The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 04, 1927, Page 15, Image 15

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ler, Mrs. M. 4 Adama, Mr. A
CP. Perry, Mrs. Adam: En gel
Mrs. Ed Vlesko, Mrs; Frank Sher
win, Mrs. TV. Tt. " Speecht, Mrs
Walter Zoael, Mrs. B. E. Slsson
Mrs. John W. Orr, -Mrs. Newel
Williams, Mrs. Harry Belt, Mrs
. Duane Gibson, Mrs. M. Keyes. Mrs
v E. H. Kennedy, Mrs. Harold M
Br? wn, "Mrs. Al Krause, Mrs. Le
Page, Mrs. I. (Marshall, Mii
i ySse Babcock, Mrs. TJ. O. Ship
Mrs. P. M. Gregory. Mrs. E
SifHuffman, Mrs. C. C.AHer.Mrs
David B. Hill, Mrs. E. M. HoffneU
Mrs. Walter Minler, Mrs. Irful
TfHansford, Mrs. Qeorgo Wlllett
'Mrs. George Grabenhorst,' Mrs.
: ' Linn Smith, Mrs. Charles Ramp
and Mrs. Nellie Harris.
Mrs. Harris and Mrs.- Obexe
. assisted the hoatesr at the tej
7- hoar. 1 "
XPiano Department of WiU
f lamette University in Recital
; Tomorrow ' Evening.
Students In the piano depart
ment of Willamette unirersity ol
i which Miss Frances - Ylrsinler Mel-
' ton is director wULappaar in re
( cital tomorrow renins; M
o'clock in Waller Hall, -
The public Is InTiUd. to attend.
i , The complete program J.or the
evening follows: 1 ,.
I Preamble from Slxtn violin
Sonata" . . . , Bach
Margaret Schrelher, r
"Etude Op. 25-J" '.. . Chopin
"Moment Musicale' .
......... . . Schubart-Ornsteln
Dorothy Ryan
Romans" . . . Sghumann
Edith" Flndley . ,
"Sonate- Op. it" ... .Beethoven
Genevieve Junk
"Elfin Dance" .. . . . . MaeDowefl
Rosalind Van 'Winkle;:
"Prelide Op. 28-24; .; .Chopin
"The 'Maid With Flaxen Hair"
......... .... . ... Debussy
Kenneth McCormick
"Liebesfrend" . .
....... Krelsler-Raehmaninof
Bettie Corskie
' "Prelude from the Well Tem
pered ClaTlchord" ....... Bach
"Waram" Schumann
Eugenia Saragre r -
'Concerto in D Major" Beethoven
Helen Price
(Orchestra accompaniment. Bet
;, tie Corakle)
Castman" . . . . . . . . . . . Albeniz
Helen Brldgeraan
Salem Nature Club WUl Meet
Tomorrow Evening , ;
The Salem Nature Club will
meet at seven-thirty o'clock to
morrow evening at the Y. M. C
A. " ' -
The program which will be In
formal, promises to be very inter
Fruit Trees
We hare a complete stock of
fruit and nut trees. "
Cherry City Nursery
Office al sales yard opposite
Vick Bros. Garage on High at
Trade. Nursery on Sllverton
Highway. .
Xow located at 244 N. High
between Baby Shop and New
Stage. Terminal. - -
BpecUU price on Brassieres 80c
on np.
Special prices on Chins Gift
Novelties 89c. . r
Special price on Christmas
Ribbon Novelties.
Just received for Holidays a
beautiful neaorUnent of SITk
lingerie and Pajamas. v
Kleinert's Rubber Aprons. '
Imported Handmade Handker
chiefs now on display. '
j Cleaned
nETr Renew
I "Vr Confidence
K suit newly cleaned
and pressed does wot.
den with your appear- :
nee -and .you know
kl There is ' nothing
that gfras a man-con-;
fidence . so much as
knowing that - ha is
lookinx his best.
I f
We Call and Deliver
Telephone 753 --
3stlng. Each member or the club
will tell of soma bit of , natural
history which, he saw wail on his
summer vacation. - ; " - - .
Mr. George 8 hand is president
of the club and Professor Morton
3. Peck Is vice-president.. y
Salem Garden Club WiU Meet
Tomorrow Evening " '
The Salem Garden Club will
meet at. eight I o'clock tomorrow
evening In the Chamber of Coxn
jaerce Auditorium.
Ml3s Gabriella Clark and Mr.
Wr. T. Jenks will describe English
gardens. j ! " " .' -I---
Spending Several Weeks
In California!
Mrs. - Bonus . tlghtner Is , spend
ing several , weeks In Sacramento,
California as the guest of her
laughter. j -
Piety HiU Club Entertained
it Spaulding Home ' .f C
Mrs. Charles Kay Spauldiof was
hostess at an attractive ; affair
Thursday afternoon; having as her
guests the members .of the Piety
H1II Club. 4 ' ' -
- Mrs. Charles Dick' of Garden
Home was a special guest for the
afternoon. - -'
' Club , members present, were
Mrs. John H.; Albert," Mrs. Reuben
P. .Boise, Mrs. iSC-Cross, Mrs.
T. Kay. Mrs. RnsseU Catlln,
Mrs. Edgar Hartley. Mrs.; John
Scott, Mrs. S. P. Kimball. Mrs. E.
Barnes, Mrs. Charles H. Rob
ertson, Mrs, Hi B. Thielsen, Mrs.
P. W. Spencerj Mrs. J. T. Whit
tig, Mrs. C. L Lewis, Mrs. Thomas
B. Kay, and ' the hostess, Mrs.
Spaulding. ! 7
Mrs. WhltUg . assisted Mrs.
Spaulding at ,the tea hour. "'. ; --
The club will be entertained in
a fortnight at; the home of Mrs.
Frank Spears. ,
Scrapbooks Made for Child
ren at State unstttutxons
Mrs. W. H. Ryrd, Mrs. P. A.
Eiker Mrs. W C Kantner, Mrs.
Roy Romaine, and Mrs. Ray Hart
man, members-of - the division of
the Salem Woman's Club of which
Mrs. J. M. Devers is chairman.
have recently, completed a number
of attractive scrapbooks which
were taken to the children at the
Feeble-Minded School Thursday
afternoon by Mrs. Devers, Mrs.
Byrd, and Mrs. S. M. Endlcott,
general chairman of the Institu
tions department.
The club members have been
assisted by the girls in the State
Industrial School. The pictures for
the scrapbooks: were taken from
the magazines ;which have been
donated to the institutions by the
townspeople. ,
Meeting of West Side Circle
of Jason Lee Church
The West Side Circle, Ladles'
Aid of Jason Lee Methodist
Church met Friday afternoon at
the home of Mrs. Hat tie Given, r
Fifteen members were "present.
Special guests , for the afternoon,
were M rs. A. ; B. Evans, Mrsl ' J.
W." Barnes, and Mrs. L. Aek
ley. ;
The group will pack their annu
al Christmas box to be sent to the
Childrens' Farm Home at Corval
lis at their next meeting which
wfil be held December sixteenth.
Guest From Hermiston
Mrs. Frank Oulwitts of Hermis
ton, Oregon is a guest for the next
fortnight of her sister, Mrs. David
Wright. " . : i ' '
Student Y. W. C. A. Secre
tary a Guest; in Salem
Miss Marcia Seeber, student
T. W. C. A, secretary for the
northwest, ia spending several
days of this week in Salem as the
guest of Miss Edna Jennison. .
War Mothers' WUl Meet
V The Salem chapter of the Am
erican War Mothers will meet at
two thirty o'cJocTt Tuesday aft
ernoon In the Chamber of Com
merce auditorium. '
Interesting Recital Given by
Pupils, of Mrs. Ethel Phelps
The music students of Mrs. Eth
el Phelps : appeared - In . recital
Thursday evening In the Phelps'
home on Chemeketa Street.
The' guest group includedsev-
enty-five parents and friends. . .-
The program opened with a pi
ano demonstration given by thir
teen members of the Moore Fun
damental Class.
Those giving piano solos were
Pauline Van Osdal, Wilfred Hage
d orn. Opal Siewert, Leora , Garlg,
Thelma Forgarde. : Gladys Hil
fiker, Margaret Ayres, Helen Ba
ler. Raymond Lundeen, Kathleen
Schars, -Dslbext Seiger, and Doris
Lundeen. . "," i . '- ' :
A trombone and cornet duet was
played - by J Clinton - Lovell and
Frederick Remington.
Joyce Phelps gave a violin solo,
Seville Phelps playing her accom
paniments ,;' H . ?' "?
Mrs. Tale Brook. Miss Kathleen
Phelps, and Miss Sylvia Honkola
assisted in serving late In the eve
ning. '
Return From Three Weeks I
In California . . ."
- Mr. and. Mrs. E.' A. Rhotenand
Mrs. E. T. Barkus returned Thurs
day evening from a three; weeks'
motor trip to Calif ornla. j x-
The group went a tar South as
Tia Juana, Mexico. . . : y
' Mrs. ' Barkus spent - the greater
part of the time visiting " her sis
ter. Mrs. O.M. Holt in Glendale.
She ' also visited her . niecey , Mrs.
Earl Grogan, ' and her aunt and
uncle; Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Runkle
as well as other relatives in Los
Angeles, r Berkeley and Oakland
before Joining the . Rhoten'a -1 n
Glendale and returning north with
them. . : -
Recent Guest in Portland
Mrs.; W. E. Anderson spent
Thursday of the ' past week in
Portland. . :. ' - ,j
Woman's Union Will Spon;
sor Affair ,-f
The Woman's Union of the
.First Congregational Church is
sponsoring a novel basaar next
Friday , and Saturday, December
eighth and ninth. A special' fea
ture will be the apron booth, which
will have a representative apron
from practically every state of the
Union and also three aprons which
have been sent from Honolulu for
the sale. .
The Idea was originated by the
apron committee of which; Mrs.
Harold Brown Is. chairman. Mrs.
B. B. Flack and Mrs. Johii Orr
are her assistants.;
There will be the regular cook
ed food, candy, gift and country
store booths in addition. '
Mrs. W. E. Hansenjts In general
charge of the affair.
Thursday Club Entertained
With one O'Clock Luncheon
Mrs. C. M. Inman entertained
members of the Thursday Club
with a one o'clock luncheon Thurs
day afternoon. 1 "
Covers were placed at the lunch
eon .table, centered with ! pink
chrysanthemums and pink tapers,
for Mrs.- Clyde Johnson, Mrs. R.
C. Hunter, Mrs. L. P. Aldrich, Mrs.
Cal Patton, Mrs. W. J. Liljequist,
Mrs. R. W Hans Belts. " Mrs. W
I. Needham. Mrs. A. E. Huckestela
Mrs. B. It. Kappahan, Mrs. Ada
Knowland.Mrs. P. J. Meany, and
the hostess, Mrs. Inman.
, Bridge was the ; diversion of
the-afterfioon. -
Mrs. Clyde Johnson will en
tertaln the club la a fortnight.
Business and Professional
Women Will Meet Wednesday
Members of the Business and
Professional Women's Club will
meet at six-thlry o'clock Wednes
day evening for dinner at the
Gray Belle. Reservations should
be made by Tuesday evening by
telephoning 159 2-M.
Miss Laura Heist who has spent
the 'past fire years In India will
be the speaker of the evening. Her
subject will be, "Women of the
East." : ; - -;;--
The executive board meeting
will be held at the T. W. C. A.
preceding the dinner, at five-
thirty o'clockv '
Salem 1 Dentist Head Tri-county
'Association '
Dr. R. Ik Springer of Salem was
elected pcesldent ot the Marion-Polk-Yamhill
Dental society, at
the .meeting held, Friday evening
at the Gray Belle. Other officers
elected were: -
Dr. C. R. Wilson of Sllvrton,
rice president; Dr. L, B. Schmidt
of Salem, secretary-treasurer.'
Retiring officers were Dr. A. D.
Woodmansee of Silverton, presi
dent; Dr., C.L. George of Salem,
vice-p resident; Dr. F. D. Voigt of
Salem, secretary-treasurer.
Dr. F. H. Thompson of , Salem
was the speaker Friday evening,
his address being followed - y
entertainment furnished by lo
cal theatre.
New Beauty Shop Opening
; Monday, Masonic Building
Formal opening of the Modern
Marlnello. beauty shop which i
to be located in. room 206 Ma
sonic hulldng. has been set for
Monday. - The operators, all
graduate nurses who ' received
training in the Salem hospital, are
Beda- Erickson., Sara Stewart and
Dorothy Whlpp. The shop is
thoroughly and modernly equip
ped. The proprietors Invite c the
public to visit the new shop.;-
, 1
i . ;
f 1
-r jg ..-, , jt,
.When Glasses Artf
. 'New Location
I i
Dr. C B. CNeiD
Fourth Floor
First National Bank Bufldlag
Phoae III -
Monmouth, Dec. 3. (Special.)-
Polk County Principals associa
tion, organized at the recent coun
ty Institute at Dallas, held Its
first meeting here today at the
call of the executive committee, C.I
G. Wrenn, of Valsets; F; J. Patton
of Falls City and Mrs. W. A. Bar-
num of Independence. F. M. Roth,
principal of the Monmouth high
school, led In the discussion.
The general purpose of this or
ganization of principals and super
intendents la to provide for an in
formal discussion of mutual prob
lems and conditions, with pro
visions for unified action on
problem from time to' time as the
association sees fit
Rates of Water Company
In South Held Reasonable
The rates of the Public Water
company, formerly the Rogue Riv
er Canal company, are not unrea
sonable, according to an order is
sued-by the public service com
mission here today. Protest
against the rates was filed with
the public" service commission by
the water users.
The Public Water company pre
viously operated as a private con
cern, but recently was declared to
be a public utility and subject to
the jurisdiction and control of the
nubile service commission. Tariffs
of the company have been filed
with the public service commis
sion. '
fTSOATjpiTO :.;
re. pfrr fob womxm
I TV .
In all probability your wife buys her hose here.
, There is always a reason for a woman doing any
- thins: and the big- reason for choosing- her hose at
Shipley's wi that she has such an unlimited stock
of QUALITY footwear from which to choose.
, MEN You wilt be safe if you choose your gifts at
Shipley's whether it be hose, silk undies; gloves
pr umbrella.
mm w as ' - -
ICO N. Liberty St.
0 mn
Oar Associates win dd
their trtmost to serve tom
as well on December 24 th
at right now. But NOW
they can serve you better
because they are fresh
eager for the campaign ta
uSKop Early Shop,,
Now. For Better
A Wealth of Unusual Designs
A Cross, Feverish Child is Bilious,
Every rmother realises afte
giving her children "California Fig
Syrup,' that this Is their: ideal
laxative, because tney love its
pleasant taste and It thoroughly
cleanses the tender little stomach,
liver and bowels without griping.
When croaa. irritable, feverish,
or . breath Is bad. stomacb : sour,
look at the tongue, mother! It
coated, give a teaspoon fnl of this
harmless, "fruity laxative," and
in a few hours all the foul, con
stipated waste, sour bile and un
digested food passes out of the
bowels, and yon hare a well, play
ful child again. When the little
system 1s fall of cold, throat sore,
has stomach-ache, diarrhea. Indi
gestion, colic remember, a good
"Inside cleansing" should always
be the first treatment given.
"MUlions of mothers keep "Cali
fornia rig Syrap" handy; they
Know a teaspooniui toaay saves a
sick ; child tomorrow, aak your
druggist for a bottle of "California
Pig Syrup,' which has directions
for babies, children of all ages and
grown-ups printed on the bottle.
Beware of counterfeits sold here,
so don't he fooled. Oet tfts c
oine, made by "California Fig
Syrup Company."
x ' V
HThis Car
1 1 ha bwa CTwfcg?
I Motor ' ' r
I vRadlatf " I
I yRear Axle I
I y yransroiaaioo 1 1
I Starting Jl
vnattry ll
HTlrcs 1 1
MlTpholstery 11
I yTop ! 1 1
I ft ' ' ll
Amazing Values And
Easy Terms
Come to our salesroom
aaad inspect oxirO.K.'d re
conditioned cars. We have
the caryou wantata price
that will please you and
our terms are unusually
reasonable, with the low- i
est financing charges
available through the
General Motors Accept
anew Corporation.
i The red "O.K." tag is at
fcached to the radiator of
every one of cur recondi
' tioned cars. It means that
; the car has been gone over
completely by export
mechanics, using genuir.f
- parts for all replacement.
Look for this tag and
.buy with confidence. f
Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co.
; ' ' . ; Temporary Addretts, 487 Cntr Strret, Tel. 745
i ... ,- , AsHotlate DfHlorst :
Dallas Chevrolet Co, Dallas . -t. - ... Ball Brw Turner
Geo; Dorr, Woodburn. . rHalladays Garage, Monmouth
(0)tU 'A ft
1 1...
The Gift That Lives
i , j
Fortunate the Home that Keceives this
A suite you will be proud to own. ... :
PuJlfsi2e bed; dresser and chiffonier, new design, fin
ished . in an attractive coffee and cTcam combination
-color .of heavy coated enamel.
; X wonderful value, ideal for a girl's bedroom.
Just received a new shipment of
Cedar Chests
Big, generously-cut, flowing end scarfs In a wide
selection of novelty silks and new color-effects; fine
silks; well-made; bias stripes, squares, Persians,
dots anything and everything you want. Select
your Christmas Ties now at these moderate prices,
49c ? 79c ' 98c
A Fancy Apron
In Charming Pattern
Any of your "friends who
entertain a food deal will
appreciate such a delightful!
- e t- j
proa I
This Liaather
BID Fold
In the Tennessee Cedar and Walnut Finish
Buy Now Pay Later
is I 1 I
467 Court
Tet 1142
Thraa-fold bill fold la
black or taa ostrich graia
lestbsr. Very low priced at
White Broadcloth
Rayon Stripe Shirts
Carefully tailored, with
whit Ray o a stripes, at ,
CHristmastide iStationery
xln Handsome Gift Packing
For an inexpensive gift, sta
tionery is always in good taste.
A elrd qwlU pu auk m !
moat attrmatir . .880
"Archdal" Iatrlind iUUmit
24 akseta and aTlpa. . . .49
"Sbskarm" dLl dg .... .25C
FHesdshi Unmm Stetiar7, latr-
Penco Bags
' A Qiao's CUt j
Geeaune cowhide: brssel
pattella; donbk haadUa
IUUmb Trimmeil
Tht'a Wool and Silk Ulx4
Pelt Moccasin is reasonably
priced and comfortably
made. Reassuring to aching
eet. 79c
Visit Toyland
Fr the) Toys Thai
Boys UScm
Well-made toys with'
friction motors V and
others boys will have
plenty of fun with them.
Roadsters . . ... . tZc
Intercity Dus . ...$1.CD
Hook and LaJJr " "
CSc'ajiJ vl-''
Tralley, -fl! gonj. .i I
Mac Dutch r.:: v,:..
' rotating wi;:-s . . .CZ
Tractors ....... ,5I.C3
Boyo'Br cadcloth Shir
Ideal for Christmas GifU
' Made Just like dad's. Printed
broadcloth of excellent quality; -collar
attached; many fancy patterns.
White and a variety of colors. Dij
values that mothers will like; patterns
and styles that will please the boys.