The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 19, 1927, Page 1, Image 1

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    Big Things, Possibly c Sja-jjids Last ' -Night: Hesji:
What Salem Makes '.Halted Salem; ''and the Greatest' Present Need of Tliis Citu Is More Industrial -Pajsvali
Weather forecast! Rain, moderate ' tem
perature; southerly gales on the coast. Max
imum, temperature -yesterday ; 61, minimum.
45, river. .!,'; rajnfall .01, atmosphere clear,
.iriqd northwest. i v"i
And now a moTement-Is under way to erect
a monument to Jesse James. Ah,' well, tt'7
years from now they'll be proposing a . im
mortal ' to the - ticket speculator, Detr,,i
Newt. .
18th Amendment Must Eith
. cr.Be Repealed Or En- "
V forced,. Hf States :
Det'ocrUc Destitutions 'ow Fac
ing A Serere Test as they
Erer Have Had or Ever -
W Have , ;
CLEVELAND. Not. 18. (AP)
Supporters of prohibition mast
either bring about a better en
forcement of the ' eighteenth
amendment, or "face the fight to
take it ot of the constitution,"
Senator William E. Borah, of Ida
ho, told seyeral "thousand mem
bers of the national grange at
their convention here tonight.. . "I
venture the opinion I that if the
eighteenth amendment cannot be
enforced, and the people so con
clude, they ' will take . iha
eighteenth amendment out of the
constitution, the senator said. ;
"The most solemn Impeach
ment of constitutional government
that I can conceive of is to hare
in . the charter of government a
provision that is being constantly
'and notoriously disregarded. That
kind of impeachment of constitu
tional, gOTernment, will not
endure. You must either enforce
this admendment or face. the f ifjht1
... to take it out of the congtitutlpn
; " Holds Parties Responsible
, Declaring that all-laws, muet be
enforced by the agencies of polit
ical parties. Senator " Borah told
the, grange members that when; po
IjSal parties take U thlsjaw, and
execute it with the same" dispatch
-t6they do ' ether " Jaws. ; "you
will realise the worth" ef the jric
tory"f or -which yon Cave j been
, fighting for 6 0 years. ""; f I &
t'But to long as this slde-step-ping
f ontinues there will be no
Chamber of Commerce -Head In
ists Fight Not Against :& ?7 '
v ' Portland Interest'".
SEATTLE. Not. 18 (AP)
Construction ot" the .Longvlew
vuukh i ui una nem iu ma uc-
Telopmcnt program Of southwest
'Washington to which Seattle has
committed itself, Nathan Eckstein,
dent, of the Seattle chamber of
commerce today told a delegation
of 60 southwest Washington bnsl
ness and cItIc leaders who came
.here to Join in Seattle's celebra
- tlon of the LongTlew: bridge 't1c-
tory." ' , , - x:?-: -;:;-::-' t."'
The campaign for derelopment
of the southwest will not be a
"fight against Portland," Eck
vvsm wasiva .'.
It Is no yictory over. Portland
. we are celebrating today. It is a
' -victory for Portland, although the
; Use It':::-:;;:V'vlVSS:i.
"We are always willing to work
with' Portland in any undertaking
14 that is I 'or the 'benefit of that city
or the. Pacific northwest, c It is
only - when Portland's hand ; is
;.. raised against some other ,- com
munity or section ' that we part
compaBy." '- '- !- . - C'
. Wosley "Vandercook, Longriew
ciTil engineer wha Joined with W.
D. Comer of Seattle in. tbe Jbridge
. nromotlnn ' w's ' tha - ' trlncnal
v. speaker. - . V-;.;i;". ;
Vandercook declared Oregon ac-
- tually Initiated the bridge project
and selected 'the;. fe cf .Longriew
s" a the bridgehead". for the Colum
bia span; as the result'of a eurrey
:bcsrnn 'Ja 1921, before LongTlew
"wa'-jcated. ' . '
UV 5rorrs,Nice presidentof
t'TJbng Cell Lumber company.
T " fTlfa r'tv Tnv ITS SUTlTJOrt
ri the bridge project.'- r '
"W deer It wentth e attltnde
of Portland, he -said; 'tute "re
rent more" the'r" statcmenf that
- tE"e , Loa$-B?Il company had 'Jun-scTupulocr-
lobbyists, working for
, the bridge
. ; "i'IL Scrist. LongTiewrcity si-
torney, declared Portland "Seems
to haTe tlie opinion rthat ' It has
some superior right to the Co
- lumb'.a rirer. They have disabused
that' idea." - . -Longriew,
he asserted, is anx
ious to further business relations Seattle. . -
(Contianed on ! a.)
DisapproTai Indicated of Judge
Siddona' roliciee in Teapot
... ,
Dome Case
(AP) An undercurrent of feeling
which has" pervaded the District of
Colombia supreme court since the
declaration of a mistrial In the
Fall-Sinclair oil conspiracy case
worked its way into the-open to
day; In an -exchange of letters be
tween : District Attorney Peyton
Gordon and . Associate Justice
Frederick L. Siddons.
Tendering his "resignation from
the special . committee named by
the justice to prosecute criminal
contempt proceedings growing out
of the oil Jury scandal, the district
attorney left little doubt as to his
own riew that action should hare
been taken Toy the court 4 at the
time of the filing of the affidavits
lnrolTlnsT Harry : F. i Sinclair, the
Burns detectlres who trailed the
jurors and Edward J. Kldwell,
Jr., celebrated juror number 11.
; Besides -stating. , that .he and
special : government oil ' counsel
were ready to prosecute for con
tempt, at that time, " Gordon em
phasized that the affidavits which
they had, filed on ; November ' fl.
"were the basis and cause of the
action on the court on November
2, in withdrawing anror and
discharging' the jury from further
consideration of the case and de
claring a mistrial. , ,
Bnt Gordon assigned as the lm
mediate cause of his refusal to
serve on the commltee that since
the mistrial he had presented to a
grand Jury eTidence .-"on , eTery
phase of 2 the situation and had
7ulte positiTe views as to .who
should be prosecuted." He added
that in these circumstances it
seemed to him that JC he acted on
the committee he would be placed
(Co a tinned a-p( 8.)-
One Horse Power Machine Causes
. Much Damage to Farmer' '
BOISE, Ida., Not. 18. (AP)
-The "one horse power" mach
ines seem to 'be causing woe to
Idahoans, judging from, the 'fre
quency of Insurance claims pass
ed on such injuries. A' week ago
Samuel -Machiondo, Boise .sheep-
herder, .was injured bya - "one
horse power" : machlnt, - to wit:
The rear leg ot a horse,4 and today
another case bobbed-nt.
Clyde Mercer, JeroSne, in ans
wering questions as to an injury
on theBaxpn ranch company farm
ays: ; i-'-v
"Q- Name .', 'of machinery , at
which Injured ? iI" - ;: ..X "y-:t
"A One plow. , ; - v
"Q What is the nature of the
power, if J power driTen?"
"A One horse power, r
"Or-DescrIbe the injury.
"A Mole kicked me on
knee.tV-F; '' f '-fz rki
-Although the sodden intrusion
of the mule 'into this pastoral el
egy, ' where all the talk was of
horses, ; has puzzled state ' insur
ance fund officials; they are in
cllned to believe the truth of the
Seventh Day A d ren tist "instructor
" too Rough With Whip - -
330 Quarts of Ntro-Glycer
ine Explode In IFire At
Kansas Town - .
HngeJSteamer Blows Up While tn
Drydock for Repairs at City
of Baltimore; Casualties
J 5 '
- - n -
(AP),rieelng as before an in
vading army, with tnly.; a i few
clothes and househol4 goods has
tily assembled,' farmers for miles
around and residents of the little
town of Jefferson, 11 miles north
west " of - here left -thelr homes
shortly after noon today, ahead of
a terrific blast which wrecked the
plant of the Independent Torpedo
company . and t shook; the , conn try
for ZO miles around- i j-" f.
Forewarned of the Impending
explosion at the plant a mile south
of the town, -school was 'dismissed
quickly and children and residents
fled by motor car,' truck and on
foot to the country north of town.
;-:p- - Farms Deserted ;--!
: Meanwhile, farmers; warned by
telephone, began a general exodus
tor places of safety far i from "the
scene. '. ,- U' J - 1
There were casualties. r.
The blast of 3 80-quarts of nitro
glycerine came nearly -an hour af
ter the plant had taken fire due
to the breaking down Of an engine
r IOnatiaw4 Va vac S.)
448 Persons Injured inrr Traffic
- Accklesta In October
Sixteen persons werf killed and
448 persons were injured in 'a to
tal of 2875 traffic accidents re
ported to the state traffic officers
during the month of October. ; .
Of the. total number I of acci
dents- 1140 were due to careless
ness on the part of .drivers; 19$
were caused by. the , failure'; of op
erators to give right-of-way, and
34 - were caused by defective
brakes. i - : ' -".
The state traffic officers ,Tcon-;
ducted 170 investigations, conduc
ted two caravans . and . observed
100 accidents; .Assistance was -giv
en in 177 cases of accident. Stol
en motor vehicles haying a resale
ralue ot,$S100 were recovered by
the officers..-' , . - j . iViS
Fines paid hy traftie law ' Of
fenders totalled 14672.40, There
were 232 arrests. ! .
The off leers spent Collectively
921 days in the field; visited 2,
470 towns and cities and travel
ed 85,284 miles.;.. ; f
nur of1 Departure Set" at 9: SO
.-- tills Morning; Fog Delays '
' Hop Testerday
(AP) The Hess Bluebird bl
plane, -"Wanda," which Captain
Frederick A. Giles, British aviator.
expects to fly to -New Zealand via
Honolulu was waiting on the Mills
field runway tonight for au- early
take off tomorrow morning. ;;
J Fog was blamed for the post
poning of the start today. ' Every
thing was In readiness for the hop
off about 9:30'a. m" Then, while
Giles, ; Captain O. T, Peterson,
flight' manager and airport : of fin
clals were investigating a soft spot
in the far end of the runway,' fog
rolled across San Francisco bay
to the edge of the field.
The field, Itself was clear hut
ont over the bay-and against the
nearby hills the fog hung low.
' Weather bureau officials here
were not inclined to be optimistic
over the prospect of good flying
weather at sea tomorrow.
Xew; Record For Percentage Set;
, Defendant Prevails
New- evidence of modern wom
en's nlace in the world was seen
yesterday " afternoon when a- jory
of eight women and ; only four
men tried a case in Marlon coun
ty circuit court. The jury- consist
ed of a larger proportion of wom
en than any other Jury within the
memory of local circuit court oc-
ficials. -: ,; .
The case Itself. Rltacca vs. Matt-
son, grew out of an anto accident
on the Wallace road in Polk coun
ty several months ago. The plaih-
Ltlff . claimed that he had been
damaged in the sum of S250, and
asked for that amount. The de
fendant" filed a counterclaim for
After nom SO minutes deliber
ation the jury" found for Che de
fendant, but allowed no damages
on either side. : . ; " :
The jury consisted of Margaret
M. Waters, Martha Glover, Hetta
Field, Elmer A Dane, Monnle M.
Hauser, A.E- Feller, B. H. Davis,
Luther J. Chapin. Mae Hunter,
Virgie Bradley; Elsie : Carpenter
and Helen S. Wiesner.;
Two Other Air Trips, Occupy-At-
- tention of English Public at '
' . . Present -
LONDON, Not. 18. -(AP) Re
lieved by a report from -Warsaw
that .Captain R. H. Mcintosh and
Bert Hinkler landed , in southern
Poland yesterday, and started to
ward London today, friends of the
fliers nevertheless still ' wondeTed
what misfortune .defeated the at
tempt at a non-stop flight to In
dia, and just what course their
plane, the Princess Xenia, follow
ed in IU long flight. ;, ,
The first, conjecture is that the
aviators encountered adverse wea
ther . conditions, lost their;, direc
tion, and circled, blindly for many
hoars. Another guess is that they
turned back: after a forced descent
farther to the south. -
Arrival of the men In London,
however, was expected tonight to
disclose; an adventurous tale,: no
matter how far distant from sur
mise the details may be.
Meanwhile England was watch
ing two other aerial Toyages. John
Carberry who was Lord Carberry
but has renounced his title and
taken steps to become an Ameri
can citizen at the same time Add
ing an MR" to .his name left the
Croydon airfield today in & Fok-
ker monoplane on a jaunt toward
Capetown, South Africa." .Carberry
stopped for the night at Tournus,
south central France, after a brief
visit to Le Bourget airfield at Par
is. Sir Alan . Cobham with. Lady
Cobhkm, who started from Roch
ester yesterday in an all-metal f ly
ing boat for a survey of the Afri
can coast line, was kept at ground
at-Southampton by rough weather
Surprises May Be Sprung By
s Both Sides At Monday '
Council Session
Plot Near Girls Industrial School
Suggested bnt Availability
Not . Certain ; Club Main- ,
-, - tains Opposition -.
Saow-on McKenzie Higfaevay Caus
es Traffic Difficulty
The Oregon Stages will discon
tinue service on the McKenzie
highway between Eugene - and
Bend within the next few days,
according to a letter received at
the offices of the public "service
There .is considerable snow on
the highway and the stages have
been operating under, adverse con
ditions tor the past week. Service
on the road will be resumed early
next spring.
Miss Eleanor Lindberg Writes-for
- Primary Education
Two articled and. art designs by
TdTsi ttegsmr&tttfsetet : -teacher
In the primary grades at Lincoln
school, have been printed In -the
October : and ; November ; issues ' of
the Primary Education magasine.
one of the leading journals of its
kind.' Th magazine .has request
ed more contributlona from Miss
Lindberg.- . . '.- . -
' ' Mies Lindberg, a Portland girl,
has been teaching - in , the Salem
schools for the past ; two years,
coming here from Klamath Falls.
She is a "graduate of thuPortland
art museum and has made an ex
tensive study of art.
Hign Waters Cow All Highways
- To" Be Ordered Closed ; ,
QUEBEC. Not. - 18- AP)
All highways of the province of
Quebec hare been closed to heavy
traffic because of extensive, dam
age resulting from ralns'ot the last
three days, J. L. Boulanger, depu
ty minister of roads announced to
day. - :i
PORTLAND. Not, 18 (AP)-
Mlas Ila Sleighter, who until her
arrest yesterday was- the .teacher
of a. small Seventh JDay Adventist
school here, . pleaded guilty today
to a charge of assault and battery
after she had been accused of
whipping 12 year old Arthur Ham
nton with a tire pump tube. : Po
lice said ; the boy's back was
marked; -and bruised by many
lashes. 4 '. t -;
The case against-the young wo
man was continued f or -sentence i
oh recommendation of the city a t-4
torney's, office. whenthe father of;
the boT and church officials s ar-!
pealed for, leniency In her. behalf '.
Inasmuch sa the teacher had beent
dismissed 'from ber position . and
had publicly admitted her faclt.j
the court was disposed to favor!
the petition for leniency. .
Merchant Playing With Pet ' Ser-
. -! r-.-.- iously Injured ' ." -
P..J1. Earktis, taerchant at 17th
and Center streets, was seriously
hurt Thursday evening when he
was bitten by his bulldog.
; Mr. Perkins was playing with
the dog Just as he 'frequently did,
when the 1 animal suddenly sank
Lis teeth iatt hla master's jaw,
and when pried loose there, bit
his hasTJ. A physician was called
crtl dresssi the wounds.
1 - V . ' ' DUMPED " m0 r
With the city council meeting
three days in the offing, a compro
mise site for the garbage incin
erator looms as a nosslbilltv.
While both camps are remain
ing secretive, they have indicated
that something will be sprung
Monday night - which May bring
tne location fight to a satisfactory
conclusion for the incinerator
committee and the Southeast Sa
lem folk as well.
V. New Plan Suggested ' ;
One site, known to be seriously
considered by the Incinerator com
mittee, is south of Salem near the
girls Industrial school. An ; ob
vious objection to this is its dis
tance from the city. ' v
- Other sites proposed are along
the waterfront either near the
down town section, or at the foot
of Gaines street, and in North
Opposition Continues
Southeast Salem club members
have - not receded from their on-
position -to the- site originally se
lected and "will . have a sizeable
group of representatives at the
council meeting: : ;; vTj
On the other, hand. Alderman
W. H. Dancy, chairman of the in
cinerator committee, stated arsln
pyelref diyT ihatrthe 'SoutheastSa-
iem site was still in cold stor
age" and - would be1 hmnrhr
again - if, investigations of new
sites did not indicate desirability
or. a cnange. "-;
"We're got another site in mind.
and are now In the process of de
termining If it -can be purchased,
but. itcisQBlte possible that we
will go ahead with our orfrinai
plans," said Dancy yesterday.
Mass Meeting at First E.
4 Church Sunday Afternoon
Question of , Obligating State- by
- Borrowing S 650,000 to be
Invitation to all of the people
of Salem to attend a mass meetine
at the First Methodist ' church.
State and Church "streets, in the
interests Of international imum
and good will, is being extended
by the Salem Ministerial associa
tion.; The meeting will; be held
Sunday afternoon at 3 p. m.
" Dr. Wirt of . San Francisco, a na
tionally known figure and reore-
sentatlve of the -Council for the
Prevention of War. . w 1 1 1 h e
throughout, the country and comes
to this city - highly recommended
as a man who has a message that
eTerybody should hear, according
to members of the ministerial as
Renewed possibility that the
state office building-authorized by
the last session of the legislature.
may be built in Salem, is contin
gent -upon the result of a rehear-
ling in the state supreme court, set
for; December 6, of .-'the4. suit
brought by the Eastern and West
ern Lumber company of Portland,
to enjoin the state board of con
trol from - borrowing $650,000
from the state Industrial accident
commission for the construction
of the propose building. '
The case previously was argued
before the. supreme court with the
result that an opinion was writ
ten favorable to the plaintiff. Four
members of the court Joined in the
predominating opinion, while
three "members of the court dis
sented. Subsequent to handing
down this opinion-Justice Burnett,
who voted with the majority, has
died, and Judge George R. Ross-
man of Portland was appointed as
his successor. J
Following ; this , change in the
personnel of the court ahe board
of control filed a motion for a re
hearing of the case. The request
was granted, and Justice Rossman
will participate in preparing the
next opinio In the suit. V
The Eastern and Western Lum
ber , company contended ;; that in
borrowing $650,000 from the ac
cident '.commission the board of
control would violate that section
of the constitution which provides
that the state shall not create an
obligation in. .excess, of $50,000,
unless sueh debt Is authorized
by the voters.
Plaintiffs appeared in the suit
as employers and contributors to
the state industrial accident fund.
A. similar suit was filed by Peder
Pederson, as an employe and -con
tributor. to the accident fund.
Officials contend that the office
building' la; badly needed because
of the congested -condition of the
present state structures. : .
4. r- U
Mrs. - Irene Denny Awarded Di
vorce Mrrom Aoted Spouse
LOS ANGELES. NotV 1 8 -f AP 1
Mrs. Irene H. Denny was granted
divorce decree from Reginald
Denny, motion picture - actor, in
superior court today on the ground
or cruelty. Custodr of their
young daughter, BarTsara. and ali
mony of S1.000 monthli es Ion
as Denny draws, his present in
come, asserted br Mrs. Dennr to
be $3,0 00. weekly,. also was gran
ted her. ....
The screen' actor's wife charted
that: Denny Ignored her, refused
to take her to places of amuse
ment, and even - left her out of
parries he rare In their own nomo.
As an; Instance of his humiliating
cruelty Mrs. Denny. totd the court
that often when she appeared at
the studio to lunch with her hna-
band, he would shout to the scene
-Put away the blondes. "Hera
cornea the wife.', ;,-...w
Mrs.- Dennr explained to the
court that what Denny "meant to
mrer was tnat I came out. not to
enjoy, luncheon with him, ; but to
see it I might not apprenend him
In some indiscreet adventure, r "It
was moat humiliating." '-
10,000 Soviet Troops - Reported
. - - Mobilized on Froutier '
LONDON, Not. 18. fAPl
The Westminister Gazette's corre
spondent at Peking says the gov
ernor of Heilung-Kiang has re
ported that 10,000 Soviet troops
of the fourteenth division are as
sembled on the frontier, and has
requested the Peking government
to make a protest in Moscow ow
ing to the Chinese fears of Inva
sion. -"..'-''
The governor also reported htat
the bolsheTlks are lending 80,
000.000 mbles " (approximately
140,000.000) to the Mongbllaan
gOTernment for the buildlnar of a
strategic railwajr f rom - Klakhta
ana urga westward to Turkestan.
Chinese Doctor Charged With
. Practicing Without license
- 'The trial of J, It. Leong, local
Chinese- doctor ' who. is. charged
wlti. practldBg'medicIne without
a license, tai been set for Friday,
NoTember 2 5, at 10 a. xu ..;
, Criminal eomplaiat was sworn
otit against Leong on October 13
by Dr. C A. Morrow of Portland,
who fa Ja this employment of the
'jiate Leard'ef health for the par
pose oi suppressing nusrsa
'quick'' physicians and surgeons.
Although ft warrant was served
upon Leong he h& beca all?we2
full frseltr.- '
Realistic .Game of War Played
orr California Coast
SAN PEDRO. CaU Not. 18
CAP) Ths battle Heet ot the
United States, with , most of its
floating and frying auxiliaries.
played the game of war off San
Clemente island today. .
SixtT surface craft, nine nrma-
rfnes and fiftr seaotanes slinned
out from the fjeet base after mine
sweepers had cleared hypotheti
cal underground - explosive plants
from the channel.
-The greater part of the maneuv
ers were devoted to aircraft attack
and defense. .Rear-Admiral Jo
seph Reeves, commanding ; the
fleet aircraft squadrons, sent his
air-wise pilots against the capital
ship in -straffing sorties, homb-
Ing and torpedo attacss." "
Efforts Made to . Check "Smallpox
'" Spread at Cheznawav. -
Eight hundred Cheinawa Indian
school pupils : and 100 employes
were Tace In ate d. yesterday by Dr.
George Ve bra, assists J ly 'Miss
Wright aid, Mrs. Clark, head
nurses at the nurses ; traiair..;
tralaing school, and three student
nurses. Tiie remainder, about
403 jmpiis, and -1C0 more em
ployes, will be Innocslated today.
' new cases cf srtailpox have
developed, and all ttos who are
III ars isolated in the Chemawa
... M
F Cflu J,:iT '
Marion County Federal:;:;
and Clackamas Union .
- Hold Meeting Here
Delegations Present from NeiaT J
All Vicinities; 878 People im 4
AH ; Values of Organlz
ation Shown
When Marion and Clackamzj
counties shook hands across II.
dinner table here last night at
meeting Of deleratlnna frnm nn.i '
tically all community clubs In the
two counties, with 378. people ti
all present, two. things cf import
ance were accomplished; It wsls
voted that the meeting become .a
annual afafir, with the next :
servance'a year hence at Oregon
City, and a movement was started
for . the organization of a state
wide federation of community
clubs. -.-
3oth of these Ideas were scT
ported by unanimous vote. TL"i
latter called for a committee 2
five from the two federations rep
resented, to investigate the pos&I
bility of a state-wide organization.
The motion was made by Dr. Hen
ry E. Morris of the Salem Kiwanls
--:-..; Politics Decried
. John Hunt, who is familiar ta
most Marion county people be
cause of his position as chief clerk
at the Oregon legislature, extended
the greetings ot Marion county t
the visiting delegations. HuxX
rapped petty politics in community
enterprise-and - urged the peopls
to denjand''reas'bn'nrTnTnot' ad
vancement based -oft favoritism,""
Merton G. Ellis,- president of the
Clackamas federated . clubs re
sponded to the welcome. ,
Governor- . Patterson ; was net
present," having been called from
town on other business. -He was
represented by his secretary, 111
Hobs, who. addressed the grocp
briefly, expressing regret at the
necessitated absence ot the Gover
nor..;:,..'- .i': -
Then the. meetlqg was turned
; (Cesisei safe )
Spectacular Lighting Effects an-2
Costuming Add to Pleas
- ing Effect '
: Ry RozeRa Ranch
Practically a -full house heari
the - excellent musical fExtrava
gansa," presented last night by tie
music department of the Salexs
high school In the school audi
torium under the expert direction
of Miss Lena Belle Tartar.
Spectacular lighting effects.
varied costumes, together with a
program of decided merit gave di
versity to the evening.
The audience was vastly pleased
with every solo and ensemble num
ber and clamored without stint for
more. : But It was only on a few
occasions on so extensive a ; pro
gram that encores could be grant
ed. ' ':'- . . : '
The Salem high school ma!
quartet featuring Fred Ilaync a,
first tenor; Larkin Williams,-sec
ond tenor; Charles Bier, first
bass;, and Victor Wolfe, seeor, 2
baas, made Its initial appearsncs
of the year last night. Ilisa !lsr
pory Odell was accompanist fcr
the group. The numbers given i .
the quartet appealed decidedly t
the assemblage.
Chorus parts were well won..; 2
out and the voices wt:i talanreJ.
The singing was ct.?.TA . ;r :... 1
by. Us clarity and fresh-ess.- T'aer&
was; nothing t Jaded about ' tte- "t
voices which were heard ir i
night. -
Perhaps" the mcsC - r'ctrc 3
number -jDf. the evetlr;s r:c:n: -.
was the . "Dansa - Ilacalr?" ' i.i
which Hi's ghosts arors frc- ; -
graves, and danced la a r:. ,. :' .
tastlc rianner. -T..' prr ' "
in thl3 number were Lu.; i , :.- Abbot; ; .r : :
Varca Nortor, t:-l l.
delighted Ki: tb
tor Wolfa-who e; .
nurnbtr as II -
tet and la tb:, t ....
.Other attraciiv-:- -