r .. - - - I L r -THE OREGON STATES1IAN, SALEJI, OREGON, TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 22, 1927 11 .-New' First National .. Bank Buildmg ! C directory BA8EXF.NT D Lax Shiaiag Parlor Experts for Ladle, and Outloan. REALESTATE DIRECTORY Been hxndsickb : t$ jr. Ei. , TaL let 441 Coart, P. W. GXlftEB TeUphea MIS JHN ; W. OBJs Nsw Bllgk Bids. TaL SAW GKRTRUDB i. if. PAQB ASS K. Cottage. , . . ' TaL TRIANGLB RZALTY CO. itl Gsnrt St, Tat 651 TTLRICH ROBERTS l V. CwmmareiaL TaL 1954 ' TICTOR SCHNZLDZB, Beeltor 228 Ore Bldg. - - TaL 67$ SQUARE DEAL B SALTY O. 6. Xat'l Bask Bldg. - TaL 470 a. c BOHasynuT 147 K. Comm.rei.1 Tel. 87T The Oregon Statesman Pablished every saaraiagJ oxeo Xm day) at Balaam sh. capita mt Oregon. 1 SECOND FLOOR Caffay's Phot Sarvle T1. 706. Over the Bpa THIRD FLOOB Harris Optical C. 801-803-801 i Dr. Henry X. Morris, Optecnatrta . Teophon - 339 . C. P. Glllat- -fimtta 810-11-13 Lawyer Telepaeaa 1056 Socolofsky Baa. TaL 970. Baal Estate, Loaaa, 4SBraae -fvd-696 V'.' Dr. David B. Bid. Ortkodoatia (Straightening al irregular teotk) gotta 906. . Hear ttfy day oacep Thursday TOUKTH FLOOR Or 0NeUl Ph.a 626 BnMM, Optesaetxfcets aOl-a03-eu-o aU9 WUIard H. Attorneys. Wirt a ad Paal jr. Burria 4 10-41 WIS TaL Ids Leae MerUy. 411, TaL 757; Baa. 1916W ttml Estate Lena Insara.e. SIXTH FLOOR Ge B. Triors M. D, Phyrieiaa Bargeon boim xai. nia-asi alee, is Robin XL Day aad Donald W. Hilaa Atteraara at Law Telepboa: 193. . 610-611-612 EIGHTH PLOOB r. O. Ward Davie, General Dentistry et,, sie. aveaiag ay aaootnimass. OS ?v. ir. n. n. peoneia aua .aCirepreetor, 1 N.arocal o te r BeTvico ADVKRTISEMENT : ' , HOXE8T ADVERTISING Tku eol- Bmai aiaat ba kept frca irom aaywuav ( a questionable aatora. Mikrpraaaa tations will not ' ba toleraM. lafarma toon thawing any qaarttaabla iataot oa tba part of tha advartiaar aaauid ba raportad ta tbia nawspaawr- tka Ad clab. i FOR RENT 21 FOR SALE 37 PUITX3 PIANO BXJTCH CABIXXT AXD 0 rails ahaap tt takaa at aaa. aaSA Ukarty 6W THOUSANDS XXGLEWOOD QROWV Oraaaaatal Bhrnba. traaplaata and EraparlBaa, saaay artatlaa. Q boaraibai tSOO Nakraaka va laarga CHEAP LAS0. SPLENDID PASTU&X for asaap, roata or eattla; 85- acrae 8 ntUea from Salai. Wall foaead, new woraa u and aak peat a. 'lna eraak ' and apriar all yaar. - Priaa $8000. Thu la yonr abanea, gat baay bf ora It la too lata. Ala 110 aeraa with farm bnUdinga for $3500. Joha H. Scot 805 Oregoa bauldiag. t Pkona S5 or . 422. .-. '..-'if-, VETERINARIAN ,':39a TKXD W. IiAKO-X, TETXBXJTABXAX Olflea 628 ft. Ooaairttil. TaL 1108. , Bos. TcL 1686. - - Afftaaatf WOOD SAWING i 42 WOOD SAWIH9. PB051 1871.' 1810 Uartk OoamaioUt 4SflyHtf -WOOD FOR SALE 43 QOOI DBT WOOD POX TOT7 D. A. Tal. 80. idSalOtf S LOAD 18 XCH IflLXi WOOD FOB 14.U0. At Tracy 'a Paal Yard. Pbaaa tllh 16 INCH OLD m 8ECOXD GROWTH oak aad aak. TaL 72r2. M. 1). May field. , t. NICELY FURNI8HED BOOHS WITH board, bona cookmg, 40 Marioa. A. WA&KHOCUE OUOBK . I3t POB PAO tory or atoraya. lagaira 127 . TTaioav F0RRENTApartments23 4 ROOM AND 2 ROOM HEATED A-rTT. 1S85 SUta. . .... S ROOM APT. PCXRNISHED, 77tt a CoB,Lr-Tel--217$-M. FURNISHED APARTMENT. 2164 pia Streets Talopkosa 267SJ. MA- 5 ROOM FURNISHED' APT. CHOICE v location, 925 S. f WinUr, only 2S. a ' Month. - v i '" ROOM APT., PRIVATE ENTRANCE, water, licrbt. foat. 25.00; garage 82.50. 558- Marion. i S ROOM PtTRNlSHED APARTMENT. Private bath, faraaea kaat, 645 Court. Pboaa 1057. ; THE AMBASSADOR. S50 . BUMMER, - modern 2 and 3 room apts alactnc relrigeration. TtL 17. FOR RENT-Rooms 25 ROOM AND BOARD. Tel. 145SW. I ; 1207 STATS STB. NINTH FLOOR Dr. H. M. Xrewa. Eya, Ear, Naaa and Threat SpeviaHat. - Buiae 0l TENTH FLOOR Dr. W. A. Johaaom, Daatiat faephaaa 1285 , 1001 CkaLmar Lee Oeorga, D. D. S. -Oeneral Dentistry K. M Orfifia. D. D. 8, Ortkadoat!a -T1-rhee 11 gnit. 1A03-1001 iflrrwe tlates Hift tlaaaa 1 ate. dally aad Saa-sO eeata per ward Local Rates For Classified Advertising Oas tiaia Dafly er Sua Jay . S eanta par ward eenta par wera 8 eeata per ward la erder ta earn tka auara tkaa aaa tiana rata, adeartaatag sawit roa la aear aeeatira lanea. No Ad takes far leas tkaa 2 5a. ' Ada rna Saaday O< akargad at eaa-tiaaa rata. : Advartlaaataata (exeept ParaaakU aad Slreatlnae Wanted) wifl be taken ever tha telepkaae if tka adertae ia a bteribar ta pkona. Tka BUtanaaa will raeeive adTar ttaemeata at aay time mt tha day er tight. Ta laaara proper elaaeifieetien Ada akealde be ia befora 7 p. as. TXLBPHONB SS OB 686 - LODGE FOSTER CIIKMXKETA IX) DO a Ne. 1. 1. O. O. F. Meeta aery Wednesday OTeniag, at 7:30 o'clock; third floor of I. O. O. F, Temple, corner of Court and High Sta, AUCTIONEER 2 F. N. Woodry 12 Yra. Salem'a leading Aactioneer and Farniture Daalar. Baa. A Store, 1610 N. Sumdot SL Fhona Bll II. F. Woodry & 5on Bight dawm town. Oaeh paid tar maad farartmra. Stora 271 M. Oonun'l TaL 78. Ageau for Lame Baagaa. 9 BATTERY - ELECTRICIAN 6 B. D. BARTON KXIDB BATTERIES starter aad ge aerator work: S02 : Soatk Hlgk. t TaL lire HIGH AND ' CENTER JOB WILLIAMS FLKENEB ELECTRIO CO. v HOOSX wiring by boar ar eeatreet. Eatiaastee furaiakad. TeL $0 471 Ooart St. BICYCLES - REPAIRING 8 LLOYD E. BAMSDEN COLUMBIA BI eyelet aad repairing. 887 Coart, SALESMEN 12 SALESMAN , WANTED 8ECCRITY Saleamaa or yoang naa willing to tear. Maat hare car. Sea Laflar Ladd Bnak Bldg. a CHIROPRACTORS 15 DK. O. I. SCOTT. PSC. CHIRQPBACTOB 250 H. High. Tel. 82S-R, Or 87. d:i. il b. scoffield. p, s. o ;so rirat KaUenal Baotp Bldg. FLORISTS 16 CUT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOUQCETS . Funeral wreataa, deeoratioaa. C F. Kreithaupt, florist. 512 . State Street. TeL 980. - ir. INSURANCE 18 v-Kili S.U.E FIRST AND SECOND Mart gages. inn Lreeoa, voniraeis oa - houaee Will aet 6 to f0 per cent. BECKE eV HENDRICKB HeUig Bldg.. ls N. Higk St. Insure Tear Home or Car now. Pkona 181 BECKE g HENDRICKS Heillg Bldg, 188 N. Higk Si, FARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY to loan oa good farm severity. CITY LOANS We are loaning Pr- aeatial lasuraaea eoaapaay money on city residence aad haaineea property at 3 par eeat. plaa a aoanatiaaloa. Haw kins Roberta. Ia, . 805 Oregon . Baildiag. ,- ' . WANTED - Employment 19 BOOKKEEPING- ALL. OR PART TIME. A. . Aaderson, TeL 1174W. - FOR OARDZH PLOWINO. BASEMENT digging and taaaa work. Tel. 72JTS WANTED WORK OF ANY KIND. BAK ery and fVour mill experience. R. 9 FURNISHED BOOM IN MODERN HOME near State house. Phona 469J. ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD at Alexandria. luSO Cbemeke:. Phona 1579. ; FURNISHED ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN. Strictly ' moiern home, near State House. Piirate bath. 146 Chemeksta St. Phone 1894J. FOR-RENT-HOUSES 27 NEW MODERN HOUSE VQ'S. RENT, OR aale.iiJce ret. Tel. Ufa. 4 ROOM MODERN HOUSE WITH CAR AUK. alao 3 room cottage. Tel. 4396. 9 ROOMS PRIVATE ENTRANCE CLOSE in, water, light, fuel. 925.00 month. garage extra, 555 Marioa St. ROOM MODERN HOUSE WITH large attic. Range and some farniture. winters wood in basement. Phone Stifller at 23, or SSFIA. . r FOB RENT Strictly modern room kousa ia good residential district. CALL LKO N. CHILD3 CO, E'ealtora f 0 State Street. Phona 1727 - BEAUTIFUL HOME FOR RENT Fine location, 8 rooms, completely fur matted. ew and strictly modern. Terr close in, aoa per montn. SOCOLOFSKY SON Fin! Rational Bank Baildiag HOUSES TO RENT $:5 A MONTH. JCingwood Ceart jast being completed. Stacao bo tig's lows each three rooms, bath, kitchen ; range, hardwood floors. fireplace.. Garage, city water, and Ose of Ijaundry incladed. C A. Robertsoa owner. Phone 2716. FOR RENT! 5 R. 182 N. Winter . 5 R. 1450 N. 5th , , .' - 4 R. 541 Norway t 5 R. 1885 Fairground 5 Rv. 2307 State 4 R. 1950 S. Cottage - KRUKQER Tha Realtor" .flO.OO . 22.50 . 22.50 . 25.00 . 25.00 - 20.00 LAUNDRIES 32 DRY 16 7 INCH OLD FIB,' SECOND growth and aaa. C. U. Harbaugh. 10S9 Highland Ave. TeL 1990. - FOR DRY 2ND GROWTH FIR WOOD aay length at reasonable prieea ai prompt delivery, phone 9777. GOOD COAL DRY- WOOD PROMPT DELIVERIES HILLMAN FUEL CO. ; TELEPHONE 1855. BEST GRADE OF WOOD Dry wood. 4 tt. aad 16-iach. Large loada are ekaanar ta bay. Mill wood ia oar epeeielty. Prompt deliTery aad reasonable price. ' FRED E. WELLS J 280 8. Charck Tel 1W5 POULTRY & EGGS 45 FBYS FOB SUNDAY X7UTNCR. WEIGHT S poaaia. .Phona 9J.ru. La aatcaaiy, CAPONS FOB THANKSGIVINOi ; COBN fattened, ' choice .' birds. - DeliTeraeV Phona 82F21, Lee's Hatchery., POULTRY WANTED AST KIND. SIZE or amount, top market, highest cask price. Salem Poultry Oo, 145 Center bv. j-oot or ine arioz fuooe 34o. MUSIC STORES 45 GEO. C. WILL PIANOS. PHONO grapka, sewing maeainee, aheet music and pisas studies. Repairing phono grsphs aad sawing mackine. ; 432 State street, Halem. - Nevspapers - Magazines 47 THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM . Ageney. Tha Ace. TaL 99. THS OREGON STATESMAN, 50 CENTS par month denrcred to year noma early each morning. TeL 38 or 688. IF 'YOU WANT TO GST THS BEST farm paper send fire 2-eent . scamps to ', tka Pacific Homestead, Sales, Oregon, for a three snwatka' . trial ankeeriptioa. - BLennon taia aa. " - - POULTBYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO- cent stamps for special three months' trial for tha beat aad oldest doaraal in tha West. Tka art! e lee aad adrer- ' ttaemeata are at apeeial interest to tka poultry breeders of tko Northwest .Northwest Poultry journal, six 8. Ueaa mereial St.. Me lam, Ore. -PAPERHANGING 50 "HONE GLENN ADAMS FOB- HOUSI .decorating, paperkaaging, tiatisg; ats. 'Jeliabla waraTsuaa. PAINTING . 50a CHAS. BENNETT. PAINTING. COB trateor, painting, paper i kangiag. 1191 J. 187 Wee Miliar. MISCELLANEOUS 51 FOB SALEM SCAVENGES CALL 167. WE BOARD DOG8 AT OUB . Flake' a .Petlaad. 273 State. FARM. FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING AND RX pairtag. Gieee-Powers Faraltara Stora. FOB BALB OU XXWSPAPER8, 10 eeata a handle. Slat senna elfice, S18 South OemmerciaL . ; 61j9tl BUT USED MEN'S CLOTHING. JIWEL- . ry, Gaasw Toola, Bieyelea, ate. Star Exchange, 9S4 ft. Coaa'L Tal 956. TRY THE BOMB WW WASH LA UN- dry. TaL 171. 1856 B Street. J17tf CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY "The Laundry or Pare Matarlala' Telepkoae 186. . 1SA Broadway THE NXW SALEM LAUNDRY THX WE1DEB LAUNDRY Telephone 25. 8. High TAILORS 34 D. H. MOSHEB TAILOR FOB MEN na woman. vobti dv. WANTED-Miscellaneous 35 FURNITURE P CKING FOB SHIP meats. - Gieae Powers Furniture Co. WANTED farm loana. ticna aa head. Ha' Iaa, 306 Oregon BUav PRIVATB MONEY FOB We have several appliea- Roberta, wkiaa WANTED GOOD WASHED OOTT05 Bag not mallar tkaa lyard to sa tor wiping maohiaary. Bigaaal priaa Said for good clean rags, apply at ts teaman effiee. sea 8tifle. MATR ESSES 35 MATTBESSES BENOVATED BY THE Capital City BeddJag Co, 1190 North Csp tol. Called for and deUaarel. AU work guaranteed. Te. 19. FOR SALE" 37 WINTER APPLES. RULIF30N ' S, BT. e. rx. 69. Phone 4F4. . BLACK DIRT FOB 8 ALB IN XTTHXB North r South - 8a less. Reasonable. Tel "re we . t74l- STOVES AND STOVE REPAIRING STOVES FOR SALE REBUILT AND repaired by expert. All kinds of woven wier fence. Fancy and plain. Hop . basketa and hooka, logaa nooks. , Ba lain Fence and Stove Works. 250 Coart .. a treat. OUR CUSTOMERS ARE OUR BEST - boosters bocaaso wi.au we do your , welding, 'tis done, not you. Electric ' aad acetylene welding, large and aa&alL O. k. Op pen. & Mill Et. TeL 7S aad zoso-J. LOST AND FOUND 53 LOST CHILD'S BLACK T RIMMED glasses. Tel. 263. PIANO TUNERS" 54 EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Piano saner. Leave orders Will's Mwaia Store PRINTING? ; 56 FOB STATIONERY, CARDS. PAMPH lata, programs, hooka, ar aay kiad af printing, call at tha Ststeemaa Priaft- lug Mpartmaat, Zl a. TeL 688. ' MONEY TO LOAN 57 FEDERAL FARM LOAN Vfc Wood. 841 State St. -: . XVI P. H. BELL. 219 U. 8. BANK BLDG Residence and butiaeaa loans. TaL 6C7 r 3141-W.. : i . j MONEY TO LOAN FOR BUILDING AND on city property. B. U. Martin and u. R. Martin, attorneys. . 418 ' Oreg Baildiag. TeL 2084. . j , ?. 4.- CITT AND FARM LOANS AT LOWEST . ratea. - Best terms obtainable. Our Inaurmnee department offers yoa as ''part advise and service - la i all lines. HAWKINS 6) ROBKKTS Iae.) Tel- 7 417. - ' ?n i. Or. eon BMr. ' OPPORTUNITIES IN RBAU ESTATB The way . to find real values i money making real estate 'prop ositlons, and good home sites Is through these want ad columns. ' You will find many unlooked-V :ay r:f'i:--,-.:::'- . ' -viV--;'j for opportunities in real estate Investments throughthese col umns. - " Make the habit of Reading the . want ads. ' : TSANKSGmNa oFFtaoras Baal 6 aeraa aioaa la, Hoaso, bara. i - hickea aokaak cia. f 20 par irS-. saaatlUw-. ? :.v - - ; Ia ' 10 aereg rnovfk J Prie $1000. Waste 9 time aeoiag this U aeraa. -Ved- ora aaiMiaaa. Priea right. will lr exchange tor Salem ar Valley : acreage. ' ' Own 100 aer farm 10 miles from 8a- : lem oa good road. 64000. Your 10 acres equipped with tools' and eeuple of sows aad noma ehlck r aaa eaa - ba swapped :fer Salem !'.: home. -- : '. ..-.:, . - Homa aad Income. Apartment koase pay- i ' lag geso par -month to trade lor ' ' alear farm. - -.v. Aad the next day It rained a bargain t This aew plastered bungalow with .'. 13 acree good land. $8500,. : Ba n Quiok and get this modern bona - on paved street, 98100. f 100 dowa aad 980 per month. -, Thankful for - ahanco like this 4 acres etoae in, spring; creek.- $2000 or ; will trade; v. . . ';, TJLBICH ROBERTS, Realtors - 129 N. Comoiercial Street. . Phona 1354 WANTED LOANS 59 WANTED P-rivst asaaay to laam am RXAI. ktBTATB. W. H. GRABENHORST OO. 194 S. Liberty 8s. REALESTATE 63 PLUMBING 60 PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Grater Brae 144 S. Liberty. TaL 6S0. RADIO 62 Radiolas For every purpose, for every purse , All standard site of Radio Tube. KOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP. 895 Court Bt. Tel. 458. REAL ESTATE 63 FOR BENT HOUSES. GERTRUDH J. M. PAGE, 484 Coart St. FOR RENT 930 A GOOD MODERN 6 R house. Hag electric range, furnace. but It-ins, garage. Inquire at 1565 Ferry St. S ACRES. HALF IN FRUIT. BALANCE good plow land, well located, ahort dis tance city limits, near Garden Road. Owner. P. O. Box 232. Salem. FOR SALE GROCERY STORE Good location, does 825,000 business annually. Price $4200, $3500 cash will handle, discount for all es&n. uiner gro eery stocks from $1,000 up. BOCOLOFSHY A SUN First National Bank Building 5 rmr. Cottage a 2 E. front lots, $2750 ..$3650 SELL EASY TERMS OR BENT BE sponsible party TO sera farm. 4 acres strawberries. Spring and living; creek. Some machinery, good buildings. Phone j.Ba-e-4 evenings. , lt i v TRADES 1 ACRES GOOD BUILDINGS close in. vain $5000; for larger place same Tain. 32 acres, good land, fine buildings, value 6500. want homa la balam. 135 acre farm. w0 acres orchard, . well lo cated, close ta good town, for Income property. . Want to bay small place near Salem np to suoou. . r F. L. WOOD, GEO..T. FEED, :ti ' 941- Stat St. -. i :' BtriLo yrrw-r Oa aer all ia bearing apple located aouta oi ta. ec.lnley BebooJ. ' Price noso. 150 down, balance glO par awnia. W. H. GRABENHORST CO. ltd S. Liberty St. 9 .GOOD LOTS ON PAVED STREET. good location, $1000; $900 cash, bal ance term. "-, 10 room house, 173 marioa Street, a real varKisiB. SALEM REALTY CO. 462 State St. OAK TIMBER SNAP ' 24 A. Estimated 1500 Cord of very fin oak - wood. Price 91500. Terms. All fenced with bog tite fence. Tkia is one of the. best oak timber bays ia the valley. Owner away must sell. Be Louis Bechtel or J. D. Sears. 841 Stat C, K4a 2. GREATEST TltADTNG ORGANIZATION ON THE PACIFIC COAST -We have over 3000 properties listed for exchange. Evary kind of property every price, every location. We eaa match your exchange EXACTLY. If yon would like to trade your property TO- UA.X, come in toway. Bee GASKILL EARLE, Realtor 166 S. Liberty. TeL 2242 corner, , 4 rm. bunralow elote in 2 lots on N. Summer St. ..$4500 5 rm. cottage, large lot, on popular street , aooo 6 rm. house, large lot, close in...S5500 See Dt about business locations closa in. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 484 Court St. 11.65 ACRES SNAP Oa account of financial reverse client will sell 11.65 acres 8 miles south of Sa lem at $1000.00 below cost to Aim. 8500.00 cash will handle tha deaL , Aak for full information. - A. C. BOHRNSTEDT Realtor Loan a Insurance 147 N. Commercial St., Salem, Or. SNAP SNAP SNAP A real boy for a handy man who eaa use a hammer and a paint brush as the house need a little repairing aad paint ing. I his ia a good 6 room house.x large lot and half. Paving paid, most ideal location. Price $2100, with a small pay ment down, balance like rent. Yon eaa clear $500 in the next 6 montha if yea are a kandy man. Immediate possession act quick. . See Louis Bechtel or J. D. Sears, 341 State St., Room 3. GOOD 10 BOOM PLASTERED HOUSE 92750; $500 down, baL $25 per mo. Extra nice aew all modern 8 room bun galow $4C00 for acreage. Nice suburban 5 A. tract half In fruit $2100. good terms. IT A. near Salem, bldg., fruit, timber, paved road, $2250, terms. 6 A. near Salem, bldga fruit, timber, snap 98000, for residence. Well improved 95 A. farm, cedent bldg-, $6500, take residence for paH. - PERRINE MARSTERS 312 Gray Hldg. 9 ACRES LOCATED EAST OF SALEM, good soil, fair buildings, family fruit and 8 bearing walnuts, near good school, $3500, will taka city property in trade. 6 rm. modern boa so at 880 N. Church, faraaea, fireplace, garage, will aaeri - flea for quick aale. ' Alaoe for rent. $5250, good terms. 50 A. fruit farm, 10 A. timber and pat tar, about 28 1 A. in pears, cherries, praaea, aad logans. $16,000. Will take dairy, farm sway from here aa part payment. ; - WINNIR PETTYJOHN. Realtor , 175 S. High 8L FOR SALE OR TRADE FINE 10O ACRE FARM . All Stock, Crop and Machinery 95 A. cultivated land; good buildings: has 9 living springa. fenced and cross fenced : on good Toad close to school. Owner must sell on account of ago aad health. Price $140 per acre. Will take a small tract 1 to 5 acres ai part pay. See Louis Bechtel. or J. D. Sears, 341 tate St., Kooa 2. WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FORI If yoa want a good farm r Salem Home , or Good Investment J or . Loan and Insurance , : or Exchange of Property Wa solicit your business in all these lines on a basis of better service. ' . Come ia and see as. VICTOR SCHNEIDER 228 Oregon Bldg., Salem. Office Phone 678. Home 732-F. REAL ESTATE 63 REAL ESTATLvTRADES 65 USED CARS-For Sale 79 USED CARS-For Sale 79 PACKARD TWO OF-THB BEST OLDSMOBILB BUYER ' "1 928-LICENSE-FREB With every used ear gold this month for $400 or over. LOOK-THESE-PRICE3.-OVER Peekard-436 Seriet Can't be told from new Cadillac 1926 Series. A real aaap , . Packard 42 S Senee. Try and beat thi for our price Psckaxd 1S Series. A high clasa ear at little money Oldsmobila Lata E Serie. 4 wheel brakes aa' everything Oldsmobile Early E Series. Like new. See this Chevrolet Sedan, New Paint. A real buy at our price .S2009 . 000 . 1750 . 1230 . SQ . 850 - 409 . 97 . 150 All-Aoova-Cara-Ara-Gaaranteed-and-Late-Model-Closed-Cara. 1926 Ford light steal delivery, A 1 Shape all around Ford Ton Track.-Good stake body Cab aad rubber. Jamb drive gear, Ford Boadatar. extra rood ebaja . If yon are looking for a good aaed car it will pay yon to coma In aad look oar stock over. Spare will not permit na to list them all aad we have other good bay to show yoa. Good running atttomobile as low as $25, . Remember that at Packard ased car stors is a safe place to bay. REAL ESTATE-Farms 67 89- ACRE DAIRY OR SHEEP 6 MILES oat. fair buildings,. 8 head of caul. $6000; take bonee M $8000. 51 ! Acre fruit and dairy; stocked . and : equipped; . good buildings ; - nearly new 7 8 tunnel dryer. Thin plae 1 on tha market at a low price aad is only 4 miles ta Salem. f ' ; BARBER A BOND - 2O0 Gray Bldg.- 135 K. Liberty 'iv -T FOR SALS 6 acres of river . bottom aoiL. with bearing grapea, 4. room house, bara and taeniae shop, located 1 mile from eity limits, met bsboo. aa790 down, bai aaea 6 interest. This property has plenty el water for irrigation , the Nyear sruunu. rwsi nsirsia tor svm vnt. W. n. ttaisCaUUKHT 4k CO, xoaaltors. 184 S. Liberty St. Paone 515 Capitol Motors Inc. t50 N. Higk St. BIDDY BISHOP Open Evenings-We never close-Open Sundays BARGAINS IN LAND $ 700 a fine' 10 acre tract 8 miles from ' U. 8. Bank. $2750 a good 20 acre farm, house, bam. garage, 3 acre orchard timber for li 250 cords of wood. Banning water, if. $400 cash. $3000 22- acres, large bonis, lots of oat- buitdingi, large barn, good land. , Term or will trade for Salem resi dence. . Monthly payment loans. Insurance MEL-V1N JOHNSON 820. U. 6. Bank Bldg. Phone 687 1927'Marmoa Eight Coupe 127 Chandler Sedan. . , 1927 Cadillac Sedan. 1927 Cadillac Sport Sedan. 1925 Marmon Coupe, Big Six. 1925 Willys-Knight Coupe Sedan. Willya-Knight Sport Touring. 2 Hudson Coach ee. 3 Hudson Speedsters. . Oakland Sport Touring. 8 Ford OouDea. Wa have a few car not listed to ba sold at ia. Convenient Term. Trades Cottage and Ferry Sta. Telephone 409 Willamette " Autd Supply Company Marmon, Locomobile and Chandler The best bay we have ever offered. D yoa know automobile values f If you do and can use ,a late model nearly new car, this message i for yoa. TAXIDERMIST 68 WORK GUARANTEED. E. E. WIOOIHS. .. xaxtaermiat. iito jtrvsr. Tel S201W. TRANSFER & HAULING 70 LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE HAUL- Ing. . Reasonable prieea. TeL 72-F2. - CAPITAL GTTY TRANSFER CO. - 226 SUta St. Tel. 983. Distributing, for ; warding and storsge our specialty. Get ;ur rata. WE MOVE, STORK AND SHIP HOUSE hold gooda. Oar specialty la piano and furniture moving. Wo alt ms.ka coun try trips. W htndl th bstt coal and wood. Call on a for price. W give good acaaaara, good quality aad good aerviee. lamw Transfer Tel. 930 WATER 74 LEO N. CHILDS CO. SPECIALS 6 room boose, large lot, woodshed and garage lor Siooo. 8 roots cottage," good plumbing, electric lights, garage, paved street, 2 lota for $1500. terms. 6 - room plastered house on N. Charck St., plumbing, garage and woodshed. $1600, little down and baL like rent New 4 room bungalow' with good plumbing, fireplace, garage for only a 1850, aaao cash, baL like rent. Owner maved away and wilL sacrifice his 6 room modern bom. Pric only fauvu, easa aauo. . - 9 large fine lota oa a corner. 8 r. house, street paved, choice fruit and not Ueaa. Price $3600, cash $500, baL like rent. SEE LEO N. CHILDS OO, Realtors 920 State Street. Phone 1727 $425 lot 50x120 on Broadway $50 down. $ 450 lot on Ha set Aye just north of Soatk Street. $50 down. $ 650 fin east front corner N "4th A Columbia Ave. ; $ 650 lot 52x128 on N 14th eaty terms. $ 600 lot 45x187 comer Kansas Ave 16th St. Easy term. . - -, $1850 fin east front lot on Saginaw. $1300 lot 60x132 on Hood St. paving paid. - - . $1350 fin lot corner Winter 4 Shipping. Monthly payment loana Insurance MELVIN JOHNSON i 830 U. S. Bank Bldg Phone 687 $100 down, $80 par no- a sew bunga low, S room and bath, $1350. $100 down,, naw - kouae 20x30,' wood beuaa. fine east front lot, $1800. $100 dowa, aew and modern in every way, d room bungalow, jxet ready to move. into, $3250. "; $500 down, a modern 6 -room bangav . low, basement, fireplace, lot 68 1 185, eloa to Grant achooL Price $4000. $750 down, a new aad beautiful Eng . lish type home. 6 room a. modern In vry way, jaat ready to move Into, $4500. r $1000 down, a beautiful English type borne on N. Winter St.. $7000. . Monthly Payment Loans- Iaarana , MELVIN JOHNSON : "' 890 V. S. Bank BMf. Pkene 87 FOR SALE OR TRADE Good 6 room bungalow all modern np-to-data. New garage. Pavement, in 'and all paid. Aa elegant home. Priee $4200. Term. 7 room new modern bansa at end of paved street and clot to achooL An ele gant home at a very low pric. $4500. 8 room houss, 2 fin lots, large wad house, garage. Ia small town near Sa lem. $1500.' Terms. Nice apartment honae en paved street, cloae to bn line. 4 two room apartment aad 1 three room apartment. Doable gnraga. good wood bouse. All in first clasa order. $4500. Terms. Trade for good email hows. Want to trade 80- acres kigbly im proved, 20 acre of Franquette walnuta, blackcaps, etc, good . buildings, . close to Newberg, Oregon, for sheep ranch. What kave yeal . '"- - Hoas aad S lota, garage, in West Sa lem. $1000. Loana Bond and Investments LAFLAR LAFLAR - Ladd Bask Bank Bldg. When looking for a home lev aa show wan 13 acres, well improved, 1 mile from goocv valley town. 60 chickens, 1 horse, and farm tools for $4500, or will trad for Salem property. Yoa can bay thi grocery store for a anap. Slock will invoice at $8000 without hxtaras. AJ1 at $3700. Think of tkla 6 - acre v chicken ranch, . equipped for baby ebieke, Haa 2 room house, partly furnished. Mod ern 20x40 ben boat. A bargain at $1500. Term. Of all bargains ' in . koines this new . $ room- bungalow at 4)1,000, vary easy term, can't be beat. Horn aad Income bnek bote! ia grew. ing town of 10.000 Inhabitant 4n- come about $400 per month. Will '. trade for city lots or good farm any where la th valley. Think of tbia. Income property ia Sa lem to trade for aheep ranch, clear . of iacumberenoe. - Of- fer aa $2000 aad 4 acre clos in, with creak, spring; fin building ait ia your. . " 1854 acre, aheep ranch to trad for prep- arty" In' or near Salem. CLBIOH-dr ROBERTS, Realtors i9 N. Cotnrnerfial Street. Phone IS4 OREGON WASH. WATER SERVICE OO. Office 804 South Commercial St. Ten per cent discount on domestic flat rata paid ia advance. Na dedactioa for ab ac nee or aay cause aaleea water ia shut tx your premie. a. TRAVEL 76 TR-A-V-E-L Safely, Swiftly and Comfortably ia buses of the Parker Stage Li naa, S T A G E S L-E-A-V-E F-O-R Silverton 7 a. 11 a. 5 p. m. Mt. Angel 11 a. bl, 5 p. m. Dallaa 7 a. n. i. m.. 1:25 p. m. Falla City 7 a. m, 9:10 p. na, 6:15. Independence 7 a. m., 9 a. sau, 11:16 ; a. 8:10 p. m 6 :15 p. m. Sua- ; day only 8:80 p. m. Monmouth 7 a. m., 11:15 a. m 9:10 p. 6:15 p. na. Sunday only 7:10 p. m.; 8:80 p. m. McMinaTiU. 8:80 s. k, 1:10 p. a. 5:15 p. m. Newberg 8:30 a., m, 9:10 p. n. 5:16 n. m.. - ... .Tillamook 8:30 a. m- 2:10 p.Ju. Call 222 or 696 forinformation AUTOS WANTED 7? CASH PAID FOR FtMLDS FIXER AUTO USED CARS-For Sale 79 REO TON SPEED WAGON CHEAP for cask most sell at once 1198 So. Com'l. Consult Us About Your Used Car Problems 1926 Roadster , ,. .., .$285 lS7 T'adar Sedan. Bo nearly new i that yoa eaa hardly tall that it baa been ased . $475 1935 Star practically aew balloon wheel brake 4935 1936 Coupe. Original tire oa thi .show very little - f' 1917 Rdster. with P. U. boxg go Valley Motor Co. . Salem. Oregon McKays for Used Cars We have several used cars priced from $35 to $75. These car all bar good tirea aad run fin. ALL CARS OVER $150 GUARANTEED Che v. 23 trg 8100 9 29 Chev. trga..,.. $165 ?4 Chev. trg 25 Ford trg... 25 Overland trg Willy Knight Kds.. 487 Center at High ..f 2O0 .$200 -8250 $575 Phona 745 Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. A. Salem Markets -O I GRAIN No. 1, wheat, whit.. Red wheat, sacked.. bogs, rough and smooth $4-00 ($7.50; slaughter pi gar 90-180 pounds mediutw to choice $8.00(49.00. Feeder and atocker piga 70-120 pounds, medium to choice. 88.00 9.00. ' (Soft or oily hogs and roasting pig3 excluded ia above quotations.) Sheep aad lamb steady: receipts 805. Lamb 84 pound down, good to choir $ 11.00 13.50; ditto medium 92 pound dowa $10.00011.00; ditto coll to com- , aaa, all weigh $7.00 Of 10.00; yearling . wethert 110 pound down, medium to ebole $7.00 3 9.00; ewe 120 pouada down, medium to choice $5.00 S 6.60; dit to medium to.ehoie 120-150 pound 85.0O 4J6.00; ditto culls to common, all weight.. t3.00Q4.00. , , FRTJTTS AND VXOBTABLES ' PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 21. AP). j . Thanksgiving trade is animating th local produce awarket. Cranberriea are plenti ful and price slightly wk witk 8 5.25 th top for western stock In 1-8 barrel boxes. Moderate eupplie of eastern are " selling at $10.25 for half barrel and,, $20.00 per barreL Sacramento lettuce ia of very ordinary quality and prices firm only for h very best. Cauliflower is firm' at 81.50 er crate. Green lima. heana era bringing 20e par pouna auu hot house cucumbers $2-2.60 per doaen. -Yakima valley potato are supplying the market almost entirely et $1-1.50 per cwt The trad in fresh olive ia inereas- ing each season. They bring lie per itv . Artichoke ar scarce at $1.60 per doien. DAIRY .... - PORTLAND, Ore.. Nov. 21. (AP). 5 Dairy Exchange, net prices: . i Batter, extras 47c; sUndards 40c; prime firsts 45 He: firsts 43 He. Egg, extras 4?c; firsts 88e; pullet 84e; current receipt 3e; andersixed SOe. - " ' a, I, i . CHICAGO OBAIN CHICAGO, Nov. 21. (AP)- Argentine crop damage reports, aa well aa an un locked for decrease, of the United State visible aupply total, law ta mgoer prices today for wheat. Closing quotations oa wheat were firm at 5-8 to 7-8 lc net ad vance, with corn unchanged at tie up and oats 8-8 to e ofL Oats, per bu. milling- .81.14 .$1.10 .$ .CO FORK. MUTTON AND BEEF lop nogs , Sow &6.07 Top tteer .06 .0 7 Cow ; 08. 05 Spring lamb, dretaed .18 Dressed veal .14 Dressed pigs . . .. ,.12 POULTRY Light ben '. Heavy hen " Spring Broiler .13. 14 .30 .18 .21 EGGS, BUTTER, BTJTTERFAT - Standarda Butterfat .42 .48 Print Batter .49. 50 VEGETABLES ' Beets, sacked ., Onions, do, buacka New cabbage , - , New potato i .. ,. , Celery, bunches . Local lettue . .0$ .90 .09 .09 90 01.35 .1.50(11.75 O-I General 3klarlet 2 CASH PAID FOB) Uer- CARS. rtak Motor Co. GING- F-aekara Oldswobll .- Two of the Best Wa always bar a comnlat Una af good aaed ears. It will pay yoa to loot oar stock over if yoa ar interested in a good used ear. --v.; - ;. 10 off for easK. Open Sunday and Evening. ' : Capitol Motors Inc. SCO N. High St. PORTLAND GRAIN ' PORTLAND. Ore., Nov. 21. (AP) Wheat bid: BBS bard white Nov., Dee., Jan., $1.80; hard white, blue stem, Baart, federation, all $ls28; soft white, western white, all 81-26; hard winter, northern spring all $1.24; western red all 1.29. Oats, No. 2. 86 pound W. F, and gray, an $38.50. Barley, No. 2, 45 pound B. W. all 937. Corn. No. 2 E. Y. shipment Nov. $86.- 50. Deo, Jan. $75.50; ditto No. 8. Nov. $36, Dee-, Jan. $35. Millrnn, standard Nor. $27.50, Dee- Jan. $27.25. HAT PORTLAND. Or.. Not. 21. (AP)j Hay buying prieea: Eastern Oregon tim othy $2021; ditto vaUey $16.50(317; cheat 814.50; alfalfa 817: oat hay SUM 14.50: straw 99.50 par ton. BeUing prices $3 a ton mora. PR0DTJCB v PORTLAND, Ore, Nov. 21. (AP)- Bids t th farmer: - - MUk steady; raw (4 per sent). $3.45 cwt, fob Portland, butterfat 45 fob Portland. : . Poultry steady: heavy bens 31(328e; light 18H16e; spriags S021; broil era 2Se; pekia white ducks 22e ; colored nominal; turkey alive 80&850. - Onions steady, local 7b (u tf U: . potatoes steady; $1.2501.65 sack. :. . XjTvbstock: PORTLAND, Ore.. Nov. 21. (AP), Cattle aad calve staady. to strong; - rs- eeipt eattla 2.295, calve 180. : Steers 1100-1300 pounds,' good $9.25 10.25; ditto 90O-110O pounds, good $9.60 10. 26; ditto medium 800 pounds np ftl.SOQ 9.50; ditto eommon $6.75 8.60;; heifers, good $8.40 8.50; ditto common 1o me dium $6.350 8.00; cows, good $7,004 7.75; ditto common to medium $5.6007.; ditt low cutter, to eatter 93.005.30 ; ball, yearling excepted, best, good 85.75 6.25; ditto cotters and avediom $4.50 5.75; calves 500 pounds down, medium to chic $7.00 10.00; ditto culls to eommon $5.007.00; choice $10.00(3 13.00; ditto medium $8.5O-10.0O.. Hogs, 25 to 85c lower : heavies and pigs 60o to 91 lower; receipts, 2,210, In cluding 855 billed tbroaga. Heavy-weight 350-860 pounds, medinta to choice $8.06 (8.75; medium- weight 200-250 pounds, medium to ' choice ' $8.75 9.25; , light weight 150-200 pounds, medium to choice 89.25 light Hrhta-180-160 pounds, medium to choiee" a.76 fn; 9.50 ; packing MINUTE MOVIES UP I W THE EPISODE IMFIEEM ,IS'lb mornins c "Hi ' WSO. RUSH t CWAlH CP 1W SVCAVJORE. y . PLeVSM.GOCS D; . PROP FLUNK'S C1AA ROOM -TOR HI? . SPECIE "BKaVM' wrre v4) sou ll finp IH MV OFPlCt ACPOS9 WZ WJKDrw HLST , &CCtt-lAL :!9 MOV) 'I J CH3 X rALtXD it twtjjCU -v. -s By Ed Wheelan m - - - m i-- S FAIRW 4 THIS ta tOTA J 1 1 1 I-! I iaTTi TV4j V w w m I jm 1 I It Jv.1 s. ------ v .. - .sJJcf r: -. i - v-' i i ; i ' MTNER VtM WOfl I GOT HOLD OT TH2. noo is t6 sre tviaT wal. 55 WjLLtID ArvyALUiT VwU. mjsM 51 & TWINS' - hats . :',r ; ( .n..-s5 nKai&STiu llTOWTwka, V- ' "4. vsr VtEfcE n-to i NOTICE OP APPOINTMENT ' Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned, Leah L.. Braat has been duly appointed aa executrix; of the estate and last will and tes tament of S. I. Halstead deceased, by the County Court of Marion County, Oregon, and she has duly qualified as such executrix. Therefore- all persona having claims against said estate are hereby notified and required to present the same duly verified to the undersigned Leah L. Braat at her residence at DaVton, R. F. D. In Yamhill County, Oregon, with in 6 months from the first pub lication of this notice In the Salem Statesman, said date being the 22nd day of November, 1927. - . Dated this 19 th day of Novem ber, 1927. LEAH L. BRAAT, Executrix for said estate. JAMES E. BURDETT, J Attorney for said estate. McMinnville, Ore. , N22-29D6-13-20 NOTICE TO CREDITORS , , Notice is hereby gives that the undersigned William Edward Sfcelton has been appointed by the County Court of Marion County, Oregon, as Executor of the Estate of Edward Skelton, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to file the same, with proper vouchers therefor, with the undersigned at the law office of L. D. Brown, Bank of Commerce Building, Sa lem, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated and first published No vember 22nd, 1927. WILLIAM EDWARD SKELTON, Executor of the Estate of Edward . Skelton, deceased. LC D. BROWN. Attorney for the Estate. N22-29D6-1S-20 PROPOSAL FOR SUPPLIES Sealed bids will be received on December 8, 1927, at 2 P. M. tor furnishing to the various state in stitutions, supplies consisting of drygoods, clothing, furnishings, groceries,'- shoes, ' hardware, brooms, -stationery, crockery, plumbing, etc., for the semi-annual period ending June 80, 1928. Specifications - and schedules will be-turnished upon application to the secretary at Salem, Oregon, also from the trade and commer cial bureau of the Portland Cham ber of Commerce, -or from the Oregon Manufacturers Associa tion; both located in the Oregon Building, Portland, Oregon. Each bid jhall be accompanied by a certified check representing 10 . per cent of .the whole amount bid, payable -to thq Oregon Stata Board of Control, or where the 1 9 per cent amounts to $500.00 or more, a Surety bond from some company authorlted to do busi ness in Oregon will be accepted in place of the check. The same shall be held as a guaranty of the faithful performance of the con tract. The -board reserves tha right to.reject any or all bids. CARLE ADAMS. Secretary Oregon State Board ci Control, N22-23-23D2 j NEW INCORPORATIONS o The West Coast Air Tracsrri company, with headquarters i.: Portland and, capital etock ci 850,000, has basn Ircorporpt? ! by Charles V.'Takin, ::rrt:-3 i:-: la, C. II. Thor-jsoa e.z G. C. 7 ma. Articles were f'ici Li r state corporation dsrartr . it v , urday. ", -, : " . ; Notice of dissolution 1:? r filed by the Western Call'.? I. corporation cf Pcrtlar-d.