The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 20, 1927, Page 5, Image 5

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., .
i f rrv -a.""-. vV'. .-- -
L AVrilers and Musicians Doing
Noteworthy Work In Pre
3 4 paring Programs
' When radio was la its infancy,
broadcasting called for the talents
. ' of men with ready wit and Inborn
flow oFJangnage-te- serve as" im
': presarlo of. the microphone. They
had carte blanche as to the con
, . ducting of programs. '
: 2 They are , the anonuncers, . be-
loved or tolerated; as the case may
; ' be according to ; individual likes,
V and dislikes. Surely they'played,
j and are still ' enatiBgY Important
: '. foles. '-UVS ;
y Bat the number of announcers
in the accepted interpretation of
i that designation i decreasing- :
; Due to the necessity of prepar
i lag and rehearsing every j item of
I "ay feature program In ' adrance,
J jaanyanouncera really have be
- come fust readers. Everything they
; f if ,omen - from ,. a- typewritten
I shet. Thus, the Job -requires a
: voice whiohl register distinctly,
st rather than any gift of : oratory ,;
; i t This is not saying that men, of
S special qualifications ;wlir not be
drafted for -microphone 'service,
y points .out Alex Eisemann, cnair
man of the board of the Freed-
Eisemann Radio Corporation. The
situation Is Just the reverse Only
well-educated men. can ,. qualify,
for example, the. announcer must
fee thoroughly versed In musical
terms . and , the pronunciation of
foreign names, not to omit ability
o give , instrumental or tocal sp
ies in an emergencywhich last
contingency : aonHes infreauently
pon the chains',' where' special ar-
iistjpare always available in such
! gaps. - V. .: V - -.
Emphasis is .laid. on the contin
uity. Each program follows a cer
. tiin pattern or conreys a specified
I idea.-i-.Listeners will agree, think?
' Mr. EJsemann, that; the .writers,'
andLiausiclans.are doing notewor
' thy work for the attractiveness
The Quality
before the
Name ' J .'
goes ON . .
lit does not Zenith build
a radio receiver to sell
for less than 1100.00?
ZENITH has the laboratory
the engineers, the organisa
tion and the financial re
sources to build any kind of
radio. Then why not'go below
the 1100.00 priceT . .
TUB Answer is that the Zen
ith standard of quality can
not be built into a receiver
of lower price. Zenith will not
put Us name to a receiver that
is not hlchly selectire, power
ful, faithful to the entire tone
cala and wrought with surpass
ing skill and durability. -
PERFORMANCE comes first
in Zenith- there is no com
promise. The S-tube set
has six working tubes instead
of five working tubes and one
balancing - tube. Instead of
three condensers the -tubeset
has. four the 8 .and 10-tube
sets hare tire and six condens
ers "cspectirely. .;'":is -
IN every detail the same ex
acting standards are carried
:ouk.. Zenith costs more but
it does more. Hear Zenith and
you will agree that Zenith la
n-i- .'"'-w
' k . :' s - :.-.-:'- :;-:: , : '
'V-3..-x,;--''r::--'-.i.-. -
Proposed Interchange To Be
'.Watched With.'Consid- -j
' erabie .Interest . '
Old Sol Gets . Shady Reputa
tion With Radio Experts
; For.Troublemaking . . V
A. sensitive; highly selective -
tube receiver of - remarkable
. . . - . a
Yr;n quality , ana rwie. :
cabinet is : of walnut veneers
with ornamental : overlays and
panels of beautifully figured
maple. - The doors do not stand
open Hie wings, but fold back
igalnst the sides of the cabinet,
out ef riew. Model .14 will
bring yon all that is fine In
radio. vV
For Battery. Operation 1195 '
, Completely. Electrical $275
' MIsar One Tomorrow .
, . CU1 or phone for Tree '
- Demonstration :
V". Salem MusicXr'
; - Company;':
-'.v. n'ih'-.-.-.r-'-v'-Tei. TCI
Phillips Carlin, at. the .microphone, and Graham McNamee, with
the glass,1 are broadcasting, a big college football game. : Mr. Carlin
says there is more genuine enthusiasm and color In the broadcasting
of a football game than he has been able to find in either baseball
or boxing, j J
of such programs, which are be
coming one of the most delightful
features of radio. : :
i ,But-rtherprsonaiity of" the an
oounceris not so important these
iays' as jar-;as the so-calied de
luxe : progjrams are' concerned-:..':
t l ne anonncer .as we anew mm
In othersvdays is retained in the
handling pf big news events.' r He
becomes a reporter of the air and
must hare .the ability to convey a
verbal picture of all that he sees
and hears. Notable chronicles of
big ' happenings : have come thru
the ether and millions owe a debt
of appreciation to the men? who
have served Ihem.
' Efficiency and preciseness, how-
sver, - in most of the feature pro
grams,' replace the informality of
ather days. J It must be so,' In the
natural"' growth of ; broadcasting.
especially when It -is considered
that 10,0 Off persons might be'lls-
Jening. - j . . .
While radio is becoming more
dignified,lno one can say: that It
has lost any of its romantic touch.
Antipodes! Enthusiastic v
Over Foreign Broadcasts
Hard Test of Singer's .
Voice-Found With Radio
Interest Jn radio In ' the anti
podes ? Is- at? fever heat, reports
Arthur Freed, ; Vice-President of'
the Freed-Eisemann Radio Corpo
ration,. ' from mall : just received
from- Australia and New Zealand.
.' Australia has created a 7 Radio
Research Board, 'constituted - by
the - Commonwealth Council for
Scientific and Industrial Research.
Dr. J. r Pf 1 Madison,- Professor ' of
ElectricalJCngineering at the Un
iversity of Sydney, 1 visiting Eng-S
la n d for an inq ulry in to British I
broadcasting methods, in his cap-
aclty as chairman of the Board. I
' Six relay- stations for Sydney
programs r and thirty. . subsidiary
stations of low power, are to be
constructed in New South Wales.
.Besides rebroadcastlng KDKA.
and WGY, Australian stations
have relayed programs from '" the
Dutch station PCJJ, , also .'"using
short waves. - ; i ' ' ' ' '----;:"
ing singers who want to test their
voices j severely " should seek ' to
broadcast i gver the radio," says
Edouard Albion, director of the
Washington National Opera Co
The voice which goes best over
the radio is almost always the best
voice, Mr. Albion thinks-- Broad
casting tests fullness and. clarity
without regard to persona. .
-"Radio has also helped national
appreciation of music tremendous
ly," he says. but we now" need to
go further and provide outlets for
creative expression which should
result from increased appreciation.
"The public turns more r and
Haore from discordant Jazz on the
radio- to classical .music. This has
always been so in Europe; and one
evidence is the ' abundant music
Europe has contributed to culture
Wider appreciation of good music
might result in the development of
a . characteristic -American music,
and the radio should help : this.
But encouragement and outlets;
such as the radio might provide.
are necessary - in aaauion to na
tional appreciation. , ;r
Washington AP The Federal
Radio Commission approves and
will watch .with . special interest
the proposed Interchange of pro
grams of American : and . British
broadcasting stations. - ' .
. In the United : States it is in
tended , to ' operate . between, - the
hoars of 7 and 11 p. m., eastern
standard time, throughout the en
tire year. British chain programs
will - be relayed Thy ; short t wave
beam across the Atlantic to a sep
arate receiver on. Long Island or
in New Jersey and rebroadcast ov
er the -red or blue network. - Of
ficials hope to inaugurate this in
ternational -- service within ninety
days.--. t -;
Read Admiral Wl H. O. Bullard,
chairman of the commission, says
be hag informed Dr.' Alfred N.
Goldsmith, chief broadcast engin
eer of; the Radio Corporation ' of
America, - that the commission
could grant the request for a
wave length of 27.207 meters or a
frequency Of r 11,020 kilocycles.
Admiral Bullard said that channel
was clear and apparently no troub
le . would develon from srantins
its use; r ' V: ;:,; .- i
. As to the request for ""wave
length of 18,715 or frequency of!
16,020 kllocylces, the admiral
said that ware length was in the
classification of -"Public ToU Ser
vice, Mobile and Government Point
to Point . Ha n crested tfiat the
i i
. 5l National Broadcasting company
try to'f indranother suitable wave
length in the. "relay broadcasting
band." , ;: -
Dr. Goldsmith had informed the
commission that at least two short
wave lengths will be required to
enable British' reception of Amer
ican programs. He said the trans-!
mitter for the service will deliver
20 ; kilowatts of . power modulated
telephonically. It will he Installed
at Boundbrook, N. J., in the "same
building as the present transmitter
of WJZ. : .' - ,
Church Broadcasting " t
Raises Wave Problem
Washington; (AP)f-conges-
t ion on the air has occurred only
In the United States, Canada and
Enrope. In Argentina,'. Australia
and Mexico the number pf stations
has not created a serious problem.
Reasons are the availability of the
full wave band and lackr of broad
casting outside cities.' " ? j
- "The programs will be sent, not
for broadcasting' to the public, but!
as an adreBsed message to the Bri
tish Broadcasting - Corporation's
corresponding receiving station in
England, and the service is regard
ed - as a point to point service.
said Dr. Goldsmiths "It fs entirely
possible that commercial arrange
ments' relative thereto " will : be
worked out, and in any case, the
program will not be available for
t J. Gibbons, i.
rebroadcastlng purposes except by
those to whom it is addressed.'
"The purpose of this restriction
is to - make certain . that the re
broadcastlng shall be - conducted
by responsible agencies capable at
giving good ' service to the public
abroad, and In such efficient fash
ion that a fair idea of the nature
and quality of American, programs
can be gained by the public in for
eign countries."
. Washlngon AP Old Sol Is get
ting a shady reputation with the
radio experts.
The old boy. it seems, occasion
ally goes on a tantrum and bom
bards the earth , with electrified
particles .which disturb "the . radio
atmosphere.' This, scientists be-.
Here, is often responsible for poor
reception or 'fading. -Jl, -
r Dr.- ii.' W. -Austln, of the Bur
eau of Standards, who is making
a special study of phenomena, says
there Is" a relationship between
solar activity and radio waves, but
scientists have discovered no good
means of measuring these effects.
' "While the observation work
thus far must be considered to be
in the preliminary stage., it seems
probable that, the relations of so
lar activity and radio phenomena
will be found to be. as .worthy of
study as those of solar activity and
terrestrial magnetism,", said Dr.
Austin. . . . . . . ..
"The most severe magnetic
storm ' of Uhe year was ' recorded
at the magnetic observatory of the
United States Coast and Geodetic
Survey at Cheltenham, Md.,- Oct.
12. It was reported as generally
a bad night for radio reception.
Signals were very weak and . faded
out. Amateurs were able to hear
only a few short -wave stations.
The signals of the moderative
wave European stations, however,
came in with great strength.
"The conectlon . of magnetic
storms with radio was first defi
nitely established by Espenchied.
Anderson and Bailey in the work
of the Bell Telephone, company in
preparation for the establishment
of a trans-Atlantic telephone ser
vice. They found that -magnetic
storms - greatly decreased the
strength of night - signals and
slightly increased the daylight
strength. This effect , was more
pronounced at a-wave length of
6,000 than at 17,000 meters. Since
terrestrial magnetism is known to
be closely Connected with solar
activity, a -similar connection with
solar activity was to be expected.
Dr. Pickward in a recent paper
has shown that such a relation
ship exists. . '
"We aw Just touched the sur
face in the studf of these phenom
ena," Dr Austin concluded. .
eral radio commission has receiv
ed convincing evidence of the rap-f
id growth of stations broadcasting
religious teachings. , -; k-
Reduction of the power of Sta
tion WOQ, operated by the Unity
School of" Christianity at Kansas
City, and of the wave lengths of
Stations WBBR, New York, and
WORD. Batavia. 111., was followed
by a deluge of complaints. ' The
two latter stations are operated by
the People's Fulpir Association,"
. Other, stations In this" class are
WKBW, Buffalo, operated by the
Churchill Evangelistic Association,
WHAP, New York; operated by the
Jesuits, and RXDS, Independence.
Mo.; operated by the Church of the
Latter Day Saints. "
' A suggested solution of ' the
problem - is that . the - commission
set aside special channels for the
use - of - religious broadcasting.
Since these stations generally
broadcast over only a few periods
in. the week, it is believed that a
satisfactory -arrangement-'- could
thus be made.
. Sambo I want a razza.
'-Clerk Safety? '
. Sambo No, sah; I wants it fo'
social pubposes. The Pathfinder.
British Wireless r.!an
Killed While On Duty
Daventry, -England AP TM
first fatality in five years of Brit
ish : broadcasting has occurred.
William Miller, a maintenacce en
gineer, .was accidentally electro
cuted. " -V-V-;.';,,' -'. "
The acident happened at Daren
try's .high-powered experimental
staUon.' MiUer was "throwing in"
a high tension switch carrying 10,
000 volts.; He was seen to lean
over a guard rail" aparently with
the object of making an adjustment.--
:." ' :. ..::'. ;' .
let njz n
Liberal Allowance on
Old Equipment
Call for Free Demonstration
Battery & Electrical Service
464 N. Liberty Si. " PHONE 203
A iLmDlel kmaiinr drieo hur' ben in
vented by O. H. Geppert, M-799 Hewitt
BWc De Hoines, U., which fitter 50
to 90 per cent of ctktie la rdio receiving
et. Not enly that, but when .rutic 1
not h'4, yea. esn . Inereee row Tolnate
tremendoiulr. nrtnr la ore distant atn
tieaa, uti 80 to 40 per cent a betteriee,
eliminate local station from nmntnr in.
five year et at leart one more ttage ot
Works n all radioai earn be attached in-
tuitl uTtat without chance to let-1
Mr. Oeppert want agents and la willing I
ta tend a n-coit cample. Write him te-J
day. AdTertiaement. :
Chamber' of Commerce',
Finds FJew Radio Use
The Chamber of Commerce of
Festus, Me., -a - rapidly growing
town a few miles from St. Louis,
baa found a new tree for radio. IA
receiving , Bet,.' instead of radio
broadcasting, is going to advertise
the charms of Festua.
In the most prominent ahow
window of the 'town they hare in
stalled a" console Kolster of the
latest design with a power speak
er, It has been seen and heard
by more than 10.000 inhabitants
of the community. Five thous
and tickets are-being sold to the
boostera of Festua, one of whom
is to be awarded the town's radio
set at a public celebration, i The
proceeds will create a fund for
newspaper and magaxine advertis
ing, and before lpng, according to
the Chamber of Commerce, fascin
ating Festus will find itself fain
ous. . v
..WASH i :
Research - :
the radio
planes by t-e
dards at. rtllsfonte,
mental LlAs are
(AP) Researc
T Q N. (AP)
is- conducted s. on
re beacon for air
Bureau --of . Stan-
lir. Expert
being con
ducted there and at College Park.
Laboratory work. has been started
toward refining several elements
of the eaulrrsient used la-beacon
flights in order to adapt the beac
on further t3 cct-.r;ercUl rrr'a-
IH I .. , ..V. iJ7 U V.-.i.r 4-'-
II - f - fV S'. ....... - M
All Electric Operation
iWith Zenith Performance
Only $275
, ; , Mddell4E ! V';. " 'I
THe cabinet is of selected walnut .yeneer with' beauti
t fully finished maple overlay. . , ,
A specially made cone speaker behind the ornamental
r, grille," . ay - " s ', : -
The doors do not stand open like wings," but fold back
' against the side of the cabinet, out of view.
Other Electric Models as Low as 5130
Zenith" has bridged the years in quality and
In low prica, with ? thia advanced all-lectrio
set. i . ;..
1 Extreme simplicity of operation -worka
from yonr light socket with no more care
than the lights themselves, using A C tubes.
No batteries or eliminators, - no testing, no
recharging dry throughout.-- I ; ..
-Six tubes . and' every tube .a working tube
equal to .7 in many sets; Super selective,
powerful range, single dial control. Lifelike
in tone quality. .
A lasting sitisfaction, completing th musical
equipment of your home. -
Models range from 9110 to 12.600. including
6, 8, and 10-tube aeta. for battery or electric
'Operation. ,: DeLuxe sets In hand made,- au-
thentlc period cabinets. ; v. v '
Radio Headquarters
Want an evening of music? Then you don't have to take this particular station's
music or that just because it meets your radio's whims'. With the FADA -yon ccn
command the very finest on the air! In other words, you and not the set, choe.s3
your program. " "
Fada Radios are trnc-toned, easy to operate day after day, moderately priced -have
proved themselves in the home of thousands of satisfied users.
Fada, the Radio of tomorrow is here nazv
The world has never known such nearly perfect
radio performance as Is now availablo thrcuh
Fada Ilarmoaated Reccpticn.
All our experience had not prepared C3 fcr czzh
a revolutionary advance in radio er.-lr.xcrir :j.
We wantyou'to hear it whether you are in tl.s
market for radio or notit's so increditly Sii-crior
Co ordiziary radio. -
Come in when you can make it tclay.
Easy CyLC
1 ,