The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 17, 1927, Page 1, Image 1

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    The Janitor of 'the Salem General Hospital Starts ah Endowment Fund for That Institution by Depositing a Tlwusand Dollars
Newly Naturalized' Citizens at Banquet Tonight at YMCA Will Be Complimented by State, City and County Officials on Success
X f V V I ! ' I I ' I I 1 "1 l 1 i . i I ill I I I I . I I
Weather forecast: Falf east and generally-cloudy
.west, portion;, no. changes In
temperature: gentle variable winds. Max
imam temperature yesterday 49, minimum
33, river 4.9. rainfall .02, atmosphere
clear, wind northwest.' - -
i I I 111 I
- . Whatever work he. takes up In the fu
, tare, President Coolldge will have little
trouble getting a recommendation from his
previous employer. Toledo Blade..
. ----- .
Representatives A ecu se
Governor H. Johnston 01
- Moral Turpitude . V
f 7
I !
Fse of National Guardsmen to Bar
Meeting in Legislative Halls
Falls to Stop Progress of
Inquiry - ,
1AP) A charge ot moral turpi
tude against Governor , Henry S
Johnston was unanimously report
ed out tonight by the house of
representatives committee inves-
4gating his administration with a
View to impeachment.
V 16. CAP) Forestalled by the
l " military again from use of.legis
i ! ative chambers in the capitol, a
Louse investlgatlong committee of
t He self-convened Oklahoma leg
islature was undeterred today In
pursuing its Impeachment Inquiry
of the administration of Governor
Henry S. Johnston, f-;
Barred from meeting in the sen
ate chamber, which was proffered
yesterday by the purported senate
-f- court of impeachment the legislat
ors-repaired to their hotel, quar
ters and heard testimony bearing
on the personal conduct of th.e gov
ernor. The committee seeks to add
a charge of moral turpitude to six
impeachment charges they already
have voted against the executive.
, Clerk Gives Testimony
4TW4laia ,M.1 Franklin,' former
Jrk of, the BtaiAupreme.ljcourt
and legal adviser to the governor
- during the legislative Bession last
winter, gave the committee his
version of the personal affairs of
. the' governor and employes of the
executive office In -; that . period.
Testimony also was given by Kins
Fftrpatrlck, a brother ; of Kirby
s ,7S,FIUpatrick, whose appointment as
banking department, is the basis
for one of the six pending im
peachment charges against J the
governor. : y -:' ",;
Governor Johnston made no ef
forts today to break up the down
town hotel meeting of the inves
tigators, although his . proclama
tion issued last Monday calling out
the national guard, instructed the
adjutant general to disperse any
"insurrectionary- meeting" at any
place in the state. r
Martial Imw Held deeded
Adjutant General Bartlett said
te had told the executive If was
his opinion that it would be nec-
Ceatiaad oa .) "
, Instances Cited of neavy Assess.
ments Levied to Support
' School Projects ' ,
Little leaks .and ' extra Vasrancea
small in themselves" but bulking
large in the aggregate, are an im
portant factor in the tax situation
In Oregon, with respect to local
taxation. This much has been de
veloped by the local taxation com
mittee of the property tax reduc
tion commission authorized by the
It is said that about 40 per cent
of local tax goes for educational
purposes. From expression made
by members I of the committee
there are innumerable leaks
which could be plugged wltfi" the
resulting saving of ( large . sums,
without impairing the educational
.w'lll be conducted by the
' committee. " ;
Competition among districts for
:tfT nd better schools Is be
(J; ed by the committee to be re-
, sponsible for much of the tax for
education. : '
I Several insUnces, called to the
; tention of the committee, follow:
Owners of one body of timber in
Tillamook county, have been ger
; - rymandered into one echool dls-
trlet after another until the Urn-
ter has been taxed to build six
different; school houses, according
io a statement made to the com
mittee. A district not far from Portland
had a good school, but an addi
!f nai school was erected about a
(Cet!nuei ta t S.)
Soviet Element Receives Most Se
ver Setback la Career in
r"; Past Few Days "w
LONDON, Dec' . lSw (A P)
South. China Is being, purged of
communism by tire and sword as
a result of events thlsi week In
Canton and Shanghai, .including
complete severance -of diplomatic
relations between nationalist Chi
na and Soviet Russia. Bolshevik
diolomacy has suffered the most
severe setback yet experienced in
the Far East. ! : . ' - T
.It is still too early to Interpret
the full significance of the riot of
bloodshed, destruction and cruel
ty during the latest spasm of vio
lence in theblrtn of the new Chi
nese nation? but observers : here
think events show that China has
discarded communism . once and
for all. Thye fare convinced that
the third Internationale faction of
the Soviet government in Moscow
staked Its last hope for world rev
olution on the Orient against the
Occidentand losL
' Simplified Status Seen
If. as observers here- seem' to
think is likely, the Russian influ
ence is eliminated, the whole puz
zling ' panorama of , the Chinese
civil war may i be somewhat sim
plifled soon. The antagonistic fac
tions again are likely to be group
ed as northerners and southern
ers, as they were during triumph
ant - nationalist , campaigns , last
year, when. 'With Peking almost
within the grasp of nationalist le
gions,! Internal 1 strife broke but
within the'I nationalist council.
This was followed by' a long strug
gle between the Wuhan and Nan
king factions of the nationalists
Chang Tso-Hb remains dormant
in the north. He sits tight In bis
control of Manchuria and the nor
thern provinces, , ruling js-ith the
iron nana oi an emperor, aitnougn
he refuses to assume any such
Utlel His threats to occupythe
valley of the ; Yangtse titer, - have
been used recently by nationalist
leaders Is pleading for the Kuom-
intang leaders to compose their
differences and present a united
nationalist front, against him.
. - Chiang Heads Wbole Group
-This unification finally was ac
complished , only last 'week, with
the reappearance of Chiang' Kai
shek, as the leader of the reunited
nationalist forces, although with
out Ills former military : title of
generallssmio, which he renounc
ed with hia resignation of leader
ship some time ago.' The young
general appears to embody all the
necessary qualities 'for Chinese
leadership. He supervised the rout
(Coatiaa4 oa pag 5.)
I TO Piilfi
Orderly Marketing of Perish-
able Products Declared
L. - - Great Benefit- ;
Committee Created to Handle An-
nual Apple Crops of North. -west;
"Numerous Other Ac- -yt
. : tivitlcs Loom . , - 1 ..
Visions of much greater , useful
ness of shippers' advisory "boards
of the nation than originally ; con
ceived, were conjured today before
a large etoud of business men. and
agriculturists at the meeting here
of the Pacific Northwest Advisory
That the functions of the board
would be extended to new fields
was seen In at least one step taken
at the meeting. Creation of a com
mittee to work-? for the orderly
marketing of the annual apple
crops of Washington, Idaho and
Oregon was authorized ' and' meat
named to form this committee.
: Shippers'-advisory boards were
formed, as several speakers point
ed out, for the primary function of
assuring an ample supply of care
to move products of farm and fac
tory -Into distribution. - The Iron-:
lng out of complaints-over railroad
freight service was an auxiliary
function.- ,
- ,8, P. President Speaks- ,
' William Sproule, president of
the Southern Pacific railroad.
spoke today on the need for more
orderly marketing of perishable
Droducta of the farm. y This
later address by J.vA Swalwell,
chairman of the board of the Dex
ter Horton National bank of Seat
Ie, and execulve secretary of the
advisory body of the three states.
Swalwell concluded by centering
Attention upon the need of better
- (Coatiaaad Ina pt 5.) ' , -
lodge Admits It' . Good Record,
'So Brotber-Ia-Law ' Fined
Chamber of Commerce Makes Pub
lic AjuMmncement Yesterday
Announcement was made today by
the chamber of commerce that a
manufacturing plant, turning out
daily SIO.QQJ) worth of radio, au
tomobile and marine electric bat
teries, would be established here
early next year. The chamber de
clined to name the company until
a location can be obtained. -
- Two hundred men will be em
ployed In the projected plant, said
George 1L Wisting, manager of
the industries department of the
chamber.- Machinery, he stated,
has - been " ordered for - shipment
here by February 1. The company
Uias plans for establishing similar
plants In Minneapolis,- Boston and
Atlanta. "r M - "
f'The firtt one I evet got and
I've driven a car for 10 years-"
said Mrs. Margaret La Furg, sis
ter of Mrs. Homer Smith, when she
appeared In police court yesterday
M . . . .a
wlth a tag for violating a parking
ordinance. -r..r .-t - -
"That's a good record," replied
Judge Poulsen, "So we'll Just
charge the fine to Homer Smith.'
and Smith's account was duly deb
ited one dollar. 1
Will Not Rua for City Attorney,
Statement Given Out
... Reports .circulating yesterday
that' he was a candidate for the
office of- city, attorney were de
nied last night by Max Page, prom
inent local attorney.''
Frlendshave been attempting
to stage a candidacy .boom for
Page, and it had been indicated
earlier that he would' not decline
the position if elected. . . . .
. "Under; no Circumstances will I
ber a candidate," Mr. Page declar
ed, setting at rest any doubt In the
mitter. 1 r
Argentine Minister of Agriculture Forecast "
, BUENOS AIRES, Argentina,
Dec 16. (AP). An Argentine
crop forecast for the agricultural
year 1927-28 published today by
the minister of agriculture, glve3
the folloirics figures: ' .
Wheat 6,540,000 tons; flix
2,180,003 tou3;-oats 840,000; bar-
Icy 370,0 0 3; rja 5S.C0O, a-i ssci
Officers Claim to Have New Clue
to Disappearance of Young
T Marlaa Parker,
(AP)-r-A demand for money for
the return of 12. year old Marian
Parker, who was kidnapped from
her : schoolroom - yesterday, was
made by telephone tonight." '
A husky male . voice over the
telephone, tonight told the girl's
father. Perry M. Parker,? assist
ant cashier of a Los Angeles bank.
that his daughter .was safe. '
v LOS ANGELES, Dec. 16. (AP)
One clue was abandoned and a
new one waa being pursued tonight
by scores of detectives, and police
officers in . their- intensive, search
for 12 year. old Marian Jarker.
and the man who -yesterday kid
naped the child from her school
room. - - - - '
A photograph which police de
tectlvescarried to Alhambra, a
suburb to be Identified by a wo
man revealed; only ; as "a Mlss
Steeley." proved to be a useless
one. -The woman failed to con
nect-the photograph with the sus
pect. TThe " detectives - declined to
reveal the new clue, -hopeful that
it would lead to, an arrest. : In
vestigation has revealed that a
middle aged man and woman aid
ed the'4 kidnaper." who was de
scribed as about 30 years of age,
The young girl was spirited
away from the Mount Vernon Jun
ior high school when the carefully
dressed man declared he had come
at the request of the girl's father.
- (Coatiaaa. a p 4.) J .
Governor Faces Duty - in case
l Vagrancy in . Office Occurs
Whenever a Tacancy occurs In
the office of constable In any-Ore-
don district no matter how small.
thought-was made ".the,Jheme'-of aQovern6r"Patterson'Is facedwlth
the possible-necessity of appoint
ing to lin the vacancy.
Prior tO'Tattexson's term Ya-
cancies. in the office of Justice of
the peace were filled by the coun
ty-court." But the people at the
election of November, 1926.
amended the constitution relative
to appointments to fill vacancies
In public office. .
The attorney general held that
justices of the peace were Indud
ed under the amendment, hence
Governor Patterson Is the first
Oregon governor to appoint jus
tices of the peace.
v It la now. discovered that .there
Is a constitutional provision that
vacancies in the off Ice of constable
shall be filled in the same manner
as vacancies in the office of Jus
tice of the peace.
r The governor . will ask the . at
torney general: whether he must
appoint constables. A vacancy in
Lincoln county gives rise to the
Thorough Attempt to Be Made to
i Ascertain Origin of Docn
ments Presented
! WASHINGTON, Di-C4 Dec 16
(AP) A far-flung Inquiry with
the use. of the secret service " if
necessary was promised today by
a special : senate' committee as It
determined to go to the 1 bottom
of documents published In Hearst
papers purporting to show that a
61,215,000 Mexican : fund was
created for: four United States
-. Accepting the unqualified de
nials of the four; senators named
In , the documents Borah of " Ida
ho. Norris of Nebraska, Helflin of
Alabama, and La Follette of Wis
consin that they received any
of the" money, ' the f committee
pressed forward today in Its effort
to establish ' the authenticity - of
the papers. ..- . - .
A Vila Sticks to Story 7 :
After another brief, hearing it
was still confronted with the story
of Miguel Avlla, American born
son of a Mexican father and Ital
ian mother, that he bought all the
documents with money furnished
by William Randolph Hearst from
clerks in the Mexican archives of
fice In Mexico City and in the
Mexican "consulate in - New ; :i; York
City. No ; witness t was : -;. present
other than the clerks whose names
A vila famished the committee in
conference. U" : ' .'':'' ;:;:v--
:, The committee also J has the
story of JArturo Ellas, - Mexican
consul general in New York, the
supposed - intermediary in the fi
nancial' transaction, who brand?
all the documents as forgeries. ..
;- Tomorrow the committee, head
ed by- Senator Reer, .republican.
Pennsylvania, ".will . go over.-Z the
records of the cable and telegraph
companies In New : York-r-at Vthe
suggestfon of Ellas -to check the
records for the messages supposed
to. have passed between President
If 111 LINE
Projected Route Would Con
nect Willamette Valley
With Main Road
Connection Between Klamath Falls
and Alturas . Makes Direct
- Transportation Possible
. " - r ' From Here
CoaUnl par
Crashes .Into New ' Car, Almost
Turning; it Over, Report
Driving a nice new demonstrat
or car up South Commercial street
Friday, morning. George :AHen . of
the Marion ' Garage company" was
startled to see,, bearing down upon
him, an auto trailer, all by Itself
and traveling apparently under Its
own power. " - '
" Allen, tried to dodge the dere
lict, but he was too late. He turn
ed toward the curb, and the trail
er crashed into the front of the
car, tearing a big hole in tne ra
dlator'and lifting two wheels high
Into the air.' By a miracle, the car
didn't turn over.
Allen was not hurt:-" It turned
out-that -the trailer had become
disengaged .from the rear of an
automobile which J. C Morris of
route three- was'driving, and had
darted across the street into the
car Allen was driving. : .
-- --- ' V - : V7 "
I ;. ? '--'"' .. ----?':.:--' ' . .V. - , . jr. -1 -i
.11 i ..-JL V AV
, PORTLAND. Dec. 1 6. ( AP)
Constructlbn of the new railroad
link between Klamath Falls. Ore.,
and .Alturas, CaL, designed to
give the Willamette - valley and
western Oregon a new direct route
to the east, will be "up for consid
eration" by heads of the Southern
Pacific railroad. This statement
was made here. today by William
Sproule, president of the road. He
declined to expand on the state
ment. 7.: : ;'- - y':' : 'yy
The Southern Pacific received a
permit from the Interstate com
mence commission to construct this
9 8 -miles of new road in .conjunc
tion with its other developments
in south central Oregon and north
ern Nevada-.r'' --'.'-'- '-''-''-c.,:--:
I ; Refuses to Commit Self.
; In refusing to amplify his state
ment. Sproule would not say that.
simply because his road has -per
mission to construct the new link,
it will proceed to do so. - .
From several railroad sources
the opinion was gleaned today that
Southern Pacific of ficlals are per
turbed over;v agitation . in some
quarters ' for - construction of a
cross-state line in Oregon. The
Oregon' public service commission
has iactiTelx urged that the Union
pacitlc Tailroad be ordered to build
it line westward to constitute the
so-called cross state road.
Benefit Pointed Out
It was pointed out that such an
outlet would benefit- the Willam
ette ; valley ? approximately to the
Tna dezree ss would : the con
struction f the Southern Pacific
DTODOsed Klamath-Alturas line
which would connect with tie Ne-
rada-Californla-Oregon railroad
and thence, at Wendel, CaL, with
. (Contlanad oa pas ) '
Fred Wahl Lies in Hospital in
Critical Condition as Result
of Incident
PORTLAND. Dec 16. (AP)
Fred Wahl, 34, who describes him
self as a lumber checker from
Aberdeen, Wash., lay in a hospital
here tonight in a critical condition
with three bullet wounds in his
abdomen; An operation was ie in
formed in an effort to save his
Ufe. - , ' . .
If Wahl survives, police say. he
will face charges of larceny of an
automobile aud assault with a dan
gerous weapon with intent to kill.
He was shot with his own re
volver, which he had . drawn on
twopolIcemen;whIle-- they were
questioning him.. ,
; Patrolmen Shay lor asal Abbott
fought with Wahl, they say, as he
attempted to shoot them. They
said only One shot was fired.' al
though there were three wounds in
Wahrs ' body. :f Physicians r were
probing tonight? to determine If
three bullets were in the body. or.
if the man was in such a position
in the struggle that one projectile
might - have inflicted all three
'Go ahead," Wahl Is declared to
have said when shot. "This car is
hot. The gun's fully loaded; give
them all to me. I don't care: I've
been a bum for 20 years and stole
the car last night in Seattle."
Lli'l. CiLES
American Air Hero To Take
Mexican President Up
' . On Short Flight
Army Service Machine to be Oper
ated by Yankee Ace; Trip to "
- v Panama Scheduled for date
". In Future
Janitor of Institution - Starts For
.Sum of 91000 '
Sidney J. Granville, Oxford Grad
uate. Dies Penniless
ILWACO. Wash.. Dec 1.
(AP) Sidney J. - Granville, born
in Sydney, Australia. 0 years ago,
was buried here today, by friends.
He was penniless. - : - -
Graduated from Oxford, he trav
eled to every corner of the globe.
For several Tears he was a ship
mate and companion of Jack Lon
don. He was said by his friends to
have been a brilliant scholar, an
accomplished artist and a talent
ed pianist.' '
The last - twenty-five years,
friends say, Granville spent trying
to ruin .his life: he attributed his
despondency to, some.7 happening
which occurred while he was with
Jack London in the Irrawaddy
river in the British West Indies.
NO - one ever h learned I the . real
cause. yl:
Minor, Damage Done 2 In- Accident
on Astoria Water Front
ASTORIA, ;Dec;16(AP)
Four piles were shattered and the
rear end of the stern-wheel river
packet, Lurline, operated nightly
between Astoria and Portland, was
smashed late today when; the boat
crashed Into the Harklns Trans
portation company's dock. Shift
ing down river preparatory to load
ing, the packet apparently drifted
Into an -undertow, . turning the
rear end to receive the full brunt
of the impact. Damage, however,
was not suflcient to cause delay
in service. ; ' - - .' .
Last Attempt Belns Mae to Keep
Pamphlet out of Prison ' ,
POUTLAirD, Dc. 16. (AP)
TI.e final effort to keep Captain
Robert Paciptlft, master of the
Canadian rum runner Pescawha
from serving two years at McNeil
will be made in the court ot Fed
eral Judge Dean tomorrow. E. M.
Morton, attorney for Captain pasa-
phlet, w!U thea petition tL court
for a parolo for Captain Pasphlet
frora scrvla; - tla jeslteatiary
A 'nucleus for an endowment
fund for 'the Salem General hos
pital - to ; take care of , those who
through financial reverses are not
able . to ; pay . their hospital bills.
and who are In need of immediate
hospital care, was started a few
days ago by the sum ot one thous
and dollars being deposited as a
trust fund, at the Ladd sV Bush
bank, by Mr. Daniel O'Donnell,
ianltor at thr Salem General hos
pital: "
"Dan," a familiar figure around
the hospital, and well known In
Salem,' has made his home at the
hospital for twenty-two years, and
will make ft his home as long as
ne uves. He was employed as
janitor In the first building, and
was employed by the first super
intendent. Miss Lillian McNary.-
.It is the only home he has
known during that time, and he
has" made many friends. To show
his appreciation for the care and
kindness he has received, he has
given this money, to be used for
those less fortunate than himself.
This should be an inspiration to
those who are looking for some
worthy cause which they can re
member in tneir wius. or as a
thank offering for some blessing
received. - -
Elaborate Plans Nipped by Author-
- iUes at Walla W1U
(AP) Several of the most dan
geroue. criminals In the northwest
laid elaborate - plans for a break
from the Washington State peni
tentiary here tonight, it was an
nounced by prison officials, who
squelched the plot.
"Siberia," nickname of that sec-1
tion of the prison where the most
dangerous convicts .are housed.
was the setting for the scheme. A
tunnel had been Idug from - cell
number one. and. bars had been
sawed . through In several other
cells, ready to be knocked loose
when the time was ripe for the at
tempt. .The convicts had manu
factured ..their own tools for the
sawing and digging,
One of the prison guards last
night 'discovered 1 evidences of the
mining and sapping operations In
volved In the tunnel,, and found
that the bars had been sawed. Ten
criminals were kept In the section
of .Siberia" In which the break
waa planned.
Prospective airplane flights of
President Calles and former Pres
ident Obregon tomorrow. morning
with Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh
were postponed tonight until next
week because r the machine the
American flier expected to use had
not arrived. ;
DETROIT, Dec. 16. (AP)
Mrs., Evangeline L. Lindbergh,
mother of Colonel Charles A.
Lindbergh announced tonight that
she had accepted an Invitation t
spend -the .Christmas holidays at
Mexico city, as a guest of the re
public., with her Bon.
Mrs. Lindbergh said she would
depart from here within a few
days although she had not yet de
termined upon the exact date.
President : Calles and former
President Obregon will make short
aerial-flights over Mexico City to
morrow morning with Pilot
Charles A. Lindbergh at the con
trol stick of a Mexican army plane.
The president will make the
first flight, with the American
hero in a two seater machine. Then
thjh ' An 9n v ... .
wlll.go aloft, '-. ' ; :
; President Calles Is understood
to have been considering maklne
a flight with Lindbergh ever since
the flier's arrival but kept this in
tentions secret. ' The president
first , broached the subject, ex-
- (Oon tinned an pag s)
All Believed Safe; Corener's Jury
Reports Previous Tragedy
..... m 1 . .
. -. Ai.-viueiiuiA .
QUEBEC. Quci DeC" 16. (AP)
- Two hundred students were
driven from the academy of EL
Louis and the St. Jean Berchrnacs
pension when fire swept the tlx
story building tonight. The struc
ture was tnreatened with destruc
tion when the flames, driven by a
high wind, spread rapidly.
-.Firemen expressed the belle?
that all of the students in the in
stitution had been rescued.
The school ts the property of
the Sisters of the Good Shepherd,
who also are directors of the Hos
pice St. Charles orphanage whlcTi
was destroyed Wednesday night
with a death toll of 36 lives.
"Scores of academy students
were injured1 tonight. "?.Iany he
roic rescues were effected.
QUEBEC. Dec 16. (AP) A
verdict of accidental .death was
delivered today by a coroner's Jury
in the Hospice St. Charles err :r.-age-flre.V
The death toll in ths
disaster "was known to Lave
reached 86, with 14 orphan chil
dren still missing. ' " - .
Fire Chief "Donnelly. sa,Id he be
ttered that If a night watch nia:i
(Continoad oa fe 4.)
Ccrrccllcn c: Error in
Yesterday's Ad
Rerr.r.ririi C-I cl fcr 1:2 benefit cf
viho may have Lc;n r. ":1 v.c crs c: .'.'.
ths Half Trice C-!3 Cii: -..;.
Head the ccrrccUl r.J ca.-Fj.r C.