i i "f . i JHE OREGON STATESMAN, SALE1I, OREGON, TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 22, 1927 v ArTnvestment Wor Assets Over $175,000.00 More Than 1 100 Members r t We Pay 7 Per Cent Monthly installment or lamp gam deposit accepted STATE SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 7C3-7C8 First National Bank Building:, Salem, Oregon We Make Loans on City Property (.j(())(it)l IV II II II SAYS We hare a 1020 leather uphol stered Poatlao Coupe, per forms and look like m new ca has several extras and Is a real bargain at 9850.00. Plan fot Volley Ball. Plan are being made t at the YUGA. for an intsr-elty .tourna meat of YelitT ball funti ts be J November 22, at iiB0a.nu, at st. RAM VAC ATI DM FflR iJJeseph's church with Father BckiBMf VMWl,Uf4 rU" in charge, Recitation of the ros ary, .Tuesday evening T o'clock at held at Corvallia. Teams from I the chapel of tha Salem Mortuary Salam, Eugeas and Conrallia will Interment will be made In St. Bar- participate. Ibaraa cemetery. fpth L Tha House That Service Bunt" Buy Xibm Present XowZ While tha sale la oa "Moore's Muslo House." : Maehl HP John MuthJ died at his resi- O, I ...... IJ1 jt1l XTnW.mKo 81, aged 78. lie ia survived by Falrmonnt win 0 Room 1 U widow, Mrs. Esther Muehl, and New Home, Double carafe and two brothers, Albert and Louis. all aodarn features, for sale for Jxh or 'Wisconsin, lie was a total nrlcs 17E00 and raaaoaabla member Of Salem Lodge No. 4, A. terms can handle. Becke Jb drlcfcs,l8t N. High Street. Hen- F. A A. M. The body la at Webb's Funeral announcements later. BIR1 FEEDING TOPIC " Heath William Heath died tt 1 local hospital on Norember 19. He Is survived by his widow, Carrie, and one son, Dale, at ' Shelby, LEE SIMON ADDRESSES SALEM Mont, father and mother. Mr. and Suit Dismissed Tha. action brought against J. H. Engeman by Martin Johnson has been dismissed, an order hav In been banded down In circuit court to that effect. The two llti gata - came to aa understanding outside of court. It Is understood. Buy Xmaa Freaecita Now! While tha sale Is on Moore's Music House." L LOCAL NEW S' BRIEFS : t Auxiliary Meets) Tonight A meeting of tha auxiliary of the sons of retarans will ba held at tha club house tonight at 7:80 m. A large class will ba In itiated. Took Right of War John Wheeler was fined $5 In police court yesterday for taking tha right-of-way from another car. Th Spa J- Special Turkey Dinner, Thanks glTlng Day. Oregon uJp and Paper Co. Preferred. Limited amount for gala. Hawkins and Roberta. Phone 1427. V fir Fines Bt MaU Police Judge Poulsen recelred a chack for SS yesterday from r "i H. Spears for three riolations of the parking law. His car was mvA nn three different occas ions. Maurer rs. Frieda Phillips Maur- er. The dirorce complaint was based upon; cruel and inhuman treatment. ; Maurer . charging among other things that his wife went about in tha company of oth er men rather than himself. Bay Xmmm Presents Nowt While tha sale la oa "Moora'a Music House." For a Nice Sport Come and- sea "Macks." our selection. Tha Maauutement Of Crystal Gardens present Cole McElroy, Band tonight. - . PrscotTs Apartments One two room furnished apart mant omb. New and , modern, 1084 Oak St. x I i Para S10 Pin a James 0"NeU was fined 10 In police court yeaterday for being drunk on tha streeta of saiem. New Homes 5,000 to $18,000 "We hare att ready for yott. Bet tar built thaa you bare ; seen. Titrmi 4f desired. Becke &' Hen dricks. 189 N. High Street, i Clay Peters Released Clay Peters yesterday eomplet-t ed a term In Marion county jafl and was released by the authori ties. He was serrlng out a $15 fine at the rata of two dollars a day.: The fine was Imposed for hunting without a license. Andreeon Leases Statioav C. F. Andreeon, has leased the Gaaaup b err Ice station from Ralph H. Kletslng. Th station' la lo cated on tha Pacific highway north of Salam at the Intersection of the Chemawa-SllTerton road.' Auction, New Dsv Linoleum ruga, a fine lot of! good furniture. Wed. nlta, 7 p m., F. N. Woo dry's Auction Mar ket. 1610 N. Summer St. Dance Tonight Cole McElroy'a Corambla Re cording Band. Crystal Gardens, Oole McKlroy's Saniah Ballroom Band, Crystal Gardens Tonight. It is Fitting; that The old! time dancers should hare t a good time Wednesday Thanksgiving All indications point to a ; Isrge enjoyable real old time dance at Crystal Gardens Wed. nlte, sponsored by Dad Wat son's and his 8 piece Orchestra. Defeats Bond las Road district No. 28 at a cent election called to rote add! tlonal tax ffcad funds defeated the election by a rota of 48 to 21. This district Includes Llresley and Hall's Ferry. Buy Xmaa Presents Now! While tha sale is oa "Moore's Music House.": at Cooked Food Sale- Ladies Oak Grore 1 Grange Qelse-Powers. Wed. Nor. 23. Nothing Equals Osteopathy f Pn earn on la, hi-blood pressure, flu. colds. Dr. Marshall, Ore -Bid. Agency Manager Here p. L. Emery, agency manager for the Bankers Life company, was a 8alem visitor Monday. Mr. Emery has' offices' In the Gasco building In Portland. : Thanks girtrta; Et, Dad Watson Cryatal Gardens Teat 01a unw dance SoUdar Program, r Extra fine. , . ; Rar rain For Bale Ohaaa lumber. 16" Mill Block wood; cut" from old fir logs, Tart ly seasoned. Large load. Fred E. Wells. Phone 1542, 286 South Church. Stirring Rally Promised A big student body rally with tUe brass band out for the first time this year will hold forth on Salem streets tomorrow alght in stirring us enthusiasm for the Sa lem-Hood Rlrer game, ThanksgiT- lng day. : Fo Early or Late Barbes Work-H Phone 1094. Eugene T. Fress- cotU A La Carte Service In Dining Room Marlon Hotel. Hazel Green Teacher Visits Miss Sylvia Paulson, aa In structor at the HaxeH Green ar.hnol. visited with her slotar, Miss Slgne Paulson, orr week end. ... Arrives From Oh! To be with his father who m 111 at the Deaconess hospital. Dr. Stelner arrived In Salem Saturday from Pandora, Ohio. As soon as he is able the elder Stelner will accompany his son back to Ohio. Turkey Dance at Schlndler's Win a dreesed turkey, Wed Nite. p. m. Stage leaves Terminal at 8 Free Wood Call at Cherry tlel North Broadway. City Bakery, Bay Xmaa Presents Now! While tha sale is on "Moore's Music House." at Tlie Swart Specialty Shop Has moved to 244 N. High. Salem Conpie Weds James Joseph Bellinger, 21, of Salem, was yesterday ipued a li cense to marry Agnes M. ; Burger; 17. ateo.of Salm.., ; " ' Wa are aearlnaT-TaeaUon time with a wonderful selection of for mal gowna oa display. , 4 - Vnrnllure Upholstered - : And repairing. Ofopa-Powera .Furniture Co. , . Msnrev Dtvorce Decreed . Qriet ol default and decree of v3jvg.rce have been handed down in K circuit conr In the . ease of H. H. Sheep Pay Profits See as ?o 'Tanca deals. Want to buy a rs.fa.chT 30 acres good land, 250 of It In cuitfvaUonr art fenced, lrrlng water, ' gdcd nonae. barn and other -1 nUdlagS. It is priced to sell, and on easy terms. Ask us abouCit. t wAnt to tradb yoto - RANCH FOR THIS? Modern home, alectrlo lights. Ull cllyconf eniences within two miles 01 e&iem ana sixty acres of chofoe ZaTia land. Has large lalry tar, soring Krater, all in iplsndid shape. U. S.. REALTY CO. 442 SUto EU Tel. C3C0 Leaves for East 8. Ellis Purvine. manager of tha Clifford Brown Co., left Sat- nrdsv for a trlD to Boston and other eastern cities. Hazel Green Standardized 'Rural School Supervisor Fox yas at Hasel Green yesterday, the school there having complied with all requirements and being made si ftandard school. Turkey Dance at Schindler's Win a dressed turkey. Wed. Nite. Stage leaves Terminal at p. m, Ira Divorcee Era- Order of default and decree of divorce were handed down In cir cuit court yesterday by Circuit Judge L. H. McMahan in the case of E. Ira Blalock vs. Era Blalock Tha plaintiff was awarded custody of four minor children! Harold Norman, Marcella and Margery Blalock. The Special Turkey Dinner, Thanks giving Day. 1 WTO. BnHd Office ' ! j F. ;D. Delane will construct building office at 292 North Church street at a cost of 8500 according to building permit rec ords. R. Newburgh will spend $300 to repair a dwelling at 2180 Garden Road. Dry Planer Ends Immediate Delivery, Fuel' Co. Phone 1855.; ,'Hillmna Thanksgiving Eve. Dad Watson Crystal Oardens. enjoy yourseir. Dry Planer Ends ; Immediate - Delivery, Fuel Co. Phone 1855., Hlllman Hit and Run Driver Wllllanv J. Blake, route 8.- re ported at police headquarters that while driving south oa Commercial street Sunday a buff colored Ford rroadster crashed Into his car as be was In the act of turning into Kearney. ; The driver of the Ford kept, on his way,. according to the report.. s ' . ..V ... " ii 1 ' i..T--; Bonds Purchased Peirce. ; Fair and company of Portland Monday purchased frpm the state treasurer $16,150 of Ore gon district Interest bonds. "The bends will bear date of December 1, The bonds were sold at 100.85 Residence Required-- A parson to be eligible to ap pointment as Justice of t be peace must have lived in the district for six months prior to such appoint ment. according to a legal opinion prepared by the attorney general here today. The , opinion - w sought by GoTernor Patterson in connection with the selection of a Justice of the peace ' in Coos county. Open Tonrnajment There wlU be an open tourna ment at. the T Friday and Satur day for all the oys la the gym classes In basket ball,-. large .and appreciative audi enca llatened to a lecture last eve ning at the TMCA given, by Lee Simon, of , Portland., on the at Marshfleld Man Here Clara GUlatta. Marshfleld ; edu cator, visited In Salem Monday. He reported that schools, there are closed because of tha prevalence of infantile paralysis. Mr: Gillette is a graduate of Willamette uni versity In tha class of 1921., Hs 1 athletle coach at Roosevelt high In Portland for several years prior to transferring to Marshfleld this year. and feeding of wild birds during whv f, tha wlntar months.-The lecture it 10:,0 and ReT jr waa siren unaer mm auspices oil officiating. uia euam nsrais ciud, .01 which -.- - t. . ,.a.l JTTr',J I Atthe residence, llrt and State Mr. Simon urged tha people tolWMll ' M A wa. ' r; .c::t:zz.:'"tz. Drauir m. j. x. Hunt. Mrs. " . . . . Amanda King and T. C. White of wua Dim. nava a naru wma xo Salem, Mrs. Josephine Kin of irva, aue to me lacs: or growing Shaw and Mrs. Bell Moll of Port grains: ana otner sources or sus- Und. Mr. White was for the nat tenance. Ha also suggested the two years a Salam police offiear. building of bird houses where they Announcement of funeral win be may take refuge from the cold! made later from the Rlgdoa mor- wtadJ at nlgnt, Mr. Simon is an tttary. Oregon director of tha national auduldon society. Erofessor Facai Davts presided. 1 At the residence. No. 170 South 16ta street, Monday, November 21, Judge George E. Davis age 65 years, , corporation commissioner Stock Ticker CtanXnt The ohatterlna stock ticker. with all Its connotations of .Wall street and millionaire stock brok ers. Is soon to be heard la the Pa cific northwest, according to Eric Butler, manager of the local Western Union office. When the new serriee Is installed, financiers and brokers of this section will re ceive by ticker, not only the trans actions of the New York stock ex change, but also full quotations from the board of trade and the cotton exchanges. The new ser vice is scheduled to start about January 1. Home Threetened By Fire The fire department was called to the residence of W. J. Crandell 255 Richmond street, about o'clock Monday morning and quickly extinguished a blaze that had started in the basement of the house. Very little damage was done. NATURE CLUjl Mrs. J. A. Heath, of Salem: bro thers and sisters, Mrs. George Balch, Mrs. H. Gallagher, and Fred Heath., all of Minnesota, Mrs. F. L. Swan son. of Salem, and Mrs. Ed. Ostendort of Klamath UNIVERSITY STUDENTS (Continued from Page One) and dances on other nights. In case of emergency or neces sity to leave, students may gat ex cuses rrom the dean of men and the dean of women, but all excuses to ba valid mast be secured In ad vance, it is stated. Instead of ' seeking aa Interna tional loan Queen Marie should I able to command millions by sell ing a res I plot to the movies. In dianapolis Star. CORVALLS, Nov. 21. (AP) There will be no suspension of the customary Thanksgiving recess at Oregon State Agricultural college, authorities of the college indicat ed ' tonight, saying that the prev elancy of Infantile paralysis throughout the state bad not been discussed there In connection with the holiday season. Students were planning their customary exodus over the holiday period. A The return to favor of the shawl collar comes directly from Paris in an' effort to' restore old-fashioned prettiness to women's coats and wraps, declares Mary Brush Will iams in aa article in Liberty. . Selecting an Interesting story and preparing it for the screen is the most difficult element In motion-picture production, writes Benjamin B. Hampton In aa ar ticle in Liberty. : r ACTION DELAYED UPON INCINERATOR IDCATION Oregon. Announcement of fun (Continued from Page One) era! later by Rigdonla, tea amending a previetsj. ordinance Minner making It unlawful to cut. break.J la this city, Saturday, Novem or damage in any way surface orl her 19, John W. Minner, age 63 macadam cerement without first Tears 1 brother of Mrs. 0. L. securing a permit from the city w right of Salem, Mrs. O. T. Tim engineer. mots ana Ches. H. Minner of Curbs on abandoned auto drives. I ortlana. Samuel Minner of Ben4- of which there are ahont 10 ia the Calif., and Daniel Minner of city, will be restored, and the side- Oklahoma. Funeral services Tues- walks bronrht hark to Wr-da. aMJuay novemioer az. at X.ZV p. m.. the result" of a motion passed. Chairman Townsend of the streets committee introduced the motion. Another ordinance accepting de dication of some property by the school board eliminating a hazar- from 'the RIgdon Mortuary! inter ment in the L O. O. F. cemetery. Grannls Funeral services for the hate Rev. O. W. Grannls, who possed dous Intersection by extending the tYJ'L011 il sidelines of Church and Howard 2- r . 1. -t.. -m- 1 1:30 P- m- from tha First Metho- oa x wivu ,ws ssawg VVU' sideratlon. - . The amended set back ordinance' was referred to the ordinance com mlttea; dlst church. Read the Classified Ads OBITUARY MT. CREST ABBEY MAUSOLEUM VAULT ENTOMBMENT LLOYD T. RIGDON, Mngr. Special COLE McELROY - and bis ' SPANISH BALL ROOBI DANCE BAND CRYSTAL' GARDEN Tonight Nov. 22 Big Furniture AUCTION Tomorrow Night 7 P.M. at F. N. Woodnr's " Auction Market and Furniture Store 1610 N. Summer St, 1 Boston Pit bull dost 1 overstuffed .velour ,daven port, new; 1 round oak ex. tablet 1 set oak diners; 1 oak buffet; 1 ivory a inch post- bed, newt - 1 brown enamel SS Inch post bed, new; 1 coil Simmons spring, new 1 fabric Simmons spring, new; 1 wool mattress, newt 1 cotton felted mattrc, -new; S3 burlap back, sn-t .felt base linoleum rugs, '', sizes, newt a npholsr 1 walnut finished rorkcr, newt 1 oak library tabl; 1 . oak stand tablet 1 sanitary couch; 1 d-bnrner Red K'r oil stove, a dandy; 1 Cn'lr wood typewriter j 1 kltd cabinet; 1 birds eye m:' dressert 1 large oak drenser; 1 floor lamp; t large screen ; cupboard; a lot of odd rot it ers and chairs, also bedj t-- I springs; 1 heater; 1 rar-'i new brooms, boiler. ti.;-, wash boards, foldlns; cUn:. driers, door mats, oil Lit ers; linoleum by the yu , newt SOO.qts. home canr.' ! anitt potatoes treats, youths chairs tu- 1 many other nlsceOaaroa articles. . TERMS CASn' Furnish your home you can furnish it fcr f r Jess. . . New- and used TarrJ ture bought ,, sold an J e x changed. ,j Private Sales Dal!j Cash Tald for Vzzl Furniture 7 PHONE 511 Slegmund Visits Oaurt John C. Slegmund, who was ap pointed Saturday by Governor Patterson as a successor to John T. Hunt who resigned the same day as county ude. spent yester day afternoon with Commissioners Smith and -Porter looking over some of the. work of the office He will assume tha Judgeship De cember 1. State Conference ' A state conference of .athletic coaches and teachers of physical education will be held at the Sa lem YMCA February 4. Represen tatives of colleges and high schools all over Oregon will attend, ao- Studnicke Released V. J. Studntcka was yesterday released from the Marion county jail, having, completed a 60 day sentence f Q liquor vicuatioa. He also paid a fine of S300. ' Mall Service Bettered Better mail service to ML Ange! and Woodburn will result from change in stage schedules .going! Into, effect 'November 28, accord-j lng to Postmaster Farrar. Stages now will leave Salem daily at 7 a. m. and 5 p. m., connecting with stages at Silverton for; Woodburn and ML AngeL Stages from Sil verton will - arrive Ih Salem 7 at 8:45 a. m., 1:45 p. m. and 6:45 P. m.. ( May Not Park The local police are anxious that the public snould be la formed of the iarklng spaces that have been specially marked and set aside for the -use of street buses.' A yellow line baa bean drawn around theses particular spaces and they are for use of. the buses only. ;; Heretofore k street traffic has often ' been delayed by the Inability of the buses to turn in to the curb to receive and dis charge passengers. " Miss echroeder Chosen Bernice Schroeder, Instructor in the Salem high school com mercial department, baa been chosen by the student council to coach the student body play". The play will be selected shortly after Thanksgiving. Johnson At the late home. 345 South Capitol street, November 20, Mary Rebecca Johnson at the age of 67 years. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. George Paul, and one son, Carl E. Johnson, both of Salem. Remains are in care of the Terwilliger Funeral Home. Fun eral probably Friday morning. McKInney At a local hospital, November 21, Mrs. E. C. McKInney, at the age of 22 years. Survived by her husband Elmer C. McKInney, her parents, Mr, sad Mrs. Felix La- Branch of this city, by three sla ters. Mrs. T. A. Nadon and Sister Mary Gertrude of Portland, Ore gon, and Mrs. W, P. Tallon of Ba lem, by one brother, Alfred Lai Branch, of Salem. Funeral serv- cordlnr to Robert Board man. di rector of athletics' at the YMCaJI" will .be held on Wednesday, TYPEWRITERS X O. SMITH ft CORONA 7 BUKSSTBaJm ADDERS All MikM Cm4 MtcUnu . Phone SSI all Ooart 8. TERWILLIGERS Perfect Funeral Service For Less Licensed Lady Mortician 770 Chemeketa Street ' Telephone 724 The Highest Type of standards using the newest and most advanced ideas In every branch of a finely esteemed and moder ate service, ; Webb's Funeral Parlors 1 Telephone 120 RickJ! Returns 7 Ben Rickli, associate secretary at the YMCA, returned yesterday from Tacoma where he attended the Employed Fellows Conference i a delegate from Salem, Deposits Car for Ball- Merle Tallman who was arrested Saturday night when he narrowly averted a collision with a police car driven by Officers White and Nicholson, was released from Jail yesterday by deposition 1 40 cash baU and leaving his. Ford coupe in tha hustody of the police. Art Class Meets Tonight The University of h Oregon ex tension art class, taught by; Pro fessor Zane, irlU meet tonight at the high school,? instead of . the regular night later in the week, on ; account of the Thanksgiving holiday period. Student Movement Topic 7 Brace Gray, traveling secretary for the student volunteer move ment, from Toronto, t Canada... adr dressed the students of Willamette university at the chapel exercise Monday. tHe expressed the hope that the local school would be rep resented at the quadrennial con vention at Detroit, which opens December 22. - FOR SALE PR RENT Three acres close In on pared highway with modern house. F. L. Wood. 241 State St. Distinctly Correct Footwear For Men Boys y: ', For Women dirls John J. Rottle Expert Shoe Fitters is state Bt. id ITrrCHLNG 6, t and 10 cents per yard. Also buttons, stamping aad pleating. ANNA H. KRUEGER Over Mfller! . Telephone 117 Casey's Guaranteed RHEUMATISM REMEDY Money refunded if It' does not ; cure your-case ' 7 ' NELSON A HUNT, Druggists Cor. 0urt aad Liberty Tel. 1 EYES EXAMinED GLASSES -"FITTED Ten Years Practka in . Sem Phone C25 Dr. L. R Bnrdatta Optometrist ' - 401 First National Bank LADD & BUSH, Dankera Established 1863 General Banking Business Office Hours from 10 a. nu to 3 p. cu J FOR : DECORATIONS tV7;t;i:KSee - . .;- - O. F. BRETXHAUPT Telephone 320 112 State St. 1027 FRLE WALLPAPER ' c SAMPLE BOOKS Call, phone or write . 7 ' MAX a BUREN ' " : v, 170 N. Commercial Salem Ladies' wool dresses cleaned and pressed. 21.00 up. Mens and- Ladles' suits cleaned and pressed 21.00. VARLEY CLEANERS Over Buiclcs , YICII SO HERD CO. J. H. UEOXG, Mgr. Our life's work 'has been spent in studying the fcealiife properties of Chinese herbs and now dally '.' we relieve those : suffering front stomach, liver and kid ney trouble, - rheuma tism and gall stoned , -, also disorders of men, w omen snd Children! Free Consultation Call or Write Ope O A. M. to 8 P. M. v 420 State St., Salem, Oregon 4rf A Family Gift America's Greatest ; - '. Candy Value. -. . a s-- The Family Packag HOMEMA1D ASSORTED CHOCOLATES Good candy, well packed ' at a price that fits all ' pocket books. , , : An assortment of the ; - favorite'-' pieces of all -absolutely fresh and whole - some.1 .,.1 .. ' 99c ; , . 2H lb. Box Perry V Drug Store 115 S. Commercial Let Kennell-EIIis . Make Your View and Commercial Pictures, Any Time, Any Flaco Old Photographs Copia :.. Of tea you want old photographs reproduce!, hut f ' lng them to strangers. -.r Our reputation assures the safety and proper car picture, which we will copy, enlarge, frame or ban a a price lower than the unknown agent can oner. Kennell-Ellis Studi 429 Oregon Bid. yt , - 1 Long: end S2;rt Distance Haulins I Public and Private Storage -7 jbxreprccf xiuuaina . j - GRAIN, FEED xnifl 2 .i Free Delivery to any part cf the citr, K ' '' ' '. - - : I - 7 ' ' - r- 1 ' '.-'" - - :-r '.- -f - -- : . ....... QUOTATIONS ON APPLICATIO Farmers Wareiionco PAUL TRAGLIO, Prep. . Day Telephone 23 Nl-M as.