:; ; THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON. TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER C, 1827 BEIIORGI lESTRA'S Gflr; C ERT EXCELLHfil Swedish Ringers Prove Pop uiarln Program At Con ' ' gregatio nal Ch u rch - i. An' excel! y. unique and e (J last night at , tlonal char SUES GRID STAR FOR HEART BALM re.'.--- V.: 1 l H ! By Resell PuT-r'j 1 excellent concert, both educational, was given the First Congrega church In Salem hr the Swedish-American; Bell ' Orchestra of, Seattle, Washington before a capacity audience. . l , ,The Program offered by the troupe of fire masters of the an cient art of bell rinsing, under the capable direction of O. E Swanaon, was of great diversity, ranging from simple, homely mel odies to the most difficult opera .selections. Every number was 'played with amaslng unity of ac tion and exquisite tone harmony. The bells, of which there are 150, were manipulated by the five ring ers In perfect rythm. : All the In tricacies of musical expression de manded were -accomplished with grace and facility." ' - The applause of the - - audience .was characterised , by its spontan iety and generous enthusiasm. -- Encores were demanded follow ing tractlcally every programmed number. - r The" program opened with the "Kroaobergs Reglmentes March" (Latann) which was played with four-part ' harmony In perfect rhythm and with ;; extraordinary tone, shading. The beautiful Bee thoven "Minuet In G" left the house breathless with its poig .nant. melody. "Prelude, I lPJar ran'V (Jean Sibelius) completed " the .first group. Another feature of this novel concert which was unfamiliar to many In the ; audience was ' the Glassophone. numbers "I Sko- gen.". (Josepbson) and '.-"Farval CPrJnce GusUf ). Both selections were, played with bell accompani ment. .. " " A, delightful arrangement of Swedish folk songs and dances by Mr, Swtaion, director , of the ea se mile, was received with ap proval by the assemblage. The Impressive "Hymn (Wennerberg ) concluded the first halt of the pro gram. A The greatest enthusiasm was evidenced following the playing of TThe, Sunny South (Bodenwaldt Lampe), a group of old southern fjantation Songs, familiar to everyone, but rendered In a man ner that was a revelation to all In attendance. . . ... p . '.Berceuse" from "JTocelyn CGoddard). played with purity of tone, displayed some beautiful foil organ harmony. I V P Two more selections - on ' the glassophone. with bell accompani ment were "Romanes f (Prince Gostaf) and "Har Ar Gudagott Att Vara (Wennerberg). , t.,Tte numbers from Peterson Berger: "Summer Song and "Go ing to Chorea were notable for the charming and delicate musical tone.and harmony. v ;.,The program closed with that most popular of American march es, !The Stars and Stripes For ever (John Philip Sonsa), played in. a thrilling, manner by these five adept orchestral artists. f. This novel program a ,veri taMe symphony of bells was re ceived with decided approval and seen appreciation hy the music loving public of Salem. -J 2 IB KILLED IIUSSM1DIS I: MB Vi V' "- Ethel Jean Masden, of Chicago, has sued Edgar English Murphy, captain of the Purdue University, football team to 192, for $50,000 a halm for a broken heart.. She says Murphy promised to marry her, then told her he had decided te devote his life to religion and in that life there could be no v STORY Mrs. Margaret Lllliendahl On Stand .Relates Ac count of Slaying Wildest of All Wild West , -.i t , - - - -w Outdone in GWcaga Holdup Chicago; Dec. k. (AP). The wildest wild west holdup In , , SEARCH FOR BODIES .ST. LOUI3. Dec. 5. (AP) Powerful searchlights were em ployed tonight In the search for , two bodies believed to be in ' the ruins of the Buckingham hotel annex, which was destroyed by fire today with a known loss of five lives. the history of Chicago night clubs resulted in. the death of -one per- son and the wounding of eight! others shortly before 3 a. m., to-! day when half a dozen masked robbers invaded the Parody cafe in North State street and fought with pistols, ' shotguns and machine guns against a half dozen police-) men who happened to be guests wnile.ZOO panic stricken merry makers threw 'themselves on tbef floor to save their lives. U "When they say hello, they mean hello sang ; two girl entertain ers above the moaning or saxo phones and laughter of guests in the peeked lnd dimly lighted cafe as -the leader of the robbers ap- l MATS LANDING. N. J., Dec. 5. (AP) Garbed la her widow's weeds, Mre. Margaret Lllliendahl told' between hobs on the witness stand today her story of the man ner in which two negroes killed the. aged . husband ' with whose murder she is charged. Willis Beach, the elderly chick en farmer who is jointly charged with the widow and whose infat uation for her Is put forward by the; state as the motive of the crime, listened to the testimony which characterised him as Inno cent with, a twisted smile on her pallid lips. : , ' From almost the beginning of today's session Mrs. Ulllendahl occupied the stand in her own' de fense and when court adjourned for the day she had not yet com pleted her ordeal. " ; - The cross examination of Mrs. Lllliendahl followed the direct, Once -: she tied, a handkerchief about "her ; lace like a ' robber's mask to snow how tne negroes had looked when' they first boarded" the Lllliendahl automo bile like marauding pirates. Again she held up against her the blue print dress she had worn on the day of the killing and demonstrat ed how ene of the negroes, she said, grabbed the garment at her neck and , pulled It. almost from her body. We were driving along the At- sion road very slowly, she said n a choking voice, "when sudden ly two masked negroes ' boarded the car, one Jumping to each run ning' board. T 'Drive in that lane,' the one on my side said, 'and don't yell.. I don't know - whether steered the car up that lane or whether it was guided for me. peared suddenly closely followed " I remember stopping In by four others. j 1 . ia mne. xne aoor on my siae Whn tiv hiin thATiniMR wu openea ana one or tne ne- " ha ahonted. "Stick 'em UP irw" oj u f-ni m . . . . . m oi my ureas. as us maiea me shot and "WHO'S COFFEE CHAMPION? I AMP l:::yK"-S5: A m 4 - ;:::.x:::' l4 p:-x-xv:::x::: 1::"::::X::: V .. ' t In spite of claims j from Akren, O., fergiu Fair, Minn and t Corpus Christ!, Tex.,, Joseph Peclet, Newark, N. J., school ja&iter, claims the coffee drinking championship. Be saya unlers he drinks K'glx qoarts of coffee dally he caat tlttp, ' ' Vare met with dlsappolnnent. In stead of a spectacle they saw only a very tame proceeding, which lasted exactly thirty five minutes. On the other hand; those who comfortably filled the house gal-j OBITUARY ; . ,-; - Allender - Chelan Dale Allender died at a local hospital on December 3 at the age of , 2 years. He is surviV ed by his father' and mother, Mrs. J. w. Allender or Salem, " one brother Glenn of Seattle, and two sisters, Mrs. Lucille McDanlels of Seattle and Miss Gertrude Allend er of Salem. Funeral services will be held at 3 p. in. today from the Webb Funeral Parlors. . the celling. 'Hands up, a vitrvhod v." ' - - ---'!. r f . V A policeman sitting at nearby Bl f table thonaht it was alt part of thelinn " - - i v m tiiiijli - - " - 1 -.1 .. , M. a couple of shots were f ired into t fm I mr havenr imn mta at. -oice o.e.i vu - ,.. of h,. I.-..- snovea a is w no uuuci i bwo. drew his pistol, fired and missed. T'JXl'tfZ POULTRY, STOCK SHOWN UUb iUlOwvU - i rr yvvvtm ww of the - girl entertainers slumped to the floor. Then there was a fusillade of shQts as otber policemen jomea PORTLAND, Dec. S. (API the fight. In the melee thej lights Several hundred mere humans wen out. When the shooting end- paii dutiful homage here today to ed and the lights came on, a wait-W iqo furred and feathered artls- leries, but without any idea of any-tfr convening! on moUon of the thing unusual. awaiting them, ranirepuDucan leaaer. Into a partisan battle In which the seat of Beck, former solicitor-gen eral of the United States, became Involved. J Beck Takes Oath. Beck waa given the oath after the motion to prevent him from doing so had, been rejected by a vote of 243 to 167. Subsequent ly, without a roll call, the house referred to an elections committee the question of whether he was a legal resident of Pennsylvania at the time he was elected to the 140O Furred and Feathered Aris tocrat Gathered ed to stand aside and later ' the senate agreed to take up their cases - 'tomorrow. Only routine work followed and there were aud Ible sighs of disappointment when the senate adjourned 35 minutes to receive salaries of $2000 a year. ; The legislature iaier cre ated two additional judgeships. and subsequently two more jus tices were added to the court. The court Is" now composed of seven judges, with salaries of 17800 a year. . Mr. Kay said that -hlle It was true that, the legislature had in creased the salaries of the gover nor, secretary of state and trea surer without amending the con stitution, the action was taken to remedy a vicious practice which prevailed In this state many years j Used to Keep Fees It was pointed .out by Mr. Kay that the constitutional salaries paid to the secretary, of state and state treasurer In the early days was only a small part of the mon ey they received. The secretary of state. In addition to receiving a salary of J1500 a year, was allow ed to retain certain fees which boosted hi Income to more than 125,000 a year. There was little, or no restraint placed upon the state treasurer and he was allowed to loan the public . I unds and pocket any amount of Interest he received. The state treasurer's ; salary was estimated by Mr. Kay as S 2 0,0 00 a ..year.. Mr. Kay also referred to the of fice of state "printer, which he said was one of the most sought after public 'jobs in ; the state. Through the fattening of legal forms and liberal allowances of the state and g-overnment, this of ficial received as much as $3 0,0 CO In a single year. . Because of these abuses .Mr. Kay said he prepared and Intro duced In the legislature many years ago a bill known as the sal ary law. He declared that certain , state officials fought the bill bit terly, bul that it finally was ad opted.' The bill eliminated the fee, system, and prevented the state treasurer from receiving any part of the interest accruing from pub lic funds. Under this law all. fees and Interest was credited to the general fund forcurrentxpenses. :- Mr. Kay said that the enact ment of this law saved the taxpay er's of the state hundreds'of thou sands of dollars. I The state"treasurer said the su preme court at one time held that the legislature had authority to increase the number of justices cf the state supreme court, and fix salaries commensurate with their duties. It was Mr. Kay's opinion that a similar ruling would be made by the 'supreme court la event the suits now proposed by Mr. Watkins are appealed to that court for final consideration. Neither Governor Patterson nor Secretary of State Koser would comment. on Mr. Watkln's -announcement. 5000 Bills on Hand - The bill room was deluged with upwards of 6,000 bills that during recent weeks have been sent to the clerk of the house for introduction on i the first day of the - session. These were supplemented by sev erai ; Hundred v otner measures which members placed into the hopper at the right of the speak er's chair. I The bills touched on all legisla tive, problems, several proposing a referendum on the eighteenth : r tl "'amendment while others presented bouse in a special election last; . . ... . . troL veterans legislation, public Henderson Thomas Henderson died Decem ber 3 at the residence, 1309 South Liberty street, at the age of 72 years. He is survived by his wi dow Adelaide, one son George of SalemJ two daughters, Mrs. H. H. ton, Mrs. R. A. Marriage of Bar- Chllson of Vancouver, Washing- ren. Wisconsin and a brother Joe Of Howard Lake. Minnesota. Fun eral services will be held at 1:30 Tuesday from the' Webb Funeral Parlors, Rev. Johnson officiating. er lay dead in a corner, killed as tocrata holding court this week at he raced for "the street to sum-j the 18th annual exhibition of the mon help. In the middle, of the I Oregon Poultry and Pet Stock as- dance floor was huddled - the sociatlon crumpled form of the girl enter- Included among the 1,000 tainer; nearby at another table an-1 chickens were many outstanding The bandit leader and four oft birds, some of them valued at 75 other wounded woman screamed, i I Rabbits in the show are valued as his companions lay wounded near high as 250. Relative merits of the -entrance. The terrified guests the creatures will be decided by made a rush for the exits thatneuesday night or Thursday knocked over tables and chairs and ben tbe judges complete their smashed dishes. The police came WOTt to find . the panic-stricken f merry makers hurrying into the dawn. The gang leader, who .doctors said probably would die, was idea titled as Edward Cummings, mar ried and the father of two chil dren. - r 1 The i dead waiter waa Harry Smith and. the girl entertainer. K V . rryr s-i - f' t won. : ' &i UEURAL6IA ? M V . vi' I-"'. :..-; . . - j - i f ot VJ .v . - r.- - f - Xf -.J , - - -v ,J v , ' . , ' : : : ' 1 . , -. j,' ' y ..- -....; if " - '5:'f .,":. .;' -iv - ' ' , ..W" 'S,.' .,.:,.-..v.'. 4 ir, -'ejn iihim' " T : ' ' ' L A- A . You doubtless depend on Aspirin ta rnike short work of head aches, but remember that it's just as dependable an antidote ; for many. other pains! Nclirajif Many have found real relief in a Bayer Aspirin tablet. Or fir tcnthache s an elective way to relieve it, and the on thin doctoxt ere winirj you ?hould give a child of any age.-Vhethir to break tip a cold, or relieve the serious pain from neuritis or deep-seated rheumatism, ihtrrs notiung mut like J3ayer As thin, fusfc n!V-r certain it's genuine; it must have Bayer on the box aad ca e,cr tablet. All cru-jiats, with proven directions, , ' ' r a FARM , CONDITIONS POOR Speaker Tells - Bnreaa Federation of Btatns Im Speech industrial men, a steadying banking law for financial inter CmCAGO, Dec. 5.(AP) The farmer fears he Is on the downward road to peasantry and whose condition is critical Is June wonders why he should stick to Griffith, 80. Miss aFnny Hillman. tne plow nd nold h,s chlldren smeat w .hot through h h.nrf a calling stigmatised everywhere. as h h-M At W. v..., aeciarea wiuiam tu. uoao, oeiore SArniirf'nnto. ... -T,. 4. ! American ouicwu r-hmr, wh ; loaay. sAsa-As, t avaiuratl i iim. A rs . v: t I for u ueco mvmoers ox ue oanaic H.r'o " -l,uoae ests. a transportation act for rail and Rocco Rotuno. Another min.li., fa,M tt.inv .m- vu.reu in me nouxup was arrested f titr fathr-. .aid Professor ana ne along with the wounded I Dodd. who fa a member orthe h la- suspects was booked by the police tory department of the rnirerslty on cnargea or murder and several! of Chicago. "Two millions of them have abandoned their callings the last six years." The condition of the .mall tiMduiviitiir tmTtnnT 1m BLIZZARD HITS MONTANA I worse than it has ever been month. I After a first session lasting only a uttle more than two ana one half hours, the house ' adjourned with the appointment of the re publican and democratic leaders. Tilson of Connecticut and Garrett of Tennessee, as a committee to set with a similar one from the senate, Curtis of Kansas, majority leader, and Robinson of Arkansas the minority leader,! in notifying President Coolidge the new con gress was ready to receive nls message. I i-, Dawes Opens Senate, In the senate chamber there was an air of expectancy as Vice Presl dent Dawes opened; the session with a vigorous . bang of the his-: torlc Ivory gavel. Dr. Phillips of fered the invocation, senators join ing with him in repeating the Lord's prayer, and then there was the usual call of the roll of sen ators who theld places in the last congress. Tnis call aeveiopea there were only three absentees i Du Pont of Delaware, Jones of New Mexico and Walsh of Mon tana, all of whom are detained by illness. j Then came the roll call of the senators-elect. The senators elect were called up in groups of four, and fiVe such groups hid taken the oath -before Smith's name - was reached. t A , - buildings and the like, i The new 1238,000,000 tax re duction bill and the nearly 1 200,- 000,000 deficiency, appropriation bill will not be introduced until tomorrow. STATE SALARY ATTACK I FARCE SAYS T. B. KAY : (Continued from pat D j pensation of the state treasurer was placed at S800. The state treasurer . and secretary of state how receive S4 500 a year, while the governor receives 17500. ' i L .A"; Cites Similar Case ! In commenting on the proposed litigation State Treasurer Kay pointed out that the constitution also provided for three members of jthe state supreme court who were 1 f your house isn't modern Rewire it. . lYour Check Seal Contractor! can do it easilyquickly Aak him to install the Wiring System for life time service. fVIBBERT & TODD 191 S. High St. GIFTS ...... .- i t For The Desk Handsome desk equi- ment at all prices and beautiful Stationery Jthat, it sure to carry "you a note of thanks. We solicit the patron age of everyone who appreciates the super ior in desk effects.; Oommcrdal Ecolr fltoro 163 N. Commercial 1 -4 charges of. assault with Intent to murder? Smith Fight Started Smith, with. his colleague, Sena tor Deneen of Illinois, started to ward the dlas but was stopped by a resolution by Senator Norris, re publican Nebraska,! which would declare him ineligible alike for the oath .of office and his seat. Vare was. halted before he even made a start. ' as there was no more on his part to leave his seat Both senators-elect were direct- Storm Felt As Far West As ren- . dleton. Where Snow Falls BANK HEAD SENTENCED PENDLETON, Dec. 5 (AP) -The first snow. of the. season fell here tonight. It melted as fast as it fell.-, v . ' Seven Tear Prison Term and $2500 Fine (Jlven; New Trial Sought SHELBY, Mont., Dec. 5. (AP) Twenty-five men. members of the Hope Engineering crew that is PORTLAND, Dec. 5. (AP) Convicted of misapplication .of funds ot the Bank of Kenton, sow defunct, I. V. Burke, president of the institution, was sentenced ; to seven years in state, prison today. tomirwung a pipeline rrom t K0O. Commitment Great Palls to Shelby, -were lost in L-jU- ten es. however; was ouxiara, -seven mues from here .tt rnAirtr srmtnents on a late tonight. : lmAfnn hv itoftnia for . new trial. Several nnsucessful efforts hare based on alleged irregularities In been made to rescue the men but (the trial. none of the rescue parties hare been able to get more than two Inicrnon CDCKT UfUCII miles beyond Shelby. 35 AtlO, o'clock tonight; another crew equipped with - two trucks, shovels, blankets and tnrui. . bad mmTA in ' ti. inotiAn ..was deferred ssM SiV a aw s wfwa va ew t weeK oy an 70TH SESSION OPENS (CoBtin4 frnm pf J) nntU later la the . rrMmtnt ttiNn caiay. , . f.. . - .,, j i. Tk. tiAw w.. f.THn fOR tn repUDUCSB aau; udiuuu.uv. that it was impossible to see more loaders, but a chaplain was elect- than a tew feet and the thermom- 1 um T- " J' ""f eter.had dropped below sero. tor of Epiphany Episcopal church sere, was seiecieu iv eutcceu vuc late Rev. J. J. Mulr. ' Investigations has shown that!.- Battle Only Half llonr the average man's ability to learn j Crowds which jammed the sen- Is best at the age of twenty, and ate galleries and corridors In the thereafter declines very slowly, ae-J expectation of witnessing the- be corilng to an answered cnestloa In ginning of- a spectacular strurgle Ux rf y. : over the ?'"? f-ith iai R tip H W of World's Go ixa eatedCaxfl ' Greatest 3 Motor Coach. System departures daily SAN FRANCISCO Sacramento, Oakland ' . 516.50 ItOrXD TRIP S29.70 Protection assured by a great responsible company, serving all California cities, end East to St. Louis and Chicago.- Fin est coaches (deep-cushioned re clining chairs), best terminal facilities, most daily schedules. Our.. agents will help plan your trip, arrange stop-overs, make reservations.' Leave at -1:30, 10:10 A. M. 7:20 P. M. Low one way fares ; i Los Angeles t ........ . S27JM San Dirgo ....... .. , . S30.CS El Paso ............. $50.83 St. Louis -.... t ...... . 970.10 TERMINAL HOTEL Tel 69S Iff hsep on (SEV M herb's happiness for the giver lasting joy and satisfa&ion for favored ones in ele&rical gifts! They express the true Christmas spirit. Fi; , You'll find something electrical thsx'sfust right for each one'on jour lift at a price that fits jour Christmas budget. Electrical gifts are more than beautiful and tasteful they're useful long-lived, practical. If jou wish to make the entire family hap pj with the supreme remembrance, select one of the wonderful new "KadioUs.ot choose : from the complete Uotpcint line. Then you'll be certain of the quality you rightfully de mand in gats that bear your name. Such gifts will "keep on giving" for months and years to come! ' TdUU 30A A cufionvbuilt. de luxe krumit. wun tne perrcasd s-ruoc i u pct t i : sxodrMdrcuit,vsicj tht new Loui speaker 100A.Opcniii from Ux&t socio. Utpmi t?sp rrsv A cseful gift which wu servs u t ')j rt mindcr of jron eheuWtlaeul Imdittm ' FirnUUtS.ij SHver-Iinqdcnirit gelcHiBM sugst ssi T crMffT. Makes apt i saLdeus cobm. - PACIFIC-STATES ELECTRIC COMPANY MM Mother really waz::! D textile CL- - J!-: S t i I.. T-n u r e .3 cc :x. . ' i tits cntacl 7 .r. .T., r,...... v If your 1 ' 't r-cJ i:..: i.j Yc-r-C f :cr t;xti3v lit... t si - V.-