The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 04, 1927, Page 1, Image 1

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    Salem 10 OF Lodge, the Oldest West 61 ? thd-Rockies, Mil. Hold ltd Diamond JuB Wednesday of Tliis Week
j Un Wednesday, Also; Wm Nut Growers Association; Many Visitors AreComin
- Weather forecast: "Fair east and gener
ally lair west portion, moderate tempera
ture;, gentle Yarlable winds. Maximum
temperature yesterday 60, minimum 37.
river t.7, atmosphere clear, wind west;
Diamond Jubilee For Cherrv
eketa Chapter IOOFVTo
Be On Wednesday; ;
Chapter Here First West of Rock
;' lea; Has Xot Failed to Meet
Befolar! at Any Time ...
in That Period
- Odd Fellow from all parts of
Oregoaand the northwest will
gather in Salem oa Wednesday.
December 7, to participateia, the
ceremonies which will commemo
rate the seventy-fifth anniversary
of Chemeketa Lodge No.,1, I. O.
CS F. -.;:-.-V
Chemeketa Lodge was instituted
December 6. 1853 and is the first
Odd Fellows lodge organised west
of the Rocky Mountains. . During
' the 75 years of its existence the
lodge has never misaea m meeting.
-ilTt'Maay of the pioneer citizens of
Daua wero ai;ui -
lodge during Us early hlatory. .
Burnett Planned Erent
The late Hon- George H. Bur
nett, past master, was the orig
- inal - chairman of the committee
on arrangements for the annlrer
sarr celebration. He was suc-
- ceeded- by Robert G. Henderson,
past grand patriarch, with Martin
Holmes. J. L. Pounds and JK. E.
M.iddlson. past grand officers of
Chemeketa Lgdge forming the re
mainder of the committee. Judge
Burnett's ideas in connection with
the celebration are feeing carried
out by the committee. r
George H. Burnett was. one of
the oldest. members of Chemeketa
LodeeUIe turned OTer: the. first
sod at ia ground breaking cere
mony for the present I. o. G. ,
t wnple, April 26. 1900. The spade
is still in the regalia rooms
whe Hodge. The temple was
dedicated February 27, 1801 with
elaborate and Impressive ceremon
ies; a fall account of which' ap
peared in the Oregon. Statesman
or that date .' ' -y--- S-: -"
- :Trplwira Arranged
Ah elaborirte program has been
crrapged at the diamond Jubilee
Wednesday, starting with meet-
J I ig of the grand officers and past
. rt ....h AffWr nf all branches of
- t 'e Independent Order of Odd
I'ellows at 1:30 p. m. Frank Mar
t n of Idaho, deputy grand sire of
t is sovereign grand lodge, will
X reside.
At 5:45 the deputy grand sire
rill be escorted to the lodge rooms
ty a mlltary escort from the pa-
(Comtlnaad 10.)
Demand Voiced For Man as Prin
cipal; County Board Scored
NEWPORT. Dec. 3 (AP) .
Demanding "a man for principal,
a mass . meeting here has added
fuel to the rerbal -conflagration
centering about the head of New
port high school, with the result
that a strike, called a month ago,
may break out wUh renewed, fury
Monday morning, with the parents
assuming full responsibility and
brought to a definite issue.
The strike' la directed against
Container to 'Carry Certlfcato of
Registration Will Be .
. Issuance of 192$ motor vehicle
licenses at both the Portland and
Salem offices of the state motor
vehicle department, will ' begin
Monday, according to - announce
ment made here Saturday by Sam
A. Kozer, secretary of state.
A letter was issued by the sec
retary of state Saturday urging
motor vehicle owners to file their
applications without delay and
thereby avoid the eleventh hour
congestion. -
. It was said that less than 7000
of the 345,000 motor vehicle own
ers in Oregon have applied . for
their 1928" licenses. 1 - .
A law enacted at the last ses
sion of the legislature provides
that the state shall funtsh con
tainer in" which motor vehicle own-
era shall carry their . receipt of
registration. : This container mast
be Installed In the driver's com-'
partntent of 1 the motor ' vehicle.
The receipts of registration issued
by the secretary of state will be
enclosed In the containers and
the two will : mailed under sepa
rate cover, ready to be placed In
the automobile. " ' J -
Mr. Kozers statement indicated
that receipts Incident to regis
terlng and licensing of motor ve
hicles in Oregon during the year
192.7 would aggregate $6,550,000,
as against. f,017.000 in 192:
There were 1234,000 motor ve
hicles in Oregon during the year
1927 would aggregate $6,550,000,
as against $ C.0 17,0 00' in ,1926.
There were 234,000 motor ve
hicles -registered In Oregon in
1926, while for the year 1927
they, will aggregate 245,000.
Under the ; state law all motor
vehicles using the highways ehall
be equipped with 1928 license
oa and after January 1 of next
yeai.. v. i -.
"Winter Month" Has Little Big--nificance;
Flowers Bloom
' Raspberries ripening on the
vines, flowers blooming every
where in Salem- who says De
cember Is a Winter month? ,
- Yesterday J.K R. Payne pleked
r,Pf, tA raspberries on his .lot
lust "east of the Englewood school.
There were not only luscious red
berries on the Vines, but also a
prof usion of . blooms, forecasting
more berries later, Mr. Payne said
when he exhlbted some . of the
branches ' from these bushes in
The Statesman office.
It was also observed that roses
and other varieties of flowers are
in bloom throughout the city.
EUGENE Dec 3. -(AP) The
sun shone brightly in Eugene most
of the day with fog this morning.
The maximum temperature was 49
degrees and 1 the minimum last
night was 37. At -7 o'clock to
night the mercury stood at 40 de
grees. , : - , .
ASTORIA. Dec. 3. (AP) -As
toria basked In sunshine todav
following a week, of practically in
cessant rainfall. S A; brisk south
west wma sept temperature at a
moderate standard. Clouding
skies late this afternoon indicated
Sunday would be damp.
- . . , ... . i
13th Annual i Meeting of
Northwest Association To
i Be Here Two Days;
4 .
Leaders in Industry to Discnss
Secrets of Snecesefnl Opera
tion j Banquet on Program ' '
Wednesday Era ! ,
Salem will be host on Wednes
day and Thursday this week . to
the members of the Western Nat
Growers association in its 13 th an
nual convention. Growers from all
nut raising sections of -the north
west will be here those two days,
holding their sessions at the' Salem
chamber of commerce rooms.
''The. meetings, opening at 9:30
o'clock Wednesday f orenboa, . are
planned to be especially Interest
ing this year, for the reasons' that
many of the prominent growers
of the .state will be speakers, and
also because the emphasis is- to be
placed on marketing, pruning and
soils rather than on "bugs" and
spraying, which constitute an Im
portant topic but one that should
not take up all of the time, accord
ing to the officers of the associa
tion who have had charge: of com
piling the program. M. P, Adams
of Salem is' president, and C. E.
Schuster of Cprvallis is secretary
treasurer.' ' ?'
y:- Growers to Speak!
- The principal effort will be to
place - before the growers Mthe ex
perience and practice of the more
successful members, and to pro
vide" for discussion of problems
which are vital to the entire tndus
try. : - t i".;
. There will be a banquet at the
'Vw;.!"(outn4-M vs ioi) I . '-t! ',
Inclex of Today V
i News
Section One
' f - '
y - .
General News ........ .1. 5, 8
Theaters ............. .2. 3
Sports ............. . ... .6
Editorial .10
City News .11
Society .......... 12, 13, 15
Feature .............. 14. 18
Woman's, Styles ..1.16
Classified .......... .. .18-19
'' ."' Section Two
Automotive ..... 1, 2-, 3, 7, 8
Better Homes ...... .5, 6
Radio . . ... ............ A, &
Section Three -"f
Comics ................ .1-4
Girl at Woodbnrn Seriously 111;
Precantiona -Taken In .. .
.. . Schoola f . - " .. 1
Two new cases of infantile par
alysis were reported yesterday by
Dr. Yexnon 'A Douglas, deputy
county health" officer. One of the
victims is five-pear-old Neva lne,
a. p re-school child. living with
her parents at 735 North 15 street
the other, the 15-year-old daugh
ter of J. Goldade, section foreman
of ' the Oregon ; Electric at West
Woodbnrn.' ' . ''
The Lane child has a markedly
mild case, only the mnscles on one
side of the face being affected. Dr.
Douglas accldently discovered the
Illness yesterday In making a rou
tine calL There "are . no children
of school age In the family. r The
child's father is employed at
Spaulding's mill. "
i The Goldade girl Is a student at
Woodburn high school and was in
school until Tuesday afternoon of
this week. Diagnosis was establish
ed Friday night when Dr. Douglas
was called in consultation by Dr.
E. S. Donnelly, of Woodburn. Her
case is Quite serious. :
' , Strict precautions are bing tak
en in the Woodburn schools, and
a dairy health inspection will be
made by a county health nurse.; ;
Close supervision in 8 a I e m
schools has been successful In
curbing . infantile paralysis. "Dr.
Dauglas believes. Only one school
child has been a victim of the dis
ease, the other 10 being p re-school
children or adults. ' ' " :
Work on The Dalles Institution to
Start in Near Future .
Preliminary -plans for the pro
posed new state tuberculosis hos
pital to be located at The Dalles,
were approved by the state bbard
of control here Saturday. Grad
ing operations will get under way
as soon as bids can be obtained
and the contract for the
awarded, r,
The first unit of the' plant will
be constructed within the $100
000 appropriation authorized by
the voters. The initial structures
will be known as the administra
tion unit. The building will be of
concrete construction, three - stor
ies high, and will have a capacity
of approximately 50 beds. Addi
tional units probably will be con
structed on the pavilion plan.
It originally was Intended' to
expend 8375,000 on the institu
tion, but this proposal was aban
doned a few months ago when the
board of control found that funds
were not available. Of the total
amoudt of money authorized for
construction operations more than
8200.000 was appropriated by the
Statements made by member?
of the board of control Indicated
that construction operations on
the initial hospital unit would get
under way not later than May 1
of next year.
Thai 'Primary Reason tor Juvenile
, Delinquency, Says Parole .'
. - . Officer
v Many of the boys in the state
training school are reaping the
blame for the . offenses of their
elders, according o a report pre
pared by Ev L. Ferguson, parole
officer for the training school.
1 Open violation of nearly all of
the state laws is prevalent in east
ern Oregon, cays the report, which
was addressed to L. M. - Gilbert,
superintendent of. the state train
ing school, and was filed with the
board of. controL Special men
tion was made in Mr. Ferguson's
letter of violation- of the 18 th
amendment.' : .
'"The section of the state from
Salem; south to Ashland, ie much
better than northed Portland and
east to .Pendleton, read the let
ter ; ' j v-:- ; .
Mr. Ferguson's letter set out
that 191 ' Inmates of . the state
training school for troys hare been
passed upon for parole in the past
90 days. . Of that number nine re
main at- the institution for place
ment. Four of the nine would ,be
considered deDendents. due to
their age and mentality, the letter
said. Of the 101 boys paroled in
the, period covered in the report
six were returned te the school
The letter went on to say that
a number of the paroled boys had
secured employment, and that in
several Instances they have opened
savings accounts.
- In conclusion Mr. Ferguson
commented as follows:
"So let us be tolerant and not
hold too rigidly our eastern Ore
gon boys for -acts which primarily
the adults of their section are in
my estimation the Instigators of.
. Officials said - this comment
probably had to do with Mr. Fer
guson's., statement regarding law
violations in eastern Oregon.
Ray Ferguson, 20 Year Old
4 Farm Hand, Sought As
Girl's Slayer
Article - Purports to be Inside
, Story of Former United
, s States President -
Water Company, Awaiting Xotice
Of City's Requirements
, The Salem Water company, is
prepared to Increase the capacity
of the idistrlbution system, to ac
commodate additional fire 'mains
as sooMe- city's wishes- are
kuqws, h 1 u. iieeao, oi mai iirm.
said yesterday. Up to. the present
time, the company has nt been
approached by city officials In this
connection.. . "
. Provisions for changes in the
system are being made- in ,the
company budget for IS 2 8. and a
survey is now being made of the
system by the' chief engineer with
a view, to determining if the facil
ities In every section are adequate
to meet the needs of citizens. Un
til the city designates the places
where fire mains are desired, how4
ever, there wilj be no provision
for larger mains to accommodate
them. ' "
Fire hydrants and connecting
lines are owned and. maintained by
the city, Mr. Beebe pointed out.
not by the water company. He de
dared that the blame laid to the
company when facilities for fight
mg a fire on Electric avenue were
found hopelessly Inadequate stune
time ago was not merited.
President Coolidge AdTancce Duty
"v t rom . 2 to 3 "Cents 1 "
the cooaty school board which has
J7 adopted a stand firmly behind the!
position of Mrs. T. H.
named principal after the death
or P.VL Coleman, principal . 1
-Newport high school students
objected to a woman being named
principal.; A request was made of
tbe- county board for the appoint
ment of a man soon j after the
daath of Mr. Coleman. It was
then that Mrs. Halleck was elec
ted by the board and the protest
followed. And later a walkout of
students resulted when their pe
titon was not complied with.
At the' time of the walkout re
ports were circulated that the
students, objected to Mrs. Ilalleck
because she wore "long skirts and
hrd long hair," and was otherwise
somewhat "old fashioned.". v"v- V
Forty - parents - of the district
met last, night, together with the
pupils, and the situation "was dis
cussed. . A PAanlntlnn war a trlniu
declaring that while there was
s - personal animosltv arainst Mrs.
-Ilalleck, it was fet that the stu
dents were entitled to the best
possible methods of educational
: instruction and that a man prin
cipal would fit the situation mere
properly. Such being, the case,
the meeting esolved to take firm
action with the parents assuming
fjf the responsibility.
. The resolntlon then set . forth
that on Monday morning all of
the parents, with their children,
are to assemble at the hizh school.
The pupils will be instructed by
me-ir eiasrs to gathgr their books
and other .belongings, and an ul
tlaatnm wlll b delJvered to the
principal . and th school a board
that ther nrU bs no. attendance
so los- .f - ' woman 1 pHn"!71
; WASHINGTON, Dec. 3. (AP)
The duty on cherries, sulphered
or in brine, stemmed or pitted was
increased by President Coolldge to
day from two to three cents a
pound under the flexible provi
sions of the tariff act. ; , .
The Increase is the maximum
Halieck. I the president has Authority to de
clare. His order follows hearings
held some months ago before the
tariff commission at which Ameri
can cherry producers urged the in
crease to protect them against for
eign competition, especially from
Italy. The fight was made prin
cipally by California growers, led
by Representative Free of that
state. The 'cherries affected by
the order are. those used for mak
ing maraschino and glace brands.
There is no change in the duty up
on fresh or canned cherries suit
able for immediate consumption,
Cross-State Railroad Petition
Come Up Early la Tear
Permission hae fceen granted
Com ' county i to Intervene in , the
proceedings now pending before
the interstate commerce commis
sion with relation to the construc
tion of an east -and west line rail
road across ; the state. This In
formation was received at the. of
flees of the pttblic service com
mission Saturday. - - ;
, Ilsarinr of the petition for the
construction, of this railroad prob
ably will be heard: by the .Inter
state commerce commission early
next year. The "petition originally
was filed br the public service
commission, i
It was said that the Portland
chamber of commerce and many
other commorolal ,; organisations
wouM ba represented at the hear
Report Gains Circnlation That
Fugitive Was Seen 14 Miles
' West of Condon in Lonely
"DeviTa Canyon"
The; Columbia highway was being
patrolled tonight by Sheriff Edict
and hia deputies In search ot Kay
Ferguson; 20, sought in connec
tion with the -slaying of one girl
and the wounding of another near
Condon last night.
' CONDON. Ore., Dec. 3 (AP)
A report that Ray Ferguson. 20,
sought in connection, with the
shooting to death yesterday oi
Viola' Richmond, had been seen
in Devil's canyon, 14 miles west
of here, late today, resulted In the
spread of a rumor that he had
been captured. The sheriff's of
fice denied this, but said posses
were searching the region in- the
hope of finding him. Between
25 and 30 men are combing the
sparsely-settled district. .
. Miss Richmond, the girl ' to
whom the 20 year old farm hand
had been paying - attention : for
some time, was killed, by a charge
from a shot gun, said to have
been filed by Ferguson.; ' Miss
Velma Ralmey, ; a young school
teacher who waa with Miss Rich
mond when the ' quarrel and
shooting took place,was : also
wounded by Ferguson but It was
believed tonight that she -was on
the way to recovery. - .
Many Posses Oat .
- While funeral arrangements
were being made for .one of the
victimsiol the jealousy . proyoked
attack, and while -physicians were
caring fos the othery every, avail
able officer In this territory was
detailed to posse seavlce. and was
leading an armed group of citizens
In search of Ferguson.
The automobile in which the
slayer fled was found early, this
morning about two miles from the
scene of the shooting. It had
been run over a cliff in the John
Day country. In the back of the
-"r-- ' (ConUaud a pif Sj
Committee Will Not Report Mon
day; no Reply to Inquiry
' The Incinerator- committee will
not report at the city council meet
ing Monday night. ' '
Alderman Dancy so announced
last night, stating tfiat the expect
ed -communication from; Oregon
Electric officials concerning the
purchase of the gravel pit as a
possible site had not yet been re
ceived.'; "!' :
Conunitete Will not Report Mon-
bage burner north of Salem crys
tallized yesterday with the an
nouncement by Dr. E. A. C. Smith,
president of the Hollywood com
munity club, that a meeting of the
club had been called tor Tuesday
night, to consider the matter.
From present indications, only
minor matters will be up for con
sideration at the council meeting.
among them opening of bids for a
new grader and scarifier.
School Boards of County to Meet
Here Saturday, Dec. lO
Date for , the annual Marion
county school board convention
has been set for Saturday of this
week. December 10. it was ".an
nounced yesterday by Mrs. Mary
Fulkerson, county superintendent
of schools, 1 . ..
Representatives of school
boards in most of the districts in
the county are. scheduled to be on
hand, and take up various prob
lems that are common to the var
ious school districts. ; The place
of meeting has been set at the
county court house. - ' :
- Brit Aspinwall "of ; Waconda is
now president ot the organization.
Room For Only IS More Convicts,
Days Aieyersi mo now
. Upon receipt of IS more pris
oners the housing facilities at the
Oregon state penitentiary will be
taxed to their capacity, according
to a report filed with the state
board of - control Saturday by
Ileary Meyers, superintendent.
' ' There were 626 prisoners in the
penitentiary Saturday while a half
doien others will be received be
fore Tuesday. Officials said Sat
nrdaySi population was the larg
est in the history of the institu
tion, .
NEW YORK. Dec. 3. (AP)
The New York World will publish
tomorrow a copyrighted article
purporting to reveal . the inside
story of the Ohio Gang and Inti
mate details of : the Harding ad
ministration, written Jy . Colonel
Charles R." Forbes, head of: the
TJnltd States veterans bureau, re
cently released 'after serving part
of a two year prison sentence for
defrauding the government on hos
pital-contracts, r i ,
Forbe's story,4 whiich will ap
pear also in the St. Louis post dis
patch, broadly sketches the Hard
ing regime from the senatorial
day's of Harding until his death.
Covering his Washington exper
iences Forbes tells of a poker par
ty at the white house, describes
$75,000 in bills of large denomin
ation lying on a table In the de
partment of Justice offices, ' de
clares Dr. Sawyer, Harding's per
sonal physician, proved a"pemi
cious meddler" j in governmental
affairs, and asserts that the late
president finally was "betrayed by
his friends."
Describing the white house pok
er game, -Forbes writes:
"The poker party was held the
following evening in the library
of the white house. It was like
many similar parties which were
held there. We played at a rec
tangular table in the north end
of room. On this particular occa
sion the president sat at one end
and Will Hays, who was then post
master general, at tbe other. The
others there were Albert Lasker,
at that time chairman of the ship
ping board Harry Daugherty,
Ned McLean. Mrs. McLean, and
Mrs. Harding. Mrs. Harding did
not play she. often sat with us at
poker games, but never played.
"I remember that it was very
hot' and . that Albert Lasker took
off his coat; displayed red sus
penders two Inches wide. I won
$397 and Will Hays won. The los
ers all paid up promptly. "
"During the game, Ned McLean
announced that. Jack Johnson, the
prize fighter, was to be diacharg-
Continued on pas 9)
Rotary International Official Bill
ed at Chamber Meet ; ?
Edward F. Flynn, of St. Paul,
Minnesota, past, district governor
and director of Rotary Interna
tional, will speak at the chamber
of commerce luncheon Monday
noon. i -.vj-v
Mr. Flynn Is associated with the
Great Northern railroad as assist
ant' to the vice-president. For two
terms, he was president of ! the
Northwestern Lawyers' Associa
tion, and president of the Commer
cial Law League of America.
Flynn is said to be a rapid fire
speaker with a splendid address
on codes ot ethics in business.
Flames Within City , Limits Yet
Mile From Nearest House
BURBANK. Cal., Dec. 3. (AP
The Tujunga brush fire late to
night had come within the city
limits of Bur bank, which extend
ed more than a mile beyond the
last residences, but little fear was
felt that any homes would, be en
dangered. : v
The city fire department had
more than 150 men fighting the
flames - -which firemen believed
would be brought under control
soon on this front. .
November Ahead of October, But
Short of 1026 Month .
Post office receipts for N'orem-
ber were $20,017.92,: exceeding
those of October by a good mar
gin, but showing a decrease orer
November last year of $340. The
receipts for October-, were $14,
608.86, and for November last
year, $20,358.29. - .
The decrease, from last year s
total is attributed to the large
amount of mail handled In con
nection with the election.
it. mm
Multitude of Controversies
and Problems Faced
At 70th Session
Much Doubt Seen As to Existenct
of Good Working Majority
Dae to Defection Within
G. O. P. Ranks
Facing a host of problems an& a
number of controversies, political
and' otherwise, the seventieth con
gress will convene at noon Mon
day for its first, session, waki
may run for at least six months.
The republicans again bare a
maioritTin both th hnuan . s4
senate but due to defections im
tneir own ranks, particularly l-
the senate, they will lackjhe abil
ity to put through the enure lg
islattre program which Presld&t
Coolldge will propose in his an
nual message. - (
Easier Sledding In House
'- There will be no difficulty f c r
the republicans to organize ILt
Nicholas Longworth of Ohio, 4
house with the re-election cf
speaker, but the reDublican o.J
guard in the senate has a pro Us
lem on its hands in seeking t
pacify the western independent
who have submitted a leglslati
program and demanded assur
ances of early action upon It.
' Senator Moses of New Hamp
shlre, has been renominated Lj
the republicans as president pro
tempore and probably will be re
elected, but a situation . now is
shaping up whereby there la a
possibility that the democrats will
have, to fill the subordinate en -ate
offices even against their own
Republican Majority Slight
"While a good start has been on
the legislative program especially
by house committees,, none of tie.
many measures -with' which t
new congress will have to wreti
will find particularly easy sli
ding once they have lifted the I ve
rier in the house. This will U
due in a measure to the extremtly
narrow division ntween the renu&-
. CatIa4 IS.)
Roseburg Youth's Activities Wttle.
spread, According to Charge
. Made
Orln M. Wollerman, 19 year old
Roseburg youth who Is accredited
by ; Salem police with '; being tfce
most ambitious bad check artist
to have operated in these parte ft-r
many . a moon, was yesterly
bound over to. tBe Marion county
grand Jury by'Justice of the reate
Brazier Small, following a hearing
before Judge Small.'
Failing to produce $1500 ba!l,
Wollerman was placed in -the Mir.
ion . county , jail where his kct p
ing will be safer and his chttt j
fewer. , v , . .
: Meanwhile more checks raut
pouring In all day yesterday fruu
various business houses which ii . 1
accepted his paper at face value
and believed that within a short
time everything would come ut
all right. These beliefs had btn
rudely shattered upon perusal i t
the account about Wollerman ia
yesterday. morning's paper.
- One local music firm reported
that it sold him a $200 radio et,
accepting as first payment $10 n
cash and a. check for"'$15. Tr
check came back but as yet tLt
radio set has not. .
Wollerman was rooming at Its
residence of Mrs. W. C. Tour-.?,
860 Chemeketa street. He is re
ported to have - left a previc t.
place where he was rooming with
out paying hta bill.
Good Advertising ' ' - -
Pays; and This ;Was u'
Good Advertising i
'" Kafoury Bros, took three pages of "The Statesman c'f
last Tuesday to advertise their sale ar.d their new budc f:
system; or rather, the extension of their former tudc'
system. There were over 15,000 copies -of that number
of The Statesman printed and circulated. Harry Ls un
dauer sales ? manager who has 4 had large exrerienc ,
states that the response to this advertising was unusur.'.;
At was' large, and directly traceable to the reading cf T.
Statesman. ; And he took occasion to make inquiries c
this point. . ; "
; The great crowds to see the Ford err were trnecsi'o t 1
this advertising, to a considerable extent, too,'fcr the Fc .
.people carried an attractive page advertisement in th
issue. ' " . .
Good advertising pays. . .