fUE OREGON STATESMAN, SALE1I, OHEGON, FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 16, 1S27 1 f SO- REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY R. High. BSCXX HXXDSXCRS TL169 441 CNrt. .... -Tmpaa Mil JWH3T W OKJ 3Tsw Bllgh Bid. ,, . GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 491 X. CUecs. TL 11M TXlAhQLE REALTY CO. tl esi TTLRItTH A &01XKTI ft"" TeL 1854 "" VICTOR BCH5XIDEB, Realtor VV 228 Or Bide. Tel. 879 . (l ' SQUARE DEAL SEA ' " - Iw'l Bask Bldg V 470 A. OL B0HBX3TEDT 147 V. CwmrrUl ; Tel. JTT The Oregon Statesman Psbliahed every Mtitai( nnvt Mm day) at Saloax the eepitei ed t)reau - HONEST ADVERTISING Thse .l- i., - brans Most be kept Iih irwnUiTuuaf n..T t u queationsbl utnr. M is -preaea- 7 I - 6al tatioBB- wiU mot be tolerated, la to' ho -arm ut aceatioaable- Mint th sart f th dvrtir shouid reported to this awpepr r the balem Ad en a. FOR: SALE 37 ruKsrrcBJE. selling out room boom, at 2063 But St. MT 7 BILLIARD TABLE WITH GOOD LIVX . I j cushion. Set irory balls Seen at 691 8. Capitol St. WANTED-Livestock .38 BEEF CATTLE WAJiTE3. - WALTER Corbet I, ISIS Stat. Tel. 2 V. VETERINARIAN 39a r RED W. LARGE. OtTie 829 H. Baa. Tel. 1666- TamaorABiAS TeL 1198. xrp-titi WOOD SAWING 42 WOOD gJWBS. PH03B 1877. - 1C10 N.rth Oemmreit - 41 Prist WOOD FOR SALE 43 GOO! DRY WOOD. PHONE 71 M. D. Mayfie. FOR GOOD WOOD, CALL C. D. QUEST, Phone 187131. , CALL TRACY'S FUEL YARD FOB GOOD fheae 2314. GOOD DBT WOOD : FOB, TOO D. A. Litan. Til. IM. , . 4alu I WANTED - Employment 19 4 COOK WANTS WORK, WILL .WORK combination,. Writ Bex 4; Sutel- man. ' " -i ' - - ' SITUATIOX WASTED.' FEMALE. 'Ex perienced demonstrator, grocery clerk or cashier. , Pbon 1188-R. FOR RENTApartments23 FURNISHED APARTMENTS FOB BEST. 881 Uaaal Ave.- Phone 1989W. Wita : sraca. . ... !. -, i.l'--,-- i 1 i - H (: t ROOM APARTKEST 'FOB BEST, - Cloaa la - Wall (nraiaaad. Elaetrieity and waarr faraiaaad. ala.00 a month, laqnir 942 N. Commercial, paoa 915 CALL 78311 TOR DRY FT AKD OAK, Kaaranieea tun oora. ueat wM la town. " 14. W DRY 14 IKCH OLD FIB, SECOND -rowta aad aao. C. V. Harbaugo, load GOOD COAL: Vxr WOOD ' PROMPT DELIVERIES BILL11AN FCL CO. . TELEPHONE 1US. Dry BEST GRADE OF WOOD s L-, wood, 4 It. aad 18-iach. Larr ara. chaasar ta bay. MtU wow1 ia aar peilv- Prompt dalirary a.ad raaaonabio price. i'EED E. WELLS 280 8. Caarcb .iTl,15C2 REAL ESTATE : 63 REAL ESTATE ' 63 ... Who Wants Acre . M4m BoiMSssa Located 200 yazda from Baa aad So tool aaata. raot or aail a tonaa. $i( aaath raat or aaaka yoar owa terau am bay. diate possession. -- ..' - . Iloderri Home 4 Bad Booms 2 Iota. A decided fcarft-aU at 95000 eaaa. ' 1 , Would Fairmount HHI Homes PTiead f900 to n.50d. Tanas U daairad. 4 stw noma for sale, diate poaseaeioa. Some Cash Couple r Wsatiac Dsrcaia In small home. Here's 9 rooms aad sleepiaf porea. Strict ly mod era aad veil bailt. Garaca, faraaea. firopUeo, ate. 83350 eaaa, sakaa, pav in paid. CoaS 8400O two yeara ao. Yiew lot with, traea. Saa TMast a 10 S. W later. --;v . : ; BECKE & HENDRICKS - . 189 H. Hlca Street .LOST AND FOUND 53 FOUND A DOO OWNEB MAT HAVE same by paying for ad, and board. Call 1175-W. PIANO TUNERS 54 EDWABD WELP EXPERIENCED Piaae saaer. Lae oraer w ill's ltciii Btora- POKTLAXD BOUSE. X OWN A FIVE room boase ia Portland that sold for 95250 . tbreo years ago. Tbero is a mortgage ef 91830 on it, I will ax- , ebanga eeaity.e What bare ion . to of far i E. A. Rhoten. 159. Soath High - St.-: rheao 253e& :- PRINTING V 56 FOB STATION ERT. . CARDS. 7AUPB- " leae. programa, books, or stay kiad of . pnnuag, eaii at tea Etaseamaa prias- tag lAevartment, Sli 8. Tel 3. t- - - J MONEY TO LOAN . 57 FEDERAL FAR1I LOAN. ' woott. 4l stas St. F. Ia P. H. BELL. 31 D. . BANK BLDO. Beaidenco aad buaiaeaa leana.- Tel 807 or 8141-W- . .c - v ' ' POULTRY & EGGS 45 ; - ! "1MB A 88 ADOR a ' , ... 850, N. Sommer ' d aad 9 room apartments furnished or n famished, Eleetrie rafirtgsrstioa. TL FBtS FOB SXTKDAl DINNER, WEIGHT 9 peseta. Pboae 82E21. Loo Bateaary. WASTED TWO I JX)ZES BUFF - OB piagtoa. Bcas. tHa kind that rather sot than . lay. J. B. iuienberry, Oraad dalles, -Wash.'----J ' " . ' - FOR RENT-Rooms 25 ROOMS WITH OB at AleiaaatiSk. Phono lfti. - W1THOOT BOARD lao - Oaaaaekata, im',0 BENT, Vortk Wis: t-V FOR RENT-HOUSES 27 DUPLEX Aorth Wmter St. HOUSE. 94 NEW, SMALL HOU8E. TTJBKISHJtD. AunlU. 735 S. Com'L I t s ! 1 1 FLKNISHED BOOM MODERN HOUSE, . garage. Tslephoae i003R. ; FOR BEST4 modern hoase. ROOM AND 5 BOOM Telephone 947M. THE P02TLANT " T EL EG RAM iiALUC Agency. Taa Aeo. TaL M9. - . THK OREGON STATES MAN, 80 CENTS par moot dsiiTarad to yon early eaaa, morning. TsL 23 ar 182. ui:viilI1W m PALMER COURT APT. ' Uirich A Roberts. 129 K. Com'L Phone 1854.- , . - ' -s - MODERN a ROOM BUNGALOW OS feta aear Ktate Groanda. Eaqaire 1695 Bute SL, or Phone 1145. 4 ROOM HOUSE PABTLY FURNISHED eleetrie hot water beater, also wire for eleetrie store. Garage. Phone VF.ttY REASONABLE A M0PEBS 6 room house with fnrnsce, range snd ' bedroom suite, double fireproof' gar see, large lot with fruit. Call Stifiler at or 86F1S. . it SEW 5-ROOM HOLERS BUNGALOW an i)i bedrooms finished upstairs. 2 bedrooms downstairs. Bt 935.00. Will do- better on a year's tease.- , An dersoa A Bapert, 149 S. High. FOB BENT LARGE SEVEN - BOOM house soeated 2217 Fairground Boad, 820 ner month. Kit room modern furnished noma 845 per month. W. U. GBABESHOBST A CO. 134 8. Liberty St. T : FOB BEST : B. 1417 Garden Boad ft R. 182 N. Winter 4 R. 1950 8. Cottage 6 B. 1874 Broadway ft R. 1970 8. Church 4 B. 745 Norway, farnisnao. W. G. KRUEGEB Phone . 917. .920 . 80 20 15 25 25 LAUNDRIES - 32 P0ULT3T WANTED AJtl KIXD, SITE or aAtonnt, : top ssarkat, kisbeat a . priea. Be I am oaUry Oe.. 145 Cantor Su Foot of the aruLa. ,Paa-o 24.i -fMUSIC STORES 46 GEO. C WILL PIANOS, PHONO- - graphs, sew tag mare mas, sheet -mai and pisne s todies. - Bt-pairiag phono- ' grapna a4 sowing asacomo. 432 fctate streot, amiassi . Newspapers-Magazines 48 IF YOU ' WANT TO GET THE BEST farm papas bom f rra 3-eeat asampa to toe PacifM Homeetaad. Malamv Oracoa, foe three meatus' trial saaaenpuoa. alsaUon this sSV - POULTBTMElt BEND EIGHT TWO- eat suurnaa far aaeeiet tarao avoaias trial for tae boat and eldest Joaraal 1st the Woes. The artiaie and adrex tuamoata are of special umtorost to the . poaltry breeders of the North wast Nertawast Poeusry JoaraaL 911 8. Oom- sJ Ht.. Mlta. UM. - - MONEY TO LOAN FOB BUILDING AND en city, property. - B. 8. Martin aad U S. Martin, attorneys, 419 Oreg-ia BaUdtag. Tow 20s. : -u---. , CITY AND FARM LOANS AT LOWEST . rata..- Bast terms obtainabla. . Oar ; insaraaee department offers -you" sW' pert adTieo and sorrieo in- au liaea. v HAWKINS. BOBKKTS In. ' TeL 1437. Oregon Bldsvt FARM LOANS: -;58 We make farm loans in Willamette ralley up to ten yeera- at zer cent interest. e Brosteraga. ; . t ., , -Western Bond Mtg. Co. -' ,72 - Broadway. Portland. Ore. ' WANTED LOANS - 59 y WANTED Prireba- mvaey to BXATAf. x W. .H. GBABESHOBST 184 S. Liberty 8s. - leu am BXAJ 00. PLUMBING 60 PLUMBING ' AND GENEKAlt EXPATS work, erbbor Brasv, 144 8. labarty. TeL 5b0. HOME BARGAIN: - Modern, ap to date sis roooi home -well located close in, only six blocks out on corner lot, , immediate poaai si on. Price 910.500, .winter wood sup ply in basement. W. H. GRABESHORST ft CO.. -134 8. Liberty St. FAIRMOUNT HILL LOTS ' " Hare two 1 wry 4Tood Fairmount Hill . lots- for ssio reasonable. , Will accept i Oregon Linn Mill stock or 1st model coapo as part payment. A. C. BOHBNSTEDT Realtor Loans -Iasnrsaco ? . 147 N. Comm'I St., Saiem, Ore. For Sale 20 seree mile east from Saiem. lays -, f ia ' for anbdi ri slon, some . building. ' tho beat bay around there at 9350 aa acre. We hare two parties with Willam ette Valley land to trade for eastern Oregon wheat or eattla ranches 1000 . a exes or so. what haTe yam I SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO. 202 U. 8. Nat. Bank Bldg. YOUR NEW HOME .' Just the hind you hare boon "wish' lag for, v modern and beautiful. - sow open for inspection. . 8 rooms and nook, built ins. hardwood floors in part, best of : plumbing, . full basement, furnace, laundry trays, garage, -nice corner lot. Price 85750. With liberal terms. . Let Us Show Ton This Todsy, SEX - LEO,- N OHILU8' C04 Realtors 220 State. Street.. . Phone 1727 RADIO 62 Radiolas For ery euro see, for every AH standard aisea ef Radio Tubes. OFF ELECTRICAL KHOP. 88S Cwort tt. Tel. 49. REAL ESTATE I 63 .P' . TRADES -...::-,r-.- . So our Bat. of trades under. Baal Estate Exchange Column homea," acre age, income) property, etc.' -ANDERSON A RUPERT, 169 S. High NURSERY STOCK 49 ENGLISH HOLLY TREES . AT A BAB- t gain, all kinds of ieadiag Tarietiea of , nursery jtock. Fruitlaad Nursery. TeL - 1775M. ' - . - FOB RES HOUSES. GERTRCDB ; M. PAGE. 444 Court St. J. PAPERHANGINI3 50 HONE GLENN ! ADAMS FOB HOUSE decorating, paperaaavging, . tiat'.ng. : ata. Reliable workman. - PAINTING 50a CHAS. BENNETT. FAINTING- COS tratcor, painting, paps s kbas 2288 J. 187 Wee KUmC MISCELLANEOUS ; 51 TRY TH HOME Warr WASH LAUN ary. Tel. HI, 1359 B Btraoa. ItTtt capital crrr latjtoet '.The Laundry of Pure MetermV i Telephone 145, 124 Broa4wsy t , THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY ' THE WILLI KB LAUNDBT Tampboa 25. 443 8V High . TAILORS 34 D. H. M0SHEB TAILOR FOB MEN and women. 474 Court St. WANTED-Miscellaneous 35 FUBNITUBB PiCKINO FOB - SHIP mania. Oieao-Powers Faraltaeo Co. 1 WANTED PRIYATN HOXCT FOB farm loess. Ws bars so oral applies. " Uoas en hand. Hawkins Boberm, Inc, 205 Oregon Bid. WANTED OFFICE BOOM OR SMALL snit in downtown district few use asH sausisal studio from 1 to 10 p. m. In quire Mclntoan, . Statesman. 10 to im a. m. . - WANTED GOOD WASHED OOTTOE Bag not smsller Una 1 yard be a lor wlDiac BiaehiaerT. BifkMi ne rags, appT b Hilar. ffiso. More Than a Tonic More Than a Health-Food ' A Natural Remedy! Pacific Health-Ore This product svppUe Kstnra with ritl working and building materials proride elemeats to maintain the normal ehemleai balance to insure the nataml harmony sad proper fuaetieaing af glands and r ie aad to maintain, a rick and aosttky h.oid strsam. Used as a mineral water pleasant to tsko -one package ia sufficient for three months trsstmenu Sold andar a poaiUr -i'Ki guaraatae. FOB SALEM call 187. v SCAVENGER SERVICE W ANTE! OLD MIRRORB TO RESIL- Ter. Telephone 352. - , - WX BOARD DOGS AT OUB Flake' s Petland. 272 Stata. FARM. FUBNITUBB UPHOLJSTIimrO AND MM pairing. Oiess Powers Faraiture Store. FOB BALA OLD NEWSPAPERS, 19 seats a bnnaJo. Btnfsswisn offve, 315 South OaaajnarriaU f--.rr; ftljStf OUB CUSTOMERS ABB OUB BEST boos tern- b ocas so when w do your wlding.'tis daaa, not yea. Electric aad acetylene , weldingr : large - and smalL- O. D. Oppan, 995 MiU et. Tel. 97 and 908-d. r -. - ' " - I SPECIAL BUT: . . Modern fir . room buogslow with fireplace, exsept basement. Located on paved street. Price 82750." 3300 down balance easy monthly payments. IM - MEDIATE POSSESSION. W. H. GRABESHORST ft CO. 134 S. Liberty St. . FOB SALE A s SOOIT rLASTEBED komo in Salem. 91000. 9100 cash, bal ance 920 a tnonth. Tnis is a borne. 180 Acres with 5000 cords of fir wood within . fir miles of Salem on good road. 'All fine lerel land, feneod aad well watered. Price 99000. ; SALEM REALTY CO.. 402 SUt. SELL OB TRADE - APT. HOUSE IN - sons 8, corner. Price. $12,500. Sheep '-rancb preierreo. 200 acres ef fogrod off land, 911 per acre. Trade for - Uaiem property. 4 m. modem stucco house netting 12 on money hiTested. Prico reduced to 98050. . - -s. trietly modern; pew nsuss, 2 lots, 95000. tJasa. - Bring your Inanraac. . 1 4B4 Court St., Salem. REAL ESTATE " 63 For Salo 19 acre near Btnytoa. 9 scree young atrawberrioa, 2 acres equipped with cnav aery beans. trsHis, ' all in ealtirati on. Prico including a fully paid water right for Irrigation 94750.09. FLA XLAND DEVELOPMENT CO. Phono 155 Masonia Temple REAL ESTATE TRADES 65 TRADE TWO ROOM HOUSE AND choice corner lot. . beautiful view. Will take a light car part pay, some terms. Why pay rent! F. L. WOOD. ' GEO. F. FEED -. 941 8tat 8t. HOUSES FOB ACREAGE $3000 N Salem, bouse sad 2 lots. Wants - - acreage up to 8400O. 93500 On N..4th." 5 room bungalow style . corner lot.' ' Wants acreage up to - 24500. 88300 On of the finest and most mod' era new homes in Salem. Wants ' ; close in acreage ap to same val- or- acreage without buildings up to half value. So SIEMENS ritb ANDERSON ft RUPERT. 169. S. Higk ACREAGE FOR CITY PROPERTY DELIGHTFUL t y MODERN SUBURBAN HOME , With AU Modern Conveniences - - 'and - $ ACRES - - .Family orchard, 1 acre logans, 1 sera strawberries aad other fruit, cloaa to ecnool ana Sslem, Will take city noma. Priea 84900. -? 10 ACRES 5 ACRES IN BEARING WALNUTS. Fruit and berries on other five acres; good 0 room cottage, eleetrie line, close : to school and Salem. Wants city home Price 96O00. See .Siemens with -ANDERSON ft RUPERT, 169 8. High Income Property " For Tour Farm RETIRING BUSINESS - ' MAN . - - . Wants Farm up to 220,000, , for a Hobby , , - INCOME NETS 10 . T First class down town -. - .. locstioa FIRST COME FIRST"' -V1.- , SERVED . : : f". - - i'jW y :::: 2 ! ; Siemens - -' with , . ANDERSON ft RUPERT - 169 8. High . TAXIDERMIST - 68 WORK GUARANTEED. E. X. WIGGINS. Taxidermist. 1145 Norway. Tal 8261W. REAL ESTATE-Suburban 9 SMALL ACREAGE AND LOTS OS EA8Y TERMS 9 210 buys a fine building lot located on . N. lstb St. 910 down, 910 par month. 9 250 Buy a dandy lot with north front on paved street, located est JUaAi : sc St. Th new street assessment ' must be added to the above price. 9 850 Buys a beautiful view lot just ont- sids tbe city, sixer 75x150. 9100 down, balance 910 ner month. - 9H00 On acre located on block from bus line and paved road, located south. 95 down, balanc $10 per ' - , month. - $2100 2 acres with small house aad barn in need of , repair. located close in. $100 down, balaa-ee easy 1 terms per montn. -i-.-.i. . . $1575 Five acres located os psvd rosd sst f Salem, fine pise, to - build. 925 down, balanee $10 per $1000 Five acres located east of Salem. Vi mil off paved road.' $25 down. balance f 10 per month. FOB BARGAINS, eee us. ' - W. H. GRABESHORST ft CO.. Realtors -. 134 sj Liberty St. y USED CARSFor Sala 79j USED CARS-For Sal? 79 ' Take Advantage of Opportunity KECESSTTT COMPELS QUICK SALE OF CARS. LISTED BELOW. " THESE ABE TRADE1NS AND MUST BE TAKES OUT OF INVENTORY. Tele. 409 SAVE $ $ $ $ R. N. MacDonald Cottage & Ferry Streets .$335 . 600 . 275 . 875 - 875 . 875 . eoo TRANSFER & HAULING 70 CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 State St. Tel. 983. Distributing, for ' warding aad eterage ssr specialty. Get nr ratoa. - Frank M. Newton ' . Local and long distance hauling Light Country hauling a specialty ' - -' TeL 803 - - - GOOD... LOT 55x100. NORTH FRONT. one' large cherry tree, basement dug some -plumbing in, temporary boose, lamber can 'be used towards prma t neat home, all for $600 S room house, plumbing, wonderful lot with fruit, lot worth 91000. for 91900. 8 room house, basement, garage, fireplace. lot iivb, gooa Mcauty, sxsuu. 5 room and attic, basement, furnsce, built . Jns, seversl fruit trees, east l bought lor f 2300. . BARBER ft BOND. 200 Gray Bldg. 125 N. Liberty. Phone 790 GOOD TBA DES .. - Hsvs yon aaythlag to match themt Here are a few..- aazioua .to trade 94500 in Salem, for acreage near Dal las. $2500 Horn with 2 lot in 8il- verton for Sslem. 91000 Hons 9 lots a Dpmm i aior. fsw, x acre f good land. 5 R. Hens at MeOoy for f anytntng of vaiae. 1 acre, 4 B. hous on highway, 32500, for . farm. Fin farm, 80 A, rood bldrx-, 97500, Uk : a hem ap to $4000. Fin 72 A, trade for -an apartment house. Prie $14,000. Fine BO A. farm 98000. near Dallas. . far Salem property. - Many other good ; trades. ' See Mr. Bechtet or Mr. Sears, 841 SUt St Room 2, ; ; WE MOVE, STORE AND SHIP HOUSE bold good.. Oar specialty la piano aad furniture moving.. Wo also ma,ka coun try trip. Wa naadl th beat coal aad wood. Oail on an tor price. We give good wwas-uro, good ouaUty and goad ssrvaee. iarmer Traaarer jo VeL 930 WANTED-Real Estate 71 WANTED A SMALL FARM X hare a customer for a good J.5 to 20 aero fan out three or four miles with fair Landings. Must b real bar gain. Can arrsngs for cssh deal if priced right.- - I have some small houses for rent at low figure. Come la and let us tell you about thorn, : jt party wants - 9500.00 loan on $1500.00 property. W1U be glad to plae th amount for some local party. Phone 280 or call room f04 Oregoa 1 O. K. MIDDLET0N WATER 74 REAL ESTATE- Farms 67 ssapj ' Five room modern hm toested at 710 N. Summer St. A REAL BUY FOR -THE MONEY. Priced for quick sale 94200. terms. Immediate- posses- sion. LET U8 SHOW YOU THIS HOME. ' - ' W. H. GRABESHORST ft CO, . , 134 8. Liberty St. , ; - GREATEST TTtADTNO ORGANIZATION - r r ON THE. PACIFIC COAST We hav orer 9000 properties listed for exchange. , Every kiad . of prprty every price, every location. wo can match year exehear EXACTLY. Xf you would life i to . trade year property TO DAY, eorae ia TODAY. Bee GAEKILL ft EARLS. Realtor 16ft 8. Liberty. - , . , TeL 2249 STOVES AND -STOVE REPAIRING STOVES FOB SALE REBUILT AND repaired by expert. - All kind of wev.a wtr feneo. . Fancy and plain. Hop baskets and hooks, logaa hooka. Stlsn Fence aad film Warns, 259 Court street. , . - ".. Are You 4A1I There?' CaemicU snstysis th aumaa body shows ths it la waiHit of tae follow. iag eUmssite: Oxygex, CarV-n. liydrw gvn. NlUogen, CalJ-m, P bos j. horns, Potasaiero ; Sulphur, bodrasa Chlnrid, Maraesixm, Ire a. Iodiva, Flaorir v Sill- eon. Zinc - Mansaneeow. Yon supply year . Vdy wit" ?8 these chemical alsmsato - thrvusrh fha tat, th sr yon Lrea.-' and th yaw drinx. - Good aatth. depents-mueb wr tb chemistry": f the oel ae the anpplied and nMiatained. Maay refine fooo in peranum todsy ar -'aching t- an alarmisg extent in thee vital and health promo ti ig yopartiss, wd tbM dfticieney ia rospoast'lo for snany aarosu t ailmonla. Pacific Health-Ore. i rich in h majority oe then, iltnrati & it as has sonnliahd marvelous results la restoring health. , Give Nature chance -you'U to trppd a k re sponse. - . PER TOvN DKuwOIsT tuPIT MATRESSES 36 MATTRESSES KZNOT1TCD V Tin V' City Beddmg Co, 1190 North vflwL Called for and dt liver el. AU 'rs guaranteed. TeL in. FOR SALE 37 v g-vs Y' "m. BUUFSON'B. .RX I am. s-nea era, - - 5 i PXiM10 H7itKti OLD- PICE $8.80. ST. 8. Bs. 136. Phone 59F9. s.wtvw APPLES 75 BOX, BKTX3 ws. gpaas 1.U. 1005 Broadway. TEAM BLACK HORSES. WEIGHT , Two mule, some wreAard luki. in etw mtssioa. PIANO FOR GOOD at JiUjsrald- TO TRAD E $840 - automobil. ge Bark caerwta Mtor Co. PEDIGREED AIRDALB MAL8 PUPS 4 ?C; bargain If taken before ir" .. F. Butterfieid. Pacui " ooaoora. ura. TeL 1103. ATS AND VETCH HAT AND CLOVER hay, a bale or car load. Will deliver 1 ton lota or mere. R. L. l.-.tjek. I a- vision. tnoa luaepea- GARAGE AND FILLING STATION On f th best locations - ia city, freatag of 150 feet, storage for 18 .cars, 3 rm. 'apt. with - bath. . complete outfit of small and bench tools, a aa- toenatl pnmpa and exceptionally good gas contract netting $150 per month Will accept city pee party m.f to 98000. ! 8e O. K. DeWitt with t : WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor - 175 8. Hick St. - 8 100 down, neat bwagalow, 9 rooma ; - and bath, fine lot, Prie - - 81850, . : . 9 9po down for a 8 room bungalow, , : - basement, garage, house - fas -; good condition. Price 82100. "'. 900 down, new S . room bungalow, basmat furnace, fireplace, larg living, dining room, oak -- ftoera, rarag and . paving. - ' - Prie 93950. . - i 9 10O down, 9SO per ana. Including ' . interest, new 4 room house, basement, furnaee, fireplace, . gsrsgs' aad: paving. . Prie 93100. - $1009 down, new and up-to-date 9 i . room English typ boase, wall Iocs tod. $5700. . .$4750 fr aa 11 - room - furnished i apartment bens, cloeo in. j rooms all occupied. Will take - small residence. $8500 for a 18 room " apartaaeat baas, eiose la, WU1 tax Mane, la Salem. a 10 Year Loan on City Property. .--.- Iasaraac ..-. i MELVIN JOHNSON 820 U. S. Bank Bldg.. Pha 697 , - USED CAR WANTED ., I- hav a 14 room apartment hous with Tod equity to trad frr a used ear. Worth your while to look this up. ' A lot in north pert of town big enough for four ecttsges. Will sell for half vai ae en quick tarn and only small payment down. Just th thing for a builder to divide sp aad put on som cottages for rent. or ssie. . - Fsrtiee wanting to rent a Aem will d weM it bo bn . Nice elevator servie to my door- room 804 Oregon Blldg. ' -' ' O. K. M1DDLETON, Fhon S80S. .- SNAP A REAL CHRISTMAS GIFT 95250 HOME FOR 94800 Locsted in best resident , district of Sslem, strictly modern 6 Urge cheer ful rooms, with all the built ins I Beau . tiful fireplace, cement basement, good Xumaco, . sta. wash traya. fruit roo 'wood lift, edoabl constructed, select material, best of workmanship, best aad choice shrubbery. Lawn, flower to s this home. Be Mr. Bechtel or Mr. Sears. 841 Stata St., Room 2 If yon want the best buy in town, a real Cbnstms gift.' -" LOOXINO FORI WHAT ARB TCTO - . If yew wnne i 93alm Bam ' ?. . v - ar QooA - laves tmsat -Lasas and. Ins-araneo . - . aw Exehsog af Property We solicit your buihaes ia all line en- a bams f Wttar sarvie. ., - , ; Come rn aad oa ne. . -'Cf - VICTOR SCHNEIDER ! i 229 Oregrm Bldg- Salens. Offic Phoas 979. Horn 782-F. FOR ' SALE SMALL, HflUSE, GOOD! lot en pavement, good . plumbing aad lights, plastered. 91200. Four room new hense, plastered, plnmV- tnjr aad light, nrag. aisoo. - Thro room hens, plastered, phambing aad liKbts. paved street. le in. 93100. Strictly taodsrn, six room house oloao ia 9650O. - Exchange, 19 acre suburban heme for larger farm. 82 acre farm new buildings, two large - chicken houses, em good road, light aad . water system. 9000. . tbxs city prop-arty. 122 acre farm en Portland rand. ; price , right. " - V. L. WOOD. GEO. F. FEED - 941 State 8W SAVE YOUR SALARY Country freedom City cemforta ' FINE MODERN BUNGALOW : .10 Miaato from Busiaess District A BARGAIN AT 94200.00 His Jos Year Gain . Family orchard 1 aero strawberries, 1 . acre locaas. Iaeema easrvtlv osti mat around 9450 yearly, besides your cow aad ehickeac SAVE I'D say yea can. No high taxes here Very fertile soil. Plae ,ia firat clast shape. Close to school and pavement. BARGAIS8 DON'T WAIT See m now aad msk 9500.00 easy. TERMS Be c - 8IEkfES wftb- Aiidonim ft Rn-nrrt, 189 8. Hfrb " 100 ACRES OF GOOD SOIL SUITABLE ' tor ant and fruit or small trains. Half under cultivation. Tan miles from Ssv - lent on good county read. To settle aa : estate will sell for 940 per aero. Moor with ULRICH ft ROBERTS 129 N. Commercial Street. Phone 1254 . 'A FARM BARGAIN 25 seres with good buildings, some fruit and berries, : 12 . miles -from . 8a- lesn, mil from paved road, 1 - mil to -Higb School, 6 good cows, -100 chickens. 'All goes for $3500. SEE Thomsson with ' LEO N. CHILDS CO, Realtors 320 State Street, Phn 1727s ACREAGE BARGAIN v Bis low year gain KEW MODERN BUNGALOW with modern conveniences CLOSE IN -Family orchard acre strawberries, acre legans and. other fruit, excellent soil, near school and pavement. A dandy : puce iu win - more tnaa make your living.. In excellent shsp. Price $4200, , See- - SIEMENS ? -. with - Anderson ft Rupert, 169 8. High ' OREGON WA8H. WATER SERVICE CO. uU SU4 boats vmmreial rL Ten per eaat diseouat on domesti flat rat paid ta a ranee. N dadartloa for ab- aa or aay cause unlsaa water Is abet su - your pi TRAVEL 76 A FARM BARGAIN 25 acres with good buildings, som fruit and berries, 12 mile from 8a lam, , mi. from paved road, 1 mile to High School, 5 good cows, 100 chickens. All goes for $3500. BEE Thomsson with " ; LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 220 State Street. . Phone 1727 GOOD BUYS AND INVESTMENTS 45 A. farm near town, J(ev bungn- pavea roe a, ibow, take residence. . .Good 80 A. irrigated farm in Idaho, iia ineom. 910,000, tak residence. Half acre tract, bldgs., well. , aear acaooi, aizau, terms, take ear for part payment..- i . . i. 100 A. farm aear town, good soil, 70 A. ia cult, 96000, Uk resideac. Nic U snodern 6 room bungalow, doae ia. 95000, take acreage for part. . . 9 room bungalow aad garage, 91750. 8 room mdera bungalow aad gar age. 98500, dear for acreage. W eaa match your exchanr. - - . ' FERRIS E ft MARSTERS ' - 812 Gray Bldg. ! , BARGAINS IS FARMS 9 2700 for 20 acres, house, barn, . garage, ale yoapg orchard. running wster, estimated 300 ' agrds of wood, 9400 down. - m 9 6300 for 80 acres,. A room bung- , - - low, firopla, 11 acre prune, 9 logaaa, 18 acre timber and pastor. Term or trade equity for Salesn. 9 T600 for 113 acree, fair- build t. . - inga, 16 acree strawberries, good soiL Terms. - $16,500 for 70 asrss, 45 altivstod. 29 paatare aad ttmber, run nlng water, fenced and eroas . fenced, modern 7 room bom, bath, firenla, esk floors, lectxis lights aad water ay. ' torn. Will take Salem resi- denca to 94000. . 10 Year Lean Insaraaee . ' MELVIN JOHNSON '820 U. 8. Bank Bldg. - Pbon 6t7 . T-BA-V-B-L " . Safely, Swiftly and Comfortably la - buses f th Parker Stage Lines, 8-T-A-G E-8 L-E-A-V-E F-O-R Silvertoa T a. m, 11 a. av, 6 p. as. , Mt. Angel 11 a. m, p. as. Dallas 7 a. au. 9 a-m.. 1:25 p. at, . Falla City 7 a. us, 4:10 p. m., 5:15. Xadep-idnc-r-7 amn a. m 11:18 a. m, 8:10 p. m 6:15 p. m. 8na day nry 8:80 p. as. ' Monmouth T. a. m, 11:18 a. m, 8:10 p. m 8:15 p.- ax, Sunday nly 7:10 p. m.; 8:30 p. m. : MeMiuaria 9:90 a. 1:10 p. sa. -. 5:15:p. a. V 7 - . Newberg 8:30 a. m 9:10 p. aw, 6:18 p. m. . - . - Til la meek 8:80 a. au,' 9:10 p. sa. Call 822 or 69 for iaiermatiosi Ford Coupe, Reconditioned. " Price , ' - " Buick Six Sedan, Reconditioned. Price Cbevrolet Coupe, Reconditioned. Price , , . Hudson Speedster, Reconditioned. Price ' Hudson Coach. Reconditioned. Price . Overland Sedan, Reconditioned. Prie 1 Dodge Roadster, Reconditioned. Prie , 1926 Cadillac good as new. - 192 Big Sis Sport Chandler. 2 Willys-Knight Tourings. ' ... " . 1 Willys-Knight Coupe Sedan. - 1 Big Bix Harmon Coupe. 1 ' . Aad many others from $50.00 siul up. y TERMS TRADES EP.TOlLJ'IKK raE SOUND OP THESE PRICES SEE THE CARS THEY ARE BETTER, PROBABLY, THAN YOU WILL EXPECT MAST OTHER BARGAINS SAVE $ 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 TEL. 409. R. N. MacDonald 8ALEM. ORE. i COTTAGE ft FERRY ST3. VICK BROS. USED CARS 1926 -OAKLAND COUPE - - - - $750.00 1926: PONTIAC" SEDAN - - - - 7.50X0 1 927 PONTIAC COACH . - .- - - 750.C0 , WILLYS KNIQHT SEDAN - 650.C0 1927 CHEVROLET COACH , - - - 62S-C0 192S OAKLAND GLASS ENCL. - - 475.G0 1925 CHEVROLET COUPE - - - 425.C0 1923 DODQE TOURINO - - - - 2E0.C0 1924 FORD ROADSTER - - - - 14S.G0 VICK BROTHERS PHONE 1841 - HIGH AT TRADE THE HOUSE THAT SERVICE BUILT AUTOS WANTED 77 CASH PAID FOR FwKDS ETKER A CI 0 USED CARS-For Sale 79 Good Used Cars at Prices That Will Please You ' e , 1926 Baiek Standard Sedan 91078.00 1926 Buick Standard Victoria. 1925 Buick Matter Enelosur 1926 Dodg Coup '., 1924 Dodge Coupe ' 1925 Stndebaker Standard Sedan 1926 Essex Coach 1926 Chevrolet Coup 1926 Ford Roadster 975.00 750.00 675.00 435.00 800 DO 800.00 425.00 275.00 1934 Gardner Coup 875.00 We have many other - rood used ear. iota open and cloeed model. Priced from $95.00 up. -Come ia aad look taam over. W will b plaassd to skew thsm to you. F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 365 K. Commercial St. ' Pbon 1260 "After We Sell W Serve" . . Save a 1 92S License Trade ypur; old car to us now for a good used W as a m e . as rora win next year's License on it. ' Cars for Trade ; 1926 Roadster, P. 17. 8265 1926 Coupe, : ran - lass thsa 4000 " miles , 9875 1929 Ford touring, aew paint, top and aide f1 1926 Star touring faf 1929 Buick Touring $850 PACKARD Two of the Best OLDSM0BILK MR. BUYER Thss USED CAR 1928 Licenie- . :. OVER 94C0 Com 1 In 1 and 6ev 426 Packard 5 Pass. Sedan. ', 1926 Cadillac Coup. 826 Packard 4 Pass. Coup'. - 1927 Oidsmotile 2 Door Sedan Lesther. 1916 Oldsmobil 2 Door Sedan Leather. 1928 Star Couptter. 1924 Chevrolet 4 Door cWdan. 1925 Star Touring. 1927( Ford light delivery. Ford 1 -Ton Truck Jumbo Trans. Ford Roadster. Buick Touring. Stndebaker Tourinrs. All th bore iioted car are priced for qucx sate, . les a show then be yen. eom sign class cars at real tavings. Re nicmoer a . fsctsrd used ear stor ia a sal pise to bay used ears. ' Capitol Motors Co. 250 Nov High 81. ' Biddy Bishop -Storage, Waahlng-.-Greaaing, Gas, OIL ; -----Aeeescorlee. -iS Opea All Night- W Never Clos : W Sever doss O- Salem Markets No. 1, whest, white. Red whest. sacked. Oats, per bo. milling.. .$1.13 .-$1.10 -$ .64 FOBX, 1CTJTTOB Top bogs ' Sows - Top steers Cows AND BEEF 9.25 Spring lsmba. Dressed veal , Dressed bogs dressed. Valley Motor Co, - Sslem, Oregon Christmas Special Buy Now Mr. Used Car Buyer Stop c Look Listen Have You Ever Bought A Good Automobile With-out Paying Any r Interest Don't .buy ased car aatil yea have aea oar stock ! have us explain . to yea hew yea eaa bur a good weed ear without paying gay interest ar financing charges. Capitol Motors Inc. ; 950 Ne. High St. - - , Biddy Bishop Wsahing. Greasings Osa. Oil, Aeeessoris ..Op All Night - .Vi Two " . : of the . Best PACKARD - OLD8MOBH.E hlllSilJTE MOVIES By jEd Vhoelan t Tin srncim tS33C2JCEt fci ranrivus toes? LDCWED AMD "jOB To ei eut is urt ABLE. TO " SLEEP w . It SUDDENLY TrS GftAT CtCXK IH TKE HALL 5TRives Tvrivs, the sound s coming- UP : C 1WE SmiF2Q WH0VS ASME ilAlTS AS, hrARER AND STEPS CEASE -A SHRILL SCREAM RINGS OUT-"TVC-M - QUIET fnCrS NEXT . GTROHS. C? 7WZLV2, VI-T T"cx;TgT:?5 a D CAUC44T CT Cr VUG GUOTLV 1Cl TSr2 M DARK . CLD CILAS CAJTLEJi PmAULy y . bUT STOOD Set SAVDf? A f ALL I CAM - LM 4 DOfiT lAV2 , J Of TWJS ft ti r.i ATiOM . 3AH-3 (MELLO-HELLO - If, Aty ; us ' I ."'! 2 CUCr- a. fMl it --,y P0TTLTBT-- -. Light hen , -. Heavy ban Springs , - 'Broilers -- .12Q.14 .19 .19 . Jl EGGS. SUTTXR. ZroTTBKFAX ' Standards ' .35 jsutterfat - .50 Print Batter VEGETABLES Beets, sacked. Wew cabbsg Pet toe .50Q51 Celery, bunches Sweet potatoe - .80 Q 1.25 ,04 o I General Zlarliets S $ $ SAVE $- $ $ We Have Another : 1927 Chrysler SO Sedan Price Only $650 KIRKW00D MOTOR CO. 311 N. Commercial Telephone 31 3 S $ $ SAVE $ ' $ $ o I -o -05 H .06 06.07 084j;.0 5V, .13 .. .14 .12 .02 U .01 J01 FR0DUCB PORTLAND, Ore- De. 15. (AP). Millc, bids t the farmer: Buttorfst 48c. station 49a. track 51 55c . Poultry stead r: baavy ben 18S21e: light 10 14e; springs 20G21e; broilers 2335e; pekia white ducks SOe; colored nominal; turkeys aliv 80Q85 - -Onion steady, local 81.15 1.50: po tatoes steady, 75c91.25 sack. ? . XXVX STOCK PORTLAND, Or. Im. 15. (AP) Cattl and calves, receipts 45; steady. . Hogs, receipts 270; steady. .. Sheep aad lambs, a receipts; stesdy, . - - dairt . " - PORTLAND. Ore Dee. 15. (AP). Dairy Exchange, set prices: Batter, xtrss 47e; sUndsrit 47e; prim first 46 He; firsts 45c. .Eggs, extra 87e; firsts 86c; medinm extras 82e; medium first 80c: under sized 27c ' ; - , P0RTLAKD GRATJr PORTLAND. Ore.. Pee. IS. fAP. Whest, BBB hsrd white Dse Jan., $1.80; hsrd whit, bluestem, Bssrt both months $1.25; federstion. soft white, westers whit both 91-22 H: hard winter, north ern spring both $1.1; western red Dec. Jsa. 910. Oats, No. 2, J6 pnsi W. F. aad dl.ta gray both 939.50. Barley. Ko. 2. 44 poaad B. W. Dec. $89, Jan. $40. - Corn, H. 3, E. T. shipment. -Dec. Jan.. $36; N. 9 ditto Pee- Jn $35. PORTLAND. Or, Pea. 15. (AD. llsy buying prices: Ess tern Ore--n t -i-othy 920.50021; ditto, vsllev 17.8 ) IS; Alfalfa $17; oet hay 9l4feil4. i.J: straw $9 per ton. . Selung prices-tz a ton mora. - . . fxuxts Asa vx-rTArr.3 PORTLAND. Or. Deo. IS. (API Imperial valley lettuce is on tie car Host of th lettuc stocks have l- i t poor for a month, bersujs toes t' t newly producing d:striets fcse 1-t tnr shipmeets t ; w v. liif h.6n mostly ff.S J8.6J j.r ca- ; Ic-erisl stock has cpen4 at 1.;' . in trsa l turri,T!T m, "cellar" stocV c-f .'.r.-jr Ute at $4.25 t- 4 . 3 r cabbage is mo; j cat !a direct froas t . t . , , it. 7 ci t. CIHCACU, . I)?. 13. (. ?, f Si'des aelerwent a ut - r -' .. ? an eaj-'r vn , i pecial:T in t.1. wt ia ef expectation trt l A- 0-'J.t trt:p rf-rort '..-tlicj i .- litest Clotel r,ovy "jt-J 5. ' : er. t ; Ki t t... .' r' : h ; rn 5-9 to c.l s