The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 20, 1927, Page 12, Image 12

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Fire popular society 'women of Salem are: Upper right: Mrs. George A.' White andupper left,
Mrs. Isaac Lee Patterson, who with Brigadier-general George A. Whiter and Governor Isaac Lee Pat-
ter?on, will be the honor guests at the formal reception knd" military ball which will be the most,
"TCrtint-aoclal erent on the week's calendar.. Center right: ; Mrs: - Paul H. Hauser, prominent In?
tbe work of the Leslie-McKlnley-LIncoln Parent Teachers Association; -and 'the only-delegate from 5
Salem to the Oregon Parent-Teachers : Association conyentlon which -was held October 24th-28th
In La Grande. Lower right: Mrs. Thomas A. LlTesIey; who entertained on Thursday, afternoon of
the rast week with the second delightful affair of a series which she has planned for the winter.!!
Lower left: Mrs. David Bennett Hill, who with Dr. Hill has arrived recently from "Bend to make her!
home in Salem. A number or attractive affairs have been given in honor of Mrs. Hill since' her.
arrival in Salem. : ; v:---; i":-- .--:- t j-1 . v- ; i - C :"':.;'.V5-V,i-'r : 5
, If I were to walk this Ay '
Hand jn hand with grief,
I should mark that maple- spray ' i .
- Coming into Leaf. 1
I should note how the old burrs " ;
- Rot. upon the ground. .
Ys, though grief should know me hers ! ' -
V could not in said . '
' Hiis was lost on me : ".,;.
While the world goes round, ? ''
A rock-maple showiiig red, : '
Burrs -beneath a' tree. i ;
- -- ' Edna St. Vincent Millay
Salem Woman's Club Spon
soring Bazaar in December
Elaborate arrangements are be
ing made for the .bazaar which
- wilr-be-s tin sored ' by the"Salem
Toman'a club on Thursdly. Fri
day, and Saturday, the 'first, sec
ond, and third of December. "-
The affair will be given for the
benefit of the Salem General hos
pital and is in direct charge of
the hospital division of the vclnb.
of which Mrs. : Walter L. Spauld
lnc Is chairman. Members of the
department ; are Mrt. ' Frank
Spears. Mrs. Lester F. Barr. Mrs.
William McGllchrlst Jr.t and Mrs.
Erwin F. Smith. Practically every
woman In the club will assist with
the bazaar.
A similar. bazaar 'was given by
the clTib last year. The entire
sum raised at the bazaar, nearly
one thousand dollars, .was turned
OTer to the hospital, j ;
: A feature of the bazaar will be
the tamale booth which will be inJ
charge of Mrs. E. E. fBragg. This
booth proved exceedingly popular
last year as did also the Oriental
booth, which, will h opened again
this year. The beautiful Oriental
novelties owned by Mrs. Ruth B.
McNary, Meedaxjes Roy H.-Mills
Emma Minton, : John D. Foley
George L. Forge, D. J. Fry Jr., F.
0. Goltra, Homer Goutlet, Lewis
D. Griffith, Arietta M. Page. Oer
trudo J. M. Page, Rollin K. Page,
Miss 'Alma Pohle, Mesdames E
A, Pierce, Earl Pearcy, TJ. G. Ship
ley, Ray N. Simmons, Mark Skiff,
N. C. Kafourn, W. C. Kantner, T.
B. Kay. N. D. Elliott, 8. M. Endl
coit, H. J. Clements, L. O. Clem
ent, George ;WY Cleveland, H. V.
Compton, Josephine Davis, F. C.
Delong. J. M. Devers, G. Ebsen.
and P. A. Elker. ' ' , ; r
Assisting with the candy 'booth
on Friday will be the following:
Mesdames W. M. Smith, D. D.
ing. Miss Mattle Beatty, Mesdames
Karl Becke. G. C. Bellinger, D. X.
Beecher, Amanda Matthews, R. M.
McDonald, .Wm. McGilchrist, Jr.,
Clara E. McLure, L. H. McMahan,
Merrill D. Ohllng, R. K. Ohling,
Edgar Hartley, Ray Hart man. Miss
Edith Hazard,-Mesdames E. M.
Page, Hal D. Patton, Clara Patter
son. W. M. Pennington,. : J. C.
Cra ;D?A5 its. SlephA WUte
0. A. white, liifVhUd, IU U
lUcis tad Uiia Dof5iiy 3
. t. . . . - tl"s- ' l a -' -a -a a
' ui coarga on sTmay wiu be
; 21esdmea Claude lusToff. . H
L. EUff, Weitef Btbla CJ E. fetrtck-
B. 7. isoa, J. Lytnan Steed,
B. T, Bams. Le&tsr F Barr,
Theo Barr,. W . W. Baum, E. O.
Moll, Artattr H. Moore, Will
Moore, A. N. lloores, Martin M.
Fsrrey, B. " F. Fisher, Estelle, O,
Ford, Harry Hawkins, W. C. I law
ley, pan! H. Hausef, A, L. Head
rick. ; wm. Brown, George . M.
Brown, A. L. Brown, W. D. Smith.
Erwin Smltn, Albert C Smith, T.
S. Roberts, C. II. RobertsonMerle
Rosecrans, Ronald E. Jones, - W.
E. Kirk George King, Carey Max-
tin. Iraa.MarUn, H D. Chambers,
C. C Clark, W. IX Clarke, E.C
Cross, W. H. Barby, Earl M. Dane,
J. H. ' Willet,-Mary Yokey, W. &
Young, II. J. Bean. Helen South
wick., and Miss Eleanor C. Jones.
The cooked food booth will be
taken care of on Saturday by:
Mesdames : Arthur M. Vassall.
H. -H. Vanderrort, George " R.
Vehrt. Marie Von Eschen, Bernard
W. Tick, Elizabeth McNary Al
bert.. George H. Alden. WV C. Al
len. W.; S. Mott, Frank Meyers, J.
WVI Nash, Leonard Ij. Nelson, C.
M. ' Eppley, - Frank M. Erlckeon.
R. J. Hendricks, Byron B. Her
rick. D. A. Hodge, Edwin M. Hof-
fenell, Helen ? S. Howard, C. P.
Brelthaupt, John E. BrophV. Fan
nie Brown.i Ray .L. mith, Homer
Smith,- Guy O. Smith, John L.
Rand. A. M. Reeres, E. C. Rich
ards, Zadoe Rlggs, O. E. Price, H.
S. Probert,; J. B. Protzman, Flor
ence Irwin, A. B. Kelaey, S. P.
Kimball, W. J. Kirk, , Frederick
Lamport, L. L. Laws. J. H. Lau
terman, WV C. Dibble, Alice H.
Dodd, TJ. fl. Dotson, I. M. Dough-
t6n, and W. W. Loeney. .
Cadman Club Will Give
McDowell Club Program on
November 28th . .,
The Second McDowell Clwb con
cert of the fall season .will be
glren, Monday evening." November
18th, in the concert nail In the
Nelson Building. - . , . . I-
The Cadman Club of Portland
Is coming to Salem that evening
and will put on the concert. The
club Is noted for Its splendid work
end to made up of talented musi
cians, all of whom are profession
als. The program will Include solo
and ensemble singing and also
piano numbers.
, Salem friends will be interested
to learn that Mrs, Half Miller, a
sister of Mrs. Arthur J. Rahn.
wiir. appear with the : club. Mrs.
Miller fs remembered In Salem for
her assistance at - the elaborate
costume recital given last spring
by Mrs. Rahn.
These programs . given by the
McDowell , Club are not for the
pleasure of members of the club
only but for anyone in Salem who
Is Interested In music and Its de
velopment." v
Mrs: Siewert and Mrs. Smith
Entertain With Two De- -lightful
Affairs - '
i Mrs. Albert A. Siewert and Mrs.
Guy O, Smith entertained Wednes
day with two delightful affairs, a
six-table bridge party in the after
noon, and an equally enjoyable
'-'500" party In the evening.
Cdcial &Att?;aA3
Fim at JHIOO&greeayeXMLNee jt Uiy iABSUSV
ghees, ftTTd'eiecBU j,-.-.,'-. I Klmmerman - sif rthd Mrs '
. . . . 'VL- ' ii , hi r-M . m.' - I
4At iloffieV Y4, eA itio-
t o'clock, PubUe iflritid to attend.
Mo&day -
Regular meeting, R N A Fra
ternal Temple JttVeanle wganl
satien, T o'clock adults, S o'clock,
Woman's Club " Classes i Wom
an's Club-heuse, ' North Cottage
- Current Erents . Class, ItlO
o'clock.' - Boo&oMhe Month Class.
3! tO o'clock. '
General Aid Society, Jason Lee
M. B. Church, "Church, parlors.
2:30 o'clock.
. American Legion Auxiliary. Mc
Corhack Hall, S o'clock.' Executive
committee meeting, 7:30.
- White Shrine. Masonic Temple,
8 o'clock. ,
- Tuesday
Social meeting, , R. N A. Club.
Mrs. Susie Parmenter, SOS N. Com
mercial St. hostess.
: Social Afternoon, Club, Eastern
Star. Masonic Temple. S o'clock.
V Dance, : sponsored by Pythian
Sisters. .. Fraternal Temple. ; 8
o'clock. . ' "'"'y
Marous Club. Elizabeth Bar ham
1826 4th Street, hostess.
Social Meeting, Y. K. K. Class
of First M. E. Church. Epworth
Hall. 7:30. .
Wednesday ,.--Daughters
of Veterans. Wom
an's' Club-house. : 8 o'clock. !
.Thursday ,
Thanksgiving Dance. Fsaternal
Temple. 9 o'clock." -
T&bSf 13: I'dxlttfteati -j r aid jUrs
QroUfh: LoUi?e?i iiiid iifi
W; H? Jai'fey, lift iU Uft: &
BiblYJi I'ih ilfA il ,Ulh Xft h
Both affairs were given in the
Siewert home on North Winter
Street: ::; ':.'-; 'dl'-'
The living rooms were most
attractive with lovely baskets of
yellow, and lavendar -chrysanthemums.-
Yellow and bronze chrys
anthemums decorated the 'dining
room I - J j . . I
.A two-course... luncheon .was
served at the close of ' the after
noon, i .
' The afternoon guest group In
cluded: Mrs.' Wlllard Wlrtz, Mrs.
Max Page. Mrs Frank G. Bower-
s ox. Mrs. O. L. Fisher. Mrs. R.C.
Hunter, Mrs. John Orr. Mrs. G. L.
Forge, 'Mrs. Grant W. ' Day, Mrs.
A. M. Jerman, Mrs. W. J. Lilje
aulit, Mrs. T. ' S. Roberts; - Mrs.
Allan J. Cleveland, Mrs. ; B. F.
Pound.' Mrs. P. J.t Meaney, Mrs.
Roy R. Hewitt, Mrs. M, E. Han
sen. Mrs. G. E. Schuneman, -Mrs.
John-L. Rand, "Mrs. "Frederick
Hill - Thompson, Mrs. G, L. New-
tonMrs. Carbray of Independence
Mrs. Charles Wiper, Mrs. Lee M.
Unruh, Mrs. Harry Belt. Mrs. Ivan
Martin, Mrs. C. F. Giese, Mrs.
Mason Bishop, Mrs. E. M. Hoff
nell; Mrs. D. X. Beechler. and the
hostesses, 'Mrs. Siewert and Mrs.
Mrs; PV"J.'Meaney won high
score prize and Mrs. D. X. Beech
ler the second prize.
- Eight tables of - five hundred
were In play In the evening. High
score honors ' were won by Mrs.
Phil Newmyer and Mr. August
Huckesteln. -
. In the group were Mr. and Mrs.
, Herbert L. Stiff. Mr. and .Mrs.
Bates &eaa and Mis, ftof ft.
Hewitt, li knd Mrs, W I, PkU
lips, litx and Mrs. EY A, Colony,
Mr, ahd Mrs William J. Bastek.
Mrs, CatiierUa Darby, Mf, bad
Mrs James Hehcel, Mr, and Mrs.
Guy Smith, and Mr, and Mrs.
A A Siewert.
Mrs. Hewitt assisted Mrs. Smith
and Mrs. Siewert In serving the
late supper, ..
Mrs Li P. Leedv Will Return
to Salem .
The many friends of Mrs. L. D.
Leedy iwlll be pleased to learn
that she, has been permitted to
leave the Surgical Hospital In
Portland and will return to her
home In ' Salem. ; Mrs. Leedy has
been confined to the Portland hos
pital for the past eight weeks.
Returns From Southern
Mrs.rHenry II.. Vandevort re
turned ; Friday evening after
spending! three weeks in Coqullle
with her son-in-law and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs.- George Moorehead,
Jennelle Vandevort. ) Mr. Vande
vort motored to Coqullle to re
turn with Mrs. Vandevort and
also to , see - his little grandson,
George ; ; Henry Moorehead,' , who
was born a week ago. '.
Attractive Affair Gien at
Kug el Country Home
An unusually attractive affair
was the thirty-two cover dinner
party given Friday evening by; Mr.
and Mrs. Karl B. Kugel and Mr.
and Mrs. B, L. Darby In the Ku
gel country home west of' Salem.'
(Continued on page 15.)
" " Dine Today at the 1
Betty Lou
.1326 State
60 c Dinner
- : s-i r - . . " . - . . '
. - . X ' .-. . " . -
Fruit Ckxiktail
Roast Chicken with Dress
ing and Cranberry Sauce
Mashed Potatoes and Gravy
Creamed Cabbage
Pepper Ring Salad '
' : ' Hot Rolls
Butterscotch and Applie Pie
: Tea, Coffee or Milk
Add Scalp ?
x ' '
v. -x ::
X . k,::
: ? , v. . . .
J 4, - i f N.
i If your hair won't keej) the
simplest wave for several days,
there Is probably too much acidity.
A condition that causes hair to be
stubbornly straight and - stringy,
and to lack all lustre. Acid scalp.
From the hour you check, this
excessive acidity your hair . will
act and appear very different. It
will arrange easily in any style
that becomes, for It wiil have
lovely softness, and -all the sheen
all . healthy hai? normally has.
Danderlne will neutralize the acid,
and actually dissolve - every v par
ticle of dandruff scale. Your hair
won't need anything else to keep
It fresh, wholesome, and free from
the least objectionable taint that
is too often noticed in otherwise
fastidious women.
Danderlne sella for only, thirty
five cents at any drugstore, and
as only a few drops on comb or
towel will do the work, a bottle
lasts for weeks!
Is now located at 244 N. High
St. between the Baby Specialty
Shop and the ' new Terminal
Stage Building.;
In this, new location they. will
feature the high grade line of
Compacts by Poirette. : These
garments are designed to pro
duce the correct figure outline
and yet be comfortable to the
They will continue the special
prices on some lines of mer
chandise as allowed during the
removal sale. s . , .
Their customers wishing to
make fitting appointments may
do so by calling or phoning
number 2812. - "
fl: Siir-TT
- ft' ... ..
- . , -
w: :
Mrs. Spauldleg will be In charge I wiYL -t '
Spauldieg will be ' in charge
of the cooked food booth and the
caaay oooin wilt oe in cnarge or
Mrs. Frank K;,r,,,
: On December 'first the follow
ing win assist at the candy booth!
Mesdames Frank Spears, B. N.
Speer, F. W. Spencer, W. L Sta
ler, R. E; Lee Stelner, Jos. Baum
gartner, C. H. Bauer; F. A, Beard,
J. H. McNary, Mlsg Baurer, F. A.
Beard, J. H. McNary, Miss Nina
Pat and fad are mortal enemies. Yottxaat be
sty'Jsh and fleshy. Th two don't go together.
Cut there Is no need to bo stout You can have
the slender figure which faabloa demands, and
what's more you can have It UM-lH ." ;
f . r--Ttl i:ey Vc; rtyakian. For year X Tosve cpedaSxed la
LlJ hV V?ri ST: ; 1 t' u4U el men and wemen overbwdened
,tw.t-a , - . um lot tny patients so tn their csneral health
iahu iivr i m vrci tir wtduced, m yo take advent..
1 r- -t- ! er that tsy .treataeat fce!p yoa as fit has
5 t,V I iCic r?d what a tew pa&ents aay : . ,
' stiooei a foami m mtf a4 Ud SaC .;
l!m Ant Qcxmi ww&u: ?! wlsi
171 powaU. briar I Urt4 ywK trarilBrat
t4 I m vans. Yae wmr prfai
! iVver l.X MtUW-i M
i ... Vi.
I I f-ti
) r
. . mil ec - r
ijl it M
, . ' f .r-'treia.'- Yesr very- life is threatened by
r':; l- ff cow. Y'I1 f.-tlktter, lock better and
- . ' r.1 (: t - " 1 cr tocllct and Free trial treatment
Roblin, W. D.' Rosebraugh, D. H.
mour Jones. George E. Lewis, C.
A, Lewis, C. Q. Doney,' v R. - e.
Downing. E. E. Elliott; W. E. W1T
son. Otto J. Wilson, : George ; A.
Wilson. Walter Winslow, H. R.
Worth, and David Wright. : .
On Saturday the foUowIn will
assist with the candy booth: - f I
. Mesdames F. C.r Taylor, Fred
erick Hill . Thompson,-: S. ' ."W.
Thompson, A. A. , Underhlll, Van
Seller Welder Harry : .Weis,
Charles Weller. George J. Wen
droth, Lenta Westarott, Alfj-ed
Berg,- C. P. Bishop, A. L. Blam
pled, Gt R, BonnelL F. G. Bower
sox, Henry Morris. Miss Esther
A. F. Erixson, ' Wm." Fordyce.
M. Morris-Mesdames W B. Mott.
Fargo, Ray . L. Farmer. Fred . J.
Browning. Martha '. J. Brownell.
Winnie Pettyjohn; Madde Pointer.
L."' M. Purvlne, "Harvey Romalne.
Margaret M. Schnmacker,' G. E.
Schuneman; W. .B. : Johnston.
Frank JaskoskL David M. John.
V. E. "Kuhn,-:: A. Knrts.' E. . E.
Ling, Harryl Love. Roy Burton.
Wm. . J. Buskk. y?. Brrd,
Richard Cart wright, ResseH Cat
lin. and B. E. Carrter. f
C In charge of 4 the . cooked foo
booth durinsi the three days wltt
be the following: - ,
'On Thursday December J. Mes
dames Walter L. Spanldlng. Jen
nie C. Vinsent. M. B. Wagstatf; A.
L. Wallace, Wm. Walton, ; W. E.
Anderson, Geo.-L. Arbuckle. Fred
W." BaIley,,P, L. Newmeyer. Ed
win Nissen, KIna A; Nooti H.-' S.
Gile.'E. E. Gilbert, Roland Glover.
Bertha MGrillln. N." E. Gnnnel.
C. S. Hamilton. Wm.lM. Hamil
ton.. George J. Pearce, Morton E.
Peck. U. G. Boyer, E. E. BraKR.
G. Brabeck. A. A. Siewert. Ida
Shsde, Oliver B. Hnrton. Alton D.
Kells, E. E. Kennell. Ralrh Coo-
ley. T. D. Cradietaush, Crrti3 D.
y -
MoBatag Range ."and Circiuilaicoiic
. .ft. -m,
5 - .
j .
Cee his Facioas Western Built Rane in Action. " "
Sample the Delicious Cakes Baked in the Montas Itane
by Mrs. Stifler; our demcrtratcr,
Take advantage of our special Sales, Terns an$ Free Mer
, chas diss Offer. . r , .
Trade in. Your Old Rane as Part Payiaeat. -
j i
... tj $
Sale Price
$10 to $29.75
Sizes 14 to 43
Smart styles, all richly fur
The best " fabrics, broad
cloth, velveteen, suedes and
nile fabrics'. Great fluSfj
furs of; wolf,: moufflon,
squirrelette " and caracul !
Flores, side drapes, tucks
ove'each coat a striking individuality.:-
- -.
' a
All Dresses
on Sale
Sizes 13 to 43
Many new models in satins,
crepes, crepe satins, velvets,
wool and combmed mater
ials in all-the prevailing
new colors or informal and
festive wear. . . -
Never before ' have such
stunninjr hats, such exquis
ite handiworks, been, sold
for $3. In style and werk-
manship they can only be
comoared with hata of
much greater price. Every
new desirable material
(seldom found in $3 hats)
is displayed., - -
I i
mr.. f
Visit the
i t 1 n
til 1
'during this zzlo
And you will ba amazed at
the values to ba four. d in
thi3 little shop of carefully
elected, correct apparel for
modern maid and matron.
Ccurtccu3 and capable Iad
i:a Trill aceist ycu in re!:et-