The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 06, 1927, Page 2, Image 2

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E. A. Rhoten Tells of What
' He Saw In Neighboring
State To South -
E- A. Rhoten . returned home
Friday from a trio Into California.
- J W
havta been gone lometMn over w ,2' T"W
' Elslnoro Theater . :-7:
Comedy la supposed to be close-!
ly akin to tragedy. The greatest
comedian and critics say the best
comedy ' is that which Is mingled
with, pathos and I If this is true
then Charlie Murray, who Is fea
tured In "The Gorilla." has all the
laughs coming to him.
-The Gorilla" Is the hilarious
and hysterical mystery comedy
coming 40 the Elsinore today, in
: two weeks, traveling by automo
! bile, Mrs. Rhoten accompanying
I him on the trip. In speaking of
j the trip and condition in Calif or
nla. he says:
' -we traveled approximately
S 500 miles. Our own speedometer
I registered ,. 27 7 miles, and we
traveled with others perhaps 700
; miles more. On the trip Into Cal
ifornia, we followed the Pacific
highway to Red Bluff, and then
took the : west side highway Into
San Francisco, following the coast
line to Los Angeles and Tla Juana,
and there turned by way; of the
Inland route through Bakersf leld,
Etockton, Sacramento, etc. A few
hundred miles were used In mak
ing aide trips out of Los Angeles
Into the southern California dU-
; trict; also we stayed ,a few days
In San Francisco and made a num-
vber of eld e drives out of that city.
' J covered too much territory to
secure the real details regarding
vCalIfornia. but did get a very good
general survey of the entire stated
Weather conditions were good, no
rain from the time we left Salem
until we reached home. We passed
through some sections where It
was said that frost. nevervlslts
one town had a banner out pro-
Claiming that this was the 44 th
consecutive year without frost: We
saw peas and beans growing for
the 1928 crop.; Orange trees with
fruit of all stages jta well as blos
soms. California Is a large state,
with varied industries. A part of
California la very rich, from an
agricultural and real producing
standpoint. ; The section from
jt resno nonn to Sacramento ap
peared to be perhaps the richest.
However the orange groves In the
extreme southern part of .the state
claimed tremendous . returns , per
acre. The southern" part of T. the
state has a wonderful climate, un
equaled any. place In,, the United
States. This Is a wonderful asset.
It? has attracted people from -over
the United States as i place' to
"live.1 . JvV' ,.' -r".
.: Ttmendoiu Growth
-California, and the lower part
especially, has made, a wonderful
.growth In population the past few
- years. Long Beach had a popula
tion of possibly 15,000 In 1910
while now it Is estimated "to have
approximately 147,000. ' Other
towns claim similar gains. One
frequently hears the report of
how California, and, especially the
extreme southern part, has' passed
a boom period, and now Is In bad
condition. We failed to find any
evidence of any serious setback.
It la probable that building has
' slowed up, for there were no great
amount of building activities In
progress, but I failed to eee any
abnormal vacancies In either, the
;' : residence or business districts. As
l far as I was able to observe, gen
eral conditions are good. There
are many wealthy families' that
have palatial home's, but really I
could not see that they were any
great asset, for -this class was not
; spending much money, only for
; their actual living. However.
tiTe re is a clas, that has been com-
5 Bis Acti
Xhe fiarcea
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team. . . : clA " T;.-
. And one must ! not forget the
gorilla himself. " There Is where
Charlie Murray and his pathos and
comedy come in. ilt's comedy for
the audience to see him. playing
around cliffs, -housetops, cellars,
etc etc., with a nine foot, four
hundred pound ; ape man, but as
for Murray, let; the' pathos speak
tor. Itself. ;Jus. place yourself In
the same predicament and! imagine
the fun.--: '4. ;..-if-i.:i
-The Gorilla- Is an adaptatfon
of Ralph Spence's stage play of .the
same name and - combines all the
elements of tun and chills that
made the - legitimate version - so
popular. The situations : In : the
motion picture have been enlarged
over those In the stage play. It
fas reported to be a combination of
the -weirdest, spookiest - mystery
and the greatest comedy Imagin
able, t - '-
Murray and Kelsey have the
roles of the two dunfb detectives.
Mulligan and Garrity, ; whose
greatest problem If to keep logeth-i
The gorilla is a whole melo
drama in himself. - His huge bulk
ana tremendous size present a
ferocious aspect. A four hundred
pound gorilla is menace enough
for any picture. . ' - ' 1 1
Oregon Theater ?1 ;
More than -ten cases of iodine
swabo--enough to stock an emer
gency hospital, ten times over
went into the1 making" of Jackie
Coogan's new starring - vehicle,
"The Bngle Call' which Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer:
presents at the
Oregon theater, last time today. f
They weren't used for accidents
in the spectacular Indian battles
that mark, the new historical ro
mance as a matter of fact the lo-
fdlne swabs are what made the In
dians what they were.' Iodine rtxb-
ed on the skin lightly makes a
perfect disguise for an "Indian J
and several hundred extras were
so bedecked for ihe picture. f J
There are many real Indians in
It, too,; a tribe commanded I by
Chief Standing Bear and several
others, all playing screen actors
tor the replicas of historic plains
battles. Vju y j J . j;--; .
.The new story is a vivid drama
of life in the plains in the '70's,
with Jackie as the son of a caval
ry captain i in - a -frontier post.
Claire Windsor plays the heroine,
and Herbert "' Rawynson, Tom
O'Brien, Bodll Rosing, Sarah Pad-
den, Johnny Mack-Brown and oth
ers of note ftfe In the' cast, direct
ed. by Edward Sedgwick. f ;
Ing to California from throughout
the United States and Is still com
ing that Is a great asset; and that
is of those who are active in busi
ness, .bringing money with them,
and. are willing to spend it.
High Prices
"Prices of real estate are much
higher than corresponding values
In Salem. They ask larger prices
and gtt it. Then' another thing
that has helped lower California
materially has been the oil wells.
These have made smany people
very wealthy.' A man -who has
been' In moderate ; circumstances
throughout his Ufa and suddenly
finds that he has an income of say
SS00 or 11,000 a day is a good
inender and makes business- ac
tive. There are many of this class.
The fact of some one with a. few
thousand dollars playing the oil
game :- and going broke does" not
Beriously aff ect.' general business
only so' far as this one. individual
la concerned. V On- the contrary, his
pending7 his,moE(e)r,imlght make
general business conditions more
active. :Z I believe 4.hat lhe person
who waits for" a slump in lower
California, in order to. buy land
dent that time would not permit
a careful search with such a num
ber. The officers were releasing
them from "the seven lines .just
about as fast as the . highway
would accommodate the traffic It
was approximately 18 : miles , into
San Diego, and .numerous traffic
officers were In evidence along the
way. We passed a number of au
tomobiles that had been stopped
by .these traffic officers, and I
was Informed that the traffic offi
cers on this particular line had to
be very, active as a drunken per
son driving an automobile Is not
conducive to safety on the high
way, to say the least. ? f-v 1 i
We returned from 1 Tia Juana
to San Diego and registered at a
hotel and were shown to. rooms on
the' fifth floor. The windows were
open and Just as we entered our
rooms the air .was filled with the
music from the church tower just
across the street." We looked out
of the window! and found that' we
were located just across the" street
from the Methodist church and the
chimes were playing 'How Finn a
Foundation, ' etc. , this . was -'followed
'bv other well known church
hymns,:; A' large electric lighted!
A ,).,. , ft
with ai man who is waiting ifor a
lessening In values, of Balem'prop
ertyA There is nothing In sight as
I vie it that would indicate such.
VMuch of California is devoted
to special production -that is, one
section will produce almost noth
ing but grapes; another, livestock;
still anothertree fruits, etc. We
spent a day in the Petaluma dis
trict where the White Leghorns
reign supreme. . Flocks of from
5,000 to 20,000 birds are com
mon. ' One .hatchery has a capaci
ty of approximattly 2,000,000 ba
by chicks at one j hatching. - This
sounds pretty big, but I counted
the incubators and estimated their
capacity, and found that It checks
very close. - "1 .
Also in Tla Juana
"We drove to .Tla Juana, Mex
ico. Those who do not believe in
the Volstead act on account
interfering with I their personal
liberties would find Tla Juana
very much to their liking, as there
was apparently no effort being
made to Interfere with anyone's
personal 'liberties A party ; of
five of us visited this city' on a
Sunday ; afternoon.: There were
thousands of visitors there; they
were largSry from the lower Cal
ifornia cities and were there for a
Sunday's drunken; carousal. There
dance halls and gambling games
were ? running wide open. The
crowd was composed about equally
of men . and women, and made np
to a large extent! of the younger
set. ? There ' were? girls and boys
who did not appear to be above
the high school age, or, perhaps
not eren that old,) who were drink
ing and then dancing as long as
they' were able .to' star on' their
feet. Mosk of the younger gener-
atlon ' appeared : to . be ' drinking
beer, while the older and veterans
at the business were calling for
whiskey, ?5 The crowds were not
made up of residents of Mexico
but of Americans from the United
States. Tla Juana is but a short
distance 4eyond the border line;
and a large signboard at the bor
der line proclaimed that the gate
would be shut at p. tiL . However,-
we-were -tipped" off tht if
we ' were actually . in line" at '
o'clock, we would be .permitted to
get out of Mexico, tha evening. So
we got in line for the return trip
about 5:30, and as we were being
re-checked into .the U.- S. by the
Immigrition officers there were
seven lines of automobiles waiting
tor this service and by glancing
back those lines appeared to be at
least' half a mile long. This will
convey an idea of the number of
cars and people who were visiting
Tla Juana that day. The officers
at the line made no attempt to
search our cars. The Immigration
officer simply looked la and said.
'I see you are all Americans. How
ever, if their' suspicion had been
aroused, then - there, would have
keen a careful search. It is evl-
church - tower. NO greater , con
trast'-would . be possible than to
'imagine the significance, of .the
two, one tne jazz music, If such it
might be called, of a Mexican
dance hall and the other the
chimes of the church. -, ;.
Comntry Is Prosperous f :
"No unusual amount of unem
ployment was in evidence In Los
Angeles, and the surrounding
country, no more than one. would
expect In a city, of this size. This
refers to the transient labor class.
However, there 'are small cities in
this district as well as localities, in
the larger 'cities 'that seem to be
populated with a class in comfort
able circumstances, but could; not
be classed as wealthy. I talked
with a number of this class that
hare a living Income from various
sources. Many of them own their
own homes, and plan to live there
the balanew of their days. They
have come from various parts of
the United States on ' account of
favorable climatic conditions, and
It seems that those of this class
are constantly increasing; more of
them coming each year. They are
bringing In money from outside
sources, buy t good comfortable
homes and are good citizens and
a great assest. : It is not fair to
Los Angeles to leave the impres
sion that this Is their only
source; because they do have num
erous, large Industrial and manu
facturing plants, and many of the
big manufacturing concerns in the
middle west and far east have
either established branch plants in
this section or such a move' Is in
progress. So far as pretty parks
and places of amusement are con
cerned, California has' done much
more than Oregon, as to devel
opment. When it comes to natural
beauty, - however, 't and natural
scenic drives and. other places that
would appeal to the heart , of a
person who eniovs natural beautv.
the northwest has California bad
ly defeated. It has been said that
God made the northwest, and man
made California. The Calif ornians
arestrong believers In their own
state, and. are, rightly good boos
ters. No exception can be taken
to that attitude. The It Can't Be
Dose, clubs are apparently, better
organized in Oregon than they are
in California. We met a number
of Salem people, among them, are
Mr said Mrs. Wm, H. Fleming,
Dr. and Mrs. FalrchUd, Mrs. Deyoe
and others. We trareled - brer
pared roads practically the entire
distance. There are seven 'miles
of the highway between Dunsmalr
and Redding which is now under
construction, and traveling : over
this portion was necessarily slow
Otherwise the roads are good
The small boy 'who used to be
unable to swallow the -one-grain
quinine pill his mother gave, him
In apple butter has now grown, up
ant can swallow anything: the
b f -tlesger brings hiax' -
Smlttlng words of wit and wis
dom like the swift and precise bul
lets from a machine gun, accur
ately aimed. Edward Fi Flynn, ot
St. Paul, speaker of Rotary and
Railroad fame, , held spell-bound
his hearers at the chamber of com
merce luncheon yesterday, - ;
Mr. .Flynn eovered more - terri
tory in his 3Q minute speech than
any other speaker appearing be
fore the chamber. From ethics
home from the logging camp soon.
- Pringle school is preparing a lit
tle Christmas program, f
Tom Davison was a frequent
business caller in Pringle vicinity
last week. . - . i
Question of Military
Authorities Comes Up
la business to railroad -service and announced.
SHANGHAI, Dec. 5. (AP) ,
Supremacy of civil authority over
military rule is the cardinal point
on which Cantonese nationalists
wllf enter this week's conference
of, the central executive commit-!
tee of the Kuomlntang, or nation
alist political organization. It was
development figures; from com-i
parlsons of European conditions
with those of the United States to
an effective rap at the institution
of war; from an estimate of Eur
opean monarchs to a brief resume
of happenings at the international
Rotary convention, the speaker
touched here and there, quoted
poetry and related funny stories,
building It all finally into a de
lightful "pattern.
"Faith marches ahead on the
highway of progress," said Mr.
Flynn, in effect, "and nowhere
should there be greater faith than
In the Pacific northwest, with its
multiplicity ot opportunities. But
In addition to faith, there is need
ed men who deliver the goods. We
can't all be captains, for crews are
needed, but each. has a service to
perform kIo it.
The law of compensation has
kept railroad companies out of the
red, according to Mr. Flynn.
While automobiles have increased
in number . 3005 ' per - cent since
1912, cutting heavily into the pas
senger traffic of railroads, the loss
has been made up by the carriage
of automobiles, accessories, and
gasoline. . :;;ci " ,:
Government control of railroads
was flayed by Mr. Flynn, -."If rail
roads 'were under government con
trol, you wouldn't have any more,
to say about them than you do now
about the post office. The rail
roads are yours.
"Railroad taxation on American
roads in 1905 were $58,000,000,
now it is, all. of
which is- ultimately: paid by t the
public servedJLayjegislation det
rimental to the railroads, then; is
a dig at you. - .
"We must give "Packard-eight'
service on ' the ' railroads for the
public won't stand for 'Ford' ser
vice. To give this service high
class workers most be employed.
Salaries have been Increased 124
per cent since the days when a
770 ton arerage : was parried on
railroad cars. . Now we carry 7,000
tons to a car. : : - , ...
"Don't talk of paving employes
less, because that' would be a step
backward.' We want the present
conditions, not pre-war normalcy.
Mr. Flynn is director of the Bur
lean of publle relations, and as-
tslstant tq the- vice-president of 4he
Great Northern Railway company.
He is also a director of Rotary
i PRDMGLE, Dec. 5. (Special.)
Farmers here that have plowing
to do are making good use of the
favorable weather. .
Percy Robins has -Just built a
new henhouse. .; '
; pnngie community club met
last Friday night. There ; was a
full house and a long session. The
young people are preparing a pro
gram f er the next community
meeting. . . . j .;. .....
' Miss Helen Sealey, who works
in Salem, has arranged to' board
at home for a time.
; William Propst is expected
Other policies of the Cantonese
at the conference which it is hoped
will result in healing the spilt
within the nationalist ranks, are
the doing away of an attempt, to
create antl-foreignism, land con
tinning the drive against the un
equal treaties, the - expulsion of
communists from the Kuomlntang
and' greater power for the provin
cial government. v '.. " ' Y
Wang Ching-wei. former chair
man ot the, executive committee.
speaking as chief of the delegation
from Canton, asserted tonight that
tomorrow's meeting will be the
most important held in China In
recent years. . ' '
China's future for many years
Is hanging in the balance and the
determination depends iupon the
outcome'- of this conference," ' he
said. : . . .
Infantile Paralysis Hits
-JSchool District jTeacher
? "''- ' ' ' t :
VANCOUVER, Wash., Dec 5
(AP). Mrs. J. M. Owens. 35, a
teacher in the Harmony school
district, has been stricken with In
fantile ; paralysis and the school
has been closed for ten days. Pub
lic "gatherings have been forbidden.
This is the twelfth case of In
fantile 'paralysis reported In Clark
county, but the first in which an
adult has been stricken.
CLEVELAND, O. Twenty five
years ago Morris Garfinkel oper
ated a" small store. One day, al
though he did not know It, a small
quantity of candy disappeared
from the 'store. Now Garfinkel
has .received a letter from a man
containing a money order for fif
ty i cents, confessing the larceny
now quarter of a century old.
"Iow thatl want to be right with
Population directories for a
number of American cities have
been received at the chamber of
commerce office and are available
for jthe use' of persons who wish
to get information from them, y
The R. L. Polk company which
has provided these directories,, in
tends, to make up a new directory
of Salem citizens' as soon as the
houses have been re-numbered.
Directories at the chamber of-
Lflce are of the following cities:
Albuquerque.' N. M.; Atlanta,
Ga. Albany, N. T.; Astoria and
Rensselaer; Astoria and Clatsop
county; Bellingham and Whalom
county; Bremerton r and Kitsap
.fcounty; Bute. Mont.; Bakerstleld,
CaLJ r Buffalo, N. Y.; BalUmore,
Birmingham. Ala.; Caron's Colum
bus; Coeur d'Alene City and Koot
enai t county; Dayton, O.; The
Dalles; Denver, olo.; Detroit,
Mich.; Dallas,' Texas.; Ellensburg,
Wash.; El Paso, Texas; Flint.
Mlcb; Fresno and county; Glo-
versvllle and Johnstown;- Great
Palls and Cascade county; Great
er Pittston; Grays Harbor county;
Homestead; Indianapolis; Jack
sonville and South Jacksonville;
Kansas City; Ln caster,, u.; ewis
county; Muncle, Ind.; Moline and
Rock; Island; Memphis, Tenn,.;
Mobile, Ala.; Miami, Fla.; New
Orleans. La.; New Albany and Jef
fersonvllle; Newport. R. L; Ogdeh
City; Oklahoma; . Olympic and
Thurston and Mason county; Pe
oria City; Reno, Nev.; Richmond,
Va.j f Sanford and Sprlngvale;
Syracuse, N. T.; Shreveport; Sa
lem' and Marlon county; Spring
field,; 111.; Seattle, Wash.; Schnec-
tady and Scotia; Sandusky; Spo
kane, Wash.; San Diego City and
county; , Santa Monica, Ocean
Park, Venice; SawteUe and Brent
wood Heights; Sacramento. CaL;
Santa Crux and Watsonville;
Stockton City, Cal.; Sacramento,
Call; San Francisco. aL; Toledo,
0.;iTacoma, Wash.; Tampa, Fla.;
Twin Falls City and Twin Falls,
Cassia; Gooding, Jerome and Min
Idok acounty; Vermon and Wll
barcer' county; Wallace and Sho
shone; Walla Walla city and; coun
ty; i Yakima city j and county;
Yonkers, N- Y.; Yukon Gazetter;
Los Angeles, CaL " !
The Seaboard International cor
poration, with capital stock of
175,000 and headquarters in Fort
land, has been" incorporated by
Fred JJronmsrt, W. K. PhUlips and
C. B. Cann
Other articles filed in the state
corporation department follow:
;. C. W. Frledrlch & Son, Oregon
City, 140,000; C. W. Frledrlch,
R. R. Frledrlch . and Genevieve
Frledrlch.. -z ' -:
Carl A. Theobald Productions,
Inc., Ashland, J10.000; Carl A.
Theobald, E. O. Harlan and J. N.
Dennis."- . " ?
Westerberg Pole and Piling
company. Inc. Portland. $5000; Q,
Welnsoft, W. O. Sims and F. C
Westerberg. N
Wledman Holding company,
Portland, $50,000; E. L. Wled
man. Ella. KeUy and Carl' Wled
man. .
Willamette Valley Southert
Railway company, Portland; no
tice of dissolution.
Scientists say, that life, ejrei
with the aid of oxygen, would b
impossible above .45,000 feet be
cause" of .'the low atmospherU
pressure, acdording to an answer
ed question In Liberty.
The Pennsylvania railroad has
now: put on a smoking car for wo-
cents will atone for my luvenile men. But we'll Dei tney aian
pilfermgs. put; it Just back of the tender.
Here in concentrated and natural
form a combination;! of the health
promoting properties of noted mineral
1 waters is offered you at a fraction
'of the cost, ' j. - i-
Pleasant to take the sensational
benefits i of this magic substance in
recapturing health soon become un
deniably apparent, j
Our Own Scratch Feed
For " a number of years we have .'been manufacturing our
Scratch Feed with an Increased demand every year. :
" We make two grades; Standard! Grade Is composed of thj
proper mlxturh of Wheat, Oats and Steel Cut Cracked Coisi.
The Special Grade is composed of Wheat, Oat G rotes. Steel
Cat Cracked Corn and Sunflower Heed.
All well cleaned grains and no Screenings are mixed In so
that you are assured of getting the best Scratch Feeds that
can be made when you use our Scratches.-
; - . - .
- For proper Egg' production, should be fed with OUR OWN
EGG MASH. ;:--: -. -v.v-:..- ; v. :.;--
" Remember we carry a complete stock of the best POULTRY
REMEDIES. Lice Killers and Disinfectants;
Phone 160
251 State St.
J mm
The home paper is essential.
It carries events of local in
terest, community items you
wouldn't miss.
J) Vortland-Oregon
, . keeps you in touch with th ;
outside world, PortIandth
: State, the Nation, politica '
finance, education, sports.., .
special articles by nationaEf
x known pens.
Salem A. D. WILCOX, 840 N. Summer SU, rhone 2743.
Mt. Angel LOUlS LeDOUX, Box 17. .
Silverton LeROY REISTAD. 418 EL Main St.
Jefferson MARLIN HOLM, Box IS.
Dallas RAY JOIINSTON, Box 81 S.
Independence HAROLD BUSBY, 241 Grand St.
. Detroit H. V. BOOKER. Turner RICHES BROS.
Monmouth OLIVE K. TITTLE. Mills 471ty GLADYS IIIL
k n
tJ A
s : -'
L -
' I -" - .1
. & ' - . - -' - - , ' - .. - ' . ' . . "-!" - -- :.-,. --.
" " , ' .; . 'i 1 i . .'.- t - ,v :' r V T . - : .
Thrilling: Chilling
.; -.;:" "' '
By R a i I o r Hig h way) 1
1 wwk. v . w mi :
Fine Trains
Deluxe Motor-Coaches
Now yoa have the choke of traveling via Southern
Pacific by rail or highway. Frecjoenc, dependable trains
: or EMcor -coaches to Otegoopoiaa. There's one leaving
' when you want to go. -
Silvex-graf motor-coaches are of latest design deep
spring, air-cusHioa leaa; pLglaM,"awnicg-eirippcd
windows ; no annoytng Tihrarion. Relax and rest as you
ride. Try them on yout next trip '
Travel by day oo train or exxor-coach. Cofivenkct .
over-night Puljaaan serrics to Coos Bay, Klamath Falls
; staid Southern Oregon points.
Nc These Departor Tunes
. T rMtUMrN, S:)S. .ti la; IS
- 7ii som. tah. I .mil t9 fjm. iimwlr
. T Pmmtti itOi, : M. lik ,
T ASMor. Ciml. Immi tmd Pi. ItHS Mk SS
I:S. S:M. 1:3. C.
A r- i
Tm Alkmm. Ciw.tH. hyw mm ni B.SS. fSrtJ sa T. tlrt
tem&am fad'c ra3 tkfcra (sqIms tpecUlIy ttsaiaed) are
City Ticket crrico
181 N. Liberty TtlfrLcno CO
iiacor Cedics leav mad srdvc New Isa ILxeL I Z;,S St. Urnta S-s-? tn l Terr