The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 03, 1927, Page 4, Image 4

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    vHfrl fiTPfrrThAT A WIPCRf A XT, Chicago, with all expenses paid by the Western Railway
. Ited Daily Except Honda ,y
SIS Soeth Commercial Street. Seleaa. Orecoa '
K. J. Httdrictt
Irf 8. McBhtrrj .
Rfph 0. Curtis -
'ctor D. Carlaoa -Eoiella
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V" . M T RIp H. K letting-. Aeertlear Ihntpr
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- 8 porta
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w, H. iiendcraoa. Circa la tioa Manager
E. A. Khoten - Utoek Editor
W. C. Coaaer . . - , Pdnitry E4ita
1tttW Jrr ' 1 erlaie7 entitle the aM for paalicatie f
w iptcbea credited U it or sot otherwise credited la UU tapr u4 lae tta
local aeya pablnbed herein. . - , ? ,,. i
sr.-.. Btrsnrass omcis:
o? Uft Oregon Heeapapera Pacili Coast
"' ... reuiano, Borartty Bide.; Baa
tacmaa F. CUr Co Sew y,rk. 128-1SSW. tltt sit Clieas.' afarqaette BM.
Eenrpt eat Urea Detr
"raaeieeo, gkuea 3Id(.; Xoa
Boaiaeaa Offieew2S or S8S
Society Editor
TSLEPHOgE ; -.-.
Hewa lep.I3 or J 08
Vb Department
a la tin
Circa la ti
Xatered at the P0.1 offiea h Saieta, Oretoa. si aeeabJ-claea naUer.
Decwnber 8. 1927
Ana wnen tney bad received it. they murmured against the
goodman of that house, saying. These last hare wrought but one
hoar, and thou hast made them equal unto us, which hare borne the
harden and heat of the day. - But he answered one of them, and
aid. Friend. I do thee no wrong; didst thou not agree with me for
wauji xaatmew zu: 11, iz and 13. ;
Presidents association. s - ; -
He has exhibited at faira throughout the west, including
the International Livestock Show at Chicago, : In all, he has
won 65 prizes in club competition and 147 in open classes.
He now owns 50 head of purebred Cotswold sheep, six
head of Shorthorn cattle and two purebred Poland China
brood sows.' He is financing his way as a sophomore in agri
culture at the' State college with money derived from prem
iuais in cjub work and from sale of livestock.
It is a splendid achievement.?' It is example of what
ine Doys ana gins ciud worK is doing in tjregon. it is
promise for the lad of a future leadership and usefulness that
will be of great value to farm life and to the state.
Yamhill county must be very proud of Alex Cruickshank.
The Eugene Register of yesterday had the' following lead
ing editorial paragraphs: i
"A great deal has been said in this column within the past
few days about the $3,000,000 pear crop which has been
marketed this year in the Medford district.! A great deal
has been said for the "simple and obvious reason that it is
an interesting- and significant subject.
"The fruit industry is a big industry in Oregon, and here
and there pessimists are to be found who will say that the
fruit industry is not prof itabler The Texpence of the Rogue
river pear growers is proof that the pessimists do not al
ways know what they are talking about, ; .
"As W. G. Ide, manager Df .the Orego State Chamber of
Commerce, said in a letter printed on this page the other day,
the big thing is standardization of quality.; That is what
the Rogue river pear growers have donethey have stand
ardized their quality. Having accomplished that big task,
they are able to market their product at a profit.
"Some of the fruit districts of Oregon are! suffering from
lack of adequate markets, but when their situation is anal
yzed it is found all too often that they lack a standardized
quality product.
"Frequently they are growing too many products, with
..none of them outstanding as to quality. f
"Among the standardized quality products of Oregon are
walnuts and filberts, and this fortunate situation is largely
due to the efforts of the Western Nut Growers association.
"Thanks o the work that has been done by this associa
tion, every walnut and filbert bearing the association mark
is guaranteed as to quality. The result is a ready market.
Here again, quality scores. i
"The day is past, if it was ever here, when just any kind
of fruit or nut can be sold at a profit. Buyers in these mod
ern days are demanding quality, and in the main they are
willing to pay the price. The obvious thing to do is to pro
vide the quality, and then guarantee it. ; '
"The Western Nut Growers association, incidentally, will
meet at Salem December 7 and B, which' is next Wednesday
and Thursday. (. I . ' ;
"Among the interesting addresses will j be a suryey of
market conditions by W. H. Bentley, of Dundee; a talk on
chestnut' prospects, by J. O. Holt, of Eugene ; a report on
walnut seedlings, by C'E. Sfchuster, of O. A. C; and a dis
cussion of filbert pruning, by George A- Dorris, of Spring
T field. - I
'The nut is. one of the most promising of all tree crops in
western . Oregon. The filbert, in particular, '. looks like a
western Oregon monopoly, in which event its market future
ought to be promising The 1927 meeting of the nut asso
ciation ought to be an interesting and profitable one. '
The Eugene Register is correct. The meeting In Salem
next Wednesday and Thursday will be an interesting and
' profitable one;
; And in the other statements the Eugene paper is correct.
Secretary Webb of the California Walnut' Growers asso
ciation has just reported that the present walnut crop of
that state is four times greater than that of 1926; that il
wiU return to the growers $13,000,000; that the present crop
totals 42,000 tons, and marketing of 90 per cent of it will
be finished by December 20
And yet Oregon's crop of a thousand tons is selling high-
er on the same grades than California's crop, because we can
and do grow a superior walnut. And we can produce walnuts
all the way from 4 to 9 cents a pound cheaper than they can
be grown in California; considering among other things low
er land values here; less overhead. j
As to the filbert, it not only "looks like a western Oregon
rronopoly," but is; it is one of our franchise crops.
And as to pears, we have here in the Salem district more
nearly a pear paradise than the Medford district has. This
was the testimony o the late Prof. C. L ewis; author of
a text book on pears. It is the testimony of Marion County
Fruit Inspector s. H. Van Trump. It is the fact..
We can grow here as good pears as Medford, with the same
attention; and we can grow them at a less cost, and more of
them ; vastly more, because' we have vastly more acres of
suitable pear land. . j
(Portland Journal) ;
A Yamhill county boy is America's outstanding leader in
toys and girls' club work. 4 ' t
He is "Alex Cruickshankv 19, a sophomore inTthe. Oregon
State colleare, and the distinction came to him in a' recent
national club leader contest where he won first prize as the
best boys' and girls club leader in the United States. It is
the second time the prize as the nation's best club leader
has come to the : westi He also won the national prize as
the best local club leader, and it is th first time both prizes
have ever been won by a single contestant. -V. .
For the first prize he received $250 in cash. Forthe oth
er, he was awarded a silver loving Cup and a ,trip, with ex
penses paid, to the club training school at Springfield, Mas-
echusetts, next year. .
He lcr-n club work at 9, in 1917, In the period, ht ?2i03 in cash premiums. He has been awarded twe
- .11 v. atches and many trophies. ; In 1923 he was selectee
t!. c: t::I:"T club hicrcf1 Oregon," nnJ was 'awards
The above from the Portland Journal is a pretty and a just
tribute. - - j- , ,
Tlie home of Alex Cruickshank is near McMinnville. He
worked himself through high school at McMinnville with his
club and live stock activities.' .
'Old Yamhill against! the world"; was a pioneer . Oregon
slogan, when it was the boast that all the great men of the
state were from or born in Yamhill county. In point of
work that is useful to his day and generation, that of young
Cruickshank will compare favorably rwith that of any ofthe
great people of Yamhill in the pioneer days, or in later
times. ;"' -i ' : It'1' A i-'B- "
Some of the people out in the northern limits of the city
are raising objections to the location of the incinerator in
that section: :, They lack vision. They are alarmed at a
shadow. The people out that way, and clear down to St.
Paul and old Champoeg, could afford to subsidize the loca
tion of the incinerator on the proposed site, for it will bring
the sewage disposal plant there, and that will make the
whole northern section of the county, along the river, one
of the richest districts in this state, or any state.
The walnut and filbert men, to meet in Salem on Wednes
day and Thursday, should be given a royal welcome. They
are the forerunners of two of our greatest industries on the
land. I ' , lL
Soviet Russia will have to cease being soviet, and there
fore worse than barbaric, before any gesture by the leaders
and oppressors of that people can be so much as considered
by the civilized world-4hat is, considered as coming from
a sincere and honest motive. ; .
Lack of Food arid Work No
Excuse For Crime, Says
Judge Tazwell O H
es In rates proposed in the meas
ure are the following:
Reduction of the tax rate on
corporation incomes from 13 to
11 per cent; reduction from
to 1 per cent in the sales tax of
automobiles; cutting in half of
the tax on club dues; increase
from 75 cents to 1.00 in the ex
emption from tax on admission
tickets, and increase from 12,000
to S3, 000 In the exemption grant
ed domestic corporatibns with in
comes not exceeding $25 000.
' . " Inn 1 nil O
(From column of The Statesman,
.D..4, -10.)
Tillamook During the election
Monday- Kme miscreant tapped
the till of the White Comer saloon
for 10. ;
James J. Jeffries, champion
pugilist, and Robert Fitsslmmons
will fira a sparring exMbltion In
Portland Tuesday evening.
A plain v case of - "snakes"
caused a sensation in the Noble sa
loon laert night. . Doctors Smith
and Byrd' attended the case.,
Mrs. Myra A. Wiggins has re
ceived fire prizes in the world
competition of photographs. There
were 21,000 pictures in the con
test. , I .' .; ;
Humanity is degenerating, says
Rev. C. E. Hunter. He attributed
this to tbe lack of trne and earn
est teaching among the pro feasors
of religion. v
5 , aeaaa
The Willamette university ladies
basketball teams, the "Old Golds"
and the "Cardinals" slayed an ex-
hihttiAn - rima resteraay. tw
"Old Gold" won II to 11. '
? Blta For Breakfast
Salem the nut center
:;,.,. V w .
Will have the walnut and filbert
growers of the state next Wed
nesday and Thursday
nnrsentlnK industries that
will in time be bigger than those
of California. where the walnut
growers are now cashing in on
42.000 tons, the 1927 crop, to the
tune of $13,000,000.
We can heat California on wal
nuts, and California cannot grow
filberts at all, excepting along the
coast in the northern part,
b V
Salem is to have another restaur
ant, in the big new market build
Ing. Haa already a good many
But there wUl be room for all
the restaurants and all the apart
ment houses, and every , other line
here now, if the linen Industry
is put over, making the founda
tion for specialty mills.
P!TT-r Klnzle oerson who has
a business In Salem, or a foot of
real estate, ought to help put this
over. It will do the trick of keep
ing Salem on In the way of growth
and development.
Dan Flynn, 23, and Mickey Mur
phy. 22, railroad workers stood
before presiding Circuit Judge
Taswell here today, and were sen
tenced to spend the next It years
of their Ufe in the state prison at
Salem. They : had acknowledged
guUt in connection with a series of
armed holdups in Portland recent
ly. . ; r "i r
VI, too, hare walked the streets
of Portland in search of work.
without money in my pocket, but
that did not lead me to . commit
crime." "' ' f ; '
So did Judge Tazwell answer
the pleas of the youth that they
had been, hungry, that they had
no mpney, no place to go and no
hope of charging circumstances.
. Judge Taswell had indicated
that he might sentence the youths
to terms almost in keeping; with
those of last 'Saturday when he
ordered .five other young men to
serve sentences of from 20 to 25
years. ' : . ;
4 But in the ' case of Flynn and
Murphy today, there was a de
fense attorney who made a plea
in their behalf. Then, : too,, the
chief deputy district attorney de
clared the prisoners .la this In
stance had committed their first
offense against society. , :
It was then that Judge Taxwell
spoke to the youths, and the words
seemed to halt in his throat.
"But your, plea," he -continued.
"ha no effect on one experienced
in the observation of 1 criminals.
The fact that you were 'broke' ha
no effect with me. .4 1 . ! ' .
"Times have changed the feel
ings of the public The public Is
getting very tired of the maudlin
sentiment expressed In late years
toward crime, and I am forced to
take this into consideration in be
half of the public -: h I?'
"It is not pleasant for me to be
compelled to send young men to
prison, but it is the only method
prescribed by- law. t: p :4
The drafting of the $238,000,000
tax reduction bill was completed
today by the house ways and
means committee, and. except for
a few minor changes, the measure
wa placed in the form for intro
duction the opening day of the
session. - - -
It is the plan of Chairman
Green to place the measure in the
Mil hopper as soon as the' house
haa organized for business Monday.-
Under procedure It will be
referred to the committee which
has been called by the chairman
-o meet Tuesday to approve for-
BPOKANE, Dec. t. (A P)
Henry Use, former city fireman
tried last September and acquit
ted of placing a dynamite bomb
In the entrance of the "Spokesman
Review building here, was held in
the county jaU tonight in default
of $5,000 bond, on a charge of
second degree arson.
He Is accused of having at
tempted to burn the garage o&
Fire Lieutenant H. R. Woellner,
hi former superior. Policemen
who made the arrest early today
declare they -watched him stuff
a kerosene-soaked gunnysack un
derneath the door of the" build
ing, light it and depart. While
they Were extinguishing the fire,
they state. Use escaped, but he
was arrested a little while, later
not far from his home.
In the dynamiting trial Use told
a story of having been the object
of persecution by his follow tire
men because he had opposed a
double platoon system in the fire
departmnet. He charged that he
had been ordered to blow up the
office of the Spokesman-Review,
which also had opposed the double
shift, and that after he refused.
itellow firemen stole dynamite and
a, bread can from his ranch and
made, the bomb, which failed to
Bandits Wear Overalls 1
To Rob Bank. of Large Sum
SACRAMENTO.' Cal., Dec. 2.
(AP). Garbed la bine denim
overalls, their faces swathed in red
bandana handkerchief and their
caps pulled down over their eyes,
two s bandits robbed the : Davis
branch of the Bank of Yolo at
Davis, of. $7,200 late today, bound
hand and foot four persons in- the
bank : building, and then made
their escape in a mad ride in
small touring ear.
American Veteran Granted Dia
" charge From French Legion
SIDI BEL ABRE3, Algeria,
Dec. 2 (AP) Bennett J Doty
of BIloxL -Miss., was released" to
day from the Foreign Legion at
ter winning honors and nearly
facing a firing squad during his
wrrtee with the .famous organira-
ton. ' f:Xi:'."- '
Doty -dfseharge frees him af
ter serving only 30 months of a
five year enlistment. Old timers.
BUCHAREST. Rumania, Nov.
2. (AP) Unconfirmed reports
from the border town of Kishinev
to the Bucharest newspftper Ade-
rerul tonight say that bloody en
counters have occurred in the Pod
olia coal region of the Ukraine
between rebellious forces led by
General Naldow and Soviet troops
commanded by General Leplewsky.
"The Cheka (secret police) is
making thousands of .arrests.'
says a dispatch to Adeverul. "The
warehouses of Odessa have been
transformed into prisons for un
desirables, last week more than
one hundred Nepmen (members
of the new economic policy or
ganlsatlon) , were shot. : It was
trne that they had , been working
secretly in fvaor of those opposed
to the regime of, Stalin, large
numbers of. worker in coopera
tive societies have Joined the op
position., i
"At Jambolla on the Podolian
side of the Dniester river severe
street fighting, has occurred,. many
Russians have taken refuge across
the Pdlish and Romanian frontiers.-
' -v . i
The foregoing dispatch like aU
recent reports of - aUeged revolts
growing out of Leon Trotsky's ex
pulsion from the communist party,
la taken at ; Bucharest with C the
greatest reserve. The Rumanian
government has no confirmatory
Rancher Hear Bend Gets
$10,000 .Verdict In Suit
BEND. Dec 2. (AP) -End
ing a case which attracted 'much
attention in all parts of central
Oregon., jurors, out five . hoursJ
last f night, awarded j James H.
Lane, for many years a rancher
in Lake county. $ 10,000 In Jala
defamation of character suit
against C- S. Hudson and the re
ceivers of the First National bank
of Bend. V Lane had : asked for
The suit hinged on a letter writ
ten by Hudson, when president of
the bank, to Lane. - This letter
wa read to Lane by a third per
son, the rancher having lost his
sight years' ago.' Lane charged
that Hudson knew of this ailment
and realized a third person would
have to read the letter, said to
have contained statement which
hurt the rancher' standing in his
Huge Timber Owner Says
; Contract To Be Cancelled
Fred Herrick will . allow his con
tract for the purchase of 770,000.-
000 feet of timber in the Malheur
national forest to be cancelled.
Frederick Stelwer,. United States
senator,-said yesterday in, a tele
gram to John L. Day, chairman
of the Multnomah county republi
can committee. The telegram was
based,' Senator Stelwer said, on
Information recently acquired by
him, but wor which he has not
accepted responsibility.
' The conditions which Colonel
W B. Greeley chief United States
forester, has proposed to Herrick
to obviate the cancellation of the
contract on December 15, accord
ing to Senator Stelwer Informa
tion, are that Herrick obtain back
ing to the extent of $1,600,000 by
December 15, -and proceed at once
to complete his railroad and saw
mill and start cutting timber. The
senator understands that Colonel
Greeley has written Herrick to
thia effect.
Squabble Begun When .
, 18th Amendment Hit
TULSA. Okla., Dec. 2. (AP)
The eighteenth amendment to the
federal constitution never has
been validly ratified, because it
was submitted to the state legis
latures and not to the people
themselves. George H. Williams,
of St JxjuIs, iormer United States
senator from Missouri, declared
last night before the Oklahoma
Bar association,
j Fortifying his conclusions with
opinions of the supreme court and
statements of farmers of the con-
suiuuons, Mr. Williams con
tended: .v. v '
1 "That the institution may be
amended by the people or the state
legislatures. .
L "That the subject matter of the
proposed' amendment will deter
mine who may raify if If the pro
posed amendment . relates to the
operations of the srovernment.
then state legislatures may ratify
it; but if it gives new power to
congress to regulate the conduct
of he people and punish them for
disobedience of laws passed under
such powers then the people must
ratify it.
German Court Considers
Scientific Blood Tests
White Leghorn Pullet
" Ties Up Subway Traffic
NEW YORK, Dec. 2. (AP) J
A i- white leghorn pullet which
barkened to the cry of "avoid sub
way crowds and use the open air
L ' blocked, the crowded Ninth
avenue line for 20 minutes. Trains
maneuvered cautiously ' and -pas
sengers craned neck for a glimpse
of a real barnyard chicken "with
its clothe on." .To the ancient
riddle about road cross. New York
er's are offering the new one,
"How does a chicken reach the
elevated f
hardened v -rears of nerrim tttnnA
naUy the work it has Just com- aght at the American's luck in
ileted. - ' winning "freedom after courtmar-
No change,? were made today In tial ami de-er tion In Syria . and
aajor provisions which had "been -ardon after Fervtng part of an
Exploring Expedition Has ;
Choice Rabbits For Meal
ert. Arizona. Dee. 2.-r-(U. S. Sig
nal Corps Radio to the Associated
Press ) After having eaten their
first meal of meat in three weeks
roast of "Jack rabbit the
Bray-Pathe Colorado expedition
planned to leave early torn orr owl
morning ; to continue down the
dangerous river to Needles. CaL
The members of the . party shot
the rabbit sear Camp Pearson to
day and ; carried them down to
Lee's Ferry where the balance of
the IS members of the party had
been since they arrived Wednes
day from Green River. Utah, seven
dAys beyond the time hey had' ex-'
Pcted to-take In navigating thh
t BERLIN Dec. 2. (API A
German eourt for the first time
has rendered a decision on the
determination of the parenthood
of a child by blood test. -
I A woman in the case- was
charged with falsely describing as
the father of her child a man who
denies paternity. AU three per-j
sons involved underwent blood
test by the state medical board
at Wurtemburg.
; The doctors reported to the
court that jthe man was "not the
father of the chUd. The woman
wa convicted of perlurr. and sen
tenced to six months imprison
ment. -
Mrs. Susan Jane Hearing of
Haines, 7$, affectionately known
to hundreds of her friends as
"Grandma" Hearing, died at her
home recently after a long period
of falling health. - v :
.E4r Rehawt Qiiillea
"Some married women are hap
py, an' some has '' husbands that
ain't got back-bone enough to bos
(CopjiHht, 1927, Publisher Syndicate)
' By Oaade Callan
"Jones Is so polite to his wife
that I believe she's the one that
owns the property they talk
about." -
(Copyright. 1927, Pbblisaera Syndicate)
Al Smith Breaks Silence
On Dry Enforcement Issue
ALBANY, N. Y., Dec. 2. (AP)
For the first time since he has
been prominently mentioned as a
democratic presidential possibility,
Governor Alfred E. Smith Ct New
York state tonight broke bis sli-l
ence on the prohibition question
by declaring that while he stands
tor enforcement of all laws, he
sees no reason why any group of
voters should not oppose the fed
eral prohibition statutes.
The i - governor declaration,:
made at' the annual convention
dinner of the ; New .York State
League of women voters, was in
answer to a resolution adopted by
the Nassau county branch of the
league .condemning organized op
position to the eighteenth amend
ment and the l Volstead act and
urging "respect tor and obedience
to law." H : .
"Whafe wrong about that?"
asked the governor after he had
read the section of the resolution
referring to organization of a
group to oppose j the prohibition
laws. . "Is there any reason why
the opposition should not organ-j
lzer Is there any question about
the solidity, force and effective
ness of the forces on the other
side of the question when by their
own announcement : they will .re
quire $5,000,000 for the operation
of their organization in the next
five years T -
"Is the right of our people to
organize to oppose any law and
any part of the constitution with
which they are not in sympathy. I
have taken an oath of office as as
semblyman, as sheriff of New
York county and ' four times as
governor, to sustain the constitu
tion of the state pt New York and!
yet there are parts of it I hate. I
have promised to sustain It, but I
have not promised to give up any
right to oppose any part of it I
don't like." r
Glancing down at the copy of
the Nassau county league's reso
lution the governor then quoted:
"Respect for, and obedience to
law Is vital for the preservation
of any form of government."
wub . enaractemuc smith ex-
ploslveness, the governor broke in
with his own comment: .
"This is so fundamental that no
body differs with it. Any well or
ganised government must rest up
on that principle.'
Quoting again from the resolu
tion Governor Smith went on:
"And nullification Is being
preached by those in authority."
"I would like the specifications
of that," he continued. "It's news
to me. I have no record of public
expreasion of any one in thia state
who has preached a doctrine of
nullification of the constitution.
Certainly T never preached 11 I
took directly the opposite view."
:y The governor then recalled that
In the fall of 1928 he had attend
ed, with the governors of several
other states, a conference in Wash
ington called by President Cool-
ldge to discus law enforcement.
: "We had a perfectly delightful
time; a luncheon at the Whit
House with fine Maryland chicken
and all the trimmings," he said.
"All the different governors of the
states made speeches- Oh, how
vigorous, they were for, law en
forcement but h they were all
made for the record, for the folks
back home. ' ,
"The suggestion was made that
each executive call all his law en
forcement officers to his capital
and warn' them that the eighteenth
a.v endment and the Volstead act
were a part of the law and that it
was their, sacred obligation to en
force them. We left Washington.
I came back here and filled the
assembly chamber . with law en
forcement officers and carried out
exactly the sentiment of the Wash
ington conference. Six month3
later I learned to my surprise that
I was only one of two governors
who carried out the resolution."
Tacoma Ranch Owner Drowns
When Mixing Board 81nks
TACOMA, Dec 2.- (AP). An
attempt to use a mortar-mixing
box as a rowboat proved fatal this
afternoon for Oresta Del Chicca.
37, owner of a chicken ranch
south of the city, when he was
drowned in eight feet of water in
a small winter lake within sight
of the Fort Lewis highway. -'-
. Chicca started to paddle across
the lake In the mortar box to get
his rowboat, which wa on the .
other side. When he was about
75 or 80 feet from shore his make
shift craft began to sink. Passers
by were unable to rescue .Chicca)
who could not swim.
Non-Stopr Flight from , Berlin" to
". San Diego Among Plans
SAN DIEGO, Dec. 2. (AP).
A "non-stop flight from Berlin to
San Diego by the world's largest
dirigible, now under construction
at Friedrichshafen, Germany, sod
a national' aeronautic exposition
which will bring to this city
America's leading aviators and
aircraft manufacturers with every
type of plane now traversing the
air lanes, will be held in connec
tion with the dedication of the
triple A municipal air port next
fall It was announced today by the
aviation committee of the chamber
of commerce. Bonds to build the
airport were voted by the city last
Notice la hereby given that the
undersigned has filed in the Coun
ty Court of the State of Oregon,
for the Countr of Marion, his duly
verified final account, as adminis
trator , of the estate of Frederick
Adoloh Graf fen. deceased, sna
that said Court has fixed Mondar.
the 5th day of December. 1027, at
the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of
said day, as the time, and the
County Court Room In the County
Court House in the City of Salem.
Marion ' County, Oregon, as the
place for hearing said final ac
count and all objections thereto.
Dated at Salem. Oregon, thia
4th day of November, 1927.
Administrator of the Estate ot
': Frederick Adolph Graf fen. De
ceased. N-5-12-19-26D3
k - A t
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We carry In stock over 115 leal thr.!ra ssited to racst any besiacsj
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