The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 06, 1927, Page 4, Image 4

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Jquad of
Seeking Places
Almost , a hundred athletes as
pirin to places on the Salem high
,1928 basketball 'squad answered
Coach k Lottie Anderson's official
call lalt night. Before six o'clock
came, several unlikely candidates
had been weeded out, and. before
' the season Is much further along
the squad will be reduced to a
personnel of 16 or 17 men. .
Homer Lyons, last year's capa
ble center and a two stripe veter
an, was the only experienced man
on the floor last night. TOm Duf
fy will be in school next semester
which starts February, and he
will start practicing some time
'this week. . f
, Other promising;' candidates gp
.lag" through the fundamentals
- drill last night were Shafer. Beech
ler, Siegmund, Temple. Gottfried,
Graber, Marquis, Perrine, and Ka-
foury. . ): - ' ' ;
Only two games of any conse
quence will be placed before the
second semester begins, so . Duf
fy's absence at the start will not
be a handicap on Salem's chances
to get into the state tournament.
One of the games will be against
.Tlbany and one against Dallas."
' Contracts already hare been
signed by Salem ' high for games
against Dallas, Independence, and
Albany. -Homer Lyons . Is arrang
ing the schedule.
Union, Ben Dorris of Eugene, M.
A. Lynch of Redmond and M. F,
Conrlgan of McMinnville.
-. Mr. - Flelachner. 5 who - died In
Portland last week was chair
man of the state' game commis
sion. - .i '
PORTLAND, Decj 6. (AP)
Harold Clifford, state game ward
en, expressed himself as ! pleased
today with the selection by Gover
nor Patterson of Charles E. Miller
to fill the vacancy -on the state t
vviuuuaaivu .eautTW uw
death of I. N. Flelachner. Miller,
a Portland man, is vice president
of the West Oregon Lumber com
pany of Linnton. j ,
-"Matters such as damping saw
dust in streams, slashing of under
growth, logging off the timbered
areas and construction of lumber
dams In streams,' said Clifford,
"hava a-lven hi nroblema which
must be worked out to the sat-!
Uf action of the timber people and
the sportsmen. Mr. Miller la
familiar with both sides of these
questions and should be a valuable
man to ifee commission."
m commission
Charles E.J Miller, . prominent
lumberman, Monday was appoint
ed by Governor Patterson a mem
ber of the state game commission
to succeed the late I. N. Flelach
ner. 1 He will serve " under his
commission until the year 1930.
. Mr. Miller is connected with the
Western Oregon Lumber comsanv
of"Portland, and is an enthusias
tic sportsman. -' During recent
years he has maintained a boat
zn the Deschutes river and has
conducted a number of fishing ex
peditions over the dangerous rap
ids of that stream. , . :
Motion pictures .were taken a
year ago CowJag Mr. Miller's dar
ing activities on the Deschutes. Mr,
Miller's mother, an eastern wom
an, also is an ardent angler, and
has accompanied her eon on a num
ber " of fishing, trips Is Central
Oregon. .
This year Mr. Miller, accompan
ied by his wife and motheY, made
a trip on toe Rogue river to Gold
Beach,'. : - - ': -. . , '
Governor Patursofi said that
Mr, Miller has received the in
dorsement of a large number of
.sportsmen, and apparently was
well qualified for the position.
Other members of the ' game
commission - are L. A. Wright of
Monmouth, Dec. 5.- (Special)
Prospects are (good for a strong
lineup for the basketball season
at the Oregon normal school at
Monmouth, according to Coach
Meador, who has a turnout of 25
men practicing. 'The new Tnen
from high schools of the state of
fer some:; promising material,
which will be bolstered up-by the
six lettennen from last' year's
championship team who will play
again this season."! . , .' . i
Last year's veterans who will be
Included in this season's lineup are
Cooke, Schrunk, Beerman, Price,
Lehman and Phillips. .'Another of
last year's strongest players. Rus1
sell, has announced: his Intention
of returning to Normal during, the
winter term. ;.w, ;r! .;'-- --. r".
The schedule tor the Willamette
General Markets
raurrs ajtd vegetables
POUT LAND, . Or., lc. S. (JP),
XmI cauliflower la mskins- tt lsst
vend to the n.rkt sad best stock with
draw Iron stersr U .briasiag SL7&-S2.
pel erst. Bpiasch supplies r cleenini
la aoiM fields and price ar slizh-
1 .lirsser. The first Mexicsa UmtM
r la sod arc priced about doable whst
ha Veea preTsllin-. First grade orange
are ataadf baa om cheaper Mock baa
arrirad that ia aeUiag aa low as S3. 60 par
fax. ' Abaaria grapes ara on tba market
at per box c 24 pouaaa.
.Bid te tba famer:
Sattarfat ataady, 48a'
track. 51c fob Portland.
Poultry ataady : baary hena 19 (321c
liCbt lOlae; springs 20(21e; broilers
. ajiae; petia waits aaeas ave; coiorea
. .awustl; turkeys aiie vuveae,
Onions local fI.15(1.2S; potatoes
taady 7MlilJ. '
FORTLJOiO, Ore, Iee. 8(iP).-
wheat bide: BBB hard white Dec, Jan
tLXlhk: bard wbite, blues teat. Baart,
both aaoatha $1.2 Hi federation.- seft
kite, western wkite Jee Jan. $1.26 H
bard winter lec, Jan. $1.24Hi aortbera
spnog Dec., Jsa tl.tihi ; westers red
Dec Jsa, S1.22H. '
Oats. Ke. S, S paaad W. and gray
both S38. m
liaiUj, Ka. S. 43 pemad Dec S3 9, Jan.
S40. -
Cora. K. 3. S. T. shipment, both $36.
SO; ditto No. 2. Deo., S3 5.50, Jan. $85.
Millraa, asaadard Fee., Jaa, $27.60.
, XXAT " .: '.
TOaTLAXD. Ora, Dae'.- 5. (IP).
Cettie and ca ires receipts, cattle 1,515
catees SS5; steady to strong with steers
2it,i'30 higher; steers 1100-180O pound.
fud 8.50 fci 10.85: ditto medium 90-1100
poaads 10.OO4iXO.83; aiediuta $00 Kand
up 8.75Q10.00; all weights, eotumoo 7.00
4t 7.85; beirera, goad, O50 ponnd dews
.0i48.03; ditto - eooaesoa to mediant
6 007.00; cows, good 7.00 7.85; ditt
Mnuui to medium 6.O0C27.00; ditto low
eutters te cotters 8.00 4f 5.00; balls (year
linga excepted) beef, good
diuo. commoa and medium 4.50(45.75
Um too voaada down, medium to
!vi-a T OO 010.00: ditta alla U eaia-
uea 5.00 07.00: vaalera milk fed. abides
10.OOQ12.00; dlUa medium $3.5010
nUa to aammon S.0008.50.
iiogs mostly 25a lower; receipts!- 2.S85,
.Inciud.Bg 69a tbrooga. . Hoary
JijO-JOO poaadC tueaiam ewn o.vw
Jt.Ti: meliam waifbt 200-250 poaada, ata
diam te cboiea 8.759.25f light weight
. ixu.ian KMiili medium te choice K
.50; light ligbM 180-160 pounds, medium
hni 8.75 09.50: paekiag bogs,
.r4 mMtb 8.00 7.50: slaoghter
n:ir. OO-120 naaads. medium to . choice
K0 38.74; feeler aadatocke pig 70
130 pounds mediom to choice 8.00 u 9.25.
(Soft or aUy bogs and roasting pigs
aaelttded ia abora qaotstioaa. - '
. KS.i til linht stead- receipt! 125
lmbs 84 pounds down,, good to choice
ll.ucti H.50 ; ditto mdeuim 92 poande
nwn ia.00S211.OO: " ditto calls to
won, all weights. 7.5010.0O; yearling
WeUiera 110 poaads down, medium te
choice 7.50(2 9.50: awea 120 poaads
dawn, mediam to ehoioe 5.00(3 8.00 1 dit
U .:uni la choir a 120-150 IXlBnds 4.00
L.5.U0: ditto calls to common all
;shts f S.0v(2$.0- "V
CHICAGO. Dec 5. Ai'). la a wata
f profit tkiog sales from bolder, wheat
values today underwent a decided set-
1ric. 1 Toable weather for the bar
t ia Arrentina with iaoreased offeri!"?
. ; v rsctina wb?st to Europe bad
a r . --ati b"rinH efiect.
Dioist'.om on veest wre
I ' .. e ! r; "-a f'.Ixhed
. . . t I cs 7 c . 1 . do
rUlrtGT UtlL TSL OOtft
i (l - r A
r" .'4.- "3 S .1 - I V M Z 14 1
a) -.f irr TV v-T
.Some of the All-American stars of the past few Tears, whose
ames are recalled as football critics and fans alike attsfcipt an
All-American selection for 1927 Just' few of the luminaries
whp haye made f ootbaQ history.
Valley conference games has 'not
been definitely settled, but 'the
Normal squad has arranged for
eereral practice games with Inde
pendent teams before the Christ
mas Holidays. i f i u
taVq XQ -seHftgeet. Cut
Notice Is hereby glren that the
Connty Superintendent of Marlon
County, Oregon, will hold the Teg
ular examination of applicants for
state certificates at Salem, Oregon,
In the Auditorium of the Cham
ber of Commerce, 147 North Lib
erty street, (orer Shipley's store),
commencing Wednesdays Decem
ber 21, 1927, at o'clock a. m.,
and continuing until Saturday, De
cember 24, 1927, at 4 o'clock a.
m. "
County School ; Superintendent,
M&rion County, Oregon. '
Dated at Salem, Oregon,
December 3, 1927. -
MEXICO, Mo. Charles Myers,
farmer, was charged with "willful
obstruction of a public highway"
when he refused to heed the horn
of an automobillst behind , him
who sought to pass his ear on the
right.; ; . t I :r M: ,
bill pitti
Notice Is hereby glren that: the
undersigned William Edward
Skelton has been appointed by the
County Court of Marion ' County,
Oregon, as ExecutOT of the Estate
of Edward Skelton. deceased, t All
persons harlng claims against said
estate are hereby notified to file
the same, with proper Touchers
therefor, with the undersigned at
the law office of I. D. Brown,
Bank cf Commerce Building.? Sa
lem, Oregon, within six months
from the, date of this notice. '
Dated and first published I No-'
ember 22nd,. 1927.
Executor of the Estate of Edward
Skelton, deceased. .
L. D. BROWN. - I
Attorney for' the Estate. r
Ererybody In Pennsylranla, says
an editorial, is In favor of permit
ting Sunday fishing. That is, ev
erybody but the fish.
v e
Ninety per cent of the boys at
Princeton are athletes, is the Tig
era' boast. But how many are stu
i In betting on a late special,
often a fellow wishes it had been
too late.
r - .
' Rutgers -college students are
taklnar un boxing. A lot of 'em
will dive for dear old Rutgers.
I In the parlance of Chlcagoans
it looks as though the racing fath
ers hare taken Jockey Earle Sande
for a ride. .
With two men : temporarily
shelved on account of torn ankle
ligaments, others down la their
studies, and ; the proposed Cali
fornia tour almost gone1 glimmer
ing because of difficulty in arrang
ing a suitable schedule from a fi
nancial standpoint, thef situation
in the Bearcat hoop camp is what
one might call a bit gloomy.
. - Litchfield and Ledbetter are
shooting baskets but need contin
ually to favor their Injuries and
it Is doubtful If they will be in
good condition until the first of
January. Coach Keene! issued an
edict yesterday that any man who
dropped below scholastic par in
two or more subjects would be
eliminated from the squad until
the deficiencies were j corrected.
This is expected to hit two or three
men. ,7. I
. Two more letters from the
south were 'received -by Coach
Keene yesterday, and 1 they con
tained In substance, the word
No." . There are several other
schools yet to be heard from, how
ever, and there is a bare chance
that the trip will yet go through.
With injuries and scholastic de
ficiencies facing his scuad. Keene
is not so anxious about the trip
as he was earlier In the season. :
Cardinal is the shining light on
the Bearcat squad, and i It Is quite
likely that the team's "rushing
offensive" will be built around
this fellow. He is much faster
than Hartley, who was always a
bit slow for the speedy forwards.
Ashby and Litchfield, on a scoring
Glass, the . other outstanding
freshman candidate, is lone of the
beat lndlTldnal d layers on - the
floor, especially as sr dribbler.
rThere. are few fellows who can
break un his dribble, land he is
alsar a good basket shot. Being a
high school product of the middle
west where they play an Individual
style of game, he has a tendency
In that direction which may Inter
fere with teamwork. Hauk.ialso
from the middle west, hadthe
same tendency last year.
Ttioaa now on the squad are
Flesher, Litchfield, Tweedle, Min
to, Hank. Ledbetter, Ashby, Card
inal, Glass. Wlnslow, Beck. Van
Nice, White, Knapp. Depoe and
Adams. Only ten of these will be
taken on the trips.
I By Norman E. Brown
Roaming around, Walter John
son now a minor league pilot, will
be one of these Interested in the
problem confronting Ben Pound,
promising heavyweight and now a
senior at Rollins College, Winter
Park, Fla. . ;
Pound, who complete his col
lege course this year. Is trying to
decide between a doctor's career
as he steps' out of college and an
effort to succeed Gene. Tunney as
world's heavyweight champion.
Pound interrupted what seemed
to be a rapid rise in the pugilistic
world to complete his studies. He
had slapped down a row of come
and go heavies as an amateur and
then: as a professional had contin
ued his streak -with something
like ill knockout victories in 12
starts. V -" ; ' -y... - i-; " -'.
Johnson and. other, members of
the major league baseball frater
nity became Interested in Pound
Notice is hereby given, that the
undersigned, - Leah L. Braat has
been duly appointed as executrix
of the estate and last will and tes
tament of S. I. Halstead deceased,
bv the County Court J of Marion
County. Oregon, and she has duly
Qualified as such executrix.
Therefore, all persons having
claims against said estate, are
hereby notified and required to
present the same duly! verified to
the un0rsigned Leah L. Braat at
her residence at Dayton, 11. . u.
in Yamhill County, Oregon, with
in v months from the first pub
lication of this notice in the Salem
Statesman, .said date I being the
22nd day of November 1927
Dated this 19 th day of Novem-
Big football games are reported I ber, 1927. I
in news stories in 14 different; LEAH. u. bkaat,
languages, says to authority." Ofl ExecutHx for said estate,
course, that includes sport slang. JAMES B. BURDETT.r
L Attorney for said estate.
ndcMlnnville. Ore.
I N22-29D6-13-20
Read the Classifi&i :Ads
. Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned administrator : has
filed his final account of the es
tate jof Nancy E. Heaty, deceased,
with the Clerki of the County
Court of the State of Oregon for
the County of Marlon, and an or
der has been made and entered by
said court, fixing the 9th day of
January, 1928, at ten o'clock in
the forenoon as the time for hear
ing objections to the said final ac
count and the settlement thereof,
and that any 1 creditor,: heir, or
other person interested in said es
tate may. on or before said time.
show cause why said final account
should not be settled and approved
as rendered. ; ;
i Dated this (th day of Decem
ber, 1927.
Administrator de bonis non of the
estate of Nancy E. Henry, De-ceaaed.--.':-:-,-f
;.W:. --:-,
Attorney for administrator.-.
; ! DS-1S-20-27-J3
-.--.: -.,.-: NOTICE :;.-r-
;Notice la hereby given that the
undersigned . administrator- has
tiled his final account of the es
tate of Frances Maria Harding, de
ceased, with the : clerk of - the
Connty Court of. the State of Ore
gon for the County of Marion, and
an order has been made and en
tered by said court, fixing the
22nd day of December, 1927, at
ten o'clock In the forenoon as the
time for hearing objections to the
said final account and the settle
ment thereof, and that any cred
itor, ielr, or other person inter
ested in said estate may. on or be?
fore said time, show cause why
said final account shall not be set
tled and approved as rendered.
.Dated this 21et, day of Novem
ber. 1927. -T 'Nil
Administrator of the Estate of
Frances : Maria Harding, d-
' ceased.
Attorney for Administrator. -
Will give .y op
' of miles
. .( I.-
-: " . s -. -" :..'-: ------- . ,- ----- . . :
1928 License Free
yith every used car
until Christmas. This
is a Special Holiday
Offer. Our low prices
remain the same. ;
y. , , t .... .
..St.- r . ., ..." -
1925 .Master Sedan, Fully
Equipped,- $1000 '
1926 Master Brougham, Fully
L Equipped, Just Like New; ?
- .' , " ; . 1 , . -,
Two 1926 Master Sedans,,
: Your Choice - ' . -51150
.:'"::..: :' .. -: - . ' - ' -i r -
,1926. Standard Coach, : Fully
Equipped, Rubber Like New, ;
-Original Paint ;?985,
1923 Maxwell ; Sedan, i New
RuUber, First Class Uphol
stery, . Going at.-;' 1325.
1925 Model 66 Willys Knight
Sedan, Fully Equipped, ! $975
1923 light Six Studebaker
Sedan, Fully Equipped, ! Rub
ber 80 : :$345
-: 1926 . Paige Coach, Fully
' Equipped, First Class Rubber,
Four Wheel Brakes, Priced To
Sell ' j850
1923 Cadillac Sedan 7 Pass.,
Fully Equipped a , " 1050
See Our Slock1 Before Yon Buy:
We Guarantee and Give Terms
300 N. Ccm,l.' Ste
Salem, Ore.
More Games on Home.Grid i
Plan for Willamette Team
Four at borne and four away
from borne is the way Willamette
university's football schedule next
year will read if proper dates can
be arranged by Coach "Spec"
Keene and Graduate j Manager
Sparks at the conference meeting
next Saturday morningl
University of Oregon will be the
first opponent for the Bearcats.
The game wUl be played on Sweet-
land field, October 6. Other
games on the local gridiron will
be against Whitman, Puget Sound,
and either Monmouth Normal or
Albany college, - perhaps both In a
double header. The homecoming
game will be against Puget Sound.
. The Bearcats .will travel to
Caldwell for the College of Idaho
clash. Other away-from-home
games will be Pacific, Llnfield,
and University of Washington.
Football receipts this season
were 2621.90, 2512.90 more than
tough customer but dropped him
In the ninth round with - what
Benson later described as a short
length of" steel rail,; or a small
cannon ball. .
Properly ; managed -Pound, un-
last spring while he wag !toppUngldoubtfil3r could make more orog-
boys over in and around Tampa, ress iucuy w rew years
Fla. Pound's size, his sledge ham
mer wallops and his clean-cut ap
pearance won him popularity: King
Walt was one of his ardent admir
If I only had that wallop of
his in my arm, Johnson would
sigh, ignoring the wizardry his
trusty right has possessed for
some 22 years.-
Pound could and can hit. Ref
erees caxne to the point where they
discarded the routine of counting
after Ben had socked his rival.
They simply assisted in the rites
of carrying the longitudinal fight
er to his corner. '
Pound's last fight, before he re
turned to college, was last Sep
tember, against Soldier Benson, at
Miami, Fla. Ponnd found him a
by returning to the ring. He has
a. good . education, however,, and
wants to make a success as a doc
tor, hence the indecision.
The action of the Amateur Ath
letic Union in depriving De Hart
Hubbard, . famous negro athlete,
of his somewhat recently established-
world's record for the
broad jump, comes as a blow, to
Hubbard and his admirers. The
union, however, acted within its
rights and privileges so ' there Is
no redress. Hubbard's mark of 26
feet 2- and 1-4 inches, made at
Cincinnati last September, was dis
allowed by the Union due to the
fact that there was evidence pre
sented that the take off for his
jump was an inch higher than the
landing pit. .
last season, when the rece!pt3
were 24109.00. An appropriation-.
of 1 1000 from" the student body, '
and a guarantee of $1650 from
University of Washington were the
larger items in the totals for both'
years. '-' ' .
i The homecoming game against
Puget Sound in 1926 brought in
a total-revenue of $750 as against
$355.56 this year for the game
with Pacific. The crowd attend
Ing this year was larger but a
special rate for alumni In force
this year; cut down the receipts.
The two home games in 1926
brought in a total of $921.90. This
year, the three home games pro
Tided receipts amounting to
$1221.90, the Armistice day game
wif 'j Llnfield being the greatest
I When the expenses or tne 19 23
season were deducted from the re
ceipts, a profit of only $175 was
shown. The expenses for this sea
son have not yet been figured, but
it is expected that a profit of near-
Uy $400 will develop.
i The annual Husky-Bearcat
game is the saving grace for Grad
uate Manager Sparks, as it is pos
sible to clear' $1000 out of the
$1650 guarantee, and still take a
large squad to Seattle.
Stop Getting Up
F YOU get up many times at
night by reason of Bladdei
Trouble, have pains in back,
weaknesstr dizziness, general de
bility, painful, smarting and diffi
cult urination. Jack of control of
urine, or symptoms of prostate
trouble, try PALMO GLOBULES.
This' remarkable treatment has
been used successfully by thou
sands. So confident that it will
succeed, we will send a trial treat
sufferer who has never used It. No
obligation or cost. Write today. .
Dept. B 384 , Bsttl Greek. Mich.
For his ; "
Christmas Morning Shave
and ever after
Give him the luxury of a clean comfort
shave the fastest . in the worlds .78
seconds from lather to toweL There is
no finer-gift. - -
The Valet AutoStrop . Rasor comes
complete with handsome, de luxe case,
' . strop and i extra blades; This world's
fastest razor is for, sale at all dealers'
$5 to $25, according to style of finish,
number of blades, gold or silver plating.
.Order this gift of lifetime comfort today. .
Sharpens itself
. . . 4 - . t , . : 4
&leiy4utcrStrop Razor