THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEU, OREGON. SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEHBEB IP, 2T 7Sk 7 o : '1 " - Vtnner Party Given Thurs- 4 i ft J ti I' : day Evening at Godfrey Home lit. DaTld Wright, Mrs. u. Bcott Page. Mrs. Clair , Vibbert, , Mr. Harley ; White, and Mm. Jamts - Godfrey ntertaiaed the members of the Friday Night Bridge Club and their husbands with a dinner party Thursday. eT- ening at the Godfrey home on North Liberty Street. A lorely arrangement of chrys anthemums formed the center piece of the dining table. Corerx were placed for Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dane, Mr. and Mrs. A- A. Gueffroj Mr, and Mrs. F. G. DeLano, Mr. and Mrs. Leon W. Gleason, Mr. and Mr. P. E. Fullerton, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Kurtz, Dr. and Mrs. O. A. Olson, Mr. and Mrs. David WrighC Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Page, Mr. and Mrs. Clair Vibbert. Mr. . and Mrs, Harley White, and Mr. and Mrs.-James Godfrey. Several hours of bridge at the - home of Mr. and Mrs. JIarley White followed the dinner. , Mrs. Godfrey Hostess at -Meeting of Chapter Gt P. E.O. Mrs. A. L. Godfrey was hostess at the meeting of Chapter G of the P. EL O. Sisterhood Thursday aft ernoon. " - ' .rr ':' -T'i " Mrs. Fred Tooze read an Inter esting paper on The Bible . as Literature. Members responded to the roll call with Bible Quota tions. Miss Dorothy Godfrey assisted her mother at the tea hour. . The guest group included; Mrs. W. M. Smith, Mrs. P. D. Voigt, Mrs. A, T. Woolpert. Mrs, A. E-j Robins, Mrs. Fred. J. Tooze, Mrs. , .. W. W. Moore, Mrs. W. II. Byrd, Mrs. G. W. Laflar, Mrs. D. X. Beechler, Mrs. W. TvHlckey. Mrs. William Hushes, Mrs. B. J. Miles, Mrs. Harold Hughes, 'Mrs. P. J. Kuntz, and the hostess, Mrs. God frey. . ' r The. next meeting of the Chap . ter will be held at the home of Mrs.FI p. Voigt, 395 Rural Are- . nue. ' r. L v Mrs. E. T Busselle Entertains In Honor of Little Daughter Mrs. E. T. Busselle entertained with a birthday party Wednesday afternoon in honor of the second anniversary of her little daugh- v.r, Clarice Busselle. i The little guests played games tin til late la the afternoon when refreshments were served at the dining table, , centered -with blue tapers and a large birthday, cake. The mothers were seated at small tables. . . - : y . In the group were Clarice Bus selle, and Earle .Buseells, Jr.; Mrs. Cecil Ashbaugh and daugh ter, Kreta, Mrs. Archie Riley and son. Albert; Mrs. Howard Ramp and daughter. Neva; Mrs. Ronald) A. . UUCQ CfcWU mVAA , Wia. Waiter L. Fuller and daughters. Eleanor, and Claretta; Mrs. Britt Aspinwall and children, ,;. Evelyn and Clarence, Mrs O. I. Bailey, Mrs. Harold Aspinwall, and Mrs. Ellen Aspinwall . Mrs. Bretz Entertains Her Club at One O'clock Luncheon Mrs. W. H. Bretz entertained the members of the Golden Hour Club with a delightful one o'clock luncheon Thursday afternoon. - The luncheon table was center ed witn yellow cnrysanicemums and yellow tapers. Covers were arranged for Mrs. J. Ray Pember ton, Mrs. Carle Abrams, Mrs. Eric Butler. Mrs. W. M. Pennington, Mrs. Roy Hewitt, Mrs. A. A. Stew art, Mrs. Claude Van Slyke, Mrs Allen Cleveland, and the hostess. Mrs. Bretz. ' .' , Mrs. Pemberton assisted Mrs. Brett. The afternoon was spent with sewing and conversation. : Daughters of American Revo ; lution are Preparing Annual Christmas Box Members of Chemeketa Chapter Daughters of the American Revo lution, and others interested are making up a Christmas box to be sent to Angel Island at San Fran cisco, the immigration port of "en try for the west. Articles - espec ially desired Include: cotton ma terials, yarn, lntant'a clothing. toilef articles, used records, books . and toys, '.'v. ' Nine western states send anna " ai boxes through the chapters of the Daughters of - the American y Revolution . to the Paclfie port of entry which harbors more than a thousand immigrants. Other states ; ..sent their Christmas boxes to EI- r'f7-Jsland, the eastern lmmlgra- IlOtrTJOrt. All contributions to the: box j - should be sent to Mrs. W. K. Byrd 95 Court Street, before December urou Alice Shinkle, special guests, and the following club members: Mrs- L. W. Totter. Mrs.. Homer Harri son. Mrs. J. N. Robertson, Mrs. W. M. Coburn, i Mrs. Jv Yates. Mrs- Harry , Wechter, - Mrs. : . F Clarke. Mrs. E. Clarke.; Mrs. C. Jenes, Mrs. William Robbins, Mrs. Grace Rob ertson. Mrs. J. M. Coburn.". Mrs. Rue : Drager,- Mrs. E. . S. Coates. Mrs. Solon Shinkle,- Mrs. H. E. Stewart. Mrs. Meeks, Mrs. Lydla Clarke, Mrs. Mary Clarke, " Mra W. H. r Propst, Mrs, .Christine Mumm, and " the ' hostess. Mrs. Shafer. i . - , '. ' Mrs. Homer Harrison will en tertain the club at the Thanks giving meeting. The next-regular meeting will be ; held December fifteenth at the home of Mrs. J. N. Robertson. . " " PAYS 51,000,000 IN SHOP RENT " ' Mrs. Shafer Hostess' at MeetA ing of Pnngle Pleasant Point Social Club ; -;- y j ': : ; The Prlngle Pheasant Point So-" cial Club met Thursday at the home of Mrs. Olive Shafer, 111 South Twenty-first Street. f Covers were placed, at the din ing table, for Mr. and Mrs. IIar vey Shafer, Mrs. Hale, Miss Marie Shafer, Miss Dorothy Shafer, Miss Tounghlood, Miss Margaret Jones, Miss Mary Alice Jones, Waldo Clare, Polyanna Shinkle, - Kent Wechter, Gene WechUr, and Mary Benefit Luncheon for Child ren's Farm Home Given by Etokta Club Members of - the .Etokta Club entertained Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Eric Butler with a luncheon lor the benefit of the Children's j Farm Home at Cor vallis. Mrs. E. C. Van Slyke, Mrs. Bard Hughes, and Mrs.' A. L. Top- liff of San Francisco, California assisted the hostess. - The. afternoon was spent mak ing scrapbooks for the children in the Doernbecher Hospital at Port land. -: f df :C': 'xbt In the group were Mrs. Dv. C. Burton, Mrs. Fred Butler, Mrs. W. B. Chance.; Mrs. E. C, Van Slyke, Mrs. F. Toothacre, Mrs- Rich ard Arpke, Mrs. Sv B-y ..Gillette,' Mrs. A. L. Topliff, Mrs. Richard Erickson. Mrs. , Harry Elgin. Mrs. T. O. Ware Mrs.; Mason Bishop, Mrs.' R. K. Ohling, Mrs. J.'R. Pemberton, . Mrs. ; Peter Graber,' Mrs. Bard Hughes," Mrs.. Alice Fisher, Mrs.' H.; F. " Bosshardt. Mrs. Savage, and the hostess, Mrs. Butler. ? "- "j ;';'; ! i 'yv!:i;y:r j The club has planned a Christ mas party 1 to 6e . given December twentieth at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mason Bishop. 5 V ; Amigas - Club Members : Entertained Mrs. Edwin ' Armstrong enter tained Thursday afternoon with a bridge tea, having as - her guests the members of the' Amigas Club. The rooms - of the Armstrong home were lovely with baskets of bronze chrysanthemums. Mrs. Reed "Rowland was a spe cial guest. 1 Members present were Mrs. Carl Schneider, Mrs.: Miles McKey, Mrs. August Glutsch, Mrs. Glenn Gregg, Mrs. E. G. Rick etU, Mrs J. E. Fitzgerald, Mrs. E. C. Charlton, and the hostess, Mrs. Armstrong. ; S ; , Mrs. James Fitzgerald " " won high score honors for the after noon's play. - Mrs. Carl Schneider assisted Mrs. Armstrong at the tea hour. Miss Thomas Honored on Birthday Anniversary A group of frie. !s called Tues day evening at the Thomas home in Klngwood Park to surprise Miss Geraldine Thomas on the - occa sion of her birthday anniversary. - The evening was spent playing games. Later refreshments were served by the Misses Lois - Smith and Alberta Hobble. - Those present were Miss Gerald ine Thomas. Miss Charlotte La Due. Miss .Velva Carter. Miss El sie Hobble, Miss Irene Mee, Miss Ruth . Englehorn, Miss Eva Arn old, Miss Vera Carter, Miss Mar guerlta Raymond, Miss Hene Mae- Farnald, Miss Reba Thurman. Miss AlberU Hobble, Miss E1U Kelso. Miss Doris Thurman, ; Miss Lois Smith. Howard -Thomas, Eugene Thomas, Blaine Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Thomas, and Mrs. F." L- Conneil. , r. - . ' - ' - Rainbow CaTd Club Enter tained Wednesday After- : noon I Mrs. Terry Johnson, Mrs. Ar thur Johnson, Mrs. Arthur Baird, Mrs. P. Harland,, Mrs. . Walter Low, Mrs. ' J. A. Thompson, Mrs Charles Walling, Mrs. E. W, Hoi- iand Mrs E, B. Taylor members of the Rainbow Card Club, were entertained Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Charles Sa bry. ' r i . , ; ; Mrs. Arthur Baird received the high score prize and Mrs. Taylor the second prize. . ; The club -will meet November thirtieth at the home of Mrs. P. E Harland. S78 South 21st Street. "Homecoming" Reception at W. C. T.U. : : : .. X "homecoming' reception will be held November 29th at the W. C. T. U. hall on ' the corner ' of South - Commercial and ' Ferry Streets honoring both new and old members of the organization; Any woman who has belonged to the W. C. T. U. at any time or la any place Is invited - to at tend. AzQ'w-js- :M::':; Guest Jn Sa)em from. Portland: - r Z-tt;:-r:- Miss Gene Belle - of ' Portland has been a guest for several days at the homo of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry 8. Belle. General Aid Society of Jason Lee Church Will Meet - The general Aid Society of Ja son Lee Methodist Church will meet at two thirty o'clock on Mon day afternoon at the church,' Twenty year ro. ilrs. Alice Foote MaiDAnn m- v . -was left a widow with, three children, u She had $38. Today, she Is one of the - foremost I business women in the metropolis. She operates a string of coffee shops. Recently, eh simecj a lease calL in Ur $1.000,000 in rent for on hop. - - t Social Calendar O ' ii ii. i ii i i 1 .1 Saturday 'Hi District Meeting, B. and P. W. Clubs. Albany. All-day. i ; i. ; ; A. A. U.' W. Luncheon. Gray Belle 12:30 o'clocx. r i t j Annual . inspection, W.v r; C. Covered dish dinner at noon. ' Formal Reception, sponsored by officers of Oregon National Guard In honor of Governor and Mrs. I. L. Patterson and Brig-Gen. . and Mrs. George A. t White, Salem Ar mory. 9 o'clock. y r ' f" j ; f -yi Evangelical Church bazaar. S. P. Tffiket office, 184 N. Liberty St. aU day. . , Film at First i Congregational Church, "The White. Black Sheep" 7:30 o'clock. ; , - ,. ;j: Blonday Regular meeting. R. N. A. Fra ternal Temple. JuvenlUe organi zation. 7 o'clock, adults, 8 o'clock. Woman's Club Classes: Wom an's Club-house, North Cottage Street. - - : ' Current Events Class, 2:10 o'clock. Book-of-the Month Class. 1:30 o'clock. f ; General Aid Society, Jason Lee M. E. Church. - Church, parlors, 2:80 o'clock, i ;:V r Tuesday - f " -; Social meeting, R. N. A. Club. Mrs. Susie Parmenter, 809 N. Com mercial St. hostess. ; I ' Social Afternoon Club, Eastern Star. Masonic Temple. 1 o'clock. Dance, sponsored - by Pythian Sisters. Fraternal - Temple. : 2 o'clock. Formal Inspection of W. R. 7- This Afternoon " : . Formal inspection of the Wom an's Relief Corps will be held this afternoon at McCornack Hall with Mrs." Nellie Fleck, state ; depart ment president, in charge;, .yyj Members of the G. A R. are in vited to be special guests at 1 the pot-luck '-'dinner ... which ? " will be served at noon. ':'-'.:' f";.; 'i Mrs. Florence Shipp . Is chair man of the kitchen committee.. The dining room committee . Includes, Mrs. Bertha Loveland; chairman: Mrs. Louisa Koon, ' Mrs Bessie Martin, ; Mrs. Louise Kraps, and Mrs. Cordelia LaBare. --Officers and committee . mem bers are asked to wear white. Social Afternoon Club of Eastern Star Will Meet Tuesday Afternoon IT ,1 The social afternoon club of Chadwlck Chapter, Order of ,the Eastern Star will meet Tuesday af ternoon; in the Masonic "Temple. Card playing will ; begin at two o'clock, -y''t WyU v Y'-iVi The committee In charge of the meeting includes r Mrs. C. E. Cash atti chairman ; " . Mrs. Glenn Shoe maker. Mrs. C, Biwerr Mrs. Mary Kennedy, Mrs. E. J Kennedy, Mrs. Ethel Niles, Mrs. ReUi Gamble, Mrs. Ida Elgin, Mrs. Mary Smith, Mrs. Iva Bushey, Mrs, ? Lucille Browing. ; and Mrs. P. "M. Barkos. Sally's Sallies Maaov wives Mrs. Kafoury Entertains Kensington Club The Kensington Club was en tertained Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. N. C. Kafoury, 7B0 North Summer Street. Mrs. Al lan Kafoury- was an additional guest, - , ': ; Members present were Mrs.' F, S. Anunsen, Mrs. George Griffith. Mrs. Herbert Hauser, Mrs. Charles Hudklns, Mrs. George King, Mrs. Frank Power, Mrs. Alfred Smith. Mrs. Otto J. Wilson, and the hos tess, Mrs. N. C. Kafoury. Mrs. Allan . Kafoury and . the Misses Helen and, Mary Kafoury assisted the hostess at the . tea hour. ,; .- " Meeting of Centralia Temple, Pythian Sisters Centralia Temple, Number eleven, Pythian Sisters of Salem, held their annual roll call meet ing Tuesday evening, November 15th in the Fraternal Temple. y Five hundred was played dur ing the evening. At" a late hour. with the Knights as their guests. they-gathered in the banguet hall where refreshments were served. The Pythian Sisters will spon sor a dance at the Fraternal Tern pie, Tuesday evening, November 22nd. ;'; " r " Professor Florian Von Eschen Will Address A. A. U Ik. Members of the Salem Branch of' the American Association - of University ; Women will meet at twelve-thirty o'clock today for luncheon at the Gray Belle. Pro fessor Florian Von' Eschen will be the speaker. The program committee " In cludes Mrs" E. C. Richards. Mrs A. C. F. Perry, Mrs. A. E. ; Ed- mundson, Mrs. George Allen. Mrs. Karl Pease, Miss Elnora Thomson, Miss Naomi Taylor, and Miss Anna Simpson. Mrs, CatlinComplimented With Luncheon Complimenting her aunt, Mrs. Russell Catlin on her birthday an niversary, Mrs. Frederick Decke bach -entertained earlier In the week with a one o'clock luncheon In her home on South High Street. Covers were placed for eight Intimate friends of the honor guest. ' Guest at McNary Home ' Mrs., James B. - Robb of Port land was a guest earlier Jn .the week of her aunt, Mrs. John H. McNary. ' . i I ;CMURCEE8 oiarrEa SJTBE3ST KBTHOCMt KPXSOOrAX. lSth d Onttr iUnU. TUr. XL J. M. W)atr St. pvou SSO-M Barrlaa 11:00 a. as. saa 745 d. m. Tb tamU artt will fti&s la til Mnlat Mirit. SaiuUy ekal 10:SO m., prijjtadBt. Up. H. U. OrUV9. Esworta IjMCu davoUomU kerrte at 7 :00 d. m. nndar tb Utderafcip of Mr. Hreta EhfoM- It will h oa4aet4 la. lh Easily Unruft. M id-WMX pnm BHtlat at ta ton. of ill. aad Hn. " O. G. Kehraaua. 1265 Karioa fit, "Wedndy Tains ai 75-45. TU Bandar tcaooi i cnductd la both tha Easliaa aad th Grmaa Ua mr : the aioiraiac rTic is Osi-man. aad tb eranUtg aarriea Eafliaa. Ttt ara oraiaiiy writer - v, i - -c oxjld TTDnraa mtssiok H S48 k Court St. C. 8. Jolimon. paata RMidcaea 4S1 S Cottar. 8rriea S aad T:tO p. m. Soadav acbeol S p. aa. S. Barker. aparintBdaat. . ; Waek-dar aar neea Taasdar, . Tkandar aad fiatarday raai&sa. . l. ' rxasT cHBisTZAif ; Corner Hisa and Canter fiU. D. J. Howe, paator. Bakidence 705 N. Cottafre, phone 243S-W. -Service 11 a. n.. A ThnkrlTU ,: and . a . TbaakslirSns Caarca." Alio imi 7:30 p. l Kaaieal yrvgrua , T:!0 p. m, .a. Urge eaoir aaanted br lira. Weodar'e Or eaestra. .Come early .ana ft food eeat. Bander school :5 n. at. O. J. HulL enperintendeat. 8:30 p. m. Tans Feople'a LUxir. Moorweek sertees VSr edaeadar OE&KAH BAPTIST CHTXRCH " I BeeiTal ateetiacs will e held at ike German Baptiat Church en the eorner i of h. cottare and l St. (rora Mov.ZO to lea. S with the eaeeption of Not. 26 and $. Bandar wmcei arc a aaosL Bnndar school 9:45 to 11 o'clock followed im mediately by. the moraias sarrtce. Kit fl ing service Beginning at 7:80. Eyeryone to cordially Invited to any or all of the meetings. Sev. Q. W. Rutach, paator. . KMMAJiOlU. rOXI. OOSPEIj CHURCH 420 State street. Kalph XX Ballock. pastor. Keaidenca 460 S. Cottage, phone 938-M Cerrices at 3:30 and 1:45 p. m. Sunday achool at 2:t0 p. as. eanr Peo ple meetings: 6 p. m. XTangaliatie lemcea Wedaasdajr, Thnradaj and Sat urday nights at 7 ;45. . The . ' Lord is ' THS aULLVA.TIOar ASUT 341 But. Saturday night special t Bsv. Ik D. fimita, paetor-ersngeliat ot the local Naxareae ekarek, will bring the meeaage. Liely eerrice with a Urmlf preacher commencing at S o'eVoek. Eyerrbodf mt come. Sunday pablle meetings at 11 a. m and S p. m. - Alao Sunday ackool at 1 :Z0 p. m-, and a special meeting lor all yooag people, at 6 p. m. .Tliuraday, Kotember 34. Thanksgiving program, of maaie. soag and drills, starting at S p. at, aad free to the general pmblla. y .:,!;:;, SOXJTH BATiTiTaT TEJX3TDB CHTJECH 6etnrday 10:30 a. nr. QMawerly Sleet ing for wwrship. 13:00 - dinner ia the chare h -UL '. l:SO' p. TO. kletia- fer baalneaa. , Wm. - E. Xllea, clerk. : Bun day aerrtee : -10:00 a. Bt. Sands y school. 11:00 meeting for. 'Worskipt Address hj I. L. Wirt. Western Secretary Satioaal OoaaeU for. Prevention f War.. S :SO p m. C. E. Meeting. 7:80 Evening Meeting for Worship; Sermon: Jeans and " the Holy Spirit. Thnriday, 7 :ro p. ..- as-' Prayer meeting, folio wad by choir practice. The pablic i invited to all theee servioea. Chas. C. H"a worth, paator, 1655 8. JUbecty atreei. , y ;'.-,' bleniag aad eonfirminf Hi word and the light shining brighter and brighter a a near that perfect dev. Awake and prepare for the Bridegroom ia coming very soon, i'rov. e:is; lsa. 61 si. . AXCESZOAH I.XTTHXKAN CHURCH Holds aervlee Snndav afternoon . in the Presbyterian Church on North Cnareb atreet. 8 :1S p. m- Graded Bible achool with claaeea for all ages including ad a It Bible cisb. 4:oo p. m. Worship boar with Mr. W. L. Robinson at the organ. Paatorn, Luther B. Deck -will preach aad Mr. Custer will bring a raeaaage about the. Near Seat relief work. - Confirmation elaas meeta Monday at 4:30 p. m. in the church. Ladies Aid - and Missionary Society meets Friday st 3:80 p. m. in church parlbrs. Monthly Social meeting of the Lather League Friday night ai 8. All are cordially welcome. .. . Luther B. Deck BETHAOTT REFORMED OHTTBCH Corner of Capitol aad Mar ton Stra. Sunday school 10 a. m. and German aer vice 11 a. m. - M. Denny, minister. FIRST EVASGEL1CAL CHURCH ' Center Liberty ate. F. B. Culver. paator. Bunday . aehool at 9:45. L. L Thornton, aupt. Preaehina- at 11. . Sub ject, "Some things for which we should be Thankful. Evangelical League of Chriatisa -Endeavor meets at 6:30. .Mis Pruitt, leader. Subject. "Blessinra we forget." At 7:80 Rev. G. E. Erskia will bring the meaaage. All week night activi ties are diacoatinued for the week aa tfcia congregation is uniting with the con gregation at 17th Chemeketa eta. in apecUl services. . , . . FIRST PRESBYTER IAHT (JHTTRCH Church Street between- Chemeketa - and Center. Ber. N. K. Tully, D. D.. paator. Sunday school 0-.8O a. nu. followed by divine worship st 10:45- a. m. : Sermon.-1 The Last of These." Young People's Societies S :00 pt m. Evening worship a i ;sv . e c.ocav Demons-- vra xir, Peace." Cn ion Thankagiving Day service of the ceatral group of churches will be held In this church Thursday morning- at 10:00 o'clock. Dr. W. C. KaaUer will be Ahe : preacher.' . , .5, ,;,' BIOTTRPiATiTi CETXBCH ; Rev. W. C. Kantner will preach in the Rickrecll Evangelical Community Church at 11 a. m. Sunday. Sunday school at 10 a. . Mra, Lowry, superintendent. THB MIXISTERIAI, TJNXOM Anaoune-s TnanLsgiving D.iy services to be held at 10 a. m. Thanksgiving Day in the following ehurchea: West Salem, Ford Memorial church: Sermon by Kv. L. I. Smith. . North Salem. Free Metho dist church: Sermon by Rev. K. J. Asb entrenaer. Soatx Salem, Friends church: Sermon- by Uer. D. J. Howe. East Salem, lTtit & Chemeketa at Evangelical charra: 8ermoa by lier B. L. Payne. . Ceatral Salonr. First Prerbyterian church: Sennoa by Kev. V. C. Kantner. Oeatn," Mendelssben. ' 1 Prof Roberts will tly feedard's -"'BereeuM" a pre ite. 1H ib etenlng th Orchestra will play. The prelude will be an cint sua piaLd duet 'aesettlt the ' ? imf sebooi 843 a, . Iff, 'It t, 81iaiki. supeftnteadfrot. University Chapter Ep .nrtk t..rn. Tonie. "Did Christ Mean fWhat He Saldt" Leader, Kenneth Laweoa. First Church Okacter Toplo -iiouoTjng Chrif Leaders Marjorie OdeU and Vef- na IXOBt. Juaior High Chapter icpie " of Service." Leader, Marie Lip- paid.. There will be no Mid-week preyeri and. praise eervloe on Thursday evening on aeeounl ef vke Tbankagivir-i servleea in the morning, FHendly Indbna Boys Club will meet en Friday night at 7:00. Junior Church ia Church. Anne a at 11:00 o'clock Sunday morning. Mrs. E. C. Mil ler will give the Home Missionary Lesson. ,Tou' ' Ia tks subject, - : . . CHRIST ' LUTHBRAN CHTJRCH State ed 18th 6k Kev A. L. Heine, pastor. Will celebrate eor annual aula ! fMtirst Sunday, with German aor- viaaw In the forenoon and Rev. David ZlelsdoFf of - Aurora,' Oregon, preaching the aermon. aervteea becinning at 10:80. Also English services In the afternoon, with Rev. Alfred Knare of Aurora. Oregon, preaching the sermon. Services beginning at Z:Z0 An offering will be taken for ot- miaaioa work. The adiea of the. e-.a-gregation will serve a luncheon in tl.e churcn basement at noon. . Sunday cVo at 0-.L5, Martha Battermann, apt, Tke Le'ne? League will meet for its devrton-tl meeting at 0:80 p. Gertrude tlehler ull' lead the discussion on Miaston it tr-es. Ot Tksrktgivtng day there will be special sr:v.cee with EccUah services at 19:00 a. m. aad German service at 11:1 S a. ni. ST. PAUL'S' CHURCH (Episcopal) Church St. at Chemeketa. Bev. H. Duncan Chambers, rector. Holy Euchar ist at 7:30 a- m. in the chapel. Morning prayer with mnsie by the vested choir and a sermon by Rev. Yen. Jay Claud Black. Archdean of the Diocese of Oregon at 11 a. m. The church school meets in the parish bouse at 945 a. m. The regular meeting ef the Teung Peoples Fellowship at 7 p. m. in the parish house. Archdeacon Black will take the services for the rector who will be at St, Helen's, Ore. . . ; . - CHTJRCH OF JESU3 Christ of Later Day Saints meet at 457 Church street, Sunday morning, 10:3O a. m. Everybody welcome. "'' KVAHQELISTIO FULL GOSPEL -i ' - TABERNACLE , ; 13th and Ferry Streets. H. Hansen, pastor.' Tke opening service of the Pa-rU-s O-ctt "Revi-1 Campaign and Cn vcvt'on . will - be : held at AO : JO -Snnday moruing . f amy Chriatiin workers, evin (I'ina ud ministers will be present to tako part in'the program. Among w.-ich are Jboaagclut Mtruie xeunedy, wotDirr of AUree Semple Me,!iersoa ct Loa An- fa lThV8?fti. 0 2' i grles. Fr.k Gray, it Jian ot t.e Xrth lCkrUC by Rev. F. B. Culver. SunJ west Lwtr cV of the fartc1. tee As-hBO 0:00 a. O. ft Strausbiir, STUDENTS 0 1 ARRIVES TAKES OVER WELL, EQUIPPED . FROM NEAR DALLAS - INDEPENDENCE, Noy, 18.-;-(Speeial) A, D. - Dossnett ot southern Idaho arrired here this week; to take possession of a small farm recently - parchased from Henry Rach. - . . This tract U known as the Blrk hol farm, about a mile sooth east of Independence. It is fully equip ped with cTood hulldlnea and the land is in high state of ealtiration with -several acres of -fruit and walnuts In hearing. . ; - -Jilloss Nelson i has fenced his property hack of the theater build ing and has staked . a couple of goats in the enclosure. The goat" are clearing the wild -blackberry rines" and other brush. They are making a wonderful improvement in the appearance of the place and others on that street are planning to follow Mr. Nelson's 'example. - ATTEND BANQUET INDEPENDENCE, Not, 1 1. (Special) 4 -T. - D, Pomeroy, local dealer for the Oakland and Pon- tiac cars, accompanied by Mrs. Pomeroy, attended a banquet In Salem Wednesday evening, given by the Oakland llotor company. They report I aajoyitls sve ning. , .... . -. INTERNATIONAL BIBLE - ASSOCIATION Wests every Sunday, for Bible study. Meetings are being keld temporarily ; at 1160 Broadway atreet, North. Junior B.S.C. meet during- first lesson hour. nours z:bu to s:uo p. a. evening ser vices are broadcaster from Portland. Radio KIT, 239.0 Meters. THB FIRST SPIRITUAL CHTJRCH OF . . SALES i "WU1 bold services at tbeir ball, "Frat ernal Temple" 447 Center St. tkls Sun day evening, Nov. 20th at 7:80 o'clock. Rev. Mrs. LeueUa La Valley will be speaker for the evening. Subject Clare voyanee. Messages by Mra. La valley and Mrs. Bates. The public cor- diaUy iavlUd. KNIGHT MEMORIAL CONGREOA . I9th and Ferry streets. H. C. Stover, minister. "My Life, Who Owns It" aad "Thanksgiving Day ia 1021" will be the morning and evening sermon subjects ;nt 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m. - A male quartet "Quit Tea Like Men, Be Strong'? will sing In the morning service.; Two Thanks giving numbers In tke evening service- Anthem "Sing ante the Lord" (Rogera) sad a duett "Father We Thank Thee" (Jewett) by Mrs. O. C. Newgent and Miaa Myra Gleason. .The ekarck school meats st 10 a. nr. ' C. C. Harris, superintendent. The christian endeavor societies meet at 8:45 p. as. - The church will unite with the East Salem churches in the Annual Thankagiving service in the Chemeketa Evangelical Church.- FIRST CHRISTIAN SCTENCB CHTJRCH Center ef Liberty, and Chemeketa sts. Sunday, morning services at 11. .Sunday evening services at 8. .Subject of lesson aermon, "Soul snd Body." Wednesday evening testimonial ' meeting - at " 8 :00 o'clock. " Sunday school sessions convene at 9:45 and 11:00 a. as. - Reading Boom 400 Masonia Temple, open daily from 11 to 5:80 except Sundays and holidays; . THB CHRISTIAN AND MISSION AL- LIANOB 855 Ferry St. Sunday school beglna promptly at :45; Mrs. Mollie Wilsoa. superintendent. Preachine service at 11 100 o'clock. Subject: "God's Ability.? Evening service at 7:80: Subieet: 1Tbe Divine Inspiration of The Bible." Tkla la the fourth of m aeriea est this subject. An evening ef prayer beginning at 7:50 em ; Thursday - evening. On Wednesday evening, ereheatra aad aholr practice and young people' prayer meeting at the paa tor'g kern. - FrWay' evening. Bible study and prayer for the slek. Saturday even ing, young ' people's devotional serviee. If yea are hungry spiritually, eeme and seek God In soma ef these meetings. 1 1 Chrea. S: O. Mlnten, paster. , ZUUafiUUi BAPTIST CHTJRCH Servleea will be held at the Y.M.CX building on November SO at ll a, m. and 7tS0 p. aa. with Snnday school at 11 fot lowed .Immediately by tke preaching uer- vicee. Miaa Ruth Tlbbits will have eharge ef the sneraing services and C IX. Saucy will .nave charge ef the -evening aervteea. . ' SEVENTH DAT ADVENTISTS Corner f North Fifth and Caines ats. Beginning Nov. 20 the paator will give a series of Sunday night lectures on -the book of Revelation. ' Can the Book of Revelation be Understood f or ia it - a Sealed Book of Mysteries f Sabbath school (Sat.) 10:15 a. m. sermon at 11:30. Young People's meeting 4:00 p. m. Mid week prayer sneeting 7:30 p. an. Wednes day. : - .. . FREE METHODIST Corner of Market and N. Winter Sis. The paator, W. X. Coffee, will spesk at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. . Sunday school at 0:45 a. vi- Jfse Barham. aupt. Young eeopie meeting at 6:30 p. m. mory Grade la charge Frayer meeting Thura day 7:60. AH arc welcome. -.O Try the thing that (QJllSB rro works-that s akt en nctually clean op the akin and leaves ft tmooth and white, Sulphur in com bination with menthol does itt The germ fjestroyteg : action ct rulphtir clears the skin, while menthol heals the sore and. broken tissae. Twofold action for perfect results I Pimples, blackheads, acne even fiery eesema positively yields, Jtpt it tree I ; Prnri Prnfiif today . for free sam ple' of kfentho Sulphur and see the change in your (kin in 24 hours. Then get a f till Jar and deaf up the kin right, f Full jars at your druggists.;; Wyeth Chemical Co . Inc. 578 M-cwoo Ave.. New York. Dept. JfFSf f Maui Frc2lro Free Eaauae w afaatke te'rnawJ eiiibli-s o." God,- Ev-g-lit M. K. Talma n. Oaklcrd. ' Canornia, . ana vsngfliah. Kt.pi. .tu'tertield of En-lt. 'a8luglu A-rtirn: Sunday 10 SO a. n.i f-rOO and ,T-4$ V. B..I Week dsj vry fatcr noa and evening :f J aol 1 . P . nr ', daaday school 1:45 ..p. m. Cai.'drett Church 'Saturday afternoon 2:30. Young People meeting Saturday evening 7j45. . FTJtST BAPTIST CHTJECH Corner Liberty ak Marion' St. Robert La Payne, preacher. . Edward : Shunehe Sunday school aupt. Miss Minette Mag- era, director ef music. Mra. w. K. Foe ter. oreanist. . Moruine- ureachitir service 11 a. m. Topie "To Whom -ShaU We Go." Young People's Meeting S:S0 p. ra. Evening preaching service 7:80. Topic, "A ProdigaL" Anthem at both service by the choir. The church or chestra play at th evening service. CHURCH OF GOO 184S N. Church St. J. J. Gillespie, pas tor. Residence 1315 N. Church St., phone 2081-J Services 11 a. xn "O WiUing Service;" 7:80 p. m. . "EvangeUstie." Sunday achool 10. a. m. auperintendent: James Da via. Young People's Meetinga: 6:30. Bible Study and Prayer meeting. ... , . . -i n M . neunrsuax fcui vr- .-w, ing Friday evening 1 :80. i TJNTTARIAK .'': CetUge ft Cnemeketa Sta. Rev. Mar tin F. Ferry, paator. Residence 657 Chemeketa, phone 1741. Servicea 11 a. m. "The Feast ot Uelshaser... ininii giving services: Mr. M. Ferry -will sing. "A Song of xnanasgiving. eunaay acoooi 10 a. m. M. Ferry-auperintendent. j, Hearti' 7:80 p. m., 'Tbe mfte PlacV Sheep.' The toorning serines will bs a Tbanks-gtvisg eermon. Sunday erhool i45. Mark MeOaUiater,,. aupt. TUero will be no mid-week service this wk, but oar people are urged to attend a Thanksgiving service ott Thurda. JASON LEB MEMORIAL MC E. CHTJRCH Corner North Winter and Jefferson Sts. Tbomae Aeheson, pastor. Robert Wi'ty aad lira, A. M. Gentry, helpers. The publie will be rordlally welcomed at a'.l eerviees of this church on Sunday. Cliur.-h schooi Sl45 a m. -with seven separate departments in operation. Special at tention for both, you of and eid. l'ublio worship ll a. m. Thankssivlng Menage by tke paater. Junior church service in Wesley Hall at It a. m. Eobert Witty In charge. Mass meetirg at First M. K. Church 8 p. m. Dr. Wirt of San Fran speaker. Sobjeetl 'International Peace." 0:10 p. m, Epwortk Leagnea . Junior bight High school; end Young People meet in separate rosrai for dev. tloual servleea. . Open Forwar for adult! la Church achool annex at 0:80 p. m. 7:80 p. aa. Evangullarie eervioo. The closing service ef Fellowship Week Under -aosplclee ef Ip worth League. Several ypaag people will be with the pastor en the platform taking an active part. - Cpeo lal maeie, sincere fellowship, and h'j ful uplift at all services. . - . CHTJRCH CHAPSX. V. B. Corner N. 17 ft" Nebraska Ave. W. N. BlodgetV paator. Residence 1748 Keb. . Ave, phone 2623-1. Services 11 a. to., "America First;" T:80 p. m. Kvsu--. gel Utic" Sunday achool 10, Ed. Wil. superintendent. oung People meetings, t:Z0. Floyd Bailey, preaident. Prayer meeting Thpradav 7:80 p. m. Ladle's Aid Wedneedsy. Union Thsnragivlng aer- ; vices st the Evangelical Church 174 Chemeketa street. . CHEMEKETA BT, EVANGELICAL Corner of Chemeketa aad N 17th. G. E.: Erskin. paater. Realdene 20s N 17th St phone 1008-W Service 11:00 a. m.. "When fiin and Follv Meet Judgment;" or ay ga.- auperintendent. Senior aad Intermediate Christian Endeavor at -0:80. -Leader of,' Senior meeting; jar, r-imer ain. jm interesting letter from M art ha Garnjobst , who Is now In Cario, Egypt, will be read at this meeting, a the letter i ad dressed to the C. E. Society. The Union Revival Meeting whieh began on the 14th . will Mnti, ,nl!l thm 9Tth. rJ nosaihlv 1am TV . wi .... . . . a i filf , meting with much apprclatioa, end the interest snd attendance gaining momen tum. The Women a Home and foreign. Missionary Society will hold their month ly meeting Sunday - afternoon at 8:0O o'clock. EflT S DIVORCE WOMAN DESERTED 5 YEARS as ararii w wm w wrttrm iiiiiir w wm '-'""' FOBS MEMORIAL M. B. West Salem. F. L. Cannell, pastor. Residence 075 Edgewater St.. phone 1341-R. Services 11a. trt-, "The Office of the Holy;" 'Be Ye Thankful." otthe Holy Spirit;" "Be Ye Thankful-" Sunday achool 9:45, L C. Sebern, supt. Epworth and Intermediate League 0:30. Bible Study Thursday evening at 7:30. - FIRST CONGREGATIONAL - ' Center and Liberty. Charlee E. Ward, pastor.' Residence 440 Center, phone 59 1-R- Services 11 a. m,. "The Singing - After waiting for five years for a husband who left her the day after he married her, Virginia Hinds' has decided that it's time to get a divorce from Eli Hinds.- - They were married on July 3, she alleges In a divorce complaint filed in circuit : court yesterday, Twenty-four hours after the cere-, mony he" abandoned her and, has not lived with her since. Ste thinks she's waited long enough. No comment la made In the com plaint on the fact that the day he left her happened to be Independ ence day. Read the Classified Ads" i CHTJRCH OF NAZASENE One block south of center on 19th. T.. TJ Smith, -pastor. Sunday school 0:45 a. vaj with Mr. F. M. LitwUler in charge. Morn ing Worship 11:00 a. m. W have a full! Salvation-Revival aa at this church now, Services every" evening except Saturday. tacrning sermon subject "The De lights ef Jesus" our Ladica Ouartrl wilt airg "My Abiding Place." Idung reoplj sleeting in the einaf at 0:30 nr. ClyOe rloffer, ' lec." EvangrhMic service 7:80 Mr. Fred Haunoi-, will lave charge o the singin;, with a fine er eheatra tha will make a noits rntu t.-ie l ord. The male tjuartot wi.'i aing. Scrn. Subject, "The Midnight Cxj.". FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL Cor. State aad Church 1 T. C. Taylor, pastor. Residence 080 State, phone 074. Margaret K. Sutherland, director reiisioua education, phone 872. Servicea: 11:00 a. m.; Rev. William- Hints ef Corvellis will preach the W.H.M.P. Thanksgiving Of fering Kt-rmon. Dr. J. M. Canse ef Eim ball achool presiding: 7:S0 n. m. Dr. -J.i T. Itatthewa ef Willamette UaiverMty will give- bis. address "To Australia- and Back." Anthem by the vested ekerus. 'Aries O Bon of God." Noble. Solo. Ronald Craven, "Be Thou Faithful Unto $C" '". '"y -4 X Sy A BETTER. OIL TIIE NEW eason why (i of Many) CLEAN Keepa your engine - .7 -' cleaa. No hard carbon. - - gTAKPAap otL CQMrAyy or eAj.rroaMLt First Center and Liberty 9:45 Sunday School. 11:00 THE SINGING JIEART. . 7:30 THE WHITE BLACK SHEEP. (In moving pictures.) THE CHURCH WITH A HEART. Beginning Sunday Opening Serrico 10:30 A. M. Continnijig One Week Pacific Coast Revival Campaign and CONVENTION PRIXCIPAI SPEAKERS: Eran. MlBBie Kenne4y, mother of Aimee Semple McPherson of Los Angeles Frank Gray, Tacoma, Wash. Eyan. M. R. Tatman; Oakland; Cal. Evan, Ralph Butterfleld- of Ererett. Wash. SERVICES: Sunday 10:30 a. m; 8 and 7:45 p. m.; Week Day Afternoons and Evenings, 2:30 and 7:45 p. m. Evangelistic C Tabernaclo 18th and Ferry Streets - :l" ; , ETerybody Inyited Welcomo . Blanlss That Are Legal- We carry in stock over 115 legal blanks suited to nest tnj bcs'ncrj transactions. We may. have just the form yon are lockisj for at a bi saving as compared to made to order f crms. Borne of the forms: Contract of Sale, Road Notice, WD fenrjs, Asclrs ment of Mortgaffe, Morten so forms, Qxiit Cblni Deeds, Abstract f crms Rill of Sale, Building Contract, promissory Notes, InstaUncnt Nctcs, General Lease, Power of Attorney, Prune Bocks and Pais, Ccale Rej cefpts, Bte, These forma are. carefully prepared for tho courts ana private use. Price on forms ransc3 frca 4 cents to 10 cents a;!ccr, and on note books from 23 to 50 cents. ; PZlDvTED AND FOR SALE BY. The Statesman PubUsIiing Cc, LEGAL BLANK HEAD QUARTTH13 At Euclatza Offks, Grcur.l Tlzzz j