The Oregon Statesman - " laaoed Daily Except Monday fcy ( TUB STATKSJLVN PUIlLlSUI'6 COMPAJTT - ; 81 BoaU Commercial Steaat, 8ilta, Oragoa R. J. Haadricks lr! S. McBiMrry -Ralph O. Cortla - nut D. Car 1m a Hoxalia Bases . ' Mar Uaaartaa; Editor : - . CSty Editor , - 8 porta Editor bociatr Editor 'Ralph H. Klatatac. Adrartlaiaf Km(r r. at art u. Bupt. Mecaaatoal JJaM. W. H, Haadaraoa, CireulaUea Mit E. A- ILhot.a , - , Uraatoek Editor w. C Conner . . . Povltry Editor ' . , PKM Or THE ASSOCIATllD FM58S " Tao Aaaoeiatad Praaa ia axelaaivalv anting k. .... .Bit.ti. . .n aawa jii-tch.a rroditod to it or ao othorwiao eroditod a taia pipor aad alaa tho local acwa pobilaaad horaia. Sfaariist . BTjsijrB8 omczs: , ' fctrpaa. In, PorUasd, Socoritr Bldz ; Su-fnuliM. Blum au I'll am Aagaloa. Chankor t CoaaotarM BUi r. rank Co, Mw Tork, ltSHs W. Slat Si.; Caieaf. Msrqaatta Bide. . Baaiaooa OfricoS$ or (II . fcoc.atj Fditor lo , TITtXPHOSZS i Hra Ipils ar IOC oa Dopartaoat Clrauiattjn Oil tea .681 -Sal Eatarad at taa Peat Offiea ia 8a torn. Orasoa. aa aooad-Uaa atattar. - - December 8. 1027 -- - i- 4 -, .- 4 v And Jesus going- up to Jerusalem took the twelve disciples apart ia me way, ua saaa onto id em. uebold, we go up to Jerusalem; and the Son of man shall be betrayed onto the chief priests and onto the scribes, and they shall condemn Him to death, and shall deliTer Him to the Gentile; to mock, and to scourge, and to crucify Him; and the -mira uij fii snau rise again. Matthew 20:17 to 19. REFORMATION, . NOT VINDICTIVE JUSTICE An exchange says: "Punishment of crime in Oregon, aa described by section 15 of the first article of the Constitu tion, provides that 'laws for the punishment of crime shall be founded on' the principles of reformation, and not of vin dictive justice.' Yet what possible chance of reformation has a youth, who on his first o'ffense is sentenced to a long term of association with post-graduates in crime ? What-d ever chances of reformation existed will be gone by the time of his release." v -? '-a-' ry :4 ;2 r 1 . r: h: : TThe reference is to several youths given long sentences in the penitentiary by Circuit Judge TazweU of Portland,-and specially to the cases of five younjr fellows pleading guilty to hold-up charges and being given terms of 20 to 25 years each, and still more especially to two youths being sent up last Friday, for 15 years each for robberies yielding $66, and despite the fact that the district attorney pleaded for leniency because it was their first offense, committed be cause bf a long and fruitless search for employment And more especially still, the reference is to the compara tively insignificant punishment of vastly greater offenders. ; There is ho such thing as exactly even handed justice in this world, but there can be devis'ed ways for a nearer ap proach than we have to this ideal in Oregon in ! the, punish ment of men convicted of crimes in our courts. ; There is too much difference between sentences for the eame or like offenses in the different circuit courts-- And there will always be as long as men are "sentenced" for ascertain number of years- f jl t-"'-&.rr Until all sentences are indeterminate, absolutely. Theh, under laws "founded on the principles ; of rpf orma tion, boys ought to be released on parole whenever they become capable of leading decent, law abiding; self support ing lives and men, too. Such a highway as Is now proposed will lead not only to Champoeg, but to a new appreciation for the romance of Oregon. ' ' 1 ; " : The above appeal of the Portland Telegram is timely and appropriate. We must have that highway finished, if pos sible, In time for the 1934 centenary celebration of the coming of the missionaries to the Willamette valley, '-. This is the week. The week to finish bond pledges to pay the debts of the Oregon Linen Mills, Inc., and the names of the committees at work give assurance that the task will be done.-Then, next week and the weeks following, should have the right of way in securing further bond and stock sub scriptions, till the Institution shall be provided with work ing capital to make it a going concern. This will give a firm foundation for specialty mills, which will come leading to the employment of several thousand people. . - Put tht? linen industry on its feet, and there will be no question of my line of business beings over done in Salem. . The. linen industry will be great here, finally, great prontissimo. Do it now. Make it - With more inmates than cell room, the Oregon penitentiary is likely very soon to be up against a hard problem. Mint, Slogan subject Thursday; Help the Slogan editox show Salem is the permanent world mint center. , Salem is taking on .a holiday appearance, and holiday trade is earlier and better thanjexpected. THE WAY; - OF THE WORLD -. By OroTe Tattersoa : But Oregon is in a bad way for acdommodations for such a system' even if she had it. There were 627; prisoners men and women (and boys) counted in at the Oregon state peni tentiary last night; the high water mark in the history of thel institution, and the number "will likely increase during the winter months, as is usual ... - r: And there is no room now provided at all for more than dtout 15 additional inmates . , j.L , V And in fact the number is too great now." (There is too much crowding; too many cases of two "persons in one cell. The ideal systen4cklls f or a single cell for every prisoner. And the boys and young men, and perhaps some of the first offenders, in the discretion of the, proper authorities, ought to be taken out of the Oregon state penitentiary and put into a state reformatory. The state has a suitable plant, with not very expensive additions, at the old I boy i reform school south of Salem. And the governor has authority to make transfers. But funds and regulations are lacking - And theliext legislature,: at the "farthest, must provide these things. That would bring some relief.' It would cure some of :the faults of young men and first offenders being -rut with "post-graduates in crime.'' .-i I ; ; , r A new penitentiary is needed. But the people turned that r reposition down at the polls. - ; There is a call for some one with understanding going into all these matters and' securing some needed reformation in our laws covering crime and criminals, by the legislature to meet a year from next month. - : - A ROAD TO CHAMPOEG i'.. ' " (Portland Telegram) At Champoeg on Monday representatives from commun ities along the proposed Salem-Champoeg-Portland highway, organized the Champoeg Historic association for the purpose furthering the project. ' It is said that the new.route will shorten the distance be tween Portland and Salem by eight or ten miles, which is in Itself a strong argument in favor of the new highway, but quite as important is the educational value of a road which - would touch upon these scenes of historic interest. We have been all too negligent of the" appeal that lies in Oregon's early story. No state can look back to a beginning so sensationally dramatic as that famous line tip at Champoeg which made Oregon an American state rather than a British colony. The characters assembled in tnat -early gathering, mi ssionarie's, frontiersmen, American and Canadian trappers, Joe Meek, typical Eeatherstocking hero the actors and tlje movement of the play could not be improved upon by the most imaginative dramatist. All the story of those 'first years of pioneering is a romance to fire the imagination and needs only to be played up a little to arouse new pride in Oregon on the part bf its own people, and new admiration for it on me parto luiuiaw.,, -. i -. ; , - Not long ago a Portland man tried the experiment of ask- in : "every one who entered his office, "Where is Champoeg t and what road goes to it V me answers mape up a wna " mosaic. of inaccuracies. .! , : -Ifr-wfir mean, a- great; deal to ..Oregon if this ignorance" is enlightened and an inviting highway leads straight! to these Ehrines of the Wstoric past, v The appeal U "properly to senti mentbut we need not sut our eyes to the fact that senti merit Is a powerful attraction to the tourist.-Dickens has popularized a hundred places las the homes of people who never were except in' his creative fancy. The house of the immaterial and impossible Ramona is a highly profitable literary shrii . . ,: " ' " "' :'- 'r we at' hand historic settings of real drama, HAPPINESS - ; : Once a wise man said: "Happi ness grows at our own iiresiaes, and is not to be picked in stran gers gardens. If yon do not find happiness in your home it is, per haps, because you hare not plint ed " the seeds of happiness : there. Or, haying planted them, you haye not stayed around to watch them grow. - . ,: j - . ' : , - ,( TROUBLES k - . Looking oyer an old newspa per clipping one finds that a fam ous French fortune-teller predict ed dire disasters for the year 1921 The year 1924 has gone by and who can. remember any unusual troubles? It is like other years the years that hare gone and the years to come. There are troubles in . all years griefs,- disasters. Joys and sorrows The years aver age up. Bitter with 7 the 5 sweet. And somehow or: other the child ren of men adjust themselves vto their circumstances and struggle along. There isn't much to worry about. What folks have stood, oth er tblks can stand. It's not what you get, but now you , taa u That's the. main thing. ; :- x ; :, ' ; .1 l; ; LOCARNO 4 No" so long ago the great na tions of the , world were momen tarily inspired by the seven trea ties of Locarno. War was to be come impossible by agreement ! But since then enormous budgets have been prepared and 1 passed. Ships of war have been buiH or put under 'way.. Armament has been : increased and strengthened and the same old war ; talk flourishes. " - - t : The treaties of Locarno will not stop war. It would be (better to begin re-writing school iilstor- les and nutting war : in the right light and shadow before the eyes of youth. The present a-n loves war. Is it not possible to raise up a generation which will hate wart I . t v : i , : -'I ;' V"- V'. r r CREATING DISCONTENT : ; Karl Bickel, a newspaperman, says: "It is advertising. that has brought the British workman to a determination to I improve : his scale of. living; it is advertising that bred" in his mind a disgust f or 1 unsanitary " quarters, for the dull, bard," desperately " colorless. dreary life that has been his lot . When advertising creates a dis content with the Insufficiencies ol life, it has stimulated to better things and . it haa ; performed" a service. - .'- ' lower coll, than any other sec tion. Help the Slogan editor. . In - the International contest for attendance, so : far this year the Salem Lions dab ranks high .est' In the United" States. The j Lions in Salem are likely to place salem on the map. Last year the Salem Lions ranked sixth in at tendance. This year they intend to stand' at the top. RADIO SENDING FIRM HERE PLANS STATION (Continued from paga 1) gon Institute of Technology, Port-! land. - vi-'r' --" - " J. R. Hughes has been connect ed with the radio broadcasting business in Portland, and will be business manager of the company here. He sees a wide field for radio broadcasting here as an aid in Droclaimlng to the world the merits of the Willamette valley. Broadcasting will begin at 9 o'clock in the forenoon and con tinue until 4 p. m., with a variety of musical entertainment and use ful information for the housewife. ; In the evening : from 6 to 1 o'clock, dinner music will be pro vided by a stringed orchestra and vocalists. The period from 7 toi 7:16 will be devoted to civic an nouncements. and from 7:15 to 7:30 to educational talks. . 'For the hours from 8 to 10 p m., a series of feature programs of . . DV TREDC KtLLY Business Letters; Nearly every business rjlled somewhat as follows I - "Your kind inquiry or even aaie letter receive confirms my belief that no to hand and contents noted. In re hnach of bnslnesa la carried on so Inly to same, beg to state that I have no engagement lor Tuesaay evening and I should greatly ap nreciate an expression from you as to the motive of your inaulry ordinary correspon- stupldly as dence. ! Not only does the' silly striving for pompous phraseology provide bad English and duU reading; it is wastef&l. , f ' Every foolish or obsolete word In a letter takes the time of the man who dictates It , and the sten ographer, or typist who writes it; still worse it ' takes up unneces sary time of the man who receives It so much, so that perhaps he gets disgusted at the first glance, and reads no ; farther. jThus t the letter defeats its purpose.: - " We ordinarily - attempt to be more painstaking, more -exact, and to proceed with less wasteful mo tion, in our, business than In our pleasures. Tet social correspon dence usually gets to the point much quicker than a business let ter. ;': ,' v, Just recently 1 wrote and asked a friend if he were free for Tues day, evening. ;. '',' He replied simply: "Yes. What's OPT" : - . " ; - , Now, it he had dictated his re ply at the office, he would uncon sciously have fallen into! the usual idiotic business Jargon! and re- regarding the "disposition of my tlme for that evening. 4 Assuring you of my wish to be of whatever service I can in this matter, and to accommodate myself to your wishes. I beg to remain etc" Why do business - men always say Tsame" when they mean "it I Why should we use a kind of phraseology :, in business , letters that, we never use In conversation, In writing for publications, or ever in other kinds of letters? , Presumably, the reason all busi ness letters are so much alike is that each'wTiter wants to show his familiarity with standardized bus iness! forms and customs. It one mast hare his letters standardized, .'why not - also have them simplified and clarified? AH this reminds me that a suc cessful . banker I know . Is of the opinion that much time Is wasted by answering letters promptly. He says that when -he waits four or five: days to answer a letter S 1 usually doesnt require an ans wer. ;.',;f.v-vh v-rC--:;f '-rr THE MORNING ARGUfilENT AUNT HET - Hx Ttabavt QviUeei Leag ue of Nations Report on Traffic in Girls GENEVA, Dee. 5. (AP). Am counts of how , girls have been lured into lives of vice j in various countries on the representations of alleged theatrical managers that they were, to have employment as artists in cabarets and theaters are contained in a report'submltted to day to the council of the League of Nations, . The report from . the league's "white slave committee, which with funds entirely -subscribed by the American bureau of social, hy glene, in New York, engaged in vestigators who visited cities in 28 countries. j ;', U. S. Campaign Cited- The report indicates that Amer lean officials are making a deter mined eland against the interna tional traffic . in women and chil dren and have been successful In their campaign "The fact that cases of both in coming and outgoing (traffic oc cur is less remarkable than the fact that the authorities are able to keep these comparatively Iso lated among the thousand of emi grants received annually," the re-! port said. f ine secret agents 01 tne com mittee mingled with denizens of the underworld, gaining an inside knowledge of the means adopted by the traffickers In women and children and gleaned 'information as high class as can be obtained anywhere In the northwest, will of their methods of evading the oe oroaucasw me aeiaiieu wi- laws of countries which have ly prgoram will be announced later.,.. . ". ::.v . i The hours on Sunday will be slightly different, with provision for broadcasting church services. On Saturday evening, dance music will be broadcast from 9 to IS, after which there will be a variety broadcast tinder the, appropriate title, "After the BalL" There will be special programs from 11 to 1 o'clock-Friday night.' - o Bits For Dreavkfaat of them? . Help those committees - -r ", The committees to finish r the bonds necessary to free the Ore gon Linen- Mills, Inc., of debt - "W And then keep up the work till the institution - has sufficient working capital to .make- it a go ing concern - - , - - a "a "a v- - 1 - . . Because that is YOUR job as much as the task of any member Of the commutes. It is Salem's Job. It Is the thing to do. : The big thing, right" now. It will put Salem in the - way of ' immediate growth, and of Immense develop ment in the course of time. S S It will help the -value' of every front' foot - of - property In Salem and every uacTe of land in the Sa lem district, and it will put sta bility behind every line of bus! nesa in "Salem and all the towns of the valley. - Coming up, mint. Slogan sub Ject Thursday." This will not al ways be a bonanza crop.) f There may be lean years. But' persistence will make Salem- the great mint center T..of the world, for? we can produce better " peppermint oil acre cf It to tc.0 'sere, sri at a taken steps to prevent the en trance of undesirable aliens. Grrman Girls Ruined One Investigator tells the etory of 15 young German girls who were taken to Athens by a German woman on the representation that they would sing and dance in a cabaret but were compelled to Florida cities are also described as centers from which Mexican ca barets have recruited girls. The report states very young girla . are being smuggled into west coast cities by Chinese secret societies, chiefly in San Francisco. ! Many Become Bootleggers Since the passage of the Mann act and the closing, of . houses of ill fame in American cities; the re port says, most of the "old time leaders of the American white slave traffic have become bootleg gers. The report said there is little evidence of immigration into Can aaa for immoral purposes apart from seasonable crossings of the frontier by women from the Unit ed. States. The section on Mexico indicates that women are taken there for immoral purposes by evasion of the Mexican laws. Tijuana, Tam plco, Mexican and Mexico City, are amonj; the clues discussed. It states that American girls are numerous at Tijuana,- and also Tamplco, and says many girls en ter i Mexico allegedly as actresses to work in cabarets: Tijuana is pointed out' as typi cal; of seasonal traffic houses be ing operated there in connection with bars during the racing sea son, when large crowds flow over the California HnoL TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO O" m : "; " " o (From columns of The Statesman, ' Dee. 6, 1908) Sweet Home A man was kicked to death here yesterday by a cow. Fred A. Legge was elected wor shipful master of the Salem Lodge No. 4, A. F. V A. M. J. H. Al bert was chosen treasurer. Mayor C, P, Bishop received a letter from -bis two sons, Clarence and Roy, who -are attending 4 the Philadelphia Textile . school In which they gave a graphic account of, the army-navy football game. Twentyfive thousand people saw the game.; Tickets were 815 and up. ' . ; ' ' .... The - W. U.r ladles basketball team defeated McMlnnville college women 31 to IS. , MAI SON HEADS CAPITAL POST FOR COMING YEAR (Continued from page J) .-: : elded between them by the flip of a coin, Campbell winning. Aside from members. of tlie ex ecutive committee the only offices that were contested were those of drink with the patrons "and were historian and sergeant Tt arms - "I may be old-fashioned, but It's my notion that It was easier for married folks to "be square when they danced the old-fashion ed square dances." ' (Coprrigat. 1927. bliaharg Syndieato) POOR PA By C3aod4 Callaa r "Jou-i ia pe iu.. od la dies call such a good man, so I'm afraid - he'll . sell me soxnethln' worthless.";.. ..4-;-;4 (Coprisfct, IttT. PtioHahors SjmoicaU) The World Aid All PV CHARLES P. DRI3COL L - In New York "The Ladder" now holds the top place, among Manhattan plays now running, for number of successive performances, -k It has been . per forming continuously for over, a year, i "Abie's Irish Rose" ran five years and five months in Manhat tan, but has now -.gone to the Bronx. ' The Ladder" is not a hit. It never was. It has lost half a mill Ion dollars for its backer, Edgar B. Davis, of .Brockton, Mass., and Texas. But Davis Isn't discour aged. He will keep "The Ladder" going- as long as anybody goes to see It. And it is said to bCvei played to audiences containing not more than five people already. The Ladder" has a reincarna tion theme. Davis believes in re-! incarnation. He is willing to back his belief with a little money, so that others may have' a chance to get an insight into reincarnation theories. "". I Half a million is a small amount to Edgar Davis. - And, by the way. there's a great story connected with, Davis and his money and this play.-.; :. . ;. There's another Davis in it. " J Frank Davis and Edgar B. Davis, not related, were boys together in Brockton. J. Frank Davis became a news paper man. Representing a Bos ton paper, he went north to meet Peary, returning from a polar ex ploration. He slipped on an icy! companionway, fell and broke a vertebra. .. For IS 'ycaraj be baa been a semi-invalid, able to sit up only a short time each day. He writes . short 1 stories. He also wrote "The Ladder." . J. Frank Davis .was living- In San Antonio, Texas. Thither went his old playmate, Edgar Davis, prospecting for oil. Edgar' Davis borrowed a quarter of a million dollars, and spent It drilling in wildcat territory, at Lullng, near San Antonio. When the money was all gone and he had mailed a letter to the bank, saying he could not meet the Interest, a gusher came In. Davis sold out for 12 million dollars that time. He has made a lot of money In oil and -rubber since then. - So Edgar Davis hired his old friend by the year, paying him a good salary. There was Just one Job for the writer, and that was to write a play with, incarnation ln it. J. Frank Davis wrote the play, and I believe he is still on salary, rewriting it. Edgar Davis Is a reticent man. He is neff Interviewed or photo graphed for" the-papers. He has an offfc li Ne- York t.nd he em ploys a stiff to keep playwrights with new offerings away from him. He doesn't in tende to be angel to: any other play, but he is not at all regretful for what he has spent on "The Ladder." Edgar Davis, by the way, is a loyal soar of Brockton. He has given much money to the old home town.' : - . . . the local drum corps, was present ed to the . assembled legionnaires by Karl Hinges and gave an ex hibition of how , an expert drum mer handles his sticks. v , A call for more recruits for the drum corps was j also voiced by Hinges. . i.- -... j - ; DATES SET BOWBO , ,EVANGELIST TO OPEN AT NORTH HOWELL forced to lead an Immoral life. Another Investigator tells of a German light opera, company which went bankrupt in 'Buenos Aires, with the result the girls of the company faced starvation and some disappeared. American girls crossed the Mex ican border on the representation that they were artists and entered resorts in Tamplco, another inves tigator reported. v Tijuana, -- 18 miles, south of San Diego, is de scribed as a? vice center which draws girls from the United States. Cuban Conditions Shown The woman proprietor off a re sort In Havana, Cuba, is quoted as saying so many "American " opera companies and variety shows visit Havana that she has no difficulty in recruiting girls who get strand ed and beg to be taken in.. The manager of a Panama ca baret is quoted as saying a thea tncal employment agent In New Tora suppued him with all the girls he needed, while New : Or leans, Tampa and various southern was raised by the post for the pur pose of paying for the band con certs in Willson ' Park' last sum mer, and which had been return ed to the post by the Salem city council, .was put aside in a spe cial fund which It Is hoped even tually to Increase to the necessary 16000. r R. Schults who r has charge of NORTH HO WELL, Dec. 6 J (Special) Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jones of Silverton have purchased Wads worth 10-acre tract near the school house. Mr. and Mrs. Goodwin and four children, from Nebraska, are vis- Goodwin is Mrs. Dunn's sis- For historian Lloyd Demarest re-Htinjc at the M A. Dunn home. ceived 84 ballots as against 23 for Robin Day. For sergeant at arms W. W. Williams won over Maurice Sawyer by 51 to 42. " f I PlanTexas jaunt f For ihefirst time agitation looking; toward sending the' post's drum corps to San. Antonio, Tex as for the 1928 national conren-4 tlon "there crystalized In the form of specific s legislation at . last night's meting. A motion was put through definitely committing the post to sending its drum - corps tothe convention if the funds can possibly be secured. It Is estimated that about 86000 will be required for the project. i Fifteen hundred dollars which Mrs. ter. ; " --' v A business meeting was held at the schoolhouse Monday evening by the strawberry growers, . for the purpose of contracting their berries. i ;. ": 4; . - . - " , Mr. and Mrs.? Ralph Patterson and two children, of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Dunn and son Keith, and Mrs" Sylvia Baughman and five children were Thanks giving guests at the V. L. Morgan home. - v "... -s.:zr . -.r-:. ,.r ; The pupils of the North How ell school gave a short Thanks giving program Friday afternoon, November 2S.T-:4-4 4 . ,.IL 3. Ranton, the cowboy evan gelist, will conduct a "old time revival' beginning Thursday even ing, December the ; North Howell community "i church. - -It win conthThe until December 1 8. . FOG DELAYS SHIPS -SEATTLE, Dec. 5. (AP) Heavy fog on the Columbia river delayed- the arrival at , Seattle of three vessels I for more than 24 m hours. ' The belated trio consists of the Lykanger the Paul LucTy enbachi and the Sidney M. Haup man, all of which "will arrive to- morrow. Student Body Office Plan Considered By WA) Group Whether Willamette university" students shall expend 8270 to pro vide new quarters for the- student body officers and the Collegian staff In the basement- of Waller hall win be decided at a meeting of the executive committee today. It Is proposed to erect panel and glass partitions In the preseni large Collegian office, setting apart offices for the Editor an manager; the reportorlal staff: and the student body presiden and secretary. 4 ; 13 CASES NOW PORTLAND, Dec. 5. ( AP) Thlrteen cases of infantile paral ysis, with three deaths, were re ported to the city health office lat week, and. another case was added to the list today, when Rosemary Techtmaa, T, was- taken to a hos pital. . r ; - 4--. : ADMINISTRATOR'S TfOTICE NofJesn if hereby given that the undersigned by order of the Coun ty Court of -Marlon 'County, Ore gon, has ' been- appointed adminis trator of the 'estate of Levi Allen Geler, deceased." All persons hav ing claims against such estate are required to present them within six months from the-date of this Notice with the proper vouchers attached thereto to the under signed at No. 80S Salem Bank of Commerce Building, Salem, Ore gon. Dated "this 9th day of Novem ber, 1927. f JOS1E jH. ANDERSON. " Administratrix. W. C.-WINSLOW, - Attorney for the Estate. V ' , 15-22-29D6-1S A Hcture Story. From - The . Immortal Novel : By Victor Hugo 66 ES U Picture Coming To Bligh'a CHAPTER ONK Capitol 3 Days Starts Dee, 18 Scenes Froza the Universal Film do Fr&ncd Triumph Driven to desperation .by hxrc, vork and poverty, Jean Valjtan, a French peasant, ia the year 1795, -tele a loaf of bread. Oa his miser .tie wages ho had been attempting support Us sUter, a widow with .cn children. lis wai arrettsd and w!tt9U. . - .ii.abTe iact. ivailed him nothing and he wa. entenced to five years hard labor ir Jie ' gralleys . forj the vinipeakabk "crin-.e" of attempting- to sustain lie. For: four terrible years he suf fered hardships and torture pri whe convict sh!p,x and then he :scaped, only to be recaptured soon ftcr. For. his attempted. escape he ras 'sentenced to serve three year? norei .Three times thereafter he got way only to be brotijht back -t r;v4"jrai p'tinishmenti' Wher at last he left the prison ship a fre man hs had served nineteen years from , 1725 to 151J for stealing s loaf of bread. One ean but Imagine the bitterness of Jean Valjaaii. It assumed the form ef hate ag ainst society -men, women an4 children, iml H -was increased daily hy the Mtet that wlrerer he went ke was xrced tar s!.3W hi passport," prov ng hlrx t 1 t ta ex-convict, la each own gr.. :4i No tavern wciild ?ive L!-a s'.ur and no citizen would :v Kkn work.