The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 19, 1927, Page 4, Image 4

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Oregon .Statesman
run BTAiji'WHiIisjaboaiPAjnf
SI Brta Cramrcal Straet, Bstom, Orefo -
I. 1. Hi4rieks
ri 8. McBWrr '
ialph O. Curti, .
ictor D. Cariaaa
toaalla Baaoa . .
' Manarar
Hturtif Kditoa
CUt F.ditar
"parte. Editor
' Saoiaijr KdAor
'Ralph H. Kletttar. Aararllaiaf Kanafar
Oea. fi KartiM, Bopt. Maebabical Daps.
W, H. HtadtfMB, CirenJaUen Mkfw
K, Aj Rboto , L.iTtok Editor
W, C. Cenr Pirf Editor
Tt,- a.- . aS?4 0r TBX ASSOCIATED MIESSi
i .w i . 7? k ,U4 , f r V ! aUttad to ta u,. lof pDUat)o all
&?Mi,',t.y ?UBrw,M ,wi u tki' -
-imw awi--4.j ""'" w osnrass omai .
stLifH r,? Iwipia-Filli. Coaat Raprraantotlrea A
' aJt'. 7?iT t .jf '"'r Baft rruitica, 8iuira BU(. Ui
Xhoaaaa r. CUxfc Co, Maw Ywte. lirna'w. Slat St.; CaWo. Majro,MU feUg. :
Boaiaaaa Offiee3a or Sta
eo.y Editor 10fl
Hawe Papaya at 10 ;
Cv-eaiauaa Offiee
EaUrad at Ua Peat Oliea in Balaa.Ora.-au. aa awaJ-ea matUr.
(.' 1 Korember IP, 1027 ; : .-.' .
i For the Sou of v man Is come to save that which -wa lost. How
think ye? If a man hare an hundred sheep, and one of them be
one astray, doth bo not leare the ninety and nine, ad xoeth Into
me mountains, and seekth that which is cone astray? ;. And if so be4
1111 n una u, reruy say unto you, he rejoice th more of that
heep, than of the ninety and nine which went not astray, Matthew
18:11. 12, 1J, ?
One of the small cities on the west side of thwillamette
has a-new industry. It is a factory for makinjr candied
fruits ; putting apples, pears, 1 prunes and other home jgiown
fruits in the form of delectable confections, and adding.a
lew walnuts in each package to enhance its attractiveness
and toothsomeness m ' ,
And that is a fine idea. It should go far.1
There is room for a vast enlarging of the idea. Salem
has several prune and walnut preparations! that ought to
be pushed. Our people are interested ina prune drink fac
tory in Portland. It should be brought here and the idea
pushed- '-:';: y---i:)-"'i:-
And we should be making maraschino cherries here. On
a large scale. Using a considerable proportion of our sweet
cherry crop: .. ' . T' v
We should get a potato'starch, flour and dextrine factory,
and this is more than possible, soon. " ;
We are doing wonderfully, well in our cannery and barrel
ing plant developments, but we should have jam and jelly
plants. There are great expansions possible in this field.
Its development would put the Oregon gooseberry, industry
on the map in big letters. " ,
We should can asparagus on a large scale, comparable to
the immensity of that industry in California.
All the small new factories we have been getting, where
they have good reasons for being,1 ought to be expanded.
Payrolls is what Salem needs most now. r Payrolls de
pending on raw materials from the industries on the, land.
The idea of making up attractive packages of 'our nuts
and fruits, being followed out by Earl Pearcy, is a splendid
And we should, of course, chief of all other, things at
present in hand, put the linen mills on their feet thoroughly;
let them have a chance to expand; to invite specialty mills
waiting to come. Provide them with . their raw materials,
the linen yarns. 'v(v- ";-':';":
We should soon double the number of our manufacturing
concerns, and help to make those already here larger and
more prosperous, to the end that they may employ more
people.. ; ' ' .
j (Oregonian)
j The testimonial to Justice Thomas A. McBride of the su
preme court of Oregon, at Corvallia on the occasion of his
EOth birthday, was well bethought. Justice McBride is a
native son of Oregon and for f iftyeven years has been
identified In this commonwealth 'with the 'practice of law
and the conduct of courts. Even in the vigor of his good
gray years he is traditional, and memories of old days and
cf departed heroes cluster round him. They are commend
able memories, fine recollections all, as is the character that
inspires them, .; ),--'.. U,:--:; : LX'J .t-'ll
'In the "public life of Oregon, since veryj early times, no
family has been more often honorably to the fore than that
of the McBrides. Indeed, this is true also of the entire
northwest. Distinction of manner and talent, "and a. high
concept of every obligation both private and public, have
characterized the records of the house to which Justice Mc
Bride himself has brought so much of honor; ; The Oregonian
joins with the state, and with his, intimate friends, in the
common message of good will, appreciation and affection..
ra4 riderg by eheei1 ability and alertnes and he again
camd tacki aftei Bufftrin.for inShth from hjurie xt
celted froni a fall ia'ajraee-j frcml ?hich the dodiors said hS
could nevef recover sd a3 id be able id fidi again i
dame Hack ihreugh ibd feiercisd of all but superhuman
pluck 1 - - i j ; - - - .
And his friends in Salem are hoping that he may win hid
old place, and a higher' one, In the hearts of all who love clean
sport in this countryi the people of Which admire fail play
The people of Salem who know him best are ready id
testify that he is square and clean.
t f
, There must be a way" provided to take better" care of
cases of distress in Salem. More Work Would be the best
way, -but our mauitries are so maae up now tnat we nave
a good deal of seasonal work, and there is a wintei dull seas
on. -We need all our seasonal labor at harvest times and
we have a long harvesting season We must help tide the
unfortunate ones and their families over even the improvi-
dent ones. How shall we do this? Who has a suggestion for
the reorganization of ,the board of charities ? Or the organ
ization of a new one? The people of Salem will respond to
this need, if they can agree upon common ground. Of the
need there is not any doubt whatever.
Every one .will remember the furore of discussion which
was let loose in the musical world last February when John
McCormick declared at the time of hii recital in London,
"I am not the greatest tenor in the world' and when asked,
"Who is?", he replied: "The Canadian finger, Edward John-
son. He is the best all around operatic tenor ill the World'
Edward Johnson is to be in Salem next IViday evening at
the Elsinore. He is next on the Salem Artist series
- The above words in the editorial columns of the Oregonian
are well said and truthful . J : .
As Salemites know as well as or better than mpst people
This city has had as useful and honored residents mem
bers of the , McBride family for these many years ; almost
ever since and all the time Salem has been on the map. The
mother of our Dr. W. B. Morse was a McBride. Secretary
cf State and afterwards Senator George W.; McBride: was
known and loved by all Salem. - . s -. . . .
Every one in this city would wish to be included in fe
licitations on Justice McBride's EOth birthday, and hopes for
many more useful years of his life.
Earle Sande, greatest American jockey, Is a Salem boy.
His people live here and are good citizens
And every one in this city would like to have it known to
Earle that they are for him in his fight to be reinstated by
'the Maryland racing association, by which his license was
suspended for the alleged offense of. fouling another hdrse
end rider on a far turn in a recent race.
Earle proved his case before the board, by witnesses, two
cf them jockeys. ; It was the word of three jockeys who
witnessed the affair at close hand, against; the word of
three stewrrds who saw it from the distant judges stand,
rnd the tsJociation 'off icials'" took the word of the stewards.
Here is what the Springfield, Mass Republican, one of
tha greatest, ablest, cleanest of American newspapers; has
to say about the affair: ) . , .
"The racing game" has been under too grave suspicion in
recent years for its skirts to ba cleared by a 'sensational
:;::ture in 'mAjdng a Eacrifice of a game little youngster of
Lilhcrto untarnished reputation who probably has more
rr;:7.d3 than r.U the racing association officials and million
ro'ttzlla cxncrs,-including the sainted Mr. Sinclah of oil
(Continued from Pas One)
fered last night were "Moon
beams." " "Sun beams." and
"Dreamland." . i
"Spanish Steps' executed by
Miss Cynthia Delano were a grace
ful addition to the eTeninc's en
joyment. " . ' i ' :
The work of Miss Lioia Plummer
as accompanist for the orchestra
was notable as was also that of
Miss Doris Ross and Miss Marjory
Odell. . : i
The art department of; the
school under the instruction of
Miss Brautl contributed the beau-i
tifulatase settings and a number
of the clerer costumes were fash
ioner by Miss Stone and her sew
ing classes.' - !
- The amateur electricians. KeUy
Moore and Carlton Roth, obtained
elaborate lighting effects which
added greatly to the beauty of the
program, which was aa follows:
L "Just for Fun" M
, High School Orchestra !
: XL .. :; L;J,
"Danse Macabre" . . .Baint Baens
Stella Wheeler. Larkln Williams.
OUre Smith, Hairy Skelton. Ken
neth Abbot. Walter Enifeldt. and
Vance Norton.
III. . ; ;
"Marche Mllltalre" .... Schubert
S. H. 8. Orchestra -IV.
Morning" Orleg
Tie Morn" ........... .Oelbel
Chorus IX
v. ; i
Dreamland" : i r
Doris Clarke. Hoshle Watanabe,
Carol Waterman, Lucille Cum-I
mlngs. Helen Ralph, . and j Irma
Sawyer. : 1 ;
Poplars , i .
Barbara Barbara, Doris Ross
, vn.
Marie Gumming l ?
vm. " i "
"To a WIld-RClse-: . r .McDowell
Ellen Jean Moody, Jeanette. Scott
and double Quartet ,
"Allah's Holiday" .....
Chorus IX
Skit - .
Charles Bier and Mr.
XI. i
'Somewhere a Voice
Is Calling .......
Victor Wolfe and Orchestra
, . - XII. , ; . .
Perspicacity" . ....... .Qartlan
BiUle Cupper, Carol Braden. and
Garlan Simpson
Saxophone Moans f :
Raymond Marsh
George Settlemeler ) j
LochinTar" " ' ".':;
Floyd Albln and Company
' 5TVT.
"The ramify Clock" ' -
. Orant-Schaeffer
"Mexican Serenade" . ; . i Lemon t
- Chorus ; II - '- 'r .
XVII. : ; ;
Spanish. Steps - :
Cynthia Delano ! h-
XVIII. . " e
"Can't Yo Jlear
Me Callin' " . , , . .Roma
Fred Haynea. Laxkin Williams,
Charles Bier, and Victor "Wolfe
XIX. i
"Slaroniaa Dance" . . . . . . Ascher
Orchestra , . ;
tt, - r-! f
"A Sohg of India" - '
Leonard Chadwick, Maxlne TJlrlch
: Frances Laws, and Chorus
:'- '7:U:i::V::. - XXL
Th Federal Government U
Doing- Mueh Ir, ThU
-Field At Present L-
a .Frlml
.. .Tate
each speaker was belled down
promptly When the three minutes
were up.
I XtepreseniatlTes of Aurora, the
home of tbe pkfcle factory j Hob-
bard, "where Terytblsf grows r'
Frultland, the home of the Nobel
French prase; Gerrals, waere The
mint crop Is stored tn tbe etf ons
est bank; Donald, an Important
point Ott the proposed third state
highway; and Canby, the half way
point to Portland, were among the
first to tpeak.
Hayesrllle, Sunnyslde, Balem
Heights, Kaiser, Stayton, Silrer-
ton, SeotU Mills and Marion were
other communities represented.
' Club Represented
Speakers from Marlon county
communities and ' organisations
were Henry Crawford, represent
ing' the Salem chamber of com
merce; Dr. Henry Morris, of the
Klwanis club; "William Strand
burr, of the Pacific Power and
Light company, Portland; A. F. J.
Lafky, of Marlon; E. O. Robins,
of Aurora; Cecil Espy, of Wood
burn; Nobel Andrews, of Fruit
land; H. B. Brown, of Canby;
George T. Wordsworth, of Ger
rals; H. Goode, of Donald; C. M.
Critten. of Hubbard; Senator
Lloyd Reynolde, of .Hayesrllle;
Chas. Wethers, of. Kaiser; Mr.
Duncan, of Stayton; Charles John-;
son, of snrerton; and J. O. Dix
on, of Scotts Mills.
The Clackamas County Union of
clubs was Introduced by Its sec
retary, Barney' O. Garrett, who
first called upon E. A. Koen, edi
tor of the Oregon City Banner
Courier, for an address. Present
officers are Merton G. Ellis, presi
dent: Fred W. Robbins, rlce-presl-,
dent; and Mr. Garrette, secretary.
Mr. Ellis responded for the union
to the Marion county federation's
gTeettng. .
An InTitatlon was extended! to
the Marlon county people to at
tend a return Joint meeting at
Oregon City, but this through for
mal action taken a moment later,
was changed to a call for the next
annual meeting next year. The
Clackamas county people also ln-
rited the Marion club members to
a session at Mllwaukie December;
:: Community speakers v were as
follows : ' -' ? . v - " r. - -
Gladstone, T. V. Yanney; Can
by. Howard -Belton; i White City
Park. Mr. GUliei;. Mllwaukie. Mrs.
Johnson; Colton, Herman H.
Chlngren; Sprtngwater, Mr. Shear
er; Oak Lawn, Mr. - Llrlngston ;
Molalla; Gordon Taylor.
. The laet speaker, but not by any
means the least Interesting, was
J. J. Inskeep. county agricultarist
for Clackamas county, who - de
scribed the work of his office as a
reminder to Marion county people
that they are missing something
by haying no agriculturist. ; His
office sared Clackamas county
farmers $25,000 in the purchas
ing of gorernment blasting pew
der alone, he stated.
(The' felowiaaf letter' from the
director ef thi Inderal geological
safre, fiepartmeiif H ih4 inletU
bt, Washington, D. 0. iahdeiP date"
of Norember Tj td Congressman
WV 0, Uawle. ia sell eplana
ton may be Interested te a
brief statement ef the MtlTities ef
the federal geelogieal tiuttef id
your state which the inelesed teem
Orahdunt gireS, being eempoe4 ef
extracts from taf annual fcdiBl&Is
trattre report, how id presrf.
The geelogieal Surrey as you
perhape know maintains a branch
of floe at Portland la the pest ef-
fled bttUaUagV ia eonaeetlen with
its waUr feeottreeg worky with
F. T, Henshaw, the engineef ia
Geologic! ftartejS
The Ladysmlth Iresore traet,
the piggih ttMi, tha traet ef ere
land of tlte Oregea Xfoa On ee
pOrfttiefi, and the Bunke? Hill
traet ia Columbia eotiaty, : Qtege
were examlfied by 19. F. fiufeihafd.
Methods and este&t of prospecting
And tharaltef of 0t4 Wer noted
analyil wef 6btained, and tu
diet were made ef possible mar
ket for the ore.
ToporapbJo garreyS
410 square uilee of new sur
reys were made during the year
bringing the percentage of the
state mapped up to SI percent, a
contrasted with T the arerage ' of
42. S per cent for the whole coun
In cooperation with the state
engineer of Oregon the surrey of
the Bend quadrangle was complet
ed. At the request of the forest
serrice the surrey of the Elkhorn
Quadrangle was completed. - For
the conserratlon branch plan and
profile surreys of the Middle' Fork
of the Willamette rlrer and Sandy
rlrer were completed.
Water Resources Inrestigations
A total of 88 gaging stations
were maintained in the state, in
cooperation with the forest ser
rice, the weather bureau, state
and 'municipal officers,, and prt
rate persons.
A report on reserrolr and tun
nel sites In the Owyhee Irrigation
project, by Kirk Bryan, was com
pleted for publication in a water-
supply, paper. Geologic examina
tions of 43 dam sites In the west
ern part of the state were made,
by H. T. Stearns, who prepared a
report on these sites. Mr. Stearns
also partly completed a report on
the geology and water resources
of the middle Deschutes basin.
Concerratlon Branch
Under the two functions of land
classification and mineral, lease
administration the actlriUes in
cluded the following:-;
Made field examination of
homestead applicatlo&a, designat
ed S.2SS acres under the enlarged
and 8 8,8 S 2 acres under the stock
raising homestead act; added 820
acres to public water reserrea;
added 88,748 acres to power-eite
reserres; and ' elunmatea l.n
acres; made power surreys, lnres
tigations, and reports on Middle
Fork of Willamette, Sandy, TJmp
qua, McKenaie, and Silets rirers;
supexrised 4 coal permits and 2
coal leases with production of 423
tons. 1 sodium x permit, 1 potash
permit, 1 oil shale lease, and 19
oil and gas permits.
I $ T . sMsaaweer fMmm 'mirJt-ym kv
i 'h i i '
Ml a. Til nrf I rtl , (mi, mm,
I '-.-.,,;..:--
: . q
. o
rThis photo shows a yiew of the Winooski rlrer near ilontptlier, Vt, where " exceu!re rains' hatt
.brought about the worst floods la the history of the New England states. The rirer, a rsgJng torrent
brought death to doaenay- , " " - "::-' ' ' . y - - 3
"Sex Appear in Morlee Does not
r Attract Dramatist
LONDON. Nor. 18. (AP)
Geora-e Barnard Shaw does not
care for kissing as a spectator.
The reteran ; dramatist told a
group of motion picture exhibit
ors this afternoon that he prefers
to do the kissing: himself.
He was discussing "sex appear
declaring that It Is a delusion and
a snare.
"The whole history of s the dn-4
:!r Z:z v. cn hlj v.
lema prores that sex appeal Is one
I factor that can be omitted , from
Lucy Brown, Elolse Wright, Bernist pictures.- )
Godsey; and Helen Mlltonberger
xxii. ; ,
EnsetnSle: "I Passed by
Tour Window" . . . , .Brake
: . ,-. . . Chorus ' , '
j Continued from Page One)
erer to the different deleeatiece
for a three minute speech from
each. . Charles Wilson, secretary
of the Salem chamber ef com
7 to ' jrrczuexshi? iorj"Arneiistiatau-io &i
"O, B. 8. described himself as
"what they call in America, a mor-
le fan.' .l??ii-;-?
"Who arjwthe sUrt wka hare
been most' tttwfi!ir he was
asked an V CStwertng! ',: r-?
'Chari:e CpUn and Miss Pleg
ford eh'd27 nd they hare never
ueed 'srx r;5fl.;::r -
kFov .try prrt I find it extreme
ly tanUL-.rj to aee another gen
tlemg, .glssjjf ft heautlfal lady, I
would yzzti prefer to do It myself
without f large lerewd of en
loekerf J
Read Iho Classified Ada
Farther Suppression of Strikers
Urge! ob Ooremor
DENVER, , Colo.. Nor. , 18.-
(AP) Increasing pressure Is be
ing brought to bear on Gorernor
W. H. Adams to call out the na-
ttonal ereerd gar elaty in the Colo
rado coal field where an I. W. W.
strike has been tn progress - for
nearly fire weeks. C';'k:
Louis N. Scherf, head of the law
enforcement cepartment, told the
chief execntlre the situation In the
southern Colorado ; fields ' was
quiet, but that tt might be the
calm before the storm. Scherf
wan f the opinion that uniformed
guardsmen , would greatly facili
tate a peaceful settlement of the
(Some one (unknown to him)
has put on the desk of the editor
of The Statesman the following,
under the reading, -"Oregon Intel
ligence Tests." Does some public
school pupil want to answer them.
for publication? Here they are:)
1. What seaports has Oregon T
1. What part of the state i
called the inland empire?
8. What single Oregon county
Is larger than Vermont?
;4.: In what county Is Crater
Lake national park?
5. How many tourists rUlt this
park annually? ,
. Where is the largest fresh
water lake in the U. S. west of the
Mississippi rlrer?
7.- Ohio has a population of 100
per square mile. With the same
density of population how many
people would be tiring in the Wil
lamette ralley? .
: 8. What minerals are mined in
Oregon? Where?
1 8. A tourist drirlng through
Oregon on the Pacific .highway
traverses what three large ralleya?
10. Name ten counties east of
the Cascades In ten minutes.
Bita Por Breakfast
Put It orer big
;p - ; W
What Salem makes makes
Salem '
w 7
- And let's make things enough
and of the rixht kind In Salem to
make 8alem bigger and more pros
perous erery yeair. That is the
kind of prosperity that will stand
any storm or stress.
;Srr;. S
-k The poor we may not always
hare wtth us. But we hare, more
of them ' now than at anr former
time, and Salem's charitable peo
ple would be glad to proride
against their distress, it they can
be shown the way some way to
get the help at the places where
it is most needed, and ia the most
direct way, with the leant possible
' "a V
Who is the greatest tenor - ia
the world? John McCormick was
thought to be. But he says he is
not, and that Edward Johnson la.
ttt tlehari Que
"Them Zolks that mored here
from the county seat has the city
manner, but they ain't got much
consideration. xThey come to see
us Saturday night and stayed till
after , ten o'clock, and it bath
night." -. .
(OoprrisW 1921. .TrnWrnhm Brmaieata)
Oy Claude CaSaa. j j
"That salesman had so much
confidence In this stock that he
talked like he'd done me an In-'
justice by not eellin' me sooner."
(CeprrtsM. XVkt. Fabllahara BrxlieaiaV
WelL Edward Johnson will sing
In Salem next Friday erening
at the Elsinore. If he does not
fill the house, who can? ' 4 ;
' ' :: W
That waa a great booster meet
ing last night at the First Metho
dist church. The right spirit.
The 'surest way for this ralley to
grow Is to an grow and prosper
' Ruth Elder has signed a eon
tract tor 100 nights of randerille
at a thousand dollars a night. She
says shell use the money tor pre
parations tor another trans-At
lan tic flight. The great majorKy
of the people of the obserring peo
ple of the world would be .more
sympathetic Is she spent her time
in training and studying aero
nautics along 'the lines under
which Lindbergh prepared him
self tor the great adrenture If
she has the natural talents tor
such work. Otherwise, she merely
makes herself a fair mark for the
tool killer, "and ought to Join the
suicide club.
Cowgirl From Texas Can Bide, aQ
Right, Yet Has Doubts
Texas cowgirl is willing to repre-j
sent Lady Godira at the Chicago Dorr in an article in Liberty.
arts ball : here next week with
reserratlons. -
Sending In her photograph ia
riding, costume,' the mias append
ed note regarding her q.aallfic&
tions to -represent the gentle
woman whose ride unclad through
Corentry on a white horse is to
be reproduced. . .
"If yon want a trick rider, I can Ta
do anything in that line," th '
wrote, "but I would not appear
before nobody without anyhow
some tights.
Four Prisoners Pat to Death
Just Half Hoar's Time
TRENTON, N. Nor. 18.
(AP). In the space of exactly a
halt an hour tour men were put
to death tonight In the electric
chair In state prison for the mur
der "of a paymaster. Each died
wtth Tenement declarations of in
nocence. The men were Joseph "Big Joe"
Juliano, Christopher Barone, Jo
seph "Little Joe" Juliano and
Louis "Kid Ruff Capoxsio, all of
New York. They died in. the or
der named.
It la women, and not men. in
the long run. who transmit family
traits, points out Rheta Cbilde
Official Bid Mado for Instructed
- Delegates) From Dllaots ,
(AP) Frank O. Lowdsn, former
gorernor of Illinois, will bo a can
didate tn the Indiana primary next
May for the republican presiden
tial preference. Tote of the state.
tt was announced late tday by
State Senator Alonao II. Lindley.
ef Kingman.. -
Etnator X4adley, ' one of the
leaders la th Lowden taoTeaeat,
aeeiam he was authoriied to
make the statement by Illinois
friends. ef Lowden,. who are (n
paring to carry en aa aetire earn-
WrestHaa Is enjoying a rerlral
ef Interest, shewing that the mll-
lenlum. PM pet J come, . .
Tn ,;Hv
Name the weight of Ute Elephant--Win Hudson Super Six Coach or Nash Coach
"bk. ear a. m."-r
"LvP. .VlX . - ...rV.---ViX Your
WHAT io TtffiWzifitrr
cr the iiibf'aftn t
7rtre Today
Fov Details
feriawe ja aJeapt U - Us
firMl 44 U H ft
tMrt8H la lt 4? xf-;t Lp
? i -' Hfec JnA i K I.
f 4f .;,..
ma' aa ".jell y ... a
f-v fVly
"?, ufert Vs? un if ta m
- f PHEi'fcli , It fO
, f 14, , - -- .
Ttt. ta t91T3,ea ta nt sbim rt:uo, r4 riin
a nmJid BKWDtlt. llttf Ktmr I'JUt. XtS W a meca aa 44 I
na Wi Mnv sHi" i tea U
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