The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 20, 1927, Page 27, Image 27

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no:.1 nunc
Lighting, Good Air Are
of This Home
iz ioxs-o!
' 5 6X12-6
" This very . compact
floor plan with attractive
exterior should appeal to
the . builder of small
homes or the prospective
.home owner desiring
.'economy. -
The . rooms are large;
well lighted and provided
- with cross ventilation.
The livinar room 20 by
14 feet, has a fireplace at I
one end. '
The kitchen is conven
iently arranged with clos
ets, cupboards and : a
built-in ironing board. A
grade entrance is provid
ed: The nook space al
lowed for -in the kitchen (HI
-has a large cottage" sash "Tr" I
ULKIUillf 111 LUD 11UUU
the rear with bathroom ;
between. " ' - .
The exterior is finished,
with lap siding. Through
the nse of. unique color;
treatments with the sur
roundings of . shrubs,
flnwtfm und preen lawn. ;
the beauty of the design may be brought into 'full play showing the home like quali
ties of the cottage. , i '
. Blue prints and specifications for the construction of this home may be obtained
for a. reasonable fee upon application to -
? Spaulding Logging Co.
Salem, Oregon ; ' j - Telephone. 1 830
flrH Iciol : HILL r ; II
aeot f(l
PI tf;,;.hr-u & iiYjHQ Bow; nsi
t-s!i - . '-. lrJ
M -V ' I ' .." "'V -1 "' I ( ,
TT-Li'T71:. . I- I I
i.l l H
Retailers kJ Souft arid Mid
dle West Find Sales Some--what
j( Continued from Paa OnX
ration ad to b carried on nnder
tb VT9B- t the owner. - Now.rlr-
tuallr H cars boast ot gasollBe
lank at. the rear.
'"The eonrentlonal practice i to
drive up to a pump and order fire.
ten or fifteen gallon of gaaoUne.
After placing an order, the drlrer
remalna seated, paring no aten-
tion to what Is going on behind
him. How does he know thatHae
stead ant does not. put f our, eight
or thirteen gallons la the tankT
The answer Is that he dee not
know; ruling station atendant
are aware of this, and it Is on!?
doe to the fact that a majority of
them are honest that motordom's
loss through short measurement Is
not considerably larger than pres
ent. " b :t :':;-:J '
"Oil oxnpaniee and owners of
lndirldnal filling etatlone hare glr
en unstinted cooperation to the
authorities and to the motor clubs
attempting to remedy - the short
measurement situation but the mo
torist must giro bis assistance la a
similar manner If the e-rll Is to be
wiped out. I -
In a recent raid conducted by
city officials with the cooperation
of the Cleveland AutomobUe Club,
It stations serring from 500 to
1,000 customers dally were found
tn htm mttendaAls jrka .were man
ipulating the pumps m such a way
that short' measurement: of gaso
line was resorted to In ? order te
provide them with easy money, the
statement points out. In one ease
the raiding party, found an atten
dant who, on three different occa
sions. Dumped less than four gal
lons of gasoline into the automo
bile tank on each fire gallon order.
This employee freely admlted
the charge established by the In
vestigators, nd declared that he
was using this method to get mon
ey to pay off some bills because it
was so ' simple-
"Of the 100 stations visited. It
was found that not one pump was
faulty but that earety or delib
erate mishandling often resulted
In short measurement, Tall are to
drain the hose fully was respona-i
fble for many .'eases of shortage.'
The statement concluded: .
"Wateh the attendant when he
la Its weekly review of the mar
MAN, Chicago, says: '
' juemana zor sortwood Is nor
mally below production at this sea-
eon, and the mills are selling' as
large a proportion of their cut as
they did lasf fall. Both softwood
and ; hardwood - manufacturers,
however. ; are . dissatisfied with
present returns, v as prices have
been ; low and ' have declined far
ther In the last few -weeks. Some
of the leading authorities on build
ing prelct that - the general sof
tening of prices on materials- will
stimulate -winter construction,
pointing specialty to the decline la
structual steel, .
. But lumbermen are scarcely
meeting their costs at present, and
larger' volume at current prices
would not be very attractive to
them. : the general : opinion being
that there will be extensive shut
down. In the highland : regions
of the Inland Kmp ire and Calif or-
uia, and in the North and North
east, operations) are Tepidly being
curtailed, as Is usual at this time
of year, while rains have caused
numerous small pine mills In the
South and Southeast to bring an
end to their yeare operation.
Small Southern and West -Coast
mills have thrown their remaining
stocks on the ' market, and final
disposition of these win remove a
bearish Influence on quotations. r
' Retailers la the South and mid
dle West . have - found . their sales
stimulated by the good weather of
recent 'weeks.' but jthey.are disin
clined lo buy more lumber than, is
needed to fill orders, as Inventory
time Is quite -close. They know
that wholesale prices are now ex
tremely low, so that soon after
January 1 they will be likely to
start filling out their stocks for
next year. Economic experts pre
dict a good year'e business. The
betterment in the farmer's finan
cial position la expected to cause
a brisk demand for lumber in the
spring, because the lateness of the
season made it Impossible tor him
to undertake during fall much con
struction work that he had pro
It Is not believed that the dls-
nlls ronr ar ruolin tank asirous uooas in new .isngiana
him understand that von are d- wU create much demand for lum
termlned to et the; quantity of ber WfU severe weather prevents
fuel for which you pay. Watch the outdoor work. But the
nnmn iadiraj- umm t catastrophe In the Northeast will
bowl Is absolutely empty before ttlP tocu .nat-on1. "ntlon on
is shut off. Then, see that the "Ter coniroIl .wor; lor a
hose Is - thoroughly drained. If 800111 Bt"- from the
this caniot-be done while remain- ravages of thetalwiBSland the
lw In the car, getting out is a aim- "ca. --"" v T 'T
nl nronMritlnn Th. mh oil, consiauuy menaceu oj tus
your favoriU filling eUtlon may be h410 lT6r i .
your personal friend and ,as hon- . 0"lUBrB " 7UW
North Avenue la -the ML WashlnK
ten seotlea of Baltimore, the Fed
eral Street! .extension . in 3PUU
bwgXVlJulaey. IliU la PtkeTi-
burgTS; m rry KJJ a Karri-
barg PsiXoekout HwunUia tn
Ooloradorihe Bldg route - near
Bakersrield CaUf and s aeries of
the famous climbs around Ban
rrancisco. ta Boston reeords are
being advertised on all the hills
ef note in the dtstrist. - i
mem m
aiT pra
Only Three American Com
panies Licensed To Em
, ploy This Type Motor
Is being ' curtailed, and is more
Af timilMttv ftulf hnt h la attAB-
im iiwn .w. .fc.luearlT level with bookings.
help hlmself before the help of mPra!r 'f8 ST ".T
others In this respect can be ful
ly effective."
ket of the automobile mannfac-
turers. This group has been buy-
tng fair amounts recently from
LAHharn mllta Vnrii.tBn makers
It would require a building lA ouantltles as soon as they ftulshed
000 feet lon 100 feet in widthl their exoosltlons. Building trades
and IB feet high to enclose the air I demand is seasonably slower. Kx
that Is. dally; compressed at thefoort trade has been etlmulated by
Oidsmooue ; factories. , tw eom-i continuation of . present
pressed air la used lo operate the! rates beyond the first' of the year.
drills, wrenches, cranes, spray K .
aruns and other modern and labor! :
savins equipment employed la Airman Demonstrates
making Oldsmobues.
Hill Climbing Ability
Read the Classified Ads
Name th weight of the Elepliant
r-rm ynnots artTTiftrM tax;o astTse o
' m 'I x
Cai 7
Tow C U
Add XV
Flgtua V I
and 1(4 i
t VSWiIf Toa Ca Tow
Can TTtn TX
t'LA coca
iCVstV "Writs. Tory '
tJUVwJ Tov DetaUs
lift i .
fr I . ill
I : 1
th3 rr.
VfW W 4 f f Tr
linwt tk '- iwe
. .a ssi '.
t ....... 4.7 J f f .-T!.-
- 3,
V 74 i r 4 .- Ifa ssa wa ss s
. f i 1 4 m
. " , ... rft!sg tir "I " "'
In order to show the extent to
which hia ellmbln ability contri
butes to the performance slogan
attached to the new Airman ser
ies, Mtha fastest ear; In a' day
run, franklin dealers have been
prompt to stage demonstrations in
different parts of; the eountry,
with most Impressive results, fac
tory officials report. They attri
bute the records established ta
the new motor with I per cent
greater power and to. the ability
f afnjieallns' ta wlthstaaa tne
serviee whloh lonal-pulls Impose,
Hills that have beam traverses
U high gear snecossfully tnelude
the MeOonnellsbnri Krade on tne
Lincoln highway Vft tha.Tuien-
rora mountains of rennsmsTiia,
Lord's Iini, Syraciyn, K, T., Bonn-
try Club IU11 fit pingnam wn
The increasing demand. in this
country for cars powered by the
Knight sleeve-valve engine is set
ting a new trend towards this dis
tinctive motor, according to of
ficials of the Falcon Motors Cor
poration of Detroit, manufacturers
of the Falooa-Knight line of sixes.
This organisation is the newest to
enter the automobile sales field
with a car employing the Knight
sleeve-valve engine and la the first
ts sell a. Knight powered car in
America in. the 11,000 price class.
The trend toward this . type of
power plant also is strongly evi
dent in the commercial field with
the largest' manufacturer of taxi-
cabs in the country confining its
motor production for these ' ve
hicles to the Knight type motor.
Until the American patent rights
for the Knight sleeve-valve engine
-expire, in 1ISZ. manufacturing
rights will be vested only in those
companies -holding licenses to em
ploy this 'type of; engine in their
cars. In the passenger car field
today these licenses are vested in
but three companies the Falcon
Motors Corporation.', the - Willys-
Overland company and the F. B.
Stearns Company. ; ' ;
' In Europe, however, the bars
were let down more than a year
ago when the European patent
rights for the Knight sleeve-valve
engine expired. :' It was noticeable
at -that' time that numerous auto
mobile companies immediately dis
carded other types of engines and
adopted the Knight type. ' Many
American ' automobile' experts
frankly, predict that whe a Ameri
can . patent rights on the , Knight
engine expire, leading manufac
turers will follow. the example of
European manufacturers of fine
motor car and adopt the sleeve-
valve principle in their power;
Engineers who am familiar with
all types of motor construction de
clare that theoperation of the
sleeve valves In the Knight type
engine furnished a greater oppor
tunity far high power -development
with silent, smooth, efficient oper
ation than any other type of valve
construction which can be used.
The functioning of the Intake
and exhaust operations can be bet-;
tar controlled and the motor
quires practically no adjustments
during Ita entire life. It Is also
easier to regulate the speed of In
take and exhause of the gases tn
the cylinders to conform to mod
ern motor car . requirements with
out making- complete changes In
design, i With 'the Knight sleeve-
valve engine this is done by chan
ging the position or sine of the
porta In the sleeves while in other
types of motors it requires ev com
plete redesigning of the valve me
Recent developments in the con
struction of the Knight type mo
tor have resulted In a greater flex-
tbllity which motor authorities
state Is broader la Its range than
that of any other type power plant
Public reaction to these facts
ts demonstrated in the increased
demand for cars employing the
Knight sleeve-valve engine, the
type of engine rased tn all Falcon-
Two Requirements Neces-
saryrMust Be of Good
.Quality and Right Kind
made chiefly from fossil gums dis
solved by heat fa drying oils and
treated rosin. Where the surface
Is Subjected to extremely : hard
wear, there b no finish so satis
factory. If color is desired paint
may first be used and a finishing
coat of vsralsh added, of a color-!
hramish may be used.
Choosing the correct finish is as
Important as choosing a good pro-i
duct. Failureta either is costly.
But good paint or . good varnish.
correctly used. Is an economy. '
To make an Intelligent purchase
of any kind It goes' without saying
mat some knowledge about, the
commodity ' you are buying Js es
sential. In the care of a chemical
product such as paint or varnish,
th consumer finds it difficult to
this knowledge.- While the de
tailed facta of Its make-up- must
remain lor the. chemist,- a few
fundamental facts v are c entirely
comprehensible to the layman, and
are helpful to him both in buying
and using paint: :'V,t ' . 4
there are two requirements for
satisfactory paint. First' It must
be of good, quality, and -second it
must be the right paint for . the
purpose. As tor quality, the safest
guide Is to choose the produce of
a reputable - manufacturer. The
second requisite involves more.
For while -there are floor paints
tor floors, wall paints for walls.
and exterior paints for exteriors,
etc., there ts still within each -of
these classes considerable variety
from which the consumer must
choose. Some knowledge of the
materials used for paint and the
purpose served , by each should
help him in making an intelligent
choice. - . , . -
Paint is composed of pigment.
vehicle, thinner, and drier. . The
pigments commonly used are white
lead, ; sine oxide, llthopone,. etc.
While the hiding power of any of
these . is good; that of llthoplne is
te greatest. ' ' Zinc Oxide Is used
where pure' white or delicate tints
are required. 'It is also valuable
In making a hard-wearing' surf ace.
and in retarding the chalking' ten
dency of white lead. ' "f r
The vehicle is a drying oil which
binds the dry pigment powder to
gether and to the surface: turpen
tine, benzine, mineral spirits, etc..
are used as thinners to make the
paint penetrate, flow freely, and
spread out smoothly; J while the
drier serves the purpose its name
indicates. Linseed oil is general
ly preferred as the binder, both
because of its moderate price and
the satisfactory results which It
gives. : . "r ,.:; . --.; ;
The proportion of drying oil and
thinner used determines whether a
paint Is flat or lossy. ' Unseed
of! and most varnishes dry with
a gloss, while a large proportion
of turpentine or benxlne gives a
flat finish, since these substances
evaporate entirely. Enamel Is
glossy because the vehicle used Is
varnish. It Is Important to know
the enamel Is more durable (for
interiors) than paint, and that a
glossy paint Is more durable than
a flat one. The hiding power of
flat paint, however, is better and
for this reason" if is generally used
for. undercoats, whatever the fin
ish desired. , Enamels and gloss
paints are especially practical for
a surface that must be frequently
washed, such as the walls, and
woodwork of kitchens and bath-l
Prefect of Police Saya ;
Officers Llust be Drivers
An Associated Press dispatch
says that Jean Chlappe, the new
Prefect of Polk of Paris, has
orders traffic officers of that city1
to learn to drive an automobile.
o that they will realise that driv
ers v. also have troubles. V Thus
these officers when they tell driv
ers what to do must themselves
know something- about it, Com-!
mentlng on this order; some news
papers suggest that life would be
better for every one If the small
town mayors and the members of
the various city traffic commls-f
sions also would get . behind the'
wheel of a ear occasionally and see
what .happen when they try to
obey the many regulations they
adopt Motor Chat. '
VarTlmo ExeisoTcx t;:n
; Auto Sales Said Damper
Viewing the war time automo
bile excise tax. not ;rt repealed,
as a htndrance-to transportation,
business and agriculture, Alfred
Reeves, , general manager of the
National AutomobUe Chamber of
Commerce, indicated his belief in
a favorable trade outlook for 1928.
speaking before the Rotary Club
at Ctica. New -York, a October
It. . - i
. "Leaders at Washington have
recognised that tax -relief will
stimulate prosperity, ; said Uf.
Reeves and there Is every Indi
cation that 'the coming . congrsss
will do a good deal In that direc
tion. . :
One of the. last of the war
time excise levies la the fsderal
tax on- the sale of automobiles.
The singling out of speclflo prod
ucts tor taxation during the war
was done as en emergency mea
sure and most of such taxes have
been repealed. ' , ;.
When this tax ion transports
tlon is lifted, both agrlcultore and
business will feel the relief. . .
Agriculture Is ' already heav
ily burdened with land taxes, and
the automobile is the . farmer's
chief means of transportation.
Read the Classified Ads
House Paints, Barn Paints
and Stains
ManTifactrored: in Salem
Guaranteed white lead and linseed oil base, manufac
tured by experts with more than fifteen years' experi
ence with the largest paint 'manufacturers. Cut your
paint cost. Buy 4 homo product direct from the fac
tory. Save $1.50 per gallon. Phone us for free estim
ate on painting and suggestions. .
. - -, . . . , .
Kite Lead Oil and Turpentine
Varnish for Less
Factory 2649 Portland Road
Phone 27S3
: .i
It '
"iff . ;
!. i
' For exteriors durability Is even
more Important. For this reason
it is well to. know that earth pig
menta are generally more perma
nent when exposed to weather and1
sunlight than chemical colors; and
that tinted paint is more durable
than white paint. Te principal
earth pigments are yellow ochre,
siennas, umbers, .Venetian red.
red Iron oxides, and "earth"
browns.-- -'
; 'Varnishes are used both for ex
teriors and Interiors. They are
' It.-.?.
L V VVl M 1 111 MIllltllZTK
. ; AW X 11 II I I.l S I II SJJrrmV 1 .
ix rjcr ty
Ls:y- -ww-. r3 --i ,
Hi ; rsjr iAROtPi onvOFO. ni
We. 1.W ,
ill". a .-m. ufitf' . m zk a 1 i ' im i ii'-
MaTW TORK tSpeelal) The
Ajnarlcan-La Trance Fire Snglne
company reports tor the auartsr
aadsd SepUmber'SO, 1917, a net
loss of I1I1.JI8 after Interest,
etc.. eonvpartng with net tneoene
of llMSt after Intaraet. Psderai
taxes, etc Mual to It emtg
share on 40.000 share fpar iiv?)
of T cent Preferred eiock In
the preoedlag Quarter : and net
Income of tlls.Bl J, ;uai after
praferrsd dtrldsnd reQulremtnta.
to IS centg a share on 441,100
shares of oomsson toeSc third
quarter ef 4tl4.- -;:-::"
- X t x
1 01
a 0 mm rf
TLRrtlcsywcrU famous 7raokcit,
can rUvc!y read ywtelasvlrtoer
ana rauia ta roa craws??, wares ssw
what nets that you eoriUwhan lest
lathop. :-.
T2end vef'vwBcrJ!y-ier atp fairs
fw esslyts. ijusemt - i
Uai, i,- a Wt t l
tea ma Am Lsuiai ,.. U ,
'BaXTlTj ryyTCH C0 ttSW TCT.X CStT
FrftCty .Cal Saya:
"When you get ready to take tho other tcZovrj
vrord for a thing find out how many other peopla
are willing to accept it at Its face value.
' and ALL
Gabrl3l PouflGraSuppIy Go.
fmmm. Van! mA T7'"f-"S
C10 Kcrth Capita)
lYlrphcna ZZi3
1 . j .1
OTJR abCJty to eeep
erte Intelligently
with nrshlteets, eagtn-;
oera, grtUts 44 deeerf
ators l oif Pf the se-r
eref-? p eu? i?seess as
fuIUiaiv extractors,
ffhsn we build you are
satilsd, .
.:crer.IPr" "ra
". Telephone t(0 .
On Rcflldonco, Bulncco and Farm Proporly
- - ." - e
PcrThreatqCQTeara . . W "
I - . Ik
yj ' -'. ' v ''-VLjCi -ir fr OP AT..
7 . : a ncx crc-: r:i
PriTfles to ZZ7 F'rt P? RH cj
principal ea eay Utcrcct Cat r N
Ozr tcrr.3. t?t!t ntn rs3 Ji. 1 1
f ' - r t
; . . . V
1 i