i ! . - THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGON, SUNDAY MORlJNG, AeCEMBER 132T 17 SalemDi Gireait 11 WaMuiit 1 aiidl Filbert Cemrifceif W. H. Bentley $ or Dundee, ' speaking on the nut industry of Oregon at the Nov. 28th luncheon of the Salem Chamber, of Commerce said: i"Conlparing Oregon and California walnuts, I may say that the 1, Oregon walnuts have whiter meat, they keep better and have a better flavor than ,the California walnuts. And the Oregon walnuts bring a higher price .per pound.'1 , Filbert Industry Speaking of filberts grown in the Wil lamette valley, Mr. Bentley said: ' ' " f - i " i - The filbert industry is surprising to us all, not only' in the size of the crop, but in the financial returns to the growers. Jobbers are willing to pay two to five cents a pound more for the Oregon filberts than the imported ones. The trade wants the Oregon filberts and will take all we can grow;" ;t It's the Flavor a . . :... .. i ..... . Oregon walnuts, and that means those grown in the Willamette valley, will always be quoted higher than California walnuts, Mr. Bentley said. j "It is the fine flavor. of the Oregon walnuts that brings the price."- 1927 Crop All Sold " "So great is the demand for Oregon wal nuts, that the 1927 crop is now all sold," Mr;, Bentley said. iThe United States pro duces only half - of the walnuts consumed in this country. There is an unlimited . j market not only for our walnuts but for our filberts. iV. v PLANT MORE FILBERTS L AND WALNUTS The Uic'tcrd States j markets recognize the Willamette -valley, walmts and filberts as: the finest grovri. ' More, than 1 8,000,000 pounds of filberts are consumed annually in this country.4" We pro duce hardly one pfcr cent rf thia amount. . " , . ' v A Filbert or Walnut Tract Is Ah Insurance For Old Age REALTORS Anderson & Rupert, .169 So. High St. A. C. BohrnstedV-147 N. Commercial St. Becke & Herjlricks, 189 N. High St. H. E. Brown, 109 S. Commercial St. Leo N. ChUds, 320 State St. Lelace H. Ellis, 320 State St. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 134 S. Liberty St. Gaskill & Earl, 166 S. Liberty St. Geo. W.Hubbs, Silverton, Oregon K, Burgard Kugel, 175 South High St. DIRECTORY W. fi. Kreuger, 147 ,N. Commercial St. , E. A. MiUer, 208 Oregon Bldg. ( Lee A. McAllister, 134 S. Liberty St. McGilchrist & Pennington, 209 U.S. Bank Bldir. Gertrude J; MJ Page, 492 N. Cottage St, L; E. Oberer, 134 S. Liberty SL St. Winnie Pettyjohn, 175 S. High Richard L. Reiman, 21 N. High Victor Schneider, 208 Orggon Bldg. George Thomason, 320 State St. S- R. I Tandy, Jefferson, Oregon. Ulrich ,& Roberts, 122 N. Commercial St. HOUSE BARGAINS We have a 6 room strictly modern new home in good location, paved street near high school, for $4500. A splendid strictly modern English type house on paved street for $4500. - A beautiful large modern home, 5 rooms'f inished and 3 unfinished for $50.00. A 5 room cottage with basement, on paved street for $2200. - : ; A 6 room house and 3 good lots for only $2200. A 5 room plastered house with garage and woodshed for only $1500. : A 6 room modern house for $2800. ' We have private money to loan. ' McGILCHRIST & PENNINGTON . Realtors - , 20010 T.S. Bank BldThona 140 A Rare Farm Home Bargain Another's misfortune is somttimes another man's opportunity. Through circumstances which make the offer necessary I can sell a Marion County Pacific High way Farm of Character at one-third less than it sold for last spring. $10,000.00 cash is absolutely necessary to handle the deal, but if you have it and want a real farm home of beauty and utility come in and see ire, A. C. BOHRNSTEDT Realtor y 147 North Coml St Salem, Oregon TRADE OR SELL ACREAGE FOR: CITY PROPERTY 1 acre modern bungalow, lights, water, etc., close in and to school, bus and store, on good road. Price $3500." Wants city home; up to equal value. " ' " . ';. 5 acres fine modern 5-room bungalow, bath and toil et, electric lights, basement, 1 acre loganber ries,l acre strawberries and other fruit, close to school, Salem and pavement. I Price $4500. Will trade house in Salem. i i 10 acres 4 miles from Ladd & Bush Bank, 5 acres in BEARING WALNUTS, good 6-room house, electric light line, close to school, on good road. Price $6000. Wants city home.! CITY PROPERTY FOR ACREAGE $3500 modern bungalow, first class location. Trade for acreage. ' ':-T' ;. 1 H-'. $6500 one of the finest 6-room homes in Salem, best location. . Trade for acreage. " ANDERSON & RUPERT REALTORS . '. 169 South High Street Salem, Oregon Good Buys in Farms Near Salem 72 acres not far out on paved road, all well drained rolling land, one-half in cultivation, some choice tim ber, balance good pasture, fine set of buildings. A REAL SNAP for $8500, part terms. 50 acres 10 miles out on paved highway, most all cul tivated land, little timber, 2 good wells, family, or chard, 4 acres" strawberries, comfortable house, new barn and outbuildings,! electric lights and phone. Price $6500; part terms. 49 acres, 15 miles out, 2 miles from R. R. station and stores, on gravel road, close to paving, fair set of build ings, good well, most all tillable land. This farm is of fered at a sacrifice for quick sale. Price only $2700. FOR GOOD BUYS IN HOMES SEE 320 State Street eoMiiiu)sGo. Phone 1727 10 acres very closer in on paved road, neat garage, house, excellent soil, $4000, good terms. Will divide in two fives. ,"':" - Large home very close in that would give a good in come and home at the same time. Furnace, fireplace, two living rooms, dining room, well built Sn kitchen, 5 bed rooms and large sleeping, porch, garage. In first class condition, good fruit on large lot, $6,000. This is a bargain and can be had on terms. " A 44 acre farm, good buildings,. variety, fruit that can be bought for less than the mortgage. Let us tell you more about this. " J - ' - WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor 175 S. High Street '. M! $100 Down, Wff I $80 Per Month Includincr interest will buy new 4 or 5 room houses with acres of good soiL ; Special New 5 room English typo HaTlng your bed fa the Tand- house. Unfinished up lord' houaov la like hanging stair S. Very Well locat yow hat on rertBrant hat e(J an(j weU constructed. tree yon can't feel secure. We'll show yon how to own your .own at rent-expense. Good reason for selling. A bargain at $5500. Easy terms. LOANS INSURANCE RICH K REIMANN 219 North High St. mlMl Phone 865 HOMES f 30 down and $30 monthly buy? a 5 room house in N. Salem. Paring paid.: $2200. . $30 down and $30 monthly buys a 5 room house in South east Salem. $2250.' Paring said $0 cash and $40 monthly buys a 5 room house near the FairgrounM Price $3300, and assfeme paring. . - ..... . . .. For Homes On EAfl PAY5IEXT PLAN . . Re member KRUEGER "The Realtor Phone 217 117 North Commercial Will take modern 6 room house as" part payment on' furnished apt. tiouse. This is absolutely business loca tion. Price $20,000. A Income property netting 12 on $42,000. East Front 100x100 feet, corner, 5 rm. cottage $2750. Insure with he Niagara Fire Insurance Co. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE ! Realtor 484 Court Street Phone 1882 FOR SALE SMALL ACREAGE AND BUILDING LOTS ON EASY TERMS - $1S0 $300 $650 $650 Lot 60xl3fT feet located on N. 18th Street, $10 down, $10 per month plus Interest at 6. .ot COxlOO' located on Madison Street, pared street, purchaser j to assume pavement. $10 down, balance $10 per month plus interest at 6. Iot 50x130 located on pared street, cement walks, $25 -down, balance $10 per month plus interest at 6. i - " , Vt acre wih city water, located near the SilTertonToad and state Fair Grounds, $ 25 down balance $10 per month plus interest at . $1100 1 full acre located on Fairrlew arenue, near pared road and bus line near c!ty limits. $50 down, balance $10 per month plus Interest at 6. $S50 1 acra of bearinar annles InnataA nnfhi . it. r KInley schbol, just outside of the city limits, $50 down, uuaace iw per monin pius interest at 6, $1000 1 acre located near the State Fair Grounds and Garden Ti MM J APla . at 6. $1000 5 acres of down, balance $10 per month plus interest excellent noil Inraterf no. mn a a school, 4 miles east of Salem, $50 down, balance $10 - per month $1750 5 acres of , on Asylum plus Interests at 6. dandy soil, located 1 mile from city limits IlOad. $100 Cash, hslanra t1K noi. mnnh plus interest at 6. - $1285 5il4 acres located 3 miles south, part open land, bal ance In timber, a splendid place to build a home, $100 cash, balance $10 per month, plus Interest at 6; W. a GRABENHORST & COJIPANY Realtors U 134 South Liberty St. Phone 615 Victor Schneider Chris Schneider The Firm of Real Service If you are in the market for an Ideal small dairy and poultry farnr close to Salem and well improved." Reas onably priced and easy' terms', j - , " ; ' Modern poultry farm, good modern buildings and gooJ location to' sell or trade for Salem' property to $6500. . j r Equipped dairy and stock farms to sell below value, will take some city property as part and priced to $25,000. ; . . . ' v ' . Farms for every purpose, all prices and sizes. An East front lot near Parrish school below value and on easy terms. ,'-- ' - " - - ' r - - , A good 6 room, new and modern home, : close in and I only $3,000. Easy . terms. I To buy, sell or trade see us, we want your business and will earn it. : . ' "i VICTOR SCHNEIDER - Realtor Loans Insuranea I ; , , Residence Phone 732-J - ? . v; . 228 Oregon Buildlns Tclrphcz3t?3 GREATEST TRADING ORGANIZATION ON The PAGIFIG COAST We have over 3000 properties listed for exchange. Every kind of property every price, every lecation. We can match your exenange EXACTLY. If you would like to trade your property TQD AY, come in TODAY." ; -, - .x- - Good grocery in good location in North Salem, will trade for clear house in Salem to $4000. This store is doing a good business. I ' r:' J ' Will take car as first payment on good 6 room house located close to school and on bus line and paved street. -" Good 6 room bungalow located in Newport priced at $4000. Will trade fori Salem property to Fame value.. Good lease on hotel to trade for Salem property. Hotel is doing good business. - We have a good house and lot in Portland to trade for Salem property. - " ' . 45 acre ranch North of Salem. Good buildings. Land is all in cultivation, and on good road. Modern 7 room stucco bungalow, north, worth $6500. Our price is $4500 for quick sale. GASKILL & EARLE REALTORS 166 South Liberty Street Phone 2JSJ2 Tracts with Buildiiig--Terms We.' have; a: one acre with ; modern buildings.! Just out . side city. -Close .to bus and school, j - Terms, 1 ; 5 acres on highway. Small buildings.- ; $2750. Berries - and fruit, r acres ; on f I highvfdy, small buildings. Mostly fruit and berries. $4750. ?: ; 189 North High Street COME TO OUR OFFICE FOR BARGAINS ' -1: . - We have a new .4 room house with garage for $1500. $100 down and 20 per month. 7 acres iy2 miles from Corvallis. 7 room house, gar age, electricity, j Will trade for house in Salem. - 6 acres 1 mile from Salem on graveled road, unfin ished house. $1500. Terms, will take car as part pay ment. I- ; . - . 3 room house jwith garage in Parrish Addition. Will trade for acreage near Salem, , . flf you have inything to trade, see us about it" ULRICH & ROBERTS REALTORS . Amcrican Fidelity Building 123 North Commercial Street TckLene lZZi 7- '.V