The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 06, 1927, Page 10, Image 10

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an people pud
1 1 give puiy soo;j
.Sunday School -t Liberty
. Will Use Proceeds For
, Basketball Outfit
' LIBERTY. vDec. .(SeclaL)
. The Liberty Sunday school boys
aa pins plan to glre a play and
M1M AI t A mmm A. I a . m.
near future. . Miss Dorothy Slooo
will coach tbe ; play and tbe pro
ceeds will go towards the . pur-
caaaa or a basketball equipment
aa tae Sunday school plans to or
sTsnise a team soon.
"Sir. and Mrs. McNeil from Port
land, woo bare taken the picture
of tie school by rooms for eereral
- years, made their annual visit last
JrUayv Mr. McNeil entertained
the ppr rooms with a talk, story
and songs, all of which were great
er enjoyed. .
Cam Kuebler of Seattle Tlslted
Sua parents here orer the Week
XT. IL Matheson of Taconr.a, a
rormer liberty resident. Is III with
ttesaach trouble. It is thought
that an operation will be neces
sary. . .
lira.' Neyens, who was f nJ ured
ly fallins; last fall, is slowly lm-
pronng. She can now more about
with the aid of a crutch.
XXlaa Dorothy Sloop spent the
. week end with her parents at Tan-
treat. ;:; . , i;..i i: - ,4,
Leater Rains of Oregon City Tis-
Ilea is parents here recently. -
lliss Doris Kemp of Salem was
week end guest of Miss Helen
Copley. . . -
t-aaney Dayis has returned
licrae from Toledo,; where he has
beta working In a mill, as the mill
la closed for repairs. He was ac
companied home by his sister.
jjzaa uenertere Daria"
- rimer Tucker of southern Ore-
ges is risiting Mr. and Mrs. J. C
Mrs. King, mother of Miss Jes-
aie King, was taken to her home
ear SIlTerton last Friday. She
SJia been ill In a Salem hospital
lor some time.
Taa December meeting of the
Toreasio society has been post
poned until next month on account
f tlr Christmas program, which
Is tm be giren by the pupils' of the
achool. -"".I '-".". , 'y- ,
Mrs. A. B. Browning and daagh
ter. Margaret, spent Sunday at Pa-
ciae City with Mr. and Mrs. Isaac
Zjaea,. parents of Mrs. Browning.
ijoia -wflue was ue nonorea one
at a rrty giren at her home Sun
day on her eleventh birthday. The
following guests were present: Lil
lian "Davis, Carol and Orpha May
Da sen. Wilma Westerbense, Verda
Jlaias, Florence and Robert Copley
and Robert Cunningham. '
JX A. Uoag has organised two
-industrial clubs at school. The
one in advanced cooking, will be
Jed by Mrs. J. O. - Williams with
tbe following officers: President,
yeneta -Rains: vice-president,
Carol Dasch; secretary, Marie
JJorhammer. y r "':. "i t''"--The
sewing club chose Mrs. Wil
lis Dallas as leader, and elected
Constance Stark president; Alice
Casningham, vice president, and
Orpha May Dasch, secretary.;;
Hairy JL Thaw and ETeyn ?ub!t staged a tlafstlck cnkif Iha.
ether rJsht. Darry visited EvelyarKtw Yik nigkt eluK Che
flapped a 200 check tn front el hhtk, Harry, It Is sail, raised m
siderall tt a nunpos. Broadway laaghtd - the Thaws aaia. U
3iasen 3l years since the Madhon Scnare Garden inddeaJb. .J
$365,590 Turned Over To
j Treasury! By Depart- -
. ment, Report Made .
Deploring what he declared to
ba tnefflcianey of city officials In
iiaaaung ponuons ior am coanruc
tioa of sidewalks in spite of an
amendment to the charter passed
ty the people at the special June
election putting "teeth? to the
aldewalk , ordinance, Alderman
7alaon Townsend, chairman of
the streets committe; at the coun
cil raeeting last night, offered a
raotisa requiring City, Recorder
Mark Ponlsen ' to present to the
city engineer a list of sidewalk pe-
. . r . It . 1 1
election for a check up to see how
csany of the sidewalks had been
constructed, and to speed up the
for. -
: Alierman Townsend's motion
ram after -Aldermaa Thompson
Lad Introduced thirteen sidewalk
resolutions, all concerning -North
Liberty street between Columbia
: all passed by the council.
AMerman Townsend also moved
that bids be sought for the con
(traction of a sidewalk ; on . the
sorts side of Bush street from
Commercial to High street which
tad been petitioned tor some
rsonths ago. The motion carried
Tte charter amendment' passed
j-$t June made it possible for the
city to enforce collection of asseaa-
tne&ts for sidewalk construction.
which power It did not have thsre-
findln (h'dep 20) defeated Mo-C-
cssey (scratch) by a score of
1 to 22 In the three-cushion bll
J ird tournament at the Bllh par
l:rs Last nlsht, Davis (h'dep 18)
c'ffe-ted Iljbler Ch'dcp 22) by a
,-r of 18 to 1. The next match
t wUl be Monday evening. - , .
I'Tbert Hoover, Cjcrstary of
"3crce la Treslisnt CooMdse's
. .tiet ence held a Msh oflice in
a Ch'r.3i government,- haying
tt9.first Director Geaaral of
wta Ci-Ina created a d--
-t c MLas lz 1131. eecrrd
- ) 3 itivsrii c.T:t:ra la
A total of S3 5,590 was turned
over to the Oregon state treasury
corporation department during the
fiscal year ending June 30, 1927,
according" to a report prepared
her by officials of the depart
ment., VY' .-11 .. -;;--,f: ' i
The receipt! tor the year totall
ed ISM.774.34. of which 131.184
14 represented the cost of operat
ing the: corporation department.
The operating expanse for the year
covered -In the-report was 2f 09.-
x 3 in excess of that of the previous
twelve months. : The revenues
showed an increase of $3207.33.'
At the close of the fiscal year
there were - 6 2 building and .loan
associations authorised to operate
n the state. Six of these were for
eign corporations. FIe associa
tions, ' having a combined . capital
stock of $2,200,000, were incor
porated . during the fiscal . year.
One association filed certificate of
dissolution. ; I
A total of 3 2 S permits to sell
fltock, bonds and securities were
issued - during ' the year. .- There
were 129 permits cancelled by the
department and It applications
denied. On June 20 a total of 50$
permits were outstanding. During
the same period 17 stockbrokers'
permits were issued and' five can
celled. ', !
"The so-called 'Blue Sky law-
read the report, "alms for the es
tablishment of fairness between
the vendor and purchaser of cer
tain classes of securities. It is not
a new code of ethics or business
principles. Fraud and misrepre
sentation tn the promotion of cor
porations asd the sale of their se
curities which these laws , are in
tended to reach, have always been
condemned ;by - honest business
men. - "i ' ' r
- "There Is no need of. nor are:
onerous burdens - imposed upon
honest business. These laws gen
erally require only that corpora
tions shall conform to the ordi
nary deceat standards, of integrity.
such as existed prior to their pas
sage. It Is not proposed that the
state shall attempt -to remove or
eliminate the ordinary hazards of
business or ;that it shall attempt
to limit the : right : to engage In
enterprises which contain a large
element of speculation If such are
Justly and fairly conceived' and
honestly conducted, i Thorough
ly informed of the hazards, the
competent should be permitted to
determine for themselves the feas
ibility of investing their money in
any lawful ventured "
"This law was enaeted for the
purpose of protecting the inter
ests of the investing public as -far
as possble.' -' The department feels
keenly its responslblty to the In
vesting public in the administra
tion of this law, and . It aims to
carry out the: intent and spirit-of
this act.- The department is con
stantly on the alert to prevent the
sale of fraduulent and spurious se
curities and is always ready, and
willing: to cooperate with - those
who are desirous of preventing
take promotion in this state.
, "The department is somewhat
handicapped In not being able to
provide a field man for investiga
tion of cases that come to our .at
tention and; while therefore these
cases have been reported to f the
district attorneys for actionr we
rind the only ' way to get : direct
results is to hare all of the evi
dence collected and presented in
proper form to the district' at
torneys.: ,i -rC'-- ' : V !
The greatest difficulty the de
partment la experiencing in these
Tiolattons is. the methods adopted
by utscrupulous salesmen.- The
departraont is gradually, weeding
the- cut, however, through the
coorrf tioa of 'the officials. ;
"if there-be no session of the
i?riture between this and the
rt fi:r.ual report, it is not deem
ed r. '. ry" to go into the qaes-
titx ti i cransaaatlons lor new
legislation or for change In any
of the provisions of the law as it
now stands. . With the 'next an
nual report the commissioner will
undertake to present to yon cer-
The Silverton firm Parker
Schram yesterday filed answer, in
circuit court in the action brought
against it and the city of Silver
ton by Frank Carpenter of that
ciiy. - !
The action; in which f $2000
damages was demaaded, was com
menced by Carpenter on Novem
ber J. Be claimed that a ditch had
been so constructed ' across , the
street near his place of business
as to. ruin his business. He oper
ates an automobile laundry at the
corner of Norway and Solum ave
nues. The ditch was dust oa July
22. he stated. . -j."
In the answer filed yesterday
the Parker-Schram ' company,
which dug the ditch under con
tract with the city alleges that It
has been filled up again and that
furthermore a passage 1 way was
left across all the time it was
there,, which permitted passage .to
and from Carpenter's '- place of
business. Carpenter had alleged
that traffic was cut off i and his
business ruined. , ; .
State Superintendent of Schools,
C. A. Howard, was much interest
ed to learn that an art exhibit Is
being held at the Resile Junior
High School, Thursday and' Fri
day, the 8th and 9th of December.
Concerning the exhibit, the said:
. "TThe Colonial art coUectlon is
one of the best traveling art ex
hibits that I have seen J This ex
hibit was displayed in Marshfleld
a year ago and was enjoyed Im
mensely wy the thousand or more
persons who saw it. ; J : '
. "In addition to the satisfaction
which it gave to those Who went
to see it, It stimulated a renewed
Interest In works of art through
out the "school, f -.-: i ,
-The bringing of an exhibit of
this kind 'Into a community and
one well - worth while t for the
school to. undertake. ' i -' - 4
BilOOKS, Dec 5. (SpeciaL)
The Brooks Community club will
hold its next meeting'December 15
at the home of Mrs Ralph Sturgls.
At the last1 meeting, held at the
home of Mrs. George Ramp, final
plans were made for . the chicken
dinner and basaar which the club
will give Friday night, December
9. ' . . ' - j 4 r - '
.McEIroy's ;
Postponed ;
' ' Until ." ' :
Tues.-Bec. 13
' , On Account of :
Avialica Ball
Spanish Ballroom
At :-
Tucs. Dec. Clh
The chamber of commerce of
tne United , States I was charged
oy fcecretary Mellon with
ing presented a surprising miscon
ception of facts and an ammnf
hardly worthy of a businessmen's
report In urging a $400,000,000
reduction In taxes. . .
Mr. Mellon v wrote to tt( 'ia
Pierson. president of tha ehnm-h
in a continuation of the contro
versy that has arisen between the
administration and the - chamber
over the sibe of the tax reduction
to oe made by the congress which
oegins. sessions . on Mondav. ' mi
treasury favors: $225,000,000 re
ducUon while a slash of $230,000.
000 is proposed in the revenue bill
drafted by the. house - ways and
means committee, - . "
In assailing the chamber of
commerce prorram Secretary nri.
Ion followed the lead of PiMiAmt
Coolidge. , whose Tiew that ,the
chamber was advocating an nn.
warranted reduction, was disclosed
recenUy at the White House. After
mis, tne chamber t reiterated Its
demand for: a $400,000,000 tax
cut and defended Its course in ad
vocating; It. ; ;-H: '
Secretary Mellon todav e
pressed surprise that'the chamber
had made a tax demand "In the
entire absence of detailed figures
as to future revenues and expendi
tures' and charged that Its estlm
ated yield from the - corporation
Income tax represented "inexcus
able carelessness.,. - ;
By Its own argument, the secre
tary said the chamber disapproved
the wisdom of repealing the excise
tax on automobiles or on admis
sion and club dues as it would
make a too narrow tax base and
force the government to rely sole
ly on the Income tax in corpora
Uona and individuals, the tobacco
tax and customs duties.
. In conclusion, the secretary said
"let me take serious, exception to
the statement in the chamber's re
port that there would be no great
cause for alarm even though a defi
cit should, through unexpected de
velopments arise in any year. ;
, "For the United States govern
ment to borrow to pay for current
expenditures would be in my
Judgment Inexcusable," .Mr. Mellon
added. A balanced budget Is an
essential element of any sound fis
cal" system, and as long as I -am
secretary, the treasury department
will resiset the undermining of this
principle and will continue to ad
vocate a constructive system ade
quate to produce every , year the
revenues accessary t meat ewrre&l
expenditmrea, ' .
- - , :.U
-Read the Classified Ads t
How To Get Belief When Head
and Nose art Stuffed Up.
Connty fifty! Ymr old In head or
catarrh disappears. Tour cleared aos-
trils will epen, the air . paseagea : of
your bead wm clear and you eaa
breathe freely. 2Co . mora saufUlaa
hawking, saocooa discharae. da taeae
or headache; a straggling for brestfe
as XUgAb '
Get a small bottle of Ely's Crease
Balsa frem your druggist and apply a
little of this fragrant aatiseptie cream
in yeur nostrils. It peaetrates-throegh
every air passage of tbe head, soothing
and healiag tm swollea or U"Hd
atucous memhraae, giring yob 1 Asians
renef. Head colds and catarrh viekt
like saaaie. Don't stay stuff ed-up a&
miiwT-wuiB. jtauai is sarsj .
When your back is sore and lame
or .lumbago, sciatica or rbenmatissa
has you sufreneaup.
don't suffer! Get a
35 - cent bottle of
old honest ; ' S t
Jacobs Oil at any
drug . store, : pour a
little in : your hand
.and rub it right on
your aching back,
and the soreness
and lameness is
In use -for 65
years, this soothing,
penetrating oil takes
tbe pain right out,
and ends the mis-
i - cry. - it is absolute
t . harmless ; and doesn't sura tat
ton. , ' .
aJS ft. 5 IT a. '
v u a &
I.MM.J lJ.:.- 1 la
IT ,,-J
iWS' l"SfcrfK( P. Bb
i thl.Chas.J.ucznpractJce
throbet the West is Ue best ev2ene
ef the unsaaied e2icecy of oor method
Hfe eH r-"w r""" V i T1 i
f-i-i: trH. fJi Oct trea
mmm iiign nn kmettai va-.f d ad aScr
writ er can tuuai let
cmu raC 14HHm hook or,
tmU an4 CatOT aamnila fi
aiiniatla i ts;
" IV
- Q
'ur:a.5a mai
:To:; the v certainty , of good; . f oofls-
Good .Values!
We deem it not enougli that we of f er the best foods at
a low price because, there is a certain service every
one is entitled too, at this store it is not necessity to
carry yoxir purchases ; home, or even to your car; we
are always glad to deliver to your home or your; car
Mozola Oil
l Quart Tina
Uarket Day
Raisins 41bs.
1 Hew Crop Fruit
Eagle Brand
i Fancy Hardwheat
ITew Crop Oregon
23c lb.
10 Founds $2.25
Fresh sugar cured
and smoked shoul
ders, boned and
rolled, tender, lean
sweet meat, A lim
ited quantity to
sell at lb.
ilumsviUe Fancy
Patent Family
Blend ;.
49 1b.Sacli
r . - . .-;-" - -
MJB Coffee
lib. Tins
Hills Bros. Bed
k 49c
TJaxTrcU Houso
5 lb. Packages
Holiday. Pack
Oregon Italian
9 lb. Box at,
Fresh lean loin
backs, sugar cured,
smoked with ; . real
old hickory.
lb. 23c
Fancy Recleaned
ITavy Ooup
New Crop cook
quick -
6 lbs. 49c
' Family Size
Package Fresh
Crisp Soda
Fancy Blue Roso
Rice .
6 lbs. 49c
lib. Tina
-Mellow j&ieud
Coffee lb.
3 iPounos G9o
We hare added
new niachinery in
this department,
enabling us to
make even better
bread than -the
g o o d bread wo
have always made.
And there's no ad
vance in the price.
2 Largo Isorives
" " ..: ' . . ' . '"
3 Omall Loaves
Fancy California
5 lbs. 49c
Amber Color Caro
; 101b. Can3
Sperry's" Pancako
: 101b. Sack
Phone 455 - 456 There -s "No Charge for Delivery
Fresh Balceryoods Fresh Mea
and loads and loads of other delicious feeds to be hnd
at this store and ve are hero to serve you