The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 20, 1927, Page 4, Image 4

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    nm o::::go: statzzzlmu SALirl, onrdcrinrDAiorjTnrGrovirr: cvi:7;
V 9 V
V V.
Headquarters Battery Se
cured Fine Sels,1 Work :
Begins On Installing -
Headquarters, Battery of the
Aiih Coast Artillery, which la
:ocaled a Salem. " received yester
day twj 100 wet broadcaster and
f equally large receiving sets.
' hese "will toe. Installed Immediate
r at the local armory according to
'Japtaln OV M. Irwfiu
The sets received were made by
ie Western Sleotrle ; company
pcara special order from the Fed
Taj government. They are very
ompact with exceptionally larre
uba. being so constructed as to
lake their transportation easier,
ath year they will be taken to
he National Guard encampment
'here thay.wtll be put to use by
ha" Coast ArtlBery:-.--'-.-: :
, There are only two sach sets In
Oregon. One is located la Port-'ud-
and the other 1 ,ta Salem
- i There are approximately
S suoh. stations v in the United
"tales and all are. members of a
f ens netirork.
-'Application la being made lra--mediately
toy Captain Irwin for a
leease to operate the broadcast-
ax station, and also for the wave
:agth and call number. -These
eta are powerful enough, to ' he
heard for as great distance t -:
.la aa nrohaWltty lhey will he
nsed only, at a certain hoar each
weekend the definite time will be
Isngth and can number may be se
'tMi II is not the intention of
m officers ta charge to use the
' tatlon for a commercial purpose
-ather it vm be used strictly tor
ha Coast Artillery purposes and
rob ably ffocasional programs will
:.e broadcast from Salem. ;
The Coast Artillery oompany
"hJch is located la Salem, 4s com
oeed of tt members, nineteen be
' tjt noa-commlssloned officers.
vactleally every member Is a spe
tallst la his work and the class
-f work dome hv this group Is of
exceptional Ylue and productive
ness The eftloers and members
t the company are to be congrat
lated upon securing for this cont
inuity such an excellent broad
fasting sL. . u .
Architect and Builder of To
f morrow. Will Include
Complete Radio . Plan
trlbutlon. At the present time
the electric wire network Is simp
lifying all of ; the complicated ap
paratus -that we had two or three
years ago. A, B and O batteries
are " not used so much and even
tie Ttcuam tubes are operated by
from the service outlet.
'"The transmission, of high fre
quency waves over wires presents
many difficulties. The larce nam
ber of electric appliances now op
erating on a lighting line such as
fans, elevators,. medical apparatus,
etc., produces a number of surges
and Irregularities in the power
circuit. -These are generally clas
slf led, however, -"' as man-made
static, and can be removed.
"The architect and builder of
tomorrow will include a -complete
radio plan for : the I home In his
original drawings. In other words
instead of one radio in the home
we are headed for the radllxed'
homo There will even be pro
visions in the bedrooms for little
soft-speaking pillows to lull you
to sleep. We will be able to- re
ceive three ' different programs
over separate wires in .the home
simultaneously. -
:00-e:OO KXU (230). BU9 WrMkars.
S:0-tl6 XOW
:-10:00 STZlk MnUf wiaaL
J;S0-lXtO0 KTBS (183). lint Prwbr
tsrUa chorea uwntm,
11:00-13:00 KWBS (200). Masical
11:00-11:00 XWB3 (300). : - Vasleal
"id is getting the inaiket teports
on one set. mother may be eajoy
'te an auction bridge leciure on
another and daughter will be tak
ia a lesson In Trench. or home ec-
ooomics on a uuru receiver,
This is the "radlolsed' home of
ths near futnra as Slajaen.
Oeorse O. 3aular, V. 3. A-i raared,
and former chief signal' 6ffler,
a leading proponent of tha uQiza-
' Jon : of "wired ladlo," predicts
that virtually all city radio will
be eventnaUy broadcastrog over
Wlred radio" means the book
ing up of a. recalling set with an
-ilectric light or a telephone wire.
Tils can be done, the general says.
without Interfering with the regu-
.lar perrice of these wires.
.TModern steel oonitructlmi of
dly buildings hxs so screened the
trteriora of thasa buildings from
have a program serrloe much In
ferior to the IsoUUed farmer with
bii antenna, dry batteries and ex-
oc llent receiving set, said Oe&eral
S .aire.'; .. y
'Broadcasting la dtlas 1 al
ready L practically o9aducted by
w!re. In xnf own hotel, f or ta
staneo. the raila reoelrtog set is
Iz a special roon for tha guests.
It is Invariably turned from Sta
tion WBC which is perhaps a mile.
It is linked up with a big aet
w rk. ? Tha prograiaa are excel-
U t, tar better than any Individual
er aid make sp hlnf, eo that
eT'TTyoae aoeepts tls prcgraei as
t!t ralo eatertalasiest fr the
day. As a Exalter ef fact when
rresldent Cocjldge r ?; from
lttabuxgh, last&sd of tslag radio.
as It Li eallfd, J Ur: 1 1- 7 hoUl Is
concerned It 14 gitf-.5 tU 'tIt
r-o!csiaoa tr.'0C;. abost .one
r of it Is. r& "to, 1 . Is HU er t
r :ie of tz"o l.-st Ulrcdzva all
t' trczlli t& JLt TTCZTtArU I
t ild norj tzy t'J Cot j U t I?
c 1 stAtiaa and :nc;t it .'j-acilj
t- th wire,, tire 'wor' i no
: 'Az, en it-tlc, r,o Cjji 1 t';'-t
Tact 24 9 I0'E.;J Ci.IXS :.
"T?f3 .-vt't irire jtutTorla," t?
' -'j'Tires and i-t- t'j'
I '.. :z.mli-9f are already CD t.
. '. I t foy jrccrs.!, Cili;.uj -
11 .-OO-ll :0 COW. ServiM- frwn Hia-
11.-00-1S:SO -KIL. Yin lCtbodla
' ainkMrriot.'
. apypaTjmajioow
H -.00-1 K)0 J J (S2S). Orsaa-MetUL
H:SO-1:0 KXU i Court y program. -LOO'S:
00 STWJJ. Stadia procnm. :
1:S0-S:00 KIL. - Pianist.
:0O-:OO JtTBR. 6mm i-gla iel M
1)0-5 :00 KXU Mosirml protrL
S :0O-4 :00 KBW. Onctft reaatra.
:00-4:00 KIL. Yutmra precMk.
:0O-4:S0 KOIX (1). Siuia -
'aae efcaatar. -
4:0O-S;00 K&W. Coaevt trior
4:00-3:00 KXIx Couta; pMgraaa.
S: 00-S STOW. Maslaal precnm,
S:00-S:00 KXI X'aiat tojueal.
S:00- .10 XTBU. Yrt4 arasta. -
y amroAT xxobt .
8:00-7:00 aOLM (1). Orsaa eaeirt.
:00-S.-00 KXIi 110). auN. -S:S0-T:S0
KEX (S40 Cer trio. -S:S-T:Se
T:O-S:00 a.OX2C Kiasaa PoUr k
trm. v
T:SOS:0B XGW. PUalita.
7:30-S:SO KZX. alt. Tb PrMbrU-
iaa haa. - : '. -
7:Sft-:00 KTBS S8S). Tint Frasr-
toriaa otereh Nnten, - -S
jOO-e :0O QS. Tint Ohua of Chriat
Mrrlaaa. 2J '"'""' ' -T
K-t07-sTXL." ATrip te China.
S:0O-8:0i-KaW. Cbarteay jrarraw. ;
:SO-:00 Studio jmfru.
:0-10;0O K.UW. NBC praram.
8:O0-l:00 ' . aiaaicat cotnodr
s kn. - .""fi 1 V'-';.-0:00-10:00
KXL. Brbla school program.
10:00-11:00 KOW.. Sympaoar orelstitra.
XBO :J0 8. O. eompaay program; 0,
Great Momenta of liiitory;
and Clark KarpediMon.'
KYSO Lot Asraln (S75. S:30-0:SO.
ra viral aerrira, Abnao Saasplo UePhar---
o; 10, orgaa rocitaU
KHJ Lot An-elM (416). 7, einxca eTV
ices; a 10, smtic.
K1I Lo Ansole (463). 6:20. - KBC;
f :S0, sujuput .forecast; S, orjcaai - 9,
KBC; 10,' orchestra. -
KOA Daarar ' (3i8. S, concert; 0:49.
ehnreh aerrica.
KSX-rLaa Aagnles (337). 6:30. clrareli
- tt; a. reaeatra; , - twiuum.
KGO OtUui (Zii). 6:30. NBO; 7:S0-
- . saurch sanrica: liBU.
VTTO As -fioatt 1 (447). S:39, KB0L
KPO Baa Franc -.see (422). 6, oreaea-
tr; 6:30. SBC; 7:30, organ 8:30-10.
cort oreatra. .
EPOS Lou Bnci (343). 6. 6:15,
cbMtra; T, Eum twtna; 7:49. ehnrea
KMTU Hallrao4 (536). . 6:15, 6:30,
ekoer: T. oroaoatra : S. areboatra. t -
KOMO Sanla (306 6:30. IfBCs 7:30.
Bible tadenu; 8, churoa aarrlso; 9.
" KBC - - i' K-i.: -r;.r..-,; .
KTAB 0klid (380). 7, vaspar sarrico;
7:45, ehorch nrioa.
atrWB UeUnreoe 81). 7:0, aauaioj
S, light -opera; S, sawa; 9:10, ragtlaM
KfifcO Sa! rraaelseo (454). . talk:
6;S0. erc&eetre; S:Ee. daawo orcooatraj
1M2, osace ereaeatrs. :
KJIO Taeeaoo (254;. 6, trio; 7j30-,
church aorrieo. - - - ;
KJtt Seattle ( 348). 1, orgaa V :30,
aourch arrica; , rawaio.
7:15 7:30 KG W (4S3). Health, oaordao.
S-.oO-StOo KXli (SaOL. Praailas ; C
SsaeTTeee STXV, Prtla4 Barir BlrSa.
tlVlftO KEX (340). Pattie Cooko.
10:00-11:30 (319). Hoaaewlfa'a
tOiOO-iliSO SOW, Haaaekolr tkalp aal
100itt XIv naaowlfe
oonrteay yregreia.- -tOiOe-lSiOO-i-KEX.
UttU Hevaehoaoer,
llO0'lSiO KWBS - (SCO). Shoopiog
11 (30-13 39 KXIi, i Caartaay pragraat
- aaa aaarket r porta.
atokrriAT AyrERjroojf -
1800-U(i KEX, aeosi eoaaart.
1 JlOOliOO KOIX. Oraan eoaeori.
ll;e-l00 P0 (31. Maai ss4
weather raport, ;
13c30-l00 iEX. Ceraa&ilf teaeMt-
ore, ; .-
H;94;0 XXU Cewteay aa4 CMal-
ol pvegnMoa.
1 jOO 3fK) KEX. Coaaeri,
1(00-3(00 tTBa (333), Sfaaieai fi6
rrarai J : . -
f 00-4j?e aonr, Ad's, avawa aa4 ev
liM-4e-'KWHS (J')J, coaeora,
4;00-0 KP50, Xuia, . .
5j00-?00 KXt, -TwilisM !.
il5 ;0 gOIS. 1'opr-TJTf Tim
o-6i30 krx, "Oif Cwi,"
SO'SfSO KHjy. TrtH ' '
6t9- Kg (840), 'Our Caa
SU-;S0 OlH JJ (328), Trili(ilt ho,
800 7:0 KGVf (4$3), Ptanar aoaaevl,
6t0O-ffO8 KXl, (aW), tfeaias yrataa-
SfO True EOnr , 8i9), Vpiaaar -
ri, -
03 ,JjP-tKTB9 (23;), Pisae? wsmH
b4 A. A. A. real wart,
6fao-7tb9 KWJjrr Pa oraaastra,
SfSa-TiOO i.XX, Nao-a, toak a4 Jiwe-
f:' -T:: rchealra,
f; D Cawrtesf yrfgram a4
t ra.
Coat art,
Early Morning, Hour
Tunes In On Station
7,270 Miles Away .
The early morning hoars were
still; silence - everywhere was on
broken. Arthur - Wald. of Hobok
en. New jersey, could not 1 sleep.
He had been restless all the&lte.
Ue got out of bed and for di
version tarned on the radio. Oat
of the stillness came a voice. It
sounded like a Chinese -Voice He
remarked so to.lhmself. Then he
heard the station , call . In English
'JOAK, Tokyo." He llstended
some more to the unreadable di
alect. There was music- bits of
oddities on the program. ' Sadden
ly, it ceased. y '.' -f X"
What had happened began to
dawn on Wald. He had I listened
to a Japanese station. 7,170 miles
from Hoboken, Bat dared he tell
his friends that? Ho it would not
do. They would disbelieve him -
ridicule him. It couldn't be true.
So Wald determined '' to verify
the radio teat. He wrote to the
Japanese station, told " what ' he
had; heard. A reply came with
prompt assurance that : he really
hid heard the station. He sent the
reply with details of the; story to
the Zenith Radio corporation, in
Chicago makers of " his ;set, and
announcement of the long distance
reception record was made.
It established a new' world rec
ord for radio reeepiton. -
The Salem Music company ' is
the local agent lor the Zenith ra
dio. Practically , all models are
carried In . stock. Howard B.
Churchill Is the expert radio me
chanic who Is available j at any
Ume to correct troable in tha seta.
Tha Zenith corporation was one
of the first la the radio field,
working on a model as early as
ltlS. Commander Donald B. Mao
Mlllan, the explorer, used a Zen
1th n his trip to the Arctic. ,
Xtadios of this make- are more
expensive than others, but the Qua4
lity, its simplicity of operation,
and fine operation under any and
all conditions have stamped themi
as of the best manufactured. .
'1 Ml" VITAL ;
Many People Do Hoi Give
V Enough..: Attention To ,
e Erection of Wires
over the house. See thai the an- the tree, running a rope from the
tenna la kept at quite a distance
from any electric light or power
wires so as to prevent any pos
sible contact, thru ; either the
breaking or sagaing of the aerial
wire. It. mnstr never run over or
under such wires. . When there are
power wires in. the immediate vi
cinity, it is not advisable to run
the aerial at right angles to them.
The. most popular type of an
tenna, and that generally installed
is that known as the "inverted X.'.
Experience has taught . that with
this type and with the average set,
the best results are obtained with
an antenna of 100 orlSO feet,
Which include ; the copper ae rial
wire ; and the ' insulated lead-in
wire. ; The exact length of theen
tenna depends upon the radio set
If trouble is encountered in "tun
ing out" some nearby station the
shortening of the - antenna by a
few feet, at a time, will make the
strain Insulator thru the pully to
a weight sufficiently heavy to
keep tha antenna in place and pre
vent it from swinging. If the an
tenna swings It will- affect per
fect reception.
' The lead in wire should be held
ia position by means of the screw
eye 'Insulators, being thus, it is
kept clear of the building a nec
essity in good antenna construc
tion. To bring the wire into the
bulldmg a "lead-in-atrip? Is used.
when this la placed under a win
dow it will bend to form the shape
of the window aill. . Before attach
ing wire to the "leadJa-strip,"
bend a small "drip loop Into the
wire, which allows, the moisture
coming down the lead-In wire to
drip off Instead of following the
wire down the window sill.
The lightning arrester may be
placed ; las Id e - or oatsldov of the
building. When placed Inside it
f-'iiT.a'.i..m.M .f.,is connected. between the ground
to the proper length.-' Some sets
will operate efficiently on as -iittle
as fifty feet of combined aerial
and "lead-in." Consequently It Is
the best plan to erect the antenna
full length and shorten if neces
sary. " y . 1
Antenna may be stretched be
tween any two convenient aup
pors, such as house and garage,
house and tlag pole two poles on
the roof of a building, house and
tree, etc, etc. If the tree is used
it is -necessary to place the strain
insulator well out from the tree,
any ordinary - wire may be used
from the , insulator to' the tree.
Should the antenna be attached to
the tree in such a position as to
be subject to strain when the tree
sways under wind pressure. It Is
the outside' it is advisable to use
a ' separate ground "wire for the
arrester. The ground connection
should be ; made by means of a
ground clamp to a water pipe; or
to a pipe driven Into moist ground.
In making all connections, use a
knife to scrape the wire clean. If
insulated, -remove tha . necessary
length of insolation, then clean the
wire until It ia bright. All Joint
in the wires must be tight and se
cure soma times accomplished by
the use of solder. Imperfect joints
will Im pair reception. An anten
na must be able to support consid
erable weight aa In some locations
the snow and ice clings to the
be taken to see that all screw eye
l&sulatorg are weU tit la the
wood, L e., the thread the fall dis
tance into the wood. w
New Radio and Electric
Shop Opens In Salem
Jfr. and Mrs. II. A. Gobbert have
Just opened a radio and electric
ebop at 1330 State street in the
Hartwell building. The new store
will handle the Shamrock line of
radios well as . electrical appli
ances of all - kinds, light globes.
fnses, etc Mrt Gabbert was for
merly connected with, one of the
largest radio supply Jobbers In JLos
Angeles and has had opportunity
to secure first hand ipformatlon on
all different types ol radios and ia
well Qualified as a radio expert.
H0 opened his first radio shop at
210 State street which was known
aa the Upstairs, liadio Shop. The
new location at 1330 State street
gives mora room for his growing
business and a ground floor loca
tion. .
Telephone 488
' and Have the World
in speech and music brought to
your home so vlvidly--so. Xalth
. fully that the . oloquant orators.
famous orchestras, and great solo
ists of the land will , seem living
ptrsonaliuss la your presenes.
"Ccreer-o-Logue" New
Word Coined In Radio
Philadelphia (AP) A new
word in the -adio voeabulary em
anates from - Temple University,
Philadelphia. It is "Career-o-
logue, and mans, accoVding to the
university authorities, a radio talk
having for its object the helping
f serious-minded young people In
their choice of a career. It has
rUadloU .16
Xateat fodal
wires. Make sure that the wires' been applied to a series, of talks
are well under all the Fahnestock'on careers, to be broadcast under
clips. All screws and nuts should the auspices of the university dor
then necessary to attach a pally, to be securely tightened. Care should ing the winter. ,
For Grcnting
OHincr, Washing
A Super Service for you here all at one
; stop eavlng; time and assuring service
Our High Pressure Alemlte Service Insures
Proper Lubrication .
Aak Abtmt oar jSew Afmitiixiou
Salet.1 Super Service7 Statio:
Ecizerlem .
s s s s
Tllgh and
Ferry Streets
Service Station No. 2, corner Commercial and Chemeketa.
Service Station No. 3, corner Commercial and Mission..
Atxto Electric
r It D. Barton
Batteries, llagaetos
Electric Service for;
Auto or IJadlo
TeXephona 1107
"Many radio owners do not give
enough attention, to the erection
of their house wiring, or 'Antenna'
as It is known ambng radio deal
ers," ssys Francis P. Liechty, rsdlo
expert for the Sherman-Clay mu
sic dealers of this city. 1 "There is
nothing to be gained in 'continual
ly working on the operation of
the radio, proper if the aerial: has
not been first correctly construct
ed." The following instructions may
be of Interest: " ' f-i,' I
P. The Antenna, when properly
erected , is, perhaps, the most-im
portant accessory ' to the perfect
radio set. t The electrical energy
of the radio wave Is so small that
It ALL' mast be conveyed to the
set to get the best results.' It fol
lows that the reception - of your
set will be in direct proportion to
the efficiency of your antenna. -.-
Choose a location for the anten
na which will make the "lead in
wire" as snort and direct as pos
sible: Care should be taken to
raise the aerial wire at least 25
feet above the ground and at least j
rest anove a root, it stretcneaj
?;. )- ' , . -j Jt Aa
i -..-:.- ) in. (3n
Jjaeseaaeai gaiaa.
cart tl.
ewer ix aad
) Be
'T 0 :
i o -
r"3 r fTla prflfranu
.f i J, i . i' a tt raaj, -,
. :. Ttrr. . f t ''-Hf
.)- .,.-.-', Apai. ft-
- J . I"-'"'. ! Caw r-e-rrii
J l.; ,,3 jjjJ), i. 3i jp re-
'nea r-
Special 75c Dinner: .
Choice of )
Fresh Shrimp Cocktail with
i . Thousand Island Dressing
Cream of Oyster Soup :
! : - RELISH ' ' ' '
Sweet Pickle and Celery .
Fruit Salad.
- Choice of ;
Barbecued Chrlcken with ;
Cranberry Sauce
Breaded 'Pork Tenderloin with
- Country Gravy u
Individual Chicken Pies with
Cranberry Sauce
Roast Pork with Sweet Potatoes
.Creamed Peas
Choice of UasLed or Buttered
Sweat : k
Chocolate CaJte -Nutnsrs
Ccp Custards
Home liade rii--Ar?l!a, Hot
Mince, Cherry, Tumpkln and
- Butterscotch.
. v ij-.' -
Tr' ia TiT cruel
vV MeoetiB Radio Sraaaaa. rtaw aaaae4f
fit I kIopax3S. m yu.aifal CW Dil. Ort a
Ses tho
saving we paco on to you
AT last, tho ccoGomies of Hhect drrclcpnicrit cf rtdD
mnsj?rodactioa ere re
clized. Ths world's greatest
radio is now lostest in price,
Tremen5oti3 savings efTect.
cd by Qutotnatlo production
make possible a sensational
rico redacdoa for "the 1928
treason, beInaiaj novr. We
cro here to poca this cavi& on
to you.
Atwcicr HcztUcdlo is re
clzcd Cio r.xrld over ci tha
I . H"t, ji, a jiaamuM ata uV. fV
I M an we. arna aw
the most satisfactory and
certain ia pcrTcnzb-cc, coc)
3rab!3flthb czzzl Hszly ccn
Gcz:z7o it with cJztr cctCe
Be eoavxnced it haa bo gupe
rior at cay prico.
Then rcKho bzzzZt cf thb
amazing drtrp in xrr;iOrecul
ins frcn un;rrrcd
Coras inxnd cz your diaico
strctioa tadie
Hirrh Street
! T m piaa Mtta-teW
1 1 -.".. rw.j who.
j -
vX Tree 3
RaHiola 17 AII.EIcctnc 0192.50
Cosnpleto with Badiotrons and f3A0O Kavdlol Epeakcr
j .
'"f e-'f a
.... . - -
has been little" advertised ia the past because
oemaxid has exceeded supply.
SatisEed ctoJaers for six years have ein telling
nbfcpjca. ;Tf M. a B-T if o the bestM &
what they tay.
Othera may raahe'fjreater claiais, but B-T prove
it ia pirTcrniaace. ;
B-T is
?rCI?. C-CCD.C0d behind the COUNTER-
B-T C2$zte2 h3 alyi'kept ahead of
?vaffJFec8d Pleats. Every B-T
'After cl the 'iaar".aeforeVii na tr i- r,
caly r'ial'uraaor";;r:- -v:--- :- -IIot7
else can yoa cjeddsj; -
eea lbs tfrsr X?-T BooUett
: copy ij crc
Salam Radio Salss
Corner 21st and Center
rhone 1C1.T