The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 20, 1927, Page 14, Image 14

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" i . . - i . ,. , . m r t - . . -. -x. " - . . . : r : : i
Over 100 Wonderful Pictures
To Be Placed On Exhibit
' x f !...." n
uon uecemDer o-y -
250 Living Men Rank as "Bravest of Brave"
v y-
An art exhibit will be held at
the Leslie Junior High School oh
December 8 tad S under the aus
pices of the . Art Department of
which Mrs. I. M. Andrews la in
charge. ' .;.;:..''. .::.t ;'
. All of the pupils and members
of the faculty of the school are
entering into the work in prepara
tion for this exhibit and over- 100
pictures will be placed on exhi
bition. -They are belns furnished
by the Colonial. Art-Company; of
Uiianoma city. : The proceeds
will be used to purchase pictures
for this new school building,
wb ich was occupied this fall for
the first time. ."-, -v,"'''
A abort description, of some of
the 'pictures to he placed on ex
hibit has been given by the Colon
lal Art Company as follows: ;
;: '; B1bo Boy"
The canvas of The Blue Boy Is
fire "feet in height and four feet
wide. - The figure of the boy Is
life size. .4'; Master Jonathan: But-
urn, tor ma is me ooys name,
is standing in the' center of the
picture and has quite a touch of
swagger in his air. He has one
hand on his left hip and is hold
ing the folds of his cloak with it.
- while the . other hangs at . full
uia ssa is noming a leamerea cold day. The low clouds and the
nai. lie ioos Doioiy ar-ui. asl5leak BLlee indicate this. In ad-
iuousu conscious m ynwiftii dUion to the heaTy ciothIng of the
& -
I vs.
' -9e-
; n -:;.,. .. '
'v. 1 ;
Oaty about 250 liriosr Americans may wear thie medal of honor (center) conferred for exception-
al valor in war, . Most of them are bent and gray, but the World war addeVl DO younger men to the
list of heroes, among them the late Lt. CoL Charts W. TVbittelsey (left), tint world War of fleer to
win th medal; Serseant Stunael Woodflll (upper right)taad Sergeant Alvin York (lower right)
BiGi pen
Controversy Over - Lately
Published Biography of .:,
... Henry Ward Beecher
American Gift Biiilda Shelter for
Car Where World War Was Ended
we are taking in him. ' A rebel-
men. An interesting story Is be-
Uoui Jock of hair falls orer lis ln, . . , n,m)u nf
forehead, hls face is s f ramedln LKe proceeds to 8moke, prob
curts , and, his costume .lsiloose. ftWy that he m6re folly en-
to define bis- graceful proportions
and to emphasiie his vigorous,
muscular body and limbs. . He is
as pretty as a girl but has a thor
oughly masculine charm and. bear
The big row boat is called a do
ry, ' and is used by ' fishermen' rh
casting their nets, and also tn
hauling . them in. . The men are
nrtxnarf A tn tta nnl In almnai
ing. This portrait was painted as any kind of weather, but they do
ft challenge to a sUtement made not suture so very far from shore
oy iteynojas nai a succesrui pic- seidom to exceed two or three
ture coma not he painted in blue I mne8
iones. uamsDorougn mererore iM-j,v i. Hmma.
jw.aveu iaw picture, wnicn con- h.. t.-. vft khonid t. tne-rit-
, ' "r " i sympatnetic interest in tne me
is concerned. The blue sky is -hnnt him n fnrwt which tnmi
toned down by the misty atmos- hlm to the colorful eple of the sea
puere : ana ine tanascape m ! (oik for his tbernen. ; He knowg at
oacagrouna neips to oreaa tne nn
lformlty. The color scheme li
brightened by the boy's rosy com- .), Vnnw. ,,.ntTiHon young : Americans In France
t - . I J " " lGn1 Its jwnntln.. n V
Viexion. -I. .r i I mflJf - Th.ra la a. .nUnitM trotlI""" " .wmm,
The Blue Boy was purchased Lh .V,a ft BnlHtal added bot 60 names to th Bllant
,eveBU enry tu. nungmgxon I nndaratandlnr of the Uvea he oor-l"" :l
for 4 0,000 and brought to this J trays. - - . .... I : But in the yellowing records of
country, It was painted by Sir I n,iT..v0rr'anV.r hnm lnlthe war department, set down in
Thomas Gainsborough, an -English I Barcelona, Spain, and still lives jcoW official ? language that f; yet
pa'nter famous for his wonder-l nris-fnAi nf tht nh.lfalls to obscure th tlnirine.
ful.r cool, fresh coloring and hlse.t tim?a in tha mntrnnnlltan. Ithrilline record of human Marine-
power for portraying personality.! ; I "above and bevond the eall of dn-
; By "B3RKB L,
AuoeUte4 Ptcm Btff Writer) V;
WASHINGTON Military med
als and the bright bits of ribbon
that betoken them have lost their
savor somewhat for the ordinary
beholder in these post-war days of
many decorations. i ." " ;4 .; ; ; . f ; j
' But scattered over the country
are seme 250 men, most of them
bent with age.' who may wear in
their button holes a liny rosette of
red, white and blue, or a button of
bine, nudded with nhlte stars.
which marks them as the .bravest
of the brave the Medal of Honor
men of the army. i 4 1 ; :
' No cne knows exactly how mas
living men are entitled to' wear
to soldierly valor, i Their ranks
are thinning fast now as the days
rot the war between the states are
sliadowed by the passing ; years.
The ; Winamlll"
ty" it narrates, is the long story
Ttf a vsk Ia!J r o a V a a m T TT- I .
On msv en1n nn srffrf- wnrir : , . " . mese neroes nave wnttenfon the
- ' " I injIAl H TTtS" T rf lTTl WL ril.HLIH 21 II Li AIM. 1X1
r it may not appeal "to one.' but let Holland. uThename signi-
brlghtest.: page of American hls-
nevertheless one is boundo ad- fied ;' Wing water." h
mis lecunicai aertemy wnen - u fiT1Tlr(VTrPit. for oar Mlnter since I r." "
appears. Lord Dunsany has said: BO aH; f hi- Pictures contain ino. wo"? War- .to; taken up
again and carried forward onlyn
when Americans again are called
to battle.
There are 1,889 names on that
great muster roll of the bravest,
the first entry being 'set down
March 2S, 1883. " -Checking and
rechecking against pension : office
returns has - disclosed ' 249 known
survivors. A pitifully large pro
portion of the older heroes have
been forced to take advantage. of
the-act of congress that conferred!
on honor medal holder who had
reached the age of 95 an - added
pension of ten dollars a month.!
That there are others who have
not applied for this payment la
not to be doubted.
Before the act of 1861 which
created the . congressional medal
of honor no valor decoration was
provided for -the American army.
Certificates of merit could be giv
en to enlisted men only.' Officers
were debarred. In theory, dating
back to the birth of the Ameri
can democracy., all monarchial
customs had been abolished, in
eluding the conferring of orders,
title or rank. v-
En when the medal act was
put . through j , more . than two
years elapsed ... before awards were
made under it. So the first entry
is for, six men of the Ohio volun
teer infantry Sergeants Elihu H.
Mason, Twenty-second .regiment;
Jacob Parrott. Thirty-third regi
ment, and William Pittenger, Sec
ond Tregiment; Corporal William
H. Reddlck, f Thirty-third 1 regi-i
ment, and Privates William Bin
singer and Robert ;Baffum, Twen
ty-first ' regiment. This is their
citation: . .
"An artist's - technical equipment 1 tnmnt nr .iriinr -1ou1r
V T, V ..l ... ... 1 " w "
Buutt utj iur jrauictt. iT.n't thht trns of "ThAWindmlIl?
Imagination la a keyword In the Notices the wonderful sky.
.a. a s a . wvb r - - - w I ,
yirei;ittiion wt wiegrana. nei iTw' o,Vrin,M. m1.
1.7 " .7 1W Ma Baru Ma ling In. We wonder witb all the
isii fl ownSisar! !iJt&"! ARABIAN KING BUYS. MOTOR CARS
"One of the 22 men (including
(Continued on page 20.)-
A controversy It raging over
the question as to who waa the
greatest ' American preacher. The
following, from ; The Congrega-
tlonallst. Boston, of Not. 17th,
will throw seme light on this con
troversy:) '" - v -
(EDITOR'S NOTE: The follow
lnr estimate of Henry Ward
Beecher, delivered by Dr. Cordon
before the -American Congrega
tional Association in Boston, May
15,180 S, baa reached "The Con- j
gregatlonallst" in an indirect
way. It comes to us from Dr. Jo
seph Fort Newton of the Memorial
Chureh of " St. : Paul, Overbrook,
Philadelphia, -: and Dr. Newton
states that in going through some
Old paperi he had come upon It
It was published in a little book
at the . time, but is - now out of
print. I We should like to quote,
though we are not at liberty to do
so, the references which Dr. New
ton makes in bis letter to Paxton
Suffice it to say that Dr. Newton
suggests our publishing this trib
ute of Dr. Cordon "in order to
take : the bad .taste out of i our
minds annd the sadness out of our
hearts at the way in : which the
greatest preacher of the Sngllsh-
speaklng world has been treated
in Hlbben's biography. We have
sougbt and received Dr. Gordon's
permission to republish the arti
cle. In granting this, Dr, Gordon
says: '1 recall what I wrote with
some interest, having carefully
formed my opinion. . 1 ; heard
Beecher on five, occasions, and
while he carried people away be
was not at all afflicted with con-
celt, ' I heard him give his fa-!
mous address on .'Money, and an
other on 'Hard Times.' I heard
Beecher address the students, and
heard him fronu bis own pul
pit.") - .
Henry Ward - Beecher , was the
greatest preacher, for the people
that our order has produced. ' In
my judgment he was the greatest
preacher, for the people that
America has . produced. He was
not a theologian like Park; he
was not a profound original mind
like Bushnell; but in his own dis
tinctive excellence be was ' im
measurably beyond them.
Educated in bis father's house.
In - college, " and - in early associa
tions in the formal doctrines and
nice distinctions of New England
theology, he was well fitted to dis
cern in the service -of the Church
the limitations of his inherited be
lief. ;3n his day the material did
not exist for the reconstruction of
theology. Intuitions and emo
tions, the witness of the great in
stlncts of the soul, and the expe
riences of the heart are what one
finds in Beecher. one Is some
times disappointed not to find In
him the modern view in its integ
rlty. But to condemn him for this
4 ,'- .;
i Xtie nutway car an wiucm iue Armlsuce was signed (below) is
now housed in a stone building presented to the people of France by
Arthur IL Fleming of Pasadena, Cal, The building (above) stands
on the exact spot where the truce was signed at the town of Re-
thonde, between' Compeigne and Soiseona.
-? ' - T .......
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. ' II i
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n ii " jj v u- : "-r
v. ' ' y-
YQung People . of America
' Are Not Irreligious. In
Spite of Some Groups .
Dedicated to sheltering France
memorial of . the v Armistice, ' a
structure presented by an Ameri
can: bouses what is perhaps the
most famous railroad coach in in
ternational history.
The dedication of . the stone
building which now contains the
car; in which, the Armistice was
signed on , November .. 11, 1918,
was ? part' of the French celebra-J
tlon of the ninth anniversary of
the ending of the world war.
r Arthur H. : Fleming of y: Para
dena, ' Calif.; : gave France the
buUdlng, and in appreciation of
this and other friendly services
was created ' a Chevalier -of the
Legion of : Honor.
By Rer. Walter W. Van Kirk
Auciti ewrtUrr, Comaiscioa n
Interactional Jatic nd Goodwill t lk
redrt Oonnetl ( the ChorehM,) -
The young people of America
are not irreligious." Nor are they
atheistic, despite the organlxaticj
of an occasional undergraduate as-WV
Eociation for alleged heretics. It'J
cannot be denied that many of our
young people are jaxs-rainded.
That Is largely because they are
keeping in step to the music played
by the elders.
There are, on the other .hand,
vast: numbers of American youth
who - are profoundly concerned
With " religious verities and with
the future of the Church. But It
must "be a more united Church.
Youth is. breaking away from the
denominational narrowness of Its
fathers. : Youth Is not Interested
fn debating theological abstrac
tions that have little If any rela
tion to present-day Issues.
i Why l this impatience or the
younger generation with deijom-
InationallsmT For one thing.
young people want to see war ban
ished fromMhe earth. They do
not believe that -world peace can
be .accomplished as long as the
churcbes are at swords' points with
one another. "How," youth asks,
"can we expect the politicians of
the world to compose their differ
ences around the conference table
when tbe representatives of the
Church 'are either unable or on
willlne to do likewise?" If men
are to be kent out of the trenches.
The Armistice car, taken from the church of Christ In America
where it formerly stood in the
court of the ' Invalldes in Paris,
now rests on the identical track
It' occupied when' the truce that
ended the world war was' signed
at 1 Rethonde, a town near ComH
pelgne. The permanent covering,
which has been erected around the
calls, was . offered .by 5 Fleming
through the mayor of CompeigneJ
when it was learned that the car
and throughout the world must
sign a treaty of peace that will
bring to an end the shameful com
petition among Christians.
Youth likewise believes that.ln
dustry cannot be democratised,
that the conflicting Interests of
the various races cannot be rec
onciled, that the peril of mass Il
literacy, cannot successfully be
combated. -until the Church casts
was deteriorating from exposure ,ff ltg divisions and in the strength
to the weather.
Fleming, a lumberman. Is a pa
tron of the California Institute of
of union proceeds to fashion a bet
ter; world. - Furthermore, youth
questions the right of any denora-
Technology and - president of its jiation to carry Its sectarian stamp
board Of trustees. Througn tne . the missionary field Th Time.
Clara H. Fleming-fund he has con
tributed more than S 6,0 00,4 4 4 to
the institution. - - .
(Continued on page 20.)
la Vin wtrwi n ttia artist dn1r:tJi
ctcrlstlc Indlvidualllty wields its tnat omInoas moment when there
own spell In genial iltoatlons. Both, ,,. Btui
U is particularly In the exquisite- lng everything ; jun .before the
. :." y...."? . r" 1 storm breaks.' ; That Is a moment
molt nw abimy m proaucing tne m,ed :wlth, awesome feeling,
nisiit 0s. w nvot TanKOASTUia '
The feathery like leaves, the I. nort time. nerhaos another mln-
green duos, tne . son pink ana ute. the arms of the old wind-
wh'.te blossoms in the immediate mm wilL bo creaklnjr and the qui-
loreground, have each been catight -water will be seething and the
by our artut and transferred in-1 rain will be falling. :
tact, to his canvas. The soft, bal-l -urei can onlv hone that; when
my atmosphere, painted Into the Ue moment comes the peasants
subject s typical of "Springtl'no." Lm b safelr housed, that the sail
A fantasy In gorgeous cokwLhilll boat will be well anchored in a j
of .feeling and understandlgof jsafe haVbor, that the break-water
nature, , painted wtthliat skUJSdj will be strong enough, to hold the
hand.; The picture is a represen-l waves in place, xes, tne wma-
tation of early spring when alll mill is a great, stern, solemn sen-
nature Is rejoicing in a new crea-(tlnell making for calm and assur-i
tiofi. . Ther rejoicing is; that "of ance in the midst of the whirling
birds twittering to . their mates i element.
that a, new home-making time has
come; of the flowers , awakening
to greet a new world; of leaves!
bursting thetr bondage into a new
freedom; of grasses bowing and
t - y ' ' , : I : :
-Oft .4
WET.CA; Arabia (AP Modern
'Jacob Van Rursdael the painter
of "The Windmill." was a melan-
aKaIw n wnas , -wrbA etvri trYt f ' ! I rA
"through the visible features of automobiles have replaced camels
nature a philosophy of life In tor carrying the harem ; of the
swaying to the passing breezes; J go doing he gave his own rest- Km S of Arabia on his long Jaunts
or tne new responding to tne car- j lessness of his landscape. He from Mecca to iueaina anu across
esses or tne rising sun. - ine iuseemrto hate only one view and tne rersian guu.
trees swaying In the breeze speak J that a rather gloomy one. The! The King, who is also Sultan
volumes to us. Never were the! bright, the gay. the sparkling-, the! of KaJd and king of the JledJax,
ahades of color more exquisite. i animated did not appeal to him. lis very strict about his i li wives.
Wiegand is a modern American i nig life. was radiant but in art he So the new harem cars of the roy
artlstr living at present In New! always leaned toward the sad, the al motor caravan are tike 'glorified
York C.ty. He was born in 1870. ! melancholy, : the mysterious. . He police patrol cars. No man is al-
Ile studied nnder William m. Moved to nalnt the mountain soli- inwd n tn look at the roval
Chare and at the Royal Academy. tude, the , silence 6 of -the deep wtTes, and the royal wives are not
Wiegand an lmagina-i woods: "the ; hush of the 'raTlnLn,nnriii to lnob tnwwi inr man
were broken only by tne anil roar I other than their "royal, master.
oi me wswr.wumg urcr ui ivcu 9 two harem cars have noi
and be allowed no gay color, windows. Shuttered lota on each
light, no. blue sky to distract the Blde &nd ln the rear admit air.
attention. There are no seats, only arm
. The "The windmm jre8tg for tne 24 -queens. They
lei ft elmnlA einna . 9m sk rtnlnf Aft a ... ... it": are a
' ti.. ramA at h " . .. . ! r'TT'l "quai on me iioor, wires on a
. ... : " ." a tnat juts mtatne qmet river Rld thA twn
Rr Lonf Exroaition in 1904. thel... . . . isiaa. " tne two cars-
. . . . ... . v . mku mowi a lew nppiw mu w i n1 i(im ton
liaiirartan nriza in liga ana nei . - . i - -t .
has been the recipient .. of manyl . ,v. -i,.,...!! ,ntM.
ether medals for hla work.; v - -- niB.n'.
Xl,e Boatman of Barcelona j "women are Just returning home.
v...iona tha most imnortant The windmill to a degree indi-
eea-port of Spain, Is the home of catea the Industry of Holland, and
Verdaguer, and here be haa spent OI peoPIe.
,M Mfrhinr thm famous Roysdael s pictures bear more re-
uauj mvx- . U...V.M. . VI.
'.hips dock ahd depart for foreign
tire and poetie painter who love"
nature best when .she - fa In fuH
color. He works with a free brush
and an unerring hand and eye.
He is very productive and his can-
vases are as surprising as they are
Interesting In viewpoint. - He was
port.:-- -A'x; ' v
In our particular subject, how
ever, he has depicted three "old
salts" of the sea. Three men in a
large row beat. Each of them
rtanlfs-tlas by - their, appearance
tie factlhat they have spent prac
t!:..:'.y all of their lives in the out
' cr-iocra. 5:eir ruddy complexions.
ttz'.r heavy' cIotLiiS. their tyrlcal
t 'i:r cars ar.3 la fact alncet ev
ery c' ' racierttic reve&3 the fact
' t f :j pre v. teraas la - their
; : : i vc -r,;l -i. , . - :'
'rrr.i '' ' U 23 41 Try
resemblance to bis
other Dutch
, , "Madona of, tbe Chair
Every one loves this beautiful
f ictare of .a young mother with
Lcr t3by. It was painted to rep
resent the child Jesus and his
moth&r. The lltde boy by their
side looking up at them represents
St.. John. ' ; :',. ,"";' "':-A-rX :
Raphael was walking out from
the city of Rome one day, looking
for interesting subjects to paint.
excellent springs on the chassis
take up most of the Jolts of trav
eling, sometimes as far) as 1,1 0 0
miles at a single trip. At the back
of each car Is space for; one wife
at a time to stand up and stretch
In case she -becomes cramped in;
her sitting position. - 1 1- ;
: Each car is equipped: i with a
tank of drinking water and the
Sultanas spend their time gossip
ing tn the . semt-darkns3 about
whatever It is that harem ''wives
talk about. Electric fans help keep
the hot air of the desert moving
in the cars. .
Strong locks on tbe back doors
deny the legal consorts the- privi
lege - cf getting out and walking
home If they become dissatisfied
In 1928 Will Be Made a Larger and More Beautiful Publica-
tion From the Press of Frank J. Bellemin of Portland,
: Pablisher of the Poetry and Art Books and Brochures
(Wrlten for the Sunday States?
ties for five years to building up
The Lariat on ' a plane of high,
standards and Ideals, "for clean
American literature. . It ; was a
labor of love an d a volun tary ex
penditure in the interest of the
j-' ...l r.-
j . Two big motor cars that look like police patrol wagons have
been purchased by , the King of Arabia (left ) - to carry his barem
when he travels over his realm- One of the cars is shown above.
The wives sit on the: floor, as shown below, during their master's
long desert Jaunts. ;T - ? ' .t: r": y : v :-;'
whit robes conceal . all sorts of;
wicked looking knives and pistols.
Bringing up the real bfthe "queer,
caravan are four luxurious cars
for the. personal use of the king
and his suite, , A steel flagstaff on
each car - carries , the royal rn-
nant. Outriders in white robes
man the sides of each car "when
the procession is passing through
a city. Oil lamps are in the sheik's
personal car for use if the eiectrtc
Ahead and behind the - haremlllghts go out.
enrs two open automobiles carry! Each, car Is of : polished alnm-
10 s-.-s.rtty shards whose. flarIzs'ii-ura,"'. because paintwork I'woull
n't last a week against the blow
inr sands of the desert.
A near scandal was caused hen. IsIanas
man by Beatrice Crawford-New-
comb.) '
' The campaign for an Interna
tional League of Western Writers
was started at Seattle last March,
when Col. Hofer adressed a Joint
meeting of the poetry cluo andii.v i.1 ivt,. - .r ,
verse writers and ursed a lea rue otY :i v
all western clubs to promote the
interests of western literary work
ers. ..The plan was adopted oy tne
local writers'" clubs all over the
west, Col. Hofer addressing the
clubs at Vancouver and meeting
prominent literary workers from
Victoria, Toronto and other cities
in Canada and leading writers and
literary organizations at Tacoma
and'. Spokane, "Boise, Butte, Mis
soula and Great Falls. ." - .
1 1 The movement spread to Utah
and California,: with ' large meet
ings . at Los . Angeles and San
Francisco. A committee to call
and take eharge of a Parliament
of Letters to be held at Seattle,
Sept. 30-Oct. 1, was formed of one
representative from each of ,the
writers clubs at Seattle and the
convention proved a great success.
The School of Letters of the Uni
versity of Washington with its
musical and dramatic departments
actively participated, together with
Seattle society, women and leaders
from the School of Journalism and
local newspaper workers making
the first Parliament, of Letters a
great success. With the famous
Seattle spirit, all necessary steps
were taken by the local committee,
beaded by - Chairman - Pamella
Pearl Jones, , ot the University
School of Letters to prepare and
have adopted a constitution and
by-laws. Officers chosen and
membership enrolled composed of
western -writers, short story and
play writers, essayists, and poets.
The organization .. known as . the
League T of Western Writers' will
campaign for members in Canada,
Alaska, Washington, Oregon. Cal
ifornia, Idaho, Montana, Wyom
ing, JUtah Colorado. New Mexico
Arizona, Mexico and the Hawaiian
tlce. for example, of cutting up
China, India' and Japan into a
large number of denominational
spheres of influence, w,hlle It Is
an advance over former competi
tions and overlapping, is regard
ed as only an unsatisfactory make-
shift . by-many of the younger mu
slonaries and those now preparing
for missionary service.1 - What Is
wanted by these more' youthful
chnrchmep is a strong- united
Church in the ' various countries
where missionary, work Is being
carried on.
- At home and abroad, then,
youth visualizes the need for a
closer integration of the several
branches of Christendom. Most
of the young people who are In
terested In religion have parted
company with theological . hair
splitters. . .. They are neither fun
damentalists nor modernists. They
are trying simply to be Christians
and they want a Church at peace
with itself. .
CoL E. nofer. President League
of Western Writers, ; Salem, Ore
gon, Editor The Lariat. "
i - as discovered . that the m.
co s on each radiator we-a winged
fffjure of Mercuiy, but iAe of
fending objects were removed be
fore they were seen fcy any of the
royal., wives. ; ; r ;:v.- i
' Tub king had to d.g: down in
iho rJd of his flowing robw lor
artme ?60,000 to pay lor the eight
cars In the caravan, but he C.inks
it's worth it. Camels - are too
slow. . - 'v . . . :
: : All steps will be carefully tak
en for this new western literary
movement. . The leaders and or
ganizers are soundly American
and: have - no apologies to offer
for encouraging the newer and
younger writers on these - lines,
Col. Hofer, who is a product of the
new western school of writers.
. It was Col. Hoferrs Idea that
the Parliament of Letters inclnde
the Drama League and the fiction
writers as very Imnortant ele
ments : of a Western Writers"
League and those sections were
added. ' . The gathering developed
men and women of literary ability
in western states like Prof. T. Earl
Pardoe, of Brigham Young Uni
versity, Provo, Ltah, Dean of Let
ters, and Reginald Barker from
Idaho.-. Mr. Barker has that old
English foundation tor his writing.
He has sold hundreds of stories.
several books,' and Is now selling
tne moving picture lights on his
western stories and is the fore
most writer of Idaho. The Free
Lance 1 Club and other ; literary
clubs of Seattle gave dinners for
Mr. Barker after the convention.
He is planning to move to that
beautiful city, after a trip to Hol-
iywooa and New York. - The re
ception and afternoon tea at thelfn
beautiful home of Mrs.
the writers of the west of his work
in. .publishing single-handed The
Lariat for the past five years and
hla uncompromising fight for clean
literature and the American stan
dards and ideals of the New Eng
land, school of poetry, fiction "and
the drama, followed by the Argo
nauts who came to the 'Pacific
coast and produced clean whole
some virile literature from the
days i of Washington Irving and
BreV Harte to Jack London, and
new writers of today. V
- The Lariat has been published
at Salem for five years and has be
come known in tbe east and west
as a literary apostle of light and
beauty. - It was by far the most
artistic monthly dedicated to po
etry and criticism in' the United
States. As "volunteer workers on
its staff were A. Wj Stephen of
the University, of Vancouver; Ir
ma Grace Blackburn, who -devel
oped poetic and critical faculties
riding behind the herds on the
sage brush; Florence. Amalie By
non, who took poetry lectures at
Willamette and California Uni
versities; Marl R. Hofer, of Chi
cago University ' School of Dra
matic Art; Emma Carbutt Richey,
of Morgan Hill, Calif., who has
volumes of poetry for children and
edited the Children's Poetry Corner;-
For it soon became known
The Lariat was a cruaader against
degenerate poetry for children or
adults, degenerate fiction and
drama, and degrading European
literature generally.' :
The League of Western Writers
is the largest and stronppst liter
ary organization In the wet nd
wfTt . YAmmA not nn a T In ih a f r it
.. T t
sense of the word, rounded on xl
principles that have included the
classical writers from the days of
the Fathers of the Republic. The
classical and American . poetry,
prose, fiction, drama and history
are unsurpassed In any country
tbe: world, not excepting
and the Canadian Club luneheon.
when there were; so many Cana
dian delegates, - were- important
events to writers. Mrs. Hodge U
the-president of The Canadian
public schools and a; native: of j Club.
Iowa, has spent his life in the Col. Hofer'a selection as 'preai
Paciflc northwest, lie has glvenJdeEt was voluntary and ocanl
t!s time 'as 1 experience' and. chili- mous. :. It was ' a.'reccspiiica ty
Lamson' the literature of Hreat Britain,
nermany or, Franr" The co
called new school o free poetry,
degenerate novel aTifl rtrama that
are aped in some arpe literary
centers and univer'T cities are
overflows of old wr- " decadence
and not worthy the and iml-
(CcT!tl?T:c-1 cn