i THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 3, 1327 (I rfeWlTl New First National - & Bank Building Directory BA8XHXXT Da Lax Sklnlag Psrksr Esparto for Ladies end GoattewMa. SECOND FLOOR Cotter's Pkoto Tot 706. Over tks ftp THIRD FLOOR Morris Optical Co. BOl-oOa-SOS J&oary stoms, opwssaotrtst f- J Tespkeaa 899 : ;V.V o. r. S 10-11-11 1056 ,, Beeotefsky- Son. Tot. 9TO. i steal estate, I nil. -too-set Or. David B. But Orthodoatia (Strslghtenlag si imguiax Mots) bait BOO. iUM ? M I Slvery Soy ssoopt Thursday FOURTH floor REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY TEAK. HARNESS WAGOX. H.' D. Chatmaa, Marion, Ongoa. ' 189 V. High. bzcxi ;EX2nmicx8 TsL 189 441 Court. P. W.j filUUB ' : , Totepkaaa tlU ALL BUILDING WRECKAgB IXCLTJD- lag (ante at 257 ft. Liberty St. By S. V. HalU JSH3T. low Bligk Bldg. j W. OH TaL 8466 GOOD CLOVER HAT. It MILES Soutk os Pacific Highway: Pfcons Jsf fereoa 7F83. -. U i-, gertbcdb j. mv page 499 X. Ootsage. it- TaL UtC POTATOES FOR SALE, WHITE ROSE vsrlety, 91.49 por kuotM delivered. Phoao 70F19. - TBI i ai.a what .tt rvi . 41 Court . M ,tL i TJLRICH A B0BXXT1 199 X. Cwanassrntel Tot 1954 VICTOR SCHJTEIDXR- lull 139 Or, Bid. , H Tol. 979 SQCAHW UKAL. MIMT" OY 8. Natl Bank Bldg. v ToL 4T0 '47 X. A. C. BOHBX5TXDT Coonmwl - TdU 9TT The Oregon Statesman Pskliskod ww? enaratssrt oxeopt Xssv ay st Seloe too eapMa; f Oiegoa. 29 WORK HORSES AND MULES, SAME weu assted, all broks sad geatla. W. H. Scott, 1810 Mteetoa. t - ADFiiTlSKKF.ST HONEST . ADVERTISING Thess nous mast bo kept fro from asy thing oi s aassttoaabls srara, JSissupi tstioaa win mot. bo tolerated. ' Iai. ttaa ahowtoo mar aaa.Haaalila 1 a Uo port of tka , advasttBoT aaswid so rsportod to tats aeu-epsper or tbs Salvia Arl crab.' ' mD W. LAXGB, . TBTXS2XAJUAK Offiee 899 a. Ossssisrslsl. ToL 1199. TsL 1666. Af9ar29tf FOR RENT 21 wooo CAWnro. Sastk WAEIHOUbS ClOSX EBT-. FOBfAO- ' tory or storsgo. ' losjsirs- lfT Ostaau . FOR RENT Apartments 23 GOOD DBT WOOOi. D. Msyfisld. ; FClUnSHED OB i VltrUVSlSHXD 9 , room apt. VirSTinia Apt, 87 H. Libarty. POlt GOOD WOOD, CALL O. V. QUXJtT, IT WILL. PiT TOU TO LOOK OVEB my modern fursica4 apartmaat a 458 Booth High St. Cloao ta. - Prm. O'XslU Faoso 89- Bsrsstts, OptvmstrisU , , 40A-4JO- W9-44-US WtllorA B. Attoraays. Wlrta as Paal 410-411-418 P. Borru Tol. 1st Labs Mor'.ay, 411. TsL 757; Bos. 1911 W koal Batata Loaaa lasmrsses SIXTH TLOOR, Geo.- B. Vskrs M. Pkysisisa. aorgooo, Eoits 001. TL 9879 -8819 Bss. T9 Boblsv O. Dsy aa4 OoasU W. Mils AUormeTa at Low Talaphoaa 1S. - SlO-Otl-018 EIGHTH PLOO& U. Word 4avia. twaru Uoatiauy L 819. Xraatag by aouniataisM. 'k1 ' 11 Dr?2a. B. BeoflsM- 809 Chlropraator, roeoiaantor Borriaa XTVTH TLOOK Vt. H. X. Brows, Xya. Ear, Xos sal Throat 8poeishst. Baits 901.. TZXT0 PLOOB Zr. Toaphono 1995 W. A. Jokass. Dsatlst 1001 Chalaior Loo Oasrgo. P. D. B. " . Osaorst Joatistry B. M. Orfifla. IX D. 8.. Ortkodsatis Talrpsoae 191 iolto 1009-1001 L r : Local Rates For Classified Advertising On Tbroo But timas DaQy or Ssadsy 9 coats par word s ooata par ton 9 aaata pa word 1 ' ao. dsUy sad Baa-tO coats por word JAa or dor to osrm tas bust sasa oaa two rata, sdrartmag malt ru la soa aseatlTS issnss. No Ad Ukom for loss tksa 15s. Ads raa Baadsy OJTLT skargsd st ena-tuas rata. - ,-..,' . -;. . - AdvortisasraBts (axsopt Parsoaais and Sitaatioao Waatad) will bo takaa avar tao toWpboao tr tk .adrorttoor la a aabsertsor to pkoa. Tha Btstoaaiasv will roeatrs sdrar tiaemaats st ssy tima oi tks day or tifbt. To lasaro propor classifiostioa Ads sbonlds bo la bofero T p. am. j -TSLJCPHONK OB 989 POB RENT 5 BOOM PUBLISHED boats, ISO par Btontk. Call st 799 North 17th or Talcphoao 18 77 J. J FOR RENT-Rooms 25 BOOM AND BOAST. 1207 STATB. ROOMS V1TH OB WITHOUT BOARD at Aloxaadrla. 10SO ChanuAata. Phoao ls8. i; PDRXI5HED ROOM POR GXXTLZMAK. Strictly modtra hoait, msr Ststs Uosss. ' Ptirsts bath. 1463 Uhsmsksts Ht. Phono 1 H94J. FOR RENT-HOUSES 27 FOB REKT, DUPLEX North Wiater gt. HOUSE. 949 4 ROOM MODERN HOtTSB WITH OAR- AG K, also S room cottaga. Tel. 1890J. BUXQALOW IX ' PALMER COURT APT. Ulrick Roborts, 129 N. Com'L Phone 1354.. ..:(;:.--. 4 ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE 820 month, and 5 room aafuraished house 920 month. Molrim Jobaaon, Pboas 637. ROOM MODERN HOUSE WITH larsa attic. Kaage and mom farnUnr wimtere wood ' in basament. Phone Btifflar at 28 or 26F18. FOR RENT-Farms 29 FARM i FOR REXT - Fins firm 114 seres, good building. See Mr. Boehtel or Mr. Sears, 141 State St., Room 2. Bayne Bldg. LODGE ROSTERi CHEMEKETA LODOt No. 1. 1. O. O. T. Mets svary Wednesday svsatag. st 7:30 s'elock; third floor oi I. O. O. P. Temple, corner of Court sad High Sis. AUCTIONEER 2 F. N. Woodry 12 Trs. Ealem'e leading Aeetioaeer sad Pnrnltnrs iealer. : Raa. Store, 110 X. Buauaor St, Phoao 811 H. F. Woodry & Son Bight dowa town. Cask paid for ased faralturs. Btoro 971 X. OoaaaVl TaL 75. Areata for Laaso Baagos. 2 BATTERY - ELECTRICIAN 6 &. D. BAJtTOX XXIDB BATTZBIIB etartar sad generator work; 109 8oatk HJfk. LAUNDRIES 32 TRT THE HOME WXT WASH LA UN dry. TsL 171. 1856 B Street. J17ti cipttai; cnasT iAtnrDBT "Tks Lsaadry os Pars Motorisls" Tslspkoas !.. - 1S64 Broadwsy THE NEW -SALEM LAUKDBT THE WKLUkMt LACNDBT Telrpkosa 9S. - - S 8. Htgk - TAILORS, "34 D. H. MOSHEIC ' TAILOB fOM. MEN aad women. 47 Wort BV WANTED-Miscellaneous; 35 PTTRNlTtntB PCKTSO POB - SHIP menta. Qiea rowers roroita? w. WAXTXD PRIVATB' MOXBT POB rm Imu. Wo hsrs ssrsral spplios- ticas oa kand. Hawkins Roberta, las, 90S Oregoa Bldg. WANTED OFFICE ROOM OB) SMALL suits in dow-stowa district for ass as mnaissl studio iron 7 to 10 p. at. la qniro Vlelntosh, 10 to 12 a. at. Statesman, . from wanted fiooo washed oottoh Raga aot satsUer tha a 1 yard to aaa for wiping maehlaary. Hicaost, prtec paid for good claaa rags, apply SUtosmsa otiios. sos winy- 1 ToL law HIGH AJCD OXXTKB JOB WILLIAMS More Than a Tonic More Than a HealthFood A Natural, Remedy I Pacific Health-Ore This product suppliss Katara with vitsl working sad kulidiag materiale prarldea element, to maintain tha normal ehoaUesl balaaeo to taauro tho a at oral harmony sad propor functioning of glands sad oc tanesad to naiataia a rtea ana asaiuy blood atresia, i Caad as a mineral water pleasant to take oao poekaco re oattieioat for throe months treatment. Bold aador a poaitiTS money-beck gusrsnteo. - ; ri rrv-Tft, wCTRIO CO. HOU8E wiring by hoar or oeatrsot. Ettimstee I jraisned. - Tel. sw tmn ot. BICYCLES - REPAIRING 8 I LLOTD K. RAM SPIN COLUMBIA BJ- : cyema sad repairing. SB7 tjoars. - HELP WANItU-Male 11 WANTED UTI MAX TO fiXLL REAL estate. Saw Ststoamaa. . CHIROPRACTORS 15 DR. O. L, SCOTT. P8C. CH1ROPBACTOB --236 X. High. y Tol. ss-tt, sv si. ur. h. b. 8CorrncLp, -p. b. Kirst TCetioaal Bank Bldg. . C, 806 FLORISTS 16 CUT FLOWERS. WIDDING BOUQUETS raaeral wroataa. oeeaeouooa. vi. w. Breithaaot. tkerkat. 819 Btato Street. . Tel. 88a INSURANCE - 18 rJ 3 rOR SALE FIRST AXD SECOXD Mart gecos. Trust Deeds. Contracts 01 kotiscw Will net 6 to rOper oont. - BECKE HENDBICJtK . aw Hjtr Bdg.. l9 X. High St. Insure " Tour ITsias or Csr bsw. Fbens 161 r.ECKE HEXDRtCKB Hi!i Bldg.. 1 X. High St. W FARM LOANS PLXXTT OP MOWBT - o loan oa good farm security. C1TT LOAN 3 Ws srs losaisg Pra dsjtlsl Iaesrsncs oompssy money oa . sity residence snd bnsinsss property-st IU ir cent. Bias a sommUaioa. Haw kins s Roberta. lac- 90S Oregon ' Beilding. ' ' ' FOR RENT 21 UPRIGHT LUDWIO PIAXO, VEUT REA sonsbls. Tel. iea. POR REXT Partly fornlsbed homo 748 Xonrsy, $2"5 Partly furnished 4 room honse, Pacific Uighwsy. 616. 6 room boaoo ntl aero tract 1 mile sut, 810. " ' XRUEGEB Ths Realtor" 147 X. Corn'L - ' Phona SIT MATRESSES 36 MATTRE88ES RENOVATZD BT THE CaDitai Citr-Beddias Co 11 SO North Capitol. Called for sad del'.eerel. ' All work rsranid. To,. 19 FOR SALE 37 WINTER APPLES. TtULlFSOX'S. BT. 8, Bs. 89. Phono 4F4. CHOICE HOLLY. A X T AMOCXT Phono 1562-J. 1J47 X. Com'L POTATOES 81-10; APPLES 90.85; CAB- nsgs so.bb sack. : 10O5 Broadway. POTATOES SORTED BUBBAXKB AXD gsias 91.10 swt. Pratum Warakwuss. OATS AND VETCH HAT AXD CLOVER bay. a bate or csr load. Will dalirer in too lota or mora. R. L. Hoack. In dspondoneo,' Oregoa.-- Fboao ladepoa Senco ri4. i FOR SALE 37 PIGS FOR SALB Hsrs 20 flao pigs for salo. Pfcoas 877. A. C. BOHRXSTIDT ! Realtor Leans tnanraace 147 No. Com 'I St., Salem, Oregoa. FOR SALE-LIVESTOCK 39 FRESH COWS. ONB TO BB FRESH in.v Phoao 68PS. .t- VETERINARIAN ! 39a WOOD SAWING! 142 PSOXB 19T7. 1810 4BHTl6Sf WOOD FOR SALE 1 43 PHOXB 72F2. GOOD DRT WOOD FOS TOTJ--D. . TSi. ' . . 94Vl9tf LOAD 16 1JCS MILL WOOD FOB 14 00. At Tracy'a Faol Tard. Pheae DBTi 10 s IXCH4 OLD FIB. BBCOXD growth sad ask, C. U. Harbsagk, 10994 ftignisaa, ato, ; xol. IvOO. : GOOD COAL rrsT WOOD PROMPT DELIVERIES , HILLMAX FUEL OO. TFLKPB0X2 1856. r - BEST O&ADB OP WOOD ' Dry wood, 4 n. aad 10-iacn, lars loads are ekeaoer So bar. Mill wood is our ssssialty. . Prompt dslirsr aad raasoasots pnea, i FRED X. WELLS i ! x h 280 8. Chsrch Tel lSi POULTRY & EGGS 45 PBTS POR SUKPA1 D1KXXB, ' WEIGHT X pousts. faoaa 82X91. Loo Hatokory. ; .This Is the Time to Buy a Oood Used Car. ' This time of the year one can get a very good buy In a used car. If you are planning on buying a car In the spring you had better Investigate and look over the cars offered now. You will find that you can 'buy at a much lower figure now Just look over the list of cars offered under the used car heading on this page.- If you do not find what you want today' look again to morrow as the list is constantly changing. 54 ACRJE SHEEP OR DAfRT RANCH to ojacaaago lor Kaiem or i .rtiaaa prep Srty. Pries reduced te 917.500; , Good 6 room kosss, a'lef barn, frail Io cs tod, noariy ail laaced with ,. FOB SALB ' - AO- seres good timber 91000. 9650 ess a wui hsadis It. Now saodera stdess koase. 95000. Take aid hsaso aad terms oa balaacs. 48 acres flas land, running water ' sad timber, 94500. Half cask or teas small trse. 28 acres ckoles laai. six room konsa. psrod klfkwsy, 93250. Hslf essh. JT. 1 WOOD GEO. F. PIED - 941 State St. . WORK OUA RANT KID. E. X. WIGOINS. Taslaarmiat. 1145 Mam, Tel 9261 W. TRANSFER St HAULING 70 MISCELLANEOUS 51 Are You All There?' Ckosslosl satalTste mi tks hamaa bedr show tkst tt Is composed of ths follow tag sloes tats : uzygss. jarb-u, uyaro- reu, M.tsogwa, CaM-itss,- A'soepaoras, Pots est ara. Salpkar, - wodiam Chloride. kUgaoeKm. Ire a. Iediao, Flaoriro, Sill eoa. Xiaa. Maagaaaaa. Ton supply yoar body with these ksmlesl slamsnts ' tkrovgh tks ood you est, ths sur pom trsails sad tks water you drlsc. ' Good . oaltk depoa ts ssask spoa tho' chemistry of tho bod aa tha supplied asus staiaiaoo. . assay miafj toe a V MMBoa aso today are 'ekioa' t- a: alarming extent in tksss rital aad kealth promotiuf nroportisa, 'Bd thu dtfistaaey Is res po 3ii Ms for many asroaj siIipsbU. Paclfifc Health-Ore. is risk In -ks majority of these slsmants snd .Its nss kss soeonrpllsksd msrTelous results in rsstoring health. Oirs Xstnrs a chases you U t o - rprsed at kss re- apeaao. - SEX ' TOUB DRUGGIST - TODAY LOST AND FOUND 53 LOST OERMAK POLICH DOO. RE ward. Telephone 488. . PIANO TUNERS' 54 BDWABD WXLP XXPEBIXXCKS Piano tassr. Laave ordera Will'e Muoio Storw PRINTING 56 PEDIGREED STOCK WHITE r BOCK I cockerels. Russell , McCsllistsr, Pra tam, Oregoa. : . POULTRY WANTED ANT KIND, SIZE or amount, top market, aiaest eash pries. Salam Poultry Oo 146 Coater St. Foot sf ths krislxa: Phoao B490. MUSIC STORES I 46 GEO. O. WILL PIANOS, I PHONO- grspaa, sewing macaiaes. sheet music sad piano stadias. . Repairing phoao grspks nod sewing ntscktnss. - 432 State street. -baiem. MUSIC TEACHERS 47 Jsck Easier, Northwest leading- teacher of J. Accordion f I ; Sow 'open for engagements. For ap- poinbnsnte csli at stadio, 169 South iAb erty or phono 1207. - . Newspapers-Magazines 48 THE PORTLAND TEX. KG RAM SALEM Agency. Ths Ass. TsL Vl. - - i i i n ' ii fHB OREGON STATESMAN, 60 CXXTS par month aoUTsrsa so yoar some early each atoning., TsL 85 ar 999. IF YOU WANT TO GET THB BEST farm pspoc send firs 9-wat stamps to tha Pacirie Heaseetead, Saloau, Oregoa, for a - three nsoatha srial sabocxipUeat. si. POULTBTMKX 1XXD BIGHT TWO- cent staasps Car spsotal tars montsa trial for tho boat aad oldest Journal ia tho Wee. Ths artistes sad advsr- ttssasoate are at spoosal iatorost to tas poultry breeders of tks Northwest Xsrtkwast Poultry josrasL til 8. Com al St.. Bslaas. Ore. : PAPERHANGJNG 50 PHOXB OLXXX ADAMS -eTOB HOUSE decorating, paporhsnglng. tiatiag. ste. Hot 1st. to workman. - PAINTING! r 50a CHt?. Bxxxrrr. - palxtix oon- tratoor. painting, paper aaagag. 2288 i. 187 Wss MllteC. MISCELLANEOUS 51 FOR SALEM SC AVENGER CALL 187. FABM. WK BOARD DOOS AT OUB FUks's Petlaad. 273 State. 6250 EQUITY LOCAL BOND TRADE (or wood, vss lzta et, alter ji p. m. mRSlTURE TJPHOlJSTXBrXO AXD KB pairing, woso-rowan rsninin wsoro. BUY USED MEN'S CLOTHING, JEWEL- rr. Guns. Tools, etsyoias, sts. star Baekaaga, 9X4 k. Oasa'L Tsl 969. FOB SALS,-- -01d WBWBPAPaatB, 16 banalo. Btatssss ssnoo, ass - -? " ; . a South Comma reiaL iljOti OCX CUSTOMERS ARI OUR BSST hoaatora ; beeaaao whom U-S do your weUiax. 'tis doa. aot yea. -Electric aad acstyloBO welding, - large sad smslL O. D. Oppaa, 686 KU1 St. TsL .879 aa 9086-J. - FOB STATIONERY, CARDS, FAMPH lsts, pro rrama, books, ar any kind of printing, eall at tks Statesman Print- ing sAopsrtnssns, xta sv. Tel. 688. MONEY TO LOAN 57 FEDERAL FARM LOAN 5 ft . Wood. 841 State St. F. L. P. H. BELL. 219 U. 8. BAXX BLDG. Reeideneo sad kuaiaoss loans. TsL 607 or 2141-W- MOXEY TO LOAN FOR BUILDING AND oa city property. B. a. Msrtia and L. X. Martin, attoneys. 419 Ortg-s Building. TsL 2084. WE HAVE 9000 92200 $2500 AND 81-0,000 to loan on income property Only property with clear titls will bo considered. Gertrude ii. M. Page, 4S4 Court street. CITY AXD FARM LOANS AT LOWEST rates. Best terras obtainable. Our insaranes department offers yon ax pert s 4 rise snd eeroieo in all lines. HAWKINS A HOBKKTS (Ine.j TeL 7427. 20 Oraron Bldr. WANTED LOANS 59 W1TT1D PriTats moaoy to team am RIAL ESTATE. W. H. OBAB EXHORST OO. , 184 8. Liberty St. - PLUMBING 60 PLUMBING AND GKNXBAL BkPATJB work, ersbor Bros 144 8. Likarty. ..Tt,.SS0' ..i-. .- --n.i-.-i -. RADIO 62 Radio las For aserr curoosa. for ersry parss All standard sises of Radio Tubes. EOFP ELECTRICAL SHOP. 885 Court St. Tel. 489. . . . REAL ESTATE 63 REAL ESTATE ; 63 Ons sore aB la boarlasT ap awaia ox ana staJttaley asow. fau dswa monta. W. H. OBABEXBOBST - - ltd a. Liberty St. spates looated 8.0 en L Prtee f lOv oa ONLY 4 BLOCKS FROM COURT HOtTSX A good bom a of 7 aieo rooms, arraaaed m B aparsnssatr that will deenaad a good rental. Prios 98260, sssk f 500, bL 80 mo. o psr es&t lntsrsst. : 8KB . -. - - - LEO X. CHILDS OO.. Baattors S90 State Street. Phoao 1727 -WHY PAY BXWT -9200 essh, balance like nat hay a new 4 room pis ste rod bungalow, has slse. lights. - sswer connection, cement' wslks, gangs, woodshed, new immediate-poaaao- aioa. Frleed for a quick, deal 91500. Boo Mr. Boehtel or Mr. Sears, 941 State St., Roomys.'' ! .; ONX- ACRE TRACT OX HIGHWAY One block from bus lino, a nice 4 room house, garage and woodshed, good well. Pries only 92200, cash 9750, bsL 15 psr Mo, 6 per cent interest. SZE - - ' - - - LEO N. CHILDS' CO Boalton 80-Stats Street.- Bhoao 1737 GREATEST TKADINO ' ORGAXIxATJOX OX THB PACIFIC COAST Ws bare orrr 8000 prtroertiea listed for exchange. Every kind of 'property every price, every lncatian-. Wo esn mates your oaeaango eisutui. t you would like to trade your property TO DAY, soma la TODAY. Sea 018KILL a ks m.w. Keaitor 166 8. Liberty. TsL 9242 d BOOM BUNGALOW. CLOSE XX. BASE- . a Oil 1 merit, lurasss, uopioc, s Ps-rod Street. 98850. 6 Room House, North Summer Street, Closs in. 95500, with. 9860 Down, 985 por month. North 80th Street. 5 Boom House. Base ment, Range, Garage, S390O, ssso Down, 930 por Month. Xsw Bungalow, Everything Modern, $2950, Would Consider cresgs ia Trsds. GERTRUDE J. M..PAGE 484 Court Street. ToL 1882 or 1186 GOOD 6 ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW 96000i want good scresgs or farm. 100 A. farm, bldgs.. berries, fruit, $9000, take store or residence. 20 A. farm, fine soil, good location. 93000. for residence. 16 Room Apt. bouse snd 8 room dwelling for squipped farnu 190 A. farm, fine level dark- loans soil. nlee location, all in cult. Price 8100 per A. Want income property. ' : Sss our exchange list before investing PESRINE A MARSTERS 212 Crsy Bldg. WHAT ABB YCTJ .LOOKINO PORf If yon wans a good fans r Salem Horn r , Good Investment ' - or Loons snd Insunnes - . ' .or Exehsnrs of Property Wo solicit your baseness ia all these lines oa a bssia of better service, oa Come ia and seo aa. VICTOR SCHNEIDER 229 Oregon Bldg., Salem. s Office Phono 673. Homo 788-X. FOR RENT HOUSES. GKRTRUDB M. PAGE. 484 Court St. LOT3 LOTS LOTS Four larre lots streets pared. Price 91000. Bsst of terms. Buyer assume St. A rttn't. For Ssls by Louis stock tel J. D. Sears, 941 Stats St., Boom 2. FOR BENT Good 8 room bouse sad garage la En glewood for 920 psr month. 'SEE LEO X. CHILDS CX, Realtors ' 820 State Street. Phono 1727 FOB) SALE 910.000 A REAL HOME $10,000 New strictly modern homo, 9 rooms, well built, best material snd workman ship, most idesl location, wow rented for 960 por month. Phono 766. Shown by sb appointment only . Sos Mr. Boehtel or Mr. Basra, 941 State St, Room 2. ' JUST COMPLETED : A boautful bomoof Encliah Stuooo typo. , ehoorfal rent sad nook, built ins. firmlasa. best of plumbing, full bsssmsnt. lsundrr tnys. gsraga, nice comer Jot. located ia good residential dis tries. Pries 95750 with liberal terms. - BaEJS - LEO X. OHILDS OO- Boalton : 920 Stats Strsst. Pkoao 1727 STOVES AXD STOVE REPAIRING- STOVES FOR SALE REBUILT AXD repaired by airport. All kinds of wovea wver feaso. Faaey aad plaia, Hop l..sA.ta and hooka, loraa Books. Salem Faasa and Btswo Works. 260 Court 1 ' atrsot. '-' -: - " BEANS!::f Iv Cannsry kssns grown u Fl extend De velopment (Jompsnys lmgstsa laaoi now being contracted for 1929 delivery. Por particulars about thess loads see ; ; Flaxland Development Company : 411 Masoale Tewpls ' WB HAVE A OOOD LIST OF KEW asoderu kososs, desirably located, which we will bo glad to show st any tin Also some splendid close In toasts with or without buildiags. Pisk yen re now. Thar will bo hisrksr nrtesd la spring. A good dairy proposition witk a city kerne to $8000 as -part, diss sa cksages. BARBER A BOND. 200 Gray Bldg. 'v TRADE OR SELL 1 CITY PROPERTY FOR ACREAGE 93500 Modern bungalow first class loca tion ts trade for aersags. 66500 Ons of ths finsst 6 room homes in Salem,, in best location. Trsds " for acreage. WANTS SMALLER HOUSE 95000 Fine, nearly new, modern 6 room - komo, first class , location. Will trade for eheaper horns. IXOOMX $9500 On State street. Income about 910O monthly. Waats acreage ap to fwuu. Aak for MR. SIEMENS witk Anderson A Rupert, 169 8. High St. TRADE OR 8EtL ' ACREAGE FOR CITY PROPERTY 2 Acres Real close in, close to bus. school snd pavement. All la Income fruit and berries ii eluding cherries good 0 roo house, electric lights snd we- . tar system. Pries 9450O. Wsnte eitv home. 19 Aerea 4 miles from- Ladd A Busk bank, 5 seres BEARING WAL . . NUTS, 1 good 6 room house, steetris light Hne, close to school on good road. . Pries 96000. Waat sity homo. Ask ; tor .- - .. . .!, MR. SIEMENS witk Aadsrsea A Rupert, 169 S. Higk NEW OFFICE OPENING Just tMSOf. Room 804 Oneway Build lag.. Take elevator. List property for ssis, trsds or rsnt. I will Specialise aa rentals takini eaarga ar propsrty. ksoping ia npsir. woKiaej aiw lasaraaoo aael a-eneral no- keep. If yea ksro teat hard eollostioas to mako 1st ms try thorn. In slgktsen years bsakicg oxperiesce I bays worksd oa all klads of eases. Rates rssscasbls. . No charge aaless actual sorries U rendered. isoier to malem Bank of Commorte. ' - . O. BU MIDDLETON : ; Boom 804, Orsrn Buildlsg. uines fnons 2808 P. B. I ksrs nico library tsbls snd sets so sraos lor fiat top oflieo deak mono of rich or res. 1065J. . FAIRMOUXT HILL SNAP Modern 6 room horns overlooking tks sity, ales large rooms, built ins. fireplsss, basement, furnace, garage, nlee lawn aad shrubbery. Pries for quiek sate rsdassd to 85500, part terms. SEE '-: ; LEO X. CHILDS OO, lbssltors ' 890 Btsts Street. Phoao 1727 REAL ESTATE-Farms 67 win fence. . State -St. Balsas Realty woven Oa 462 TAXIDERMIST 68 CAPITAL OTTY TBAXSFER CO. 926 Btato 6s. TSL 988. Distrihutiag. far ward log aad stomas war- mg t lie I ty. Got WX MOVE, 'store AXD SBTP HOUSE Sal gooda. oar jpeaialty te plan aad faraitan asorias. Ws also asaka coun try trips; We kaadls tho bast ooal aad wood. OsB am aa for prteoa. "We gin good assoauro. good quality aad goad semes, larasr Trawasar ... "t'el. sS FORD TRUCK. PXEUMATIO TIRES ALL good, aow x ptatlarm Bouy. ii -- Eotor. $800. J. XL PsoWss. Falls City, Oregon. : , ' ' ' PACKARD WATER 74 ORKQOM WASH. WATER BBKYIOX OO. urnsa 804 ssstt Uonrmarcial PL Tea psr esat disooast aa domastte flat rate paid 1b sdrsssa. . Xs dsdsrtioa for ab as sss or any osusa aslsss water ts skat ats your pramiiiss. TRAVEL 76 TB-AT1L Safely, Swiftly and ComfortoblT la buses of the Parker Stage Linos, B-T-A-Q-K 8 .L-E-A-V-E F-O-R Bilvertos 7 a. m, 11 a. m 6 p. an. ML Angst 11 a. m 5 p. m. Dallas 7 a. m., 9 a. m.. 1:25 p. m. Fella City 7 a. isv. 2:10 p. sv, 6U5. Independence 7 a. m 9 a. nu. 11 :15 a. as., 8:10 p. m.. 5:15 p. sa. Sun - dsy only 9:30 p. m. MoBorouth 7 a. m 11:15 a. at, 8:10 j. au, 6:15 p. ar. Sunday only 7:10 p. m.; 8:80 p. m. MeMinavilte 6:80 a. a, 8:10 p. an, - 6:16 p. na. Xswharg 8:80 a. snv, 9:10 p. so, - 5:15 p. in. Tillsmook 6:80 a. m.. 2:10 p. Bt. '' Call 223 or 69 for information AUTOS WANTED 77 CASH PAID FOR FwTESS KIKE fi AUTO USED CARS-For Sale 79 MeKAYS FOH USED CARS) Wa have a few cheap used cara left. Priced at $75 or .under. Just ths thng for school or fami use. 1926 Cher, trx- reconditioned, re painted snd guaranteed. ...glo 1923 Cher, trc .reconditioned. re painted; several seces tones 8 1 75 1925 Ford trs.. first elsas in all wsys - - ..fii 1924 Cher, t r- you hsrs never seen s better one than this 1925 Overland trg., original- finish, is very good. , mechanically O. K. . . $250 1924 Cher. Sedan, repainted, bss diss whssis, balloon Lres... fSOO 487 Canter st High. Phono 745 DOUGLAS McKAY CHEVROLET CO. Christmas feuy . Mr. Used Special Now Car Buyer Stop Look Listen Have You Ever Bought A Good Automobile With-out Paying Any Interest Don't buy a nsed csr until yon ksrs seen eur stock also hare us explain to you hew yon can buy a rood need ear without paying any interest or financing charges. Capitol motors inc. '850 No. High St. I Biddy Bishop Washing. Grossing. Gas, Oil. Accessories Open All Night Two of the Best PACKARD 0LDSM0BILE REO 4 TON SPEFD WAGON CHEAP for eash must sell st oseo 1198 So. Com'L REAL ESTATE TRADES 65 WANT SALEM INCOME IX EXCHANGE for 160 asms two sad ' hslf miles BnwnsTlils, fnsin rood, two set sf buildings, nil .pen lend. Pries 960.00 5 per acre, clear of debt. L. B. Morse. Browns villo. Ore.- MacOonald's Cleanup ; Greatest bargains ever ottered, i nese cars must be sold be fore Saturday. . Oakland Coupe $49.00 Buick Touring (light six) - $49.00 Chevrolet Tr. - $49.00 Ford'Tr. - - $75 J These cars will be sold as are many other high grade cars. - Will be on sale at a great sacri fice, come see: Seeing is Deiievincr an cars must be sold. Cottage and Ferry Sts Telephone 409 USED CARS-For Sale 79 USED CARS-For Salo 79, I -U a Kirk wood Motor Co. Used Cars j J? 1 27 Crvsler Coach Like new - $623X0 1926 Pontiac Coupe . - . - 1925 Oldsmobile Coach - - 1926 Pord Roadster - - - 1924 Ford Coupe. Balloon - - 1925 Dodge Sedan f - - -1924 Ford Touring - - - These cars have been through our shop and are open to inspection by your own mechanics - . SAVE $ $ $ on These 311 No. Commercial Phone 341 $585.03 $385.C3 $190.03 $215.03 $550.03 $75.03 OLDSMOBILE Two of the Best MR. USED CAB BUYER 1928 Llcsaso FTSwABy Car . OVEB $4C0 . nma la sad Sos These 436 Packard 8 Pasa. Sedan. - ' 13S Cadillac .Coupe. Ste Packard 4 Paos. Coupe. 1027 Oldamobils 2 Door beaan reamer. 19S6 OMsaoblls 2 Door 8sdsa Lesther. 1920 Star Cospstsr. i 1914 Chovro-let 4 Door Stdss. 1925 Star Touring. 1 027 Ford Ila-ht delivery. Ford 1 Ton Track Jumbo Trans. Ford Roadster. Buick Touring. Studebaker Tourings. ; All the above Mated can ara pncea tor nick ssls, 1st us show thea to you. ioms nigh clsss csrs at real ssvingf. Rs member a Psckard nsed ear itoro is 6 ssfs place to. boy used csrs. , . Capitol Motors Co. C50 No. High St. -Biddy Bishop Storage, Washing, Grossing, fist. Oil, Accessories. Open All Kis-bt Ws Never Close t Ws Never Close CASH PAID FOR CMf CARS. rick Motor Co. GING- Pettyjohn's , . Better Automobile Values Turkey Free with sack snd svsry ons. .9 975 . 1075 750 640 western whits botk $1.27 J ksrd winter, botk $1.25; northern spring both $1.26; wsstorm red both $1.23. - ' Oats. No. 9. 99 pound W. F. Bad gray botk 989. ' Bsrlsy. Ne. X. 45 pound BV. w. PM, ,; , $37. Jsa. $89. Oora, rio. x, s. X. shipvasat, DOin ;o - 50: ditto No. 9. botk 936. : -r, ., MUlrua, stsadsrd botk $37. a.. 1 - HAT - -'' PORTLAND, Ore Deo. 9. (JP).-r: Hsy buying priest: Eastern Oregon tim otby $2021; ditto vsllsy $16.5017? ' cheat $14.50; slfalfa $17; oat hay $14Q 14.50: -straw $8.60 per ton. Selling,, . prises 99 a tea mora. . , , V FBTJTTS AXD VEGETABLES -v ' PORTLAND, On., Dea. 2. (AP)- Aha Xovembsr anlosds of fruits snd 'f,. i; stsblss in Portland about equalled thoee of a yoar ago with 448 can aa compared" ' witk 436 in November 1926. Then were x rrsat ensures in certain commodities. Ths short erop of spples furnished onl 57 carloads as compared wits iua, most.M.a of which went Into storsgs a year ao, but there were 108 csrs of potatoes n n teadod as compared with 60 a year ego The lateness of the local erop, a largs part of which is still in tks ground, ac counts for tho largs number shipped - ia from Yakima. , VI f i : 1926 Buick Victoria ! 1026 Buick Standard Sedan 1925 Buick Enclosure .... ... 1926 Dodge Sedsn 1924 Dodge Coups .435 1027 Kssk Ltfht Six-Coops 8:5, 1927 Nssh Special Sis Coupe 1025 1026 Type, Chrysler "5" Coupe ... 600 625 690 875 600 100 90 275 675 275 175 93 850 173 190 1926 Essex Coach 1924 Oakland "6" Sedan .-- 1924 Gardner Coupe 1921 Franklin Demi-Sedan 102 Overland Sedan 1921 Ford Coups 8M Ford Roadster 1926 Xsih Special Six Touring 1925 Btsr Touring 1922 Studebaker Touring l ord 'l ounng Fnnklin Touring Essex Touring i . Durant Roadster Yon ought to see 4hese sutomobilea. They srs ths highest quality used csrs. everyone . ts s rsst value. The prices provs a high grade automobile investment. lerms if desired. F. W. Pettyjohn Co. S65 North Commercial St. Telephone 1260 AlTTKit WE SELZ. WE SERVE FRODTJCB ' FORTLAXr, Ore., Dec. . (AP).-s Bids to ths farmer: Butterfst slcsdytj-; 48e stetion, 49e track; 61 e fob Portland. Poultry ateady; heavy hens 18(ff21ef - light 10014c; springs S0.21e; broilers. ,.; 23025c; pekin white ducks 80c; colored , nominal; turkeys stive 80i5J85c. Onions steady, local $1.15 1.25 ; -po- ; tatoes-steady 75c$1.25 ssck. 1 LIVESTOCK PORTLAXD. On- Dee. . UP)-f'' Cattle and calves steady; receipta none. - Hogs steady ;. receipts 865 on eentrso Sheep and lambs stsady; no rscsipts. f-.l M 1 DAIRY ' PORTLAND. On., Dee. 1. AP). Dairy Exchange, net price: Batter, sxtraC 48e: stsndsrds 47e , prims-firsts 48 He; firsts 45. Kggs, sxtrss CBc; firsts S4ct pnlleta 8Sc; current receipts 82e; nndsrsised 80c. i - CHICAGO GRAIN CHICAGO, Dee. 2. (AP). Announce- - tnont that sstimsted Eonpssn corn , . production this season is 27 per cent un der lsst year led to s sharp upturn in corn values today. Aggressive buying of . corn future deliveries set in, snd corn pricee finished strong st virtually the day's top level. 14 to lie net higher with wheat unchanged to 7-8e up, and oats showing le to 1 8-8e sdvsncs. I O- L1STEN IN Consult Us About Your! Used Car Problems 1926 Roadster . - -- .$285 1927 Tudor Sedan.. . So nearly bow . that you esn hardly tail that it kss bssn nssd - $476 1925 Star practically nsw balloon tires 4 wheel bnkos $325 1926 Coups. Original tires on this show very little wear. 1917 Muster, with sr. U. Valley Motor Co. Salem, O regon Salem" Liar lie ts ttRAXX Ne. 1. wheat, whits Bed wkest, sacked - Oats, psr bu. milling. -91.14 ..$1.11 -$ .99 PORK. 1CTTTTOB AXD BEEF .Top kogs . .... $9.10 Sows 03 HQ -06 Top stosrs ; , 04a.07V4 Cows 095.08V, Spring Iambs, "l J 9 Dreoeed veal . , .14 Dressed pigs i 41 F0UXTBT Light ksaa Heavy kens Springs Broilers .ii a. t4 . JM0 .19 . Jl SflOB, BUTTER. XTyTTXXTAT Staadsrds t ,. , n Batterfst Prias Batter At .49 .80Q.61 VEGETABLE , Beets, ssckod , Xsw sabbacs - Potatoos Celery, hunches Sweet pots toes . .8001 .02 o-I General - TJarlcetB PORTLABD OXAIX PORTLAXD. Ore- Deo. I. (AP). Wheat bid: BBB ksrd white. Dec- Jsa 81.82: bard white, blueetem. Baart both $1.80; federation, both 91 .20-; soft white. MINUTE MOVIES By Ed Wheelan VWWBELAN FEW FOMENTS LATER. JACVi U)ySMN, i CAPTAVH TH5 &ALL ON ViONG fcr4D RUN ACROSS t.. fAAr ikM "AO -i rVIt OTf QWS - I'lL TAKE CABU CP TWIJ ONfi 'Arm - ' - sf I 9 'ah W sj -s-b, mr g-nx? WetoS" wsy w-w Ajr4D NOMJ It l THf. ROOTCRa?' Turn id GO VflilD VJJJTU ' DLISMT OSKJ E.ANVH (VsXPPegr Z S 2 A CRWtV "FRO . sHOP'.Ltsrms caT!mg or J 'ii'iV -TVlrr 3-AKE aTMr.r3DJ0- SAVE tAV p' ti fSPT VT o9 r i HTlMB GAME r"OUrtfJH PERIOD, VDfCU SyCAWCRl EANVAM f SVCAMO&B ) 1 .r,.ci niKr o . M -i w I o- TSatwaw . J a . s . r .! ROSH'S CCH TUB GAME, DECIDES TO CJO.TO HIM (DAD. I CAHT STAHO Y4 TWl3 SUSPENSE l -V fUT 'PIKD OUT WOU5 K SEE i 8ATTTEDAT MORNING 8:00-9:00 KXL (S20). Early Riser prof gram. 9:00-10:00 KXL Portland Early Bird. 10:00-11:80 KOW (492). Houaeboli helps snd music. 10:00-12:00 KEX (240). Lit Us Housw keeper. 10:00-12:00 KXL. Livewire sad cour tesy programs. . SATTJRDAT AFTEBjrOOir 12:00-12:80 KEX. Weather report snd concert. - 12:00 1:00 KFE0 (214), Wsstber re port, and music. 12:80-8:00 KXL. Courtesy programs. . 1:00-2:00 KMX. Concerts. 1:00-5:00 KWVJ (229). Afternoon mu- siesL - 2 :00-8 :00 KXL. ,Moslcsl matines. f S:00-End KEX. U. of W. vs. U. S. C football game, from Loa Ancelea. 8:00-4:00 KWB8. Concert. . 3:00-4:30 KXL. Afternoon presentations. 4:so-s:ou ul, Italian program and lesson. 5 :00-8 :00 KXI Organ rseltsL 5 :00-8 :00 KWJJ. Twilight programs. 6:16-6:00 KOIN. Topsy-Turvy Times. 8ATT7RDAT XIGHT 6:0O-6:J0 KEX (.240). Utility. 6:00-7:00 KFEC (214) Westhsr rs port snd music. 6t0O-7:0O KXL (220). Dinner dance. 6:00-7:00 KOI1 (819). Dinner concert. 6:00-7:00 KTBR (283). Dinner con sert snd A. A. i. road reports. 6:00-7:00 KGW (492). Dinner concert.' 6:00-8:00 KWJJ (229). Twilight pro gram.' 7 :0O-8 :00 KEX. Orchestra. -7:00-8:00 KXL. Courtesy program. 7:00-8:00 KWB3 (200). Concert. 7:00-6:00 KGW. KOMO concert. 9:00-8:80 KRX. Citiienshlp program.''' 9:00-9:00 KTBR. Dance maale. 8:00-8:00 KOW. NBC program. 6:00-9:00 KXL. Tsnor. 9:00-10:30 KWJJ. Studio program. 8:30-10:80 KOIX. Junior Symphony orchestra. 8:00-10:00 KOW. XBO. program. 9:00-11:00 KWBS. Musical program. . 9:00-12:00 KXL, Danes frolic. 9:00-9:00 KGW. NBC program. 1 11:00-12:00 KEX. Danes musis. 10:00-12:00 KEX. Danea music. 11:00-1:00 KOIX. Webtoot hferrtmak- ars. 12:00-9:00 (a. m. Sun.) KXL. "Sleep Wreckers. XBC S to 9, R. C. A. 15 piece srehestrs; 9 te 10, Philco hour; 10 to 11, Satur day Night Review. KGO Oakland - 884). 6. eoncert: 7. news; 6-11, XBC; 11, dance orchestra. KFOA Seattle (447). 6, sports; 7, Boy Scoots 8-11,' XBC programs. KFI Lor Angeles (468). 6:15, radiotor-' isl; 6:f0, seat pocket period; 7: SO, pianist: 8-10, NBC; 10-11. frolic. KHQ Spokane (870). , orchestra; 7, KOMO program; 6 10, - NB0; 10-12, dance music KFSO Los Angeles (ItS). 6:80, Anre - Ins hour; 7:80-9:80, divtns keal.ng service, Almee Sempts sfsPkssson. KPO Ssa raselsro (422). 6-6:80. or. chestra; 8-10, NBC program; 10, dance orchestra. KFRO 8sn. Francisco (454. 6:30, Cecl isns; 8, serenadert; 8-12, danrs orches- - trs. " KXL Oakland (50O). 6:20, eoncert; ,7. ; B-IO, variety. FINAL NOTICE OP imCTTRIX To whom It may concern: Ko tlcs is hereby glren that tbe un-' dorelined, Nellie M. Cronlse, fx scutrlx of ths last Will and Testa-; raent and Estate of Thomas J. Cronlse, deceased, has this day, tiled In said estate her final ac count; and that the County Court of Marion ' County, Oregoa, fca.3 fixed and appointed Tuesday, De cember 6, 1927, at -th' 'hour of 10:00 A.,M. of Eald day, la f.io County Court Room, la the County Court: House, In Marlon County. Oregon, as the time and place for the hearing of objections to hk!i final account and for the e ;ttlj ment thereof. Dated NoTember 3rd, 1 " 17. " NELLIE .jM. cr.ONir-c. Executrix of tho Last WiU aad i: tato of Thoraas J. Cron'.i I ceas1. . CAREY F. MATITIN, 41S- Masor.Ic Tfetrple BuiIJ!:-j, At torney for Instate. N3-12-13-2: " '