L rSEVENTY-SEVENTII YEAR SALEM,! OREGON, FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 1 6, 1927 5 ITY ATTOniiEY h RACE WftRROWS 1 - 0011 TO TWO - Ray L. Smith and Fred Wil Uams Only Candidates . . Left In Running CARL POPE WITHDRAWS t Seven Coumcilmea .Said lined Up u 8bpport'-;&nlttti.INer-Endorsement of Williams Large Factor Vv YANK ACE FETED BY ALL MEXICO LXXDY SAYS KECEPTIOX BEST EVER ACCORDED IHM Touches Glass ! of Champagne Lips as Courtesy "Without - Brinklnk Any to MEXICO CITY. Dec: 15- (AP) Cheers for a president of the United State -were heard today In the Mexican congress probably for the first - time. The members of the chamber after receding Col onel Charles A. MJndbergh with honors nerer before ' accorded ' a foreigner gave j"VlTas" for Lind bergh, Coolidge and Morrow. 1 1 1 h With the announcement yester-j day by Carl T pope that he would lot be a candidate for the city sutoroeysbip at the,cty council lection, January 3., the race has narrowed down to two candidates, the incumbent, Tred Williams, and t. Rmith. both apparently !STj2haTta an even break. : I . fxZ- -rr(ny his wlth- V i'ope, n " ' , VirawJ. stated, that . his private ' nratice would hot permit his ac- ! cepting the, position , If elected. . v. oTnA&ed to be re- M4 nw rr . . . i ceptWe when friend urged him to run and defeat Williams. He lnti then, however, that If Smith could show sufficient strength to win out. he wonw retire w ou. favor. ' . But One Tote Lacking Smith has seven councilmen tiu: ausDoTt. it was lparned from apparently authorita tive iAiirr reeter day. One! more vote is needed to swing the elec tion. ".... - a-well defined rumor -has - that Max Page, member of tbe firm Kerea and Page. Is secretly e,lg the placed - - ' .age probably will make no f f trial pronouncement of -his an didacy. but It is believed that should a deadlock develop In the caucus held Just prior to the elee iion. Page's name might be tact fully brought up as a compromise candidate. Page's prominence as n : attorney here would count - heavily la this events and it is be- ".lieved that the mayor would not T;W T. . . tttn plnr It K. L 1 disfavor his entrance Into the ring. S LHesley Backs WillUma The present strong support given by Mayor Livesley to Fred Williams may. somewhat weaken thA rhmces ' of onoosln candi dates, particularly if the mayor . (UonuavM ea Vf ; MAGRUDER HITS NAVAL' METHODS INEFFICIENCY LAID -TO AD MINISTRATION AFFAIRS Hear Admiral Gives Testimony Be fore Committee of House of ... Representatives - MEXICO CITY, Dec 15. (AP) Mexico 'coquetted -with - Amer ica's bashful beau : today, giving him a - reception that impresesd him more than any other he had received at home or abroad.; "Vivas,", flags and bunting in the capital of the southern repub lic vied with New York's ticker tape, and the bouquets and medals of Washington,- Paris and London, in acclaiming Colonel ; Charles A. Lindbergh as' the darling of the people wherever he goes. President Calles, who hugged tbe American flier on his arrival yesterday, put . the official seal on the - nation's welcome by a half hour conversation with him In his nrirate office., r The aviator, left Chapultepec palace for an after noon of sightseeing and other en tertalnment. to' he followed by a fete In his honor arranged by the foreign office at one of tbe city's largest .theaters. " . . " ' Expresses Appreciation Lindbergh said at his reception: "1 hare never been so impressed by any of my. receptions anywhere as that In 1 Mexico and I an, very grateful for the warmth and spon taneity of the expressions of good will. . . I .' t : - The young flier made a series 5f official visits In the morning ifter aJL2 hoar sleep at the'Amer ican embassy -and then went 1 to Valbuena air if leld to see the fa mous airplane that carried . him from New York to Paris, over vir tually .the entire United Stateson a tour and eventually from Wash ington to .Mexico City.. . Ambassador Dwight W. Morrow accompanied his youthful guest on the official calls. Several hundred persons . gathered at the gates of the American embassy when Col onel Lindbergh and Mr. Morrow left it for the foreign office.- The crowd shouted f'Vlva" and Lind bergh responded with his usual quick emile and a wave .of his hand. Ambassador Morrow beamed with pleasure.. ; ' Throngs Acclalm,.Hero"iVfv As the ambassadorial party pro ceeded through the ; decorated streets ;-i to the foreign office crowds recognised - and - acclaimed him. Within a few minutes after arrival jU their destination the corridors of the building were packed with spectators 'who over flowed into" the street, t : ' A, form reception for the flyer m held in the srreat salon. Act ing Foreign Minister Estrada and prominent members of the foreign - WASHINGTON, Dee. 1 (AP) A barrage of accusations of inef ficiency and waste In naval ad ministration affairs was laid down today around t the heads of high naval officers by one of ; their brotbenT In command, 'Rear "Ad miral Thomas P. Magruder; t Defending before the : house naval committee his recently pub- . Ii5bed articles attackinc the navy, Were too many high officers, that seven navy yarMs could be l abo- - lished and that the navy, should have ships built in private yards rather than attempt the construe tion jtself Magrnder's testimony' was pre faced by a clash between members of the committee over whether" he ; should proceed under oath. . It ' was decided finally " by a vote of -16 to 3, that he would cot be Bworn in but. not before' Chairman Butler had announced that - - he f-.ould resign from the committee "before he would "anticipate that this witness won't tell-ihe truth.' The vote came after Represen tatfre McClintock, democrat Ok Ia?Qia. had been denied permis niirWs . put" in the' committee re cord rhktatement saying, that he did not care to participate in any f rroeeedings " that T migLt la de --bed As a "white wash and .rsrAt be recalled m isz mat iiear . ; m. M thused certain . members of , the naval committee in his version" of the Teapot Dome ; lease , that Thotorranhs ' were taken, and ?-PlashedM on the screen, labeled , - vJr' Naval committee finds nothln? FLAT DE1LS UDEiUST: HEARST STORY Alleged Mexican Documents Branded False At Senate Investigation' RICH SEATTLEITE : ACCUSED BY GIR MX3IBB OP PROMTJTEXT FA3I ; . ILY FACES CHARGES DISCREPANCIES DEVELOP Papers Had Already Been Bought at Time Government Claims - " to Bare Refused Buying Them. Word i 1WASHINOTON, Dee. 15.(AP) Mexican documents of disputed anthenticity saying that $1,218H 000 had been set aside by the gov ernment of Mexico, for payment to Senators Borah, Heflin, LaFol lette and Norris. were laid before a k senate committee today - and were answered immediately with unqualified denials by all of; the principals Involved.,;;. ; The documents were submitted by William - Randolph Hearst, In whose newspapers - they already have- been published In part, The publisher told the committee that while he had reason to believe the papers genuine, he : had not .evi dence that any of the money was paid. . . - - - Three of the four senatora nam ed came before the committee vol untarily and made their denials under oath.' '. Borah's Denial Sweeping : Borah , of Idaho, : chairman of the senate committee which deals with International relations, said he never- had been ; aproached "either casually, directly, express ly,' or Impliedly, in any way, shape or form.? -".'r" . - ' . ' "Heflin rAlabama declared he had . received jioponey to, connec tion with Mexico, except fromsnin isters.' - Ku Klux Klansmen : and others for expenses of his lectures Sally Wbitcomb, Stenographer and . Art Student, Barnes William : ; McCnllough .. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 15. (AP) . William McCnllough, salesman and member of a promi nent : Seattle . family, surrendered late today to faee charges pre ferred by 20 year old Sally Whit comb, stenographer and art stu dent, who alleged that three young men had kept her a prisoner in a hotel apartment during a two jlay party, and that one of them "had assaulted her after plying her with liiinor. . : ; ;t McCullough's surrender follow ed continuance of the .case against Jackson Swisher and Jack Mum ford, ; young club men,' who guve themselves up yesterday after the girl had sworn t out ? warrants charging them with a felony. They appeared . for arraignment today, but the ' prosecution announced ; that Miss Whitcomb, chief-witness1 for the . state had suffered a " re-.; lapse and was unable to appear in court. '?;., t . , . ,r", ' McCullough was released v on $2500 bail. - He. declined to dis euss the case further than to as sert : his Innocence, Jollce ' aus-J pec ted that ; be " had jrented the apartment in which the "party" was staged.. .-'.'.; It Miss Whitcomb's mother de clared her daughter's relapse was aggravated by anonymous threats and demands that she drop : the prosecution. . : - i " FICTION WRITER DIES BY POISON ALLAN PTJRVIS, BO, DEAD AT LOS ANGELES CITY Coroner's Office Investigates Cause of .Demise; Fiancee -. Disappears LOS ANGELES, Dee. IS. (AP An autopsy ordered by the cor oner's office tonight revealed poi son as the probable cause of the death of 'Allan. Purvis, SO, fiction writer and : former divisional su perintendent of the Canadian Pac ific railway, who was found dying in his hotel room here today. County Autopsy .Surgeon A.' F. Wagner, who performed the post mortem examination, reported that be found poison In the former railroad - man's stomach. He said a chemical analysis would be made at once-: : ;. ' ' 'According to information ob- ftained by the police, Purvis death came 'two weeks before he plan ned to ; marry , Miss Jtnnette . Pur- cell of San Francisco. The officers said Purria recently ordered hotel officials to open any mail and tel egrams' Miss Purcell might send him y should he leave the city . at any time. The officers were unable to determine what the motive for such an order might have been. - TEACHER HURT IN FALL Miss Creech Injured While Prepar ing Football Banquet Slipping on the- wet floor of the domestic science rooms as she went to" assist with preparation of the banquet for the football boys, Mrs. Eula S. Creech, head of the home economics department, yes terday noon fell, severely sprain ing her ankle.' Mrs. Creech fain ted but recovered shortly after and prepared E on with-her work. A few minutes later, she fainted again; and . this time 'was taken to her home. . i' : Mrs. Creech will not be able to meet her-claases .Ior.. couple , of davs. Principal H. F. Durham said last night. FOOTBALL PLAYER HURT Ruch, On Bicycle, Struck By Cbe- : - t mawa Man's Car ; - Willard "Ruch," Willamette unit; versfty football player, suffered a severe head Injury; last night about 7:30 o'clock. when he col lided with ' an : automobile' driven by Ira Turner." - Of Chemawa, r - on Commercial street-near the Mar- According to Turnera report to the police station; 'Ruch' was cut ting corners on the street ana aja not see the car coming until he was struck and knocked to -the pavement. Ruch was taken to the Deaconess hospital where Dr. D. Ri Ross stitched the scalp wound. He was able to leave the hospital after the treatment. SUBP0EMAES SENT OUT Telegraph Companies Required tc Produce Communications WASHINGTON, Dee. 15. (AP) --Subpoenaes were issued tonight for all telegraph and cable com panies In New York to furnish their messages relating to Mexican government business to the special senate committee Investigating charges In Hearst newspapers of a $1,215,000 fund for-four United States senators.- ,r SAN FRANCISCO,: Dec 15 (AP)-Miss AniU r Purcell, 234 Sansome street. San . Francisco, said to have . been the fiancee of Allan Purvis iBctlon writer, ; who was found ; dead ; in Los Angeles today, had not 'been found at a late hour tonight. At her . office, business associates said she had left ..shortly after noon without saying where she was going, r .. Friends of Miss . Purcell said they had heard nothing of her en gagement to Purvis and doubted reports that they intended' to be married' soon. v . ."t TAX REDUCTION MEASURE GOES OVER I HOUSE Repeal of Sales Levy On Au tomobiles One of Three Amendments FINAL BALLOT 365 TO 21 Last Minute Move to Defeat Entire BUI by Sending Back to Com ' mittee Snowed Under by Heary Vote D0RAN NOTE DISCOVERED Bottle Purport lnz - to Be s : Lost Aviatrtx Found Frons TUNTCSlCearrreZT5(AP) Frederick , M. Schiegner, San Jose business man. found a bottle bur ied In tbe sand near his duck hunt ing lodge at the mouth of the Sa linas river, last Sunday. In the bottle was the following note: Landed near MolokaL r (Signed) "Miss DoranC - Misa? Mildred ', Doran left Oak land airport last August in ; air plane in the Dole flight to Hono lulu. The plane was believed to have been lost between Oakland and Honolulu. - - ' - - CONSUL GENERAL TAKEN Thirteea High Russian Officials! ' Arrested in Canton CONVICT PENDER IN SHORT ORDER JURY DELIBERATES FOR ONLY TEN MINUTES TDD3 Portland Man Found Guilty of At tempting Criminal Assault -' - on Young Girl , SHANGHAI. China, Dee. 16. ( AP) A dispatch - from . Canton says that the Russians arrested by the nationalists there Included the consul general and twelve of his staff. . - '. -ii a (CofttiaoeS a t) ' ' j 'i ; "y- -U f" i i - - J " GROUP AGAINST TOBACCO Antf-dgarette League Organised la City of Eugene EUGENE, Dec. S ( AP ) Pro hibition . of manufacture, export, sale and use of cigarettes in Ore- con and ether states is the aim of an organization which filed ar ticles of incorporation with tbe county clerk here today. . The or- canization Is to!be known as. the Anti-Cigarette League of Oregon and will maintain Jts "headquar ters in "Eugene. The ' group ' fis ' planning an amendment to 'the sUte constltu tloa through Initiative petition. Later it Is planned to extend its activities to other states. . . 7 ; Officers of ther league are;. John JB. Perry. Eugene, presl d en tp W. J. - WJH lams, Eu gene, first; vice pres-identl Arthur Charles Bates. Mill City, second vice president; E. If. Patterson, Eugene, secretary; J. Frank Cun ningham. St. Helens, assistant sec retary: J. Michael Shelley. Junc tion City, treasurer;. E. T. Atch ley, Eugene, field rerresentatrrei Jesse G-Wells is attorney fortha orcanlzatlon. . - ANOTHER CASE WHERE THE OLD ADAGE DOESNTT WORK ? . - - uu icauoi ixiuio j;asc. ! Magruder, who recently was re- i UeTed of command .of .the, Phila j 1 I delphla navy yard, told the com mittee-that the Charleston, S. C. yard should be abolished and that he -had his eye" en the yard . at KIttery. Main,which, he said, was bclcg kept j open for submarine ACTRESS HELD AS THIEF Twenty-EIftht Year Old Trapeze . Performer Arrested ; (Continafld ca ptj 2) LOS ANGELES. Dee. 15. (AP) -Marie Bara, . 28. a trapere per- forn-.T, was arrested here toiay, charged with etoaUng an automo bile from the show room of a Port. land antomoblle aaency. With her -anion.: Al r Weber, - she was boctei' on suspicion of havlsg vi c!-ited the Dver.act; ML33 Bara says Eiie purchased the car frcn &s.otLer actress. TTeber Is . her VJHEM THE OodTORS, PAHtMT Gcts well! WASHINGTON. Dec. 15. (AP) With - a - democratic-republican coalition holding a whip hand, the house early tonight passed the bill with - three major - amendments which were vigorously opposed by republican party leaders. On a final showdown, however, only 21 republicans were willing to 'go on record against -the meas ure after exhausting every parlia mentary means" to ' eliminate the three contested amendments. umonjr them one for repeal of the sales tax on automobiles. The vote on. passage was. 3 6 6 to 21. 4 Carry Auto Tax Repeal The roll call, vote today on the McLaughlin "amendment to repeal the sales fax on automobiles was 245 to 151 with democrats and about, a score of republicans sup porting the proposal. The" bill as It reached the-house from the ways and means committee proposed a reduction of the present three per cent rate to 1 per cent. 5 - The two amendments sponsored by earner, were supported by - a similar coalition although a small er nuaibei of republicans turned a deaf ear to their leaders. " One proposed a bracket of Jow- er tax rates for corporations with nertrtaxLble incomes of ?15.000'or less -i Instead of " the flat Tate -. of 11 per cent recommended by the committee, while the other would require corporations and their sub sidiaries to file separate Instead of affiliate d returns, t ; . : ; J Final Skirmish Won - r The house by a vote of 212 to 181 sustained the lower rate pro posal and then adopted 210 to 187 the Joint tax return plan. r A last minute move of Bach- arach. to send the bill back to tbe ways and means committee instead of passing it along to the senate would have undone the work the house had accomplished on the Mil and the motion was defeated; S01 to 93. . Chairman1 Green was in eluded among those opposing this i move. The final vote on passage found Creen: ReDresentatlve Tilson, the republican floor leader, and prac tically all other republican leaders in the house ; except. Chairman Madden: of the appropriations committee, supporting the meas ure. Only one democrat, Huddle- ston, of Alabama, voted , against the bill. . ... PORTLAND, Dec 15. (AP) Del it era ting but . ten minutes, , a Jury of nine men and three women late today returned a verdict of guilty as charged in the case of John Arthur Pender. 48, accused of attempting a criminal assault on a 15 year old girl. Sentence will be pronounced Monday morn- Inge The law provides a prison term of from one to twenty years, or of life, at the discretion of the COUrt. 1 "". :. . ".' . ; ., Today's conviction was the sec ond time Pender has felt the heavy hand of Justice. In 1911 he was sentenced ' to be hanged for the murder of Mrs. : Daisy Wehrman, and her little son hear Scappoose. His sentence was reduced to J life imprisonment, and five years later he was granted a full.pardoiu - , Pender was arrested for the at tempted assault at the climax of the execution of a perfectly-timed police trap, after he had adver tised for a girl to do housework. Suspicious of the advertisement, the parents of the girl, together with police Inspectors, followed her as she kept the appointment with Pender. Delayed a " moment. , police reached the scene just as Pender had seised the girl by the throat and was throttling her. , tmioi: If aiawi r -"i Mi . r nil ill j f 1 - A: - 'J; J. -"M. V. -r-TiiirfTOP11 ' H CL0YD HELD NOT GUILTY TVllow Law Students Loolc on While Frye Pushes Case - U: FARM SUGGESTIONS : NEW Senator Borah of Idaho Proposes Agricultural Firm - ": WASHINGTON, D e c. 15.- (AP)- Groping about for a means of solrlng" the vexatious agricul tural problem, the senate today received two new suggestions, for remedying the condition or tn farmer, one from a western repnb lican and the other from a soutn era democrat. ' f ' A government-controlled . agri cultural corporation with a capital stock of one billion dollars was proposed in a bill by Senator Bor ah of Idaho to deal out economic assistance to the farmer in tne production and marketing of his basic crops and a . measure intro duced by Senator Caraway of Ar kansas provided tor exportation of surplus crops and Importation du ty free of an equivalent value In foreign products. . Under tbe ' Caraway plan," the farmer would receive certificates or debentures showing the amount shipped out of the country. For these and bills of lading he would be a- certiifcate entitling him to receire the duty free foreign merchandise. EiSIJ STRUCK W SPECIAL QUIZ Proprietors of Building Rapped After Report For City Council PATT0N DEMANDS ACTI03 Establishments Declared Dangc - ous Include County Court House, Five Schools and - Four Apartments LINDY GETS HIGH HONOR Mexican Congress Goes Into Sol ' ran Sessioa For Flyer With a gallery full of Willam ette law students looking on, J. K. Cloyd was yesterday found not guilty of assault upon Stanley Frye, boxing Instructor, prize fight referee and embryonic attorney at law. -. ; - j v v . !: "-''i T " ':'-A The ' case . was i" tried , In JusUce court- before Justice of - the Peace Brazier Small, Frye himself doing most of the work for the prosecu- tion. '.-y-'i'y'i-- " " Cloyd was first haled Into court Monday following a hand to hand argument with Frye Sunday at ter- noon. Jn which -Frye managed to produce a, discoloration on his ad- Tersarys eye but nevertheless fled when he concluded that Cloyd was about to use a knife. Up to a late hour last night no announ cement had been made as to-the fate of Cloyd phoaograph, playing of whlch precipitatea. the argument Sunday, aiternoon. - V 1 LL PICK CHMAKER . . . t - i Boxinff Commission to Meet; Plant to Enter Hospital The Salem Boxing commission will meet today noon to choose a matchmaker, to take charge of the next boxing card which will be staged some time after, the .first of the year.-, Harry Plant, the present pro moter, , is planning .to enter . the Veterans hospital in Portland for an operation,, and he will be un able.to take up his work actively for .nearly a month. The commission has made defi nite arracgeneats for the Grand theatre la which to put cn the next card. ; J MEXICO CITT, Dec. 15-i-(AP) Charles A. Linberg " today re ceived the greatest honors' the Mexican congress can pay to any Person, Mexican ; or foreigner, when , tie . chamber . of , deputies went into "solemn session" to re ceive him. Such a' session fa called rarely and for the most im portant government officials.. It as never before been held for a private citizen. ' ' ' -t The . deputies, ' however, by a formal "vote, decided-- that "Lind bergh is not a private citizen, but is an "ambassador of good will to the Mexican -people.", and ' was therefore entitled to receive the highest honors. : : . The president - of tho chamber presented him with a gold medal On one side of the 'decoration is the Mexican coat of arms, on the other Is Inscribed: V y "To Colonel Lindbergh - from the Mexican chamber of deputies in behalf of the congress of Mexico and in order to express our ad miration for his noble . feat and glorious mission." p - Evasion of the city ordinance calling for fire escapes on all pulb- lic buildings more than two stories In height will be curbed, and those proprietors who fail to bring their buildings Into I conformity ; with the ordinance r when so re quested, made liable for prceecu- s tien. Alderman Hal Patton, chair man of the building committee. said yesterday, after reading the report of City Engineer Hugh Ro gers.';:; j ''J The investigation, which was made by the city engineer at the Instigation of Alderman Patton ' motion in a council meeting twe months ago, and reported on yes- terday-morning, showed four pub lic school buildings, one parochial school building, lour apartment houses, and one public building .. deficient In fire escape equipment as set forth in the ordinance. The buildings more than two stories high named in the report were:. Garfield school, Englswoofl school, Richmond school. Highland school, - Sacred v Heart Academy, Miller apartments, Sundber: apartments, Glendoraapartmentu, Olymplns apartmenjf '-.. court house, v. 'Two Other school rish Junior high, and uiu. . .; high were included as having tire escapes, but they are only two stories in height, and not out tl step with the ordinance. . ' - Just what action, -Aldermun Patton will propose is not known but City Attorney Williams prob ably will be Instructed to serve notice on the building owners that if corrective action is not taken within a certain stated period, tVy will be haled Into court. The pt alty as fixed by the ordinance is a fine of 100, or not more than -1 days in Jail, or both fine and Im prisonment. ' Dr. H. H. Olinger, chairman ct the school board, said last night that he could not Btate offhand what the situation was at the var ious schools, but that they have--. been Inspected annually by tbe state fire marshal and pronounced sate. The matter would be taken up at the next board meeting, he . said. : - ' ' Rumblings of dissatisfaction among members of the planning and toning commission at the-lax- . ity In enforcement of the fire es cape ordinance have been beard from time to time, but no definite recommendation has been made to tbe council. ' Alderman Patton raiiMt th violation in .a council meeting two months aro, and It was at that time that the engineer, was instructed to investigate,.-,- : i ' " v: SOCIETY HOLDS MEETING PhIlodoian - , Orf;ti?7Ation - Ap proaching Half Century Slark r The oldest contimionsTy existing literary society. west of the Rocky mountains, tha rhilodoslaa society of Willamette uaiverElty, will ban quet tonight at 6 o'clock at the Leslie Mettodlst charch. EstLer LiiTj 13 nats-er of the evert.' the exeoitioa of a perfeeily-tlrr. ; All rnerabers of the society in Balem have been Invited to atter d. Hcryl Halt Is toastmaster. Grace Elizabeth Eslth, tj'stant att.-r-ney general, wilt be one of the epeakers. .The Phllodosian society for ircniea was formed nearly, 50 years ego, and has been perpetua te! since. . Tbe brother society, tha. ri.IIodorian.".went out of ex istence three years aro. "wl-en In- PROGRESS GREAT SAYS DE KLEINE NEW HEALTH - SUPER VISOli GIES DIPRESSIOXS HERE Proof of Effective Work By Conn. . ty Child Health Demonstra tion Cited s "My. first ten days associating with the County Health Unit has convinced me that tbe program " health supervision in E&leni r.l Marlon county is as effective u any I tare ever known. I m,'. I that there is any place In the V..I ted States .that can claim l -work la this respect," Dr. T."i'.'" De Jlleine, new director cr t: , Marion county child kMh onstration,' declared ycirrcl. "Looking over someV.tl. . -ords of : the health d:. aitmfr.t. I llzl thcra .Is' at.u- r.t rrt-,f t ; effective work. Ti '; diptherU ia an exc . t In 1S23. 210 cs-5 wc-r r. in the cr.tire'cotjcty, s.:' . 'i respite J. Ia IS 27, 4 1 . I teca rerortc I i? t t : ' time,. with c: If ess C?at:. I.- lz'.z chilrc.wlth tcs: .i s:.u ia hzi n i::,.:t It::, r Ue to a Ixts'i Cezif- 3 f - ? 'ti