iVBEOHES MESTOFWIIi FATHER OF "STOP; LOOH, LISTENS DZVICS ;:ig;i-?r-:s RECALLS mCE7iOX:mm& Equipped With Aluminum Jub and Many Other At A1tratlve Features Tie announcement of the sew Maytag Aluminum Washer baa evaded unusual Interest ' among rromea ' ererywnere. For 25 years khe Maytag haa been outstanding n nwilarity. IUconstructlon and ('rwmancs bare Just suited the requirements of - modern - house wives in consequence of which Its success -has been truly phenom AL The new Maytag gives even ' ieater home laundering satiafao- , and Is endorsed enthusiastic ally by all women who hare tried It. " - The New Maytag Tike ita pre decessor U a Quality 'product and is produced in the one Quality mod .al only. Tested high-grade mater ia - ; nlgn-pricea labor are used at erery point In the construe vtlon of the New liaytag. It embod ies the latest refinement In mach ine design precision . cut gears. As a result It Is as ' nearly silent and perfect Is operation as It 1 possible for any mechanism to be All moving parts are enclosed and require no adjustments or atten tion. . Starting and: stopping- the washer la a simple movement of a convenient lever. A general el- ectrlct motor assures ample, trou ble-free power at sll times,' For homes without eleetrlcty an optional power plant is-available a' built-in gasoline motor, de signed especially . for the ilaytat washer. This motor has made re markable ' records for - power' and liability 'and is simple, cure and iBio ior women iw uyuaio. ; . J JThe Maytag Is the original gy ratator washer. It la still original Cinita application of the gyratator iNcciple -the simplest, swiftest. surest washing principle known. The New Maytag'a advanced; tub design Imparts to the water action a continuous deluging effect which penetrates the toughest dirt - Im pregnated fabrics.; ' ', ."'; t L The new Maytag is the only washer equipped , with a cast-aluminum, tub. This tub is non-cor roding, non-denting, satin smooth at all times, and due to the heat- retaining qualities tf cast-aluminum, keeps water hot during the entire washing." The tub empties and cleans itself and is equipped with a hinged corer which pre vents splashing and serrea as a handy shelf when open. The shape of the JTaytag tub give It enor mous capacity despite compact de sign, and the arrangement of the gyraUtoraables the operator to place the hands at wmttfrtne tub while the gyratator Is turning. Wringing and washing can be done at the same time. : Perhaps the greatest feature Of the new Maytag is the new May- A7 roller water remover the se- ,-vier-wrineer with the non-crush Jlnger roll. Buttons pass harm- leaiy inrougn un rouers wnue u wringer Is operating, yet every particle of soap and water will be expelled from a lumpily folded blanket or from a thin silk hand kerchief passed through at the same time. This remarkable re sult Is due to the construction of the non-crush roll which allows the roll to fold itself over ridges and seams and penetrate into cre ases, with firm even pressure upon the fabric at all point. The blank et or handkerchief can also ' be wrung dry separately without re adjustment of the rolls by the operator."- The new Maytag roller water remover is an exclusive pat ented feature, obtainable only with Maytag washers. It Is years in advance of other methods of water extraction from clothes. ,. ' This super-wringer, in addition to serving as a well-nigh perfect water extractor, has an automatic feed, is self-reversing and swings into 7 positions over eke washer or over adjacent tubs; , The Maytag won world leader ship on demonstrated washing su- XJBorlty. ' Its ability to do an av erage week's washing in an hour C all garments even cuffs and col- Jb washed clean without hand- rubbing1- unquestionably p 1 a c es the r rtasr for all time in the frodsii nk of time and labor sav lng household appliances. - The new Maytag is an, ;, even greater; performer than its sen sational nredecessor. It Is' as far ahead of present day horn laun dering methods as the .original Marts years aV was ahead ' of methods then in rogue. 40 out of every .100 washers sold are Maytags. More than, a million .women are satisfied May tag owners, r Made by F. L. May tag, the largest manufacturer of washing machines in the world a man who has made washers for 1 0 y tars . and who has an inJfrV&nal reputation for sound mfcixLHaislng methods and busi ness integrity,. , imobila Maintains ? Staff At Proving Ground Oldsmobile maintains a garage and a staff of men at the oe&erai 1'otors -Proving Grounds eontlau- 'VT. Daj end sight throagheut lis year oidamoblles are under- g o!f test : on the Mils, row rfcad and speedways of tfci Por fcl Ground, These tests fwrre ft iJ purpose. They act M ft eofs C&i check en the aeeuracy and J "Taction of maaufaeture, and al- ti trs nsed to find the true merits Cl tie improvements Us staff of Caters are constantly working - Motorists of -every clime and country, long: familiar ; with '- the well known sign. "Railroad Cross ing Stopt i Look! Listen know nothing of 'the man from whose brain the legend emanated. f Visited '. recently I In Southern .California by a motoring party in. one of the new Dodge Brothers lours, according to! a report re 'ceived at the factory . of Dodge -Brothers, Inc, in Detroit. Thomas ' H. Gray, known as the "father of - highway safety," modestly recited the manner in which this univer- At . the I time r that Gray took charge of the Southern Pad 6c Company's repair shops, which was in 1876, the marking device on railroad crossings was a com-, bersome. and costly affair bearing the lengthy. legend, "Railroaa Crossing! Look Out for the En gine When the Bell Rings!" - A neater and less costly marker was sought and the solution left to Gray, whose skSl and aptitude in the perfection of various other, small devices used in railroading, had brought him under favorable notice. .. -; v ' . ;S rHw-i? In . a few days Gray- informed his. superintendent' by telegraph there were no telephones then - that he had something to snbmitJ It was the device now so familiar to motorists. - t I. The first pee fo tc put In use by the company was erected at the corner of Sixteenth and Harrison streets in San Francisco v Today millions of them are in use all over the world. . . . ' - ? -;c - Grey still hss the brlgial draw! log of tne oevsee set down brsr in the. now. yellowed pages of a little .book which he kept at the time and which has since been reproduced in every country and we spoosy . j CIEErOllll'fflS;. raiLFJIGTOI proper Surfacing of Private floaefway Often Put Off . . Until Troubla Comes MOIXIDESTnESSED Gas Called Subtile Enemy and Greatest Care Should ' Always Be Taken The season Is at hand when mo torists cannot afford to be indif ferent to the dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning " which ' in crease enormously with the com ing of cold weather. This warn ing is sounded by Phil Eiker, di rector of this district of the Ore gon State Motor association, who points: out: that while every, sea son brings knowledge of this dan ger to car owners, the death toll from carbon monoxide poisoning tncTeasee annually. - enemy," x says ; Mr.l Klker. MIt strikes without warning. This gas, which Is generated: in the combustion process within the so- tomoblle engine, is colorless and odorless. But this fact should not mean that the motorist ' need be unaware of its presence. He should know, that wherever there is an automobile engine running in - a small closed space, there la ear bon monoxide. ; In the open, these potentially poisonous fumes mix with a far greater quantity of air, and consequently their effect is not serious.: si The small private garage is the scene of many tragic effects of this poisoning. . In the conven tlal sized garage of this type,, the engine running three minutes will generate' enough carbon monoxide to kill. Because of this, the car owner should exercise extraordin ary precautions . against running) the engine with the garage doors closed. Even the warming-up pro cess should be completed in the open air. The person who has been over-1 come by. this poison In some cases may be revived It removed to the open ; air, and if artificial respira tion methods are applied immedi ately. But, this, in most cases. Is inadequate. The only certain way to prevent tragedy is : to avoid the slightest contact with this ever-present danger of winter mo toring." ExtoIIs Utility, of Ego. For Stopping Big Leak fFar be it from , the Lincoln Highway Forum' says the, editor of that publication. "to take aiiy shingles off the automobile aces- sory dealer but ; If any : of them has yet offered a cure for. a eaky radiator . that u as good as .the white of an egg, dropped Into the radiator when the water Is hot.; we have never heard of it. The editor knows by experience that it Is a mighty bad leak that one egg will not completely, stop 'for a period of several weeks." Motor Chat. WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARB BUILT, BUICK WILL BUILD THEM r Cinder and crushed Stone drive ways should come la f of the mot orist's consideration at this period if hjk Wlfitl f uinu itxm ru.. lag experienca of being bogged hopelessly In his own yard when the rains of late fall and the snows of early winter begin to fall. This is the warning sounded by Geo. O. Brandenburg, secretary of the Ore gon state juotpr association, who declares that the season is at hand when the motor club's emergency service Is called upon to rescue many car7 owners from Just .this predicament. . - 2 . -"One of the things that is. so eas to forget in connection; with one's motoring is the- roadway leading to the private garage," he says, - "As long as the. weather is good4, there is no need tor consid ering this subject," but when lata fall ; rains set In scores of drive ways become veritable swamps through; Which, passage is Impoi-slble.-: ,Te,clnder-; and crushed stone, and .'natural; driveways, of course, are the particular offend ers .in 'this' respect.'! :'';r- The surfacing material has a way of disappearing mysteriously before the motorist realizes i It This club and others of , the lis that make up the American Auto mobile association had found this to be true far an amasing ly large number of cases when they have been called upon to rescue mem bers anchored in the mud. . The expense of resurfacing this type of private roadway Is not great in a majority of cases, but it is not the expense, however, that holds motorists back In having-this vital service performed. .They fall to act merely because they are not conscious of the need for action. Motor clubs call the matter to the member's attention much for the same reason that they periodically advise brake and headlight .ad Justments because - getting the work done saves a great deal of trouble and annoyance and frees winter driving of one of its most irritating aspects: Growth of Closed Car Movement Interesting - The growth of the closed car movement Is shown very graphic ally by an Investigation made by the, engineering department of, the Oregon State, Motor association, It Is a known fact and has been recognized for the past two years thai closed ear" pred" actios exceed- ed thai ef the open eafsY tJeriain iitiiki erea eUseehlinued tki iaakk ef eUea eari and have eeneentf filed en the" inakiaf ef desed tl&ifeiiajlf els - agie Iteugjwijf b! the moter aaeeektfcS tUUd tat . in UH , there were bredueed approximate ly i,OlI,GO0 epen eafn and Z.sOtr- 600 ilosid ears, and it ean be seen front these figure! that Hi per cent were elosed ear models. C The gradual growth of the oloSed ear in popularity is shown by Mr. fttesswist by the-' feeuane! ef the . folio wiflf : percentages of! elosed ears "to totaj car production hr former years! If per cent in l26j 41 per '.cent M 1S: S4 per cent in ilSSj SO per eeni In 1912 a.M .-a f na.J. m . is per eent m issi 17 per cent la iSiOJ 10 eent in iils. ' . '. . -I i. . ' . Investlgatlctt Shows 037,300 Registered The Oregon State Motor associa tion has been asked repeatedly as to the number of . Ford registra- .a, . a tions in tne year isze as com pared to the registration of v. all other cars. This question has been brought out by the continued absence of data concerning the new Ford 'car and the consequent slump of Ford sales in the last few months. Investigation has shown that In the United States the - complete figures' tor 1918 show that there were 9,447.100 Ford registrations and that the total ef all non-Ford registrations was I, $70,600. V, These . figures relate to pas senger ears only. REPLACE TXIU9 FLAP If the tire flap te cracked when the tube is removed a new flap should be Installed, advises the Western . Auto Supply Company. The break will chafe the inner tube or pinch it causing a leak. TOVUam Fairbanks will play Buffalo Bill "in the forthcoming movie, ""Wyoming. rrnooassnAjr ' ' " .." '.'' tL ' VICK BROS., Salem, Oregon ASSOCIATE DEALERS Byerry Motor Co,, Albany, Oregon Benton Motor Oo. Ine Oorrallfs, Oregon $ fS3verton Motor tfisr Sllvertoa, Oregon; Fred T. BUyen, Bdo, Oregon; Bones Brothers, Turner, Oregon G. J. Shreeve A B0R4 Dallas, Oregon; Henry C. Hoi lemon, Harrlaburg, Oregon; T. D. Pomeroy, -Independence, Oregon; P. U Miller, Avror, Oregoat N. J. Arnold, Mora moot h, Oregoai Toledo Snpef Service Station, Toledo Oregosw S3 1 J1 Of I Special Sizz SaorScdcm ,:' Nov asje " . !.-. 00 " ' esssf 1 k ' i ' Buich welcomes: this searching test terial used--vcry nut and cotter - -Go Into every hidden detail. There : The man- vrho buys a home goes over it thoroughly, from roof tr basement, to malce. certain that it has the sound conJructW that VV long "?B That's the; way to hay ahome et .iL. motor-car.4 And that's the v Way to prove the fundamental su periority'of Buicfc for 1928. Examine Buick carefully, part by part.- YouH find every bit of ma- ! jj tr. trv - - , - - . mWm STSSSSSBSTSSBBBSBBBBBBBSSSBBSS you'll discover the secret of Buick's famous 'dependability and Ion j life sound, sturdy c6nstructioa-; throuHbout Bulck welcomes this searching test and invites critical com-, parisbn. And Buick1 Is wOling'to leave the decision to you- C2DANS 1 193 to f 1993 ' t ; COUPES 1193 to -1S50 SPOXT MODELS 1193 to 1323 VNBUIGCfrl!'-:r:'.--V.' czs it. cxnrmciAi - 1 - - -TEispnors 2i t7HEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES A It 8 BUILT. DUICK T7ILL BUILD TIlElt r 1 I XThen Zero is the forecast, you'll be clad you bought a Nash. ; , For even though you keep' a Nash in an . unheated , garage, here's - one carTthat starts immediately, and then "warms up "to smooAoperating efSdency. inno tifne atalL . ..-v . ; . : ; - ITash has a blj heavy-duty starter, an improved carburetor vrhixautcrutilshtzt control and then thermostatic control of the water circulation which combine to produce almost tragical results when you press the starter . llzsh Is a great cold weather car In other . rjySjtbo.The blg-Miweyheel brakes . of Nash surround you with safety over every imaginable condition underfoot. The Nash' cracase ventilator keeps the car's interior absolutely free of en gine fnmes, and at the same time pre vents the usual cold-weather dilution of lubricating oil - ' And the great Nash 7-bearlnj motor, now newly reined, is smooth and quiet every day to tbt ysan This Is the best time In tha year to tra3 your present car on a new Nash. Come in and let us show you how much more csjoytble vlntcr end "vricter drivicj can be, telm y:u drlz a N;3 ENCLOSED IIODELS - Advanced Six Series Extra Lena Wheelbase 7 -pass, Sedan ....... 6-pass. Ambassador ... . S20J 4-pass. Coupe (Rumble -.Seat) .............. 203O 4- pass. Victoria ....... 1831 . Regular WheelDase 5- pass. Eedan (4-door). .S1EC3 S-pass. CerJan (2-door) . . 1C70 special Elx Series 5- pass. Sedan (4-door) . .f 1663 6- pass. Cedan (2-door) . . 1430 4-pass. Cabriolet ....... 1505 2-pass. Coupe ......... 1370 4- pass. Vlctorlal fl5l3 5- pass. 4-door Coupe . . .Cicc Cttzard Elx Ecrles K-pass. L&aSau Cclan . .Cl fc-pass. 4-door Eedan ... lie 1 5-pass. S-door Sedan ..." ICC : 1 4-pass. Cabriolet ...... 1 1 ' J 5- p&sa. Ccara ......... 1 l t ' f 5 P. W. PETpOHW. CO. ZZZ I?crth Ccrincrelal Street Tc!:rl.-r.e 12 CD "AFTEIk WC SELL YE CZnVE" . 9