support' Shoes' ?6.85 -, 11!; Hcco Included Free ; Hamilton Shea Co. 11S South IIih Street ElihEIi : Price Remnant Sale Continued Saturday f - - t, "j- ... rrdr 7Vyn?TVr wish to buy LXJ LLrjL gifts for women. Friday and Saturday w shall take particular care of Men's - Gift problems helping them in the selection with sugges tiona and providing holly wrapping and fancy boxes all ready to give for Christmas.: : We shall hare specially attractive gilts at $1.00, $2.50 and v $5.00, things dainty, useful and in good taste that will make . excellent gifts Men's Gift Buying DaysFriday and Satur- A Store Full of Every day is a. bargain day during this tremendous drive for -Volume, but Today we are spreading ourselves to provide exceptional opportunities for huge savings. v It is impossible to convey what this day means as a help to you with your shopping problems everything is r edu ced , drastic price cuts that are unusual just -before Christmas. Come . TODAY for gifts. Staple dry goods, silks, ready-to-.wear, brriketsetc at marvelous sayings. Take advantage of our charge and budget services Suggestions f or t Gifts at Gift Handkerchiefs Beautiful quality, pure Bnena, Swiss, etc white ana ooiors, embroidered corners. S in' fancy box. . Main Floor; $1 Women's PurcSilk Hose Bumming Bird, beautiful , quality. In all the most pop-1 ular ahadea. ". ' . : , Main Floor ? Linen Lunch Cloths Beautiful quality, new, cloths. Irish and Belgian linen, check and plain center, natural col or. SL50 Quality; Malu Floor n, UUSC $.1 othsi . '$1 Pearl Beads Indestructible, lustrous qual ity with German silrer clasps. , One necklet in box far Christ mas gift. ' . Main Floor $1 AH Linen Napkins plain white and with colored borders, same to match regu lar stock clothe. $1.50 quality, 3 Pound Cotton Batta Sire 72x84 inches, fine quality cotton, pure white and fluffy. Exceptional value. Down Stairs ?$1 Batts $i :i i Extraordinary Sale! f Susg tot MAMA DOLLS Friday and Saturday Hundreds of beautiful Dolls in abiff sale Friday and Sat urday. Every doll reduced 20 per cent, some even more. - Here Is a great opportunity to save on standard quality, 7 handsomely dressed mama dolIs-Read , below some ;of the attractive reductions. . DRESSED BABY DOLLS :hea If inches hiffh." with tiny ff A) "feedino; bottled A big val- Vy, ue ! Other Exceptional Values S1.50 dressed, dolls, un breakable, 15 in-(g- A A tPJLeVfU ches high, now $2.5Q mama dolls, nicely dressed. A big Q" 2Q special: jtj5 JLeUi V $2.75 Ieepingr baby dolls - with' tUe ? ? QQ blanket 'JZZ 3) LmVO $3.50 niama dolls, wonder ful appearance, (O A Q dressed tPaile 4.00 mama dolls, large size and so : qQ AO beautiful tDa.aO $5.00 mama dolls, mar-, velous gift for JQ QQ a girl iQO.JO Dainty Gift Set Crepe de chine bandicrcnJefs with silk garters, . trimmed rosebuds, extremely pretty, set Main Floor $1 The Ideal Xnia3 Gift Genuine Madeira Unen makes a happy gift selectaao-Hrrery one lores them -and with Yo2?me reductions good, substantial saTlsgs art assured. , Other Madeira Fiecea 'at SSmBar Re Auctions. Reg. Z3o Valua.............. DonJ23-i Zn Becular $L4S Talue............ - PILLOW CASES- Regular DOILIE3 - KKn jtegular 750 value...; UUU TAELS COVmS C A A ft ReguUr $5X5 value TAELE COVERS- CCt ftfl Regular $7.00 Talue........'w' . - Main Floor S . IMW WW - " 7 CASES- OA Cfl $3J9 alue.........wV 0 titers Reduced Not Less Than 20 Down Stairs $2 Gift Suggestions $2 ! .Combination Gift - Dainty r set ' with handkerchiet t and garter, and a beautiful . cover $2.00 Mala Floor . Lingerie Sets Rayon.. JHamers and - Vest to match la allxjprdar shades. , v Rayon Bloomers Special quality, malse. flesh and quality. .An exceptional -Main Floor . come In..... ft 1 d black. $1.49 VT II ptlonal Talue ftljy II Main Floor v Bridge Table Cpv Black Venetian with gold trim made to fit over card Ubles '"W i with pencil ; and regulation score tab complete Fountain Pens For Christmas gifts, complete with stand, big value at . Main Floor Dainty Perfumes A gut any woman win appre ' date, packed In boxes for Christmas gifts. Special Main Floor $1 Luiiiea tr - r , Glass Powder Jars $i An assortment of hand nalnt- ed glass jars suitable for gift giving. - - - ; j Main Floor Assorted Glass Vase Splendid gift suggestion, come in fanciful shapes and in all . colors. A delightful gift. - .. Main Floor Silk Handkerchiefs Dainty squares cf georgette or creps ds cfcisa, with lacs YJ -1 edges and some hand painted. . -v j ! Special . - rt.v n . ... - 82.00 Main' Floor jBeginn&g atNinsiTcday .J1 1 - Knit Undcr7car . -' CLCC3 CUT HALF' PRIG! TTemea's aaJ . CiUrea's Globe Hclt - Vn&erwt, TJiHan Ealta, Drawers, Vests, 'etc, te close cri. C5e quaty ; . f .Vclume Fries. w $1X3 qualliy ; ' H Vclnme Frice. ................. tj-' $1X3 quaty ' - Volume Price... $3.53 ClltT- PI Tjr Volume, rrtcs.....; ;J-. t $3X3-Ci7 " ' -J Vc!urr.e rri.. ' - " nil c"7 . , , Vcl-ir.e m-2 i I' i'.: ' 1