The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 09, 1927, Page 7, Image 7

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, )
A very small GIRL of our acquaintance, was at CHURCH a few
Sundays ago and the MINISTER happened to be one of the OLD
FASHIONED kind and he preached a REGULAR old fashioned
SERMON which made quite an IMPRESSION on the young
MISS. 'For a long time after getting HOME she was very
THOUGHTFUL, but finally she UNBURDENED her mind about
a FOLLOWS: "Mother, there isn't REALLY any DEVIL, is
there ? He's just like SANTA CLAUS, isn't he ? He's DADDY."
And that causes US to remark that when the YOUNGSTERS
begin to talk about SANTA CLAUS ifs time for ELDERS to
begin to THINK about him, and the Capital Drug Store.
Moral: When, you come here to do your gift shopping well try
w . like the devil to please you. ,
Owl Agency
Telephone 119
Corner Liberty & State
((.(( oiuID)
Case -Settled '
The case' of Barrett Brothers
ts. Fred Pierce has been settled
out of court. An order, dismiss
ing the case was handed down
yesterday by Circuit Judge L. H.
Great Association; VaudevlUe Bill
At the Capitol' today.
Real Country Store
At Congregational bazaar, next
Oregon theater, today and tomor
Old Time Dance Crystal Garden-
Saturday night. Mattbee' Or
chestra. .
Sue for 8146.25 f,. f
Action was begun lit Justice
court yesterday by the Oregon
Nursery company against J. - W.
Maruny for $146.25 alleged to be
due t.z payment for goods h a d
sympathy during the sickness and
death of our loving Husband and
Father, also : for the beautiful
flowers. Mrs. Adelaide Hender
son, Geo. Henderson, Mr. and Mrs.
H. H. Chllson and family, Mr. and
Mrs. R. A. Manrage and family.
Congregational Bwvr
Opens at 9 this morning.
A Room Devoted Entirely
To inexpensive gifts. Pomeroy
& Keene.
Board of Managers -
Of Methodist Old Peoples Home
wish to thank their many friends
tor the-generous contribution of
fruits, vegetables, and cash on the
annual private home day, held re
4000 Bushel Potato Sale
Pratum warehouse Monday.
Dec. 12 th to 17th. American Won
ders, field run. 5.75 and $4.25
for 500 lbs.. Bring sacks. Open
to 7:00 p. m. Monday and Tues
day, closed Sunday.
Cash Buyer Small Home
Modern with furnace.-' fireplace.
See vacant at 1S50-south Winter
street. Excellent district. ' View
lot. Becke & Hendricks, 189 N.
High street.
Guardian Appointed
Ef He Back has been' appointed
guardian of Adeline Pooler by a
court order handed down yesterday.
Order Now Chris turns Delivery-
Fernery $4.00 and up. Chil
dren's rockers $4.00 and up. Jar
dinieres, Baskets, Chairs, Etc.
Open evenings. Salem Wicker
llfg. Co., 2218 State. Phone 2250.
To Play Monmouth
The Y. M. C. A. "Athenian"
will go to Monmouth Saturday ev
ening where ; they will play the
normal school team a game of
basketball. The Athenians are a
strong combination of players and
expect to defeat the normal team
Furniture Upnolst
And repairing
Furniture Co.
Dancing Every Saturday Night
Domes Pavilion, McCoy.
Furnace Heated New Homes
Six rooms; and 7 rooms. Being
finished, modern in all ways.
Large rooms. Large furnace,
fireplace, .garage etc Prices
$4900 and $5300. Paving paid
see at 935 and 955 Tamarack
street. - Financed to &uit. Becke
& Hendricks. 189 N. High
street. , ; ' . ,
Here are two plain homes.
Worth price of $2900 and
$2700 ' asked. For sale for
$100 down on either, balance ex
actly like rent. Both 5 rooms,
one on edge of Salem, other 6
blocks to State House. .Both VA
CANTJ Becke A Hendricks. 189
N. Hish street. -
Overtime ParkAg Fined
E. Vice was fined '$1 in police
court yesterday for overtime park
ing. Waldo Mills was fined a like
amount for riding a bicycle with
out a light.
Officials Dance-
Governor Patterson, Secretary:
of State Kozer and State Treasurer
Kay last night attended a dance
and receptfbn held at Eugene un
der the direction of the Elks lodge
of that city. Proceeds from the
dance will be" devoted to charity.
Salem's Greatest Vaudeville
Entertainment is the Associa
tion at the Capitol today.
For Rent
Several small homes at $15 to
$25. Vacant. Becke & Hendricks.
189 N. High street.
Card xt Thanks
We wish to thank- the many
kind friends, neighbors and mem
bers of the Leslie Methodist'
Church for their kindness and
W. U. Night Coming
WlllamaUe university night will
be observed at the Elsinore thea
ter January 6, under the auspices
of the Willamette cubs, service
organization. Numbers by the
glee club, quartet, and vaudeville
stunts will feature the program.
Coil's Marsters is in charge of the
event. . ' ,
the Salem district. Methodist
Men's council at ; Forest . Grove
Wednesday evening. Professor W.
R. Hertzog gave the nrincinal ad
dress on church membership and
the home. ., Four men from Jason
Lee, six from First Church, and 18
from Leslie motored to the meet
ing. j; i
If Yon Would Give SometbJn
Different for Christmas visit
Pomeroy & Keene's gift room.
SAYS .- '
We have a 1928 Pontiac coach,
equipped with, .new balloon
tires and a car that . has s the
best of care. This is a fine car
In every way. Priced at $585.
"The House That Service Built-
Salena Boys Pledged
' Joan Creech and Edward Sieg
mund, Salem high school grad
uates last aprlng. are among the
freshmen pledged to membership
in To-Ko-Lo, honorary fraternity
for sophomore men. for the col
lege year of 1927-28. , The To-Ko-Lo'a
are the oldest sophomore or
ganization in the campus. Its
membership includes men . who
hare and are now holding leading
places at the University. Sieg
mnnd was a member ef the Salem
basketball team for three years,
and Is one of the : fastest track
men In Oregon. Creech was as
sistant yell king last: year and a
member of the tennis team.
gram at the Y. M. C. A. Dr. Mc
Cormick will tell of his travels on
four continents, a trip that, he
and his son made the past sum
mer. He will discuss the differ
ent races and their customs, re
ligious, and general living condi
tions giving special attention to
conditions In Palestine. There
will be a musical number by Miss
Margaret Miller, who Is a Willam
ette university student.
Rummage Sale
' 15S S. High, Friday and Saturday.
Velocipedes, Scooters-
Kiddie Kars. r "Everything In
wheel goods." Harry W. Scott,
"The Cycle Man."
Silverton Couple Weds
A marriage license was yester-i
day Issued from the office of the
Marls n county clerk to Frederick
A. Muller, 34, and Elizabeth Wen
ger, 3 4. Both are residents of Sil
verton. Muller ia a farmer by pro
fession. Jt is the first matrimonial
venture for each.
Bazaar Opens Today
By Congregational ladles, next
to Oregon theater.
Will Attend Convention.
Several Willamette university
students are expecting to attend
the tenth student volunteer con
vention in Detroit, Michigan, De
cember 28 to January 1. Among
the students who will be sent by
the university are Virginia Ed
wards. 'Harold Shellhart. Esther
Lisle, and Dorothy Hutchinson.
Ladies Haircutting S3c
Prescott's apartment house bar
ber shop. Oak St. between CaDltol
and University Sts. .
Christmas Trees and Mistletoe
Far sale. Telephone 1937R.
Dogs Kill" Sheep f e
' County Commissioner John Por
ter made a trip to the Fletcher
ranch east of Sarem yesterday to
investigate damage done to a band
of sheep there that was attacked
by some stray dogs. Two sheep
were killed and others badly
injured. Rue Drager, owner of
the sheep, will be compensated
from the "dog license tax fund.
For Flowers in Portland Call
Carl F. Ruef, 635 E. Broadway,
Give a Bicycle This Christmas
"Everything in wheel ' goods."
Harry W. Scott, "The Cycle Man."
Get Your Permanent Wave Done-
Where you can hare a choice of
four methods done by an experi
enced waver av the Model Beauty
Parlor. : v - .
Permits Granted v - - j i : . - J
H. M. , Lehman was granted a
permit yesterday to build a resi
dence . at 1 1 5 5 Hood street at a
cost of $3500. "
A Ls Carte Servt
Iu Dining Room, Marion Hotel.
Investment Corner
Center Street $12000 Price
WUl net 4 per cent on, present 1m
provements 179 Feet Of Excel
lent frontage. $4000 to handle.
Becke & Hendricks. 198 N. High
AU Dolled Up
The Congregational bazaar, next
to Oregon theater, today and Sat
urday. Dolls of all sizes and
shapes and conditions.
192S Rexall Calendars Fi
Perry's Drug Store.
Dr. McCormick to Spesk
Dr. J. D. McCormick. dean of
Kimball School of Theology, will
be the speaker at tonight's pro-
Cholce Holly and Wreaths
Phone 212. 0. W. Bean.
Methodist Men Meet
A number of Methodist men
from Salem attended a meeting of
To Trade
Sixty acres, modern , build
ings, only two miles from
Salem.'. This place is all
fenced, has running; spring
water all year; milk cooling
system ; electric lights in
hpuse and barn ; good base
ment, has fireplace and
furnace, bath, and v every
thing uptodate
Will trade this place for a
large ranchther. in Polk
or Marioncounty suitable
for running sheep. .
, v y. S. REALTY CO.
442 State St. . Tel. 2060
1027 FRKK ttAUPArER .
Call, phone or write 'T
179 N. Commercial .' Salem
For Sale or Trade
Strictly modern 5 room! house,
good location, paved: (street.
Want car or good lot. '
Phone owner evenings 184 1M
Santa Clans Mailbox
At the Butterfly Linen Shoppe,
365 N. High St., Chambers and
Chambers Building. -
New Year Program-
Preparations are being made at
the Y. M. C. A. for the biggest
open house day of the year on
New Tears' day. Games of all
kinds will be indulged in.
8 Oregon Pulp and Paper. Co.
Preferred. Limited amount for
sale. Hawkins and Roberts. Phone
Bazaar Opens this Morning
The Woman's Union of the First
Congregational church is to hold a
bazaar, beginning at 9 o'clock this
morning, and lasting over today
and Saturday, in the store room
in the Oregon' building on State
street that was occupied by Wil
son's Fashion Shop; next door to
the Oregon Aieater. The women
have many useful articles, includ
ing fancy work of various kinds.
Also, a big display of dolls, and a
cooked food booth. And a coun
try store, with vegetables and
many other things.
Rummage Sale
153 S. High, Friday and Satur
Guaranteed to break, up a
cold in 24 hours.
NELSON & HUNT, Druggists
Cor. Court and Liberty Tel. 7
Attorney Resigns 1
, T. Clair McDougaU, Portland at-
orney. Thursday submitted ' his
resignation as a member of the
Oregon stale bar to the state su
preme court, and it was. accepted.
Members of the supreme court
said he was no longer entitled to
practice law In this state. It was
reported here that. Mr. McDougaU
recently was Involved in litigation
in the Multnomah county courts.
Hie resignation was said to hare
been voluntary as far as the su
preme court was concerned.
Sheridan Matter Up
The state banking board will
meet in Salem today when final
action wiU be taken on the appli
cation of certain residents of Sher
idan for the establishment of a
new bank there. Most of the pe
titioners previously were deposi
tors at the Sheridan State bank,
which closed Its doors last Sep
Assigned to Court-
James T.. Brand, circuit judge
for Coos county, has been assigned
by Chief Justice Rand of the state,
supreme court to Portland for Ue
remainder of the month to assist
Multnomah county Judges in dis
posing of congested litigation.
1:10 o'clock p-. m.. Dr. Cat! Gregg
Doney officiating, assisted by Rev.
Fred C Taylor.
Choice Holly and Wreaths V
Telephone 212, 0. W. Beall.
4 EUGENE, pec. t (AP The
seventh death from infantile par
alysis in Lane county this fall oc
curred early today .when Anna
Johnson. 16.' of Chesshire c(ied
from the disease. There are four
cases in quarentine in Lane county
now, none of which are in Eu
gene. ; ;" ; ' .:-
" ' Pelker
I In this city December 8, W. H.
Pelker at the age of 70 years, hus
band of Mrs. Margaret Pelker,
father of Mrs. Minnie Joeckel of
Talent, Ore., Mrs. A. O. Schilling
Bend. Ore., Mrs. Clarence Smith,
Salem, Ore., Miss 'Myrtle Pelker,
Salem, Clarence Pelker, Joplin,
Montana. Archie -Pelker," Bend,
Ore.; brother of John Pelker, Her
man Pelker. Mrs. Annie Schmakie.
Announcement of funeral later by
Rigdoa and son. -
' '," Howard -;r:
At the residence 1450 State St.
Mrs. Mary E. Howard at the age of
77 years, wife of Ezra E. Howaid,
mother of Mrs. W. E. Kirk of Sa
lem, Homer E. Howard of Pioneer
villa. Idaho. Funeral services will
be held , Saturday. December 10,
at 1:30 p. in. from the Rigdon
Mortuary, Dr. Carl Gregg Doney
officiating, assisted by Rev. Fred
C. Taylor.
Perfect Funeral Service
For Less .
Licensed Lady Mortician
770 Chemeketa Street
Telephone 734,
r .. , B
i .. !
!.--- J
i r ; .
v '-
i - j
V " i
When Glasses Ard
Needed , '
New Location
Dr.C B. O'Neill.
Fourth Floor ,
First NaUonal Bank Building
Phone fli '
Distinctly Correct
: ' " For
John J. Rottle
Expert Shoe Fitters 4
41B State Bt. J j
- J. RVltEOXG, Mgr.
Our life's work has
been spent In studying
the healing properties
of Chinese herbs and
now daily we relieve
those suffering 'from
stomach, liver and kid
ney trouble, rheuma
' tlsm and gall stoneM
also disorders-of men.
women and children.-
Free Consultation Call or Write
, ' Open 0 A. M. to 8 P, M.
420 State St Salem, Oregon
cL"sa3tvr, 11
An Inexpensive,
yet Practical Gift
Twin Vanity ;
. Compact
-?vt v S ':X ? :;iff?
A. gold and " silver
plated case that: is a'- :
- - work of art, : '
' Soft, real lambs wool ; -.
j)uf t for applying
powder and ' rouge.
Meets the. fad r and
fancy of all. ; ;
52.50 s
Perry VDrus Stor.o
115 S. Coram erclal
"Glasses That Fit"
Dr. Ansley G. Bates
With Burnett Bros.
C. F. BRETTHATJPT- " - -Telephone
' Ladles', wool dresses cleaned
and pressed. $1.00 up. , Men's
and Ladies' suits cleaned and
pressed I L00. -
" Over BusicJts - -
Rewound and Repaired, New
or Used Motors
Thing Electrical
191 Soutlt UI;h TeL 21 13
Mrs. Mary E. Howard, aged 77,
died Thursday at the home of her
son-in-law and daughter. Profes
sor and Mrs. W. E. Kirk, follow
ing a stroke of paralysis suffered
November 28. Mrs, Howard had
come to Salem November 11, ac
companied by her husband, from
their home in Ploneerville, Iraho,
to spend the winter with the Kirks.
Besides her daughter Mrs.
Kirk, Mrs. Howard leaves her wi
dower, Ezra E3. Howard, and a son.
Homer E. Howard of PioneeTville,
who also was in Salem at the time
of his mother's death.
Funeral services will be held at
Rigdon's mortuary Saturday at
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 1863
General Banking Business
Office Hours from 10 a m. to 3 p. m.
Farmers' Day
Saturday, Dec 10
Auction Market
1610 N. Summer.
Consisting of j
Potatoes, apples, carrots,
onions : r
Home canned fruit
36 O. I. C. pigs 3 months
old; a dandy bunch
1 8 1-2-fit, hay rake
1 1000 lbs scale . i
1 new box trailer
1 3-in, wagon, complete
1 3-section harrow
1 20-gal. iron kettle
1 feed cutter, hand or
1 12-inch plow
"Christmas trees.
A let of smalTtcvia
200 W. L. pullets, 0. A.
C. strain r ;
6. purebred Rock cock-
13 5 purebred Hanson ;
strain pullets, March
' hatcha fine lot
18 Jersey Giant pullets
6 Black Minorca pullets
1 nanny milk goat
f l billy goat ; .
Range, heater, beds,?
spring s, i mattresses ; .
new linoleum rugs, wire
fencing, new sets dishes,'
kitchen utensils, tables,
chairs dressers ; new 11-;
noleum by the yard , ?
AH kinds of used furni ?
tore ; and other misctl- .
laneous articles r". i
cTenri3 Cash
This" is your sale. Bring :
in anything you hare
for sale. We'want cows,
horse s, math i nery,
cheep and more poultry.
Cash Paid Ffir :
Used Furniture
Let Kennell-Ellis
Make Your View and Commercial
- Pictures, Any Time, Any Place
Old .Photographs. Copied
Often you want old photographs reproduced, but fear entrust
ing them to strangers.
Our reputation assures the safety and proper care of your
picture, which we will copy, enlarge, frame or hand color at
a price lower than the unknown agent can offer.
Kennell-Ellis Studio
420 Oregon Bldg. ,
and Stora
Long and Short Distance Hauling
Public and Private Storage
Fireproof Building .
' Free Delivery to any part of the city.
Farmers Warehouse
Day Telephone 28 Night Telephone 1267-W
The perfect gift is the gift that delights the year round.
It is the gift that reflects the good taste of the donor.
It is the gift the value of which can not be measured
by the amount expended. , ' , , , -
The perfect gift ia 1
a Year's Subscription to
The Oregon Statesman
Slake up your Christmas list now. , You'll be surprised
how far you can stretch" your Christmas dollars when
? you give The Oregon Statesman. A whole year's
Christmas gift Is only $6.00 by carrier $5X0 by mail.
v--"' j
An Achievement !
Two Days
Wot Iany of thoco
Hurry for Yours
They were $5.00 to $7.50
Scarfs 2M
Were $3.50, $4.00, $4.50
Ties S3c
Wenf $1.00, $1.25
Wool Hose 59c
Were 75c, 85c, $1.00
Caps $U
Were $2.00, $2.50, $3.00
Guaranteed $2.50, $3.C0,
$3.50 Values
CrosseltVal. to $10.00
Athletics 79c
Values to $1.25 .
- Values to $8.00
Undr'w'r $J.J
Values to $2.59
Hdfs. 7c
Xmas - KoveJti23
Va-Vz-V on
14-I3-12 o:;
Pay In 10 Ylci::
-IT'D .