The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 03, 1927, Page 5, Image 5

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    i " 'f? V : A SHORT trip a few ; '
j JSY " ' ! : ; mxnutca timo and
f ASfV p2 - you can rct 6cl-urc4 I
5 ttW i"7. ; ; that you . have xnado
v-v(l V -V - selections to your own
fZi! K "H J C BACON.
fv N"4S lSiESfe : SAUSAGE Backs . , 20c
1) iA PnSP- tES---?-3 , " Breakfast ..20c
Pork ) 15C Sugi
T . TLTJ Cured -24S
- JflSCjmC&t pure Lard, Bring
! J : 15c esBzsp YoorpaUa- 17e
i Mcdowell market
It '178 South Commercial "Where Dollar; Does Its Duty Telephone 1421
3ire Progmm
The Salem boys chorus la
night gave a tree program at the
state tuberculosis hospital.
Visit Toyland .
H. L. Stiff Furniture Co.
For Rent
Modern Falrmount Hill horn
?JtS5. Immediate possession. Becke
U Hendricks, 189 N. High Street.
jUletnrns from Portland
? Nnraiin fC TnllT. castor of
the Presbyterian church In Salem
has returned from Portland where
he delivered an address before the
St. Andrws society on "Scotland
and the Scots.
Personal Greeting Cards
We hare a large selection to
choose from. Prices reasonable
it will pay you to eee them. Atlas
Book Store-, , -
The Bell Ringers
Swedish-American Bell Orches
tra at First Congregational church
Monday night; matinee for chil
dren 4:16. .
Mortgage Foreclosure ,
"L. S. Lambert yesterday filed
suit in circuit court to forecloae
two 4 mortgages, for S00 each.
against J. B. Cummlngs.
Cash lor Filberts
Pearcy Nut Co., 190 S. Commer
cial St.
Make all payments due the Mar
ion Auto Co. to F. N. Derby or
C. H. Morse at Room 217. Ore
gon building. Marion Automobile
Co.. phone 2820.
8ues on Note
The Marion Automobile com
pany yesterday filed suit In circuit
court to collect from Alfred C.
Lau the sum of $383 alleged to be
due on a note, plus 875 as attor
neys fees.
leader; Edward Hansen. Oregon- for 24 year, and can' continue in
that relationship for the remain
der of their lives, it was decided
by Circuit Judge L. H. McMahan
yesterday in refusing to grant a
dlroree to Mrs. Thomas." She had
accused her husband of being too
friendly with other, women. .
City, backer, and Frank A. Bun-
da," Portland, saw operator. There
were a total of 705 accidents re
ported to the commission during
the month.
Dane at Schindler, Tonite -Stage
leaves Terminal at 8:45,
Swedish American Bell Ringers-
First Congregational Church,
Dec. 5th, 7:30 p. m.
Judge Roesman on Program
Judge George Rossman, newest
member of the Oregon ; state su
preme court, will be the speaker
at-the Rotary club luncheon next
A Bargain
A new attractive 4 room bunga
low, basement, furnace, hardwood
floor in Bring room, garage, con
crete drive, pared street and good
location, cut from $3750 to $3200
for quick sale. Melvin Johnson,
320 U. S. Bank Bldg. .
Salem's Real Old Time
Crystal Garden every Saturday
Professor to .Speak
Professor Jewell of Oregot.
State Agricultural college is to be
the speaker at the Salem Ki wauls
Special Sunday Dinner
Served 5:45 to 8 p. m.
Im(I IXI))))
h it ii ii
;; ; SAYS .
Don't buy until you see our
late 1927 model Ford coupe,
lots of equipment, good rubber
and like new in every way.
Priced at $295.00.
V ii ,
-"The Hons That Service Built"
Rain Total 7.oa Inches)
A recheck shows that the total
amount of rainfall in the month of
November at Salem was 7.02
Inches, according to .the official
monthly weather report issued
yesterday by Lloyd Harder, local
weather observer. ; , There were
only five days in the entire month
during which no, rain fell. The
heaviest rain fell In the 24 hour
period ending at 7 p. m. Novem
ber 25. During this time a total
of 1.18 inches ot rain fell.
The Bell Ringers
Swedish-American Bell Orches
tra at First Congregational church
Monday night; matinee for chil
dren 4:15. . . . . . j '. , .
Adam ngel Sued
Suit to foreclose a $3000 mort
gage was filed against Adam En
gel, local contractor, by Arthur
Girod yesterday afternoon.
8 Oregon Pulp and Paper Co.
Preferred. Limited amount for
sale. Hawkins and Roberts. Phone
1417. ,
Nearly New 500 KeUogg
Radio, operates from light sock
et, for less than one. half price.
Phone 1823W. ,
Marriage License Issned
A license to wed was yesterday
issued from the of flee of the Mar
ion county clerk to Edwin L. Lar-
eluh luncheon next Tuesday, the 22. ot SUverton, and Mary P
weekly bulletin will announce. He
Is at liberty to select his own sub
Dance at Schindler's, Ton! te
state leaves Terminal at 8:45.
Kuraltare Upholateres
And repairing. GIeae-Powers
Furniture Co.
Old Time Dance . -
At Castllian Hall tonight, cor
ner Chemeketa and Liberty, new
management. Oudeans orchestra;
Kew Fine Home Price Cut
Double garage and all modern
features Including extra plumbing.
tiled bath, etc. Terms. See at 248
w. Superior. Immediate posses
sion. From $7500 to 88900. Pav
ings paid.' Becke it Hendricks,
189 N. High street.
R&kiess Driving Charged
Frank c. Norwood entered a
--plea of not guilty to a charge of
1 r I , a
l here yesterday. He was held tor
irsai i. xuiure aate.
Lost English Female Bon-
Puppy Call Terminal Cafe, e-
ward. e
Order Now Christmas Delivery
Fernery $4.00 anil up. : Chil
dren's rockers $4.00 and up. Jar-!
dinleres. Baskets, Chain Etc.
Open evenings. Salem Wicker
Mfg. Co.. 2218 State. Phone 2230
Three Fatalities In Week-r v
There were three : fatuities In
Oregon due to industrial accidents
during the week ending December
1. according to a report prepared
V ,V A . a , , . A
uj iuB iiiB laauiruu acciaeiu
kS commission. , The victims lnclud-
9 J ed Robert K. Young, Portland,
L 1
This corner lot 100x100 only
five blocks from the business
center of Salem should appeal
to any one looking for a good
location for something - like
' Garage, machine shop.
Woodworking shop.
Store house, packing t house,
: Laundry, broom factory. .
There Is now a 3-story ware
house on this lot. See us for
price and terms.
442 State St. Tel. 2660
Tool Kit Stolen
Louis Lachmand, hop dealer,
reported to the police yesterday
that someone had -stolen a kit of
valuable tools from his hop ranch.
The bag contained a box of sock
et wrenches, hand tools, pliers,
stillson wrenches, valve grinders,
and a lot of other mechanical de
The Ben Ringers
Swedish-American Bell Orches-I
tra at First Congregational church
Monday night; matinee for chil
dren 4:15. V
Ladies Halrcat Appointmenta
Elite Beauty Shoppe over the
Gray Belle. Phone 914.
AH Schools Visited
Mrs. Mary Fulkerson, county
superintendent of schools, an
aounced: late yesterday- that she
has completed a tour of inspection
of all public ' schools In Marion
county this school year.
First Holiday Season D
. Dad Watson real old time dance.
Crystal Garden, Wed., Dec. 7.
Novelties Turkey prises. Come.
First Holiday Season Dance
Dad Watson real old time dance.
Crystal Garden, Wed., Dec 5 7.
Novelties Turkey prizes. Come.
Default Ordered-, i -
Order of default was yesterday
entered In circuit court in the di
vorce case of Eunice Hart vs. Earl
T. Hart. i " .
Matinee for. School Children -
Only "Monday 4:15 p.. m.. 25c,
First Congregational Church. '
Acre Tract For Lease or Sale
-Close bus and schooL Modern
house. Rent. $20. Price $2750.
Terms like rent Immediate pos
session. South, r Becke sis Hen
dricks, 189 N. High Street.
Two Foreclosure Suite -
Sarah H. Carrier yesterday
started foreclosure proceedings
against A. W. ; Lathrop and also
against J. B. - Cummlngs.r .Thf
mortgages are for $15.00 each. ,
Always a Good Time ,
On Saturday nltes Hazelgreen.'
Schwenk, 18, of Mt. Angel.
Small Home Bet Bay 3 Lots-
Paving paid. Total now $2100
cash. See at 880 N. :22nd. Becke
ft Hendricks, 189 N. High Street
Children's Hair Catting
1064 Oak street, between Capi
tol and University. ; Eugene T.
Prescott :
Cars Found i
Two Ford cars recently reported
stolen have been found. One re
ported stolen November 29 by W.
H. Hertsog has been recovered at
Eugene. Another reported stolen
November 24 by A. O. Lindsay of
Dundee, Ore., has been found at
Sheridan. Ore.
Choice Holly and Wreaths
v Phone 212 O. W. Bean.
The Ben Ringers .
I Swedish-American : Bell Orches
tra at First Congregational church
Monday night; matinee for chil
dren 4:15.
Wetjen Story Appears
Albert Richard Wetjen ot this
city is again , among the writers
featured by Action Stories. His
story. "Shark" Bait," appears in
the January issue ox this ' maga-
tine, now on the newsstands. This
is a thrilling tale of adventure in
the South- Seas, featuring Shark
Gotch, the famous character of a
series by this author.
Ladles Hair Cutting
By. appointment. Elite
Shoppe.' Phone 914.
Tickets on Sale at Pattons
For Swedish American Bell
Ringers. - .
Brief Cases Found-
Two . men . recently reported to
the police that they had their brief
case stolen from their cars. Both
cases were ' brought Into police
headquarters yesterday. Evident
ly the thieves who stole them
thought there might be valuables
of some kind Inside. The owners
are R. K. Lee of Portland, and A.
J. Reusseau.
First Church of Christ, Scientist
i Of Salem announces a tree lec
ture on Christian Science by Mr.
John W.-Doorljy C S. B., of Lon
don. England, member of the
Board of Lectureship of The
Mother. Church, The First Church
of Christ, Scientist, In , Boston,
Massachusetts, in the church edi
fice, corner of Chemeketa end Lib
erty streets, Tuesday evening. De
cember 6, at eight o'clock. The
public is cordially invited to at
Tbe Bell Ringers
i Swedish-American Bell Orches
tra at First Congregational church
Monday night; matinee for chil
dren 4:15.
Iddinois Youth Confesses He
I Tried Plot Against
School Teacher
OTTAWA. 111., Dec. 22 (AP)
To avoid marrying his school
teacher sweetheart, Hiram Reed,
son of a wealthy Mossvllle farmer,
confessed today that he planted A
stick of dynamite in the stove of
the country school where she
taught, believing that It would ex
plode and kill her when she
kindled the fire.
- As a' result of his act, the girl.
Miss lola Bradford, Is near death
and the youth Is held pending the
result of her Injuries and to de
termine what charges shall be
placed against him.
i After being with the young wo
man, who, doctors said, is soon to
become a mother, until 11:30
o'clock Wednesday night, Russell
O. Hanson, state's attorney, said
Reed told him Chat he went to the
school house four miles north of
Rutland where she teaches and
placed a stick and a half of dyna
mite In it, attaching a ten inch
The dynamite exploded when
the teacher started the fire, partly
wrecking the building and. injur
ing the girl so seriously that doc
tors fear she may die.
, he authorities eald that Reed
had been engaged to the girl, but
had delayed the wedding date sev
eral times, he date for the mar
riage - finally was . fixed for next
Sunday and plans for the-wedding
had been discussed by the couple
a few- hours . before Reed planted
the dynamite, Hanson said the
youth told him.
The annual meeting ot the Ore
gon Wool growers association win
be held in Pendleton, January 13
and 14, according to a recent an
nouncement i by K. O Warner.
president of the group. 1 .
Three acres close in on paved
highway with modern house.
F. L. Wood, 341 State ST, ' -
amis delight
"We've Got To Have Money"
Proves Vehicle With .
Universal Appeal
By Victor D. Carlson
"We've got to have money,"
and howl
Men of genius but no cash
shoemakers with leather substK
tutes, barbers with hair-growing
fluids, chemists with a mixture
calculated to ; revolutionise - the
paint Industry all earnest, con
centrating brain artists but , no
coin. ' v-"m.-. ' ;-- I,5"'
Snlkpoh players of Salem high
school solved the problem of fi
nancing these Inventors by the
production of Edward Laska's ri
otous comedy last night at the au
A philanthropist who made him
self a fortune merely by being
philanthropic was Dave Farnum,
who elevated himself almost over
night from a disgraced jroung man
deserted" by his sweetheart, to, a
wealthy man who doled out favors
to his f inancee's guardian, won
back his respect and the love of
his flanqee. "
George Beechler played the part
of Farnum with 1 unusual ; stage
presence. He fairly lived the char
acter, particularly in the third act
when scurrying stenographers
and secretaries responding to the
magic word "Kllpatrick came and
went at his beck and call.
Piquant Maxlae Myers la beau
tiful gowns was well cast as 01-
ga Walcott, pampered ward of a
wealthy paint manufacturer.
It was Marvin Headrick as Rich
ard Walcott who dominated the
stage, however, whenever he made
an appearance. Headrick has a
poise and a manner which be
speaks experience, and brought
roars from the audience with his
spontaneous quips.
Ceroid Simpson appeared as Lu
cas, the negro valet, only In the
first act, but he was largely re
sponsible for the laughs when he
was on the stage. .
Julia Creech, as Betty Clark ot
Barnard college; Aulden Reeder
as Thomas Campbell, the student
who got his college education
through the kindness of his chum,
David Farnum; Lorence Marquiss
as Toney Piatt, the lawyer: Frank
Sharer as Robert Brady, the mon
ey man; and David Eyre, as M
Levante, sleek villain, all deserve
special mention for. their splendid
work in this play.
Others in the cast were Milo
Ross; as Professor Brlgley, of Co
lumbia university; Roy Maden. as
the process server: Olven Bowes
as Kennison, the secretary:
Charles ; Bier as Otto . Schultx:
Raymond Busick. 1 as Dunn the
draughtsman; Ivan Kafoury as the
barber; Eleanor Wright, as "The
Other Woman;' Carol Braden as
Miss Doolittle; and Virginia Page
as the bookkeeper.
Miss Leila Johnson coached the
play assisted by Billie Cupper.
The managing staff consisted
of Georgre Lloyd, general manag
er; ' Charles Classett. assistant
manager; Carlton Roth as stage
manager; Keller Moore, assistant
stage manager: Marvin Headrick.
advertising manager; Victor Wolfe
property manager; Charles Bier,
wardrobe master; Lucy Brown.
wardrobe mistress; .and Aulden
Reeder, head usher.
Profits from the play will be
used to purchase a rift tor the
high school next spring. 1
Guaranteed to break up a
cold in 24 hours.
NELSON HUNT, Druggists
Cor. Court and Liberty Tel. 7
1 PHONE 727
. Willamette Valley Line
Divorce Refused-
Mr. and Mrs. Norris J. Thomas
hare been married to each other
x o. smith a coaoirA
Ail Makes Vtei Mctint '
Fhcn S51 " 421 Court St,
Sec -. ',
Telephone tSO v 51S State ft,
Ladies' wool dresses cleaned
and pressed, 11.00 up. Men's
and Ladies suits cleaned and
pressed 91.00. .
- Over BruScks
pisbncUy- Correct
Men i
Boys "
John J. Rottle
Expert Shoe Fitters
A1S State St.
- Rewotwd and Repaired, New.
, - v .-' or Used Motors
Things Electrical
101 Booth Uigh Tel. 2112
Our Suggestions for
a Gift or Prize
Cara Nome
Bath Salts
l A popular package for
gift purposes. --
A spoonful or two in
the bath softens- the- '
water and adds a de
Ughtful odor,
Perry's Dru j Store
115 S. Comraercial ?
NEW . YORK, Dee, 1. -AP)
A rival of Jaok Dempsey within
the . former heavyweight cham
pion's own "family' council ap
peared today with announcement
that Pierre Charles, heavyweight
champion of Belgium, had sailed
for New York from Antwerp,
Charles wilt eater an Intensive
campaign tor Gene Tanner's laur
els under the tutelage of Gus Wil
son, . former train of Georges
Carpentier, and, now Dempsey's
trainer, secretary and confidant.
Charles, a 204 pound husky, six
feet three inches tall, defeated
Jack Humbeck. now campaigning
in America, in a it round match
tor : the Belgian title ' a year ago.
He fought a draw with Humbeck
shortly before the latter came to
the United States.
EUGENE, Dec. 2. (AP)
Smiling Red Davis of Eugene
fought Charley O'Leary, Portland
lightweight, to a draw in the head
liner of a triple main event box-
. -, Cooklin . .. .
Winona Conklln died at a local
hospital at the age of 12 this
morning. Her father and ' mo
ther, Mr. and Mrs. R. E Conklln,
and a sister, Eleanor and brother.
Roscoe, . survive her.. Funeral
services . will be held from the
Webb Funeral Parlors Monday at
1:30 a. m.
Henry homas. age 84. died at
his residence, 2446 Hazel avenue,
December 1. He Is survived by
his wodow, Eunice, of Salem, and
a eon, Edgar of Berkeley, Cal.
Funeral services will be held Mon
day morning from the Webb fun
eral parlor at 10 a. m., with Rev.
Hayward In charge.
Dougherty ,
At the famUy home, 2707
Brooks avenue, December 2. Pat?
rick Dougherty, 8 months old
child of Clarence and Mary Dough
erty died and is survived by the
parents and two brothers, Ray
mond and James. Remains are in
care of the Salem Mortuary. Fu
neral announcement made
Dewey .
Died at her late home at 697
Market street on December 2, Miss
Ella P. Dewey, 72. She is sur
vived by one sister, Mrs. Mary
Kulp, ot Canton, Ohio, three
brothers Charles of Batavia, N.
Y. Leslie of Lee's Creek, Ohio,
and George C. Dewey of Salem.
The funeral will be held at - the
Terwilllger funeral home Satur
day at 2:30 p. m.. with Rev. Cof
fey officiating. Interment will
take place in the Odd Fellows
lag show staged at th armory
here tonight. ;i v
Austin Rosander of Portland,
1 4 S . won a - technical knockout
over Billy Wellborn r of Eugene
when Wellborn broke a thumb In
the third round and was unable to
return for the fourth; ' In the
third main event Lloyd Farmer,
Eugene bantamweight, won a de
cision from Billy Watson of Spo
kane by carrying the battle to his
opponent throughout.
All three . main events were
scheduled to go six rounds.
Title Insurance j Favored
By Realty Board Speaker
Elimination of' abstracts
through the use of title Insurance,
and tbe establishment of escrow
departments in title company of
fices, was advocated. at the 8alem
Realty board luncheon Thursday
by T. M. Hicks and W. B. Hansen,
local abstractors. ;
Oregon is 40 years behind the
times in handling ; title business,
said Mj. Hicks. Under the pres
ent system, two or three days is
required completely to close a real
estate deal, while in California,
they do it in a few hours.
(AP) Tommy Cello, 138 1-2 ot
r3an Francisco outpunched and out
boxed Don Frassr, 138, of Spo
kane, to win a 10 round decision
at Golden Gate arena here tonight.
ASTORIA, Dec. 2. (AP) Six
hours after he had fallen into the
Columbia river from a dredge on
which he was employed, the body
of Karsten Loland, 24. Astoria,
was recovered today. Loland . ia
believed to have become entangled
In anchorage ropes. )
i MEMPHIS, Tenn., Dec 2.
(AP). Charles O. Pfell, recently
nominated for president ot the
United States Golf association died
at the Baptist Memorial hospital
here tonight after several weeks
illness from a septicaema. He
was 56 years old.
THE DALLES. Dec. 2. (AP) -
Infantile paralysis claimed an
other victim today when Ray Lu
cas, ten years old, died from the
disease at Wasco where his par
ents had been visiting since
Thankscivinc day. This was the
first case of the disease in Sher
man county.
International - Livestock Expo!-
" tion Nears Final Close)
CHICAGO. Dec. 2. (AP)
Horses, cattle and swine of noble
breeds from Wisconsin, Ohio, Mich
lean. Indiana, Iowa, Illinois and
Canada had .their innings of glory
at the internatloal livestock ex
position as it neared conclusion
today. They romped away with
virtually every blue ribbon and
championship .remaining.
An Iowa farmer I. C. Lister ot
Pulaski: the Frans Brothers and
Mrs. James Franz and -, Sons of
Mount Cory. Ohio, and the Cud-
shy Brothers company of Cudaby.
Wisconsin, were the outstanding
individual winners of the day. "
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 1863
General Banlong Business ' . .
Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. to. -
Let Kennell-Ellis
Make Your View and Commercial
Pictures, Any Time, Any Place
Old Photographs Copied
Often yon want old photographs reproduced, but fear entrust
ing them to strangers.
Our reputation assures the safety and proper care of your
picture, which we will copy, enlarge, frame or hand color, at
a price lower than the. unknown agent can offer.
Kennell-Ellis Studio
429 Oregon Bldg.
'Perfect Funeral Service
For Leas
Licensed Lady Mortician
770 Chemeketa Street
Telephone 724
.'. Aadiar KHkliM
- (Jail v
, S41 K. Cox'I St
: BsJmb. Ot. 5
1027 FRElsi W ALLPAirtSR
' Call, phone or write '
179 N. Commercial Salem
1 Accountant's - Opport unity
I want high class accountant
for Salem. Must' he versatile
in various phases ot acconntlnx;
2 C to 40 years ot age; unques
tionable, character and integ
rity; aspire to an earning of
SSOO'per month or more; be
able to assume full charge local
business operation and devel
opment. Investment of 31000
required. . - Applicants r should
give full record of experience,
telephone number and refer
ences in strict confidence for
interview Address Box 610,
care Statesman. Salem, Orearoa.
and , Sttoipajfe
Long: and Short Distance Haulinj
-PubHc and Prirate Storage
Fireproof Building
Free Delivery to any part of the city.
- j . ........ 4 - .
, ' 5 ..' j : " . - . - e (
Farmers Warehouse
Day Telephone 28 Night Telephone 1267-W
Our ; life's work has
been spent in studying
the healing : properties
of Chinese herbs and
now daily we relieve
those, suffering from n
stomach, liver and kid- (
ney trouble, rheuma- ;
tism and gall stone,,
also disorders of men.
women and children.
Free Consultation Call or Writ e
Onen O A. JL to 8 P. M.
j r 420 State St., Salem, Oregon
The perfect gift is the gift that deUghts the year round.
It is the gift that reflects the good taste of the donor.
It is the gift the value of which can not be measured
by the amount expended.
The perfect gift is .
v " .......
a Year's Siibccription iz
The Oregon Statesman
'Hake tip your Christmas list now. Ycall ts bvlt-tI: :: .1
how far you can stretch your Christinas dollars vl.:n
you give The Oregon btatesrssru A whcla ; : irs
Chrhtrnn gift i3 crJy ?3.CD by carrier 3.CD Lj j ;1.