Urn eraser? ctattsiAM, cALr::.t c?j:go:?, cui at J-ronrn: :d irovrzir::: lcrrr Elsinqfe ;Mn&. -OtsgmtBiy. yc:Big; : Bietimm: Mee!& 'SMrimg. TMs Vfeei trxtrm 0 m ST In his extremity-. 8tarfield turns ! to Baron Geralde Maddox "(Bert Ly tell") ; a fascinating;' bat dissolute adventurer, over whom Starfleld I holds" the threat of Imprisonment ! for. .passing , a , bad check. He bribes 1L t-ofcleman to pay court I to . the rich business woman, and the Baroa; a.n artist as a - lover, 8MfrS17p3ern ; Ere Into his arms with Romantic audacity. . . - A'ver a roneymoon In the tron- !cs, -Eve: and her lover retnrn to 'New Yoray where they plunge gaily ; Into the eocia! life of Park Ave- fnue. There, at a gorgeous dance.! I the Baron Is ! confronted -with a name of hia .bachelor days, thei l! ffi- "MMta nana IPtfin . - Rnwt millionaire business ;wonan, Ere lWho,tt soe intends to t,U V ioe. who uuiume wit a hIa if.-that .married he inn co na z Irene Rich and Bert Ly tell ,p Featured In Fine Picture -w .Coming To Salem-.- . , "Eye's Lover,"; the Warner; Brothers' , picture that comes toi the Elsinore Tuesday and Wednes day, is an adaptation of the story .by Mrs. W. K. Clifford abpu t Comedy Drama Pcclicd Wi th Thrilh foreign, nobleman. ' Trene Rich plays the modern Eye 'and", Bert Lyteir-appears, as her lover,' Others in "the cast are ClaraBow, Wlltard Louis, Arthur Hoyt. John Steppling and Lew .-Harvey.- The picture Is said to: combine a ;merry rein 'of - satiric comedy with a stirring story of the . 'Easiness and social worlds.-' , her. to swing Era's business over to Star field. - : i - . , - ; "Eye overbears the conversation, and. deeply humiliated, decides to break. wiioT her husband. fhe (returns to. her steel plant and throws herself into- her work. But dissatisfaction has been growing in her -absence; and Starfleld has hired agitators to swing the "mea, ' f f, y. '"r ,.. ; ill . " M ? f Will "ifll li -ill) ill mil IWHH 1 - ' - "' MWWMMmMKMWIWWnHS-J I yiiiWMcUtw minim m nnwisiwunoiisir iinaMM J . - - . -- Ere Burnside, at the age of 30, Unto a strike that would mean ruin; owns' and operates' huge steel for Eres plant that she has Inherited from ; her fatherK She is in a position ' cooly to turn , down an offer of 1, 500,000 for her business. The offer IS made by Austin Starfleld Otillird Louis), who finds him elf near ruin, from competition. 4- -1 i ?5 PRE-HOLIDAY Clearance Sale V "5, .... v . . ...... OP SLIGHTLY:. USED , PIANOS Upright Pianos '. TEIUIS AS LOW AS $10 Down . BALANCE LIKE RENT $65 0 $325 Practice Piano, used. For beginners OSO Used Kimball, CQf but bargain v U 400 Gibson, used. Ji -i o Dood condition v0 :-. i ---, 37 Thompson, J-t1IQ vsed.- Fine buy . $ltXO '385 Kingsbury. , ' d oo rked. A dandy .- ,T . . .ToseTised r Jee thls V A I -v. - t - - ' $4 50 Weber, used. tiOOO dg bargain .... vjO a t . . - , . - $428 Pullman used but like new The Baron, who has grown truly in lore'wlth his wife and who has -ieoted Starfield's blant t ret the business out of Eve's hands, follows heintov the steel mils. How he rescues he'.hen the s strikers break into a violent mob and how he tares her business forms . the i climax of the story. - ' The ictuM was directed by Koy Del Ruth, who heretofore has been Identified with slapstick comedies. He Is said to have done a master ful Job,; ' The scenario is by Dar- ryl Francis Zannck. ; ; $550 Kimball, used. Beautiful ' piano $6ft Remington, ased but like new $100 Clarendon, t almost new . . : . . , .w. $253 .$265 ;$282 $364 1 Player Pianos TERMS AS LOW AS 510 Down . BALANCE LIKE RENT , $550 Player Piano, CIA1 used, dandy buy . v" $$00 Iloward, used. MQC Good bargain. . . yUw $700 Standard Play (oi ft er, used. Bee this . . V- V $575 Player PIano,f nr used slightly . ;v; ; 0 O ..$290 $675 " Concerto, used. Like new $575 Remington,- iQOA used, a little : . . . . $450 Richmond, new. Fine make $075. .Starr make. Standard make - . $725 Lexington, Standard make , $345 $380 $425 .3SEVERAL brand new -: BabyGrands Very - latest models from VjBerica's - "most popular :akers:. Wonderful tone and mahogany. ? Compare these . II lOranda'-'witli others aelllnff II from $; 00 to $300 more.' . Pra-TIollday Sal Prloe . '-.--$485' S25 DOWN XSalance Easy Paymewta it PEACOCK IDEAS PLAH OF BIG BILL? Fanchon and Marco Sched ule for Sunday and Mon day Called the Best- When Fanchon Marco organ ized their ; latest "Peacock Idea' they made a special effort to In clude as the headllner that cele brated dancing team Renoff JL Renora.' How well they' succeed ed In r their aims patrons of the Elsinore "Theatre will see Sunday and 'Monday, ' i y Known, throughout the country or 'their dancing. . Renoff -A: Ron- a come o the Elsinore in ' the Peacock Idea with 'hundreds of theatrical triumphs Jn their wake. vETerwheTe thls team goes they proT. the, JH" of theT bnl. work, in the Peacock Idea especial ly . gires their; talents a. wide op portunity. They haye been. ur4 rounded by" an Tall-star cast of pert ormers- : , " - ' .r Besides the Sunklst Beautlei and they " are that the Peacock Idea ; contains no less than , four other specialty acts. " Joan Knox, the ."triple yoiced" 1 singer, wiU take, care of all Tocal efforts. Nat- lia Harrison, noted oriental dse- er: r will gp .through ; the mystic motion it the East. And Wayne Bradford,- an acrobatic dancer of reknown,, will perform his diffi cult feats, y - Besides .these -the Blayne Sisters will dance. ' ; Those who t hare seen Fanchon 4b "Marco presentations will not have to-b$ told, that the settings and costumes are beautiful. De- UMIOa. CO3HUU0 IUJDOi.Pl SCH I LD KRAUT tTHK COUNT ay OOCTC8T a leusa B.orj wiiiy-BjYiBi MjgE plenty, so - mat ior a drama In a New England villas birth,: death, suicide, : fire, blls- sard these are the' Ingredients of the theme developed In Rupert Ju lian's fine production for DeMlll Pictures, The Country Doctor." which - will show at" the Elsinore for. three days, opening on Thurs day. Featuring Rudolph Schlld-kraut.- Junior . Coghlan, Sam De mixture of comeCy and drama, few pictures produced this season sur pass in heart interest and appeal this delightful saga of the unsung heroes of the rural districts the trusty small town physicians. The character " Interpretations are unusually artistic Mr. Schlld- f kraut aa the doctor who Is loved Grasse, Gladys Brockwell, Virginia DT B who know him and who Is Bradford and Louis Natheaux in a slave to dutyt Is admirable. Jun- sxceptionally strong roles, the pho toplay crests a profound Impres sion. , . ' ; The story tells of a eelf-eacrlflc-ing country physician In rural ior Coghlan is seen to fine advan tage In a featured role of signal strengths ' Gladys - Brockwell as the loving mother with a past, the Nevt England who is on duty day: exposure of which drives her to and night and whose efforts f r-1 suicide, evinces; artistry of high quently' are rewarded with the gift, of a sack of potatoes or tur nips! . There is a charming lov theme, between the daughter of a "scarlet woman and the son of a calibre, while Mr. De Grasse as the small town'tyrant, Virginia Brad ford as the young wife and Frank Marion as the busband. contribute much' to the enjoyableness of the small town tyrant, which leads to, picture.; Those who like dramatic pictures, relieved by "wholesome laughs, will find ""The Country Doctor well worth seeing. a pathetic, tragedy, yet tnrougo the efforts of the doctor, all ends happily. . There 'are thrills and signed by Bonnie Cashln and exe cuted -by the Fanchon & ; Marco Costume Co., they are resplendant with color and vigor. : ' . z ) Bargain 3Iatlnc on Mondays -;On .Mondays special 'bargain matinees have been planned: at the lsInore theaterr To these shows there Will be. splendid :Fanchon Marco1 productionsin addition to speciallteatufe pictareslrJ fi. Special Vandeville TJinrsday ' 3. On. : "Thursday, 'Thanksgiving Day; there JwlU be a special jf aude vill program at the Elsinore; the tXkt in addition to the.f tegular TOertTOgraniThs Cokntr JBoctoaT wUl,De on ine screen x uj " w. : i - i i Irene tvicn svs new rv Irene Rich appears as a modern Eve-In "Eve's Lover the Warner Brothers ptcture-that eomes ; to the Elsinore Tuesday and Wednes day. She Is Eve Bumside, a wom an, business genius. -Into' her life comes .' whispering . the I serpent voice of romance, which Scarries her into maniager with: a disrep utable Baron, played by Bert Ly tell. The Baron Is Eve's lover, and their tragic .romance is said to mak engrossing screen mate rial. But there Is a richly comic side to the story. In which Clara Bow - and Wlllard Louis are the principals. - J j . 1 Read the Classified Ads I RJuri-Tin-Tin Score in Thriller , TO COME FRIDAY i .... s- --- i ' ' ' ' y ' Edward Johnson . Next At-! : traction On Salem Artist ' Series At Elsinore Y Edward Johnson, who will ap pear; In concert; Friday evening, November. 25th afti&e 'Elsinore Theater. Is cOnsiAerad bv the most' competent, judges r as America's.' To Anthea (Herrlck) because ef his parents obieeUgn to his choice et slnahlg as a 'ear efer, kad soon secured a .position as choir bo n a . Presbyterian Chnren' hk Kew York City De voting nuch . time to atitdy he made - rapid pf ogressiatt After several concert tours of the Unit ed States and Canada he suddenly disaptJeared. : . . - Boon after, there appeared In Italy, Eduardo dl Giovanni, ten or " extraordinary and pupil of Lombardi, who had taught Caru so. Mr. Johnson made his debut at Padua In 111. V -v r .. - Eince then England i 'Canada. and America- have paid homage to his : great art and talents. - Re turning - to America In 1920, Mr. Johnson has since sung in almost every city. In the United States in opera or concert. . He Joined the Metropolitan7 Opera company - In 192 1, after having sung with the Chicago Civic Opera association. In London with Dame Nellie Mel- ba. he scored an outstanding suc cess. - Mr. Johnson's career has been meteoric and. colorful. ' He has created - more leading roles than any tenor now singing on the op eratic stage, the most recent be ing the leading role in the great American opera, "The King's Henchman."'. Edward Johnson ia the Seconal artists of the Salem series. ' His program will be as follows i-r':yij-.- ,.:I. - "V:i V. V a. Se nel ben JStradella (1645- , ." " 1 1081) T fTna OrCP Jgl . - jeompromlsing -scene, and barely! es to Ciclly to tsll her the good b. Or ch'ia non segue piu ...... ...Raffaelo Rontanl (15 ' l)varr by Pietro Florldia c. Old English Melody. Anon d. Aria: - "Che gelida Manina" by - - La Bohema .Puccini a. Who Is Sylvia Schubert b. Waldeseligkelt (Dehmel . . . . . . r 1 ..- "5 5. jgejez. i a. '. RJchard j Barthelmess ' as Jock Hamlll may be seen In action as a football player at the Elsinore theater today when the r picture "The Drop Kick" Is ahowa there. Jock Hamlll Is just about to leave ' for the opening of college. He is a football hero,; and has spent most of the summer on pet ting parties with Molly, a neigh bor girl, -while Clcliy Graves, also a neighbor, -has secretly envied bim with an Intense hero-worship 'Upon his arrival at school, Jock greets Brad Hathaway, the coach, with - affection. Brad's flippant and ' extravagant 1 young wife con e. Zueignung (Gilm) ..Joseph Marx tinues her attempts to "vamp Richard '. . .Strauss ; Chopin . . Brahms ; ra. a. - Prelude b. ! Valse .... p. ... c. Rhapsody G minor Mr. Blair Neale IV. a. Le Passant (Klingsor) 1 --:m Georges Hue b. Rondel de .Thibaut de Cham pagne ... (12011253) ..1." - Henri f; Gagnoa c -Aria: "La fleur que tum'avals ' Jette" Carmen J -... . Bizet ' - - : , v. - . ' r . . " Introduction and Rondo Capricci- oso i M endelssohn Mr. -Blair" Neale -- :.;.".TLl ; - alLinden Lea (A Dorset Polk Song) R. Vaughan Williams b. A Page's Road Song (W A. Percy) Ivor 1: Novello c. A Piper - (Seumas O'SuIllvan) . . Michael Head Hatton ; i-'- ,;, .... tti 1 Mr.' Blair Neale, at the piano EDWARD JOHNSON p foremost tenor. Mr. Johnson is a self-made artist.' He was born in Guelph, : Canada, and left home - "All tor One, One for All" Rin-Tin-Tin, Jason Robards and Tom Santschl are again united as star, human masculine lead, and villain of ,. Warner Brothers' pro duction of "Tracked by the Po lice." a Wild West thriller, direct ed by" Ray Enright. Their last appearance together was In "Hills of Kentucky." - , . Virginia Brown Falre playa the feminine lead and the supporting cast includes Nanette, Theodore Lorch; Dave Morris Ben Walker and WUfred North. : .,. Tracked by the Police" comes to the Oregon theater Sunday for a run of four days.; Jock, meantime carrying on secret meeting with Ed Pemberton. the assistant coach. -: - -i-; - - j Jock's mother insisted that he should Invite Ciclly to the Prom, and he avoids this ' by dating her for Bones, his pal, who hates wo men. Molly comes to be Jock's partner. . .--,'' Clcily is bashful and Molly Is the hit.of the dance." Cicll Is neg lected nd feels badly about ;it, still worshipping the football hero. As the time for the big game ap proaches. Brad Is more and nfore worried over finances.: Jock comes upon Eunice and Pemberton in a prevents Brad seeing them. - Eunice rows with : Brad over money affairs, and In huff sends for Jock, lie comes into 'the house late at night and la seen entering. Brad, having taken college funds te satisfy his wife's demands for a hew ear, hills himself outside h!e house, leaving two notes, one to his wife, and the other to Jock. He asks Jock to prevent his dis grace becoming known, Jock does so, making up the deficit. 8tories tart that Jock was the cause of j the suicide, and , he is ostracised by his fellow students. ' 1 J He enters the big game worried. and the oppok:ag -team gets a lead through his misplays. Pemberton. In charge of the team: is glad to pul. out of the team In disgrace. Jock Is heart-broken, both because of the loss of the game, and' the fact that he has promised Eunice to marry ber, as ho felt a moral obligation 'to care for her for Brad's sake. t:" :.'!' 'y . :, At the last minute ' Jock per suades Pemberton to let him go in. and be wins the game with a drop . kick from a difficult angle of the field. ' --, - - --' ' Bones, Jock's pal, has . learned from the Dean that Jock is a" mar tyr for Brad, , and ; clears bim. Jock's mother, learning of the news.: He realises he loved Ciclly all the time, and sees her as ste Is, a beautiful young creture, wbom be Immediately takes In his arms. "Craxy mt Blondes" "I am crazy at blondes! I am crazy at adventure!" These smil ing announcements give , the" key note to the character of the fascin ating Baron, about whose lovea the story ; of "Eve's Lover" re volves. Eve's Lover" Is the War ner Brotherei" picture that comes to the -Eleinore. Tuesday and Wednesday. .Irene Rich appears as the modern Ere. and Bert Ly tell is the Baron who marries her -for adventure, .and who saves her from disaster for love! The United States does not cwn the Panama Canal, according to an answered question In Liberty. Un der treaty of 1903, the United States - may use, occupy, and ad minister the affairs of the Canal Zone and the Canal forever. But the Republic of Panama Is the ac tual owner and is paid $250,000 a year rent. . There Is no. more worthy .n bltion than that which prompts a man to own his own home, under which a wife and children can pact with Eunice, cleverly"thwarts find shelter and refuge, even after the widow's plane, and Jock rush-he ij gone. Medford News. 1 " THEATRE , FRIDAY EVENING, NOV. 25 ' Salem : Artist Series Presents Edward Jones The World's Greatest Tenor : Adnlt Season Tickets, S4.SO ; Student Season Tickets. S3.00 ' Single Admissions, $2.50, f2.00, 81.50 MARY LEWIS - "II London String Quartette - . JANUARY 20th MARCH 22nd Ji y - i . U LJ1j- OREGON ' -THEATRE r : m Tracked by the Police, Rln-TIn-TIns latest starring vehicle for 'Warner Brothers,' directed by ons fight of a dog hero to save not only one of the- greatest re clamation pro j octs In the United States but alsb his friends engaged in building It. With a splendid vr ho has been bribed by arlTa construction " company to placa al' the .obstacles- possible" Is the . way Ray Enright. records the courage- oI the work, so that the company would be . forced: toV abandon u Because Rlnty has foiled many oi these attempts, the plotters deter mine to get him. The superintend ent is disabled in a -mysteriout cast mciuaing jisoa nooaroi, vr-' accident, and when the 1 young fglnla Brown, Falre. Tom Santschl, foreman takes his place, a hein- Naaette. Dave Morris, Theodore oua scheme to put him out of th Lorch, r Ben .:"..vWalker and Wilfred Way leaving the girl and the dim North. Rinty la s'aid to depict the; unprotected. Is hatched. Tbe wayi most symnathetlc . and - thiiUing.bv which the schemes of the. bad! t TODAY TILL WEDNESDAY THE WONDER DOG IN HIS - GREATEST PICTURE ! I L -i! UU lbJ in . C. Will Music Houso SZ State tt. If. 48 Years 1 r The story, dfia with the con struction of a" great-dam- and d- , ert Irrigation project, y For : the : beautiful exteriors the company Journeyed Ar Yuma, 4 Arizona, us-; ing the Laguna Dam and reclama tion project across the Colorado river as a setting. - " Rlnty Is seen as the dog of a young foreman la lovo with the daughter " of tlie superintenJent. I he is also the subject of dliion j ci able lni.erc.it cl anctLsr foreman, 1 . men are coped "with by the -won! aer-aog m inriuing meioaranidi " and gives Rlnty an opportunity .to "5 display his uncanny brilliance a!, 1 never: before.; .': - V" ; ";i 1 1 1! . - dyti:; W With 4k YtA ist( artt .tnnl Robards,- Virginia- Brown Fai re,' Tom Santschl, Nanette. Dave Mor- i ris, Theodore Lorch, . Ben Walk and Wilfred North. : J Rln-Tln-Tln In"Tracked by the Police" comes to the Oregon the ater toiay fcr a four. day tii a'izz,'. Jus on Robards - VrglnbBrovnc i Santschl fiincttc MORE THAN A WOW! ; A BOW-WOW-WOW I DON'T MISS THIS ONE! . ADULTS 35c CHILDREN !0c Siaryfy CM i I I i ALWAYS THE BEST 3 THEATRE 1 - TODAY AND MONDAY Continuous Show Today 2 to 1 1 p.m. I I FANCHOiSlkViARCO- "IDEA" - ' J Featuring RENOFF & RENOVA . Adagio Team ' Admission . -.'Sunday !Tiil 5 O'clock ... 50c After 5 Balcony 60c Floor 60c Children 25c ; JOAN KNOX Triple Voiced Singer NATALIE HARRISON Oriental Dancer WAYNE BRADFORD Acrobatic Dancer BLAYNE SISTERS Dancers , AND THE FANCHON MARCO -BEAUTIES 1 ON THE SCREEN 1 i ' y24Ti 1 It's over the coal post risht into ycur heart : The Bis Football Classic of the year Special Earcain Matinee Monday OK Any Scat -CHILDREN lCc y