The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 22, 1927, Page 3, Image 3

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    t ; -
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"' ' ' W" . . -
district Meeting of the
Oregon Federation of B.
d P. JF. Cwbs
A most successful district
neeting df the Oregon Federation
:? Business and Professional Wom
en's Clubs was held Saturday, No-
" yr-Mjer ISth. In Albany. Mrs. Mo-
Vi2 Hair of a gene Is state pres
ident of the B. and P. W. Clubs.
yV One-hundred and fifteen .mem-
Social CiULND A3
era and guests were present, rep
enting eight of the thirteen
ubs In theatte. The largest del
egation 1 outside of the Albany
Club was from Salem with thir
i y-three members in attendance.
Corvallis, represented by twenty
three, had the next largest delega
tion. ;. ; ,; s: :V'":-.., :-:.-;
The principal address was giv
en bjr Mrs. Clarence W. Greene,
wife of President Greene of Al
bany College. Her subject A was,
"Adult Education.": Miss Ida. A.
Powell, president of Albany Club
presided In the-early part of the
evening.' Miss Moselle Hair state
president, - had charge of the lat
ter part of the program during
which an open forum discasBlod
of club problems was held. : The
state chairman of the program
publicity, and membership com
mittees, led the open forum dis
cussion. For the Salem club. Miss
Laura V. Hale, responded for the
program committee. Miss - Edna
Purdy for membership; and Miss
Carlotta Crowley, for the public
ity.- - ;
Dr.': Mary B. Purrine, who is
l xnairman or tne HeaJtn commit
,!e of the state 'organization, was
in charge of the special program
; fOCfeature, and a group of Salem
girls, under the direction Of Miss
Fern A. Goulding. demonstrated
physical exercises veryj beneficial
to the business woman.
. The group singing was lead by
Miss Chalmers music director of
Albany High School. Vocal solos
were given by Miss Vera Ellis and
.Mrs. Bernice Gilchrist. They were
accompanied by Miss Mildred
Whltlake and Miss Chalmers.
Rose and yellow carnations and
yellow tapers carried out the color
scheme of rose and yellow on the
dining table; dinner being served
at : seven o'clock at the Albany
.Hotel.;- '
A. meeting : of the executive
was called at five o'clock
in. the attractive- club rooms over
the Albany State Bank. Miss Max-L
well of Portland, was appointed
chairman of the state publicity
committee, to take the place, of
Urs. Albertlne B. Fltzhugh of Mc
Mlnnvllle, who resigned recently
on account of 111 health.
It was decided to hold a meet
ing for the southern part of, the
state at Koseonrg on ucemoer
tenth. The next district meeting
will be held January twenty-ninth
In Salem with the Salem .club as
the hostess group.
Members of the local club who
motored to Albany ; were: Dr.
Mary B. Purrine, Mrs. Georgia
McClean, Miss Fern Goulding,
Mrs. Clara Pomeroy, Josephine
Shade, Ruth McAdams, Phoebe
McAdams. Edna Purdy, Ixora
Templeton, Julia Webster, Susan
Varty, Mrs. N. P. Gilman, Miss
Clara McNlel. Mrs. L. W. Gleason,
Mrs. Olga Hoffard, Mrs.j Qra F.
Mclntyre, Miss Sarah Minsenmier.
Merle Dlmickv Edith Burch, Lil
lian Schroeder, Signe Paulsen,
Florence Miller, Mts. Maude Poin
ter, Mrs. Maude Presnall, Grace L.
Taylor Mrs. Lillian Ramage, Mrs.
r Grace . Sehon, Carlotta Crowley,
Laura Hale, Mrs. ' Mona Yoder
Marianne Harris, May Cleveland,
and Mrs. Estelle Win ana.
Mrs. MorrisHas Appointed
County Christmas Seal
Mrs. Henry E. Morris, chairman
of the Salem public welfare work, Turner
has appointed assistants who willlcdock
take charge of the sale of Christ
mas seal sales in the . various dis
tricts of Marion County.
They will be as follows: Scotts
Mills, Mrs. Amundsen; Star Route
Mr. and Mrs. L. Dj Hadley; Swver-
ton. District, No. 6. Mrs. J. Ben
son; Jefferson, Mrs. Paul Smith;
Brooks, No. 5, Mrs. Fuller; Wood-
burn, No. 6, Mrs. Wohleper; Hub
bard, No. 3, .Mrs.) H. B. Mack;
Gates, No. 4, : Mrs. Ruby Horner;
Kelaer, No. 8, Mrs, Weather;
Shaw, Mrs. Pauline Amort; Auro
ra. Mrs. Ottaway;f Gervaia. No. 8,
Tuesday , - -
Soda! meeting, . R. N. A. Club
Mrs. Susie Parmenter, 809 N. Com
merclal St. hostess. - -
Social ' Afternoon Club, Eastern
Star; Masonic Temple. 1 o'clock.
Dance, sponsored " by . Pythian
Sisters. Fraternal Temple,
o'clock, "
Maroua Club. Elizabeth Barham
1825 4th Street, hostess.
. Social Meeting. T. K. K. Class
of First M. E. Church. Epworth
HaH 7:80. ' - "
Prof, Zane's Class. High School.
7:15 o'clock.
Regular Social Afternoon meet
ing. Eastern Star. : Masonic Tern
nle. 2:30 o'clock. Cards will be
. Schubert Octette. In concert at
School auditorium. 8:00
Daughters of Veterans. - Wom
an's Club-house. "8 o'clock
Thanksrivins Dance.' Fraternal
Temple. 9 o'clock. "
Thanksgiving Dance. Sponsor
ed by Mrs. R. L. White's ballet
classes. CastlUIan Hall 9 o'clock.
Edward Johnson, second artist
of Salem Series. In concert. Elsi-
nore Theater. 8:18 o'clock.
Reception, honoring Governor
Mrs. Pearl Stevens; -: Sublimity, I and Mrs. L I Patterson and Brig
Mrs. Ed Meiers; AumsvlUe, No. 3.1 adler General and Mrs. George A.
White. Sponsored by officers:
the Oregon National Guard in Sa
lem. Armory. Ferry and Liberty
Streets. 9 o'clock. ,
j Monday
- McDowell Club concert. . Given
bv Cadman Club of Portland
Mrs. W. Allen; Stayton, No. 8,
Mrs. G. F. Cormlck; St. Paul, No.
6, Mrs. Carl J. Smith; Monitor,
No. 4, Mrs. J." P. 'Jensen; Turner,
Mrs. Lucille Riches; Willard, Mrs.
Maude Haberley. i ;; ' ,
Members of the Salem ministerial
Association, of which Rev, Charles J concert Hall of Nelson Building,
E. Ward Is president, have set renter street. 8 o'clock.
aside. Sunday, December fifth, as
a a - V V4 .
sermon will . carry out the idUnnualJnspectum of
a- m m. m. a. . I L V rf -
(ministers oi me county win oo-i" . . ' ,f
serve the day in a similar manner. The .annual inspection i w
uAm emit. h. hn an. woman S KeilBl urps wo
-tA k. .oi. .t.n Mr- at the meeting ot mat orgamxa-
John E. Brophyiis In charge of tlon Saturday In McCornack HalL
tK. ortnnte hiUt nA -,ntl Luncneon was servea Kb
o-i n ...i.f.n. . u m Corert were placed for fifty-five
E. Ling and Mrs. . LeFurgy. Mrs. memners ana iweive viator
T n 1. .nnnlla rhalr.line luncaeou vauica.
Mary Acaerman, president .-01
Both wUl be maintained In e W. K. C presiaea ai me our ioMmi Mnn. ness meeting. Mrs.
ter aales and displays wiil be held of J-ortiana. inspecting oxiicex, u
in the stores on the outskirts of department president of the W. R.
c. was introaucea. au oince w
county the , local organization were pres
the town. .
Mrs. John
A. Carson,
" Edward Johnson ;
i,n .in , -it- ent with the exception of the pi
ed by Miss WUma White who, has Mrs. Jessie Crossan who
. ..... i. was nnabla to attend because of
ters. '
Illness. . r : :
Ylsitors were Mrs. Nellie M.
Fleeck of POrUand, Mrs. Burdette,
Jamestown, South. . Dakota; fMrs.
Minnie Fetzer and Mrs. Grover,
" v v ,! it . ot Independence; Mrs. Alice.; Cuy
The Schubert Octette of Salem! .-:-.
will givea concert this evening at iidwelL Mrs. MUler, allot
eight o'clock in the auditorium of Woodbuni; Mrs. Sawyer of Call-
Vichubert Octette Will Give
Concert This Evening
at Turner
D. Ju B. WiU Send Christmas
Box to Angel Island . .
4 Members of Chezneketa Chapter
Daughters of the American Revo
lution, are preparing the annual
Christmas. box which 'the .chapter
sends to Angel Island, at San Fran
cisco, the port of immigration for
the Pacific 4.1 i: '
Articles especially - desired tor
the pox ,are wash. 7 cloths,,' soap
handkerchiefs, . combs, aprons
(large) stockings and socks, worn
en'a underwear, men's underwear,
infanta clothing, - knitting . wool.
remnants of cotton, bags (fifteen
by eighteen finches, made : of
brightly colored cretonne' or print.
with drawstring) : and v Ylctrola
: All contributions .to the - box
should : be brought to the home of
Mrs. W. H. Byrd, 59 S Court Street
Famous tenor will appear In (before December - third.'
Mniwrt - it Klat nor a Theater No
vember 25th. Mrs. Parker Branin a Guest
in Salem
Professor Von Eschen Mrs." Parker e. Branin (Mildred
Discusses Geology Of OreflronWest f Pendleton, Oregon is the
at A. A, U. W. Meeting fnt of ner parents. Mr. and Mrs.
A vert Interesting talk on "p1 aw.wr.
geology of Oregon was given at Unis Simpson, for the next fort-
the luncheon meeUng of the Sa-jn- xnis is Mrs. uranin s. iirsi
lem Branch of the American As-Uit to Salem since her marriage
oclatlon of University women! which was" ah event of August
Saturday at the" Gray Belle. Cov- twenty-eighth.
era were placed for - thirty club - j- '
members and guests. Vi?.7 UBeiW.
It was asked at the short busl-oievins a ome
ness session tnat tnoae members 1 nr. ana mjs. vv. ik. winsiow,
ef the dub who are-Interested In I Mr. and Mrs.' O. A. Noyes, and
the formation of an afternoon lit- Mrs. M. M. Hpfer. were! week-end
erature section similar to the one J guests at the country home of Mr.
that meets in the evening are ask- and Mrs. R. A. Blevins In King
ed to telephone- Mra. Roy A. I wood Terraces.
T1 aIv am w9tt).Ta7 l a ats-i eiai VAa.
glble. Baruuru r 7wiw .
Problems considered5 at the In- WUl Meet .
stltute of Pacific Relations held Barbara Frietchle , Tent, No.
in Honolulu in 1925 and 1926 two, will meet at eight o'clock
were discussed following?-the reg- Wednesday evening at the Wom
ular meeting of the Association, an's Club-house on North, Cottage
Information regarding this section I Street.
mav a nSt tn fA -from Mrn V CI
Franklin o? Mrs. Luther J. Chap-I Week-end Guests in
In. .. 1 w asnmgion
TV btiA Mn f.ATX-Arin niolrAtt
Noted Tenor Will Appear motored to Longview, washing
tn Concert Friday Evening ton where they were the guests of
Edward Johnson, famous tenor, friends during the past week-end.
of the Metropolitan Opera com
pany, who appeared In concert Guests in Eugene
last Friday with the San Francisco! , Mrs. W. C. Young and her dan
symphony, orchestra will be heard ghter, Mis Florence Young, were
in Salem, November Z5th at theiweek-end guests of Mr. and Mrs
Elsinore Theater. . I Wallace Griffith in Eugene.
i Mr. Johnson who will appear
here as the second artist of the Sa
lem series, has won a high place
In American musical circles since
his return from Italy in 1920. He j
appeared abroad under the name I
of Eduardo di Giovanni, Out re-i
assumed his American name when
he returned to this country.
Mr. Johnson's Pacific coast tourl
is one of the most heavily booked
of any artist appearing in the west
this season. He will make two
more appearances in San Fran-
Cisco before the first of the year.
Recent Visitors tn Salem
' - Mrs. Percy Jennings of Califor
nia and Miss Llun of Portland
have been visiting Mrs. Mary Jen
nings , for several days.
normal echool she was asked by
the girls of Monmouth, to organize
a girl scout troop, but due to op
position : from some source the
camp fire work was chosen in
stead. " . r r;" '
Miss - Brooks also -tutors - two
classes In French, one of school
children and one made up of
Woodburn teachers and interested
townspeople. .
Miss Brooks is rated as one of
attending the Oregon, sorroal
school, and while a student here
won distinction in campus activ
ities and in scholarship, much of
which was due to her travels and
education received in England
and Canada.
Can it be that those who have
been agitating tor a revised cal
endar are responsible for a July
heat tfave in October? -Lans lag
the most outstanding students ever state Journal.
Monmouth, Nov. 21. (SpeclaL)
Miss Margaret Brooks, a teach
er in the Woodburn school system
and a graduate of the Oregon Nor
mal school was a week end visitor
at Monmouth, to take part in .the
homecoming - celebration. . . Miss
Brooks Is the guest of Mary, Ro
bards. critic teacher In the Inde
pendence training school. -"
Besides, her work . in the .sixth
grade Miss Brooks baa charge of a
troop? of 80 girl scouts, and the
Woodburn high school has asked
her to lead the high, school -troop
whlca Is being organized. Miss
Brooks had charge of two girl
scout troops in Portlafnd while at
tending .high school in that city
and has, been a very successful
leader. . While a student at the
Give Your Hostess
tfiUDOtPH scmiDmur
the Turner High School.
Miss Minnetta Magers is direc
tor, of the Octette. Lawrence Dea
con is assistant, director.
. . l 4 V A .....(.AttAtl
Be,u"c" V1 iv"'.-r6l "ttri" anforlginal poem.
are: nrst sopranos; miss mva noo- . .,k.rm..
erts and. Miss Eleanor Moore; sec
ond sopranos. Miss Hilda Amsier
and Miss Arbutus Rudie;'first al
tos, Miss Grace Fawk and Miss
Doris Allen; second altos Miss
Ruth Swart and Miss Myra Glea
son. Miss Euva May Ameier is me
accompanist. .
fornia. and Mrs. Coutean of; Kan-
j:ach visitor spoke briefly.! Lou
ise? King, patriotic instructor; read
Fleeck with a gift from the local
W. R. C.
s Members of the r organization
have been invited to attend the
War Mothers' program which will
ha a-iven Tuesday afternoon, No
vember 29th.
Mrs. Skiff Did Not an interesting Salem Guest
tuntertam L,lUO I Mabel Robertson has had
Throagn an : error, it was au- as her guest this week-end : Mrs.
nounced In the Statesman that Virginia Judy Esterly; dean. ; of
Mrs. Mark Skiff had entertained women at the University of Ore-
the Lucky five-hundred club. Mrs.j,olu Miss Robertson and ; Mrs.
Skiff is not" a member of the ..teri were sorority sisters at
Lucky, tor of any card club, ana
the club - was, not entertained at
her home ' Tuesday.
the University of California. ;
Dean Esterly has: hid wide ex
perience in work with students
including several years spent in
the Orient. She was head :of the
m aii rionartment at Shanghai
Bruce Galloway spent the paaM University of Arizona.
a . a. a. M
weea-ena in saiem wuu ui
Guest of Parents for
Week-End l.
with his
ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Gauoway.
Bruce Is a student at Oregon State
College, Corvallis. y J :
." & i FOR .
Yesterday Dean Esterly address
ed a special assembly of the sen!
or high school girls, and discussed
with them the organization 01
igrls league. v 1
Maorus Study Club Enter- i
tained !
Members of the Marous study
Club were entertained Tuesday af
ternoon at the home of Mrs. Ada
It was decided by the group to
adopt Professor Horner's revuea
edition of "Oreaon" as the class
study book. . t ' " ! I
Armistice Day papers were read
by Mrs. Florence Pugh and, Mrs.
Emma Edwards, Mrs. Minnie- Lee
Tibbitta rave a "-reading "Flan
ders' Fields."
In the group . were , Josephine
Rntta Mavme K. Cooper, jstnei
Cooper, Florence Pugn. uaisy xiax
lanr Anna Hendricks, Dories Mc
Carthy,. Margaret. Smith, ? Glaays
Shields, Cecil-Wenderothi Minnie
Lee Tibbitta, and the hostess. Mrs.
Alklre. : ' . - -
Miss Crowley Hostess at
Delightful Tea
Members of the Salem Business
and ' Professional Women's Club
were delightfully entertained Sun
day afternoon, between the hours
of four-thirty and six-thirty with
delightful tea at - the home of
Miss Carlotta Crowley, president
of the local club. ; .
Miss Crowley was assisted dur-l
lng the afternoon by Miss LtUIanl
Schroeder, Miss Signe Paulsen,
Miss Merle Dimick, and Mrs. Mar-j
ianne Harris. , :
For the first hour. Dr. Mary Bt
Purvlne presided at the tea table.
She was succeeded at the second
hour by Miss Julla'Webster. '
Musical numbers were alven by
Miss Bernice Schroeder and Mrs.i
Susan Varty.
A color plan of rose and gold
was carried out in the decorating.
Regular Social Meeting
07 Cddsiern ouu -
The regular social afternoon
meeting of the Order of the East
ern Star wlU be held thl after
noon In the Masonic Temple.
Members of ; the committee in
charge of the affair are Mrs. Cleo
Caehatt. Mrs. J. B. ShoemaKer,
Mrs. Lucille Biwer, Mrs.. Elmo
Kennedy, Mrs. Ethel Niles, Mrs.
Rita Gamble.-Mrs. Pearl Barltus, 1
Mrs. Iva Bushey, Mrs. Ida Elgin,
Mrs. Lucille Baker, and- Mary
Smith. . . - .
Cards will be played during the
afternoon. All ladles ol tne East
ern Star are Invited to attend.
Pocsn tmattertljesliglib'
est what it is ochcrw
serious it is. You do not
have to worry about it
armtb' ftW"1 Vraiisft
Cabinet will eolve it
quickly and entirely.
Order a can from your
grocer see bow baking
troublee disappear.
One trial wd prove ft.
"V .1
m I, m 1 1 1 hi niesssawaaaswi
01 im i sir
a new and
finer shaving cream
Down to 93 Pounth-FinIIy
Restored to Health by Lydia
E. Pinkham'a Vegetable
, . Compound : ,V.
Tr. i,rv a mM r.9rmTf1v twA in a hum trv a Bayer Aspirin
' tablet. And for headache. The fiction of Aspirin is very efficient,
:V too, in cases of neuralgia, neurit; even rheumatism and lumbago I
And there's no after effect: doctors give Aspirin to children--often
infants. Whenever there's pain, think of Aspirin, lne
genuine Bayer Aspirin has Bayer t n the box and on every tablet.
AU druggists, with proven directions. -1
Fhyc:da3 prcccribo Bayer Aspirin;
I . it izzz NOT affect tte icart
jLr!rta Is tta tra mar C Bayer ItaaatMtara MoncHeJS-fc BaUejlte
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson Enter
tain Their Club , J
MrJi and' Mrs. Clyde, uonnson 1
entertained members of the Tano
Club Friday evening with a din
ner party, in their borne on Chem-
eketa Street, ' : '
Covers were placed for Mr and
Mrs. R. C. Hunter, Mr. and Mrs.
C. MInman, Mr. and Mrs.1 E. L.
Kapphan, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Pat
ton. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. uijeaniat,
and the host and hostess,-Mr. and
Mrs. Clyde Johnson, ; . s -
Several hours of T5 00" follow
ed the dinner. Mr.-LUjequlst won
Wgh score prite. ,; ; , .
Return From Seattle ' ,V - :
Mr. and Mrs. A. C- Bishop have
recently- returned from a two
week's vacation trip to Seattle.
Mr. and Mrs. Fry Spend the
Week-end at Neskown -
Mr. and Mrs. Dan ; J.;: rry. sr.
spent the past week-end In their
summer home at Neskowin. v
? .: , t
t ...-.:.
Ohio. "After- bar
ing my first foaby..
I lost weight, no .
matter - what I j
did. Then a doc-1
tor told me I
wouia oe oeusr
if I bad another
baby, whlcb I
did. But I ot
worse, was al
ways sickly and
went down, to 93
pounds. My
neighbor told me
about Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vege
table Compound, aa it helped her
very much, so I tried It. After tak
ing four bottles, I weigh US pounds;
It baa lust cone wonders for me
and I can do my housework: new
without one bit of trouble." Maa.
M. RiKssixGCn, 10004, Nelson Ave,
Cleveland. Ohio.
It some good fairy ahould appear.
and offer te gxaat your beart s oe
sire, what - would you , choose?
Wealth? Happiness?
- Health? That'a the best gift,
nealth Is riches that cold cannot
bur and surely health is cause
enoujch for happiness.
Lydia IX Pinkham'e Vegetable
Compound may be the good fairy
who osers you tetter Eeaiu
For men who prize the Valet
AntoStrop Razor and the new
Valet blades, Valet AutoStrop
Shaving Cream will add new ease
to these shaving. To men. who
use other razors it will prove a
revelation. -t" ; .-
Pearly white, ttliwt and pure,
it gives a luxurious lather. Valet
AutoStrop Shaving -Cream -not :
only softens the beard but retains
its moisture while you shave.
Soothing as a lotion, its cocoanut
oil content refreshes as well as
softens the skin and keeps it
velvety smooth.
35c a' tube
. If your dealer has not yet received
hia supply, fend 39c to AutoStrop.
Safety Razor Co Inc 656 First
AreNewYorh and we wEl for.
ward your tube postpaid. Pkase
mention your ceaicrs nan
"1 a - . , t :
1 m t T mm
rat,ca - . ; .- v is
u. a ru. ca.
That's a courtesy she will appreciate doubly
for your thoughtfulness, and because of
the high regard she has for Krause s choco
lates.' Get a box today, lest you forget.
Kraiue'a Stellar
Cbeeelatea, poa4 ko,,
J . M ft-
KnM'i FrvlU and Nat, pewad k.r....;U.l.l9
ICra'a Freachy Cbocolatea . ...... $1-00
Kru't CoUait Sl.OO
Krau,'. Milk CbeeoUtes . --S-00
KrtuM'i Ttw-Bla ChocUt $1.50
Kmum'i La. VUta CkcUta $1.50
Where to Buy
Elaftpton'g Grocery, Salem, Ore.
"Taa Ooay" OonfeeUooery, Salem.
Oarl a Bowereox, Salem.
Bcliaef er Drug Store, Salem.
Rot Grocery, Balem.
Flckena Hayne. Balem.
'The Aca" Oonfectlonery, Salem.
The XttUe ZAdy'e Store," Salem.
Oeorve Bvtalnk, Balem.
Oeocs P. MeClelUad, Salem.
T. R. Bailey, Balem, Ore.
Pure Fee Oroeery. Balem.
Olenwooa Dairy, Balem.
vn. Hut Staeer. Weet Saleaa,
Killer Kereantue Co., 8alem. Z?
. a. o. Bendenon, Obemawa, Ore.
Eugene Dltter, SnblimUy, Ore. '
Hafamond Lombtr Oo-, aCUl Olty.
J. AUea Bonai SUyartoa, Ore.
W. O. Howard, SUverton, Orv
Klrlset Confectionery, Caaay.
W. A. Oraiamv Hewberg.
B. A. Oooley, Kewbarc
O. X. Ooolay, Kevbcrs.
J. O. XoKBila, Bfebtif,
Bob Walker. Bevberg.
B y R a t I o r H i g h tv a y j
Fine Trains
Deluxe Motor-Coaches v
- Now you have the choke of trrrelins; via Southern '
Pacific by rail or hiiway. Freaucnt, dependable trains -Ot
cr-coacbes to Oregon points. Tbere's ooe leaving
- wbeayouwaottogo. ' . ,
1 SUver-gray motor-coaches are of latest 4mxcsc2
rin&i2rrjsbioa seats; plate-glass, awoir-em!rre4
inndows; no amioying vibrsrioQ. Relax and rest as you
l i gide. Try them 00 your next trip.
Travel by day 00 train or momroach. Coevenioqf
over-night Pullman service to Coos Bay, Klamath Falls
and Southern Oregon, points. . '
Note These lartttre Times
. To retU-T;JO. f:90. 10t 11 l:0. !t V
iJ a Sei laavoaV S5 Sa. aeeaawt eewe Krtliee iifjii
IWtM "" ..,' :
- fftr Cmhwt
Te. AJbeoy. Cw.Uli. hmtmm ae4 nti i4a. 1U4S aJ. J
. Ta AJUey. Corrall Ble eU o-WiJ, lO.ll'aJC 7. HUl
TFctlaa , . . I1J0 H.2S.
SoBtbem PadSc rail tkkats (aolaas tjeciaSj mtaucwi) aiJ
good ocx the motot-cecba.
It i
4, -
I t
dry Tif-rt
Crtice 184
N. -liberty
' fSotot Ccthe ltwt aaJ aaiv 1 few